
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:38 am

DoD orders withdrawal of Føderaleforsvar troops from Kalopia.
Department of Defence orders withdrawal of Føderaleforsvar troops from Kalopia as aims of initial deployment achieved.
2nd August, 4340

The Department of Defence announced that it had ordered the immediate withdrawal of Føderaleforsvar troops from Kalopia amid calls from the Kalopian Government for gradual withdrawal of Kazulian troops from the nation as it moves to initiate a diplomatic solution to its situation with Solentia, Jakania and Deltaria. According to the Department of Defence, the Føderaleforsvar's primary and secondary objectives of ensuring the security of the Great Kalopian Republic and forcing a nocturnal response from the government in Romula had been achieved. Diplomatic sources from across Majatra had been sceptic and startled by the decision of the Department of Defence to withdraw forces from the region. Diplomatic sources in Wiel, who have cited that the Federal Republic of Kazulia "had no business in meddling with the affairs of the Majatran continent" had to respect to the "Pax Temrkai-Votta", the doctrine which the Kingdom of Vanuku has used to justify action against foreign military intervention into Majatra.

An official from the Department of Defence stated that the withdrawal did not come in accordance with "Pax Temrkai-Votta" as the government of the Federal Republic of Kazulia views the doctrine as a hegemonic defence mechanism. According to the Defence Department, the withdrawal's nature can be found in a telephone conversation with Statsminister Holmbert Saivarsson and Prime Minister Kolenta Kapllani, where Kapllani requested the withdrawal of Føderaleforsvar troops from the nation in order to create a comfortable environment the various parties converging to discuss the topic of de-escalation in Majatra under the guidance of the Istalian Republic. Statsminister Saivarsson stated that the withdrawal of Føderaleforsvar troops and equipment from the nation did not mean that the Føderaleforsvar would be withdrawing from the region entirely, citing that the Ellinor Ketelsen Airbase will remain online but will house a significantly reduced number of troops of around 1,000 persons and associated equipment.

Statsminister Saivarsson stated that he had also ordered the withdrawal of the KNS-Oliver Fiske from the Deltarian coast; ordering it return to Kazulia for combat exercises in the White Ocean. Minister of Defence Christoffer Sundby stated that he had every intention of expanding Kazulia's military cooperation and friendships within Majatra, citing his unwillingness to kowtow to "Pax Temrkai-Votta".
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:17 am

Kazulian Navy begins anti-piracy operations in Anantonese Sea
Kazulian Naval Forces launch anti-piracy operations in Anantonese Sea; Expands existing operations near Rapa Pile.
:The KNS-Truls Sogge and KNS-Jarl Kjos en-route to rendezvous with the conglomerate of Squadron 161.
3rd February, 4341

The Federal Republic of Kazulia's Operation Jörmungandr which has been aimed at countering piracy activity in the waters near Rapa Pile and surrounding, has been relieved of its restrictions which barred the 3 vessel squadron from operating on the Anantonese Sea. Members of the National Security and Defence Council met earlier this month to discuss the reformation of the nation's national security following the dissolution of dissidence within the nation, where the nation's involvement of independent anti-piracy operations was brought up. According to Rear Admiral Edvard Nordland, Commander of Squadron 161 (the squadron responsible for Kazulian counter-piracy operations in the entire Dovanian continent) stated that the National Security and Defence Council along with members of Naval Command, agreed on the expansion of the squadron capabilities and their area of operation from Dovani proper to Dovani and environs.

An interrogative was released by the Department of Defence with respect to the aims of expansion of anti-piracy operations. According to the document, Squadron 161 had been authorised to conduct operations on the coastal regions of the Red Sea, the Sovereign Sea and Midway Gulf, moving away from their conventional approach of mainly focusing on maritime activities. According to Rear Admiral Nordland, the expansion of capabilities will be restricted to designated airstrikes and special operations missions aimed against fuel storage facilities and boats. An expansion of military activity does not come without complication and consequences. As the Navy expands its operations against pirates, human rights agencies intend on maintaining an increased degree of vigilance where it pertains to the Kazulian Navy's expanded operations in the area.

Apart from the expansion of anti-piracy operations in Dovani, Rear Admiral Nordland stated that the Kazulia Navy through Squadron 161 is expected to begin operations in the Anantonese Sea. Reports of cargo ships being raided by pirates of unknown origins. The most recent report being a failed hijacking of a fishing trawler by pirates. As the squadron moves to expand its operations, 4 vessels (the KNS-Truls Sogge, KNS-Jarl Kjos, KNS-Vetle Asker Frigates) and (the KNS-Helge Tanck replenishment ship) have been added to the ranks of Squadron 161, and will be focused on countering Anantonese Sea piracy. According to Commander Magnar Halvorsen, head of counter-piracy operations within Squadron 161, within the introduction of internal policies, pirates captured by any vessel of Squadron 161, will be extradited to the Federal Republic to prosecuted under the Kazulian judicial system. Halvorsen also stated the Mariners are expected to participate immensely during the entirety of Operation Jörmungandr, according to an official from the Department of Defence is expected to last until the government sees that the piracy problems with Dovani and environs have been quashed/suppressed.

Government threats to ban Trigunian politicians from entering Kazulia.
Skalm hardens stance on resurgence of Trigunian aggression amid threats hurled at Skalm and Bekenial.
3rd February, 4341

Prime Minister Holmbert Saivarsson in press media release by the Office of the Prime Minister, warned the Government of the Trigunian Federation that it would move in accordance with domestic laws to ban Trigunian politicians from entering the nation after President Lyonya Brantov's tour of the eastern hemisphere which Skalm highlighted promoted a strong anti-Kazulian sentiment. As President Brantov toured the eastern hemisphere he visited various countries including, New Endralon and Kizenia, Egelion, Kalistan, Indrala, Baltusia, Lodamun and Dolgava where a special emphasis had been placed on the nation nearest to Kazulia such as Egelion and Indrala. According to a media release by state-owned media outlet Речь Народа (Speech of the People), his trip to New Endralon and Kizenia was key as the nation was vital to his policy of "Eastern vigilance" which is purely aimed at the Federal Republic of Kazulia and also his trip to Egelion highlighted the importance of the nation due to its proximity to Kazulia.

Prime Minister Saivarsson stated that the government had been monitoring the situation where it pertains to President Brantov's rhetoric and was prepared to make the necessary moves towards ensuring the nation holistic security from Trigunian aggression which has since now returned. Where it pertains to the emerging military aggression from the nation, Chief of the Defence Staff General Hallgrim Jacobsen stated the Defence Command had been monitoring the movements of Trigunian military warships and combat aircraft throughout the northern hemisphere through the Northern Defence Integrated Command Aerospace Monitoring Radars positioned throughout Hutori and Kazulia. Prime Minister Saivarsson spoke with Justice Minister Karin Knivedalen who outlined to the Prime Minister that the government had legal grounds for banning Trigunian politicians from entering the country, campaigning within the country and funding political parties within the country under the banner of meddling with the nation's internal affairs.

According to the Office of the Prime Minister, due to the anti-Kazulian sentiment being promoted by President Brantov, it is expected that any proposal of a state visit by the President will be automatically denied by the Office of the Prime Minister on the grounds of President Brantov fuelling anti-Kazulian sentiments within the eastern hemisphere. In response to the mounting aggression, the Arctic Response Task Force has been placed on high alert and ordered to increase its patrols of Kazulia's arctic claim and to step-up their monitoring of traffic originating from Trigunia's arctic claim citing that the nation's emerging aggression will not go unnoticed and unchecked. Prime Minister Saivarsson warned the Trigunian Government that further moves to promote anti-Kazulian sentiments in the region will be met with other measures, hinting restrictions on Kazulian foreign exchange into the nation and and increased restrictions of the nation's movements in the arctic, which Skalm has stated in the past that it will restrict Trigunian traffic passing through the arctic to the point of turning Trigunian vessels around.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Zanz » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:47 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Feb 02, 2018 8:36 am

Skalm ambitions for the White Ocean Zone.
Kazulia increases military presence in White Ocean and Arctic Claim amid Trigunian resurgence.
:Troops of the 8th Infantry Division during Exercise Cold Resolve 4331.
5th August, 4342.

As the Trigunian Federation begins to make its approaches in international politics following its resurgence, the Government has directed the Defence Forces to focus on securing the nation's interests in another spectrum: the White Ocean Zone. It was announced this week through a media release that the government had been making plans to expand the nation's attention and interest to the White Ocean Zone; mainly through the preparations for a major commercial programme to be launched by the government in the coming months. The Government in Skalm has been pursuing a strong-handed approach to the White Ocean Zone, especially where it pertains to its militarisation. Decades prior, the Trigunian Federation had invested billions into the militarisation of the nation's White Ocean Zone claim in response to the advances made by the then Federal Republic of Hutori, the nation's sworn enemy.

According to Chief of the Defence Staff General Hallgrim Jacobsen, although the Føderaleforsvar has conducted various operations in the White Ocean Zone, its operations have not had a permanent base of operations as most operations pertaining to the region in question were coordinated from joint command centres in Agatha. According to information from a source within the Federal Department of Defence, the Føderaleforsvar had made contingency plans for the permanent deployment of the 8th and 8th Infantry Divisions of the Home Guard, troops who have been involved in exercises pertaining to sustained cold-weather combat since the formation of the Cold Resolve Doctrine. According to officials from the nation's Arms Manufacturing Industry, provisions had been made for a select number and class of vehicles currently used by the Føderaleforsvar to be upgraded to operate with an enhanced degree of effectiveness in cold-weather combat.

Government agencies such as ADRA (Advanced Defence Research Agency) are reported to be working in collaboration with companies such as Asvald Gruppen (now privately owned) and Viserby Defence Systems to develop "special vehicles" built around the nation's specific terrain. Apart from this, the Kazulian Army has introduced an increased emphasis on ski-warfare, so much that it intends on making it mandatory for conscripts and soldiers on a whole to be trained in cold-weather warfare tactics. Within the coming years the Føderaleforsvar is expected to install sophisticated missile defence systems and overhaul the nation's middle-aged surface fleet.

Multinational Brigade formed to coordinate northern efforts.
Joint Hutorian-Kazulian military brigade formed in-order to increase cooperation between nations in White Ocean Zone.
:Hutorian Infantrymen during a combat exercise hosted by the Hutorian Armed Forces decades prior.
5th August, 4342.

A brigade of the Hutorian Land Forces and the Kazulian Land Forces are expected to be integrated to form a rapid reaction force for cold-weather operational areas. According to information released by the Federal Department of Defence, the 9th Paratrooper Brigade—a mobile force of 5,000 troops capable of being deployed throughout any combat zone within three to four days—will join the Hutorian 33rd Ranger Regiment underneath the command of a Hutorian Commanding Officer. With an airborne and special forces orientation being the multinational brigade's foundation, it is being reoriented to respond rapidly to threats of various degrees of intensity. According to a statement from an official from the Federal Department of Defence, where it pertains to the brigade's response time, it was decided for it to be considered a "worthy" rapid reaction force, it must be able to respond faster than the 2nd Territorial Division of the Home Guard, whose experiences over a prolonged period has enabled it the ability to deploy all 10,000 combat personnel within the White Ocean Zone within one day.
An Official from the Federal Department of Defence wrote:The 2nd Territorial Division can be on the battlefield within 24 hours with accompanied equipment. Where it pertains to the area of operation where the 1st Hutorian-Kazulian Brigade is expected to be stationed, 24 hours is enough time for a given enemy to establish a concrete base of operations posterior to their invasion of friendly territory. Thus in-order to be considered a Kazulian tested rapid reaction force, It must be able to deploy all 8,000 troops within less than 24 hours. Within less than 24 hours, this joint brigade should have already established a base of operations and should be on the battlefield awaiting reinforcements such as the 2nd Territorial Division.

It is most likely that this multinational brigade will be positioned to respond to instances within the White Ocean Zone. The Federal Republic of Kazulia had begun to make affirmative steps to towards securing and expanding its interests in the region, and the formation of the 1st Hutorian-Kazulian Brigade has brought into action the joint interests of Hutori and Kazulia in securing their interests within the region from the resurgence of the Trigunian Federation.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:06 am

NORDIC: Expanding monitoring through space
NORDIC moves to expand northern aerospace monitoring through signal tracking satellite
:NORDIC's Joint Monitoring and Control Centre in Hringariki Air Base.
2nd December, 4343

The Advanced Defence Research Agency (ADRA) is constructing a series of satellites with the specific aim of detecting and monitoring aerospace traffic in the northern hemisphere and in some regions of the southern hemisphere. Coined the Global Aerospace Monitoring System (GAMS), the venture is expected to increase/improve the organisation's capabilities in detecting and monitoring the aerospace of the northern hemisphere, which the organisation has been sworn to protect and monitor. A joint cooperative between Hutori, Kazulia, Dorvik and Luthori will see the satellites being able to obtain signal information from aircraft and maintain a consistent feed of information from the satellite to the Joint Monitoring and Control Centre in-order to track aircraft (might it be civilian or military) throughout the northern hemisphere without limitations associated with ground base radar systems and airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.
An official from ADRA wrote:It is imperative that we maintain a constant vigilance where it pertains to aerospace in the northern hemisphere. I believe that through GAMS, we will be able to increase our capabilities ten fold.

According to statement from ADRA, the satellite will use direct and reflected signals from GPS satellites (to be eventually launched by the Space Exploration and Exportation Directorate of the Department of Science and Technology). This will allow aerospace monitors to make better predictions of the movements of aircraft tracks. There has been rumours that the satellite could possibly be used to advance methods of forecasting weather. The specifications associated with the satellite have been calculated to be similar to those necessary in enabling a satellite to predict the movement of hurricanes, tropical surges and other climatic occurrence. The satellite in question coined Cyclops is one of 3 satellites to be constructed by ADRA in cooperation with NORDIC and SEED.

Development Bank formed to ease financial worries.
Amid economic inequality government establishes Kazulian Development Bank.
2nd December, 4343

A recent government report outlining the various economic hardships faced by Kazulian during the reign of the previous administration sparked the interest of the government when it concluded that income inequality among Kazulians had increased and as a result had driven out small business and larger businesses of the sort. In response to the report, Minister of Finance Elisabeth Moen meet with various members of Kazulian Small Businesses Association and the Skalm Chamber of Commerce where she outlined her initiative to form a development bank in order to form a government funded response to income inequality and the effects of the economic hardship in the business sector.
Minister Moen met with Sivert Ingebretson, President of the Kazulian Small Businesses Association and Magnar Aanes President of the Skalm Chamber of Commerce on the premise of government support to small businesses. When the incumbent conservative party had been initially in government, it had supported small businesses throughout various anti-small business reforms and taxation regimes. Minister Moen stated that she intends on bringing back the government support for small businesses as the previous government had not recognise their untapped potential in boosting the nation's economic output.
Incumbent Chairman of the Kazulian Development Bank and former economist Trond Norgard announced to members of the media that the initial focus plan of the KDB is to champion the government initiative on supporting small businesses and ensuring economic stability for citizens during the transition towards a stable economy. He called upon larger companies such as the Gasstrien, Hatfield & Caldwell, Matthiessen-Reid (formerly Viserby Defence Systems) and various other companies in the developed industrial and defence sectors to stand up and take the mantle in pushing the notion of income equality in the business sector. Norgard told members of the media that the people are going to have to get up and get the work done. He said: "This government seems to be on that is not going to be tucking the people in bed at night. It is going to be the government that will bring you half-way and you will have to do the rest."
The Development Bank, according to officials from the Department of Finance had received an investment of 20 billion krona from the revenue earned by the government after privatising some state-owned companies such the Asvald Gruppen. The investment is aimed towards enabling the Development Bank to finance the various initiatives which it will soon champion.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:41 pm

Northern Council launches massive cold weather exercise
Exercise Arctic Lion '45 to involve more than 20,000 troops and associated equipment from Northern Council nations
:Armoured vehicles of the 14th Infantry Division of the Hutorian Armed Forces.
2nd June, 4345

The Northern Council has commenced its largest combined arms exercise since the formation of the multinational alliance on the island of Arenheim in the White Sea, as the alliance seeks to consolidate its interoperability in cold weather climates in response to background assertiveness by international bodies and their respective politics. The exercise coined Exercise Arctic Lion '45 will encompass more than 20,000 troops from Northern Council nations including the Holy Luthori Empire, the Kingdom of Hutori, the Kingdom of Dorvik and the Federal Republic of Kazulia and their respective combat equipment including armoured personnel carriers, main battle tanks etc. The exercise's paramount purpose, according to the Northern Council serves as a test of cooperation between troops and commanders from the various participating nations in responding to effectively on cold-weather environments and also to test their reaction in responding to various scenarios pertaining to the various regions each nation hails from inorder to shape other members into being able to adapt and operate effectively when the time comes for their intervention/involvement into various international concerns.

The exercise is reportedly being managed by Major General Sander Marcussen of the Home Guard. The Foderalforsvar places an emphasis on cold-weather combat making the concept a mandatory learning doctrine for conscripts and professional soldiers of the like. This is due to the nation's geographical location and the need for the defence force to master its environment and potentially use it against a given enemy. An official from the Federal Department of Defence stated that the scenario of the exercise was that the fictional nation of Gubrusia captures the island of Arenheim and Northern Council forces must restore control and order to the island. Director for Multinational Policy within the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs, Mikael Haugaard stated that the introduction of a multinational, multilingual exercise by the Northern Council would increase their cooperation. He highlighted the fact that due to similarities in language Dorvish and Kazulian soldiers will be able to relate to each other and in a similar manner they will be able to converse with their Luthorian speaking counterparts due to the nation's system of having Luthorian as a mandatory language second to Kazulianisk.

:A map of Arenheim outlining the various operation to be conducted underneath the banner of Exercise Arctic Lion '45.

Representing the Kingdom of Hutori is the 14th Infantry Division, the 3rd Armoured Division and the 5th Infantry Division and a series of combat vessels. In representation of the Kingdom of Dorvik is the 1. and 2. Jagdverband (Dorvish Special Forces), Panzergrenadier-Regiment Grossdundorf (Military Security Service special forces), 23. Panzer Division, 1. Panzer-Divsion, 500. Grenadier Division, 10. Panzergrenadier Heilige Dorvik, 12. Panzergrenadier-Division, 17. Panzergrenadier-Division, 107. Fallschirmjager-Division, Lievenian Sea Fleet, Marinestosstruppkompanie "Großadmiral Ludwig Matern" (naval special forces) and finally representing the Holy Luthori Empire is the 1st Armoured Brigade, 3rd Paratrooper Brigade, 7th Artillery Brigade and the 2nd Territorial Brigade. Operations including Hutori and Dorvik's combat vessels have been directed under the Arctic Response Task Force which operates 24/7 throughout the Arctic patrolling the island and monitoring various traffic in the north originating from various northern nations.

According to Major General Marcussen, Defence Command had expressed its intention of hosting cold weather combat exercises for the Northern Council in the coming future. Apart from this it had also expressed its intention to expand the scope of the exercise from defence to offence. Major General Marcussen stated that through cooperation within the Northern Council, the concept of mutual defence and interoperability will become natural to members and soon the Northern Council will yield the world's most combat proficient/effective cold weather troops, under the guidance of the Home Guard (masters of the art).
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:11 pm

COMRAD introduces sustained aerospace patrols
Joint Hutorian-Kazulian Aerospace Defence Alliance launches aerospace monitoring and enforcement patrols throughout northern hemisphere.
:A Z-3 "Centurion" Airborne early warning and control aircraft of the Kazulian Air Force during patrols over the Northern Dovani.
11th May, 4347

Commander of the Combined Aerospace Defence Command, Lt. General André Sandström announced that the combined organisation had commenced what would be regular aerospace patrols throughout international aerospace in the northern hemisphere, highlighting the organisation's intention to enforce various pre-established restrictions throughout the northern hemisphere amid advances in the organisation's capabilities in detecting aircraft through the construction of increased radar systems on Arenheim. The announcement of the "longtime aerospace monitor" was announced posterior to the Kazulian Air Force's decision to dedicate various squadrons to a combined rapid reaction force under the banner of the Northern Council. It is important to note that the Northern Defence Integrated Command is completely separate from the Northern Council, as it is an alliance mainly between the Kingdom of Hutori, the Federal Republic of Kazulia and recently the Kingdom of Dorvik.

According to COMRAD's press media office, the aim of the patrols are to increase monitoring of the aerospace of the northern hemisphere and to form a formidable reaction force to serious instances. Various restrictions have been imposed on the northern aerospace, specifically where it pertains to military aircraft. According to Lt. General Sandström, combat aircraft from a given nation must: (1) Clearly display the flag of the aircraft's originating nation, (2) Respond to all calls made by aerospace monitors, (3) Maintain a respectable distance from radar stations and other designated military sites. "Spy planes" from various nations have increased their frequency with respect to their presence in the northern hemisphere. In response to this, Lt. General Sandström made a staunch warning stating that aircraft whose intentions are to conduct intelligence/reconnaissance operations in the northern hemisphere (when detected), will be intercepted and ordered to divert their course away from the general aerospace. It was also sated that aircraft which refuse to comply with orders laid out by aerospace monitors, will be shoot down by Skjǫldr 1, Skjǫldr 2, HADS Epeè or missile systems equipped on the aircraft which will patrol the northern hemisphere under the banner of COMRAD.

Government commences plans for unmanned lunar landing and more.
Government begins planning for unmanned lunar landings; moves to utilise rocket development to launch satellites.
:An artistic rendering of the proposed "Stormspike" rocket to be developed by SEED.
11th May, 4347

The Space Exploration and Exploitation Directorate has made proposals for government approval on the commencement of operations towards achieving its first unmanned lunar mission in the next 5-10 years. According to SEED's media office, "Cosmos TV", the directorate presented its plan to an expert panel that included officials from the Department of Science and Technology and if approved by the government, the Science and Technology Department will request additional government funding for the programme. The main objective for the proposed programme is two-fold. It aims to launch indigenous satellites into orbit, which would increase Kazulian independence where it pertains to satellites as the nation uses Dorvish satellites for various duties, and also it aims to pivot the nation towards a manned lunar landing in the possible future. Although the Hutorian Government has streamlined its space programme, government officials stated that they did not feel comfortable with piggy-backing on the Hutorian programme citing the incidences experienced with the XF-43 programme.

If development and testing is successful, the Stormspike rocket will be used to launch various defence systems including the Global Aerospace Monitoring System (GAMS) and Kazulian modifications to the Dorvish Terran Positioning System (TPS). With the proposed design SEED intends to reduce the time needed for the operation of ground facilities and launches to about one fourth of the time required for the Launch Vehicle by making the vehicle perform checks on-board and autonomously and reduce the time required for operations on the ground. The directorate also claims to be aiming as much as possible to develop on-board equipment that can be shared with a family of rockets instead of custom-making on-board equipment for each rocket. If the Stormspike rocket is successful, apart from launching GAMS, the government will be able to launch improved meteorological systems into orbit with the aims of earth observation. An official from SEED that modifications to GAMS (when completed) can to be made in-order to orient separate satellites for meteorological observation. Information from the Advanced Defence Research Agency (ADRA) suggests that the agency has hands in the development of the Stormspike rocket, which it intends to use to launch GAMS and other systems developed by the agency.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:34 am

Joint venture to procure additions to existing fleet.
Asvald Gruppen, Pennington-Reid and Viserby Defence Systems to build AAS under 20 billion contract.
:Two modernised versions of the Ingrid-class amphibious assault ships to be constructed under a 20 Billion KKR contract.
2nd August, 4348.

Two modernised variants of the existing Ingrid-class amphibious assault ships will be built under a 20 billion krona contract to modernise the existing fleet of amphibious assault ships. The award of the 20bn contract to companies such as Asvald Gruppen, Pennington-Reid and Viserby Defence Systems means that the fleet will be modernised and various technological defence systems developed by the companies are expected to be integrated into the vessels currently in construction and the vessels currently operational under their separate modernisation programme. It was reported that the shipyard responsible for the vessel's initial construction made a significant bid but came short due to the united front established by Asvald Gruppen, Pennington-Reid and Viserby Defence Systems. According to Defence Minister Ranveig Fadness stated that the construction of two additional amphibious assault ships and the modernisation of the two existing vessels will increase the armed forces' capacity to respond to instance of uncertainty throughout the region and wider world.

The reason for the government's decision to turn down the Vanukean shipyard comes as it moves to champion the cause of indigenous constructed warships. Although most of the vessels will be constructed in Kazulia, some components will come from Hutori and in other cases Vanuku. "Every dollar spent on defence within Kazulia, should be spent within Kazulia", she championed as she moved to obtain increased government funding for the modernisation programme which she intends on expanding to other combat vessels including the nation's frigate and submarine fleet. An official from the Department of Trade and Industry stated that the government's decision to keep the construction and modernisation of the vessels in Kazulia means an increased opportunity for the Port of Gna to utilised the modern features which it had obtained during its own modernisation and expansion.

According to Defence Minister Fadness, the government intends on expanding the Z-35 programme by procuring an additional 105 pieces from the Zardic Government. According to inside reports from the Department of Defence, the armed forces are still conducting various tests on the aircraft, specifically honing in on the aircraft's ability to avoid radar detection from radar arrays throughout various nations. Currently, the Kazulian Navy utilised their currently fleet of Z-35's as naval strike aircraft and in some cases air superiority and close air support. The Defence Acquisition Office stated that the procurement of an additional 105 pieces would see the ordered amount be integrated into the air-force where it is expected to undergo vigour testing.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:51 am

Government official sentenced to 15 years for selling secrets to Dranland
Former Defence Minister could be sentenced to 15 years or more for selling government information to Dranish source.
:Agents from the Security Bureau's Counter-Intelligence Branch have arrested former Defence Minister Stian Almli on espionage charges.
8th February, 4349.

Former Minister of Defence Stian Almli has been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment and possibly a life sentence after a Security Bureau Counter-Intelligence investigation lead to the discovery that the minister had been passing on sensitive military documents from a source within the Dranish government. Former Minister Almli appeared before the Supreme Court where he pleaded guilty to charges laid onto him by the Security Bureau for disclosing sensitive military information to a source within the Dranish government. Under the Espionage Convictions Act,“Any person (man, woman and/or child) of any occupation who assists in the advancement of the operational effectiveness of foreign agents through the exchange of lucrative information of any sort, that is deemed beneficial to foreign agents at the expense of the integrity of this nation shall be guilty of Espionage.” According to the Security Bureau, an investigation through the utilisation of the Surveillance and Data Collection Act, revealed information to them of the minister's actions prior to leaving office.

Minister Almli was arrested after the Security Bureau obtained a approval from the Attorney-General and a warrant of arrest was obtained from the Supreme Court. Mr. Almli is a prominent member of the Liberal Conservative Party, whom the Security Bureau stated will be questioned in connection with Mr. Almli arrest. “The activity that has continued up to he left office could be determined as an act of committing an obvious crime according to domestic’s criminal code. With this context, the arrest of Stian Almli was made in accordance with the criminal code of Kazulia,” a statement from the Security Bureau said. The Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation stated that it had launched an investigation into the information transferred from the Department of Defence and to the unnamed Dranish source. Director of the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation, Major-General Daniel Halvorson stated that the investigation conducted by the Security Bureau had been taken seriously by the organisation as a major data leak by the presumed most trusted member of the defence intelligence community; the Defence Minister.

The Security Bureau has launched an investigation into the Dranish Nine Tails Agency as it believes that the agency could have been responsible for the data leak. The Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Defence in a statement to the general public stated that the government had moved to sever relations with the Dranish government in relation to the arrest, with the Foreign Department summoning the Dranish Consul General. During an emergency meeting of the Defence and National Security Council, Director of the Central Committee for Intelligence and Special Operations, Claus Westergaard said:
As of now, we only know that information was transferred from the Department of Defence and to a source in the Dranish Government. We do not know how this information was transferred (through what medium). This means that we don't know the scale of this and we don't know whether they have been stealing information or information has been passed onto them in the prior to this incident and whether it is happening as we speak. Where it pertains to the contents of the information transferred I cannot comment on such information. The intelligence community is working around the clock to track the individual(s) or organisation who received the information from the minister. This is a serious breach of government information and now potentially puts our nation's national security at risk.

Minister Almli is expected to be questioned by the Security Bureau in the coming hours. Domestic laws prohibit the disclosure and transfer of government information until is has been clearly by the Information Curation Department of the Government Information Services as being safe for public disclosure. Director of the Security Bureau's Department C, Adam Blomquist warned the international community and their respective intelligence agencies of espionage against the Federal Republic, citing that the Bureau's Counter-Intelligence Branch, intends on hunting down all foreign agents within the nation. It is expected that Mr. Almli is to appear before the Supreme Court once more to answer to charges of corruption under the Corruption Convictions Act which could ban Almli from forever incapable of holding public office within a government department, state-owned company or government services.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:15 am

Armed Forces trains Lourennais Soldiers
Kazulian Armed Forces begins long-term training programme from Lourennais Soldier.
:A Kazulian Home Guardsman speaking with a Lourennais Land Component soldier during a local defence exercise.
23rd August, 4349

Kazulian military personnel will begin training troops from the Lourennais Armed Forces under a long-term agreement between the two nations, in an attempt to prepare the nation to be introduced into the Northern Council. The mainly canrillaise-speaking Lourennais Armed Forces according the Zardic Institute for International Affairs is considered to be a small military power, possessing an under-equipped, and under-trained armed force. According to officials from the International Military Assistance and Training (IMAT) Programme, the Lourennais Armed Forces must contribute to security throughout the region and as such the Kazulian Armed Forces is prepared to institute the reforms needed in bringing the Lourennais Armed Forces onto a footing on par with the Kazulian Armed Forces or better in some cases. Brigadier Frank Krabsethve, Commander of the Kazulian Military Assistance and Training team sent to Lourenne, stated that as time develops, the Department of Defence will expand the Military Assistance and Training Programme to involve the Lourennais Armed Forces in deployments throughout the region and possibly within other continents as the Northern Council dictates.

The training is apart of the Kazulian Armed Forces' efforts to strengthen Lourenne's ability to defend itself following an increase in instability within the region, specifically in the former-colonial nations. Krabsethve stated that the current phase of the military assistance and training programme was aimed at developing tactics for the Lourennais Armed Forces and honing their combat skills. He stated that he was uncertain of whether a memorandum of understanding similar to that between Kazulia and Kalopia would be applied by the Department of Foreign Affairs, however he voiced support of the idea, citing it as a possible positive vector towards the Lourennais Armed Forces becoming more combat effective and being capable of defending itself and more. Currently, the Lourennais Armed Forces stands with 57,000 active personnel and 63,000 reserve personnel and according to Brigadier Krabsethve, although the current numbers are satisfactory for a nation of its size and calibre, the issue lies in the nation's outward capabilities. He cited that the lack of interpolarity within the nation's armed forces would make it difficult for the nation to properly transition into the formations of the Northern Council.

Although plans for the formation of joint language training have been proposed, this is be introduced once the nation has completely integrated into the Northern Council formations. The languages spoken within the Northern Council are: Kazulianisk, Dundorfian and Luthorian. The addition of a canrillaise speaking nation would offer an increased understanding of the language by other Northern Council members, mainly Dorvik, Hutori, Luthori and Kazulia. It has been speculated that once Lourenne's aerospace forces have been primed for combat, the Northern Defence Integrated Command will introduce the nation to its joint aerospace monitoring alliance. As it stands the Lourennais Armed Forces has a long-way to go before it can be considered amount the "big leagues."

Senior commander sent to Indrala to repair relations
Senior military commander sent to Indrala to thaw decade frozen military relations.
23rd August, 4349

A senior military commander, under direction from the Department of Defence and the Department of Foreign Affairs, is to travel to Indrala in-order to thaw frozen relations between the two countries and forming what has the potential of being a strategic relationship. General Vebjørn Frydenlund, Chief of Defence of the Kazulian Armed Forces will meet with General Fu Guanglie of the Indralan Armed Forces, to discuss the thawing of relations between the two nations and the formation of a possible strategic relationship between the two nations. Although the Prime Minister was scheduled to initiate the thawing of relations between Kazulia and Indrala, these plans had been postponed due to the current investigation where it pertains to the former defence minister selling government information to a government source in Dranland. Kazulian and Indralan officials are quietly optimistic that both events will trigger a chain of public engagement and private negotiations that will reboot the two nations’ diminished relationship.

Relations between the government in Skalm and Tian'an were brought to an immediate halt after the publishing of the Offensive Initiative Tide, by the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation. The document outlined an extremely detailed plan in which the government intended on waging a conflict with the State of Indrala in response to the nation's reduced strategic position. The document causes international condemnation with various nations questioning as to whether the Kazulian government had other plans similar to Offensive Initiative Tide for other nations throughout the world, to which the Kazulian government offered no response to. Officials from the Department of Defence stated that among the various discussions to be held between General Frydenlund and General Guanglie, the government has prepared a formal apology to the Indralan government for Offensive Initiative Tide.
Director of the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation wrote:As a domestic inquiry accepts, the creation of Offensive Initiative Tide was an act of restrained military aggression launched on a false pretext and has been regarded as irrational and unacceptable by the international community. It lead to the collapse of diplomatic cooperation between the Federal Republic of Kazulia and the State of Indrala and the formation of fear within the Indralan population. The Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation has claimed responsibility for the document's creation and has formally apologised for its unwarranted actions. The consequences of the OIT will live with us as a burden for years to come.

Government officials within Skalm stated that if General Frydenlund is successful in Tian'an, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Trade and Industry will make provision to reopen the nation's market for Indralan goods and service and could possibly sign a joint trade and mutual defence agreement between the two nations.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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