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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:47 pm



Cathedral of Sainte Hortense, February 12, 5146: At the Investiture of Etienne Montbrun as Archbishop of Atyr, CLAIRON PICARD asked Bishop Charles-Rene Hunziger how much of a new church era was dawning with the death of Cardinal Paul Milhoud.

In all honesty, it is not just that. Cardinal Milhoud managed to keep control of the Apostolic Partiarchal Church (APC) in Kanjor during an eventful time and pass it on to a successor in a form he believd most beneficial. Church organization was changed and the Eliasit Movement swept the APC and all the time Cardinal Milhoud was the guiding hand. He always believed his connections in the Curia and the Office of the Premier were his essential tools for maintaining the structure.

CLAIRON PICARD asked how the Contemplative Order of Occidentalium fit into the picture, and the Bishop replied:

When the Arch-Patriarch was strenuously promoting the Eliasit Movement, Cardinal Milhoud was able to obtain recognition of the Order by the Arch-Patriarch and hence the whole APC rather than only recognized by the APC in Kanjor. The Order is very wealthy and it was then quite willing to provide funds for Eliasit activity in Kanjor well beyond what the Curia, the Eliasits or the APC in Kanjor could provide.

This was most notable in funding the University which served as the primary training facility for Eliasit priests who would serve either as evangelistic priests or teachers in Eliasit primary and secondary schools. So essentially the Order provided much of the funding for Eliasit activity in Kanjor.

CLAIRON PICARD asked what the Eliasits were doing in Kanjor now that the Eliasit Movement was not receiving much centralized direction from its leadership in Ville de Saints. Hunziger responded,

Well, first have to understand the University which trains the Eliasits has turned into a first rate highly thought of university whose graduates are much sought after in many fields. As to the Eliasits themselves, there are really two factions. Many want to serve as excellent teachers in Eliasit schools in Martois and Numineux and in some in the other provinces catering primarily to the economic elite while others want to serve as priests concentrating on spreading the faith. Those in this faction believe teaching and showing people how to live in tune with the Lord is the way to spread the faith.

There is of course a faction that thinks confronting established religion for its lack of zeal the highest calling. But most of them understand that the citizens of Kanjor while Hosian do not want religious or Hosian control over their lives. So confrontation gets very little support. Accordingly, most are deferring confrontation until they can obtain some power in the Church. In fact, as you may know, I have just been named Bishop of Kanjo. My successor as Bishop of Picard is an Eliasit priest.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:04 am


Gouverneur General Evremonde


Gouverneur General’s Residence, October 17, 5146: Catherine IV of the Royal House of Orleans – Vasser – DeChambeau, Queen of Kanjor, has left her temporary residency in Royaume Uni de Kanjor, to reestablish her reign in Royaume Uni de Lourenne as the reigning monarch.

Gouverneur General Charles St. Evremonde has notified High Chancellor Bernard Rochefort that Royaume Uni de Kanjor is extremely gratified that it will again share the same reigning monarch, Queen Catherine IV, with Royaume Uni de Lourenne.

The Gouverneur General further congratulated High Chancellor Rochefort on the return of a Royalist Regime to Royaume Uni de Lourenne.

Gouverneur General's Residence
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:01 am


Gouverneur General Defarge


Gouverneur General's Residence, September 5, 5152: Gouverneur General Chlotilde Defarge told CLAIRON PICARD there would be a visit to Royaume Uni de Kanjor by State President Dr. Willem Du Preez of Federale Republiek van Serijdan to discuss the future of Seleyan economics, saying:

Federale Republiek van Serijdan is very interested in laying a foundation for a Seleyan economic association. We think this is great idea. Ever sense Royaume Uni de Kanjor emerged from isolation we discovered that international trade is one of the best ways to build a prosperous economy.

State President Dr. Willem Du Preez, Secretary for External Affairs Beaunard de Wet and Commissioner of the Saridani Trade and Investment Commission Dr. Erika Bezuidenhout will be meeting with me, Premier Eugene de Beauharnais, Foreign Minister Maxim Gourgaud, Finance Minister Philippe St. Leger and Minister of Trade and Industry Paul - Henri Hunziger at the Gouverneur General’s Residence.

For our part we will be looking to see how we can help bring such an economic association into existence and help it flourish. Our experience is many nations are still living in an isolated economic existence. Giving them an opportunity to join with a number of nations in an organization for trade and mutual prosperity will be a real inducement to come out of isolation.

We will also be exploring ways our economy can interact with that of Federale Republiek van Serijdan for our mutual benefit.

Further, we have seen that such organizations as envisioned can negotiate favorable arrangements with non member nations. We can anticipate it can even negotiate arrangements with other such organizations.

Our government of Royaume Uni de Kanjor is very enthusiastic about this project and we welcome the chance to assist the government of Federale Republiek van Serijdan in bringing it to fruition.

The Mayor and People of Atyr will host a reception for the Saridani officials early on while the Gouverneur General will hold another thanking them for their visit.

Gouverneur General's Residence
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Re: Kanjor

Postby XanderOne » Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:17 pm

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:07 pm



Finance Ministry, February 16, 5154: CLAIRON PICARD has learned that today at the Finance Ministry, Finance Minister Philippe St. Leger met with Trade and Industry Minister Paul-Henri Hunzinger and their ministry personnel together with executives of Industrial and Commercial Banking Group and Vassincourt Furniture whose offices and manufacturing plant are in Marchalet in Numineux Province.

The subject was furniture. In the antique business, Dynasty furniture is among the most sought after; not only because of age and limited extant quantity but because that style is really attractive while many are not. Many styles are rare, old and ugly. Not so Dynasty. Almost everybody likes the way it looks.

Vassincourt does not want to get into the antique market but wants to make furniture that looks like this well renowned antique style. Vassincourt feels like there is a rather vast international market. Not the wealthiest families who buy the antiques but professionals, senior public servants, professional educators and upscale hotels. People and businesses who want good quality beautiful furniture but do not want to deal with the antique traders. And as a Canrillaise venture, the style would attract international attention by trend setters.

Industrial and Commercial Banking Group agrees but under its arcane lending rules it would require some additional collateral beyond future revenues before it could advance the funds to Vassincourt to retool and expand.

Ministry of Trade and Industry personnel believe it could put up appropriated funds for guaranteeing an Industrial and Commercial Banking Group loan with security of a second mortgage on the equipment involved and any raw materials and inventory involved.

The Finance Minister accordingly approved a guarantee by Central Bank and the project will proceed. The Ministry of Trade and Industry will do promotional work here and abroad. The firm of Janvier, Lucas and Maigret will serve as loan counsel and prepare the necessary documentation.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:37 pm


Defense Ministry


Defense Ministry August 17, 5159: Defense Minister Charles St. Evremonde and General Reynaud Saxe, the Chief of the National Defense Staff, met with Procurement Staff personnel about two problems with a common cause. ZLOUTENE OKO has learned that the problem is with two weapons systems important to our National Army.

The Allmektigeneve 122 is a mainstay of our muliple launch rocket system artillery regiments while the Skjǫldr 1 & 2 are the preferred componrent of our advanced surface to air missile defense systems.

The Skjǫldr 1 & 2 can be used against unmanned aerial vehicles, aurcraft, cruise missiles, helicopters and unmanned aerial combat vehicles. The Allmektigeneve 122 is a highly developed self propelled vehicle that can be used to effecticely hide, take position, fire and return to hiding.

The problem with both is that the defense contractor from whom both systems were purchased has transferred its operations to a nation that is in isolation such that we can no longer purchase replacement parts or newly manufactured systems.

The solution approved by St. Evermonde and Saxe was for the Procurement Staff to approach the Kanjorean subsidiary of Canrillaise Land Systems and Arsenal Preud’homme Group o see if they could produce suitable prototypes to be used instead of the Skjǫldr 1 & 2 and Allmektigeneve 122.


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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:09 pm



Abbey of Vitry le Francois, August 12, 5160: The Weekly Evening Discussion at the Abbey of Vitry le Francois of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium turned to a question raised by a visitor, Father Roland Marcuse, the Confessor to the Faculty of the Eliatist Institute of Higher Studies in Mavigny.

Father Marcuse asked if having an active inquiring mind would hinder one developing a loving spirit. He wondered if uncertainty, doubt and nuance could be a likely result of thinking a lot.

The Abbot, Lucius Trebonius, said that sadly the Order really knew more about hindrances than help but that work seemed to be something, particularly work as part of a community, that aided development of good relationships. Further it seemed clear to him that work could be physical or mental. In his own case he believed doing both was best.


The Abbey Herbalist, Brother Gnaeus Antnonius, indicated ineptitude either in physical tasks such as herb gathering or in mental tasks such as making ledger entries could well lead to an angry and frustrated spirit rather than a loving one.

Father Marcuse suggested overinvolvement in mental activity whether work or study or entertainment could well be a distraction from progress toward a loving spirit.

The Abbot indicated in his own personal experience breakthroughs in his understanding of the interrelationship of ideas had come most clearly in two situations. First, while running a long distance as exercise and second when following the reasoning of a really right brilliant teacher.

Father Mrcuse suggested it seemed like understanding could be a good thing and not a hindrance to developing a loving spirit at all.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:13 am


Defense Ministry


Defense Ministry, August 17, 5161: Defense Minister Charles St. Evremonde and General Reynaud Saxe, the Chief of the National Defense Staff, met with Defense Ministry Acquisition Staff to look at a proposal from the Chief of Staff of the National Army.

The Procurement Staff of the National Army solicited an offer from, inter alia, the Kanjorian subsidiary of Canrillaise Land Systems for a multiple rocket launcher to replace overtime the Almektigeneve 122 with whose manufacturer the Defense Ministry no longer had contact.

The Kanjorian subsidiary of Canrillaise Land Systems has developed what appears to be a suitable prototype, the LRU, for use in National Army Artillery Regiments. The initial order will be 15 of the LRU’s.

The LRU is an armored tracked vehicle carrying a loader multiple launcher module with a guided electronic fire control system featuring GPS guidance of its inertial navigation system. It has a crew of three and a maximum speed of 64 km/hour. It is powered by a diesel engine and has a range of 480 km.

The rocket pods are 227 mm with a normal firing range of 32 km but a maximum extended range of 300 km.


https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=53599b43 ... cm15&ntb=1

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:16 pm


Foreign Minister Gourgaud


Mavigny, January 17, 5162: Foreign Minister Maxim Gourgaud spoke to the Seminar on Recent History held by the History Faculty of the Institute of Higher Studies in Mavigny on the topic, the Decline of the World Congress. Asked by attendees whether he believed its current irrelevance was permanent, Gourgaud responded he believed its relevance was cyclical and it would be back for a while at some point.

Asked by ZLOUTENE OKO who handles Foreign Policy for the Royaume, the Foreign Minister replied:

I would say I do but I realize why you are asking. The Sovereign People express their will through their elected members of the Chamber of Deputies. Within that parameter the Gouverrneur General sets policy with advice of Foreign Office and other national security entities. Most contacts and diplomacy with other nations is through the Foreign Office under my direction.

There are two notable exceptions. We share a monarch, Catherine IV, with the Royaume Uni de Lourenne. Generally contact with Royaume Uni de Lourenne is maintained by our Gouverneur General’s Office with its High Chancellor. Further, the Gouverneur General’s Office is our contact point with the Royal Court. So if the Queen is invited somewhere, the Court contacts us if she wishes any attendees to be Kanjorienne through our Gouverneur General’s Office.

The other exception of note is the Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC) which has its current operational capital at Ville de Saints whose independence is guaranteed by Kanjor and Rildanor. The Office of the Premier handles contact with the Curia as well as contact with the APC leadership in Kanjor. This occurred more because of the officials handling some specific transactions than any actual plan.

Asked by ZLOUTENE OKO if the upsurge in new political parties was likely to affect foreign policy, Gourgaud responded:

Certainly overtime the other parties will wield some control but not immediately. But overtime one would expect it. Our primary actual focus is on free trade. We would like to trade with everybody. Getting there is not easy since many nations are in fact isolated. We would not expect this to be changed as an actual focus.

We have explored with some nations of Seleya the possibility of a customs union or a regional security pact but these discussions are not ongoing. We have friendly relations with other nations in Canrille and in or near Seleya and even Dovani. We believe friendly relations is always an objective and would not expect this to change under other leadership.

We believe very strongly sharing a monarch with Lourenne has a been a positive for both nations but realize this is not a universal view. Federation Canrille will continue to be its advocate in or out of government

No nation is sporting nuclear weapons at the moment. We believe this is where Royaume Uni de Kanjor should be and where Terra should be. Again in or out of government this is where Federation Canrille stands.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:03 pm



Defense Ministry, July 17, 5163: At the Defense Ministry, Gouverneur General Eugene de Beauharnais, Defense Minister Charles St. Evremonde and General Reynaud Saxe, the Chief of the National Defense Staff, met to discuss proposed replacement contractors for the one furnishing the Skjǫldr 1 & 2 surface to air missile systems who was now unreachable in an isolated nation.

All agreed the Skjǫldr 1 & 2 systems should be used as long as possible since they can be used against unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned combat aerial vehicles, helicopters, cruise missiles, and aircraft. The National Army Staff solicited bids from several contractors and is now recommending three prototypes which have been developed be adopted.

Arsenal Preud’Homme Group has come up with a prototype, the Mistral SATCP, a man portable lightweight anti aircraft missile featuring short range infrared homing. The missile can be mounted on a vehicle, ship or helicopter but this portable version is designed so it can be transported by a vehicle and set up with a launch container, tripod, power source and friend or foe interrogator. The detonation can be by laser proximity or impact fuses. The warhead is high explosive with tungsten balls and a weight of 2.95 kg. The range is up to 6 km. The initial order recommended by the National Army Staff is 50 of the Mistral SATCP systems.


Kanjorian Defense Equipment and Supply Group, a Kanjorian subsidiary of Canraillaise Defense Enterprises, has developed the VL MICA, an anti air muti target, fire and forget, all weather, short and medium range missile system. While it could be put on planes or ships, this version of the system is equipped with a vertical launcher with thrust vector control. It can be equipped with either an active radar homing seeker or an imaging infra red homing seeker both of which can filter out counter measures such as chaff and decoy flares. The VL MICA is fired from a truck mounted box launcher. The warhead weighs 12 kg and can have a maximum vertical launch range of 20 km but is most effective within 7 km. The initial order recommended is 15 of the VL MICA systems.


Kanjorian Defense Equipment and Supply Group also has developed the Crotale NG, an all weather short range anti air missile system which could be mounted on ships or launcher vehicles. This version uses the chassis of our main battle tank and is mainly for use with armored formations. It has a 6000 meter ceiling, 11 km range and 13 kg warhead which has blast fragmentation. The Crotale NG features pulse Doppler radar, tracking radar and a thermal camera. It can be mounted on other vehicles as well. The recommended initial order is 15 launcher systems.


The Kanjorian subsidiary of Canraillaise Land Systems has developed Aster 30 SAMP/T missiles which are all weather vertical launch surface to air missiles. They are designed to intercept helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, combat aircraft, cruise missiles, anti radiation missiles, sea skimming and anti ship missiles as well as ballistic missiles. The system could be used on ships but this version is on a platform with a network of radars and sensors including three dimensional phrased radar to detect air threats. It can detect missiles within a 600 km range and intercept at 150 km. The detonation mechanism is a calculated proximity fuse. It has a solid propellant and two stage motor and an inertial guidance system. The initial recommended order is 20 of the Aster 30 SAMP/T missile systems.


CLAIRON PICARD has learned the National Army recommendation was adopted with the Defense Minister noting the Defense budget would be examined while General Saxe indicated the Asters might need to be moved to National Air Force control at some point.

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