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Re: Dranish News

Postby leuer » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:39 am

PDM reaction to GNP
August 3273


Iglesia Mayor, Dranland - Laura Castaneda reacted to expression of GNP: "The current cabinet leads this country into immorality and no principles and traditions of our past sends into the world of dirt and intolerance. Not us, but your party is intolerant and mocks this country. Your attacks and mockery suggest that you lose power. You are famously using populism, you're doing well, so now you have so many voters. But nothing is forever. People will wake up from a dream that you are playing them." Mrs. Cataneda also refused to react to Mrs. LeCoultre, a person who know to lie to people face to face.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:32 pm

Prime Minister Gutierrez: "I'm Confident too Keep Majority"
October 3723
Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez (GNP)
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Prime Minister and GNP Chairman Gerardo Gutierrez has today at a press conference outlined the campaign strategy for his re-election bid for the elections of 3274. "We will focus on individual liberty. We will point out that it was the GNP who drafted the initiatives to get rid of outdated restrictions which our opponents call 'values'. As libertarians, we don't care if someone is heterosexual, gay, lesbian, black, white or whatever. We believe people should be individuals and not subordinated to religious dogmas. Everyone shall be entitled to follow his own path to satisfaction. The progressive civil liberties and the free market we have introduced will help with that." Gutierrez also talked about his predictions for the results of the upcoming elections: "Not to sound arrogant, but I assume we will keep the majority. I'm really confident in this respect. We've done a good job, and the people seem to appreciate it. However, if we lose the absolute majority, I will resign. It is my explicit aim to stay above 50%." The Prime Minister was also asked to comment at the other political contenders. For his coalition partner, the PGR, he found warm words: "I appreciate the cooperation betwenn the GNP and our friends at the PGR. Me and Deputy PM Prichard have worked together very well", he praised his ally. With regards to the PDM, which has heavily attacked his government, he declined to make a clear statement. "I will not comment on the opposition one year before the elections. Attacking the PDM is not my primary job. I can only say that I respect Mrs. Castaneda as a person, but we have very different political ideas."

Kaltenberg Blasts PDM for Insulting LeCoultre
Minister for Internal Affairs Hans Kaltenberg (GNP)
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While Prime Minister Gutierrez refrained from attacking the opposition, Minister for Internal Affairs Hans Kaltenberg, who is also his party's main campaign strategist, meanwhile blasted the PDM and its leader Laura Castaneda and found harsh words for their recent retort to Speaker Larissa LeCoultre's comments. "I know why Laura Castaneda is so furious about Larissa LeCoultre", he said. "Because it was her who turned the PDM into a piece of dust in the elections of 3246 and ended its ineffective reign. Moreover, I can only say that Mrs. Castaneda is out of touch with reality when she calls the greatest former Prime Minister we ever had a liar. Especially the PDM should be grateful of Mrs. LeCoultre, because she brought back the monarchy, which was the PDM's deepest wish. But once again, I can understand the envy of the reactionaries, because our party has prevailed in all subsequent elections. The PDM thinks the voters are too dumb to understand our policies, which they call 'populism'. I tell you: They are too smart for your authoritarian, ultra-religious and retrogressive morality-mongering which are a disgrace to our country", he ranted. "I predict the PDM that they will fail again", Kaltenberg concluded.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Brydog » Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:07 am

Party Members Speak Out Against Attacks on Parties
December 3273

Today, members of PGR came out against the recent name calling by both sides. One member stated that the news is being filled by "name calling and insults." Taliesin Prichard made a speech today calling for a stop to the attacks and focus on the issues, saying "it isn't a playground at school, we are adult." On the issues of the upcoming elections, he stated he sees good numbers and that the people will decide what they want in their government, even stating that if a PDM majority occurs, he still will approve the results.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:15 pm

GNP Veterans Support Gutierrez' Campaign
April 3274
Former Prime Ministers Jack Caddock, Larissa LeCoultre and Luigi Delgado
GNPLeaders.PNG (157.99 KiB) Viewed 1615 times

To support the re-election campaign of incumbent Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez, the Grand National Party sent out three of its former leaders, all of whom have been Prime Ministers of Dranland themselves. The most prominent of those three is Larissa LeCoultre, who has been PM from 3247 to 3254, still enjoys vast popularity within her party (of which she is the founder) and is considered an icon among many libertarians. The 51-year-old politician, who currently acts as Speaker of the Parliament, has been involved in the campaign since its begin and has recently took part in a heated slugfest with PDM leader Laura Castaneda. Her successor as Prime Minister, Jack Caddock, who held this position from 3254 to 3263, today declared his support for Gutierrez and his campaign: "He's a good friend of mine, and he's doing a decent job as Prime Minister. Therefore I will aid him throughout his re-election bid." As a Member of the Parliament, Caddock is still an active politician, unlike Luigi Delgado, Prime Minister from 3263 to 3271, who permanently retired from politics after his second tenure. However, Delgado today held a press conference in his current place of residence Santa Sharika to speak out in favor of his successor: "Especially now that the PDM is striving to bring back the unglorious past, I consider it my duty to stand up for liberty and freedom, values which are represented by the GNP."

On Sunday, LeCoultre, Delgado and Caddock are going to make a joint appearance at a huge GNP campaign event in Iglesia Mayor, to which 10000 supporters are awaited. GNP strategists hope that the three former Prime Ministers, who have all been very popular during their tenures, will give the party a boost in poll numbers, which could be the decisive factor whether or not it will keep its absolute majority.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:36 pm

Elections Confirm Status Quo
September 3274
Prime Minister Gutierrez when the results were announced
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The elections of 3274 have, if at all, only brought minor shifts in the political landscape of Dranland. The ruling libertarian Grand National Party led by Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez has scored a clear victory and defended its absolute majority, which was its explicit goal. While its popular voter share slightly decrease, it could even increase its number of seats in the Parliament by one. The socially conservative PDM also made slight gains, winning one seat as well. The gains were made at the expense of the liberal PGR, which lost 2 seats. Overall, the governing coalition (GNP/PGR) lost one seat to the opposition, which is a very minor shift.

GNP Celebrates Victory
As the results were announced, the Palm Beach Hotel in Iglesia Mayor, where the GNP held its electoral event, erupted in cheers when Prime Minister Gutierrez entered the room. 5000 supporters celebrated the GNP's sixth consecutive absolute majority throughout 20 years. Gutierrez thanked the voters for the "impressive result". He also paid tribute to the GNP's values by saying that "these elections gave us a mandate to continue our consistent fight for individual freedom, free markets and strong civil rights." Following Gutierrez' speech, House Speaker Larissa LeCoultre and Majority Leader Janine Trichet, who had also attended the convention, held speeches in which they praised Gutierrez and his government.

Regional Elections
While the GNP prevailed in the federal elections, its voter share decreased in the local elections. While it kept four of five gubernatorial seats in Dranland, it lost some regional seats in its stronghold Ulbrach, where its support fell below 70%. In Loren Province, which is known for voting heavily GNP as well, the party fell from over 60% to 56%. In Elbian Province, Governor Dana Hayward (GNP) narrowly failed to win the absolute majority, but made gains of 2 percent after issuing heavy attacks on Scientology. In Valdor Province, the candidate of the PGR won again, making it the only region not governed by the GNP. The election in the capital Iglesia Mayor confirmed the mandate of the incumbent mayor, who is an independent. The candidates of GNP, PDM and PGR won less than 50% of the seats in the City Council.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby leuer » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:53 am

PDM about border controls with Kazulia
February 3276


Iglesia Mayor, Dranland - Chairman of the PDM Mrs. Laura Castaneda in the speech in Parliament called the Cabinet parties to discuss the about reinstating of border controls at the border with Kazulia. "We ask our Cabinet to discuss about this problem and eased somewhat by his ultra-liberal position. You came to this decision without having to know what the situation was with this country."

Unfortunately, current situation in the country is that most people ignore elections, which gives more space GNP to obtain a government majority. Other parties are unable to break the one-party rule. We must to recognize that some steps GNP did, had great benefit for the country. But total freedom in everywhere is not best choice, this was not the best way for all people.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:03 pm

Prime Minister Gutierrez Responds to Laura Castaneda
April 3276
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In response to the speech of opposition leader Laura Castaneda (PDM), Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez (GNP) today spoke to the Parliament to clarify his stance on the issue of border controls with Kazulia. "I actually can't comprehend why the PDM is seeing Kazulia as such a huge threat. I have no reason to distrust the Kazulian government or its citizens. Trade between our nations has been increasing significantly since we opened the borders and there have not been reports about a significant increase in crime connected as a result of the current policy", Gutierrez said. "I find this scare-mongering irresponsible. The people must not be afraid of open borders because we have strong and effective security forces. Every single threat, regardless of whether it comes from abroad or not, can be dealt with. Closing borders would only harm the economy by restricting the free and unregulated exchange of goods." However, the Prime Minister made a small concession towards the opposition: "If I will ever get to visit Kazulia on a diplomatic trip, I will make their government aware of the concerns that you raised. It is important to discuss openly about these issues."

The Prime Minister also spoke about the low voter turnout in elections mentioned by Mrs. Castaneda. "I agree with the opposition leader that the low participation in the electoral process is a major problem. This must be changed. But of course, not to prevent the GNP from obtaining a majority, as Mrs. Castaneda suggests, but to raise public awareness towards politics." The Prime Minister eventually invited the leaders of PDM and PGR to an internal debate in his office to develop strategies to deal with the problem of low voter turnout. "I think we can find a joint strategy in this respect", he concluded.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:39 pm

Prime Minister Gutierrez to Resign After Losing Absolute Majority
October 3278

The incumbent Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez (GNP) today announced that he would not seek a third term as head of government after having lost the absolute majority narrowly. 'I clearly stated prior to the elections that I want to maintain the GNP's majority - and now it is clear that we failed to reach this aim. I take the responsibility upon myself and will stand down as soon as it is decided who will be my successor as Prime Minister', he explained his decision. Gutierrez will also resign as chairman of the GNP. Because it is still unclear who will be his successor in that position, the current Minister for Environment and Tourism Marit Jensson will lead the party as a caretaker. It is also undecided who will be the next Prime Minister of Dranland.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:08 pm

Alina Delarosa Sworn In as Prime Minister
April 3279
Prime Minister Alina Delarosa
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The 27-year-old Alina Delarosa (GNP) has today been sworn in as Prime Minister of Dranland following the reneweal of the libertarian right-wing coalition between GNP and PGR. In her inauguration speech, she said that she assumed the office "with huge gratefulness and respect, especially because I am aware that I am not yet legitimated by the voters", referring to the fact that she did not run in the federal elections of 3278 and came to this position solely due to the resignation of Gerardo Gutierrez. Mrs. Delarosa has previously served as Deputy Governor of Valdor, where she enjoyed great popularity due to her downright and honest style. She is known for her outstanding rhetorical skills and her gentle nature.

'Old Guard' of the GNP Loses Power
While Alina Delarosa represents the young generation in politics, the so-called 'Old Guard' within the GNP has dramatically lost influence following the disaster in the last elections, when the GNP fell below 50% ever since 24 years and voter turnout dropped below 40%, which shows widespread dissatisfaction with the current political parties. However, the turnout has been steadily decreasing in the years since 3254, during the tenures of former Prime Ministers Jack Caddock, Luigi Delgado and Gerardo Gutierrez (all GNP). This fact has recently caused critics within the GNP to put the blame on these politicans. Johnny Howard, an MP from Liffanés, said that the GNP establishment must step aside to enable a new start for the party: "The GNP owes Caddock, Delgado, Gutierrez and co. a lot, but they have become a burden. The voters are seeking for fresh ideas and new people", he stated. Meanwhile it seems that the old elites within the party have accepted that their time is over: Jack Caddock today resigned from his seat in the Parliament, while Deputy Chairman Hans Kaltenberg, who was in charge of the unsuccessful electoral campaign of 3278, declared his retirement from politics. However, one member of the 'Old Guard' remains unchallenged: Former PM Larissa LeCoultre was approved as Speaker of the Parliament.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:49 pm

Gutierrez Moves to Hulstria After Unsuccessful Elections
April 3279
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Former Prime Minister Gerardo Gutierrez (GNP), who lost the absolute majority in last year's elections, has left Dranland by today and is moving to the city of Kien in the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria, where he had been living several years before his political career. Gutierrez issued a brief statement on TV, in which he said that "the political situation in Dranland is desolate, we have had low turnouts in every election since 3254 and voters seem to have lost their faith in democracy. I have decided to leave the scene and politics and make room for the younger generation of politicians." Asked for his opinion on his four years in office, he said that "I am taking the responsibility for everything we did upon myself, and I firmly stand by my decisions and that of my government. It is not our fault that political apathy has prevailed, but the fault of the whole political class. Altogether, I believe that I have taken the right measures during my time as Prime Minister, but maybe these efforts were not enough." His party, the GNP, issued a press release in which he was praised for his policies and "merits to both the country and our party". House Speaker Larissa LeCoultre wished him "a pleasant, calm and happy retirement" and hoped that "he will also pay an occasional visit to his homeland".

Former PM's Luxury Mansion
Gutierrez' Mansion in Kien
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Newspapers today revealed pictures of Gutierrez' luxury mansion in Kien (Hulstria). The house, which was built in the 2000s, is said to feature mondene furniture, four bedrooms and two swimming pools. He and his wife Lilly were said to have arrived in Hulstria by today.
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