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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:31 am


Chancellor Mustapha al-Makhtoum


Qat Plantation, January 6, 4879: After a meeting today at the Qat plantation for agricultural product producers on expanding exports, Chancellor Mustapha al-Makhtoum responded to questions about possible economic repercussions from AldeGas producing oil in large quantities. The Chancellor

Need to understand three things. First, this is how we reached the level of prosperity we have such as
it is. When some time ago the Free Radical government began to move away from serious
socialism to a mixed economy of public and private ownership, it was by oil sales we produced the
tax money to finance the loans and investments to get small and large businesses on their feet so we
could have a thriving middle class and successful businesses. Have to understand under the socialists
the tax rates were very high to the point of being business prohibitive and confiscatory; only now are
we getting them down to reasonable. So upshot is we welcome the people of Aldegar to the opportunity
for a better life by selling the same resource we did, petroleum.

Second, our predecessors took some precautions we still maintain. Selling our oil could easily have
resulted in a small oligarchy totally dependent on foreign investors who took ownership of our oil
reserves leaving our citizens no better off but without our most valuable resource. The Sovereign
People own the oil reserves. Acting through Petroleum Development of Badara (PDB), an
unfortunate but venerable name. PDB leases the right to extract and sell oil for licensing fees and
royalties but does not sell the oil reserves. The growth has been slower than if we sold it all off
immediately but it has been slow and steady. We have converted to a mixed economy now more
privately owned than publicly while maintaining the safety net the socialists wisely put in place. Yes
we do have an oligarchy but our citizens are protected and have ensured income, shelter, food, energy and
health care. They have not been sacrificed.

Third, the PDB can adjust its production so that an oil glut is unlikely. It regularly confers with
other oil and gas producers of Jumhuriat al-Badara most notably Qat Oil services. And usually our
adjustments produce the desired result. We certainly regret that there has been no conferring between
oil producing nations in recent times. Records indicate there was once an organization that set oil prices.
We could not get the Majatran Economic Association to take any interest in dealing with overproduction at all.
But things can change and maybe they will.

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Re: Badara

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:48 pm

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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:56 pm


Foreign Minister Salman Duqaq


Bier Qassem, December 23, 4880: After attending the General Assembly session of the World Congress, Foreign Minister Salman Duqaq responded to questions about nuclear disarmament and the Ramsahreza Conference chaired by President Shahram Jafarnejad of Aldegar:

Jumhuriat al-Badara salutes President Jafarnejad and Security Council member Aldegar for securing a conference with the known nuclear powers to talk about nuclear weapons. It is quite possible this conference could be a second step toward nuclear disarmament. The first baby step of course was Resolution 97.

Because several things were in fact achieved. Vanaku is no longer to be recognized by the World Congress as having the right to nuclear weapons. There is also the possibility that someone knows they no longer exist in some state of maintenance in Vanaku.

A joint commission between the three known nuclear powers to oversee any actual disarmament was a good step. It could be important if one day it is transformed into a World Congress agency to deal with weapons that exist and need to be eliminated without harm to human life or the environment.

Then there is actual reduction of total nuclear weapons by Hutori. That was an important step forward. Again,we congratulate President Jafarnejad for his leadership.
Last edited by Drax on Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:03 am


President Selim al-Malik


Defense Command Center, Bier Qassem, February 3, 4881: After meeting with the Defense Command Staff, the President, Dr. Selim al-Malik, responded to questions about the nuclear proliferation agreement and whether Jumhuriat al-Badara would join in:

This is a difficult question and we do recognize there are legitimate reasons to execute the treaty in question as well as legitimate reasons to not do so. The nations of Terra seem addicted to war. It seems to us having nuclear weapons in the hands of anyone is thus a fundamentally bad idea.

Accordingly, and this is the position of our government, the idea that we should approve three or four nations having such weapons is a terrible idea. We do realize the argument can be made ratification is disapproving of most of the nations of Terra having nuclear weapons and this should outweigh the downside and in fact we are almost persuaded.

Another downside is the Security Council has to make changes. After selecting four nations to be allowed to have them at a point in time following which for a lengthy period three of the four could have been properly removed and any of three others added as more likely to maintain viable nuclear weapons, the Security Council did what? Nothing. Now belatedly as three of the four now look capable again, the Security Council looks responsible. As is said in our deserts, anyone who can ride a camel would have done better.

Another general problem is that we do not know whether any of the three nations which could have developed nuclear weapons did. We believe they all say no although one may have tried. Also, at the time of Resolution 97, were there nuclear weapons extant in other nations not approved for them by the Security Council in some state of repair or disrepair? We are aware that records and histories and legends of some nations other than those selected by Resolution 97 claim to have made and stored nuclear warheads. Did everyone comply with Resolution 97? Who knows?

The Ramsahreaza Conference did come up with a joint commission on disarmament composed of the three currently known nuclear powers. What we favor is this commission be taken over by the Security Council and empowered to safely and in an environmentally sound manner dispose of all nuclear weapons and to inspect all nations to insure this is done. That is where we are.

Defense Command Center
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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:49 pm




Ras El-Haram, June 13, 4881: After meeting with the Administrator of Majatran Pharmaceutical Network (MPN) and staff, the Board of Directors of Marakesh Digital and executives of Al’Fostat Dispensing in the Conference Center of the Dromedary Resort Hotel and Casino, Finance Minister Magdalena al-Jabbar and Health and Social Services Minister Yasser al- Mirza made the following announcement:

The Majatran Pharmaceutical Network is now operating in three Majatran nations and has contact with several pharmaceutical producers and distributors of other Majatran nations wishing to sell their products outside their own borders. Purchases and sales are permitted by Ministries of Health, pharmacy product manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors as well as individual pharmacies. The operation seems to be viable although certainly over time it is hoped to be more widespread.

The attacks on More Medicaments Manufactures (3M) has not gone unnoticed. At the meeting today it was agreed that Finance Minister Magdalena al-Jabbar will approach the Boros Family financial organization on behalf of Al’Fostat Dispensing and MPN to see if it would like to sell off any divisions of 3M for cash on the barrelhead. The divisions we have in mind are plaque psoriasis, thyroid, cholesterol, and high blood pressure together with or without the customer account. The offer will not include buying any 3M owned pharmacies.

Although it is felt the timing is right for such any offer, it is generally believed the Boros interests want to leave 3M as it is for as long as they can.
Last edited by Drax on Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:36 pm


Defense Minister Hakim al-Afdal on right


Defense Command Headquarters, June 18, 4881: Defense Minister Hakim al-Afdal met with the Chief of Defense Command and the Air Force Chief of Staff and their immediate staffs to discuss the future aircraft composition of the Air Force and what branch should operate the fixed site missile units formerly organized as Ahmadi Strategical Forces.

The decision for now on the former Ahmadi Strategical Forces is the silos will remain with the Air Force but anything mobile goes to the Army. Whether something might be more useful to the Navy than the Army will be determined later.

Currently the aircraft of the Air Force are distributed to air bases which are part of either Air Command Nashwa or Air Command Mu’Tassim. There are 100 NDN A-10’s from New Dawn Aerospace of Likatonia, 20 NDN A-10’s from New Dawn Nashwa (NDN) and 30 NDN F – 15’s from New Dawn Nashwa.

Of the 600 or so aircraft all told, the remainder are either several types of Trigunian fighters, trainers and transports or fighters produced in Jumhuriat al-Badara by Badaran Military Air (BMA). Trigunian Air Maintenance has been servicing the Trigunian aircraft for quite a while.

The Air Staff is expecting New Dawn Nashwa to produce an upgraded F- 15 and that has been the primary focus of their budget thinking although there is some thought that building something based on Trigunian Air might be better. The Defense Command staff has been more concerned with the aging of the fighter force.

The decision is that 100 new BMA Saeqeh fighters will be built by BMA to replace Trigunian fighters and Badaran fighters as they become unserviceable. Further an additional 30 NDN A-10 aircraft will be ordered from New Dawn Nashwa.

All helicopters for the time being will be either Army or Navy while development of the CH- 53E proceeds.

The BMA Saeqeh is a single seat jet fighter of high maneuverability with missile and radar capacity capable of close support. It has a maximum speed of 1700 km per hour and a range of 3000 km. It has two 20 mm cannon and 7 hardpoints for 7000 lbs. of missiles and bombs.

BMA Saeqeh ... l%27Badara ... hdz0ShGhyB
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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:44 pm


Chancellor Mustapha al'Makhtoum


Abu Yacub, November 6, 4881: There was a meeting today at the Offices of the Abadi Ayatollah of
Abu Yacub of the Chancellor and the Minister of Education and Culture and their staff with the
Ayatollah of Abu Yacub and his aides and the Grand Mufti of Dar as-Salam and an Israi delegation.

They discussed the ongoing ill feeling between the Israi and the Abadi. The underlying distrust and
rancor is ancient, based on religious authority differences and likely to remain irreconciliable absent
the appearance of a new prophet which is unlikely since both camps regard Ahmad as the Final

A shorter term difference is most Abadi believe the nation having a State Ahmadi Church is really
having an Israi church. The Office of the Chancellor had a suggestion all agreed to try.

The State Church will have a Head. This will be alternated every two years. The head will be
appointed by the Abadi Ayatollah of Abu Yacub for the first term and the Israi Grand Mufti of Dar
as-Salam would make the appointment for the second term. The seat of the Head of the State Church
will be the Mosque of Hibat Akim in Bab al’Mira where the Holy Meteorite Hibat Akim is housed,
an existing Abadi Mosque. The title will be Grand Iman of Bab al’Mira.

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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:46 pm


Finance Minister Magdalena al-Jabbar


Bier Qassem, Decmber 23, 4882: After a meeting in the Primary Conference Suite of the Central Bank Headquarters between representatives of the Boros Family financial empire, Majatran Pharmaceutical Network (MPN), Al’Fostat Dispensing, Marakesh Digital, Finance Minister Magdalena al-Jabbar and Health and Social Services Minister Yasser al- Mirza, a contractual arrangement was executed whereby The Boros Family financial organization has sold four divisions of More Medicaments Manufactures (3M) to Al’Fostat Dispensing and MPN.

The sale of the plaque psoriasis, thyroid, cholesterol, and high blood pressure divisions of 3M together with all applicable patents, stand alone production facilities, and customer accounts will transfer a significant portion of the overall business to the purchasers and produce a quite sizeable amount of cash on the barrelhead for the Boros Family.

It is estimated that the Boros Family will receive funds from this transaction which are quite sufficient to weather a number of rocky years or, in the alternative, funds enough to expand into another new area at least comparable to their oil interests or wealth enough to live out their lives in extreme luxury for maybe four or five generations without further investment.

How much actual money? Well, the drafting of the contract was overseen by Farrah al-Sharif, former Justice Minister, of Aziz, Al-Akim, Wallenstein, al-Sharif and Vasilevskii. Her specialties are incorporation by reference, obfuscating language and hiding in plain sight. While the contract is only 37 pages long including footnotes, the attachments are another 89 pages and many of the numbers used for calculating funds to be transferred are only listed in other documents incorporated by reference by the attachments. The loan documents were another 61 pages.

Financing has been provided by the Central Bank with funds appropriated to the Ministries of Health and Social Services and Trade and Industry, by Mu’Tassim Enterprises (investment banking firm owned by al-Qassem family) and by Qat Oil Services, Majatran Leasing Corporation and Majatran Refining Corporation (oil companies largely owned by the al-Sadr and Kerbogha families). All will receive preferred shares of either MPN or Al’Fostat Dispensing as appropriate to the particular loan.

The divisions of 3M making and selling prescription medicine for plaque psoriasis, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders and high cholesterol constitute a significant part of the Terra wide elderly prescription drug business.

Khalid al-Nayan, Administrator of MPN and a dedicated management team from Marakesh Digital, will be handling interface of MPN with 3M for taking over the existing stock of products, the servicing of existing accounts throughout Terra and the filling of existing orders by locating supplies and arranging delivery by mail, ship, air or rail as appropriate.

MPN and al’Fostat share ownership of the patents and production protocols and will be licensing production in Badara and throughout Majatra and sharing the licensing fees.

What about existing plants of 3M? If stand alone and not in a war zone likely they will continue. If in a war zone, professionals and skilled labor who want to move to other plants in Majatra or elsewhere may. Those plants not exclusively handling the four transferred divisions will cease work on those products and the work taken over elsewhere. Al’Fostat Dispensing will have ownership of 3M production property for divisions involved but in fact handling of relocation of personnel and production will be done by a transition team from the management and consulting firm Marakesh Digital.

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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:59 am


Defense Minister Hakim al-Afdal


Defense Command Headquarters, July 18, 4883: Defense Minister Hakim al-Afdal met with the Chief of Defense Command and the Army Chief of Staff and their immediate staffs to discuss the replacing troop transportation that was wearing out.

Despite persistent rumors in the Majlis, the Defense Minister stated that the Cabinet was not trying to force out all military contractors except South Ocean Shipyard, Majatran Fishing of Al’Baharia New Dawn Nashwa and Ground Forces Weaponry, Inc.:

In addition to Ground Forces Weaponry, Inc., Majatran Fishing of Al’Baharia, New Dawn Nashwa and South Ocean Shipyard which the government did much to launch, Badaran Military Air has long been providing fighters and helicopters while Military List has been providing military vehicles and artillery. Trigunian Air Maintenance has long kept our Trigunian air assets flying while Trigunian Vehicle Services has kept Trigunian ground assets serviceable. Our Trigunian destroyers are admittedly getting replacement parts from South Ocean Shipyard

Further, Udayl Gunnery, Ben Faisal Motors, Al’Fostat Specialty Steel, and Marakesh Digital have been indispensable subcontractors. Then there is Socialist Corps Air, Socialist Corps Small Arms and Socialist Corps Vehicles which may be three corporations or truth be told one sweat shop. Been around a long time in any event.

Immediate issue is armored personnel carriers are wearing out. While we will see what Ground Forces Weaponry might like to offer, in the interim we will purchase 30 ML Oshkosh M -AKV’s from Military List and 30 SCV Rashkh APC’s from Socialist Corps Vehicles. This will be sufficient to keep us mobile til somebody comes up with something really outstanding.

The ML Oshkosh M-AKV is a mine resistant all purpose all terrain vehicle that has same protection as heavier vehicles but with more mobility built by Military List, Inc. it has a 30 mm chain gun and topside armament of machine guns, grenade launcher and anti tank missiles.

The SCV Rakhsh is a light weight cross country armoured personnel carrier built by Socialist Corps Vehicles. It can carry eight soldiers and mount an antiaircraft gun, an autocannon or a machine gun. It can take a 7.62 mm gun hit and has bulletproof glass. It has a maximum speed of 80 km per hour.

Image ... ru2WEB81P1 ... Corps_Army ... l%27Badara
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Re: Badara

Postby Drax » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:16 am




Bier Qassem, August 3, 4884: After meeting a meeting of Internal Affairs Minister Bashir ben Hadad, and Science and Technology Minister Abdul Qahtani and their immediate staffs, to deal with killing fennec foxes for their fur which is highly prized by some Majatran people as well as with some capturing of them for sale as exotic pets.

It was determined the fennec fox would not be classified as an endangered species which it is not nor as a dangerous wild animal or as an exotic species. Any of these classifications would have prevented the killing for its fur or capturing for pets.

As to pets, under current law since the fennec fox is simply a wild animal not classified as dangerous, keeping it as a pet is legal. At least for the time being absent reports of abuse capturing them for pets will be permitted.

Current law also provides that the government may regulate the killing of animals and despite the claims that killing them for their fur is a part of our cultural heritage, the government will issue regulations forbidding this practice. Violators will be apprehended and prosecuted and disabling vehicles involved in the practice by helicopter gunships will be authorized.

The fennec fox is a small crepuscular fox native to our deserts that lives in families in burrows in the sand for habitation and protection. Burrows can be as large as 120 square meters and adjoin the burrows of other families. Predators include eagle-owls and jackals.

The fennec fox is the smallest canid. They have extremely large ears which are sensitive to sound and more important help to dissipate the heat of the desert. Its coat and kidney functions have also adapted to desert conditions of high heat and little water. They live mainly on insects, small mammals and birds.
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