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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:28 pm

The Republic Arms for War!
"It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country!"

Selucia has declared war on the Safot Shemit! Our liberty and culture can no longer be slandered and blackmailed by Semitic Fascism! Floods of immigrants, many of whom are of Celtic heritage, the original inhabitants of our neighbouring isle before it was flooded with Semitic settlers, are arriving in Selucia every day, fleeing the death camps of the Phalanxists! After reports of the basest atrocities, the burning of live children, forced conversions to Islam and institutionalised slavery, we have no choice but to invade and remove the cabal of extremists who seek world domination. Selucians, defend the Republic with your lives! Without our courage, the West and it's legacy of greatness will vanish forever!
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:54 pm

"The Proxy War Ends Now!", Vows New Tribune
Tribune of the People of Selucia, Consul of the Republic Decimus Tullius Fabianus - The new tribune has declared that the 'half-hearted' days of the PCP's administrations meagre war effort are over, and that the new 100% Triariist cabinet 'will conduct war with all the vigour and savagery as befits men of honour who seek glory on the battlefield.' Noted for his belief in Aresism, the school of Panthesism that holds that Mars, not Jupiter, rules Olympus. He has appealed to an electorate hungry for victory.

Tribune of the People of Selucia, Consul of the Republic Decimus Tullius Fabianus wrote:Selucians, my countrymen.
The glory of my ancestors and of the glory past inspires me to seek honour and glory for the Selucian nation. We fight a war against a nation who believe that their glory was written for them in stone by some sand God, but it is by great deeds, heroic acts and valour that men and nations gain glory. Our Republic is founded not on hollow concepts and words, but on the deeds achieved through unbending struggle against the unpious and the decadent, our liberty is glory made reality. I would not shrink back from this task were the armies of the Pan-Semites numbering into the hundreds of millions, nor if they had torn down all the Empires and armies of the world before turning to our island last. To do so would be unmanly and despicable in the eyes of the immortal Gods who rule men.

The PCP has not faced the challenge of war in the manner which befits Selucian manhood, but we of the Triarii shall not hold back our strength nor seek compromise until we have won victory. The Proxy war is over, the days of skirmishing and the time when Semitic missiles fall on our cities unanswered ends today.

"This Senate has no doubt about what needs to be done", New First Consul Defends Legislative programme
First Consul of the Senate Marius Severinus Fabianus Hieronymon - Bearing the name of one of the Founding Fathers, First Consul of the Senate Marius Hieronymon has launched an unapologetic defence of the reforms bring brought in the by new government, especially in relation to the strict immigration laws and reductions in civil liberties, and the overhaul of the budget.
I endorse this motion with all my heart, and would only be persuaded otherwise if the opposition could prove to me in all truth and honesty that the enemy are not actively working to promote internal dissent and terrorism in this nation, as our secret services has revealed beyond all doubt, or that this Pan-Semitic menace does not indeed seek, as it openly proclaims it does, to dominate the whole continent and from there the entire world! This struggle is a necessity and we must not allow ourselves to be lax. Now, some of you here may say, 'that we don't mind you rooting this people out, but treat them like gentlemen'. And while we do, I say if we did not treat them like gentlemen, I would not cry for them. Traitors and terrorists are not gentlemen, they don't deserve to be treated like gentlemen!

Selucia officially endorses Celtic Resistance Armies campaign against the Safot Shemit
The Defence Ministry has confirmed that the Selucian Secret Service has been in contact with the Celtic Resistance Army and is helping it recruit and arm itself in the refugee camps of Cildanian citizens who have fled Pan-Semitism.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby EdwardBishop » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:27 pm

The Selucian Catholic Church has been restored as the official state religion of Selucia, though in a show of mercy for their former oppressors, Triianism, those accused by the Imperial Court of treason against humanity were pardoned by the Imperitor, in the hopes that Selucian society might stabalize once again, and efforts can be made to focus on the new threat at hand: Overpopulation...

To that end, talks have been initalized with the Federation of Zardugal, whose colonial infrastructure is unique among Terra's Republican Governments, thus-far.

Selucian Estates, the largest private corporation in Selucia, announced that it will be offering approximately 250,000 new jobs domestically, and another approx. 25,000 jobs internationally...

In other news:
Negotations to end the now Cold war with Cildania are ongoing...
Royal Orange Party of Luthori (IA) - Holy Luthori Empire

Les Ultraroyalists d'Alduria

Ordo Illuminati Patricii - Republic & Empire of Selucia

National Royalist Navaron Aristocrats' Party - United Kingdom of Kruzil & Navaras
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri May 06, 2011 11:59 am

New government tackels budget deficit

The new Selucian government will tackel the enourmous budget deficit of around 200 billion (12,6% of the BIP.) SEN. In order to do that, the government announced today a package of measures to reduce the deficit over time:

1.) Hike the Sales Taxes for luxury goods by 2 % and for essential things by 1%
2.) Hike the income tax in the top rate by 3% in the middle rate by 2% and in lower rate by 1 %
3.)Introduce a new income tax bracket
4.)Cut in Social Services and Science and technology
5.)Cut in foreign aid
6.) Hike defence spending and introduce a fond for governmental use

Until 3120, the government wants cut the deficit to 150 billion in 2118 and to 100 billion in 2121 and finally in 2126 the government wants to be out of the debt.

Bernhard-Luis Jäger presents the plans for the budget

The Majatran Socialist People's Republic recognized

The government today announced the regnoization of the The Majatran Socialist People's Republic. The reason for this step was, that the government is against the laws brought forward by the Badaran government to restric civil rights. The Selucian government is afraid, that these laws will be used against the Socialists.
Nevertheless, the Selucian government is prepared to help in the peace talks and is for a fair, clear and simple referendum in Kayarutan abut the future of this part of Badara. But the Selucian governments warns also the Kafuristan government and the Badaran government not to anything which would cause further problems.
The Selucian government also express it's willigness to help the Socialist Party with money or other essentials.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Sat May 07, 2011 8:56 am

Support in the struggle of freedom

After yesterday's actions of the Badran government, a spokesman of the Selucian government announced, that form now on, the Selucian government will allow volunteer fighters to go into a fight for the Socialist in Badara. The Selucian government will only bring them there, and asks the Badran government of Kafuristan government not to attack or harm the transport ships, because they are sent without military support.
Until this morning, around 12.000 volunteers wanted to support the Socialist in their struggle for freedom.
These volunteers are given certain weapons.
Meanwhile, a group of Selucian companies and trade unions has sent few airplanes with water, food and ammunition to the fighters in Badara and Sardian. All supplies reached their targets.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Thu May 12, 2011 7:25 pm

Selucia related to the death of Maraja in Maliva?

In a press release, the ministry for foreign affairs has given it's condolences to the royal family of Malivia. "We are deeply sorry as a nation and we will give Malivia every support that is possible!" so the minister for foreign affairs.
But as yet, there are no evidence, that the terroist act in malivia is related with the International BBB, which few members were given refuge in Selucia.
But besides all condolences to Malivia, the foreign minister also critizised the Malivian government for attacking the civil rights.

Finances recover

"The gap isn't fully bridged, but we're on a good way!" so the finance minister of Selucia. The deficit is nearly halfed and the economic outlook looks pretty good. That's why a further shrinking of the debt might be possible.
The actual dificit is 130 billion but down from over 225 billion. The most money comes from tax rises and spending cuts. After all, the Finance Minister wants to present a debtless budget in 2026. This, so many observers, is only possible though futher spending cuts and tax rises. And, whether the government is prepared to do that remains to be seen.

The finance minister and his wife.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:56 pm

Second landslide in a row

Yesterdays election in Selucia brought the already guverning party the KLP again a historic landslide. The party lost 2 seats, but it is still a remarkable victory for the KLP. meanwhile the opposition is in tatters, because of their radical policies on religion and on the economy. The Citizens again decided them clearly on a more liberal aand moderate government. The governing head of state already has advised the opposition in his first speech with the new cabinet, that the opposition should let fall the radical policies, otherwise they would never get to power again. Then he went on to say, that the current shape of the opposition is worrying and that this is not good for a democracy.
The lead of the opposition defended his champaign, but as well he had to admit his and his party's defeat.
This election, for the first time since the beginning of the great virus, was held in all districts.

The figures:

KLP: Seats: 65 out of 100 (-2)
SCP: Seats: 35 out of 100 (+2)

Tournout: 73.13% (+2%)

Source: ... sid=302013
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:22 pm

Konservatives start their champaign

Today, the chairman of the Konservativ-Liberale-Partei (KLP)Hannes Liegerstädtt announced the start of the election champaign. "We will champaign on our achievements and on our plans for the future, especially on education and administration", so the chairman.
Meanwhile many local politicians of the KLP are not satiysfied with the local system of government and the plans for the future. The deputy leader of the East Shadar region said yesterday:" These plans will finally destroy the system of local government."
Many party members also critised the newly emerged party ,who suggested a joint cabinet between the thee parties in Selucia. "That will never work!", so many members. Mr Liegerstädt also commented the party as a "jok party".
The plans and election slogans of the KLP:

- Hike cooperation tax and for essential things
- Establish a constitutional court
- Transform local governments into Executive units, no legelslative devolution
- Further investments into education and defence
- renewal of the nuclear forces
- New restirctions on immigrants


- For a safer Selucia! Vote KLP!
- KLP, the clever solution!
- Never trust the catoholics!

( the new symbol of the party)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:50 pm

Konservatives are back!

The result:
KLP: 439 (+35 seats) 66,67%
Catholics: 211 (-35 seats) 33,27%
Oth.: 0,06%

New government majority: 228 seats

Hannes Liegerstädtt already announced that the head of state, Raimund Ostheim (KLP) will form a new cabinet as soon as possible. The cabinet may soon will include many new and fresh faces, but there will be some contunuity, so mr Liegerstädtt.
Mr Ostheim is expected to held a speech in the TV about this election.

(Mr Ostheim short after the election)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:44 pm

Modernisation of the nuclear forces

According to recent planes the nuclear forces of Malivia will be modernised in the next 15 years with 2 billion MCR per year. The defence secretary, Albert Reisbach, announced already the modernaisation of the biggest submarine called: Seluica, which can carry 25 interncontinal nuclear rockets with each having 9 warheads.
All 6 nuclear submarines will be modernised in 15 years time and so provide the nuclear deterrence on a new base.
All nuclear submarines' technique will be as well modernised including every part of the submarine and especially their radar.
Meanwhile the opposition critisesed the government for that decision, because of the long period of time and the unwillingness of the government to invest as well into a new base for the submarines. The defence secretary denied that the government doesn't want to invest into new bases, but "the government will concider carefully what is the least expensive option", so Mr Reisbach.

The "Selucia".

Defence secretary Albert Reisbach
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