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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Calistus » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:57 pm

Dundorf Echoes Cries for Rivet's Arrest
September 3517

As reports of the alleged espionage activities of one Mona Rivet, IHRM spokesperson, have resulted in a call for her arrest, so too must Dundorf echo such cries. The Ministry of Justice has put out a warrant for the arrest of Mona Rivet and all IHRM members currently in Dundorf, on counts of espionage and high treason.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lars Hildebrand, stated: "It is of greatest importance that the IHRM is brought down; they are nothing but Zardic spies! The IHRM will NOT count on Dundorfian assistance regarding the Deltarian slave-trade, as they are not a trustworthy organization and, most importantly, Deltarian slaves are not our problem!"

Federal Police have announced the arrest of some two dozen IHRM members in Dundorf, in spectacular raids on the homes of those individuals. They are currently detained and awaiting trial on the aforementioned charges of espionage and high treason; crimes which may warrant the death penalty when the new bill comes into effect.

The hotel room that accommodated Mona Rivet has also been thoroughly searched by the Federal Police; no official statement has been made yet as to the results of the search.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:40 am

Protests in Dundorf

Dundorf is experiencing multiple protests that are part of one large movement to force Reichskanzler Ruprecht Alphonsus I to step down from office. Mr. Alphonsus has angered much of Dundorf with his slow policies which have done nothing but slow down the economic growth of Dundorf. Farmers are protesting against him because he refused to subsides their operation costs. The poor are protesting against the high tax rates, and high costs of living. While the unions are protesting for their rights which have not been expanded since Ruprecht came into office. Prince Alexander Stanfelj is leading a national television campaign to gather support to remove him from office, while his father has ordered for Alphonsus's paycheck to be held until he steps down from office.

Officers trying to maintain order during this time of turmoil.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Calistus » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:21 am

Alphonsus to Step Down, KNP to Select New Leadership
February, 3524

In a nation-wide broadcast, Reichskanzler Alphonsus responded to the wave of protests sprouting through the country by declaring that he will be stepping down; both as Reichskanzler and as leader of the Imperial National Party. The aging politician has also dismissed allegations of failing health. He will be retiring to his family estate in Karlsborn, to spend the remainder of his life with his family and friends. This announcement has caused a stir in the leadership of the KNP. In alignment with Alphonsus' wishes, the party will be led by an interim council until the next party convention next month.

In a private ceremony, Alphonsus was given a mass salute by the body of both the KNP and the Wolf's Guard, along with the playing of the KNP's Anthem**.

*Members of the Wolf's Guard at attention during Alphonsus' retirement ceremony*

**="Wenn Alle Untreu Werden", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofbzOEtlsXE
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:42 pm

Who will be the next Reichskanzler?

As Ruprecht Alphonsus steps down from the political scene many are left wondering, "who will dare take on this position and change Dundorf?". In an interview last week Minority leader, Valentino Duhr, said,
The KNP must make a wise decision on the person they pick to fill Alphonsus place. If they choose a person that will offer little change then we will see the same protests happen again very soon.

The Minority leader also gave praise to one man who could possibly hold the position better than anyone in Dundorf, Foreign Minister Lars Hildebrand.
Lars has stayed in the neutral zone in Dundorfian politics during some tense times when party politics really played a role. He is perfect to lead our nation out of these dark times. Although I am against his current "hands-off" approach to foreign politics, I think I can look past that and support him on winning his party's bid for the position.

It is now all left for the KNP to choose next month who will be the next Reichskanzler. They must pick someone that will stop the protests, restore order, and rebuild the party's image as a party of the people. This is a lot of hard work for one person to do.

Valentino Duhr at a press conffrence inside the parlement building, telling the press that he will support Lars Hildebrand for Reichskanzler
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:05 am

Dundorf sees a gleam of light in the wake of darkness

Today Dundorf welcomed in another Reichskanzler into office after Mr. Alphonsus was forced to step down from office two months ago. With a high approval rating, Reichskanzler Lars Hildebrand has been enjoying the sudden surge in publicity as a national celebrity. Mr. Hildebrand was one of Dundorf's best foreign ministers in history. He set foreign policy that was unwavering to anyone, even the Kaiser could not change it.

The new Reichskanzler was invited to lunch at the royal palace where the kaiser and him talked about the future of Dundorf. There is still no word yet on what was exactly planned for the future, but both men seemed happy after the lunch so we assume only good things.

After the lunch Kaiser Stanfelj sat down in his office for an interview by us.

How does it feel to be the hereditary Kaiser of Dundorf now?
It is much different than just being elected by the people of nation each term. I think the one thing that got me to run the first time was the knowledge of if I messed up I can just step down for the next person to take over and fix it, now I cannot do that. I am sworn to my nation to make sure that all my people are happy and prosperous.

What are your thoughts on Mr. Alphonsus?
Mr. Alphonsus was a terrible man who did nothing for this nation. I am ashamed to have allowed him to enter my home as a welcomed guest. His days were numbering him as the people of Dundorf prepared to march for their rights. There has never been someone in Dundorfian history that has been hated on as much as him.

Do you think Reichskanzler Lars Hildebrand will restore Dundorf to her former glory?
I will not say he cannot do it, but i'm sure in hell saying it is one hard nut to crack. Dundorf is a special nation that cannot be changed in a simple snap of the fingers, it takes time for it to happen. If Lars does bring Dundorf back, than I personally will salute the man.

What are your current views on the current treaty being voted on in the Reichstag?
Firstly I would like to say this. I do support the nations listed as "Rebel States", but however I do not think Dundorf should be getting involved in another nation's affairs when our own internal affairs has been left unchecked. Secondly, I was not contacted by the new foreign minister about this new route in foreign policy that we are taking.

Thanks for your time, but we only have one more question to ask you. Do you think you will be stepping down from the crown any time soon?
My son has the potential to be the next Kaiser of Dundorf, but first I must see him pull my old party out of these dark ages and become the greatest party again. I have seen a lot in my day and have climbed the political ladder pretty fast to get to where I am today, but my time is still not here to step down from this great crown. I still wish to make my house the royal house of Dundorf.

Kaiser Lukas Stanfelj during the interview.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Noose » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:48 pm

Der Globus: Imperial Party announces itself.

April 3524 - In a conference given to members of the press Count Sigismund Dagmar von Rommel, Chairman of the Council of the newly founded Imperial Party announced the formation of the Imperial Party. The Imperial Party was founded by a coalition of former Dundorfian royals who wish to see the Dundorfian Reich restored underneath a constitutional electoral monarchy. Count Sigismund Dagmar announced that the party would seek to form coalitions with the wiling political parties in Dundorf but would not compromise on the constitutional electoral monarchy issue. Shortly after Count Sigismund Dagmar gave his speech the deputy chairman of the party the powerful and well known Elector Dieter Augustus Maria von Hohenstauffen stated that he would be dedicating a large portion of his personal wealth to the project in the hope that the restoration is successful. In a similar move the financial director of the party, Count Fredrick Augustus I von Wittelsbach and his son Fredrick Augustus II von Wittelsbach announced they would be donating a large portion of their personal wealth to see the party takes off.

Traditionally politics in Dundorf have been divided between Fascist, National Socialist, Socialist and Communist with the moderate Conservative, Monarchist rarely been attended to. Founding members of the party are hopeful that the restoration of a constitutional monarch that is elected will give people restored faith in a monarchy and having a symbol of unification within the nation. Among the ranks of the party are a myriad of nobles who count themselves as un-represented, including the current Grand Master of the Order of Dundorfian Knights Lothar IV. Other nobles include various Freiherr's and the like.
Last edited by Noose on Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Noose » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:24 pm

Der Globus: New Electors Council created.

October 3526 - At a press conference today at the Palace of the Hohenstauffen family, Dieter Augustus Maria von Hohenstauffen, one of the five new Elector Princes of the Empire (known as Reichsfürst in Dundorfian) announced the formation of the new Imperial Electors Council. Historically the Imperial Electors Council (Kurfürsten Rat) was responsible for selecting the Dundorfian monarch and would fulfill that same role at first. Prince von Hohenstauffen stated that the council would be responsible for selecting the first monarch of the re-established monarchy but then after that a house of the Reichstag would be established to elect future monarchs in Dundorf.

When the Prince was asked about popular participation in the monarchy he stated that it was the nobles who elected the monarch but the monarch who served the people. This form of constitutional monarchy in Dundorf is unusual as most monarchs in Dundorfian history have ruled absolutely. The establishment of the Imperial Electors Council is the first Imperial institution to be established and is it suspected that more are to follow, as the Prince also announced that formation of a committee to re-establish numerous monarchist holding throughout the nation and reform the system of nobility within the nation to a more "Dundorfian system".
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:32 am

Dundorf celebrates another year of Lukas's reign

December 3526 - Dundorf is experiencing a nationwide celebration of the reign of Kaiser Lukas Stanfelj. Lukas Stanfelj started his assent into national political power when the party first started in August 3491. At that time Lukas was the second in command to the party's leader, Erwin Raithel. Lukas worked hard proposing and debating new bills that changed Dundorf into a new age of happiness. Shortly afterwards he became leader of the legislature under then Kaiser, Erwin Raithel. Then in the wonderful month of August in 3509 he became the third monarch of Dundorf in the modern day, and the longest serving one. Kaiser Lukas has had three Reichskanzlers under him during his years. On December 3518 his family was elected by the legislature to be the hereditary family of the crown of Dundorf.

Dundorfian troops marching to celebrate Kaiser Stanfelj.

Dundorfian army pledging their support for the crown.

The Kaiser traveling through downtown Dunburg.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:23 pm

Dundorfian troops arrive early

Troops from the First Infantry Division has just arrived in the newly claimed territory of Washebar. The troops were sent by Kaiser Stanfelj as a show of Dundorfian force in the new territory. It is still unclear how many troops were sent to secure the lands. In a statement sent from the Palace the Kaiser has said that this "is not a military move, only a show of our power. The troops that have been sent by my own order will be laying the groundwork for our companies to come in and revitalize the poor state."

News medias and reporters are awaiting to get the green light to go into the new Dundorfian territory.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:48 pm

Dundorfian people angry at slave trade

As Dundorf gains a new territory, the sight of what goes on across the border is ungodly. With reports of more than 20% of the population being in slavery, and many more in extreme poverty. Millions of dollars are being used to fund this barbaric act against humanity. The Army of Dundorf has set up medical areas and food tents to help the lucky ones that are in Washebar. As of January 3535 slavery has been abolished from the territory of Washebar. As this news ran across the territory, thousands of ex-slaves turned against their old masters and gave praise to the Kaiser of Dundorf. But now they are calling for the Kaiser to help their brothers and sisters in the rest of the country escape this nightmare.

Crown Prince Alexander Stanfelj is due to arrive in Washebar in the next week. He will be doing the job of his father by leading the army's efforts of restoring a humane land for the people to live on, coordinating the construction of 3 new naval bases and 2 new naval shipyards, focusing on building a functioning local government. There has been talk that the CSP may be given the right to govern the land under the crown's permission. With the passing of the treaty of Wahebar a large amount of Dundorfian companies have been buying large amounts of land for factories and stores. In a royal decree the Kaiser is allowing for the next five years that any company that comes into Washebar to set up shop will not have to pay taxes. The Kaiser is not only trowing a bone to big buisnesses he is also giving the people of Washebar a break, with many of them only having to pay a tax of 10%. This is much lower than in Dundorf.
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