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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sun May 26, 2024 1:37 am

Bautista Obregón nominated as Social Democratic presidential nominee; Obregón chosen as compromise candidate.

It would seem that time has been quite cruel to the PSSG. From ruling with an absolute majority to being chipped away at to being the smallest party in Congress, the PSSG has tried to reclaim the throne it formerly has, only to fail twice. In the wake of Collazo failing to get much ground for the party in the prior elections, several candidates within the PSSG have thrown their hat in the ring to be the presidential nominee, looking to steer the party in their ideal direction to get new ground. Among these candidates were 3 special candidates; Bautista Obregón, Abel Cadaval and Rosalana Garcia.

Each candidate presented a unique spin on social democracy, with Cadaval presenting "Social Patriotism", looking to promote a more nationalist vision and move away from Collazo's radical Pan-Seleyanism. Had he won the nomination, we could've seen the PSSG move towards softening it's Pan-Seleyan positions and focus on some form of Gaduri patriotism. The other candidate, Garcia espoused a form of social democracy that teeters close to democratic socialism. Had she won, she could've shifted the PSSG further left ward. That has left Obregón as the sole candidate. A centrist within the PSSG, this has made him as boring as he is flexible. Yet it is his flexibility that got him the nomination, alongside potential fears of either Cadaval or Garcia leaving the PSSG, cementing Obregón as a compromise candidate between the two. In any case, he has already set forth on the campaign trail, looking to also unite the party, inviting the socialists aligned with Garcia and the Social Patriots aligned with Cadaval to join in campaigning.

Ultimately Obregón has campaigned on a moderate platform, calling for more efforts to fight rural poverty, continue economic growth and promote a social democratic economy. With the Obregón Campaign focusing on appealing to moderates who are considering voting PSSG, the youth vote and appealing to the left wing vote, there is some hope the PSSG can make solid ground but ultimately it's still too early to predict who will win come October.
In other news;
Is the presence of Rosalana Garcia a threat to the PSSG Campaign? Some say yes, citing fears of a new LSP.

Luthori issues economic report; Gradual growth for the nation.

Early polling predicts a third ULG presidency; Is Liberalism to stay in Gaduridos should they win?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 26, 2024 9:36 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Mon May 27, 2024 7:21 pm

Obregón proposes Income Doubling Plan; Romano Administration to begin efforts to enact PDI.

Despite a rather lackluster result for the PSSG, it seems Obregón still has considerable influence in the party for at least not losing any seats. However, despite the results, Obregón has not ceased his ambition and has proposed the Plan de Duplicación de Ingresos (Income Doubling Plan). An ambitious plan looking to elevate Gaduri living standards as well as the economy in a reasonable time. Consisting of three phases, it is in a nutshell an effort to focus on exports, economic sustainability and economic development. Arguing for the PDI to be done in three phases, with the first phase being infrastructure, the second being economic investments into key industries and businesses and the third phase being welfare reforms.

With another decade of the "Rose and Sun" Coalition set to continue, the Romano Administration has been receptive to the PDI and has begun considering efforts to begin phase 1 of the PDI. With the plan being very ambitious, it is safe to say this plan could take a decade at the very least to realize, and at the very most, two decades. However, should it be enacted, it can drastically raise quality of living across Gaduridos, continental and on the islands. Whether it be from social reform which has obvious benefits, infrastructure which can boost development in struggling communities and support for businesses which can heavily support local economies, it is anticipated to benefit Gaduridos heavily if it is done.

However, it doesn't come without criticism, with fiscal knights arguing the plan is too expensive and the payout would not be enough to benefit Gaduridos. It also faces some critics from socialists, arguing that the plan relies too much on the free market and further puts Gaduridos into the trap of globalization. Most socialists within the PSSG, including Garcia were reached for a comment on the plan but refused to comment. Whatever the case, this ambitious plan also has strong supporters, within the PSSG and ULG. The economic benefits are immense and can see development across Gaduridos skyrocket and see the prosperity that the nation is seeing expand to the rest of Gaduridos, especially rural underdeveloped communities.
In other news;
Vandam Economic Report comes on; Gaduridos makes good progress.

BeiGov undergoes reforms amidst a developing communist movement; Is a Red Spectre looming over Yishelem?

Aldegar celebrates history and progress; A timeline of Aldegar.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Mon May 27, 2024 10:02 pm


Phase One of the PDI Implemented - Plans Unveiled for Further Trans-Seleyan Expansion


President Romano has confirmed the commencement of the Income Doubling Plan (PDI), with the stage one of the first phase focusing on expanding further the transport, travel and trade links between Gaduridos - both island and mainland. This part of the project will be centred around the expansion of the Trans-Seleyan Railway, but will also look at expanding local links and modernising port and naval infrastructure.

The President has unveiled new, ambitious plans for further expansion of the Trans-Seleyan Railway. With the line already running from Tonataro in the north, to Las Vistas in the south, the government has confirmed plans to construct an under-sea tunnel from Las Vistas to Ciudad de Gadur in Marligantos, the capital city of Gaduridos. From there, the railway will be able to connect to the existing rail infrastructure on the island. Though expensive, this is a something that the government sees as a worthwhile investment in the future of the Gaduri economy, which will eventually pay for itself through the economic growth it would create. By connecting the line to the capital city of Gaduridos, entirely new opportunities will be opened up. The new expansion is expected to take around eight years and will create approximately 15,000 new jobs.

Sub-lines of the Trans-Seleyan Railway will also be opened, running from Las Vistas to Iratepec, (one of the major oil areas in the nation), in the region of Manzemal, and from Tonataro in the north of the country. These are considerably lesser investments, but still open the railway line up to more locations within the country, expanding its economic benefit. Funds have also been made available for existing local lines to be connected to the Trans-Seleyan Railway, where it is possible for the trains to connect seamlessly.

Local governments have also been encouraged to invest in the improvement of local lines, many of which require modernising. As part of the project, the Liberal controlled governments of Cancon, Manzamal and Sonara have began raising funds for such investments. The two Traditionalist controlled governments have been encouraged to follow suit, though have not yet confirmed whether they will do so.

Finally, on the island of Vintalli, in Sonara and Cancon, the naval and port infrastructure will receive modernisation. In addition to the allocation of government funding, Gaduri-owned shipping companies have also invested in port improvements in the cities of: Occidente, Riviera and Villalicia. These ports will expand their capacity, opening up new trading opportunities. They will also allow greater tourist opportunities, will all three ports expanding their capacity to be able to host up to three cruise ships at any one time. This will also help to connect the island of Vintalli to mainland Gaduridos, as the island will not benefit directly from the Trans-Seleyan Railway, even under this new expansion.

In response to the PDI in general, many in the ULG are supportive, though some have been critical, particularly those in the right of the party. The libertarian, Xavier Baptiste, has announced that he will be standing down at the next election in opposition to the plan. Many on the left have been supportive however. The Education and Culture Minister, Sophia De Luca, seen as more on the soft-left of the party, is supportive, as is the first ULG party President and Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Juan Martinez.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GDAC37 » Thu May 30, 2024 2:21 pm

El Engranaje Y La Espada
UNdT Regional Governments in Cuernatecas and Marligantos to implement sweeping reforms

UNdT Authorities in Cuernatecas and Marlingantos have placed before state and municipal legislatures a series of bills whose purpose is threefold: 1) improve existing standards of living for the working class, 2) securing local and foreign investment via the private and public sectors, and 3) consolidate political power in a nation which is firmly centrist and left wing; after some discussion with their colleagues in opposition, the party has purposed the following measures:

Cuernatecas and Marlingantos Public Housing Provision Act, which seeks to eliminate homelessness and deprivation through cooperation with the private sector so as to provide affordable and spacious housing units for working class families

Cuernatecas and Marlingantos Labor Empowerment Act, which aims to increase the pace and vitality of the working class through the promotion of trade unions, cooperatives, and guilds as vehicles of consciousness in the fight against capitalism and communism

Cuernatecas and Marlingantos Anti Usury Act, which entails the imposition of legal penalties against market actors engaged in predatory practices with regards to the charging of interest on loans

The First reading will begin next Monday with input from the opposition thereafter, assuming the motions clear the floor the second and third readings will follow accordingly.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:33 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:56 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:24 pm


Sophia De Luca Selected as ULG Presidential Candidate

Pictured: Sophia De Luca

The October 5493 Elections bring the end of President Juliana Romano’s incredibly successful three terms as President. Romano is the first President to have served completely under the Term Limits Act and as such cannot pursue a fourth term. Her tenure has seen collaboration with the Social Democrats, culminating in the implementation of the Income Doubling Plan (PDI), as well as personal successes such as the creation of the Seleyan Economic Community (SEC), which she helped to create. Gaduridos has also grown into a top ten economy, due to Romano’s investment packages. Culture has also developed, with investments in the music and arts industry, symbolised by the victory of Gaduri band, Maria, in FOMAT.

Though she cannot serve again as President of the Senate, Romano has announced that she will remain in the internal ULG role of Party President, but will take a much more backseat role. This will allow her to still influence governance of the country. She has also announced that she will stand for election to Congress at the next election, and will be open to taking on cabinet positions if offered. The Prime Minister, Antonio Garcia, has also announced that he will be retiring as a Congressperson, and thus as the Leader in Congress of the ULG, and Prime Minister. This will open up a leadership opportunity for other ULG politicians.

Party rules stipulate that the ULG Presidential Nominee must be selected at the second closest party conference to the election. Three candidates decided to throw their hat into the ring: Sophia De Luca, the Minister for Education and Culture; Giovanni Costa, an experienced Congressman on the right of the party; and Ana Torres, the Minister for Food and Agriculture, nationally controversial due to her responsibility for agriculture reforms which encourage industrial farming. Torres was eliminated in the first round, receiving 18% of the vote, compared to Costa’s 35% and De Luca’s 47%. In the second round, De Luca won with 60% of the vote, as opposed to Costa’s 40%. This marks a significant shift away from classical liberalism for the time being, though this may just be because of De Luca’s personal popularity.

De Luca is 39 years old and is part of the Vintallian minority in Gaduridos. She comes from the city of Riviera in Sonara, on the island of Vintalli. She first rose to significance in the ULG as a student campaigner at the University of Altimora, leading a successful campaign to reduce the age of majority in Gaduridos from 18 to 16. During this time she also joined the ULG, and served on the Young Liberal Council, the governing body of the youth wing of the party, the Young Liberals of Gaduridos, from the age of 20 to 22. From there she worked for a non-profit organisation which aimed to provide support to the families of children born with severe physical disabilities. At the age of 27 she was elected to Congress, immediately being elevated to the Cabinet by the then new President, Juliana Romano. She has served as the Minister for Education and Culture since.

De Luca is personally incredibly popular within the party due to her close relationship with President Romano, as well as her personal influence over some of Romano’s more popular reforms. She is also a vocal supporter of the PDI and is seen as a good compromise candidate should the coalition with the Social Democrats have to continue. Nationally she is seen as a liberal centrist and a good candidate to take on the Traditionalists, as well as the new centre-right Partido Popular. She is expected to be the youngest candidate in the Presidential Election. Her rise within the party also demonstrates the success of the investment made in the development of youth politics over twenty years ago under the leadership of Juan Martinez.

De Luca and the ULG will be running in the next election on a platform of continuity and stability, emphasising economic growth and a commitment to raise living standards through the PDI. The party will focus most of their attacks upon the Traditionalist opposition and the new Partido Popular,given that the coalition with the Social Democrats has been pivotal to the success of Romano’s government. The next election has been described by many commentators as the most significant in recent Gaduri history: the PSdG will be aiming to return to national significance, the UNdT will be aiming to shock the system and pull of a victory, whilst the new Partido Popular will want to make an impact too. The ULG are hoping to remain in power and expand on the success of the past twelve years, this time with De Luca at the helm.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:48 pm


La Voz del Mundo

Following the victory of Gaduridos in the 25th edition of FOMAT, the Union of Gaduri Broadcasting Corporations has announced the launch of the 26th edition of the competition.

The competition will be hosted at La Esfera Sonora, a new music venue in Ciudad de Gadur, built with the purpose of growing the Gaduri music scene into a global brand. The arena is specially built for music events and holds 22,000 people. The stage is raised in the centre of the stadium, giving the arena the impression of having a spherical structure.

Gaduridos will invite nations from across Terra to compete in the competition, with the focus being to showcase the variety of different cultures and traditions across the globe. Gaduridos hopes to encourage a variety of genres and styles to enter to create a diverse and engaging competition.


Submissions will be officially open until Sunday 9th June until 23:00 GMT (19:00 EST). The competition will take place a week later on Sunday 16th June.

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:28 am

Socialist nominated as Social Democratic Presidential Candidate; A wise choice or political suicide?

It would seem that the Social Democrats, in a bid to make some ground come October have chosen a rather new approach. Instead of keeping the centre with Obregón, it seems Rosalana Garcia has been nominated as the Social Democratic Presidential Candidate. A self proclaimed socialist, she is hated and loved in equal amounts amongst the left of Gaduridos, with some viewing her as essentially a Communist who will kill the PSSG, others viewing her as a form of shock therapy needed for the PSSG to fix itself and others just viewing her as a return to the party's roots of Liberal Socialism. However, her nomination has not gone without issue. Abel Cadaval and his "social patriots" have refused to endorse Garcia and have instead chosen apathy. So much for the unity within the PSSG.

Regardless, onto Garcia herself. A self proclaimed socialist, she has gained attraction amongst obviously socialists, left wing voters and the traditional social democratic voter bloc. However, her socialist ideals may cost the PSSG moderates as many have compared her to the Libertarian Socialist Party of old and the unchecked radicalism there. Despite Garcia's attempts to reassure moderates, this will certainly be an issue on the campaign trail and one that her opponents will certainly take advantage of. This however hasn't discouraged her from running on a platform of education reform, a humane economy continuing the PDI. While standard social democratic rhetoric, her advocation for education reform has been a highlight, where she has called for putting equality into education, and making it a respectable pillar of society. In terms of the current Rose-Sunflower Coalition, she has remained supportive of it, believing that the ULG and PSSG have achieved a lot for Gaduridos.

However, with a previous record of minimal gains for the PSSG, her calling herself a socialist, and even some of the party adamantly against her, there is not much high hopes for Garcia to give the party growth in the elections. However, Garcia herself remains optimistic, believing that any ground made is a sign of a call for change. A campaign of equality, solidarity and respect seems to be the premise of the Garcia Campaign. It'll take alot for the PSSG to pull through, let alone with a socialist at the helms but it is possible. But Garcia will have to face an uphill battle. Moderates are fearful, the working class which used to be a social democratic bloc has remained firmly with the traditionalists, the youth vote has been split with liberals, and even portions of her own party oppose her. It isn't likely she can prevail but it is possible. Alongside that, a new contender has emerged, the Popular Party looking to steal moderate traditionalist voters. October will certainly be interesting.
In other news;
Hutori works on aircraft carrier; Is the North awaking?

Lourenne welcomes Baltusia to Eroncourt; Are the two states going to become friendly?

Sophia De Luca nominated as ULG Presidential Candidate; Polls are looking good for her.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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