
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:16 am

Norman Bennett, Owner of Bennett Tobacco

Bennett Tobacco begins putting warning labels on tobacco products

Norman Bennett unveiled new design packages for Bennett tobacco products following passage of legislation forcing the company adopt strong warning labels. ... lid=548767

Norman Bennett is the son of former President Frank Bennett and the brother of Bennett Banking Corp. CEO Albert Bennett. Norman Bennett has kept a relatively low public profile compared to his brother who sits on the Whig National Council but following the legal changes forcing them to remake their packaging Norman Bennett has increased his companies lobbying efforts 3 fold.

In other news Foreign Secretary Clifford Douglas has released the intelligence Agencies detailed report on the state of Rutanian National Security. Most of the report released for public viewing is redacted including an entire 3 page section titled "Threats to the Confidentiality of the Efforts to Develop Nuclear Weapons. The very title of this section raised many questions from reporters, Foreign Secretary Douglas refused to comment saying simply
The weapons development efforts were started by President Vernon, you should ask him if you have questions about it
Since taking office Prime Minister Ernst Tompkins has refused to speak about the weapons program since taking office and this report will only increase calls for some answers. In 4311 then-Prime Minister Winston Vernon said that the Commonwealth would be producing warheads sometime between 4317 and 4320, the Defense budget was increased 9 billion rutas in order to fund this program, for now the administration is giving no answers. Here is the excerpt from the summary of the report:


The results of this report represent findings of the Rutanian Intelligence Agency from January 4315 to March 4316. Evidence to support the conclusions of this report was gathered legally using methods of search, seizure, and monitoring legally allowed by the Commonwealth.

There is a general sense of discontentment among nearly 1/3 of the Rutanian public, this group is mainly made up of self identifying "leftist". This sense of discontentment seems to be more prevalent in larger cities however. Through departmental efforts we have been unable to locate any terrorist organization or radicalized group that threatens the well-being of the Commonwealth. Domestically pro-militia groups appear to present the greatest threat to the Commonwealth, surveillance efforts detailed in this report show pro-militia groups, some of them left wing in nature, others right wing. While both the left and right wing of these groups raise enough alarms to cause monitoring by the proper authorities it is the opinion of our experts that the left wing groups present the greatest threat as many individual contacts monitored in these groups show a desire for radical change in the nation.

Tensions between nativist groups and immigrant and minority groups in various parts of the nation, especially in the state of Ardinia also pose a threat to national security and stability. Reports gathered through monitoring and law enforcement reports display an utter contempt for immigrant and minority communities by some of these nativist individuals. It is commonplace in many Ardinian communities for community members to work together to systematically isolate minorities to encourage them to leave, sometimes upstanding citizens have resorted to threats of violence and intimidation while local law enforcement turns a blind eye, this tendency for lawlessness should not be underestimated, these communities typically hold a much more conservative ideology than most of the country and thus also have a tendency for radical discussion as part of casual communication

Foreign Secretary Clifford Douglas
Whig Party of Rutania
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Matty1019 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:02 pm


Michael Fisch Elected Leader of the DA

In a fight to the finish, Michael Fisch was elected leader of the Democratic Alliance with 56% of the vote on the sixth ballot. He defeated rival Dominic Coachman and six other candidates for the position. Meanwhile, Justin Bonhomme won the deputy leadership contest to replace Fisch. Bonhomme defeated Freya Kirk on the seventh ballot with 51.9% of the vote. A total of nine candidates stood for the deputy leadership.

The installation of the Fisch-Bonhomme team is a departure from that of former leader Kate Holland. While Holland is relatively center left, Fisch and Bonhomme are more conservative. Pundits expect a change in the DA's platform.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:49 am

President Vernon seeks 2nd term
Jan 21st 4318

With less than a year left until the Rutanian national elections President Winston Vernon is back on the campaign trail seeking a second term. President Vernon has been spending little time in Vanderburg, instead he has spent his time crisscrossing the nation making stump speeches for Whig People's Assembly candidates and Whig local government candidates. President Vernon has spent most of his time on the campaign trail facing questions from reporters that he refuses to answer due to 'national security'. Reporters have continued to question President Vernon about Rutania's weapons development program, a program that President Vernon championed during his time as Prime Minister. President Vernon has spoken extensively at Hosnian churches in northern Rutania touting the success of the last four years in moral reforms in government spending and official policy, many Whig constituents have doubted the extent of the success of the last 4 years, to them they see a term where little seems to have been accomplished in Vanderburg through lack of action on the part of legislators. President Vernon has been especially vocal in discussing the other parties in the coalition calling them the 'vanguard of the free market and the Rutanian way of life'. It has been reported that the President has sought the support of the RCRR in backing his second term bid, on the campaign trail he has repeatedly made the statement:
I need the backing of every party that cares about the Free Market if we are to keep the Communist out of the Presidents office, I hope the UDP, Liberals, and Rutania Party will stand with us as I expect our conservative brothers will.
President Vernon has repeatedly complemented Michael Fisch the newly elected leader of the DA as well, saying
its good to see people with good ideas win the right positions.

In the last four years the government has voted to restrict abortions and end government funding of them, prohibit open homosexuality in the military, give power to the states on issues like gender-change surgery and medical marijuana.The government has also. The government has also voted to end the national policy of accepting cross-dressing, end pollution standards and mandatory recycling, issue a mandatory national ID card and has restarted the program to seek out and deport illegal immigrants. The legislature voted near the beginning of the term to reinstate welfare payments to all individuals not employed or supported by another with the passage of the Citizen Income Act, following that passage the government voted through a budget increasing deficit spending to over 8 billion Rutas annually, this bill's passage caused the Leftist parties to attempt to oust the government under Prime Minister Ernst Tompkins. Prime Minister Tompkins has been one of Rutania's most reclusive Prime Minister's in decades choosing not to speak to reporters normally and disliking the spotlight of the national media. Since taking office the Prime Minister has only done 6 interviews. Sources close to the Prime Minister say that Tompkins spends his time reading through national security reports and consulting with the head of the intelligence agency. Some in the Whig Party believe that Tompkins reclusive nature is to blame for the Whigs lack of legislation. Prime Minister Tompkins has made full use of the nations national security laws by ordering more government records than ever before 'CLASSIFIED' all in the name of national security. In late may of 4317 the Prime Minister ordered all records of the Ministry of Defense to be labeled classified and to be sealed away from public viewing, this move has made reporters efforts to learn of the weapons development plan that much more difficult.

Prime Minister Ernst Tompkins
Last edited by kj#2 on Fri Dec 15, 2017 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Stadius » Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:13 pm



Arthur Scott, three-times and five-term former President of Rutania, resigned as Chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Democratic Socialist Party of Rutania, a position he has held for 45 years, earlier today at an event to celebrate his 90th birthday.

Scott told reporters: 'As a ninety-year-old man who has led this great party for half of my life, it is time to step aside to allow someone younger to lead. In my time as Chairman, the party has enjoyed considerable electoral success. I myself was elected President 5 times, and the party has tended to place 1st or 2nd in elections to the People's Assembly. However, progress in terms of realising a socialist Rutania has been more difficult, if not thrown into reverse at times. The reactionary character of the other parties in the Assembly - our friends in the CRL excepted - is undeniably a major obstacle, and the electoral system makes it very difficult for any party to gain an outright majority, something that hasn't been achieved by any party in the DSPR's 370 year history. But we must persevere: it is the historic destiny of the DSPR to lead the way to socialism in Rutania.'

Scott refused to comment on enquiries about his successor, saying only that the DSPR constitution would be followed and a new Chairman elected, 'Of course the rulebook has been gathering dust for the past 45 years, and may need an update. But that is for the NEC to decide.' Scott's final act as DSPR leader was to propose the creation of a National Health system free for all citizens, and the banning of private healthcare. Senior figures from the DSPR, trade unions, and Democratic Worker's Councils paid tribute to the outgoing leader, and noted successes such as Scott's five Presidential election victories, the growth of the DWC movement, and the recent passage of the Citizens Income Act.
[continued on page 2]
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kingthero » Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:08 pm

Liberal Party Denounces the Whig Party, Publicly Supports the Civic Republicans

October 4318

The Capitalist scum have finally ruined our trust, and we will never support them again.

They are animal killers, and they seek to deregulate and ruin the environment!

I call all protectors of animals to vote for the Civic Republican's Candidate.
Liberal Party
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:06 pm

Former President Winston Vernon steps down as Chairman of the Whig National Council after loosing bid for re-election

Winston Vernon announced he would be stepping down from his role as Chairman of the Whig National Council, a role he has held since 4297. The Whig Party held an internal vote to determine a new Chairman following Vernon's loss to Molly Stonebridge of the CRL, Clifford Douglas the current Foreign Secretary was voted in as the new Chairman winning 62% of the vote running against 3 other candidates one of whom is the current Prime Minister Ernst Tompkins. Sources within the Whig Party say that Tompkins was Winston Vernon's preferred successor. Albert Bennett the CEO of the Bennett Banking Corp. and fellow member of the Whig National Council announced he would be resigning from the council following Clifford Douglas selection as the new Chairman, he stated:
It is time to let new blood take the reigns, we took a beating this last election and I think if anything it is a sign that a change in leadership is needed.

In a move of solidarity after beating Prime Minister Ernst Tompkins in the race for the chairman position Clifford Douglas selected the Prime Minister to fill the vacant seat on the council left by Albert Bennett. Clifford Douglas has an outspoken reputation in Whig circles for his determined approach to race relations in Rutania, while attending the conference regarding restarting the Artanian Union he repeatedly stated the position that
no self-respecting Rutanian will sit as equals at the table with the Hawu people
Douglas is a strong believer in the superiority of the White Rutanian race and believes that the historical people and culture of Rutania should prevail over multi-multiculturalism. He is married to former Minister of Education Veronica Douglas who has been a champion of starting private segregated schools to ensure
a good and proper upbringing.

Clifford Douglas, newly selected Chairman of the Whig Party
Last edited by kj#2 on Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Dalekminator » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:49 pm

New UDPR leader for the next election?

After the United Democratic Party took huge losses in the last election as they lost half of their seats to opposing parties, many party sources have hinted that the end of Mrs Kovacs 19 year reign over the party has arrived. Her Deputy, Masoud Janssen is also expected to step down at the same time as his boss. The UDP issued the following statement:

Following a devastating election for our party there will be major reshuffles in the next parliamentary term, these new positions will be confirmed during next Party Congress in July next year.

Mrs Kovacs is yet to make a statement and many expect her to do so shortly to explain the losses in the last election.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 2:00 am

Image ... 3&nation=6
Terrorist Attack in Bozarland on eve of election 60 dead 115 wounded, story devoloping
Whig Party of Rutania
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kingthero » Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:17 am


I refuse this event. As you are the party easily benefiting and exploiting this event, I am displeased with your event creation.
Liberal Party
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:35 pm

OOC: if you click on the link i provided in the post you will see that it is not an event generated by me, (especially because game rules prohibit me from doing so without other parties support) Click on the link and you will see this is a game generated event, you can also look back at the in-game newspaper, and its also there.
Whig Party of Rutania
Posts: 172
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:02 am


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