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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:11 am


Khan Fanggon hala-i Nikan made an appearance on every National Television channel, even reaching some international news with him announcing that internet will be accessible to most people in Bianjie by 4900.

For long have the people of Bianjie been without internet, but that is to change now, as the Khan of the Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie has announced their cooperation with Hugamest Tech Group to get most of Bianjie to have access to the internet. Their goal is to have at least 60% of the population with at least basic internet coverage by 4900.

Greetings, people! Today is a very special day, as many of you might have heard rumours of, The People's Republic is going to get access to the internet, which is a great step toward a better future of Bianjie. This transition from almost no technology to advanced technology is a huge one though, so together with the People's Committee, we have decided to easen this huge technological leap and to get used to it, by approving some major sites that we can ensure are not harmful or malicious. Our plan is to connect the Major cities at first and then gradually expand the network across the nation. By 4900 we plan on having at least basic coverage for 60% of our population. The service is produced by Hugamest Tech Group. This is a huge step for Bianjie, but we will rise up and be one of the leaders of Terra one day. Good Night!

Fanggon hala-i Nikan speaking on the broadcast
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Re: Bianjie

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:33 pm

The East And Us Once Again: The Bianje Business
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Pleasures For Foreigners In The Red Heart Of Bianje
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"Internet For Bianje" Program Going Well, HTG Says
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:37 pm


The Internet For Bianjie program, although not yet completed its goal of 60% coverage just yet, has provided many people better opportunities for self employment, and many indie-developers due to the recent access to the internet have released their own games and projects to the public to enjoy. One of the most successful video games released in Bianjie so far is a game called "Critical Shot: Great Overkill" developed by an indie developer named Wang Shunian. The game grew really popular within Bianjie, as it was one of the first Bianjie-made games, and the national population is enjoying it! The Game has been sold locally over 50 000 copies over the last two weeks, and people are already forming semi-professional teams in hopes of tournaments for the game, as the developer has hinted about possibility of tournaments with prizes. It has received some criticism for the violent nature of shooting and killing enemies, but many see it as a great opportunity to get Bianjie on the global scale, and possibly for the game having it's own league for professional play internationally, but only time will tell what achievements the game will accomplish.

The developer Wang Shunian held a speech after the game's very successful launch:

Critical Shot: Great Overkill was only a passion project for me, I never expected for it to sell so widely across the nation! Since the game sold so well, I will explain my goals for the future of development. First of all, I wish to hone the game to perfection for professional play, it has great potential to be really competitive play and tournaments. The strategic element of the terrorist team attacking and the police force defending strategic locations from attack creates a very competitive environment and room for everyone developing their own strategies to win. This is why the game has been so successful, it is so easy to learn, but there is a lot of work on being the best, and that is the reason why I think the game could very seriously reach a point where it is played internationally as any other sport, like football. We have made some talks with local sponsors to arrange a few small scale tournaments within Bianjie, and we are hoping to arrange something with Lexington Entertainment to port it to a more international audience with the Gamestation II, and maybe even host said global tournaments or leagues, but we cannot confirm anything yet, as they have not given an official statement on this.

Box art for the game
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:18 pm


The rumors of professional gaming are rumors no more, as the government of Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie has decided to give funding to a local oganization called Bianjie Professional League or BPL for short. The organization was formed to host local tournaments in Bianjie for the newly released strategic shooter game Critical Shot: Great Overkill. Surprisingly the government has bought a 49% stake of BPL and given it funding to host tournaments on a more large scale.


Khan Fanggon hala-i Nikan talked on national television about this surprising move by the government:
I see the future of professional gaming, "eSports" as the kids call it. The People's Committee was formed to represent the people, and the people have spoken, as proven by the game's popularity in Bianjie, the community clearly wishes for the prosperity and availability of the game, and we talked about it. We resulted in such a solution that Bianjie will buy a 49% stake of a newly formed local organization and given it some funding to host professional tournaments.

The Bianjie Professional League announced that it will be holding its tryouts for the first ever professional CS:GO tournament in the summer of 4900, after the majority of Internet for Bianjie program has been finished. BPL will accept all professional teams for the first tryouts and invites the international community to participate, and hopefully make the tournament.
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:48 pm


The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie has expressed their wishes to be visible on the international scale before on multiple occasions, and today, the government has pleasantly surprised the people by announcing that Bianjie will be attending its first FOMAT ever, FOMAT XI. They have chosen Bianggo Hala-i Huo, a famous singer in Bianjie to represent the nation with his new song, Xongkoro. The people are so eager to see how Bianjie performs in the event, the television markets are going out of stock quickly.

Bianggo Hala-i Huo says he is honoured by this opportunity and will happily travel to Kalistan to represent his country and his people and bring them glory.

The artist in a concert in Gemun
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:41 am


This morning a shipment came from the Lodamese government on the port of Namu jai šun, which left the locals confused. Now the government has finally given a response on the mysterious package, as the khan made an appearance on national television.

Greetings, people of Bianjie. Many have been wondering about the mysterious shipment from the Lodamese government. The answer to that is simple, the good people of Lodamun are helping us to develop our economy further by allowing us to establish food and shelter for those who cannot afford it. We discussed this with our friends in Lodamun and the People's Committee, and we came to an agreement, that we will establish state-owned communes in Namu jai šun, Gemun, Fetembi wehe, Muduri Gurun and many smaller cities to provide housing and food for those who cannot afford to live to their fullest on their own. Each commune will have it's own farms to provide basic food supplies, as well as access to raw materials like wood, stone and minerals to provide the ability to work for extra rations from the government. The collected materials will be used by the government to better the lives of the people even more, by using them for future projects or trading for essential supplies. Lodamun has sent us some expertise to lead the construction projects as well as some funds to help with the establishment of the communes. The primary workforce will be from our people though, as even though the unemployment issue has gotten way better, the locals still need the work the most. We look forward to working with out Lodamese friends in the future, good night!

These communes will be established throughout the country, in 4 of the biggest cities (Gemun, Namu jai šun, Fetembi wehe and Muduri Gurum) as well as in smaller cities to allow people from all across the country to have access to the communes.

The construction sites are beginning to form

Jan 20th 4891
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:05 pm


It has been 10 months since the beginning of construction for the communes. One of the more smaller communes on the countryside has finished construction and has already seen some people in poverty moving into it. The bigger communes in the large cities are expected to be under construction until early 4893.

The newly completed commune houses 40 people, and is free of charge to reside in, but in order to get your daily rations, you must do basic household tasks like cleaning. The people in are allowed to work in nearby government owned farms and mines to earn extra rations and other luxuries.

The small communes within the countryside are expected to house 30-80 people, depending on how populated the area is, and the bigger ones inside the cities will have a capacity of 100-500 people. The people's committee has stated that the projects are expected to be both good for housing the homeless and the people living in poverty, as well as provide good profits for the government of Bianjie to complete more projects like this in the future

People of the Commune getting to know each other over dinner.
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Re: Bianjie

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:41 pm

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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:29 pm


Khan Fanggon hala-i Nikan has announced what is the government's plan to do with the funds received in the Development package sent by Liore.

Greetings, Bianjie! Our great brothers in Liore have granted us their development package, and today is the day we reveal how the funds are spent to improve the lives of citizens of Bianjie. Firstly, we want to boost our economy greatly, so we will allow local businesses to apply for government grants and loans to better their situation and offer better services for the people. These grants will mainly be invested in the largest economic areas and biggest cities: Gemun, Namu jai šun and Muduri Gurun, but to help the people in rural areas, we will also use a portion of the development package to establish public transport towards these cities from smaller towns to ensure they can have the same services as people living in big cities. Establishing train operating systems might be the most beneficial solution as it would allow products to be transported better towards these smaller cities and rural areas, so we are leaning towards that, but it is still up for debate.

The development package also allowed Liore to open its own small scale businesses on Bianjie, and one bigger corporation, Lidor Pharmaceuticals, which has agreed to the same restrictions previous bigger businesses authorized to work here have to abide by, meaning 30% of their products will be granted to the government of Bianjie free of charge to provide for the citizens.

The package had a final investment towards the military development of Bianjie. Liore has sent a group of Military advisors and experts, even including some of their officers to advice Bianjie's Military leaders and overseeing the training of the troops of Bianjie and establishing a new Military Academy in Bianjie with the government of Bianjie, and their military leaders.

Welcome committee of the Military advisors of Liore

April 10th 4893
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:55 am


Following the opening of the submissions for FOMAT XII, the government of Bianjie organized a song contest within the nationals to determine who would be the one to represent Bianjie in this FOMAT.

The last FOMAT did not go as planned, so we have decided to give the people a word, and let them decide who to represent us. We hope to see much better results this time on FOMAT!

Huy Ping, member of the people's committee

The contest had so many applicants that the government had to reserve a city center for a whole weekend to make sure everyone had their opportunity. Ultimately The BianC ended up taking the victory and will represent Bianjie in FOMAT XII.

The band gave a speech after the announcement of their victory:
It is truly great to represent our country and hopefully get the attention of the international audience toward our shows. We didn't anticipate the victory, but we have prepared, and we will be performing our never heard before song Mini Fucihi as Bianjie's FOMAT entry. Be sure to stay tuned and watch the event to hear our masterpiece!

The BianC
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