
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun May 28, 2017 10:41 pm

Foreign Minister sent to Aloria to broker relations.
Foreign Minister sent to broker relations in Aloria apart of re-engagement foreign policy.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Richard Sommerfelt announcing the state visit before the media.
11th January, 4218

Minister of Foreign Affairs Richard Sommerfelt is expected to visit the Democratic Republic of Aloria, signalling a big to broker relations with nations amid a foreign policy shift orchestrated by Statsminister Ingebretsen. Ingebretsen, immediately after ordered the withdrawal of Kazulian personnel from the al-Najd protectorate, re-organized the foreign policy of the Kingdom to one that would spread peace and cooperation (how it was originally supposed to be). The Democratic Republic of Aloria has always maintained an unofficial friendly diplomatic relationship with the Kingdom of Kazulia. The visit comes amid Ingebretsen gradually removing the kingdom from its aggressive tenancies, withdrawing it to its original lines during his first tenure as Statsminister. Sommerfelt has promised to keep the visit strictly to business as he intends on proposing a free trade agreement between the two countries.

Many political scientists are saying that the visit would mark the redressing of the Kingdom of Kazulia's foreign policy especially towards intervention and diplomacy. They say that Ingebretsen has always promoted the principles of diplomacy over conflict, thus bringing many to the conclusion that he does not intend on compromising on these principles which he has been following for his entire political career. As such Sommerfelt intends on fixing the diplomatic image of the Kingdom of Kazulia from an aggressive state to one that promotes the principles of peace and champions the causes of freedom, democracy and common interest. Sommerfelt stated that he does not intend on creating an image of the Kingdom of Kazulia which was previously made by previous Statsministers and their cabinets, he intends on transforming the nation's soft power through diplomacy and trade.

The State visit will be the first time a Kazulian government official has ever visited the Democratic Republic of Aloria in more than one hundred (100) years and work mark the beginning of the implementation of Kazulia's "re-engagement" foreign policy. Apart from this Statsminister Ingebretsen is currently jointly organizing a trade deal with the Zardic Federation and the Republic of Lourenne. These moves are expected to re-engage the state with both its neighbors and foreign partners.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed May 31, 2017 8:52 pm

Vengeance: Statsminister vows to avenge families of persons killed in aircraft attack.
Civilian airliner shot down in Suyu Llaqta; NTSA launches investigation into crash; Statsminister vows to avenge those who died.
Statsminister Rasmus Ingebretsen discussing the issue with reporters at the Statsminister's Office in Skalm.
10th June, 4219

A civilian airliner carrying 200 passengers and crew to Eidsness International Airport from the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni, was reportedly shutout of the sky earlier this morning, killing everyone on board. The aircraft in question was a chartered flight of the Kazulian airline company Kongelige Kazulmark Flyselskaper (KKF) ferrying refugees and civilians from the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni as apart of the Government's integration programme. Reports from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have highlighted that the government of Suyu Llaqta (the area where the aircraft was shot down) had dispatched military personnel and medical services to the site where the planes' remnants had landed. According to early police reports, the aircraft had crashed in a mountainous region in the northern sector of Suyu Llaqta.

Immediately after the incident, it was reported by the Llaqta Weekly News that the aircraft had been shot down over territory controlled by an insurrectionist movement known as the Republican Liberation League. There is no clear indication that the insurrectionist movement possesses the weapons necessary to bring down an aircraft from high altitude. The Llaqta Weekly News cited that motive of the accused stemmed from rumours of Skalm's support for the military junta in the country. The Government of Suyu Llaqta although pointing fingers had not confirmed the motive behind the attack. An official from the General Directorate for Security knocked down speculations that it was a terrorist attack stating, "We are in close contact with the government of Suyu Llaqta and the aviation authorities in the country. At this point in time, there is no information to confirm the speculations that this was an act of terror. The General Directorate for Security is working tirelessly to find the perpetrators of this act and their motive."

The National Transportation Safety Agency (NTSA) has advised civilian aircraft and their respective companies to avoid flying over the region until further notice. The plane was flying at 31,000 feet when it suddenly began to descend. The general range of the shoulder-fired missiles that have been used against government military helicopters in the region is much lower, around 20,000 feet. Officials from the National Transportation Safety Agency emphasized that an investigation into the crash, its causes and the equipment used to shot down the aircraft will be conduct by the agency. The investigation will begin once the aircraft's black box/flight data recorder is retrieved. A Suyu Llaqta government statement said the plane had been carrying 200 passengers, including 15 children, and seven crew members. Persons onboard were either Kazulian, Kalopian or Istalian.

The Statsminister's Office has stated that it is trying to assist the government in Suyu Llaqta in identifying the bodies of the victims. The families of those involved in the accident have been shuttled down to the Statsminister's Office to meet with him personally where he would outline to them the actions the government intends on making in response to the event. Statsminister Ingebretsen ordered the Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs to initiate an investigation of their own in-order to ensure that the aircraft had the legal requirements such as monthly maintenance and examinations. Statsminister Ingrebretsen has vowed the avenge the persons who lost their lives saying,"From dust you have come, to dust you shall return."

It is uncertain as the weapon used to bring down the airliner, nevertheless, the government intends on bringing retribution for this act perpetrated against it, even if it means launching a witch-hunt for those involved.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:07 pm

Steps towards modernization: Government joins XF-43 Programme.
Government to commit resources to XF-43 Programme amid joining programme within host of nations.
11th December, 4219

In front of members of the Board of Directors of Asvald Gruppen, Chairman Aleksander Frederiksen announced that the company would be joining the Venetio Aeronautics Corporation in its plan to design a new combatant aircraft design for the Zardic Air Force. Chairman Frederiksen stated that the company had the resources necessary to assist in the development of the combatant aircraft. According to media statements from President and CEO of the Venetio Aeronautics Corporation, Tara Aprillo the programme is expected to go for several years, possibly decades and would see the formation of an irreplaceable design for the aircraft. Already other nations have also joined the programme. The Republic of Istalia, recently announced that it intends on participating in the programme. It was stated that with the formation of the Zardic-Istalian partnership, the principles of research and development cooperation had been championed by the Istalian government.

The Istalian Ministry of Defence described the programme as being the apparatus the republic needs to effectively and adequately respond to threats posed against it. President of Asvald Gruppen Aerospace Engineering (the subsidiary company of Asvald Gruppen responsible the design, development and production of commercial and combatant aircraft) Sigmund Hotvedt stated that the company was initially pushed by the Government (its largest shareholder) to join the programme as a means of introducing the initial step towards the modernization of the Kongeforsvar. For a long while now, the Ministry of Defence has contemplated on the matter of instituting a massive overhaul and modernization of the Kongeforsvar to better equip it to face the current challenges which plague the geopolitical scene internationally.

It is assumed that with Asvald Gruppen's involvement into the XF-43 Programme, the government's procurement of the completed version of the aircraft would be the asymmetrical response to the country's aging Z-16 multi-role fighter fleet. It also intends on continuing the full procurement of 45 Z-35's from the Venetio Aeronautics Corporation which were ordered since 3867. It is the plan of the Kongelig Luftvåpen (Royal Air-force) to extend the operational and tactical range of its fleet of aircraft, with the Z-35's being devoted to the Kongelig Marinen (Royal Navy) as their naval strike aircraft due to its VTOL and STOVL capabilities, which are necessary for characteristics taking into consideration the structure of the multi-role aircraft carrier/amphibious assault ship KNOS-Queen Ingird.

Government concludes investigation into downed aircraft.
Government investigation confirms accusations and speculations; Government hell bent on avenging families.
Investigator from the National Transportation Safety Agency during their investigation of the downed civilian aircraft.
11th December, 4219

Investigator have confirmed that the Kongelige Kazulmark Flyselskaper (KKF) airliner shot down over Suyu Llaqta was brought down by a Trigunian-made anti-aircraft system after a reconstruction of the aircraft was made and the records from the flight data recorder were reviewed. Director of the National Transportation Safety Agency Nicolai Stephensen stated that the airliner was shot-down by a Trigunian ZB-35 surface-to-air missile system (S-125 Neva/Pechora), as it flew at 34,000 feet above the northern regions of Suyu Llaqta. Speaking in front of the reconstruction aircraft, Stephensen stated that the initial and unofficial speculations of the agency had been confirmed in the investigation.

According to Stephensen, the aircraft broke up in mid-air, the cockpit and the passengers' cabin have been separated due to the explosion caused by the missile's impact. Thereafter the parts of the aircraft were scattered across a 100 km radio prior to landing on the ground. The investigation concluded earlier this morning when a detailed report by the NTSA was published in public domain for the general population and international community's viewing. The Intelligence Community has come out and confirmed that the aircraft was shot down by the Republican Liberation League. General Director of the General Directorate for Security, Nikolai Guldbrandsen stated that the agency throw intelligence sources had confirmation that the Republican Liberation League had perpetrated the act.

According to intelligence sources the Republican Liberation League had targeted the wrong aircraft. It was reported that the aircraft which the missile fired at the KKF airliner was for the private airliner of the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission, Gen. Sumailli Paucar. This is confirmed as the KKF aircraft and the General Paucar's aircraft have the same colours, which made it easy for the KKF airliner to be mistaken. However, the question on the minds of others was how did the Republican Liberation League obtain the missile defence system. Officials from the intelligence community have accused the MRSF of directly supplying the Republican Liberation League as a means of bolstering the momentum of the communist revolution in the country.

Statsminister Ingebretsen thanked the investigators for their conclusion which gave some form of relief to the families of those who died. The Statsminister has stated that he intends on going all that is necessary in his power to ensuring the curbing of the communist revolution in the region and administering retribution for the terrorist attack perpetrated against the Kazulian people and the others involved.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:51 pm

An Intercontinental Kazulmark: Statsminister outlines Foreign Policy.
Recently appointed Statsminister outlined Foreign Policy for reformed approach to Kazulian Foreign Policy.
Former Foreign Affairs Minister and career diplomat, now recently appointed Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen speaking to reporters on her plans.
9th December, 4220

Former Minister of External Affairs and career diplomat, Ellinor Ketelsen after being elected Statsminister, recently announced the shift in the nation's foreign policy. Ketelsen during his initial career in politics was instrumental in her re-engagement of the nation to trade and business after years of staunch isolationism. Her most instrumental act was the formation of the select review of the diplomat accords and principles of the nation, which allowed for her to establish specific diplomatic relationship with nations who have been long allies to the government. Statsminister Ketelsen stated that the shift in foreign policy of the nation is necessary as the diplomatic image of the country is gradually deteriorating as it is becoming evident that the interventionist tendencies of the nation have been allowed to flourish into an uncontrollable mess.
It is imperative that the foreign policy of the nation be readjust for the facilitation of conflict resolution and the promotion of diplomatic discussion. Foreign policies in the past have failed to address the main issue of the nation, that being its diplomatic image. The nation has been branded as a warmongering state, hell-bent on conflict. The Kingdom of Kazulia was never formed to champion the causes of war and conflict, but was structured to champion and peddle the causes of peace, conflict resolution and diplomacy. These principles should be at the forefront of foreign policy decision-making.

Statsminister Ketelsen reveled her renewed foreign policy approach for the nation before reporters. It spoke about three core principles: Diplomacy, Development and Cooperation. These were the principles by which the foreign policy of the nation and the government were to flow through, taking into consideration all three principles before a decision is made. She stated that due to previous foreign policies and government decisions, it now significantly harder for the government to champion multilateral agreements due to the fact that the nation has been forever branded as an interventionist warmongering state. She stated that with this she intends on rebuilding international confidence into the Kazulian foreign policy for the promotion of conflict resolution, diplomacy and cooperation.
The government has lost its touch with diplomacy and cooperation. These concepts have been thrown out of the window and replaced by interventionism and warmongering sentiments. This makes the process by which we are to promote these ideals extremely difficult because we bare the titles of an interventionist, warmongering state. This needs to be terminated if this nation could move forward on a renewed foreign policy stance. I intend on rebuilding international confidence into Kazulian mediation and peace promotion skills through increased cooperation in the international spheres, might it be increased activity in the World Congress or increased activity diplomatically between our existing allies.

Statsminister Ketelsen stated that she intends on pushing the envelope when it comes to Kazulmark's contribution to international development. She highlighted the presence of the National Investment and Stabilization Fund - Global which she intends on intensifying its investment into international development. She also stated that the nation's involvement in the International Development and Stability Bank would be extremely beneficial. She also stated that she intends on pushing the state-owned companies into having a more proactive role in development internationally.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:13 pm

A Domesticated Kazulmark: Statsminister outlines Domestic Policy.
Statsminister outlines domestic policy for reformed approach to issues and development within Kazulmark.
Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen announces her intention to outline the domestic policy of her administration beyond reporters in the Stortinget.
11th April, 4221

The Statsminister's domestic plan could be the saving grace of the Nasjonal Arbeiderkongress and the great Kingdom. After announcing her foreign policy plan by which she intends on promoting a transcontinental Kazulmark through diplomacy, conflict resolution and development, the Statsminister had recently announced her domestic policy in a conference held by the Urban Policy Institute of Kazulia. Persons have called the Statsminister's domestic plan, a late manifesto, as it outlines what she intends to do with the nation under her administration (similar to a political manifesto which outlines what the party intends on doing if elected into government). She stated that her plans for the domestic issue in Kazulmark such as terrorism, business and infrastructure are going to be at the forefront of the administration's policy implementation phase.
It is imperative that we tackle the issues which pose a grave threat to internal stability within the nation. International terrorism, failing businesses and deteriorating infrastructure are the main problems facing the country. It is my intention to address these issues head on through the implementation of core policies aimed at enforcing and reinforcing the government's efforts to implement the necessary structures for the facilitation of the state's combating of terrorism, government assistance to businesses and government assistance in infrastructure maintenance and construction.

The Statsminister outlined her domestic policy into four core points:- Internal Security, Defence, Health and Social Service and the Economy. The following is an analysis of the Statsminister's policies on the five core points previous mentioned.
    Internal Security:- Although the nation has not been directly targeted by persons aimed against the state, the Statsminister stated that this does not mean that the domestic intelligence agencies should lower their activities in combating and anticipating acts of aggression and chaos aimed against the state. She stated that she intends on increasing cooperation between regional partners and neighbors (Dranland, Mikuni-Hulstria, Talmoria, Lourenne and Sekowo) as it is becoming apparent that through cooperation between neighbors and partners, the process of combating acts against the state would be heightened as there will be a flow of information back and forward between regional partners and their respective intelligence and security services as a means of establishing a bubble of intelligence cooperation to achieve the set goal. She also stated that she intends on heightening border security as it is becoming clear to the Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs that illegal border crossing has been heightened due to the international financial crisis. She stated that whereas a conservative party would launch a witch-hunt to remove persons from the country, she intends on integrating persons into the society.
    Defence:- Following the Kingdom's increased militarism and involvement in international conflicts, Statsminister Ketelsen stated that she intends on curbing back on this, promoting the concepts of her foreign policy instead. Nevertheless, she also stated that she intends on having the Ministry of Defence conduct a strategic defence review as a means of highlighting the issues which currently face the military. However, she stated that she is aware of a major issue plaguing the Kongeforsvar, that being modernization. The Kongeforsvar has long been planning and organizing funding for the modernization of its equipment through all branches. Statsminister Ketelsen stated that she intends on having the Ministry of Defence organize the modernization plan within due time, but she cannot ensure when the modernization plan will be implemented, but she ensured it will be.
    Health and Social Services:- Major reforms are expected to come to Health Kazulmark (the publicly funded national healthcare system of Kazulia). One of the main changes comes in the form of a completely free public health service, reinforced by experienced healthcare professionals. However, Statsminister Ketelsen stated that the major government involvement will be introduced in the nation's welfare state. She stated that she wants to implement an omnipresent pension fund for public sector (a pension fund for persons in public service). She wants to implement a national insurance scheme which would be a compulsory contributory funded social security scheme, which offers financial protection to the worker and his/her family against loss of income arising from injury on job, incapacity, retirement, and death of the insured.
    The Economy:- Statsminister Ketelsen stated that she intends on increasing government support for small businesses. She also hinted the possibility of the formation of a publicly funded business assistance scheme. She stated that she intends on intensifying government cooperation between both private and public businesses and intends on pushing business with her foreign policy.
These are the steps which this new administration intends on taking. The nation has not seen a "game plan" like this since the times of Finn Nordhagen and the initial term of Rasmus Ingebretsen. With the domestic and foreign policies outlined, it is now time for the government to begin to crucial stage, the implementation of the policies. More on this to come.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:22 pm

Transforming Defence: Modernizing the Kongefrosvar.
MoD announces decade long modernization plan for Kongefrosvar; introduces new operational doctrine.
Kongelig Luftvåpen seeking to continue work with Zardic Z-35 Programme.
11th January, 4222

Whilst the specifications of the government's Transnational Armament Programme (Transnasjonalt våpenprogram - TVP) is expected to be announced later in the year, its general outline is already known thanks to a number of official and unofficial announcements on the future direction of the Royal Kazulian Defence Force. TVP'S priorities are a reflection of the perceived threat array facing the Kingdom of Kazulia, and this TVP is clearly favouring the Ground Forces and Air Forces, which will sustain a rapid pace of modernization. The political instability in Vascania and Temania, the rise of nationalists throughout the world and and the emergence of the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation (MRSF), all point to the need to bolster Kazulia’s ability to be able to defend its interests internationally and locally.

The Ground Forces will not only expand in size but will also continue to modernize and upgrade its equipment fleet. It is assumed that in the future the most numerous main battle tank in regular service will be the Leopard 2A4 (Theil-Hassel Technologies GmbH) or its upgraded version, Defence Ministry sources believe the Samaritan-7 (Leopard 2A7) will be procured at the rate of 20-30 vehicles per year, with the initial order for 20 vehicles already in. In response to the military's shift from a conventional infantry doctrine to a mechanized infantry, the military will continue procuring Rǫnd upgrade kits for the Augury IFV (CV90), procure several hundred new Herlið-1 APC (Patria Pasi), and overhaul the existing fleet. Land-based air and ballistic missile defense will also be a key priority, with the armed forces receiving improve variants of the Skjold (NASAMS) air defence system.

The biggest predicted change in the new TVP concerning the Air Force will be the continued procurement of aircraft under the Zardic Z-35 Programme and procurement under the Zardic XF-43 Programme. The government's involvement in both programmes are expected to result in the displacement of the military's age HF-16 fleet, which had been in the military's dossier since the times of Statsminister Finn Nordhagen. With the Z-35 Programme currently, 35 of the 48 aircraft ordered have been delivered, which means that the government will be pushing hard for the remaining 13 to be delivered in full. Apart from this, the military has pledged the procurement of attack helicopters, specifically VA-40 Apostle (AH-64 Apache) which would see a reinforcing element to the operations of the ground forces in the coming future.

Naval Forces, by contrast, have a relatively modest role in the new TVP. It is uncertain whether the Project N001 Frigate and the to be announced Project NF-221 Destroyer will be procured within the next TVP term. Instead the existing ships, including the Queen Ingrid amphibious assault ship and the frigates, will undergo major refits to include the fitting of new missile systems. The construction of frigates, corvettes and fast attack crafts, ships which more than proved their worth in the context of prior conflicts, will continue unabated, as will the procurement of both conventional and nuclear submarines as apart of the government's reformed view of the nation's nuclear triad.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:57 am

Diplomatic Re-Engagement: Statsminister visit to Yingdala (Indrala)
Statsminister visit to Yingdala aimed at re-engaging frozen diplomatic relations between Skalm and Tianan.
Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen in an interview with reporters from the Nyheter.
4th January, 4222

Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen is expected to visit the State of Yingdala, signalling a bid to broker relations with Yingdala amid a foreign policy shift orchestrated on her own accord. Ketelsen, immediately after being elected introduced her foreign and domestic policy, re-organized the foreign policy of the Kingdom to one that would spread peace and diplomacy. Diplomatic relations between the State of Yingdala and the Kingdom of Kazulia have been extremely cold for many years following a Yingdalan demand that the Kazulian Kingdom would have to recognize the King of Dankuk as the high king of Kazulia. The visit comes amid Ketelsen's gradually removing the kingdom from its aggressive tenancies. Ketelsen has promised to keep the visit strictly to business as she intends on proposing a free trade agreement between the two countries.

Many political scientists are saying that the visit would mark the redressing of the Kingdom of Kazulia's foreign policy especially towards intervention and diplomacy. They say that Ketelsen (being a career diplomat and master in the art of diplomacy) has always promoted the principles of diplomacy over conflict, thus bringing many to the conclusion that she does not intend on compromising on these principles which she has been following for her entire political career. As such she intends on fixing the diplomatic image of the Kingdom of Kazulia from an aggressive state to one that promotes the principles of peace and champions the causes of diplomacy, cooperation and development. Ketelsen stated that she does not intend on creating an image of the Kingdom of Kazulia which was previously made by previous Statsministers and their cabinets, she intends on transforming the nation's soft power through diplomacy and trade.

The State visit will be the first time a Statsminister visited the State of Yingdala in the last one hundred (100) years and work mark the beginning of the implementation of Kazulia's "re-engagement" foreign policy. Apart from this Statsminister Ketelsen is currently jointly organizing a trade deal with the Imperial Crownlands of Mikun-Hulstria, the United Peninsula of Dranland and the Federal Republic of Sekowo. These moves are expected to re-engage the state with both its neighbors and foreign partners.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:09 pm

Re-embracement: Statsminister visits Rildanor to broker relations.
Statsminister on state visit to Republic of Rildanor to broker diplomatic and trade relations.
Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen announcing her visit to the Commonwealth of Rildanor.
11th December, 4228

In an attempt to broker relations with Seleyan nation-states, Statsminister Ellinor Ketelsen is set to visit the Republic of Rildanor, seeking to broker increased relations between seleyan nation-states and to promote trade and business cooperation between the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Republic of Rildanor. The state visit would mark the first time a Kazulian diplomatic official had visited the republic, as it could be seen that most former Statsminister (when pertaining to Seleya) preferred to visit nations such as Kalistan, Saridan and Baltusia. The diplomatic visit comes amid the resurgence of the socialist-workers government under Ellinor Ketelsen, who strives to return the diplomatic clout of the Kingdom of Kazulia.

Statsminister Ketelsen told reporters that the state visit would be a major effort in the government's re-engagement process, as it would set the foundation to similar visit to other seleyan nation-states. She stated that she intends on exercising the international provisions of the National Investment and Stabilization Fund - Global. Kazulia's current dealings with seleyan nations constitutes only two percent of its foreign trade, leaving plenty of room for growth. Demand is rising for its defense expertise and thought-worthy business incentives. Apart from trade partners, the Kingdom of Kazulia (according to Statsminister Ketelsen) sees seleyan nations as potential allies, particularly in the diplomatic spectrum.

Some seleyan nations have been keen to obtain Kazulian industrial and educational technology, which the nation has been recently promoting domestically. Statsminister Ketelsen stated that she intends on brokering relations with nations such as Alduria and Kanjor and also stated that she intends on re-affirming diplomatic and trade relations with nations such as Hutori and Dorvik, but these moves are expected after the implementation of several government reforms.

Total Defence: Kongeforsvar launches Viðrtaka
Kongeforsvar launches nationwide exercise aimed at drilling crisis management and defence of Kazulia.
Paratroopers of the 1st "Valr" Paratrooper Brigade in Skalm.
11th December, 4228

The Ministry of Defence announced the commencement of a joint combined arms exercise coined Exercise Winter Vale. The Exercise is aimed the capabilities of the Kongeforsvar (Royal Defence Force of Kazulia) in the field of combined arms and also seeks to observe the capabilities of the Kongelig Sjømenn (Royal Mariners), a recently introduced branch of the Kongeforsvar, designed to be modern shock troops. Chief of Defence Staff Lt. General Sivge Aagard stated that the exercise will encompass the current training of the other branches of the Defence Force such as the Kongelig Landethær (Royal Army), the Kongelig Marinen (Royal Navy), the Kongelig Luftvåpen (Royal Air-force) and the Kongelig Heimevernet (Royal Home Guard), as Defence Command seeks to integrate their various doctrines, specifically to Cold Resolve Doctrine and tactics into one fitting of combined arms, a doctrine being introduced to the armed forces and most certainly the Kongelig Sjømenn (Royal Mariners)

The Exercise shall encompass the efforts of all branches of the Defence Force, with a concentrated focus on the ground forces. It is expected that Intelligence gathering and analysis, reconnaissance and electronic warfare will be conducted during the exercise. The exercise is, according to figures from the Ministry of Defence, shall consist of 10,000 military personnel from across the Defence Force and will be accompanied by 1,000 assets from the ground forces, navy and air force. The exercise is expected to take place in the province of Hent, specifically near the coastal region and moderately dense areas for a three (3) day period.

As previously stated the exercise will encompass all branches of the Kongeforsvar and will see the resurgence of the combined arms doctrine, being adapted by Defence Command. The Air Force is expected to conduct air superiority missions, search and rescue operations and AWACS. Other units taking part in the drill include: the Navy, with the use of its helicopter carrier and shall conduct ship-bound carrier operations, other naval assets will conduct surface and anti-submarine warfare exercises. The Ground Forces, will conduct special operations, joint search and rescue operations with the air force and operations to counter a series of doctrine used by various nations across terra. The Kongelig Sjømenn, will conduct rapid response and deployment drills along with several other subordinate branches such as the Coast Guard and Air Guard.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:05 am

Security State: Government passes controversial anti-terrorism law.
Government passes controversial counter-terrorism legislation aimed at curbing clout of terror; gives law enforcement increased powers.
Members of the General Directorate for Security's Emergency Intervention Unit (Nødintervensjonsenhet), prior to a counter-terrorism raid.
24th September, 4229

The Stortinget recently approved to a new counter-terrorism legislation, which significantly expands both the state’s counter-terrorism powers and its definitions of terrorist organizations and terrorist acts. The legislation had been lauded by its supporters for enabling Kazulia to effectively combat terrorism but was lambasted by its opponents as the "gradual moves towards the government's suppression of civil rights." Known as the Counter-Terrorism and Internal Security Act, the legislation was passed by 218 lawmakers with 32 abstaining from vote for unknown reasons. The legislation outlines procedures to designate terror groups as such, seize their assets, and detention laws for terror suspects. In terms of sentencing, the general rule outlined in the legislation is that terrorists will receive double the jail time as perpetrators of those crimes without a terror motive, but no more than 25 years. But it also details specific sentences for various terrorism offenses. Persons who who carry out an attack will receive life sentences or the capital punishment.

Membership in a terror group that carries out an attack will also carry prison time: recruiters get twenty-five years, and accomplices twenty-five years, unless they can prove they didn’t know they were working for a terror group. The law doesn’t differentiate between accomplices paid or unpaid, and says if they were suspicious but didn’t investigate whether they were working for a terror group, they will be liable for prosecution. The legislation is expected to expand the powers of law enforcement agencies, especially the General Directorate for Security with respect to its detection and prevention of terrorist activity. In the legislation is was stated that the protective services should use the legislation in collaboration with other legislations such as the National Intelligence and Espionage Act, the Firearms Control Act, the Anti Corruption Act and the Surveillance and Data Collection Act as a means of ensuring the state's security against acts of terrorism.

However, the legislation (as previously mentioned) was not passed without its share of criticism. The legislation has been labelled as being "draconian" and a gradual step towards the undermining of civil rights in the nation, according to members of the Society for the Protection of Civil Rights (an independent non-governmental organisation - NGO). In a statement, Chairman of the SPCR, Clayton Lambert stated that the law did not define what terrorism is, and represents an infarction in the government's lawmaking capabilities. Minister of Home and Kingdom Affairs, Amalie Bjorklund, hit back at such criticism by stating that the government will be expanding the legislation's provisions in a later amendment phase. The Government seems to be taking a hardliner stance against instances of crime, civil disobedience and external/domestic threats against the kingdom's national security.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:55 am

"Hutorian disengagement accentuates egotism" ~ Asvald Gruppen CEO.
Asvald Gruppen CEO displeased with Hutorian pushes for withdrawal from XF-43 Programme; slams move for being egotistically driven.
CEO of Asvald Gruppen, Simen Wermager speaking with members of the media during an exclusive interview.
11th January, 4231

Legislations and committees such as the Fighter Development and Procurement Act and the Military Acquisition and Advancement Senate Committee created the impetus for Hutori's prolonged withdrawal from the XF-43 Programme. Detractors of the programme (mainly in Hutorian internal politics) have been pushing the notion that a Hutorian withdrawal from the programme and the adoption of an independent approach towards aircraft production would usher in an increased amount of jobs in the Federal Republic. Business and government officials alike have knocked down these claims, calling them a facade.

Hardliner against the programme Wyatt McLaughlin in his address to the Hutorian National Senate claimed that the proposed Hutorian withdrawal from the programme and the adaptation of an independent approach would be the "saving grace" for employment in the Federal Republic. But an investigation into this conducted by the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs concluded that the claim had been made without taking into consideration several factors. One of the major contributors to the programme, Asvald Gruppen came out and blasted Hutorian politicians for egotistically driven statements. Chief Executive Office (CEO) of Asvald Gruppen Simen Wermager spoke to members of the media during a joint meeting with President of Asvald Gruppen Aerospace Engineering, Viktor Landsverk.
Hutorian disengagement accentuates egotism. It is extremely clear from the egotistically driven statements made by Hutorian politicians that their egotism has shrouded their sense of understand and the general thought process. From the statements made by a senator where he was displeased with the fact that the product being made would be shared among the programme's contributors only accentuates the fact that they had no intention for a joint approach. Instead the nation's politicians wish to withdraw from the programme and adopt an independent approach to the development of their own aircraft which no other government will have access to. Under the guise of trying to jump start employment in the federal republic, Hutorian politicians intend on fortifying their crumbling dominance in the field of aeronautics and weaponry. I would like to inform the other partners involved in the programme that a Hutorian withdrawal from the programme will not hinder the development of the programme as it will be jointly approached by Asvald Gruppen and other partners. It is extremely bold, narcissistic and nonsensical for some Hutorian politicians to be making the exuberant claims of superiority which they are currently making.

The report conducted by the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs stated that co-development seemed to be a more beneficial approach that the proposed independent approach, highlighting the fact that with co-development comes a shared cost in R&D and production, which opens greater space for a much larger market (which would generate an increased amount of jobs), which would eventually lead to the reduction of costs, whilst allowing the various contributors/partners to maintain their wide range of R&D and production capabilities. However, the report also highlighted the premise of the transfer of technology which could harm the supposed "superiority" of certain nations. Wermager stated that the transfer of technology shouldn't be a worrying factor to the Hutorians as the various partners within the programme have been cooperating and exchanging technology and information with each other for decades, thus causing him to assume that this was a move to protect the deteriorating supremacy of Hutori (a supremacy which they claim to still maintain).

On a political note, within the report it was accentuated that a co-development approach was better than partners developing independent R&D capabilities (which would cause great confusion and distress). However, it also accentuated the fact that this would lead to disagreements, however, once more Wermager stated that disagreements is apart of the development process and disagreements between the partners/contributors would be ironed out immediately as he previous stressed that decades of cooperation has enabled the various contributors to iron out concerns in a rapid pace. Wermager stated that Hutorians would be moronic, irrational and nonsensical to centre their attention on claim that employment would increase whilst not focusing on the economic side to the proposal made by the politicians. Wermager stated that he intends on speaking with the remaining partners within the programme and outlining a renewed approach towards the development of the programme. It only goes to the show the greed and inconsideration individuals have for persons outside of their sphere.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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