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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:25 am


DiVerdes Takes in a Lecture in Wiel, Vanuku
Continues on to Valruzia; Cites desire to get some sun

Weil, Vanuku
April 3, 4521

Delores DiVerdes Center takes in the sights in Wiel, Capital of Vanuku With CFO Irving Caldoso, right

In the capital of Vanuku, CEO of the Kalistani National Defense Consortium, Delores DeVerdes took in the sights with her traveling companions. While there, she took a tour of the National Capital building and attended a lecture of the notable Erji Könnyrahe, CEO of Vanutech, a major player in the Vanukean Defense Industry.

"The Lecture was fabulous," said DiVerdes. "Very informative. We were just walking through the Institute of Business Studies, and I heard Dr. Könnyrahe was giving a lecture, and I said to Irving (Caldoso, CFO of the NDC) 'Irving... we simply must go meet this gentlemen." DiVerdes met the Professor and CEO following the lecture and spoke at length about Kalistani interests.

"It was PURELY social," said DiVerdes. The following three days, DiVerdes was out and about in Wiel with her full team, ostensibly seeing more sights and meeting Vanukean citizens.

"We learned a lot here in the capital. I don't have any news to report, but I must say, the Vanukean system is quite interesting to me."

DiVerdes will conclude her business in Vanuku over the next two weeks and then will fly to Valruzia to meet with counterparts in Reglair, who have expressed interest in working with Kalistan in development of a Northern Seleyan Defense Industry consortium, and who have recently built working prototypes of strategic bombers and fixed wing fighter aircraft.

"We have heard there is a museum in the Capital City of Nowogard dedicated to the Valruzian music phenomenon Szarybeat. We certainly to visit that. We, all of us, also need to get some sun, Irving especially. And we will talk with representatives from Reglair about how Kalistan can assist Valruzia to develop its jet power."

DiVerdes also confirmed that her team will stop in Keymon and Lodamun before returning to Kalistan. More news on this amazing and important global junket as it develops.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:05 pm

Voice of the Free
August 4521

Court rules for Van Wyck,4 to 3.

The Van Wyck v. Kennedy case has finally reached a verdict with the Constitutional Court voting 4 to 3 in the favor of the Plaintiff. Even though this does not mean much for the government as a whole it may effect the future government process.
The Lead Attorney of the Kennedy side,Sarah Furhat had this to say while exiting the court:

The Partisan court delivered a partisan decision which is not a suprise. The justice’s were clearly biased for the plaintiff even before the ruling took place. It was a sham pony show and honestly We did not expect more then that from a court appointed by the former failure of a President. Regardless of the decision the people know what is true and they know that if it were not for the decision of early elections,the state would still be left with İnterim Ministers and Minority Governments,We leave the court today with our heads high !

Sarah Furhat
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:55 am


ASSaCC accepts blame for sinking Kazulian Shipping
Agrees to Indemnify the Kazulian Government as Straits Issue heads to WC

Eveari, Ananto
September 15, 4422

Members of the All Socialist Shooting and Carousing Club are on hand to talk about Kazulia Skirmish

The naval attache of the All Socialist Shooting and Carousing Club admitted to the sinking of three Kazulian commercial vessels during the recent skirmish on the Northern Limit with the Kingdom of Kazulia.

"We reluctantly accept responsibility for the sinking of the civilian vessels which were beginning a transit of the Strait and were flying Kazulian colors," said Master Gunner Terrance Grecco. "We acted under the Privateer Act, and acted to send a message to Kazulia, however, as part of an attempt to reduce tensions between the Kingdom and the Republic, we have offered to pay for the lost cargo and life a reasonable sum of money that may be agreed upon between whatever representatives the Kazulians would like to send and the Socialist Party of Kalistan."

The Master Gunner was careful not to apologize. "We acted in defense of the Republic, and our action was designed to make it clear that shipping from unauthorized powers will be fair game in the future. However, given the willingness of Kazulia to pull off the line, we feel that paying for what we sunk was an appropriate gesture from the Republic to Kazulia."

The matter is now expected to be taken up by the World Congress, who will discuss the Straits issue. "To be honest," said Speaker of the SP, Georgia Van Wyck, "We don't have a lot of faith that the World Congress will see matters our way. It is imperative that whoever our Ambassador is to the Congress, that they make it clear that Kalistan will not accept any solution which does not recognize our sovereignty over the Straits. However that ends up looking, this is a non-negotiable issue. You can't allow hostile powers to threaten our national well being whenever they wish. Whatever the Congress decides in the matter, they have to acknowledge that Kalistan has a serious need for security: The Northern Anantonese Ocean is a dangerous place full of people who want to enslave Kalistan and turn it into a colony. We will never back down from our security interests. I hope our Ambassador makes this clear in the World Congress."

Meanwhile, the first replacement Ananto Class submarines began construction in the National Shipyards in Kaliburg under National Defense Consortium supervision. The first batch of 12 will be completed within 2 years. In addition, small arms and uniforms for the Regular Force and the Militias have been rolling off the lines for more than 6 months. The Republic is slowly but surely getting onto war footing, as this skirmish may well be only an early salvo in a much more concerted effort by Kazulia to pry open the Straits, against the will of the Republic.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:01 pm

Voice of the Free
February 4522

Micheal Wallace throws hat in the ring once again,Sarah joins LDP !

LDP Chairman Micheal Wallace once again has been announced as the LDP Presidential Candidate,as the LDP once again gets ready for Presidential and General Elections,the Lead Attorney of Premier Haytham Kennedy in the Van Wyck v. Kennedy court case Sarah Furhat has also joined the LDP and is expected to be a candidate of the LDP for Parliament from Ananto. She is a decorated lawyer and with her Defense of the Kennedy Government in court,She gained popularity among the Liberals combined with the fact that she is the daughter of LDP Founder and 18-Year President of the Republic Ceaser Furhat,she was an easy candidate for the LDP in the General Election.

Micheal Wallace
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:14 pm

Voice of the Free
August 4522

LDP retains position,Wallace to resign !

The May elections have resulted in a status quo for most parties including the LDP which is once again the Largest non-Presidential Party in the Assembly. The Presidential Elections have also resulted in President Blake retaining his office while Micheal Wallace ended in third place with 25,5% of the vote,considering the fact that the other two candidates were endorsed by several parties,Wallace got a healthy amount of votes,this view is also held by the LDP Council which denied rumors of Primaries and exclaimed support for Wallace. However that attitude is not shared by the man himself,according to some inside voices. Wallace plans on resigning and leading way to Primaries and considers the Election Results as a clear failure for the LDP,According to rumors this belief was enforced by the former President,Ceaser Furhat who pressed that the Liberal Democratic Party should never be contempt with Second-Place. İn other news.Ceaser’s daughter Sarah Furhat managed to be elected from Ananto and will now serve as an LDP member of parliament from Ananto.

Micheal Wallace during an LDP Council meeting prior to the Elections

Sarah Furhat captured in the LDP Ananto Headquarters during Election Night
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:21 am


Defense Consortium CEO makes a stop in Valruzia
Visits "National Shrine" to Beat Brothers

Nowogard, Valruzia
April 17, 4522

Delores DiVerdes continues her trek from Vanuku into Seleya

Visiting the museum to the Music Genre known as the Szary Beat, named after a port city in Valruzia where the genre is said to have been founded, Delores DiVerdes continued on her sightseeing voyage, along with CFO Irving Caldoso and a team of Kalistani engineers and scientific researchers.

"Yes, I made them go to the Beat Brothers Museum. Because let's face it: They work for me," said DiVerdes with a laugh. "It's something of a National Shrine to the Beat Brothers and other bands that came out of Valruzia back then. I'm glad to have seen this before I die. I am still such a fan of that Valruzian sound. My grandmother used to play it for me. In my own, very humble opinion, Valruzia had some of the greatest music in the world back in those days, and that's saying something, coming from a Kalistani."

DiVerdes was not all pleasure while in the Valruzian capital. It has been leaked that she held at least one several hour long meeting with Reglair Aircraft Factory in Valruzia. This company was one of the Valruzian firms who have held informal conversations with the Kalistani Consortium about development of new jet technology. The CEO denied that this meeting was anything other than a social call. "I met with reps of Reglair for lunch. It was more of a 'How's it going' sort of meeting than a 'Lets do business" kind. We may have the opportunity to work together in the future, but yesterday's meting was just so my team and I could sample the local cuisine. I apologize for not making any news for you today."

The team is expected to stay in Valruzia for the next two weeks before traveling to Keymon. "We want to wait until their military exercises are over with Vanuku which we had the pleasure of witnessing for a day or so while still stationed in Wiel. When they get back, we will head to Maddog, or as they call it, Turtle Bay and meet with their defense attache."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:46 pm

Voice of the Free
January 4523

Government Coalition formed,Wallace makes decision

After the May Elections,It was expected that the status-quo parliament would result in status-quo government of the Patriotic League and Liberal Democratic Party continuing,however the PL/LDP coalition added the newcomer to parliament the National Liberal Party to the Coalition,creating a 143-Seat Coalition. Haytham Kennedy retained his position as Premier,in a press conference held after the new Coalition passed parliament,Haytham was quoted as saying:
“The new coalition will prove even more dynamic then the one before,We are confident that every minister and bureaucrat of the new coalition is the best for the job,We will continue to work very closely with the President and continue our steady and successful path to reform and Liberty.”
Meanwhile the LDP Chairman Micheal Wallace which was rumored to be contemplating resignation has reportedly made his decision on the matter. Close sources confirm that Wallace shall announce his retirement from politics prior to the 4525 Elections.

Haytham Kennedy during the Press Conference
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:00 am

CAK Declares Government Illegitimate
Militias Begin to take Action Against the Increasingly Anti Kalistan Government
CAK Minutemen Elite Armor Group "Colbert" Block Off Highways into Kaliburg 1/4/4523

The sounds of uniform marching, conservative militia marching tunes, and the chants of "Down with the Traitors, Up with Kalistan" and "Death to Blake and Kennedy" filled the air this morning in each of the major cities in Kalistan, CAK is on the warpath. After showing "continued and ever increasing inability to govern and lead", CAK officers lead by Field Marshal Douglas Montgomery have denounced the government and President as illegitimate and announced their plans to put a stop to the misdeeds of the fascist and liberal "Coalition of Hell". There is yet to be any reaction from the government, other parties, or the NCP itself, though response is no doubt imminent.

FM. Douglas Montgomery gave the following statement after his announcement:
We have sat aside for too long while the patriotic League and Liberal Democratic Party have been chewing up Kalistan. When they first attacked our economy, we reluctantly sat and watched. The numerous times they've shown their obvious disrespect toward Kalistan, its people, and its institutions, we sat by. When the Paties and Libies realized they both had the ultimate goal of destroying Kalistan and joined together to assault our nation in tandem, no reaction. But we've had enough. When you continuously tread on the bull, it is inevitable that you get the horns. Due to the Coalition of Hell's continued and ever increasing inability to govern and lead the people of Kalistan, we hereby denounce their government as illegitimate and enemies to Kalistan. We will be taking military action against the government soon, but offer amnesty to any PL or LDP member who surrender peacefully. We do not wish to shed Kalistani blood, so we request that all Kalistani constables and soldiers not take up arms in support of a government which hates them. We also request the the Peoples Revolutionary Guard and Revolutionary Socialist Militia of Kalistan as well as the NCP, SPoK, and UKWF join us in our struggle against the oppressors. We will be considering members of the National Liberal Party civilians in this struggle and offer them peace between our two organizations, this is between us and the Libies and Paties. Liberty Shall Triumph!

The reports are still early, but here is the situation in each of the Districts:

Ananto - The Minutemen Battalion has occupied Kaliburg, with loyalist pockets occupying important sections of the city. CAK troops are laying siege to Dulnerstaad and Luxon.
Neveras - CAK troops have rested control of most of the District with the assistance of Conservative and Socialist revolutionaries.
Odufaray - CAK troops are laying have siezed Kluptoon and are laying siege to Eshar, Ganderis, and Tzuhjing.
Vrassa - After occupying Vrassa City and Senvias, CAK forces were thrown out by pro government street militias and the police force. Casualtie are low, but CAK forces have ended their offensive and are currently regrouping.
Suldanor - Fierce street fighting is currently taking place in Sulari while Yoshimi is also under siege. Ulshurpest and Temmon are currently untouched by the CAK

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Postby VonHabsburg » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:16 am

UKWF Party Headquarters, Kaliburg:
As gunfire erupted outside, the Assembly of the UKWF voted overwhelmingly to raise their banners in revolt and deploy the People’s Revolutionary Guard alongside their CAK counterparts. When questioned, Leon Steele, reappointed as leader after his hospitalization, had this to say:
We’ve let the Fascists in the PL and the Anarchists of the LDP remain in power for far too long. It’s about damn time we put our foot down and said “Enough”.

The PRG has linked with CAK militias all over Kalistan in an effort to aid their comrades, and have lead their own, albeit cautious attacks against Vrassa City and Temmon.

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:24 am


Revolutionary Socialist Militia of Kalistan Issues Proclamation
"We've had enough of Fascism"; Deploys Militia across the country
Reports of mutiny at Bozo River

Kaliburg Ananto
April 17, 4422

Socialist Partisans take up position in Neveras City, Nevaras

Speaker of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, Georgia Van Wyck, issued a proclamation for a General Strike today, aiming to shut down the industries across the Republic and call workers out to defend workers' Rights. "We have had enough of Fascism," said the one time Premier of the Republic. "It is time for workers to stand up for the rights of the people and do what is necessary to restore Kalistan to some semblance of normalcy. This means we will not come back until the current government relents."

The RSMoK took the Strike one step further, and moved quickly to secure posts around Kaliburg, Sulari, Eshar and Nevaras. A three block radius around the SP Headquarters in Kaliburg were closed off by armed militia, as well as various radio stations in the capital, food bank operations, medical facilities, and army outposts. Additionally, it was initially unclear whether socialists in the Regular Force and the police force would heed the call of the General Strike, but clearly some have. There was a mutiny at the barracks of Bozo River CATC, and socialist Partisans have taken over the adjacent town without a shot, but the base itself is still under Government control. Socialists have seized the arsenal, however, and are preparing for counterattack.

The National Defense Consortium has closed its doors, and will not supply arms and ammunition to the National Government. Their efforts to modernize the military have ground to a halt recently, as the now contested Government of Kalistan has refused to allow the Consortium the ability to begin production of weapons. Kalistan is in a weakened state due to rampant and willful government neglect, and the militias are in far better shape training and equipment wise than the Regular military.

Events are developing quickly. Stay tuned for more news.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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