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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed May 25, 2022 4:02 pm



Office of the Premier, July 2, 5124: CLAIRON PICARD has learned that Premier Charles d’Evremonde, has received the opinion of The Justice Ministry and Foreign Ministry on the meaning of some portions of the Charter of Ville de Saints. The Justice Ministry opinion is as follows:

Article 1, Section 1, gives the Arch-Patriarch full authority to govern the independent city state Ville de Saints as he sees fit.

Article 1, Section 2, is simply a guarantee of Rildanor and Kanjor to defend the independent city state Ville de Saints. It is not some sort of reversionary clause nor, in view of Aricle 1, Section 3, does it limit Ville de Saints in providing for its own defense as well.

Article 1, Sections 4 and 5 read as follows:

Section 4 - Kanjor and Rildanor shall provide for the common good of residents of the city-state of Ville de Saints cooperatively;

Section 5 - Citizens of Kanjor and Rildanor shall be provided access without restriction to the Ville de Saints. Judicial matters that regard citizens of Kanjor or Rildanor shall be reserved for their respective states, matters related to visitors to the Ville de Saints shall be determined by the city-state of Ville de Saints as they see fit;

Quite frankly, these provisions are enigmatic but can not simply be ignored. Under the construction rule of Pari Materia, reading them together they seem to mean that citizens of Rildanor and Kanjor may visit and become residents of Ville de Saints without losing their citizenship in Rildanor or Kanjor. Further, Ville de Saints may treat residents of Ville de Saints as citizens as well or not as it sees fit in addition to governing activities of visitors.

Foreign Minister Maxim Gourgaud has notified the Office of the Premier that review of the opinion of the Justice Ministry indicates it is in accord with the view of the Foreign Office records concerning the treaty which was drafted by the Foreign Office some 250 years ago.

CLAIRON PICARD is informed the Premier has notified Cardinal Paul Milhoud, Archbishop of Atyr, that Royaume Uni dre Kanjor sees no impediment to the new Arch-Patriarch governing Ville de Saints under whatever ordinances he may issue. Additionally, should the Arch-Patriarch wish review of the specific governing rules decided upon, such examination would be promptly forthcoming.

Premier Evremonde
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat May 28, 2022 7:46 pm



Cathedral of Sainte Hortense, February 12, 5126: After an Archdiocesan senior clergy gathering at Sainte Hortense, CLAIRON PICARD had an opportunity to discuss the broader Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC) agenda and activity with Monsignor Charles-Henri Hunziger of the Archdiocesan Staff. Aaked if Cardinal Milhoud was disappointed he was not elected Arch-Patriarch, Monsignor Hunziger responded:

Cardinal Milhoud had promised Paulus XI he would support the Eliasit candidate and so he withdrew his own nomination as soon as possible. I have every reason to believe he always intended to act as he did.

It has been suggested he might be made Patriarch of Canrille. With the present Arch-Patriarch resident and reigning in Ville de Saints, it hardly seems likely that office will be revived. But it does raise the question of whether the APC has plans to put energy into the other nations of Canrille as it has in Kanjor. Each nation is very different with different obstacles and opportunities in each. Can tell you Cardinal Milhoud is exploring contacts to see if the APC in Canrille can be brought closer together.

There also has been talk coming from the Curia that the APC will be trying to reunify Hosianism. Obviously Eliyahu would prefer that, but humans on Terra always have a tendency to quarrel and divide rather than reconcile and unify. Talk is the Eliasits would be in the forefront of any such effort.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:34 pm




Gouverneur General’s Residence, August 16, 5131: At the Gouverneur General’s Residence, a meeting was held involving Gouverneur General Charles d’Evremonde, Premier Honore d’Armagnac, Finance Minister Philippe St. Leger, Trade and Industry Minister Paul-Henri Hunziger, Food and Agriculture Minister Marcel Reynier, Education and Culture Minister Tristan Thibault, Science and Technology Minister Fabrice Courbet and their immediate staff.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss whether a successful project could and should be used for commercial and trade benefits. At the Universite Imperiale de Kanjo, the Food and Agriculture Ministry has been has been funding a project for the Zoology Department to grow chicken meat from stem cells with a view to making a lab grown meat product available to food markets in Royaume-Uni de Kanjor with trial marketing in Numineux Region.

The two reasons for the project are that the environmental impact would be far less than raising and feeding chickens for slaughter. Second, eliminating the slaughter of the fowl as is the general practice would seem to be a positive reason as well. The appeal is not to vegetarians but to people who eat meat.

The process is for stem cells from the outside of chickens to be taken and initially grown in petri dishes in a laboratory. Production scale for marketing will have production in giant meat fermenters so production will resemble a brewery or a greenhouse depending on the ultimately most effective method. In this case, the former has worked better. This biological engineered product is meat which in this case is chicken. The product in fact tastes like chicken and has been received by the population as such generally if not totally.

The issues at the meeting at the Gouverneur General’s Residence were twofold. First, to discuss whether to go forward with efforts to expand production to other meat eaten by the population such as beef, pork, duck, turkey and fish.

The other question is if and how to exploit the product commercially. The Premier suggested that selling to food bank donors would be something where there probably would be a lot of activity. The Premier was certain the Archbishop’s Office would help.

The Trade and Industry Minister believed there were some nations chronically dealing with hunger and others where a political or military disaster had disrupted the supply chain where there was at least a temporary need for additional foodstuffs and the Royaume would be likely to make contributions.

The Food and Agriculture Minister pointed out it would not be good policy to put our farmers out of business to sell lab grown chicken produvced at Universite Imperiale de Kanjo. What the Minister suggested is increasing outreach to farmers to see who would like to get in the lab grown chicken business and offer loans and grants to facilitate expanding their operations to include lab grown chicken producion.

After the meeting, Finance Minister Philippe st. Leger told CLAIRON PICARD that the project at the University would be expanded to include other meat products, the Premier’s Office would work with the Archbishop’s Office to promote purchase of lab grown chicken by food bank donors, the Ministry of Trade and Industry would identify other nations and regions in need of contributions because of war, famine, natural disasters, chronic dependency and plague where donations by the Royaume would be appropriate, and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture would disseminate information to the agriculture community that assistance was available to those who wanted to expand into the lab grown chicken business.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:58 pm



Couvonges, January 26, 5133: At the weekly discussion of issues selected by Prior Marcus Ulpius of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium Chapter House in Couvonges, there were several guests at the discussion, most notably newly consecrated Bishop Charles-Rene Hunziger, former Gouverneur General Marguerite Rochambeau and Abbot Tiberias Julius Alexander.

The topic was whether the practice, rather prevalent in the Order, of emulating the conduct perceived to be conduct reflecting loving spirit, actually impeded developing a loving spirit. The Prior suggested it might be that by reducing one’s quest to a set of rules, it might well be more difficult to spiritually develop. The Bishop suggested this could well be the case in
much of the Church generally.

The Abbot suggested if a loving spirit was present in someone, there would be no harm in that person knowing what others thought was conduct reflecting that spirit. Brother Lucius Aetius indicated he felt knowing what conduct showed love was helpful in any event in living one’s life in harmony with others.

Brother Publius Licinius stated it was during an unselfish act unknown to others including the beneficiaries, he had felt closest to the Lord and had an absolute physical feeling of closeness to the Creator of the Universe. For him, acting in a loving manner for whatever mixed motives had brought him that oneness with the Lord.

Prior Ulpius suggested this convinced him the practice was definitely a help and not a hindrance.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:48 pm




Defense Ministry, February 17, 5135: Defense Minister Eugene de Beauharnais met with the Chief of the National Defense Staff and the Chief of the National Army Staff together with their immediate staff to consider a proposal made by Arsenal Preud’Homme Group after being solicited for the offer by the National Army Staff Procurement Branch.

Each National Army Infantry Regiments has a Reconnaissance and Support Company which in turn has inter alia a Sniper Section. Procurement Branch is looking for a good standard sniper rifle and asked Arsenal Preud’Homme Group to develop one. It has done so.

The Hecate II is a 12.7 millimeter caliber repeating rifle. The barrel is lined with Stellite alloy which is also used in the barrels of large caliber machine guns to increase barrel longevity. It is fitted with a high efficiency muzzle brake to reduce the recoil actually felt by that of a user to the recoil level of a standard army rifle. The stock is adjustable and is equipped with front and rear bipods for maximum accuracy. The Hecate II is also equipped with a telescopic sight.

The Hecate II has a weight of 13.8 kilograms, a length of 1380 millimeters and barrel length of 700 millimeters. It is bolt action with a muzzle velocity of 825 meters per second and an effective firing range of 1800 meters.

CLAIRON PICARD has in fact learned the project of equipping all sniper sections with Hecate II rifles is approved.

Defense Ministry

https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=d91b6c90 ... X0lJ&ntb=1
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:39 pm



Atyr, July 7, 5135: After a meeting of the Council of Ministers, CLAIRON PICARD asked Gouvernor General Charles d’Everemonde if he thought Federation Canrille might lose its majority, and he responded:

Well it could happen. Union Populaire Democrate (UPD) is a new credible party and we have been around a long time doing things pretty much the same way. Imagine a number of voters will think not so much throwing the evildoers out as giving a fresh new party a chance to deal with the problems we have been dealing with for a long time.

Make no mistake, Federation Canrille believes it has a solid record promoting domestic economic growth and growing international trade as well maintaining democracy at home and friendly relations with our neighbors. We want the vote of the people of Royaume Uni de Kanjor and stand on our record in asking for their vote.

But we do believe in democracy and recognize a credible challenge that will be decided by our Sovereign People.

Gouverneur General Evremonde
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Jun 19, 2022 6:53 pm


Foreign Minister Gourgaud


Foreign Ministry, February 17, 5137: The Chamber of Deputies is very like to ratify a treaty creating the Perarctic Council which will consist of states abutting the Perarctic Ocean and deal with issues that involve its protection in terms of its ecology and economic exploitation. Foreign Minister Maxim Gourgaud told CLAIRON PICARD:

The government of Kalopiki Dimokratia asked Royaume Uni de Kanjor to join the Perarctic Council. We appreciate their leadership in taking this vital step. Think we are all familiar with the whales, penguins and puffins that frequent the Perarctic Ocean but few know about the fragile ecosystem that needs our protection.

Let me state clearly this is not in any sense a military alliance or commitment but rather a joint effort by those of us in a position to control access to the Perarctic Ocean to work together to regulate the future of this fragile ecological treasure.

We would also note Gouverneur General Charles d'Evremonde has named former Gouverneur General Marguerite Rochambeau as High Commissioner for the Perarctic and The Chamber of Deputies is in the process of approving her successor as Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, M . Marcel Augereau.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:34 am


Finance Minister St. Leger


Finance Ministry, March 16, 5138: CLAIRON PICARD has learned that today at the Finance Ministry, Finance Minister Philippe St. Leger met with Ministry staff and Infrastructure and Transport Ministry and science and technology Ministry personnel together with executives of Auto Seleya and Freres Lafollette concerning the electric car market.

The two main places where Kanjor made electric vehicles are sold are Liore and Martois. In both of these Auto Seleya primarily sells its Carnot Segmento, an electric line of mid size automobiles developed in conjunction with Freres LaFollette who had developed the first electric vehicles in Kanjor. Auto Seleya will also markets the Carnot Ami, a much smaller vehicle for use where there are serious urban parking problems or for short journeys in isolated areas. As a considerably cheaper vehicle it is has developed a natural market of its own.

In Martois also Frere LaFollette Motors sells small electric trucks and electrically powered farm machinery. Many homes and farms have charging stations and there is network of charging stations in Martois.

Both LaFollette Motors and Auto Seleya would like to expand sales in Kanjor beyond Martois. There are really two problems to be considered if this is to be successful. The first and fundamental one is that if we seriously switch automobiles away from fossil fuels to electricity, the electrical power grid will need to grow considerably.

A study in the Science and Technology Ministry indicated if all residences with residential charging stations would install solar panels with seriously vetted storage batteries, the needed extra generated electricity for residential charging stations would be generated without other extra input. This implies charging stations generally could make up the shortage in current power grid as well.

The other problem is recharging takes a long time. This is no problem if one just recharges one’s electric vehicles at night at home or at one’s business or farm, but if interested in a trip requiring recharging along the way, it will considerably increase the trip length over gasoline fueled vehicles. In Martois there are some stations between cities but obviously there are not charging stations in place nationwide and whether it would likely be profitable to install them for a growing market is still a guess.

CLAIRON PICARD understands Auto Seleya has indicated it could expand production and marketing from Just Martois to Martois and Numineux but it would really be nice to have some charging stations between cities. Freres LaFollette is operating a few but getting anyone to buy franchises is still an uphill battle. Auto Seleya can install GPS devices that will tell the vehicle operator where the charging stations are and if there are open charging slots which will help some.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport suggested it construct and operate charging stations between cities supported by solar panels with the provision that if franchisees materialized to replace contractors, this would be done. The Finance Minister approved this plan on behalf of the Council of Ministers.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:14 am


Premier Chlotilde Defarge


Atyr, October 7, 5140: CLAIRON PICARD asked Premier Clothilde Defarge if election returns mandated a change of policy by Federation Canrille since the party had lost seats in the Chamber of Deputies.

I do not really think so. We have not had two competitive parties for a long time. Think election indicates voters are taking an interest, and with a choice some are seeing an opportunity to support someone or a party more closely approaching their views than we do.

There are two specific things I would mention. The separatists are not a serious threat to split our nation anymore. When we were formed it could have happened. Our policies took the edge off a tense situation.

Second, the majority of our nation does not want religious influence on government policy. At all. At the same time we have a thriving APC community which contributes to the health of our society. I think we can make this dichotomy continue to work not by crushing the church or letting it dominate the state but continuing to treat each other with mutual respect. We do need to regard our society As a work in progress not treat it with benign neglect.

So to answer your question we will stick to our core principles and hope that serves a large enough constituency to let s continue to serve our Sovereign People.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:56 pm


Gouverneur General Evremonde


Gouverneur General’s Residence, January 17, 5143: At a meeting of the Council of Ministers, CLAIRON PICARD has learned the topic was the Royal Family. There has been some talk in international circles of the current Monarch of Kanjor wanting to take up residence in Royaume Uni de Kanjor.

It seems the Gouverneur General’s Office will contact the Royal Family to assure them if the Monarch of Kanjor desires to take up residence in Royaume Uni de Kanjor, suitable accommodations for the Monarchy and its attendant Court have been located by the Finance Ministry and will be made readily available including La Fin du Nord.

CLAIRON PICARD has also learned the Office of the Premier will be contacting the Archdiocesan Office of Cardinal Milhaud to insure participation in any coronation the monarch might wish. When pressed by other Ministers, Premier Defarge agreed to ask that the Curia at Ville de Saints be contacted by the Archdiocese to see if participation by the Arch Patriarch was possible but indicated the likelihood of this at the moment was remote.

Gouverneur General's Residence
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