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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Zongxian » Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:58 pm

BREAKING NEWS: FangCaiRyeo CEO Kidnapped by Dankuk

November 5, 4358

Agents of the nation of Dankuk have claimed a new victim in their Indralan kidnapping campaign, brother to Chief Counselor and CEO of FangCai Ryeo Group, Lü Seojun. The Dranian-born executive, and heir to Ryeo claims in that nation, has stayed clear of politics, devoting all his attention to the operations of the growing FCR caizu. Even on matters relating to his home nation, Lü Seojun maintained distance from the issue while his brother, Chief Counselor Lü Yejun has become quite vocal in confronting the Dranian problem.

Lü Seojun was last seen departing the FCR headquarters in Zhijia City to meet with representatives of the Tukarese-Dranian Kyuma Industries at a location in the northern district of Kaizhou. Hours passed and Lü never returned to headquarters. Authorities were contacted by the FCR Group and investigators were sent to the meeting location. What police discovered was a vacated temporary office space and no signs of Lü.

The caizu leader has since appeared in Dankuk, listed in state-media promotions for an upcoming propaganda film starring He Bolin and Cheng Feiyu, also victims of Dranian abduction. It is unclear how foreign agents have continued to find success in kidnapping high-profile persons and the government is scrambling to find answers.

As this article goes to press, Chief Counselor Lü Yejun just finished making an initial statement to the Grand Assembly calling for action. Leadership of Indrala's largest political party, the Conservative Coalition, has called for a committee on military action and it appears likely that the Chief Counselor will seek to form such a group.
Chief Counselor Lü wrote:It has become clear that we are faced by increasingly dangerous operations being conducted by Dranian agents on our soil. The abduction of He Bolin and Cheng Feiyu was the first open act of aggression against Indrala. Now, despite heightened awareness by the government and intelligence officials, the Dranians have pulled off yet another high-profile abduction from within our nation. My brother, the CEO of FangCaiRyeo Group, is the latest victim. Set up into a business meeting with Dranian agents posing as representatives of Kyuma Industries, my brother disappeared from Indrala and was back to Dankuk.

The danger of Dankuk is affecting us all, whether we have connections to the peninsula or not. The targeting of my brother is not necessarily surprising but it is the acts against the families of Ms. He and Ms. Cheng that truly highlight the pure recklessness and disregard for human rights of the tyrants in Dankuk.

He Bolin, Cheng Feiyu, and Ryeo Seojun must all be rescued from their enslavement by the Dranians. And Indrala should stand up for all others who have become victims, and who continue to be victims, of that vicious regime. No more words. There needs to be action.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:11 pm

The Taixi Times is a daily print and web publication from Taixi, Anle, offering breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world national news, and entertainment.

Li Baihan narrowly defeats incumbent Sung Hyo-rin for Lotus Party leadership
In a narrow race, Li was able to usurp incumbent Sung by 2.5% of the vote
15 May 4358

Li strides to the stage

HAIWAN, Anle: Last night a tense race between the interim leader of the Lotus Party Sung Hyo-rin and former Haiwan Mayor and GLF President Li Baihan was concluded. Fielding one of the shortest rosters of candidates in the party's history, most polls had Li and Sung virtually tied. By last night, many analysts had called the election for Sung. Despite this, Li ended up as the victor of the night, winning 50.2% of the vote on the first ballot.


Taking the stage at 10:30pm, Li thanking her supporters, friends and family as well as Sung for her service as Interim Leader. She also did not shy from noting the precarious situation the Lotus Party is in at present. In her acceptance speech, Li said:
Next month will mark the centennial anniversary of when our party was thrust to power for the first time. One hundred years have past since Wu Hán courageously challenged the authoritarian actors in Tian'an and subsequently dismantled Tony Pua's dictatorship. I cannot help but think of the good that the democratic-left has brought to Indrala over the past one hundred years. Universal healthcare, public education, strengthening the welfare state, rebuilding our economy from the bottom up. It is then so disappointing to see our party has lost the broad support of the electorate. That is why I promise you today that I will dedicate my body and mind to regaining the trust of the Indralan people. We must win elections so that we can win battles for the working and middle class in Tian'an!

Indeed, the Lotus Party, once viewed as Indrala's natural governing party, has faced a number of issues in the last few elections, losing ground to the Conservative Coalition with economic-focused voters as well as vote splitting with the Social Democratic Party. Li Baihan will have to work to rebuild the coalition of voters which kept the Lotus Party in power for nearly 75 years, in one form or another.

Sung Hyo-rin congratulated her successor after the convention, and announced that she had accepted the position of Defence Critic within Li's shadow cabinet. During the convention, the party members also elected the Pro-Li candidate Wang Zheng to replace Jin Huanyu as Party President.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby TreeHugger » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:41 am


JUNE 4361

Chang Bingbing scored a major victory as the Conservative Coalition continues to dominate election results in Indrala. The election comes after tense international affairs led to the Conservative Coalition Party being granted the responsibility of conducting a full IAF review on behalf of the Government of Indrala. This election victory has been attributed to the Agro Alliance, Indrala's leading Agricultural Organization. Without their unwavering support, the Conservative Coalition could not have won. Now Ms. Chang is setting her sights on the horizon, as her party prepares to lead the way on military modernization, social policy and economic growth. The Coalition will be presenting numerous articles of legislation in the coming months in order to realign Indrala for economic and social success.

Chang Bingbing talks about her party's responsibilities following her big election night win

Chang Bingbing: "I would like to thank our supporters, especially the farmers of Indrala. I know that this election was a tough fight, but we weren't going to let the newly-founded Agricultural party deceive you into supporting their faceless assembly of political outsiders. I understand that this election result proves that our policies are working for Indralan families, and I will not take this for granted. We will continue to work hard for Indrala, until the last sun sets. I need to congratulate my colleagues across the aisle for their election results, and I look forward to working with them on important issues that matter. The IAF review has begun, and we hope to produce those results as quickly as possible, along with a budget proposal and purchasing order for new equipment. We have lots of work to do, and I am excited to share our ideas with Indralans over the next few years."

"On that topic... I need to welcome He Bolin, Cheng Feiyu, and Ryeo Seojun back to Indrala. We are grateful to have your hearts back on our soil, and we promise to nurture you back to good health. While we may be grateful, we must not ignore the circumstances which took these brave souls from our land not so long ago. I condemn the Dranians, and wish them suffering. Let it be known that the Conservative Coalition will never let another soul be harmed by the Dranian regime. Ever."

More to come...

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:24 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin is a staunchly monarchist and nationalist weekly newspaper, published nationwide. Its primary readership is typically conservatives and older individuals.
Presenting His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Yinju 11 January 4361


In his infinite wisdom, His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, proclaimed last week that his successor would be his son, His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Yinju. The Emperor's loyal brother, Prince Kai has held the position until the Crown Prince was of age.

The Crown Prince is renowned throughout Dovani and Terra for being of outstanding virtue and morality. A strictly filial young man, the Prince rises every day before dawn reliably to confer his prayers and best wishes to Her Imperial Majesty Empress Wenming and to the Son of Heaven. It is said that the Crown Prince spends the vast majority of his free time practicing and receiving instruction in various Indralan martial arts and is formally tutored in the classics of Jienshi and the memorials of Emperor's of antiquity. Much like his radiant father, His Imperial Highness is also well regarded for his strategic skill at the game of go.

Earlier this year, the Crown Prince travelled with his younger brother, Prince Wanjun and his Uncle, the Prince Kai, to the fishing and farming village of Anjiao, Shu. In the village, the Crown Prince shocked many as his father had years before him by providing on-the-spot guidance to farmers and participating in manual labour among the citizens. He also visited an assisted-living home where he expressed the most proper piety to his elders, and swore to make sacrifices and prayers for them at the Altar of Heaven. The citizens of Anjiao were so moved that it is reported that upon the Crown Prince's departure, many could not help but to wail for days.

The Crown Prince intends to receive a tertiary education whilst continuing to fulfil his royal duties. It is reported that the Crown Prince differs from his father in that he sees a more active role for the monarch in politics, although this is just conjecture.

Announcing his successor brought His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, such pleasure that he decided to confer noble titles to the his first-cousin, the Chief Counselor Lü Yejun, as well as the patriarch of the Cheng Clan, Cheng Yuhan to mark the historic occasion.

Indralans Returned! Taeyang Tyrant Capitulates to Heaven's Will! 20 June 4361


After the immense pressure of Indrala and her allies, the Dranian cabinet held a frantic meeting in which they unanimously decided to return the three citizens they had kidnapped four years ago, rather than suffer utter and complete destruction. Representatives of the Taeyang Regime asked the government to turn the affair into a photo-op, but the wise and firm Chief Counselor and his cabinet refused! Nonetheless, thousands of Indralans crowded Wu Hán International Airport in Kaizhou, Jiaozhi to wish the returning victims their prayers and heartfelt solidarity.

It is reported that He Bolin and Cheng Feiyu were extremely malnourished upon arrival in Indrala, and the two were rushed to Kaizhou National University Hospital where they are now receiving treatment. The third Dranian victim, Ryeo (or Lü) Seojun was also brought to KNUH to receive a medical evaluation. In recognition of the horrors endured by the three Indralans who were used as puppets for Taeyang Yoon-Jin's sick games, and in an expression of filial piety toward his older brother, the Chief Counselor, Count Lü Yejun demanded that the victims "should be afforded a full healthcare review, physical and mental, with the utmost level of privacy." Thus, it is expected that all three will remain in hospital for the foreseeable future.

Various members of the Imperial Household have visited the hospital. Ryeo Seojun, who is the nephew of the Emperor's Mother Ryeo Kyunghee, and thus the Emperor's cousin, received his aforementioned aunt as well as the Lord Father Sun Luhan, and cousins Prince Kai and Princess Jieyou. Upon seeing her nephew's condition, it is reported that the Emperor's Royal Mother broke down into tears and fainted. The members of the Imperial Household also visited He and Cheng and promised to make sacrifices and prayers on their behalf.

It is said that His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven is resting for the next week. During these past four years, the Emperor has spent the vast majority of his time prostrating himself before Heaven and Earth with complete sincerity. Seeing how this situation has resolved, it is clear yet again that Heaven is with our Emperor! The Emperor's attendants were very worried for his health, as he resolutely fasted for the victims of the Dranian kidnapping for long stretches of times. Oh how he suffered! And oh, how lucky we are to live under the rule of a monarch who cares so earnestly about each and every one of his subjects! May the Emperor live and reign for ten thousand years!

Princess Subin Expected to Become Next Hatun of the Jelbek Khaganate 30 July 4361


The Khagan of Jelbania has selflessly led reforms to strengthen the welfare of his people for many years now. In his wisdom, the Khagan has granted additional power to the nation's representative body, the Kurultai. As his Imperial Highness, the Lord Father once wrote, "the people are the eyes and ears of heaven. Therefore, there is no better way to ensure that the will of heaven is respected and the mandate to rule remains strong than to grant people the ability to elect their own representatives and to empower them." Thus we can see that Khagan Manil is truly sagacious in his rule!

The agreement, referred to locally as the 'Grand Compromise' also resolved what had been a potential succession crisis by adopting a male-preference primogeniture system of succession. Having not been blessed with a son, the Khagan's brother, Prince Jebr is now next-in-line and is expected to succeed him. Prince Jebr married the Emperor's sister, Her Imperial Highness Sun Subin in February of 4350. The two met the earlier year, when the Princess travelled Majatra alongside her brother, Prince Kai. During the ten days the royals spent in Jelbania (the longest duration of the tour) there were rumours that the Princess and the Prince were inseparable, while remaining virtuous, of course.

Every day, in many ways, the brotherhood between the people of Indrala and Jelbania continues to grow.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby General.M » Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:00 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:16 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin is a staunchly monarchist and nationalist weekly newspaper, published nationwide. Its primary readership is typically conservatives and older individuals.
Princess Subin's son betrothed to... his cousin? 13 July 4365


Two days ago, the Jelbek Court announced to the media that Prince Manil, son of Princess Subin and Jelbanian Prince Jebr has been betrothed to his first cousin, Princess Mrjmai. Sources near to the Imperial Palace report that the Imperial Family, particularly the Emperor's Mother, are deeply concerned.

With the Khagan in charge of Jelbanian royal affairs, it is likely that Princess Subin and Prince Jebr are powerless to prevent the marriage. It has been rumoured in Jelbania and at home that Princess Subin is begging her family to intervene and prevent the marriage. Whether or not this is true, Prince Kai has allegedly been compiling a list of potential bachelorettes to offer the Khagan at the earliest convenience as an alternative to the consanguineous knot. With the precarious situation of the small Suadjakai Clan, it is understood that the Khagan has engineered such a marriage as to prevent other clans destabilizing the succession of the nation, thought to be settled by the Grand Compromise. Thus, the Prince's efforts may be futile, but he is obliged to help his sister.

News of the betrothal has angered Indralans, with hundreds protesting outside the Jelbanian embassy in Tian'an. Li Bowen, 38, was disgusted at the news: "to think that an individual possessing the Emperor's blood will be forced into an incestuous relationship is infuriating and insulting!"

Reds want to end Heaven's Mandate! 1 January 4366


In complete ignorance and contempt for Indralan history, society and spirituality, some ambitious and depraved con men have gathered and formed what they call "the Communist Party." The party claims that they will "fight against the... monarchists in every moment by any method!" Your loyal journalist, just by reporting this and typing these words on their computer feels compelled to vomit.

These men, or rather, monsters, claim that the Emperor has abandoned farmers. Is it not His Imperial Majesty who brought about the reversal of a drought? Is it not his Imperial Majesty who rises at 4am every morning to prostrate himself before Heaven and Earth on behalf of the farmers of Indrala? Is it not the son of his Imperial Majesty, the Crown Prince, who has engaged in manual labour among the farmers and brought great relief to the elders of that village? What have the Communists offered the workers and farmers of this nation, besides lofty and failed idealistic abstractions? The arrogance of these "Communists" makes this journalist's blood boil.

But to dismantle and destroy everything we hold dear about this nation, the Communists cannot work alone. Who might grab their hand, but that hag Fa Rong and her Social Democratic Party. Now, we must give the Social Democrats credit; in recent years, the party has supported restoration and symbolically votes in support of His Imperial Majesty's proclamations. But, we must beware. The SDP were formed as a republican party, and despite their current support for the Imperial Family and the constitutional monarchy, the party still claims that republicanism is one of their core ideological tenets. Until they abandon this and declare their support for the constitutional monarchy, Indralans should be wary of their party. If Leader Fa chooses power over principal and forms a coalition with the Communists, forget about it!

If the two red parties are as similar in ideology as they are in colour, Indrala may be entering a very risky chapter of its history. Thank goodness that we live under the reign of a benevolent Emperor, who performs rites on behalf of the people of this nation around the clock. May the Son of Heaven live and reign for ten thousand years!
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Re: Great Indralan Gazette

Postby Zanz » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:53 pm

Local, undeniable, crystal news.

Mo Ah, leader of the Grand National Party, speaks with Indralans in Shu enraged by the marriage of Princess Subin to a Jelbek

The following piece was written from the field by Mo Ah, leader of the Grand National Party

Of late, the so-called right wing of Indrala's media establishment has remarked upon the sickening news that Manil, the son of Princess Subin and a Jelbek mongrel, is engaged to wed his full-blown, born-in-the-saddle Jelbek cousin Mrjmai. These publications are indignant now, but don't forget these Tian'an elitists were the ones calling the same Khagan of Jelbania who decreed this incestuous engagement "sagacious" only a few short years ago. Incest is the natural state of the Jelbek barbarian, and particularly so when that incest could allow a tyrant to consolidate his power by quickening his bloodline further with the sacred blood of the relations the Son of Heaven. Our constitution requires that before the Emperor should take the crown of any foreign nation the act must be approved by two thirds of the Grand Assembly - we ought also require that any marriage by any of the royal family to any non-Indralan should be approved by such a vote!

The blood of our Radiant Highness the Emperor, Son of Heaven, is and ought to be our most precious natural resource. The media told us that Princess Subin married Jebr the Jelbek "prince" for "love"... But what good has her love for a horselord done Princess Subin or her son Manil? What good has her love for a horselord done Indrala? We must call upon our politicians to act - no marriage aside from a marriage to an Indralan of undisputed lineage should be condoned without due deliberation!
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby pandowlpaws » Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:07 am

Changes in Party Governance Coming Soon
23 June, 4366

Tian'an, Han -- After what's been about a 37 year long career as the Party Leader, Fa Rong has decided that she will be moving towards retirement. The 74 year old Founder of the Social Democratic Party has been highly popular during the entirety of her career, almost always winning over 75% of the vote during Party Conferences. However, due to her age, and a few complications coming with it, Fa Rong decided to pursue more personal goals, and pass on the party's governance to the younger generation. She did though announce that she would remain the Party Leader until the next conference.

"It has been and absolute pleasure serving as your Party Leader for over 35 years, but now I think it is nearing the time for me to step down. Although I hate to say it, I am getting old, and the responsibilities would be carried out better by someone new. We must look to the younger generation to help bring progress to all of Indrala! However, in order to keep up continuity in the our party, I will stay Party Leader until the conference in 4338. Thank you all."

This isn't the only change in governance; however, as Jia Wuying as also signaled her readiness to step down. This will make the Party Conference of 4338 particularly important for our party, and leadership is leaning towards the location being in Kaizhou once more.

The two are making sure to leave their mark on the party in these upcoming years, and revitilization of the party is already underway. As you can tell, we have taken on a new logo: the bamboo flower. Along with this the party's first official slogan has also been chosen: "Progress for All Indralans!" More change is sure to come.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:48 pm


The Market is a nationally-published daily economic newspaper centered in Tian'an. While the paper remains generally non-partisan, critics have observed a tendency for the paper to publish articles which generally support classically liberal economic policies and the established economic order of Indrala.
International tourist arrivals up by 8.9% from 4365
20 October 4366
A group of Dorvish tourists admire the staggering Kaizhou skyline

NATIONWIDE NEWS: Foreign Minister Ni Zhihong said in a blog post on Sunday that the number of visits made to Indrala had reached 42.8 million for the year as of October – an increase of 8.9 per cent on the number seen in the first 11 months of last year.

"There has been sizable growth in the number of tourists from Majatra, Artania and Keris," wrote Ni in her post, "we are thrilled to be able to share our beautiful country with so many!"

Ni said the strong numbers had a positive impact on hotels and retailers across the country, particularly in the cities of Kaizhou, Tian'an and Nandu where tourism is most concentrated. The Minister also highlighted notable tourism from nations in Dovani.

"Some want to learn about Indrala’s historical cultural links with their own country," Ni wrote, "and of course, many want to learn more about the source of Indralan drama that’s the rage on international television and YingPop which is heard around the world."

Indeed, the government has long pushed and subsidized its entertainment industry, which is viewed as vital for increasing cultural and economic soft power. The results of this push have been tangible, as demand for Indralan cosmetics, fashion, food products and other consumer goods have risen most noticeably where Indralan media diffusion has been the most extensive. Tourism is no exception.

"I've been seeing various places in Jiaozhi Province on television for years now," says Trigunian tourist Mariya Kabaeva in perfect Indralan, "I just had to come." The sentiment was shared by her best-friend and travelling mate Svetlana who said she admired "the beautiful places and faces" of Indrala.
Lotus Party Leader warns about growing 'property bubble'
20 October 4366

KAIZHOU, Jiaozhi: In a rally for her supporters in Kaizhou, Lotus Party Leader Li Baihan issued a warning about the growing 'property bubble' in Indrala. "The government has a responsibility to warn our people about the dangerous situation of the property market at the moment," said Li. The Party Leader cited surging property values over the past 50 years in Kaizhou and Tian'an. "You cannot go this long without a market correction," declared Li, "demand is high, but regular Indralans are getting priced out."

Some commentators have been critical of the Lotus Party, attributing the growing housing crisis to their management over the past few decades, as well as the Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements their foreign ministers have ratified with a number of nations. "Foreign investors, from New Endralon/Kizenia in particular, are buying up apartments in Kaizhou and Tian'an and leaving them vacant," said Indrala University economics professor Kai Tingfei, "under the CFTA, the government isn't able to do anything about it."

The Lotus Party leader shrugged off this argument, saying that "it is imperative that we act now."
New Endralonian auto-giant Explorator to receive $2.4b in incentives for Hazhou Plant
20 October 4366
Wind turbines dot the mountainside above the Explorator plant, located in the outskirts of Hazhou, Shu

HAZHOU, Shu: Explorator, one of Terra's largest automotive manufacturers, is setting up shop in Indrala. The Market has details on why: the company is reportedly receiving some $1.6 billion in tax incentives over the next 10 years, in addition to a $800 million direct subsidy tied to the plant's use of renewable energy.

With an anticipated 8000 permanent employees, the factory is a win for Indrala's manufacturing heartland. Some labour activists, however, have raised their concern that Explorator's entry to the Indralan and greater Seleyan market may weaken Indrala's domestic automotive manufacturing industry. Enshi University's Chief Economics professor Hiromi Kurosawa disagrees: "We've seen that Xiandai (Indrala's largest automotive manufacturer) and Explorator aren't concerned with competiting against each other, but rather are working against the state-funded Bönning Car Factory in Valruzia."

Kurosawa attributes the construction of the Xiandai Rodshyadam Plant in Trigunia in the 4340s as a move to lock Bönning out of the Kerisian market, while Explorator's actions are to "launch an assault" on Bönning's market share in Seleya. "With Explorator gaining easier access to Seleya through the CFTA, Bönning will have to redouble its efforts to remain competitive amidst a rapidly diversifying consumer market."

The incentives provided to the plant have been extended to other plants in Indrala in the past, and thus haven't been received with much scrutiny. A few emboldened conservative groups, however, have launched an online campaign against the government's free-trade policies. The chairman of the recently formed "Indralan Patriots for Prosperity" group, Gao Yawen wrote in a blog post that, "Our government is happy to fund foreign exploitation of our labour and resources. Our government is happy to see Indralan companies go out of business while Kyo refugees flood into our borders and receive extensive government assistance. Can we, the workers of Shu, claim refugee status?! It's time to put real Indralans first!"
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:49 pm

The Kaizhou Inquirer
The Kaizhou Inquirer is northern Indrala's leading periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics
10 November 4367
Ryeo Kyunghee, Emperor's mother, hospitalized in Yincheng, diagnosed with brain tumor
The 83-year-old Dranian princess and mother to Emperor Yijun collapsed yesterday
Yincheng Metropolitan Hospital chief of staff Dr. Chen Zhu speaks to media

YINCHENG, Jiaozhi: Yincheng Metropolitan Hospital chief of staff Dr. Chen Zhu said today that following an emergency admission, the Emperor's mother, 83-year-old Ryeo Kyunghee has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Ryeo fainted yesterday evening, and reportedly struck her head on a table as she fell to the floor. Ryeo's aids picked her up and flew her to the Yincheng Metropolitan Hospital by air ambulance.

The hospital's chief of staff said in a press conference that the Emperor's mother “has been stabilized, and has regained consciousness." However, following a comprehensive examination including MRI and CAT scans, it was discovered that the Emperor's mother has a Grade 2 astrocytoma brain tumor.

When Dr. Chen shared his diagnosis with the Emperor's mother, she reportedly "refused all treatment options," claiming that she had lived a long enough life. Chen said that, "Her Imperial Majesty confessed that she didn't feel that at her age, she had the strength to undertake chemotherapy and surgical options."

Dr. Chen said that the hospital's neurological department has gave the Emperor's mother a life expectancy of around four years without treatment.

Ryeo Kyunghee has been an exceedingly popular figure in Indrala for nearly 60 years. Thus many in the nation are aware of the profound suffering she has endured over her life, such as the persecution of her family, the assassination of her father and brother, as well as the recent kidnapping of her nephew, Ryeo Seojun. Thousands of Indralans have gathered outside of the Yincheng Metropolitan Hospital to wish the Emperor's mother a long life and miraculous recovery.

10 November 4367
Cheng Feiyu recalls horrors of Dranian kidnapping in TBS interview
TBS interview achieves 19.9% national viewership
Cheng Feiyu tears up while speaking with journalist Jia Wong

OOC: I'm removing this article as I don't believe the subject matter was/is appropriate for this setting.
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