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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby jamescfm » Mon May 01, 2017 8:38 pm

Речь Народа
Communists Embrace Vanguardism As Economy Worsens

First Secretary Lapukhova takes aim at the failing economic strategy in the State Council

Following a new branding as the 'Trigunian Communist Party', the former Movement for Worker's Emancipation have issued a rallying cry to supporters in which they urged workers to turn their back on the government. First Secretary Angela Lapukhova has been a leading member of the regular protests, marches and strikes taking place across the country against the economic policy of the coalition. Recent projections indicate that inflation could reach a fifty year peak as unemployment continues to rise. Despite contrary suggestions from economists like Katina Lesya Yurievna, the Communists have proposed a far-reaching programme of state ownership to combat rising levels of poverty.

Thus far, governmental response has been mixed. Though the Conservatives have attempted to roll back the frontiers of the state in economic matters, their measures have not been approved by their colleagues. Yet neither Finance Minister Artyom Vitsin nor Trade and Industry Minister Oleg Zubov, both of the Social Democratic Party, have presented measures to alleviate the conditions of the working class, further fuelling anger against the administration. According to Lapukhova, their inaction is costing lives.

In a major speech to the Communist Party Congress, Lapukhova also toughened her rhetoric on armed conflict. Previously, she had distanced herself from the most militant sections of her party but now, the First Secretary says, 'things have changed'. She went on to explain that violence is simply another method for achieving a socialist state and could be employed alongside democratic means. It was the clearest sign yet that the Communists has become emboldened in their fight to gain power, especially since their failure to make significant gains in last year's elections.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Mon May 01, 2017 11:11 pm

July 4204

Trigunia needs "solutions, not Metzism" says Dragunin

Trigunian Chief Minister Radoslav Dragunin has voiced his frustration at how his economic reform agenda has been stymied by his left-wing coalition partners, telling an interviewer that "what Trigunia needs in this time of economic struggle is real reform, real solutions, not more Metzism, more stagnation". He is hitting roadblocks in his plans to liberalise the economy. Although he has achieved modest legislative successes, such as with trade union reform, allowing private stock exchanges, it has become increasingly obvious that more far-reaching reforms are likely to be blocked.

He has also expressed deep reservation about recent incidents involving riotous anti-government political demonstrations, and is spearheading controversial new legislation to give the police more powers to deal with such situations. Civil liberties campaigners have argued the proposed legislation risks giving the authorities too much power to clamp down on dissenters.

Cuts to alternative energy subsidies "a step backwards", warns Alten boss

Yegor Naoumov, the Chief Executive of Alten (Corporation of Alternative Energy), has warned the government against cutting alternative energy subsidies in response to the recession - as is widely predicted will happen if the Chief Minister's budget proposal is passed. "Alternative energy is key to our future - not only to our future, but to our children's future, and their children's children's future," he said. "If we are serious about tackling global warming and moving away from dirty, non-renewable energy sources, then we have got to invest seriously in alternative energy". He also warned that "thousands of key jobs in the green energy industry" could be at risk if the cuts that are feared go through.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Wed May 03, 2017 10:56 pm

United Trigunia Political Leader on Economic Crisis and KDP
United Trigunian Political Leader discusses Economic Crisis and KDP.
10th July, 4205

As the world economic crisis continuously intensifying as various governments are either not willing to engage in discussion pertaining to the crisis or have no clear idea as to how to navigate throughout the hurricane of unemployment and financial instability, it remains clear to United Trigunia that now is the time to enforce conservative economic reforms into the Imperial Assembly. Political Leader of United Trigunia, Kurchin Semyonovich took to calling the economic situation in Trigunia "an economic crash and burn, which the government was never prepared for and never intended to be prepare for." In an interview with the Trigunian News Agency, Semyonovich took to blasting the monarchist Konstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaya Partia (Constitutional Democratic Party) for leading the nation into the economic mess it is in now.

Semyonovich's interview is as follows:-
(Parshina Mikhailovna, Interviewer): It is a pleasure to have this interview with you Mister Semyonovich, we know you are not a person of interviews and boisterousness. If we could start off the bat, by asking the question that is on everyone's mind:- How does this country navigate its way throughout the economic crisis.

(Kurchin Semyonovich, Interviewee): Well firstly, thank you. It is understandable that the nation sees no clear pathway for an exit from this economic crisis. When combined with increasing unemployment, decreased wages and increased taxation, it is not hard for the common citizen to not know where this country is headed with respect to this crisis. I believe that the reason for this is because there was no plan formed in event for a crisis such as this. This country is sitting on a bubble of inflation and downwards economic development, and the weight in which the economy has will pop this bubble.

P: You said that the reason for the effect of the economic crisis being so harsh on our economy is due to the non-existence of a plan aimed at avoiding a crisis such as this. Tell me, why do you think this plan was not formed earlier?

K: My political party could not have formed a proper legislation on this matter because it was derailed by independent upper house members each time for impeding on corporate rights since our strategy was to pool taxes from the corporations to form a stabilization account. Since this was not successful we move onto using Neftkomp as the main benefactor of the investment. We introduced Neftkomp into the Kazulian Economic Stabilization Fund, where from what i know it currently sits on a $100 Billion LOD account. However, it is not to say that a sufficient plan could not have been introduced by the Konstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaya Partia. Instead of ensuring the economic safety of the country, it focuses on forming a holistically monarchist state. It has introduced some of the worst and non-beneficial treaties and agreements I have ever seen. No New Trade Agreements between other nations. To reinforce the extent of their incompetence towards this country's economy, most if not all of the trade agreements made between this country and other nations were executed by my party and those who previously served under its ranks.

P: You spoke about Neftkomp's account, Do you think that this account went conserved into Rabols would be able to save this nation's economy?

K: No. It is simply not enough. We sit on a lonesome of debt to international bodies and various nations. Our oil and natural as based economy, so dependent on oil and natural gas prices has been on the decline since the introduction of the Konstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaya Partia into politics. Instead of streamlining the company which it the most beneficial and useful corporation entity to the state, that is Neftkomp, the KDP decided to streamline steel with Kirillovstal? Apart from that the KDP allowing companies such as the Power Generating Company of Trigunia (Generiruyushchayakomp), the Trigunian Atomic Energy Company (Atomenergtickomp), the Trigunian Space Research Corporation (Trikosmichkorp) and the Sambov Energy Corporation (Sambovenergetickorp) to die? These companies were backbone of this economy. It is moronic to see that the KDP replaced these influential companies with nonsensical corporations such as Trigatom - Trigunskaya Atomnaya Korporatsiya (Trigunian Atomic Corporation) and the Trigunian Imperial Space Agency and then wonders why did we get into this mess? Our companies were respected internationally from Neftkomp straight down to Trikosmichkorp, for their influential yield and their quality. The KDP was fortunate that they inherited such an influence nation. They were fortunate that this party pushed the people and the country in general into a direction of development and growth. The companies the KDP have introduced cannot fill the gap made by their predecessors. They never have and never will.

P: Do you have any final comments?

K: Yes, certainly. Under the premise of introducing a holistic monarchist state, the KDP has introduced the gradual demise of this country and its international influence. It is a lame dog party and the only way to deal with a lame dog, it is put it down, and i intend on doing so in the Imperial Assembly. With the guidance of true conservative government, this nation shall return to its former glory.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Thu May 04, 2017 5:23 pm

Duke Fyodor Nikitin, leader of the Kadet fraction in the State Duma and the Party's Chairman, has spoken to us in an interview and has replied to the accusations of Kurchin Semyonovich. An advocate of Kodonomics and liberalism, Nikitin has a lot of experience as a Duma deputy and Minister of Internal Affairs.
A[leksanra] D[avidova - reporter]: It is great to see you Your Grace.

F[yodor] N[ikitin]: Thank you.

AD: So firstly, not that long ago Mr Kurchin Semyonovich had claimed that the Kadets were the people behind this economic crisis. How do you reply?

FN: During our many terms in office, we have done both good and bad, like all parties, but to claim we are behind the unfortunate situation Trigunia is facing is like putting the blame on one criminal because it is easiest to put blame on him, yet he only did a minor offence. Yes, we did do many things that turned out to be not so beneficial to our nation's economy, but we did begin a new system of economic thinking that has led Trigunia to be one of the wealthiest nations on earth - that system is called state capitalism, otherwise known as a mixed economy. As you can see, socialist thinking in Trigunia works, as the state-owned and/or subsidised companies have had their exonomic ratings drop very little - look at Neftkomp and Kirillovstal - they remain strong forces on the international market. Meanwhile, private companies, like for example Molotriguniya or Alten, have had their worth substantially dropped. We have had negotiations with the Social Democrats and settled on the idea of introducing Kodonomics as the state's financial, monetary and economic policy until the markets stabilise and we are able to pay back our loans.

AD: So you are suggesting to run a deficit budget?

FN: Yes, of course. We might not even need to take out loans - we had run a surplus budget for a number of years and our Treasury is pretty full. We need to invest now to keep our economy afloat and think about what went wrong with the market after the crisis settles down, unlike some capitalist neoliberals want.

AD: Also, our newspaper has noticed that your party are voting agains the bill on the establishment of the Internal Security Directorate. Why is this?

FN: The lawmakers of the United Trigunia party need to clarify what they are intending to do with the current police forces - are they to be abolished after the bill passes or does this new organisation simply coordinate the efforts of the City and Provincial Police forces and the Okhrana and Gendarme Corps.

AD: And finally, are you planning on adjusting you party's policies to better suit the current situation?

FN: We consider that our party's policies fit the current situation better than ever before, so the answer is no.

AD: Thank you, this was Duke Fyodor Nikitin, Chairman of the Kadet Party and I have been Aleksandra Davidova, interviewer of the "Liberation" newspaper.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Fri May 05, 2017 8:45 pm

Government Service created to combat terrorism, counter-intelligence and organised crime operations.
Government Service created to combat terrorism, conduct counter-intelligence and anti-organised crime operations.
Internal Security Directorate settles in the old State Security Directorate building.
14th June, 4206

The Imperial Assembly has recently passed the "Internal Security Agency Act" which brought the creation of the Internal Security Directorate. According the contents of the legislation, the government agency's functions are to act in support of the actions/activities of the Police Service and other law enforcement agencies in the prevention, detection and solving of serious crime, protect/maintain the integrity of the nation's economic prosperity against threats from external forces and to safeguard the nation against acts of terrorism, espionage and sabotage from external forces and from activities which have been seen as a direct threat to the well-being of democracy within the nation.

According to the leadership of the Internal Security Directorate, the recruitment process of the agency would be the most rigorous recruitment process in the law enforcement and intelligence community of the Trigunian Empire, meaning that most likely recruitment will not be formed directly out of volunteer members from the Okhrana, instead it will be an independently conducted recruitment process in conjunction with assistance from the Internal Affairs Ministry for background information. Most likely the Internal Security Directorate will not perform field investigation activities, but they will be involved in fighting terrorism within the country, he added. It is not yet clear, however, whether these troops will be taking part in counter-terrorism operations abroad, according to the spokesman.

Already members of the Imperial Assembly have welcomed the formation of the Internal Security Directorate, specifically members of United Trigunia, the political party responsible for the creation of the Directorate. "I can only support the legislation, because it corresponds with the logic of reforming the judicial system in general and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in particular. This step, of course, is also a response to modern challenges and threats, primarily from the international terrorism," one United Trigunia spokesperson said. "The task of combating crime involves the use of specific tools, which are owned by Internal Security Directorate use this special knowledge and special tools to deal with the most dangerous criminal manifestations, such as terrorism, hostage taking, hijacking and riots. The forming of the Internal Security Directorate is a step toward strengthening the structure of the security forces of the nation and finding new solutions to these security problems,” another spokesperson said.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Fri May 05, 2017 11:32 pm

July 4206

Trigunian economy "recession-ready", says Dragunin

With only 8 months to go until the next election, Trigunian leader Radoslav Dragunin has told a party conference in Petrograd that "we have challenges ahead of us, but our economy is recession-ready, and we are going to come out at the other end of the tunnel".

He spoke at length about the recent budget boosting spending on infrastructure and education, which he said would "preserve our long-term economic security". He defended the decision to open up a 10 billion Rabol budget deficit, arguing "in a recession, you borrow the money and in better times you pay it back". He also defended the reduction in Sales Tax, saying "in order to revive our economy, we need to restore consumer confidence and encourage consumers to start spending again".

Dragunin spoke of other measures as well, such as the Immigration Reform Act, which he said would "safeguard Trigunian jobs", and the Economic Recovery Act, which he said would "go a long way to allowing us to get the state out of the economy and privatise enterprises the government should never have been involved with in the first place".

However, he pointed to his party's legislative failures as well, such as the defeat of the proposed Corporation Tax cut, abolition of salary caps and Overseas Investment Act. Nevertheless, he told his audience he was "confident about Trigunia's future" and urged the electorate to "give us a working majority in the next Duma, so we can push further with the reforms we need to make". "Metzism," he warned, "is a recipe for complete disaster and not a viable economic option at all".
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Aquinas » Sat May 06, 2017 12:00 pm

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun May 07, 2017 1:21 pm

Речь Народа
After the abolition of the Okhrana, a number of former Okhrana agents have mutinied - they have refused to surrender their weapons have the support of the Genadarmes, and both City and Provincial Police Forces and have even received support from a number of military units, including a number His Majesty's Leib-Guard Regiments. These forces have issued a proclamation calling on the Trigunian people to stand up to those who wish to limit their rights and leave them alone in the face of crime. The full text of the proclamation is below:
To the People of the Trigunian Empire,
We, the defenders of peace and freedom, hereby declare that the United Trigunia and Conservative Parties are aiming to squeeze the juices of liberty out of the souls of the Trigunian people that our predecessors have toiled so long to provide. Therefore, we have refused to obey the laws proposed by these parties, and the current government. We demand the Emperor once again breaches the constitution and removes the Conservative Party from the government and instead appoints a government shared by the Kadets and SDP. We call on all those people who stand for freedom and liberty join us in our demands, and the current level of civil rights Trigunian people enjoy is preserved.
The protectors of Trigunia

A number of military servicemen, including officers, have begun secretly attempting to join the mutineers. The commander of the Romanovsk Leib-Guard Regiment, Colonel Efremov has taken command of the mutiny and has begun dislocating different forces around Trigunia to secure vital strategic points. Minister of Internal Affairs, Count Kirill Borisov, is facing a difficult choice - suppress the mutiny or support it, since we can safely assume his true loyalties lie with the mutineers.
Colonel Efremov
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sun May 07, 2017 10:24 pm

United Trigunia Parliament Floor Leader blasts government for restrictive approach to economic crisis.
United Trigunian Parliamentary Floor Leader blasts government over not wanting to implement stabilization fund system.
Parliamentary Floor Leader and Political Leader of United Trigunia, Kurchin Semyonovich in the Imperial Assembly debating the Sokhrannost Investment Programme.
2nd July, 4207

With the international financial crisis worsening, the Trigunian Government has not implemented a core plan aimed at pulling the state out of the crisis and more importantly ensuring the economic stability of the state. As international oil and natural gas prices plummeting daily due to the inability and incapability of the various oil and natural gas nations to compromise on output and production, the United Trigunia Political Movement recently proposed to the Imperial Assembly two legislations aimed at guiding the government into increasing long-term investment into economically critical industries as well as establishing a government controlled investment programme aimed at accumulating finances necessary for the state to recover from the crisis.

However, these measure have been futile, as it is seen already that the major political movements of the Imperial Assembly are knocking down the legislations, specifically the economic guidance plan established by United Trigunia. Political Leader and Parliamentary Floor Leader of the party, Kurchin Semyonovich has come out once more to blast the government under what he calls "their unwillingness to compromise on the economic stand of the nation and to set aside political ideology in-light of a gradually deteriorating financial state."
The reason for the Prosvetleniye Plan was to implement measures in which the state could introduce the return of the strength of the economy. It is idiotic for political movement's such as the Communist Party to say "We cannot support tax evasion and privatisation," when one takes into consideration there is a major difference between tax avoidance (as proposed in the bill) and tax evasion. So to the benefit of the Communist Party and the various liberal movements, i will explain. As proposed in the legislation, the government would exempt taxation of small businesses for a two year period, meaning the government would not tax new small businesses for two years. This allows for the finances of these businesses to increase. With this exemption, small businesses can reduce the taxation which they would have to pay once the two year period is over by maximising the amount of tax deductions and credits possible. Tax evasion on the other hand is the purposeful practice of not abiding by taxation laws (which was not proposed or mentioned in the legislation). It was imperative for the government to implement these measures as a means of jump-starting efforts to repair the economy, however, from the opinions of those who voted against the legislation, it is clear that the repair of the economy is shrouded by political ideology.

When asked to comment of the Imperial Assembly's down-vote of the Sokhrannost Investment Programme, Kurchin Semyonovich stated that the government would allow for the economy to sink into a much deeper hole and when this country is lifted out of the crisis (which he says is an unforeseen happening), the government will have no strategy in which joint international and local investment and "rainy day" fund could be established for the nation, leaving it vulnerable to events such as those which plague the state and the general international community.
This government does not intend on ensuring the financial safety of the future generations. It is fixated on the mindset of "Do things now for now, and none for the future." That upon itself is confirmation of the government stupidity with respect to improving the financial state. You have economists shouting and pleading for the government to implement measures necessary for bailing the nation out and other nations, but all this government shows is an interest in itself and not in the interests of the citizenry and the general planet which it shares (however, i believe that the government also thinks that they don't share planet with other nations and person, it is entirely to them.) I will be establishing a Joint Select Committee in the Imperial Assembly to discuss these matters and i intend on weeding out confirms and ironing out the stupidity of this administration.

Semyonovich stated that he intends on carrying on the good fight with respect to the financial situation. He stated that once the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, he will not stop at pushing the government to implement the necessary financial measures which could lift the state out of its current situation.
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