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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:39 pm

Речь Народа
November, 4343

OOC: For first-person context on this post, see here.

Colonel Yuri Kapriyanov of the 3rd Spetskomanda Brigade, commander of the Trigunian observation force dispatched to report on the situation in New Englia stated that recent claims by the Inglian Volunteer Force (IVF) regarding the assassination of noted Onglian lawyer Agata Uí Banáin are "not backed by evidence." The IVF, which claimed responsibility for the assassination of Uí Banáin almost immediately after her death, "claims responsibility for nearly every Onglian death, even by natural causes," stated Kapriyanov, "making believing their claims dubious at best."

Instead, said Kapriyanov, evidence suggested that the lawyer may have been killed by someone close to her or her family. There was little evidence of forced entry at the home, suggesting that Uí Banáin may have allowed her killer into the home willingly. "The evidence suggests, despite the sensationalism of all news stories from New Englia today, that Uí Banáin's death may have been a tragic case entirely unrelated to the ongoing violence. We believe Uí Banáin may have been engaged in a lover's quarrel." Asked to clarify those remarks, Kapriyanov had no further comment.

The killing of Uí Banáin comes as part of an ongoing escalation of tension in New Englia where paramilitaries for two major ethnicities, the pro-government Inglians and the Metzist Onglians, have begun to engage in guerrilla warfare across the nation.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Leob » Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:16 pm

Trudoviks push for a coalition including Belaya Trigunia

After the last election, a coalition with Our Motherland was very likely for Trudoviks, as the two parties have a history of cooperation in times when more conservative parties hold a large portion of the Duma. After a long debate in the Trudovik Central Committee, a different proposal was drafted. Despite many voices of protests, even from the party leader, the Central Committee succeeded at including Lyonya Brantov as the Foreign Minister. The Committee argumented that the Belaya Trigunia active foreign policy is very close to the Trudovik vision and the inclusion of Lyonya will assure greater consistency.

Experts, however, have a different opinion. Most Trigunian politologists have agreed that the Central Committee might think that Lyonya will be less dangerous while kept in sight. Some voices even suggested that the Trudoviks hope to create a "bridge" for Belaya Trigunia voters, to vote the TDF in the next election.


The Trudovik leader, Matvey Soldatov (included in the new cabinet as Minister of Defence), argued that letting Lyonya into the government is in conflict with fundamental Trudovik values. Soldatov has been outvoted by senior members of the Central Committee on the matter.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:17 pm

Речь Народа
November 4350

Trigunia's most controversial politician, Leonid 'Lyonya' Brantov, is back in his second term as President after snap elections were called with unanimous support in the State Duma following the dissolution of the long-time party Our Motherland. Election returns saw Lyonya receive just over 50% of the popular vote over incumbent President Yakim Astafyev of the Labor Democratic Front.

Lyonya attributed his win primarily to Astafyev's controversial decision in September 4349 to remove Lyonya from government for the first time since 4340. Lyonya's foreign policy had been so popular among Trigunians that he had been allowed to continue as Foreign Minister in a OM / LDF government. "When Astafyev removed me from the cabinet," Lyonya told a rally in Rodshyadam, "he showed you his true colors. He's afraid of a resurgent Trigunia. He showed you that. Show him the door!"

Lyonya campaigned extensively in preparation for the November 4350 election

The term term #ShowHimTheDoor quickly became popular across Trigunian social media.

Lyonya's resurgence came with a related surge for his party, White Trigunia, which saw its vote count more than double (from just over 12 million to just over 27 million votes), and took an independent simple majority in the State Duma for the first time in its history. Analysts attribute this surge to the collapse of the Traditional Party, which had ruled in coalition with the White Trigunians and which diluted the message of the Trigunian right.

Immediately upon his ascension, Lyonya pushed the State Duma to empower a new government excluding the Labor Democratic Front and headed by his second-in-command, former Foreign Minister Timofei Semyonovich Miloradov.


November 4350

Following the bloody overthrow of Bianjin "Great Dorgon" Abatai Khan by his cousin Dorbo, the new government of Trigunia has issued a "no travel advisory" to Trigunian citizens, urging them to avoid the nation until further notice.

November 4350

Perhaps with fond remembrance of his sun-filled days on the beaches of Indrala during a visit almost seven years ago, the office of President Lyonya confirmed that he will meet, for the first time officially, with Indralan Foreign Minister Dai Jinhao. Dai is undertaking a tour of northern Terra this year and had, in a somewhat controversial manner, declined to visit until late in this year to "allow for elections to occur." Critics stated that this represented yet another indication of the uncharacteristically friendly relationship between the Indralans and Lyonya, and argued that Indrala ought to have met with the Labor Democratic Front months earlier.

A spokesman for the President stated that Lyonya will seek to further the strong friendship between Trigunia and Indrala, seek explanation of a recent thaw in relations between Kazulia and Indrala despite Kazulia's threatening stance toward Trigunia, particularly in the arctic, and its friendliness toward Dankuk, an antagonist toward Indrala, and establish grounds for more formal relationships in the future.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:26 pm

OOC: This post is going to do several smaller, backdated news posts to attempt to give some IC RP to the storyline that's broadly outlined here. Please read through that post for a better understanding of what the various news posts here are trying to get across.


Речь Народа
February 4351

After several months of controversial and public wining-and-dining with Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin, a descendant of the ancient Rothingren-Traugott line, President Lyonya Brantov told reporters today that his party, White Trigunia, "is and always has been a monarchist party." The unprompted remark came as a surprise to some in the President's press corps, which has speculated broadly but without much surety over the friendship between the president and Perezhogin.

Perezhogin made a speech in Lishma last month where he noted that under Rothingren-Traugott Tsarist rule, Trigunia enjoyed prestige and prosperity as a major world power, a fact which he regretted could not be said about rule under the Trigunian Federation.

"A monarchy is the only form of government which takes the fickle politicking out of the important decision making process," continued the president, who has been notoriously critical of the Trigunian political system since he claimed the end of his first presidency came due to foreign meddling in the election process. Asked if the White Trigunians had plans to act in reinstating a monarchy in Trigunia, the president responded the "the people of Trigunia, not the White Trigunians, have that power."

Речь Народа
March 4351

In perhaps the greatest clarification of his actions in the past several months, multiple sources close to President Lyonya have told Rech Naroda that the president believes the elections of November 4350 were a "referendum on the Tsar," a phrase which one source claimed to hear the president using himself.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a matter which they were not authorized to discuss, multiple sources within the administration told this publication that Lyonya's recent trysts with noted monarchist Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin are the result of his belief that the November elections "clearly showed public desire for a return to monarchy in Trigunia." Experts note that though it is perhaps reasonable to assume that White Trigunia voters might favor a monarchist platform, it is not reasonable to assume that the 50.13% of votes the White Trigunians received represents a constitutional majority, and that a "referendum" cannot be declared after the fact.

Nevertheless, our sources continued, Lyonya seems convinced that enacting a monarchy in Trigunia is a piece of his electoral mandate, and his recent actions are made much clearer by this revelation.

Речь Народа
April 4351

For the first time in over one hundred years, the Bear's Den, the historic Royal Palace of Trigunia, is occupied.

Medvezhje Logovo, the Bear's Den, is the historic center of the Trigunian monarchy, and has served as the seat of all Trigunian monarchs since its construction in 2668

At the urging of President Lyonya and his Internal Minister Gaspar Vasilievich Khanilov, Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin and his family have reached an agreement with the historical society tasked with preserving the Bear's Den which allows them to take residence in the palace at their own expense and with strict regulation on their conduct, the upkeep of the building, and its continued operation as a historical tourist attraction. Perezhogin is a distant descendant of the Rothingren-Traugott Tsars of Trigunia, and he is the first in his family to inhabit the royal palace in over five hundred years.

The move provoked alarm among republican watchdogs who view this as yet another step toward the institution of monarchy in Trigunia. Lyonya dismissed these concerns, noting that Perezhogin and his family are the "inheritors of the estate."

Речь Народа
May 4351

In perhaps the most anticipated and unprecedented development in recent Trigunian history, President Lyonya Brantov and the entire Trigunian government traveled to the Bear's Den today and issued a declaration recognizing Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin as "His Royal Northern Highness Arkadiy Perezhogin, Lord of Winter, Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia."

In a televised statement that ran for just over 13 hours, Lyonya addressed the importance of monarchism throughout Trigunian history, noting that the times of greatest prosperity and national pride for Trigunians came under the leadership of the Rothingren-Traugott Grand Princes and Tsars. Naming the "manifold and irrefutable benefits of a monarchist society," Lyonya carefully noted that the roots of a new monarchism in Trigunia were sown by the people in the "referendum of November 4350" where a "clear and vibrant" majority of Trigunians "expressed their support for a return to constitutional monarchism in Trigunia without delay." Much has been made by Lyonya and his surrogates nationally of the descent of Arkadiy Perezhogin from the Rothingren-Traugott line, and Lyonya ultimately stated that "as President of Trigunia, acting upon the mandate given to me by the people of this nation and upon the will of those people as expressed in the recent referendum, I formally recognize what is already informally known to be true: that Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin, descendant of the Grand Princes and Tsars of Trigunia, ought to and shall henceforth be Grand Prince and Tsar of Trigunia in his own right. I shall renounce my title as President of Trigunia and instead henceforth serve as Viceroy of Trigunia, at the pleasure of His Royal Northern Highness. Long live the Tsar!"

Shortly after the announcement at the Bear's Den, the regnal portrait of HRNH Arkadiy, done in the traditional style, was released

Across multiple cities riots have been reported, a fact that the Internal Ministry has downplayed. "Police forces are doing excellent work for the Grand Princedom," said a spokeswoman for the Ministry when asked about the unrest, "violence and anarchism are swiftly dealt with thanks to our brave men and women."
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Reddy » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:59 am

To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Wu Han » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:50 pm

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:00 pm

Речь Народа
November 4354

The so-called Great Prince & Tsar, Arkadiy Perezhogin, was found dead in the Bear's Den today according to a statement released by Minister of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Siyanko. Tsar Arkadiy, who had been the subject of great controversy since he was unilaterally recognized as the Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia by then-President Lyonya Brantov and his government in 4351.

Statement from the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrote:Arkadiy Larionovich Perezhogin, who called himself "Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia" without constitutional mandate to do so, was found dead in the Bear's Den by his staff. Initial autopsy reports show a fatal level of arsenic in his bloodstream, leading us to the conclusion that he was murdered. The government, though not recognizing the man's position, recognizes that this murder is of great political import, and shall investigate thoroughly.

Lyonya quickly condemned the government's statement as "damning evidence of their involvement in the death of the Trigunian Tsar."

Statement from the office of Lyonya Brantov wrote:The government's response to the assassination of our beloved monarch, who had reigned justly for over three years despite the chronic and traitorous unwillingness of the Labor Democratic Front to recognize his legitimacy, is unacceptable. It is quite clear that Viceroy Yakim Astafyev, who refuses to call himself Viceroy and instead insists upon using illegal republican titles, and who refused to take the oath of loyalty to the Tsar which is required of his loyal subjects, has some great deal to hide in this affair. Indeed, it is quite clear to me based upon documents I have seen that the Viceroy, who should be the most loyal citizen and servant of the Tsar, had a direct hand in his death. If poison were the cause of death, it could only have been served to the Tsar by someone so cowardly as to kill him in secret, and could only have been arranged by someone with unparalleled access to His Royal Northern Highness. The Traitorous Viceroy must be brought to justice swiftly. We cannot wait. The Tsar is dead, long live the Tsar.

Quickly following the announcement of the Tsar's death, Tsesarevich Arkadiy Arkadiyevich was sworn in as the new Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia. The only son of the late Great Prince & Tsar took his father's regnal name as his own, taking his crown under the name Arkadiy II of Trigunia. The office of the Viceroy stated that it did not recognize the right of Great Prince & Tsar Arkadiy II, just as it had not recognized the right of his father, to claim rule in Trigunia.

More as the story develops.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Leob » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:46 pm

Astafyev denies allegations by Brantov

In a statement before the press, Yakim Astafyev firmly denied all allegations made by Lyonya Branotv and the White Trigunia. Astafyev talked from a table with the seal of the President of Trigunia.

A statement by Yakim Astafyev:
The murder of Arkadiy Perezhogin, is a very sad incident, that will be investigated by the Police thoroughly. However the title Perezhogin used is unconstitutional and illegitimate and shall be regarded as such in the future.

President Astafyev at the press conference

The Minister-President Matvey Soldatov has met with the Ministers of Interior, Defence and Justice. The main theme of the meeting is thought to be the death of the Tsar and the current situation, with his son already taking the reign over. The Federal Police in Rodshyadam has been put on high alert and several units were seen around the Bear's Den, possibly to secure the place of the murder.

Federal Police in Rodshyadam
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:33 pm

Речь Народа
November 4354

With Federal Police surrounding the Bear's Den, Tsar Arkadiy II has issued a statement.

Statement from Tsar Arkadiy II wrote:Loyal citizens of Trigunia, your rightful and benevolent Servant and His family are besieged by the faceless and violent forces of the government which assassinated Our elderly father in cold blood. Even as We write this statement, masked and armored men stand upon Our doorstep, ready at a moment's notice to storm this historical habitation and do injustice to Our body, to Our beautiful and caring wife, and to Our innocent children. Is this the Trigunia which you desire, friends, a lawless anarchy where a corrupt and murderous government can so glibly utilize its monopoly on force to remove those precious vestiges of the Democratic Will which remind it of its illegitimacy? Our "loyal"
Viceroy is not so loyal, and his treachery shall not stop at Our father - indeed, he shall not rest until We, too, are dead. We call upon you to join Us in our resistance to this injustice. It was the will of the people of this glorious nation that We should occupy this place, and it is that very same will of the people which the government seems poised to crucify at a moment's notice. Rise up!
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