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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:15 pm

Речь Народа
After the resignation of a number of older ministers, Count Borisov seized at the oppurtunity to appoint a new Committee of Ministers with a number of younger Ministers. Meet the new governement
Obviously we had to mention the young Prime Minister. At 34, he is still the youngest person to achieve this position in Trigunian history. He started politics even during his years in Aleksandrovsk Imperial University, joining the Narodniki when he was 20 and becoming a Duma deputy at 24. He was elected as leader of the Narodniki 5 years ago.
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs is as old as Borisov, also at 34, and has replace the retired Evgeniy Fedotov. After finishing Petrograd Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations in 4190, he was sent as Deputy Ambassador to Vanuku, only when he was 25. At 27 he became Ambassador to Deltaria and at 30 was promoted to Director of the Department of Majatran Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The veteran politician has served as President of the State Duma and Minister of Internal Affairs, and is considered as the most experienced Minister and has a lot of authority within his own party. A historian by profession, the 60 year old shall continue serving as Minister of Internal Affairs.
When he was only 28, his father died of cancer and he inherited the third largest and largest private resource extraction firm in Trigunia - "Yablonskiy Precious Metal Mining Operations" and managed it until he turned 35, when he sold the business to the government. After selling the company, he became a bureaucrat of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and rose through the ranks, changed Ministries and eventually became Minister of Finance. The 71 year old will resume this post again.
The 79 year old General from the Cavalry has served in the Military all through his life, beginning with joining the Udinovsk Cadet Corps when he was only 11 and to this day. He joined the Narodniki in 4170, when he was 50, and later became Chief of Staff during the last years of the NDP-NRP coaliton. He will now be Minister of War.
The 32 year old lawyer is a relatively new player in the Trigunian political arena, having replaced Baroness Rodionova as Minister of Justice. He was Director of the Department of Courts since he was 25. He received his degree in law in Aleksandrovsk Imperial University, where he also joined the Narodniki, but he was a barrister for only half a year, managing to win every case he was involved in but one. He was invited to be Director of the Department of Courts after the position became vacant. He will continue as the Minister of Justice.
A Lieutenant-Colonel of the Engineer Forces, he is a surprising appointment, since he has not served in the Ministry of Ways of Communication and State Property, and only joined the Narodniki last year. However, the 30 year old is enthusiastic and his engineer background will probably be a positive point.
This doctor is a legend in her home town of Novoromanovsk, and was the city's Head of Healthcare and Welfare Services, and she will now become the Minister of Healthcare and Welfare Services, at the age of 30. She joined the Narodniki 5 years ago, and has greatly expanded the the Narodnik (now Kadet) base of support of Novoromanovsk doctors.
This woman has already become a professor of history at 34. She lectures at Universities nation-wide and has been a State Duma deputy and its Chairman of the Commission of Public Enlightenment since finishing University 6 years ago, after finishing her Doctorate. She is now Minister of Public Enlightenment and Culture, having joined the Narodniki 6 years ago (when running for Duma deputy).
The 70 year old physicist and astronomer was the Chairman of the Trigunian Imperial Space Agency and was behind numerous space exploration missions from the Trigunian side. He has been a Narodnik since he was 30, and was the Chairman of the Commission of Scientific Advancement before becoming head of the Trigunian space agency. He has been appointed as Minister of Scientific Advancement.
The long serving Minister of Agriculture, will retain his post. The 51 year old has greatly improved technologies and techniques of farming in Trigunia, and has earned the love and respect of all farmers. He was a small landowner, who pushed through the interests of the farmers living on his land, in the south of the Hetmanate of Kozakia. He decided to join politics and was an independent State Council member from the Hetmanate, and Chairman of the Commission of Agriculture of the Council. He was spotted and invited to the People's Democratic Party. He accepted and was soon appointed Minister of Agriculture.
The new Minister of the Environment and Tourist Affairs is only 25, and has been an environmentalist activist since she was 16. She is also a biologist by profession, having gone to the Ekaterinoslav Institute of Flora and Fauna. She joined the Kadets only recently, being a member of the Narodnik sister party in the Hetmanate - the Soyuzno-liberalna Partiya and was a Kozak Duma deputy.
The 48 year old former Secretary of the Central Committee of the Congress of Trade Union and Workers' Representatives, has been appointed as Minister of Trade and Industry. He had joined the Narodnik affilated "Zemlya i Volya" trade union, and was its leading representative in the Congress. When he was appointed as Minister, he joined the Kadets.
We hope this government will guarantee stability and freedom!
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby jamescfm » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:03 pm

Речь Народа
Anti-Capitalists Call For Tsar's Head

As weeks of economic turbulence continue, thousands of people took to the streets of Petrograd in order to protest against the monarchist Kadet government. Following crashes on the government-run stock exchanges and across Terra, primarily attributed to economic crises in the Commonwealth of Dalibor, discontent with the administration is rising. Although the government has managed to somewhat limit the impact of the events so far, an announcement that unemployment had risen by nearly 2% in the space of three months has threatened to exacerbate rising frustrations.

Nevertheless, the announcement triggered First Secretary of the Movement for Worker's Emancipation (MWE) Angela Lapukhova to organise a protest march throughout the capital this morning. Waving red flags and brandishing anti-Tsar placards, the protesters proclaimed their hatred for the free market system which had initiated the present upheaval. When they reached the centre of the city, Lapukhova took to a hastily put together stage to deliver an address to the fervent masses;
Comrades, for many years we have predicted and cautioned against the impending collapse of the capitalist economic system. Flawed from the beginning, it was destined for failure and the events which now transfix political theorists and ordinary citizens alike highlight that. If we are to prevent further damage to the lives of the Trigunian working class, we must act swiftly. We must guarantee the future existence of our health and education services, of our public infrastructure and of democracy.

On numerous occasions, the government has made clear that they care little for the proletariat. By upholding the corrupt dynasty which claims divine right to rule over us, the regime show their true colours to the country. With this in mind, any suggestion that the Kadets can remain in power is totally and completely wrong. Trigunian people must rise up and show that they will no longer stand for this tyranny and exploitation. Only by the establishment of a republic, governed in the collective interests of our workers, can we achieve liberation.

The timing of the turmoil is particularly troubling for the government, as they face elections in less than two months. It is now widely expected that they will haemorrhage support to the MWE and the Social Democratic Party on the left as well as the Conservative Party from the right however the scale of the losses is difficult to tell. Opposition to the Tsar and the royal family is also at its highest level since their return, as citizens direct their frustrations at the nation's governing elite. Perceived close ties between the royals and the Kadets may compound their problems.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:18 pm

January 4203

Priests lead anti-socialist march through Petrograd


In one of the most bizarre spectacles the capital has seen in recent years, a team of 11 priests from the Terran Patriarchal Church led a procession of supporters through central Petrograd, along exactly the same route recently passed by the anti-capitalist protest. Along the way, they stopped frequently to light incense, scatter holy water and utter prayers, in what they described as "an exorcism ritual to cleanse this place of the foul sin that took place here".

The marchers carried placards denouncing socialism, Metzism and republicanism, and swearing loyalty and support to the Tsar.

It was mostly a conservative crowd, and Druganin Yakovich, the leader of the newly-formed Conservative Party, was one of the leading political figures present. He was given a standing ovation after blasting the anti-capitalism protesters as "mindless thugs who want to destroy everything Trigunia is and everything Trigunia stands for", and won even greater applause after pledging to support legislation to make it a criminal offence to insult the Tsar.

The Conservative Party faces its first serious test at the General Election scheduled for next month. It is widely expected to win seats, although how many is anybody's guess at the moment. However, the signs are that its appeal to traditional old-fashioned values and right-wing economics is beginning to win over a section of voters who are increasingly alarmed by the radical rhetoric of the left-wing parties. At a time when the global economy is heading towards a downturn, voters are going to have to decide whether they want to stick to the current course, or go with the more radical free market agenda the Conservatives are offering.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:12 am

United Trigunia returns to political spectrum; intends on reforming entire political system.
United Trigunia returns to political spectrum after years of silence; intends on reforming political system to the days when it was in power.
2nd March, 4203

After more than fifty (50) years of inactivity on the political stage, the seemingly right-wing however catch-all political party, United Trigunia has returned to the political spectrum. Originally established as an alternative to the socialist parties during its infancy the party stood on a very catch-all platform but after its inactivity it appears that the party has reflected upon its prior decisions and courses and has instead centred its attention of forming a political movement which is purely conservative. The return of the party was announced by its new political leader, Kurchin Semyonovich, a former member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the party convention to relaunch the party, Semyonovich explained the reason for the party's return to the political stage.
We have observed over the past fifty years the destruction brought to this country which the introduction of this stringent form of monarchism. We left this country at the forefront of political, economic and military influence. The various "nobility" have destroyed the political systems and have "reformed" it into one which has ushered in the demise of this country and its modus operandi. The return of this party ushers in the returns of the era of dominance of the Trigunian Empire, more-so the Trigunian Federation.

Semyonovich was very vocal on the topic of true conservatism versus the mainstream "coffee shop conservatism" which is seen within the current Imperial Assembly. It could be a jab at the current "fence-sitting" Konservativnaya Partiya which boasts of being the party of "wanting the return of a strong Trigunian military" and also boasts of "bringing back decent politics".In terms of the party having a strong standing within the Imperial Assembly, Semyonovich stated that before his time, the party did not need to "buddy up" with another political party to obtain a strong standing, so logically it is being assumed that the party will try to make its standing on its own, without the assistance of another political party.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:23 pm

Речь Народа
Following the failure of the Kadets to secure enough seats, their 38 year old leader Count Borisov, has resigned from all his posts except State Duma deputy, citing that "an inexperienced and pro-status quo politician, such as myself, during this time of crisis, should not be directing the Trigunian nation's policy. I thought preserving the situation established by my predecessors was a good idea, but did not expect this crisis to happen. I was glad for the people to put faith in me, and present them my humble apologies for losing their confidence. I leave my successor a nation in crisis, when I recieved it in peace and prosperity. I have ruined my party's image and the image of the whole nation, so perhaps having experienced and "of-age" men leading the Kadets is in fact the best idea. Thank you."
Count Borisov announcing his resignation on national television
Because of his resognation, the Kadet Party Duma has called a leadership election and they have begun preparing for it. Who is running however, is still unkown. It is expected that it will be Duke Fyodor Nikitin, Aleksey Sobolev and Baron Arkadiy Yablonskiy, but this is just speculation.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:57 am

The campaign for the leadership election of the Kadet Party has begun, and two candidates stood up, Duke Fyodor Nikitin and Baron Arkadiy Yablonskiy. Both have come up with a solution to the upcoming economic crisis, and now the Party shall decide which path to take. The left of the Social Liberal wing, the Social Democratic wing, the Radical Socialist wing and the left of the Conservative liberal wing have decided to present a joint candidate - Duke Fyodor Nikitin, who has stated that "the solution to the impeding economic recession is a turn towards the left, and the acceptance of Kodonomics as the state monetary and fiscal policy, as well as the nationalisation of major businesses". The right of the Social Liberal wing, the Classical Liberal wing, the right of the Conservative Liberal wing and the Libertarian wing have put forward Baron Arkadiy Yablonskiy, who proposes to "introduce neoliberalism as state policy, with the government retaining control only over healthcare and education, as a solution to the coming economic crisis". The Party is highly split on this issue, and this leadership election will probably be one of the closest in the Party's history.
Duke Fyodor Nikitin
Baron Arkadiy Yablonskiy
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:57 pm

In a surprising turn of events, the majority of the supporters of Baron Yablonskiy abandoned him, leaving him with only 26% of the votes, making Duke Nikitin the clear winner. Yablonskiy received only 5% of his 26% total from the Social Liberal wing (that being the far right of the wing) and 1% from the Conservative Liberal wing, with the majority of his support coming from the Classical Liberal wing and Libertarian wing. The majority of Nikitin's support came from the Social Liberal and Social Democrat wings with 27% and 24% of his grand 74% total respectively, with considerable support from the Radical Socialist and Conservative Liberal wings.
The results
Nikitin has reshuffled the Council of the Party, excluding Arkadiy Yablonskiy from any post and appointing Minister of Trade and Industry, Baron Vasiliy Soloviev as Councillor of Finance. Count Borisov has taken a role in the Council, as Councillor of Internal Affairs, replacing Duke Nikitin, and the Councillor of Trade and Industry is now a personal friend of Baron Soloviev, Aleksandra Yaroslavtseva.
Duke Fyodor Nikitin - Chairman of the Party
Count Kirill Borisov - Councillor of Internal Affairs
Baron Nikolay Nabokov - Councillor of Foreign Affairs
Baron Vasiliy Soloviev - Councillor of Finance
Count Oleg Molotov - Councillor of War
Count Dmitriy Yakovlev - Councillor of Justice
Mikhail Ptitsyn - Councillor of Ways of Communication
Natalia Kirillova - Councillor of Health and Welfare
Tatiana Chichagova - Councillor of Enlightenment and Culture
Baron Grigoriy Apraksin - Councillor of Scientific Advancement
Baron Sergey Aleksandrov - Councillor of Agriculture
Nadezhda Grishina - Councillor of Tourism and the Environment
Aleksandra Yaroslavtseva - Councillor of Trade and Industry
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:44 pm

Речь Народа
Today, during a meeting of the State Duma, when His Imperial Majesty presented His Imperial Decree on the appointment of te Chairman of the Committee of Ministers before the State Duma, a deputy from the "Movement of Workers' Emancipation" insulted the Emperor by claiming that he had no right to introduce an Imperial Decree, and calling him by patronymic only. The Emperor replied calmly to this insult and "shut the guy up" as a Conservative Party deputy told us after the meeting. After the Emperor's reply, the Kadet and Conservative sections of the Duma erupted in applause, although the reason the Conservatives were applauding the Tsar who refused to support them is unkown.
The Tsar before the Duma
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:31 pm

Речь Народа
Soon after the radicals in the Duma insulted our Tsar, he went out to the Duma again to give another speech. Because of the lack of cooperation between parties in the hung parliament, Nikolay Kirillovich I made a speech calling on the parties to cooperate, in light of the oncoming economic crisis. The text of His Imperial Majesty's speech:
If my Imperial Decree fails to pass through the Imperial Assembly, I will have no choice but to appoint a Conservative Prime Minister, since he or she will be able to command support in the Assembly, since the Kadet Party is willing to form a coalition with the Conservatives, as long as that will allow a government to be formed. My personal proposal is that all parties should abandon their disagreements and join together and form a national government that will command the support of all citizens to face the inevitable economic recession. Does it have to come to a point when the non-partisan constitutional monarch has to force parties to work together to save Trigunia? It seems that the members of all parties have become sectarian - they no longer care about the future of the nation and its people, but hold their party's and personal interests above God, the Tsar, the people and the nation. All people must unite behind one of these things, and brace themselves for the coming crisis. God is testing us and our unity. Let us pray and hope. God is with us!

The Emperor before the Duma
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Mon May 01, 2017 11:26 am

Речь Народа
After the passage of the Imperial Decree on the Committee of Ministers forming a coalition government between the Kadets, SDP and the Conservatives, many people went out onto the streets to challenge the new government. While in Petrograd it was mostly peaceful demostrations, in other cities, such as Novoromanovsk, there were riots and clashes between liberals and conservatives. The local City Police failed to deal with the problem and Novoromanovsk City Head was forced to ask Count Borisov - Minister of Internal Affairs - to sanction the use of the Gendarme Corps to end this. Count Kirill Borisov authorised the use of te gendarmes stating that "the government's main priorities are to protect the interests of the nation and people, ensure economic security and maintain public peace and order". The gendarmes dispersed the violent crowds and gave compensations for any injuries inflicted. Many activists have said that "the present government is suppressing our rights for freedom of assembly and therefore they must step down". However, in reply, Kadet leader Duke Fyodor Nikitin has said that "during a time of crisis, the people must not be fighting within themselves, an if they disagree with each other, they must show their disagreements in a peaceful manner, similar to the protesters in Petrograd".
Gendarmes attempting to stop the crowds in Novoromanovsk
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