
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:57 pm

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

Robert Franlow Leaves For Gaduridos

The beloved former chairman Robert Franlow has now left Cobura. Hounded by the radical Individualists and Liberals, Mr. Franlow has been repeatedly threatened in public, but has remained unfazed. Last week, however, Mr. Franlow's house was broken into and vandalized. Mr. Franlow no longer feels safe in Cobura, and worries for the safety of his family. Keeping this in mind, he has made the painful decision to leave Cobura, the country he loves so much, for Free Gaduridos, the residence of some of Mr. Franlow's relatives. We were able to speak to him as he was waiting in the airport:

It pains me deeply to do this. I would not do it if it were only my life at risk, of course, but it is my family I worry about. These Individualists, these radicals, they will stop at nothing to harm the People, and I, as the Voice of the People, am a prime target. They are disgusting, terrible human beings. I love Cobura. I love her dearly. The People will remember this, and I hope – someday – to be able to return to my homeland.

Truly a great man.

Hundreds Leave New People's Party

Anger is mounting over a lack of sympathy for Robert Franlow on the part of the new NPP Chairman Guy Bercier. The People are with Mr. Franlow, but Mr. Bercier is not. Since Mr. Franlow revived the People's Revolutionary National League under the NPP banner, the Party has felt a strong allegiance to the great man. Mr. Bercier, however, advocates a "moving on." He does not believe that the NPP ought to be "stuck in the past," and that it ought to abandon "totalitarianism." Many of the People fail to see what about the New People's Party is "totalitarian," and a movement has began to leave the Party in protest. So far, roughly 300 individuals have abandoned their Party, most joining a new Tokundi local party that advocates secession and a return to PRNL values. Mr. Bercier was unavailable for comment.

New People's Party Outraged Over Witch-hunt

Mr. Enda Cosgrave* of the Social Congress has been leading a crusade to stop the just actions of Defense Minister Casper Clark. He has falsely claimed that arrests were made under the new "Save Cobura, Save Terra" program. We at the NRB investigated this, and found no evidence whatsoever of any arrests. We further note that the Ministry of Defense lacks power of arrest, and that, in fact, the only place these arrests could possibly have occurred is the mind of Mr. Cosgrave himself. We are dismayed by the actions of the Social Congress, and demand that proof of the arrests be furnished before Mr. Clark is further persecuted. This is not an unreasonable request, and it is one that the People surely support.

*(OOC: whoops)
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:48 pm

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

NPP Chairman Guy Bercier Shot

In a shocking move, the NPP Chairman Guy Bercier was shot dead today while giving a speech on immigration. The shooter, Alex Reynolds, is in police custody. He belonged to the Tokundi Rebirth Party, a local party that split with the New People's Party last year. It is unclear whether the TRP endorses Mr. Reynolds' actions. We can only guess at the man's true motivations, with some saying that he is a tool of the Pan-Majatranists, others claiming that he is an Individualist, and he himself claiming to have shot Bercier out of anger that nothing was being done to protect former Chairman Robert Franlow.

It is a sad day for the People.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Location: Western Meria

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:04 am

Coburan Daily News

Prime Minister Lazareva shocked by assasination of Guy Bierce

Prime Minister Helena Lazareva (PfI) showed saddened by the death of NPP-leader Bierce. According to her statement, this act shows how deeply the New Peoples Party was divided by former chairman Robert Franlow. She gave her condolences to his family and wishes her coalition partner the best to finally consolidate after this turbulent years
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:35 am

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

New People's Party Disbands

In the aftermath of Robert Franlow's exile and Guy Bercier's death, there was no clear leader of the New People's Party. A Party Primary was held in Tokundburgh in September, but with no clear result. Eric Rivers, the current Coburan Minister of Foreign Affairs, was tied for the position of Party Chairman with Jerry Rhodes, a leader of the PRNL-inspired Traditionalist faction. After several months of contentious fighting, but with no movement in favor of either candidate, a General Council of the People was called. To the surprise of many, a motion to disband the NPP was carried 57-43. We at the NRB are, sadly, not so shocked: the New People's Party was racked with internal tensions and fighting since the first Individualist accusations were leveled, and the Party has slowly seen a decay of structure and activity. Nevertheless, we are deeply saddened by the demise of the Party which, more than any other, carried the True Wishes of the People.

We were able to reach Eric Rivers, who provided us with this comment:

It is a sad day for the People, not only of Cobura, but of Terra. The New People's Party was a symbol of hope, freedom, and justice for all of those who wished for the Great New Society. The legacy of the New People's Party, and of the People's Revolutionary National League of old, will continue to reverberate in Cobura. The Individualists, Liberals, and Pan-Majatranists have not yet won, though they have struck a great blow to the People. I urge supporters of the New People's Party to join the new Tokundi Reform Party, which will surely carry Tokundi into its own Great New Society.

Many of the People have taken up Mr. Rivers' suggestion and joined the TRP. Others, unnerved by the TRP's ties to secession movements and the assassination of Guy Bercier, have joined the Conservative Capitalist Party or the newly founded People's Party.

We here at the Nova Roma Bulletin are sad to see the death of the great Party, and wonder whether the People's hopes and dreams can be carried on in its absence. The Individualists have indeed struck a terrible blow to Cobura.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Location: Western Meria

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:46 am

Coburan Daily News

Svindal on NPP disbanding

The political system in Cobura has changed with the disbandment of the New Peoples Party. PfI-chairman Alexander Svindal said that, though all the problems of the last years, he is saddened by the NPP vanishing.

Although we had our problems with the NPP, they only were caused by Mr Franlow. Most of the NPP members were fair and respectful people, which i as PfI-chairman loved working together in government. I hope some of them will finde a new political home and be back some day!

After the disbanding also the majority in the National Assembly changed. Prime Minister Helena Lazareva now chairs a minority government of CCP and PfI, which will probably stay in office, as the next elections are to come only in a few months. This elections will be exciting to see where the former NPP-voters will go.

PfI getting ready for 3228 elections

Also the Party for Individualism has announced their political team for the elections in July. Chairman Alexander Svindal will once again, for the fourth time candidate as President. He was facing a inner-party fight with former Deputy Prime Minister and current Internal Affairs Minister Kim Debkowski and defeated her with 53% - 47% of the party votes.
Nevertheless romours are going round that he in return offered his office as party leader to Debkowski, when not winning the election for President.
In the National Assembly elections current Prime Minister Helena Lazareva will also again be the PfI-frontunner. She was not challenged by another candidate.
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:12 am

Where News is True

Minister of Foreign Affairs Eric Rivers pledges support of the Union of Davostan

In the face of recent disputes over the legitimacy of the new Davostani government, Coburan Minister of Foreign Affairs Eric Rivers (TRP) has reaffirmed his commitment to the Union of Davostan.

We supported the Freedom Party when they first took over Davostan, and we support the Union now. The aggression of the Pan-Majatranist Selucians shall not go unnoticed. We caution them: Cobura is committed to the Davostani Union. Do not continue your threats.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Location: Western Meria

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:40 pm

Coburan Daily News

Election Results 3228

In the 3228-election the Conservative Capitalist Party could make it to largest party, gaining 37% of seats, which means an increase of more than 16% compared to 3224. With 248 seats CCP now is largest party in the National Assembly.


In the elections for President, Mary Hide from the Social Congress, who also got an endorsment from Labour Party, was successful. She defeated Eddard Stark (CCP) in second round with 55%, who was endorsed by the PfI in second round. The PfI-candidate Alexander Svindal once again missed making it into the next round, reaching third place only.

CCP-PfI Coalition to continue

Only three months after election, the coalition partners arranged on continuing their work together. A new CCP-PfI cabinet under the Prime Ministership of PfI-Frontrunner Helena Lazareva was already elected by the National Assembly. The coalition holds a majority of 56,8%.
However Prime Minister Lazareva had to face harsh criticism by the Social Congress. SC spokesperson O'Higgins said in the assembly:
"I must say I've had quite enough of the PfI's leader Ms. Lazereva being bought off with the PM's office even though they are the smaller coalition party.

Lazareva fought back in an emotional speech, before her re-election as Head of Government finally took place:

CCP and PfI were in coalition before this election. The people voted for this coalition, i do not feel, that we betray our voters in continuing the cooperation we were going into the election with. We never claimed different and the leadership of the Party for Individualism is glad to see the great election success now.
It is not about the Prime Minister job, why we like to work with our coalition partner, but it is the deep will to really change something in Cobura. Economically, lowering taxes etc. We do have a political agenda!
The Party for Individualism has had a lot of experience in the past with being Head of Government and we wish to contribute our experience to the Coburan people. We want to serve Cobura and we want to give our best. That ist why we wish to be in Prime Minister's office, not because we need to have the power or such.
And believe me, the CCP has the power in this cabinet, which they deserve. As you said: It is about political ideology and not only about cabinet positions, where this will be shown. We respect our partner the highest and will follow his lead on many important terms in the coming years og government"

New PfI-leadership?

Although making it into government again, Alexander Svindal seems to be close to losing his office as PfI-chairman. Romours before elections, that he will have to leave when not becoming President seem to come true. Insiders tell, that Internal Affairs Minister Debkowski and Defense Minister Lena are planning to take over the leadership of the party. Stay tuned!
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:05 pm

New PfI-leadership

As it was expected since last years election, PfI chairman Alexander Svindal, who re-founded his party in 3216 finally has stepped down as chairman of the Party for Individualism on the party conference. In his statement he said, that he is glad having reestablished the Party for Individualism as an important figure in Coburan politics and he wishes the new party leader only the best to further consolidate this position in the future.

I want to thank all my friends here, who fought with me for a better Cobura. My 4 years as Coburan President were amazing, although they were much too short. Nevertheless i am proud looking back on my 13 years as party leader. To the new leaders i wish nothing but the best. Keep our party up!
Thank you, my friends

Following his speech a new leadership was elected. Prime Minister Lazareva, Defense Minister Lena Wais and Internal Affairs Minister Kim Debkowski, party-intern called, the "girl-group", was about to take over. Lazareva, who is unsure to stand another term as PfI-election-frontrunner rejected becoming leader. Surpringsly also Defense Minister Lena Wais announced not to stand for party-leadership:

"I will not run for this office, as i am sure Kim Debkowski is the best woman for this job. She has experience and the will to lead this party, more than i do. I call all of you to vote for Kim"

In the Vote Kim Debkowski then received 93,6% of the delegates to the conference and by this is new PfI-leader. Insiders tell, that in return for not standing as chairwoman, Wais will be nominated as new Prime Minister candidate, when Lazareva steps down. However decisions upon this, will be done near the next elections in 3232.
Kim Debkowski stressed in her victory speech the will to keep strengthening the Party as a needed party of Coburan Politics.

It shall, no it must be our aim, that politics in Cobura can only be done with the Party for Individualism. We are willing to lead this country, to make it a better place. We will work together with all parties in the assembly to achieve the best for Cobura!
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Hugh Green » Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:09 pm

The Dilganato Examiner

Leadership Race Begins for Social Congress!

The Social Congress Assembly Group met today along with the Five State Organising Committees of the Social Congress. The "Pre-Congressional Conclave on Political Representation," (PCCPR) which happens a year after each election, was tasked with working out a program of platform motions for discussion at the 189th National Social Congress, as well as collecting and publishing the nominations for Assembly Leader (Vice-President for Political Representation), a position to be elected at the Congress.

Incumbent VPPR Enda Cosgrave was not re-nominated, and it is reported that he in fact rejected a nomination. Despite having brought the Social Congress majorly back into national politics and having gained seats in the National Assembly at every election (Although only gaining 1 seat at the last such election), Cosgrave told the group that he was "out of time" as Assemby Leader. Here's what he said after the Conclave ended and its results were published:

"I have not put myself forward for re-election as Vice-President for Poltical Representation of the Social Congress. Having served four years as Prime Minister, nothing would make me happier than to lead the Social Congress back into government and to hold the role again. However, I made a promise 5 years ago that we would return to government, and we have not done so. I was unable to fulfill that promise. It is now up to the millions of members of Congress to decide who they would like to see elected leader. I feel that, in four years time, I would be "old news" in the world of Coburan politics.

An astonishing six people were nominated - though courtesy of the rules of the Conclave, it is not known who nominated them or how much support was shown.

Frances O'Higgins (Domale) - Cosgrave's current Deputy and thought to be his preference. Finance Spokesperson in the National Assembly.

Simon Fitzgerald (Dilganato) - Young Internal Affairs Spokesperson and former Junior Defence Minister. Heartthrob of the mainstream of the movement.

Ruairi Burke (Egato) - Food & Agriculture Spokesperson and former Minister. An elder statesman of the party for whom this is thought to be the last hurrah.

Kathleen Walsh (Dilganato) - Former Health Minister and now Justice spokesperson. Very popular with those who are socially liberal.

Eamon Johnson (Egato) - Former Premier of Egato <3224 - 3228>, resigned as Leader of the State Assembly there following the collapse in the Social Congress vote at the last election. Seen as unlikely to win but may regain his popularity in his home state.

Patrick Norton - Premier of Dilganato <3220 - Present>, Commanding figure in the Dilganato Social Congress and seen as leader of the moderate wing of the movement. His lack of experience in National politics may go against him.

May the games begin!
Active Party: FinEgaDef Kaj (FinEquaDef Platform), Republic of Cobura

Inactive Parties:
Front Rawlsienne, Lourenne
Social Congress, Republic of Cobura
Hugh Green
Posts: 186
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Hugh Green » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:56 am

News from 189th National Social Congress - Vice-Presidential Election Results!

Almost 3 million eligible voters posted their votes to the Domale Convention Centre here in Caesarea, Domale. The votes would determine who shall be the next Vice-President for Political Representation and Assembly Leader. The winner will also be their candidate for Prime Minister at the next election.

1st Count

Simon Fitzgerald (Internal Affairs Spokesman, Dilganato) - 492'552 - 18.3%
Ruairi Burke (Agriculture Spokesman, Egato) - 484'482 - 18.0%
Frances O'Higgins (Deputy Leader, Finance Spokeswoman, Domale) - 468'066 - 17.4%
Patrick Norton (Premier of Dilganato, Dilganato) - 467'001 - 17.3%
Eamon Johnson (Former Premier of Egato, Egato) - 410'343 - 15.2%
Kathleen Walsh (Justice Spokeswoman, Dilganato) - 374'255 - 13.9%

2nd Count

Ruairi Burke - 22.1%
Simon Fitzgerald - 21.3%
Patrick Norton - 20.4%
Frances O'Higgins - 20.4%
Eamon Johnson - 15.7%

3rd Count
Frances O'Higgins - 28.6%
Ruairi Burke - 25.1%
Patrick Norton - 23.4%
Simon Fitzgerald - 22.9%

4th Count
Frances O'Higgins - 39.0%
Ruairi Burke - 31.1%
Patrick Nortion - 29.9%

Final Count
Ruairi Burke - 1'348'849 - 50.02%
Frances O'Higgins - 1'348'851 - 49.98%

Victory for Burke! Some people would've put him as low as fifth in this contest, but he's won it in the end, and by just 998 votes!! What a feat for this political veteran!

Here were his comments to the press following his acceptance speech:
"I have shown the critics today. The Social Congress have shown the critics! Yes, I hail from Egato, where the Social Congress isn't as popular as elsewhere. But I have shown today that this is an organisation built on values, not localism or tribalism. I am glad of the chance to lead the Social Congress onwards! Onwards, onwards, and into government!"
Last edited by Hugh Green on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Active Party: FinEgaDef Kaj (FinEquaDef Platform), Republic of Cobura

Inactive Parties:
Front Rawlsienne, Lourenne
Social Congress, Republic of Cobura
Hugh Green
Posts: 186
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:08 am


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