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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:19 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

July 9th 4445
Economy on the rise, government ready to attend to the military
With the booming economy many private defense companies have already showed interest in selling their weaponry to the government

For more then 2 years now the economy in Deltaria has been steadily growing to around 5.2% growth now. With inflation at a steady 4% and unemployment recently dropping to 9.3% it seems the Deltarian economy is experiencing its very own boom. Following this recent increase in economic growth the government is finally ready to take on the big task of reforming the Deltarian ground forces. For now the Air and Naval forces are "sufficient" according to the defense department and they will fully focus on upgrading, reorganizing and expanding the Deltarian ground forces. According to a statement from both the Finance ministry and Defense department this operation, which they call the "Military Ground Stimulus Reformation Act (MGSR)" will cost the state around 125 billion DTE over a span of 10 years. The act will upgrade most infantry equipment to modern standards as well as replace the older tanks in the army with newer ones, new artillery pieces, mortars, APC's and all kinds of supporting material will also be purchased and replaced for the ground force. In addition to this the Deltarian army shall also expand in numbers. From the current amount of over 600.000 soldiers the army will expand for now to 800.000 professional soldiers, with additional tanks and other equipment also being purchased on top of the upgrade of current equipment in order to support the new 200.000 soldiers.

With this massive investment planned to be proposed to the Federal Congress relatively soon we look in anticipation on what this will mean for Deltaria, but also if the economy can keep up with these kind of investments. Private defense companies have already announced they will be more then willing to supply Deltaria with the latest equipment. Will this mean a revival of the Deltarian arms industry as well?

Several deltarian soldiers stationed in Jelbania already armed with the proposed new equipment thanks to a Defense Ministry trial period to test the equipment

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

July 16th 4445
Grand Governor warns Istalia "we are not willing to suffer because of bad decisionmaking of istalia"
The Deltarian economy is booming, but with Istalia threatening to leave the MUN the Deltarian economy could once again be at risk

The Deltarian Grand Governor gave an interview recently in which he described the "dangerous attitude of Istalia towards the rest of the continent"
According to the Grand Governor Istalia is isolating itself by trying to reassert their influence in the region through threats of leaving the MUN organization.
He underlined the fact that the MUN has helped the Deltarian economy to recover from the crisis and be at the point it is now but also how the organization helped other majatran nations in similar instances.

With the MUN we have finally recovered from the first Istalian caused crisis. With Istalia threatening to leave the MUN because of a certain feeling of patriotism in the country they are once again putting the entire continental economic system at risk. Deltaria is not willing to suffer because of bad decisionmaking in Istalia once again. We have had that once but wont have it twice. If istalia decides to continue their threats and continue to force their Istalian patriotism on other majatran nations we have no choice but to take our own steps to ensuring a stable majatra, without Istalian influence

Said Grand Governor Jakub Mrázek.

Analysts suggest many MUN nations to feel the same way about the Istalian threat to leave the MUN and are looking for their own ways to respond to it.

Grand Governor Mrázek just before his interview with The Deltarian
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:59 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

September 22nd 4446
Deltarian Grand Governor warns Istalia: "We will not stand for this"
With istalian intentions clear the Deltarian government has had enough with the Grand Governor saying he is "ready to take drastic steps"

After some intense months and constant uncertainty it has become clear which path the Istalian government is going to take.
The Istalian Prime Minister stated that Istalia leaving the MUN is a certainty and non negotiatable but that Istalia does want to negotiate a favourable deal.
The Deltarian Grand Governor reacted with outrage calling the Istalians "people that exploit their brothers on the continent"

Istalia still think it owns this continent, it does not, as said before Deltaria will not simply watch while Istalia reasserts its hedgemony over our country and many others. While we are still willing to negotiate the MA fully dissolving into the MUN we are not willing to simply work on a great istalian dominated future. Deltaria will vouch for the MUN not making a deal with Istalia. If the country had remembered correctly the MUN was created to replace the MA for its inactivity and Istalian dominance, the MUN was not created to become a fusion of the new good and the old bad. We are willing to take drastic steps into ensuring that the continent stays on the right path of growth and without the imperialistic agenda of Istalia

Sources within the Deltarian government are even suggesting that the country is willing to work with entities outside of the continent to halt the reemerging of Istalia.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:41 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

February 25th 4448
MGSR set to pass: biggest military expansion in decades
The MGSR bill is being voted upon as we speak and will likely pass without major problems, this would mean one of the biggest expansions and upgrades of the Ground Force in decades.

After an anouncement some months back of the posibility of military expansion the government party, the SDLS, has finally proposed the MGSR bill.
In this bill the Deltarian groundforce is greatly expanded and most of its equipment is updated to modern standards. For example the bill aims at replacing the old T72 model tanks with newer T90A models. This is a significant upgrade and not the only one. Artillery, support equipment, infantry equipment and more is being replaced with their respective modern versions. In addition to these additional tanks, artillery and support equipment being purchased, a new budget of 500 million DTE is also being set up for buying sufficient munitions and the number of carreer soldiers is increased from 600.000 to 800.000 men, all with the new equipment.

The new T90-A model tank with camouflage, the models that shall be send to the jelbanian army groups will likely use this camo

The High command will also be completely reorganized in this bill as well as their administrative capabilities increasing.

Overall this bill completely modernizes the Deltarian groundforces, however their have been some warning signs after this massive expenditure was scheduled to pass. The stock markets in Darali and Doron Akigo reported slight losses and the Central Bank director warned the government that such a big expenditure could lower credit reserves to dangerous levels. Growth has also been slowing down with a growthrate of 5% now compared to the 5.2% 3 years ago.

Even with these warning signs the government is happy with the investment and calls it a "reassurance that Deltaria remains a strong power that can protect both itself and others if necessary"
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:53 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

June 21st 4448
Military reform passes, economic consequences become visible
With the MGSR passing the economic consequences are becoming clear

Just a few months after its passing the MGSR is in full effect, the deltarian government is contracting with private companies to upgrade all infantry equipment, they are approaching foreign defense companies to provide them with the new T90A model tanks and they are looking to buy new artillery guns from Deltarian manufacturers as well.

Even with the act in full swing and the army already receiving its first upgrades and expansions the economic consequences of this huge endeavour are becoming clear. During the last month growth of the Deltarian economy has slowed to 4.5% which is 0.5% less then just a few months ago. Debt i also rising because of the government borrowing money in order to preserve a healthy cash reserve. While at first the debt was only 22% of the GDP it has risen to over 25% in just 3 months. However unemployment has been dropping with defense companies looking for more and more manpower to fill the orders made by the deltarian government. Unemployment now stands at 6%

Even though the economy is clearly suffering the government underlines the fact that it is still growing and ensures The Deltarian that "we will introduce economic reform and sign trade deals to deal with the growing deficit and slowing growth"

Some of the 200.000 new recruits being trained
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:07 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

June 23rd 4448
Rumours of party instability emerge
The SDLS is rumoured to be in internal conflict over its economic policy

While the military is being reformed and reenforced in a rapid pace the SDLS governing party has been plagued with internal conflict according to anonymous sources. The hardline socialist wing of the party believes that the economic policies of the government do not go far enough to "protect the workers of Deltaria and ensure a good life for everyone"
according to the hardliners the liberal-conservative faction of the SDLS has created a economic model that "only makes the rich richer" and say that recent regulations are not nearly enough to stop the influence of big Deltarian companies on the people.

According to the anonymous source several hardliners have even threatened to resign their posts in parliament and discredit the government in public. Grand Governor Jakub Mrázek is a known liberal member of the socialist party but has refused to comment on the rumours of dissent within his party.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:14 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters right on your doorstep

February 19th 4449
As MGSR is almost completed problems start to occur
The MGSR bill has been implemented for the most part, however some problems are starting to occur

With the passing of the MGSR many within the SDLS party and the public feel like a objective has been accomplished. almost 1 year after its passing most expansions and upgrades have been applied and the Deltarian armed forces are now stronger then ever. However one major problem i occuring, mainly because of the expansion of the military rather then the upgrade of its equipment.

The Deltarian is receiving reports that many of the new recruits are not being payed and that even some officers and a general are not being payed for their service, these reports come after a leaked document was released reveiling that the 152 billion was enough to upgrade and expand the military but not to substain it. With the government not passing a new budget to fix this problem possibly thousands of soldiers remain unpaid which is already causing major problems with morale. Put the party instability of the governing party on top of this and you have a potentially dangerous cocktail that could result in a major crisis for the until now succesfull deltarian government.

We will keep a close eye on this tense situation

One of the new mobile Deltarian howitzer artillery guns
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:39 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

April 9th 4449
Radical elements of the SDLS with the help of parts of the military have committed a coup and arrested Grand Governor Jakub Mrázek

For two months the situation in Deltaria had become more tense by the day. While the army kept urging the government to do something about the salary payments that were lacking prominent radical members of the SDLS called out the government for being "weak and misguided" in regards to this and other matters.

But while until now the buildup of tensions was seemingly being contained we can report that a sizeable portion of the military has committed a coup against the government and succesfully arrested Grand Governor Jakub Mrázek while also occupying his residence. A known radical from the SDLS called Miroslav Válek released a statement suprisingly in name of his party following the coup.

The army has today executed a mission to save Deltaria from the corruption and mismanagement of a innefective government. The SDLS stands with the military in these trying times and shall do whatever is necessary to cooperate in putting the traitors of our state on trial. In addition to this we can also confirm the arrest of every cabinet member and the creation of a constitutional council to review and possibly rewrite our great constitution. Our party, the Social Democratic People's Party, will also change its name to the Socialist People's Party to better reflect our ideals and principles. Thank you all for being here and long live our great state

Many experts believe that Válek himself and his many radical supporters in the SDLS (now SLS) where the masterminds behind the coup and used the dissatisfaction over the salary issue in the military to win at least parts of it over in joining their side by commiting the coup.
We also received reports of Radical SLS members being seen meeting with military officials. Could this be a takeover that changes Deltaria forever? Will the military bring back civilian control or keep their newfound power?

Deltarian soldiers setting up positions around the former Grand Governors residence
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:42 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

July 18th 4449
Military appoints Miroslav Válek as leader, new constitution about to be adopted
While the military has firmly taken control of government they have appointed radical Miroslav Válek as the new leader of Deltaria

With Miroslav Válek taking firm control of the SDLS party with his radical members, the military, now firmly under control of the state, have appointed him as the new leader of Deltaria once a new constitution has been ratified. This further confirms suspicions that the radical wing of the SDLS party was the driving force behind the coup. With Válek announcing the renaming of the party to the "Socialist People's Party" it seems that the country will head towards a socialist future.

Some details of the new constitution have already been leaked. For example the new flag has been published on social media. The name of the office of the Grand Governor will also be renamed to Federal President.

The name of the country has not yet been revealed but according to the first leaks it is evident that we may be seeing the end of our democratic traditions as we know it and enter a era of socialism for the country......

The new leaked flag for our country
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:24 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

September 11th 4449
New Deltarian leader Miroslav Válek orders the court to prosecute former Grand Governor Mrázek
With Válek appointed as leader of the nation by the military he has ordered the military controlled courts to prosecute former Grand Governor Mrázek on charges of treason

Miroslav Válek, the leader that many call the new dictator of Deltaria, has ordered the new commissary of public affairs (in charge of most of the justice system) to prosecute former Grand Governor Mrázek on charges of treason.
The ministry of justice has been under military control since the coup. With Válek taking the mantle of leadership he immediately, with military approval, created the "commissary of Public Affairs" and gave it control over the entire justice system. This CPA is nowhere near independent as the leader of Deltaria directly controls it making the justice system basically state controlled.

It is expected that former governor Mrázek will be put on trial relatively soon and many experts believe it is almost certain he will be found guilty and serve a possible 40 years in prison. Making the former governor 87 when he could be released.

The Deltarian military guarding the residence of the former governor while he is still in house arrest
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