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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:58 am


KalMD welcomes Manon-Maison to Kalistan
CFO Michelle Marks-Bennots opens new offices in Joint Venture with Lourennaise Firm

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 12, 4444

New KalMM CEO Michelle Marks-Bennots

Kalistani tech firm will conclude a deal this month which will open a long-sought after joint venture between Kalistani and Lourennaise investors in Kalistan. The New Joint venture will become an autonomous division of KalMD, and KalMD investors will capitalize 51 percent of the corporation. Lourennaise tech giants Manon-Maison will supply 49 percent of the capital for the firm. The new spin off will tentatively be called KalMM, and shall operate two manufacturing facilities in the Sulari-Yoshimi corridor.

Michelle Marks-Bennots, current CFO of Kalistani Microdivisions, will be appointed CEO of the new division, with the CFO to be named by the Lourenne. For all intents and purposes, the firm will be operated by Manon-Maison within Kalistan, and shall grant Lourenne access to Kalistani markets and resources for the first time in more than four decades.

Marks-Bennots was on hand for comment on the Joint Venture: "We've made sure that we've got our i's dotted and our t's crossed on this deal. The law requires Kalistani capital to control a majority stake in all firms operating in Kalistan, and so the way we accomplish this with Lourenne is to build a joint venture here where we hold 51% of the interest and the Lourennaise hold 49%. If this partnership is positive and profitable for Kalistan, KalMD will then reciprocate and offer to open a Lourennaise Branch where Kalistani interests hold 49% and Lourenne holds 51%. The one operation offsets the other and so forth, and the profit is split right down the middle over the entire conglomerate."

When asked whether KalMM will compete with KalMD, Banks was adamant: "No, in fact, KalMD would not have gone into the deal if we thought that. We expect KalMM to compliment the work of KalMD. Manon-Maison has a long standing track record of quality and dependable products. They have years of expertise, and will bring next generation research and development to the Kalistani market. Our consumers are looking beyond the Model 1 already, and this new influx of capital and expertise is exactly what is needed to kick the tech sector into high gear."

When asked if she thought her new division would eventually outperform the parent company, she said "It would be amazing if we did. But our success is their success, and so it is in everyone's interest to ensure that KalMM does well, both the Kalistanis and the Lourennaise."

KalMM has recently signed a lease on a 10,500 square feet office building outside of Kaliburg and will establish Corporate HQ there. OEM facilities will be established next year.

KalMM will be listed independently in the Kalsie, under the symbol stock KMM.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:13 am


Kalistani Government Establishes First Board of Regents
Centralization of Curriculum and Policies the aim, says Minister of Education

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 29, 4444

Kalistan has centralized the curriculum and policy guidelines for Kalistan's public Universities. Says Minister for Education and Culture Dr. Arin Jones: "A standardized curriculum especially will help Kalistan focus and prepare our young minds for the future. Our system of 29 Universities, Polytechnical Colleges, vocational and arts schools across the Republic will ensure that anything any student could ever want to learn will be offered somewhere, usually within his or her own District. We cover all the bases, and ensure that not only are our future workers the most highly skilled workers in Seleya, but also those who seek a liberal arts education are not competing with technical, STEM and vocational programs for money, and can study what they want as well. We look forward to a more streamlined Higher Education system which allows kids to get involved at a younger age, so by the time they are done with National Service, they are the most prepared and highly skilled young minds that can be found anywhere."

The method of streamlining the Higher Ed system in Kalistan is the establishment of the Kalistani Board of Regents, which are selected from Tenured Faculty and students at the various schools. The ratio of teacher to student on the Board of Regents is a 53/47 in favor of the tenured faculty. There will be a total of 64 regents on the Board, and they will be responsible to set policies with regard to tuition, fees, general conduct, tenure and graduation requirements, and curriculum. The schools which have been organized under the Board of Regents system are the following:

  • Kaliburg Polytechnic Institute, Kaliburg
  • Kaliburg District University, Kaliburg
  • Kalistan National University, Kaliburg
  • Ananto District University and College of Graduate Studies, Dulnerstaad
  • Luxor Business College, Luxor
  • Eveari College, Eveari
  • University of Ananto, Eveari

  • Vrassa District University and Graduate School, Vrassa City
  • Anderson School of Economics and Business, Poppistan
  • Vrassa Technical University, Senvias
  • Python Musical and Arts Academy, Python
  • Vrassa Naval Warfare University, Senvias
  • Port Sweedes Trade and Vocational College, Port Sweedes

  • Doceus Rex University and Graduate School, Lhasa
  • Neveras District University, Lova
  • Neveras Polytechnical University, High Bong
  • University of High Bong, High Bong
  • Vilbin Business and Vocational College, Vilbin

  • University of Suldanor and Graduate and Law School, Sulari
  • University of Kalistan, Yoshimi
  • Reynoldia Technological University, Reynoldia
  • University of Temmon, Temmon
  • University of Sulari, Sulari
  • Lucid District University, Lucid City

  • University of Odufaray and Graduate School, Gendaris
  • Odufaray Business and Trade College, Kluptoon
  • Kalistani Land Warfare University, Santaburg
  • Kluptoon Technical College, Kluptoon
  • Eshar District University, Eshar

All other schools and Universities in Kalistan will become private schools of higher education upon the passage of this act.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:15 pm


KalMD's Model 1 sells out; KalMM looks for expansion
First 10,000 sell in first day, second run of 25,000 sell in six weeks

Sulari, Suldanor
March 1, 4445

A typical Kalistani cellphone store. In this photo, there are 52 different types of cellphones from 16 different countries, all after-market

Kalistani Microdivision's first product, the Model 1, has exceeded sales expectations for the first two months of 4445. 35,000 units have already been sold, and the third run of 50,000 devices has already been pre-sold. KalMD spokesperson Jeffery Edwards, said "It is very positive news for our investors. The Pricepoint we have set is significantly higher than our competitors, but the survey groups we've held tend to focus on the lifestyle value of owning the phone. It's not so much that the product is superior to even foreign imports. It clearly is not superior. But our consumers are thrilled to be a part of owning a product which is Kalistani made, and benefits Kalistani citizens. We all know someone who knows someone with a job in Suldanor because we are working in this field. Coming in from the recession, Kalistanis are happy to be back to work, and our marketing has focused on this: A Kalistani product for Kalistani Citizens."

As the new KalMM operation spins up, KalMD looks to benefit. "We hope that KalMM gets into R&D as well as battery life and internet connectivity," said Edwards. "Right now, our price point keeps us from serving more than a niche consumer base. R&D is the biggest non-labor cost we face right now. As we earn more money and dump all of our profit into R&D, especially around connectivity and battery life, we will see our prices go down and our sales go up. We can already say for sure that the Model 2 will be light years ahead of the Model 1, both in terms of features, and in terms of price. But for now, we are working with the Model 1."

The Model 1 has received strong reviews from Kalistani consumers, mostly around the pride they felt in owning Kalistani technology. Complaints were of a more practical sort: The price was too high compared to even models with more features, battery life was short, there was a distinct lack of apps and features, no internet connectivity, and Kalistan's Mobile infrastructure, designed to service a hodgepodge of foreign technology, didn't work as well with new Kalistani protocols.

"Unfortunately, since every other country who dumps their gear off on Kalistan comes with its own Mobile tower protocols, each tower is more like a tower farm designed to service all these crazy foreign protocols and get them to speak to one another," says KalMM CEO Michelle Marks-Bennots. "It truly is a mess. One aspect our engineers will work on is the development of a single protocol relay system that will allow all the cell phones to talk to one another over one single network. This is only possible now that we have a research and development infrastructure up and running in Kalistan, and will solve a very fundamental problem with having all these countries with their own rules and regulations about their own cell networks which are incompatible with one another. We are about 8-10 months away from solving this problem, and when we do, it will result in massive savings for Kalistan's mobile infrastructure. But we are not quite there yet."

KalMM looks to also expands into the realm of non-phone mobile devices. Its corporate HQ is set up and the first OEM Plant in Sulari is being brought online.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:16 am


Kalistan sees opportunity beyond its shores
Inks major deal with Keymon

Kaliburg, Ananto
June 15, 4445

Trade Minister Bill Sykes, center, scores another victory for diversification as two major deals are quickly concluded with Keymon

Building on the ODEN Partnership between Kalistan and Keymon, Trade and Industry Minister Bill Sykes announced that two major deals have been concluded with the Mad Dog Republic.

Minister Sykes was on hand to announce the preliminary deals.

"It seems like an age ago when Kalistani investors were panicking, and Kalistani bank customers were scrambling for Rubles from the Bank. And now, all of that is in the past. Through hard work, solid reassessment of our economic and fiscal priorities and a whole lot of luck, Kalistan has emerged from the dark time of Monetary crisis into the bright sunshine of economic expansion. The deals we will soon conclude with Keymon will see KalMD open a new Branch in Keymon, to make phones specifically for the Keymonese Market.

"KalMD's expansion there will be fully funded by new capital recruitment, both in Kalistan and in Keymon. KalMD will experiment with a new type of corporate structure for their overseas expansion: While this company will be entirely opened to foreign investment, with KalMD retaining 50.1% of the stock interest, Kalistan will send technical expertise in manufacturing our products and overseeing QC, but the expansion plant will be fully staffed by Keymonese managers and workers. They will set pay and work conditions, while KalMD supplies the technical expertise, and export the semi-finished materials to Keymon. If Keymon's demand for cellular phones is met by KalMD's production in Kalistan, the surplus will be exported abroad, with all profits returning to research and development, after the dividend is paid out.

"In addition to the KalMD expansion, ODEN's fully owned Pharmaceuticals conglomerate, led by Supereon Pharmaceuticals and Valutrex Pharma will officially merge with Keymon Pharmaceuticals. The new conglomerate will be fully free to merge all intellectual property and will work on cornering the therapeutic pharmaceuticals market in the world. The Multinational conglomerate will be overseen by Boards appointed by ODEN in our respective countries, and will open the door for large scale Kaymonese investment in the Kalistani Market.

"It is estimated that these deals will be worth tens of billions of Rubles to each Partner, clear, in a year. And with such a large scale expansion of KalMD and the merger of the Kalistani and Keymon Pharmaceutical industries, production will begin ramping up sooner rather than later."

News of the new deal sent KalMD stocks on an upward trajectory, as KMD gained 14 points on the day and KalMM, which stands to benefit from the expansion, was up 7 points on the day. Meanwhile, the Kalsie index overall was up 8/10ths of a percent. 4445 is turning into a remarkable year as Kalistan begins to erase the losses of the recession.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:45 am


KalMM Posts Promising Earnings, Announces Prototype Smart Phone
Tentatively labeled "Model X"

Sulari, Suldanor
June 17, 4445

KalMM CEO Michelle Marks-Bennots addresses Shareholders at the Annual Meeting in Kaliburg

KalMM, the joint venture between Kalistan and Lourenne's Manon-Maison, announced promising earnings this June. CEO of KalMM, Michelle Marks-Bennots laid out earnings and reinvestment strategies for the months ahead.

"Our stock is up 10 percent this year alone. We are managing our cash flow well, we have reinvested much of our earnings back into research into battery technology, miniaturization, and development of the SPRS, which is designed to ensure that all protocols can talk to one another over our networks. Our engineers announced that their deadline for a working SPRS relay is October 1 of this year, and they are confident that they have already met the deadline, and have moved on to beta testing with the myriad of devices that are unfortunately so common in our country. As the SPRS is worked out for Kalistan, we expect to see this technology spread across the world, so that other nations can begin employing it.

"But more positively than these developments, our R&D teams have informed me that they have a working prototype smartphone, which will allow users to connect to the internet securely and efficiently. We have recently acquired a controlling interest in the old Reynoldia Server Farms, which were established in Temmon three hundred years ago, and which, after being generally abandoned by initial investors, were kept alive and updated by students at the Reynoldia Technological Institute in Temmon.

"With Reynoldia onboard, we have had the opportunity to design a new model, which we'll call the Model X for now, that can securely broadcast a signal, and make calls via the internet, as well as allow voice and video conversations, securely store credit card information locally, and allow people to use apps. This will open a new road for mobile communications and commerce, not just by phone, but more and more often by handheld devices, such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers. The tech revolution now has a full head of steam. We hope to continue to play a big part in that progress!"

The CEO says she plans to meet with her Lourennaise Partners before the end of the year and discuss expansion of KalMM into Lourenne to further expand KalMM's research capability and market.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Luis1p » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:36 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:51 pm


Kalistan braces for Reactionary Government
President: "No good can possibly come from Conservative Government"

Kaliburg, Ananto
October 17, 4449

President of the Republic Reina-Rodriguez addresses the rise of the Conservatives

In what is expected to be an electoral rout next year, President Reina addressed the return of the Conservatives. "You see, this happens all the time. Some Party that has been long dead and thought to be swept into the dustbin of history reforms, announces that it will serve as an alternative to socialism, usually declaring allegience to one and only one form of conservatism (see the standard conservative prescription of free markets, no role for the Government in society, treaty withdrawal and religious morality) and proceeds to mop up in elections, for some reason. It happens all the time. A successful Government always brings the malcontents out of the wall who are not satisfied to leave well enough alone. We've weathered this storm before."

The President of the Republic expressed cautious optimism that the Socialist Party will hold onto the majority, but in preparation for a possible loss, the President called for the full restoration of democracy and the explicit abolition of the "Ephemeral Parties" period. "Naturally, our opposition was to ephemeral Parties using democracy against the Government. We are opposed to the abuse of the democratic process by Parties with no roots to acquire a temporary majority and use that to attempt to obliterate everything that is Kalistan. We can't do much about the time warp aspect of Kalistani politics, where old Parties can come back out of nowhere and regain the place they surrendered 50 or 200 years ago as if no time had intervened. But we can utilize the mechanisms of government to protect the institutions of the nation, and the essential character of the Kalistani Government. And after a while, when the 'time warp' effect has worn off, we will return once more to the majority, and then set about restoring normalcy after a period of 'time traveler' dominance."

What concerns the President the most is that much of the gains that have been made under careful government tutelage following the Recession will be undone. "Hopefully the Conservatives don't immediately privatize everything. No good can possibly come from Conservative Government, but it doesn't have to be exclusively bad. While we have seen stunning success in both the public and private sectors in the last 5 years, as well as heavy investment from Keymon, Telamon and Lourenne, a sudden whiplash to conservatism will certainly undermine this. If I could advise the Conservatives on one thing, I would advise moderate reforms, not legislative revolution. Such radicalism will both undermine the successes of a carefully planned economy, and will be completely undone sooner than later. A moderate reform course, which also gives socialists a buy in, if far more likely to last, especially if its aim is to not undo socialism, but to improve Kalistan. We hope the Conservatives heed this advice, for the benefit both of their political agenda, but also for the benefit of the Republic. And if not, well, we are old pros at undoing damaging policy.'

The President of the Republic will be running for re-election, and said she expects the results to be close.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:35 am


KalMM announces record profits
KMM Solaris 3's sales top 10 million

Sulari, Suldanor
October 20, 4449

CEO of KalMM says Solaris 3 sales definitively open door for Lourenne expansion

On the heels of blazing hot Solaris 3 sales this summer, KalMM CEO Michelle Marks-Bennots announced that KalMD is ready to launch a KalMM joint investment venture in Lourenne. "We have been able to demonstrate that the partnership is successful. Together, Kalistan and Lourenne have put together a profitable product in a sector that did not exist 10 years ago. As more than 10 million owners know, the Solaris 3 holds its own with every other mobile device currently on the market, and we have been able to announce a significantly price point over the 2. Profits are at an all time high, and we are prepared therefore to go ahead with our long anticipated launch into Lourenne."

Marks stated that the Solaris 3, which are third generation of the phone initially called the Model X, shows that Kalistani technology can satisfy consumer demands better than imported tech. "We are using our networks, our batteries our servers and our technology. And we are exporting enough Solaris 3s now to actually compete internationally with some of the big players. With solid investment, we have skipped the most expensive aspects of R&D, and have instead sunk the costs into longer battery life and quicker connectivity."

When the Lourenne Government permits the launch of the joint venture, KalMD will supply 49% of the capital and Manon-Maison will put in 51%, thus equalizing out the full investment over both subsidiary branches. Marks said she expects the new Joint Venture in Lourenne to begin producing Lourennaise tech, and expand on the successful Solaris series into other mobile devices, including tablets, handheld comm devices, augmented reality devices, laptops and other matter. KalMD factories in Keymon will continue to produce export editions of KalMM tech for the global Market. KalMD will continue building greater infrastructure within Kalistan and will work with the Lourennaise to continue to develop a greater degree of infrastructure integration between the two nations.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Luis1p » Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:27 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:52 pm


KalMM celebrates 2 years of Lourennaise prosperity
KalMD looks for further expansion

Thiers, Louives, Lourenne
January 7, 4452

KalMM's Lourenne MFP-2 celebrates its second anniversary this year

KalMM's expansion to Lourenne under the joint venture deal established last decade is deemed a great success. Now that KalMM is opened in both Kalistan and Lourenne's high tech corridor in Thiers, both subsidiaries are working toward specialization and reduction of redundancies. The Lourenne arm of the company will focus on research and development, and the Kalistan Arm will focus on implementation and further miniaturization.

KalMM CEO Michelle Marks-Bennots, who has overseen the expansion into Lourenne commented: "We are focusing heavily on expanding the brand and becoming a leader in things like augmented reality- you know, those little heads up displays that you see some people wearing, that connects you to the net. Lourenne is a decade or so ahead of Kalistan with regard to R&D of high tech. It is natural then that their engineers should handle further advancements in technology. Meanwhile, we are virtually unlimited with regard to production facilities. There are things we will learn from our Lourennaise colleagues, and there are things we can teach them. each branch then works to expand services and reduce price point, so that KalMM devices will be the consumer leader in cell phones, tablets, and AR devices, as well as building infrastructure throughout northern Seleya and central Dovani."

KalMM stocks in the Kalsie have enjoyed a fairly steady rise, and have begun paying dividends of 15% with the largest portion of the profits being pumped back into the company in development and stock buybacks. The conservative fiscal model guarantees KalMM a very long life, slow and even growth, and excellent wages and compensation for workers. Expansion into Lourenne, and further growth in Kalistan will make the joint venture a strong player in the electronics market for the foreseeable future.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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