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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:28 pm

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted Newschannel of Baltusia in 4490

Vice President Ortobbya secures Presidential Nomination
February 15th, 4492
Vice President Cecily Ortobbya is the new Presidential Candidate of the UDP, along with Senator Farnsworth

Castle Rock, Westbrook: The United Democratic convention took place for the first time in Castle Rock's Sport Arena, were delegates from all the five states gathered to make the most important political decision of the year: choose the Presidential and Vice Presidential card for this October.
A summary of what happened last night in the Arena, as told by our Journalists and Press officials:

The Castle Rock Arena was filled with Democrats from all ages, and from all states.

The convention was full of Democrats from all over Baltusia, each carrying flags from their caucuses or with the names of their favorite pre-candidate.
Everyone was moving, and it was clear a big announcement was coming, when the stage lights turned on and the national anthem started blasting from the sound system. "An almost magical appearance", it's how the entrance of President Gresham was perceived by the public, alongside his two times running mate and Vice President, Cecilia Ortobbya.
It wasn't clear until what was the point of his speech, until he started his speech emphasizing the importance of the Job, and how experience and unity were two principal and massively important qualities that the Commander in Chief must have to lead our great nation. In that moment Gresham turned his head to her Vice President and officially nominated Ortobbya as his Presidential Candidate for '92.

The noises from the crowd could be described as "mixed". There was cheering, as some of them were screaming another name, but as soon as the President finished his speech, it was clear the whole Arena filled with applause and cheering. The respect the Democrats have for President Gresham is undeniable.

The Social Liberal Caucus "de facto" leader, Senator Dave Rockwell Deputy Chairperson of the UDP, had its own time slot to give his own speech on the importance of Unity in our Party, and ended on a high note, nominating his fellow Senator, Clarence Farnsworth as a Presidential candidate. Clarence is the oldest son of the 5th President of the United States of Baltusia, Oliver Farnsworth. Clarence was quickly questioned by some members of the party, as how would he distance himself from his father's rather Darklighted Administration. Clarence didn't hesitate a moment to protect his father's legacy.

Delegates from all caucuses started to deploy their political machines to secure their favorite on the Ticket. It was physically possible to see how important politicians were rushing from one side to another, talking and exchanging views with their fellow democrats.

It was time to vote, first to go, the President's caucus. The moderates ratified their support for Cecily Ortobbya.
The Social Liberals backed their own Senator Farnsworth.
The Socialists "humbly" -yet very proudly- supported the Vice President.
It was all down to the Social Democrats. The Socialists seemed pretty confident they were going to vote for Ortobbya, but their faces changed as soon as their delegate announced their vote for Senator Farnsworth.
A loud gasp was heard, and it almost turned into a Rodeo inside the Arena, until Chairperson Joe Murray quickly climbed unto the stage and announced his tie-breaker vote for Cecily Ortobbya.

It was official, by 11:25 PM that Cecily Ortobbya was going to be the Presidential Candidate for the UDP. Murray quickly reminded everyone that the convention was not yet finalized until the UDP nominates also her Running Mate.
It was quick and unanimous, Senator Farnsworth was the widespread favorite, and he rapidly joined Cecily Ortobbya on the Ticket.



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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Wu Han » Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:36 am

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:47 am

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Armed Forces Enter Into Third Phase of the Modernization Program

Secretary of Defense Gina Napolitano

United States Secretary of Defense Gina Napolitano confirmed at San Luis Naval Yard that after 20 years of investment and time the United States Armed Forces were finally entering into the third and final phase of the long drawn out Armed Forces Modernization Program that was begun under Secretary of Defense Nathaniel Archibald III and President Wallace Howell in 4474. Secretary Napolitano stated that the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force all went through significant investment phases, obtaining new equipment, bases and organization shifts from the ground up though the Naval Phase was always going to be the most expensive. The United States Navy currently has 9 Frigates, 6 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers and a single outdated Attack Submarine. Under the Naval Modernization Program, San Luis Naval Yard will be tripled in size and capacity with plans for a massively expanded Navy. The final plan for the Navy will include 16 Guided Missile, Anti-Air and Anti-Submarine Frigates, 20 Guided Missile attack Submarines, 12 Guided Missile Cruisers and 8 modern attack Submarines, with a caveat for the possibility of up to 2 Amphibious Assault Ships, with Napolitano flatly ruling out the construction of Aircraft Carriers at this time.

Construction of the first round of vessels is expecting to begin this year, with the full program expected to last 20 years before it's finally complete with the Navy to be at it's full capacity and strength in the mid 4510s.

Secretary of Defense Napolitano is supposed to met with Congress later this week to go over the current progress of the program, that has been begun and continued through 4 Presidencies.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby MackinAintEasy » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:47 am

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted Newschannel of Baltusia in 4490

Rep. Joe Murray, UDP Chairman and House Minority Leader, announces retirement
November 1st, 4495
Rep. Joe Murray, Sr. has annouced his retirement after over 30 years of public services.

Castle Rock, Westbrook: House Minority Leader and UDP Chairman Joe Murray, Sr. announced today that he would be retiring at the end of his current term. Murray who has served in several capacities over a 30+ year career in politics starting as a campaign aide in 4460 for the Presidential Campaign of Christopher Jacobs and his father, P.J. Murray. Joe would later run on a Presidential ticket of his own as the Vice Presidential candidate for former President Oliver Farnsworth in 4476, Murray would go on to serve as Secretary of State in Westbrook before becoming Chairman of the United Democratic Party. Rep. Murray has also served as House Minority Leader (4480-4484, 4489-Present) and Speaker of the House (4484-4489) while representing Westbrook's 2nd District.

Rep. Murray's pending retirement means a significant vacancies in leadership not only within the Moderate Caucus but for the United Democratic Party as well. Some sources say that Murray may try to stay on as UDP Chairman post-retirement from congress as their are no by-laws within the UDP that states the chairperson has to hold public office but the Moderate Caucus will need a new leader after almost 2 decades of leadership under Murray. The likely Moderate to replace him is his oldest son, J.P., who recently secured the UDP nomination for President in 4496. However if J.P. is elected President in 4496 the Moderates will need to look elsewhere. Several names have been thrown into the hat but we will have to wait for the smoke to clear in '96 before we have any real answers.

Potential Moderate Caucus Leaders Post-4496
- Senator J.P. Murray: Senator from Westbrook and Presidential hopeful in 4496. If he is elected President in 4496, Moderates will have to turn to someone else to fill the void. If J.P. does end up becoming the next Moderate Leader it is likely not much will change as his name is not the only thing Joe Sr. passed down to J.P.

- Secretary Jack Murray: Current Secretary of State and former Governor of Westbrook, as well as the 2nd Oldest of Joe Murray, Sr. A Moderate Caucus under Jack Murray would look much different than a under Joe, Sr. or J.P. Under Jack Murray the Moderate Caucus could possibly shift slightly right to the center of the politcal spectrum.

- Rep. Reid Brennan: Nearly wrestled the mantle away from Joe, Sr. 8 years ago but has sat quietly after his failed attempt. Moderates under Brennan would take a hard shift to the left, possibly even hard enough left to create a internal rift between Moderates.

- former President Sam Gresham: While he has not official entered into any race for public office, rumors have been circulating that former President Gresham could be seeking his old seat in the U.S. Senate. If President Gresham re-entered into the U.S. political scene it is very unlikely the Moderates would turn to anyone other than one of the most popular Baltusian Presidents.

- Senator Bobby Murray or Rep. Eddie Murray: The two youngest of the Murray Boys, neither Bobby or Eddie is likely to succecced their father as Leader of the Moderate Caucus but they stand a much better chance than most Moderate congressmen and congresswomen.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:49 pm

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted News channel of Baltusia in 4490

UDP lawmakers call upon Secretary of State Murray to take action against instability in Kanjor
March 15th, 4500
Fellow UDP Senator from Santiago, Deacon Erickson, has been the leading voice over a growing wave of concern amongst Baltusian lawmakers about instability in Kanjor.

Johnston, District of Dove:

Numerous UDP lawmakers have expressed growing concern over the recent instability in Kanjor over open and fervent discussion about the possibility of the nation legalizing slavery. The last remaining resistance to the growing authoritarian atmosphere within Kanjor's Sénat, the L'alliance Communiste-Libérale, or Communist-Liberal Alliance, was forcefully removed from the cabinet. Despite only controlling the Ministry of Justice, the move has been seen by many as an act of authoritarianism, seeing as though the MoJ in Kanjor is independent from both the Head of State and the national legislature.

Spontaneously breaking a lull in Baltusian politics mere months before the lead-up to the 4500 election, which also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the modern Baltusian government, fellow lawmakers have been mostly quiet on the issue, save for the aforementioned UDP. A response from the Republican-led government has yet to be seen, But analysts predict that most will achieve bipartisan support for diplomatic intervention on the matter.

Speaking before Congress, the leading voice for the concerned group of lawmakers is Deacon Erickson, the UDP's Senator for Santiago. Erickson called upon the current Secretary of State, Jack Murray, the only UDP member within the Republican-dominated Presidential cabinet to seek diplomatic action with Kanjor.

"We are seeing a rise of extremist views on our own continent. In Kanjor, far-right views have leaped from the shadows and into the light. Militant monarchists and xenophobic nationalists have seats in their nation's legislature. The last voice and hope for containing stability, the country's Justice Minister, was forcibly removed from the cabinet, an act that is certainly dictatorial. It has become clear that both the rights of man and the rights of democracy in Kanjor are slowly dissipating as we speak. I call upon Secretary of State Murray to take action against this growing crisis. If we enable far-right views to spread on our continent, then it will only be a matter of time before we plunge ourselves into an infinite abyss of chaos and despair."
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:22 am


The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

As the third year of President J.P. Murray's term ushers in, cabinet gridlock continues to worsen

Since the beginning of the 4500 Presidential term of J.P. Murray, a UDP President in a Republican-dominated Congress, gridlock over the appointment of his Cabinet has been the worse in Baltusia's recent history.

Johnston, D.D.
Published April 15th, 4503

Hopes were high for the continuation of a bipartisan Baltusian government, first successfully achieved by two term UDP President and former Governor of Santiago Sam Gresham after his landslide victory in 4488. During the "Gresham era", lawmakers were able to achieve multiple successes from both sides of the aisle—Including a massive overhaul of Baltusia's education system, and the abolition of tuition.

Such hopes were struck down after the victory of J.P. Murray in the 4500 election, beating out the Republican nominee in a landslide, due to the aforementioned candidate passing away of a thunderclap heart attack during the course of the campaign, securing a UDP Presidential victory by default—but leaving an extremely partisan Congress, in favor of the Republicans by a supermajority, despite near record low voter turnout.

The results confirmed exactly the fears of analysts—Most voted in favor, yet the Republican Party's largest caucus narrowly cost the 2/3rds majority required for such a cabinet to pass. Despite repeated attempts to construct a bipartisan cabinet by Murray himself, it seems gridlock will continue to worsen.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:48 pm

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted News channel of Baltusia in 4490

President J.P. Murray in critical condition after being shot three times by unknown assailant
August 29th, 4503
Rutledge Metropolitan Police officers line the side of a road near the city. At approximately 11:15 this morning, shots rang out near the President at a re-election campaign tour downtown.

Rutledge: Chaos and uncertainty in Rutledge as three shots rang out at the city's town hall, as current President J.P. Murray conducted a campaign speech. As reports come in, it has been confirmed that the President was struck three times by gunfire, with one bullet piercing Murray's abdomen, one piercing his right shoulder, and another possibly hitting the President's chest.

The suspect was immediately tackled by the Rutledge Metropolitan Police, who have yet to release the identity of the aforementioned suspect. Citizens fled for cover in all directions, and the President was immediately shuttled into his motorcade and sped away towards the nearest hospital.

With multiple reports come in from eyewitnesses, many have described the President falling limp in the hands of his secret service agents, with blood pouring from his mouth. The President's status is currently unknown, but some are reporting he is in critical condition.

As further details are made public, BNN will be sure to keep you informed as the story progresses.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 6:38 am

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted News channel of Baltusia in 4490

Breaking: President J.P. Murray pronounced dead from sustained gunshot wounds
August 31st, 4503 (OOC: Postdated)
With the time of death being called early yesterday morning, the President's body now lies in state in the Congressional Rotunda, flanked by politicians from both sides of the aisle.

Johnston, District of Dove: Despite the best efforts of a team of doctors working around the clock since his admittance into a hospital in Rutledge, the President of the United States of Baltusia, J.P. Murray, was pronounced dead from sustained gunshot wounds.

President Murray was survived by his immediate family, who were reportedly in constant contact with surgery staff throughout the course of the past two days. As per the line of succession, back in the nation's capital, Vice President Jack Murray, also of the Murray family, was sworn in as nominal President of the United States.

With elections right around the corner, and a collective shock amongst both parties in Congress and the public, it is unsure what will be in store for the future of Baltusia.

After lying in state, the President's body is scheduled to be buried at a private ceremony in his native state of Westbrook.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:28 am

BNN: Baltusian News Network. One of the biggest news companies in Baltusia, based in Johnston.
Voted #1 most trusted News channel of Baltusia in 4490

Rutledge Metropolitan Police reveal name and photo of President Murray's assassin
September 2nd, 4503 (OOC: Postdated)
Jozef Winarski, seen here, is a Valruzian national of Trigunian Kozaki descent. From documents obtained from Valruzia's Police, Winarski has quite a long rap sheet.

Rutledge: Late this afternoon, after repeated requests by both the general public and Baltusian news outlets, the Rutledge Metropolitan Police have revealed both the name and image of President J.P. Murray's assassin, who is being held at the Rutledge District Detention Center. The assassin of J.P. Murray is Jozef Winarski, a Valruzian national of Trigunian Kozaki descent.

From information obtained from Winarski's social media profile and from his parents by BNN, the 23 year old man was born in the coastal city of Knińsk, in the Waluzyjskie (Valusian) voivodeship. Winarski frequented extremist groups during his time in college in his native Valruzia before moving to Baltusia to take up a job in computer engineering.

After quitting merely a year afterward for undisclosed reasons, Winarski became more vocal in extremist rhetoric, specifically nationalism, anti-Yeudism, and skepticism towards the United States. After a raid of the Winarski's home by the FIB a mere day after the President was rushed to the hospital for treatment, chat logs gleamed from his computer showed he frequented several militant websites and forums, some of whom were linked to terrorist groups, and supporters of far-right movements in Dovani, namely Utari Mosir, and other nations of the "Dovani Axis".

Even more concerning amongst members of Congress, mainly of the UDP, is the extremely easy way the man was able to obtain the weapon that fatally wounded the President. From a press conference in Rutledge, Police Chief George Hopkins remarked "All it took for Mr. Winarski to obtain a gun was $500 and a driver's license."

We are cooperating with the FIB and the State Department in auditing the recent behavior of Mr. Winarski, specifically in his procurement of the murder weapon. According to purchase records over the past half year, Winarski attended the Ralston state gun show last winter, where he purchased a police style handgun. Late this summer, he was reportedly seen at the "Fire Right" gun store in Hallsboro where he tested said weapon. At said Ralston state gun show, frankly all he needed was $500 and a driver's license, and the gun was his. If he had gone to a normal gun store, he likely would've been subjected to some more checks at the discretion of the store owner. But there really is no unified gun law in either the State of Ralston or Baltusia as a whole, so it's unlikely if he would've been checked further at an ordinary store. Ultimately, it was incredibly easy for this man to obtain a police issue style handgun to assassinate our Commander-in-Chief.

George Hopkins
Chief of Police
Ralston Metropolitan Police

After hearing the relative ease in which President J.P. Murray's assassin was able to obtain a handgun, UDP members of Congress were apparently outraged, calling for immediate common sense gun reform after the 4404 elections.

A reaction from the Republican Party was apparently quite different, expressing outrage that an immigrant was able to easily make his way to the country, sparking some xenophobic rhetoric amongst some hardline Republican Congressmen.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:45 am

CDS is a Left-Winged newspaper printed in Ciudad Juárez, Santiago. It focuses mainly on politics, economics and propaganda.
Students organize massive protest against radical decentralization of education in San Luis
October 15th, 4506

San Luis, Santiago: Approximately 50,000 students collectively walked out of the University of San Luis (Egelian: Universidad de San Luis) to protest radical decentralization of education at the hands of the Republican Party. Chanting such slogans as "Education for all", as shown above, and "Take back our education", the students marched from the University towards downtown, eventually stopping at the state legislature of San Luis. While tuition is still fully subsidized under the massive education reforms executed under Sam Gresham, which many Republicans point to to justify their reasoning for ultimately tearing down a unified federal education system, proponents for the return of said system argue just that—Now that centralized education has been eradicated, Baltusian schools ranging from grade schools, middle schools, high schools and even colleges are now at risk of suffering from bureaucratic disorganization.

A leading voice on the issue: Speaking graciously about the topic in front of Santiago's state legislature via megaphone, Alexandra Muñoz has vehemently opposed the radical measures, stating "...Now that both a centralized education apparatus and regulation of higher education institutions has been abolished, for-profit universities can essentially run wild with their curriculum standards, which could mean that universities could possibly give a biased curriculum, or outright teach students false information." She rallied fellow students both in San Luis and social media with the tag #TakeBackOurEducation. Many lawmakers belonging to the UDP have already applauded the actions of Muñoz and have begun spreading the student's hashtag. Fellow Republican lawmakers have largely been mute on the matter, but one Attano member of the House of Representatives stated: "Ultimately they're just a bunch of college kids trying to get out of class to find something to whine about. Tuition is still fully subsidized by the federal government, so why the hell are they complaining? These kids are wasting their time."
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