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Re: Malivia

Postby jellybean » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:18 am

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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:25 am

July 4909

Malivia "prepared to be flexible to achieve regional stability"

In a speech closely studied by observers across Terra concerned about rising tensions between Malivia and its neighbours, Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary, flanked by Foreign Minister Vishnu Satavelekar and Defence Minister Daksha Roychaudhuri, has indicated his government is "prepared to be flexible to achieve regional stability".

He committed Malivia to supporting Resolution 116 proposed by Endralon, which prohibits nations in the region from engaging in armed conflict. "Our country has always wanted to facilitate the reunification of the Greater Malivian Empire through peaceful and democratic means, and we have never in our history even considered taking military action against any country without the support of the World Congress and international law," he said.

He announced a top-level government investigation had been held in to the firing of an empty missile from a military base located in northern Bhulkandra, and that the investigation had confirmed the missile did not stray in to Narikaton-Darnussia's territorial waters. However, he added that "misunderstandings can result from exercises like these" and said "the Malivian government is committed to working with its neighbours to minimise the risk of such misunderstandings in future".

Ranganekary also announced that four Gau Raksha Paltan (Cow Protection Army) commanders had been arrested and detained on suspicion of involvement in the poisoning of beef supplies in Hobrazia. He offered to extradite them to Hobrazia, along with evidence and information related to their cases. However, this would only be done if three conditions were met.

Firstly, the satyagrahis currently being indefinitely detained in Hobrazia must be released and allowed to return to Malivia.

Secondly, an assurance must be given that the Gerajan temple, which is open to the public and part of the Malivian Embassy complex based in Hobrazia, must not be turned in to a burger bar. The Malivian media has been full of reports that with the Embassy being closed and reports coming from Hobrazia about the Embassy being turned in to a burger bar, then the burger bar may be sited where the temple currently stands.

Thirdly, the Hobrazian government must conduct an investigation in to alleged espionage and terrorist activities against Malivia being conducted by its security services.

The Minister for Cows, Venkata Dhebar, has resigned in protest against the detention of the Gau Raksha Paltan commanders, claiming they are all "well-respected members of the community who have helped organise fundraising events for cow welfare charities" and that "they are being detained without normal due process and in the most arbitrary of circumstances". On this last point, many Gau Raksha Paltan watchers believe it is possible he may be right. Kannagi Jadhav, an award-winning journalist who has specialised in reporting on Gau Raksha Paltan for many years, and has discreetly interviewed many of its leaders and members, comments:

What you have to understand is that Gau Raksha Paltan is in reality fairly closely linked to the Raktavani National Party, the Gerajatva (OOC: Hindutva) movement generally, and also a lot of people in the police, the justice system, the army, the civil service and so on. Officially Gau Raksha Paltan is illegal, but in practice, most of the time, there is tolerance, there is tacit consent, there is the turning of blind eyes. None of this means though that all of Gau Raksha Paltan and all of the establishment are seeing eye to eye all of the time. They don't. There are disagreements. It is complicated. I hear people talking now about how it is "unprecedented" for Gau Raksha Paltan commanders to be arrested and detained. In reality, that is not true at all - this has happened many times over the years. Sometimes what happens is Gau Raksha Paltan, or a faction of Gau Raksha Paltan, steps over the unofficial line, and as punishment for that, the government makes them hand over someone to be arrested. This actually works well for both sides, though. For Gau Raksha Paltan, the top leaders get to hand over someone in their organisation they don't like and they've been wanting to get rid of anyway. And for the government, they get the opportunity to pretend to critics at home and abroad that they are taking terrorism seriously.

Going by what I know from my private sources, Umesh Dhokia, one of the commanders that has been arrested, was a big, big, big figure in the organisation five or so years ago, but more recently has lost influence and been falling out with the rest of the leadership. Did Dhokia actually lead the poisoning operation? Maybe his fingerprints are there. But my guess would be he is not the only senior figure involved, and he is almost certainly not the one who actually led this either. There will be others who they are protecting, whilst handing Dhokia and the other three over as sacrificial lambs.

Adivasis clash with police

Over the last few days, there have been ugly scenes of violence between the police and the Adivasi (OOC: Indian tribal) community, not only in the River Washe area, where the tensions have so far been concentrated, but all across the country. The troubles around the River Washe appear to be the trigger for the Adivasi protests, but discontent is now brewing over a whole range of issues, with increasing numbers of Adivasis saying they will no longer be treated like second class citizens.

Rocc Cola wins Supreme Court fight

Rocc Cola has won a 4 to 3 verdict in the Supreme Court, confirming its right to compensation following the ban on its sale and production in Malivia.

Hours after the verdict was announced, Justice Minister Waazir Devdhar published a White Paper proposing to rename the Supreme Court the "Upper Court of Appeal". Civil rights campaigners and leading figures and organisations in the legal profession have criticised the move, calling it petty revenge for the Rocc Cola verdict and suggesting it is an attempt to undermine the judiciary's prestige and independence.


A further complication has arisen: the government has discovered, to its embarrassment and fury, that it has overlooked the fact Rocc Cola remains licenced for use as a pesticide, and the legislation banning Rocc Cola apparently somehow failed to close this loophole. Agriculture Minister Madri Panja has promised to "look in to the issue of removing the licence", although sources close to her say she is reluctant to do so, partly due to the risk of being sued for large sums of money, and partly because Malivia's farmers are a famously noisy and well-organised political constituency. Anti-Cola campaigners are concerned that large quantities of Cola licenced for use in agriculture may end up being illegally resold for consumption as a drink.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:58 am

January 4910

Gerajatva movement divided over "goodwill offer" to Hobrazians

The government is being volubly decried by many of its natural supporters this evening, after Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary announced he had submitted a proposal to the government of Hobrazia, whereby the Malivian government would make a financial "goodwill offer" in recognition of the harm caused by the poisoning of Hobrazian beef by Malivian-based cow terrorists.

The terms of the proposal make no admission of Malivian responsibility for the poisonings, but they do express "our government's regret for this tragedy and determination to prevent similar incidents occurring again". Financial compensation is offered directly to those who survived the poisonings and the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives. No compensation is offered to the beef industry, which has suffered economically as a result of the poisonings. However, Malivia does offer to make payments to a series of Hobrazian-based charitable organisations.

This move comes at the beginning of the International Conference in Hugamest hosted by Endralon, where attempts are being made to improve relations between Malivia and its neighbours. Malivia has come under heavy pressure over the beef poisonings, and is hoping this gesture will go some way towards placating its international critics.

The Lok Sabha has been lively today, with the Prime Minister repeatedly being challenged over his decision by members of his own party. Rangagekary has given a confident performance, however, insisting "this is the right thing for Malivia to do" and "I hope the Hobrazian government will consider this proposal very carefully, and will feel able to accept it".

Adivasis clash with police in mining area


Confrontations have erupted between Adivasis (OOC: Indian tribals) and the police in northern Washebar, where the local bauxite mining company wants the Adivasis cleared off its land so it can expand its mining operations. The forest land where the Adivasis have lived for generations was purchased from the government by the mining company, Washebar Bauxite, over 20 years ago.

Adivasis working the mines

Adivasi children helping their parents carry out mining work

Washebar Bauxite has been trying to fix the problem by persuading the Adivasis to become mine workers. Some have agreed to do this, but many refuse, reluctant to give up their traditional way of life and finding the idea of going down a mine terrifying. With so many Adivasis refusing to leave the forest, Washebar Bauxite has steadily been pressing the authorities to clear out the Adivasis as its mining operation in the area has expanded.

More recently, small groups of Adivasis have agreed to leave the forest and move to nearby villages, aided by financial inducements part funded by the government and partly by Washebar Bauxite. However, most appear to feel living in the forest is the only way of life they know and are refusing to move.

Campaigners are calling for an international boycott of bauxite sourced from the Washebar mines.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:01 am

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Aloria Battle ships to withdraw from near Malvia

Postby mrcricketer » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:26 pm

"SSNizam , Durand (Alorian Battleships) likely to be recalled from near Malvia waters". said President Edward

News of 2 Battleships SS Nizam & Royal Navy Engineering's newly engineered battleshipsSS Highness are to be positioned near Hobrazia's international waters from 4911 was confirmed by President of Aloria

Step to patrol near Hobrazia's waters & Malvia s water s is to Stop any violence or battle. It is not a agressive move but we are doing it as a counter measure for safety to Hobrazia & Malvia & Artanian countries & Hobrazia's neighbouring countries.we will withdraw our Ships when there is peace.said President of Aloria

Commanders of ships near Malvia & Hobrazia's waters are reported ly instructed to not use of weapons,(unless someone fires first),not to cross international boarders

3 patrol combat ships will still continueto patrol near Malvia Waters till situation is completely solved & peace is resumes in both the countries

"We wish President of Malvia can solve this international crisis.The steps are taken in right direction regarding the same". added senior official from legislation assembly of Aloria " .
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:00 am

July 4910

International monitors "could play a role", says Ranganekary

Responding to questions about the presence of Alorian ships in the region, Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary stated his government is "open to ideas" and that "international monitors could play a role in helping to calm tensions and provide reassurance to our partners and the international community". He said Malivia is "willing to discuss all of this with our neighbours and the World Congress".
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:44 pm

October 4910

Adivasis kidnap crocodile


Adivasis living around the River Washe have captured a crocodile, which they say tore the hand off one of their fishermen and is putting their livelihoods in danger. The authorities are demanding the Adivasis return the crocodile, but the Adivasis say they will not release the crocodile unless they are given an "absolute assurance" it will not be returned to the River Washe. Local police say they will "take decisive action unless the crocodile is released immediately". Sources within the local Adivasi community say the crocodile will be slaughtered if any forcible attempt is made to rescue it.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:43 am

February 4911

Adivasis and police clash

Tensions are high between the police and Adivasi (OOC: Indian tribal) communities all over the country, with clashes being reported in many areas.

Party committee to consider extending territorial claims

The annual conference of the Raktavani National Party has voted by 251 to 244 votes to establish a 12 member committee to examine the case for extending Malivia's territorial claims to Pontesi, Beluzia, Luthori, Rutania, Ikradon, Kundrati, Endralon, Likaton and the Telamonese island of Suðureyja. The committee will present a report on its findings to the conference next year.

Anushree Dattachaudhuri, who spearheaded the campaign for this, said:

We are learning more and more about the history of the Greater Malivian Empire all the time. The writings, the archaeological, the science - it is all telling us we were much bigger than people previously thought we were, and that we have these fascinating connections with so many places. It is important that the historical advancements are reflected in the political position, so that is why we want to set up this committee.

Foreign Minister Vishnu Satavelekar has described this development as "a matter of the internal party democracy of the Raktavani National Party" and stated "our foreign policy has not changed in any way".

Crocodile donated to temple, becomes gentle vegetarian



Following a backlash from international campaigners distraught at the prospect of the captured crocodile being slain, Adivasis in the River Washe area have donated the reptile to a nearby temple where, under the influence of priests and monks, it has apparently become a much more gentle creature and accepted an entirely vegetarian diet. Visitors say it is happy to interact with people, approaching them for food, and sometimes even enters the temple, where it likes to rest when things are quiet.

The authorities have not intervened to prevent this, but have issued warnings about crocodiles being dangerous animals which should not be kept as pets.

Before being captured, the crocodile had torn the hand off a fisherman, and is also alleged to have killed an Adivasi and eaten his head and upper chest.
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Re: Malivia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:12 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Malivia

Postby Pragma » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:19 pm

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