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Re: Halion Post

Postby GeorgeWKush » Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:21 am

March 4676

You heard it right, folks, The Order Party is being revived! Jeb Kush, The Great Grandson of the original founder, George HW Kush, has announced the party is being revived to create a more Moderate opposition to the National Solentian Workers Party and The Green Party of Solentia.

It's been almost 15 years since either party has had much opposition! That's unacceptable! I don't like where The Order Party went when it became the Socialist Libertarian Party, but I think it's time for this party to be created again! It's time for change in Solentia! My new campaign slogan is "It's Time to Wake Up, Solentia!". I will be running for Councillor of the State, which will hopefully be once again called The Presidency again. Wake up, Solentia, I'm coming to revive you.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:47 am

al-Maelumat al-Yawmia
Daily information from Solentia's Ahmadi community
September, 4693

Members of the Supreme Council for the Ahmadi Revolution in Solentia storm the House Of Commons in Akra

Akra, Winterhold - Supporters and members of the Supreme Council for the Ahmadi Revolution in Solentia storm the House Of Commons in Akra lead by their leader, Tayyib al-Kaba. Solentia, whose native population of ethnic Majatrans have mobilized and formed the SCARS underneath Tayyib al-Kaba, a prominent Israic scholar within the Israic community in Ahmadism. Alongside the prominent religious scholar Tayyib al-Kaba is former Colonel in the Solentian Army Amjad al-Radi who has joined forces with a swathe of former military and police officers to form the Supreme Council for the Ahmadi Revolution in Solentia. Solentia in Modern Majatran is known as al-Sahil or "The Coast" given Solentia's position of having coasts on most of its border and sometimes being considered to be holding the tide against the Istalian's. The program developed by the SCARS will include turning Solentia into an Ahmadi Republic and will focus on the development of close ties with regional governments such as Badara, Kafuristan and potentially Jakania. The radical program proposed by the Supreme Ahmadi Council, as SCARS is commonly known, plans to radically overhaul the country and cast off the foreign dominated government that incoming President Tayyib al-Kaba has blamed on Istalia.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:26 am

al-Maelumat al-Yawmia
Daily information from Solentia's Ahmadi community
President al-Kaba pushes for reforms
September, 4693

Akra, Winterhold - Explosions rocked the capital of Akra as Supreme Ahmadi Council forces have clashed with the previous governments forces during the transition period following the snap election of September, 4693. The Solentian general election of September, 4693 saw the Supreme Ahmadi Council elected as the majority party, the former government and major political party the Green Party was wiped away and their foreign rule ended. While the caretaker government was made up of mostly foreign members of the formerly ruling Green Party, the Supreme Ahmadi Council underneath the direction and authority of President Tayyib al-Kaba secured several government offices, including the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health and Social Services. The government house in Akra was captured and the flag of the Majatran Solentian's was rise over the Akran government house and in the streets, the supporters fired AK-47s into the air and chanted "Death to the Greens", they burned the current Solentian governments flag and many of them were seen waving the flag of the Majatran Solentian's and the flag of the Supreme Ahmadi Council.

President al-Kaba has called upon all Ahmadi's, regardless of their sect, to rise up against the former government and to draw from the "...revolutionary spirit of Ahmadism and thank Akim for his guidance and we give him thanks for granting us a stunning victory over the unbelievers in our country." President al-Kaba has wasted no time since being elected, he has established a Presidential Council and appointed Nazmi al-Ramin as the Speaker of the interim Council of the Republic, the name of the new legislature of the Ahmadi Republic of Solentia that is being drafted by the interim Council of the Republic. Despite the promises of peace the President has called on his supporters to halt attacks on all and seek a "...diplomatic solution and hope that Akim can guide them." The President who has appointed a Council of Ministers with General-Secretary of the Supreme Ahmadi Council Amjad al-Radi at its head, he has made several important and prominent appointments including the formation of a new security council entitled as the Supreme Security Council which will serve as the primary advisory body to the President in security and defense matters, the new chairman was announced as close ally of the regime Aabid al-Massoud.

Minister of the Interior Naadir al-Soltani announced the establishment of "Virtue and Morality Committees" across the country and granted them authority to function as a religious police force to ensure that Ahmadi law was followed. One of the first hurdles that the Interior Minister will have to tackle is the diversification of the Solentian police forces, the plan will be for a unified police force. The Solentian National Police (SNP) will be lead by Lieutenant General Zuhair al-Jabour who will serve as the first Commander of the Solentian National Police and will be charged with the establishment the new police force as a force for good within the country.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:18 pm

al-Haliya Post
Sahil's leading newspaper
July 4694
Border attack leaves 30+ dead

Officers from the Solentian Border Guard Command arrive in An Nafar

Governorate of Misrahi - A massive explosion rocked a border post between Solentia and Istalia earlier this morning. The attack on the border post was carried out by foreign terrorist who were cast out from Solentia's government following the rise of the Supreme Ahmadi Council in Solentia. Minister of the Interior Naadir al-Soltani traveled to the site underneath heavy protection from the Solentian Border Guard Command, a branch of the Ministry of the Interior with the Commander of the SBGC, Major General Jawaad al-Yasin and temporarily set up headquarters in the small town of An Nafar. Initial reports are that 17 Solentian Border Guard Command officers were killed, about a dozen citizens of both Istalia and Solentia were killed in the attack and nearly 200 were injured. Interior Minister al-Soltani stated that the attack was carried out at roughly 0917 via a vehicle borne bomb that had attempted to cross a checkpoint into Istalia. The Solentian Border Guard Command's Intelligence Directorate was on scene and released a press statement that they do not believe that they were headed to Istalia for acts of terrorism but to terrorize the population and new government of Solentia which has removed the "...stench of foreign domination from our country." The Minister of Foreign Affairs has called the Ambassador of Istalia to the headquarters in al-Haliya to discuss the rise of anti-Ahmadi and anti-Majatran terrorism that might potentially begin to impact relations with its neighbors, the caretaker government of Kafuristan has offered its condolences as well as the governments of Jakania and others. The Ministry of the Interior stated that they would be increasing security around all border checkpoints.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:39 pm

al-Maelumat al-Yawmia
Daily information from Sahil's Ahmadi community
Defenders of the Revolution militia organized to quell protests in al-Haliya
July 4694

Well equipped members of the Defenders of the Revolution militia.

al-Haliya, An Namer Governorate - The Defenders of the Revolution militia (Majatran: al-Mudafiein ean al-Thawra), a well known militia group that often known as the "Mudas" and supported the bid of Tayyib al-Kaba for the leadership of Solentia, have been mobilized to quell a series of protests throughout al-Haliya by "foreign" groups of Solentian's mostly supporters of the old government and old ways of life. The Defenders of the Revolution are considered a government sanctioned paramilitary and their leader, Sheikh Abdul Lateef el-Abid is a member of President al-Kaba's Presidential Council as an advisor on religious affairs. The Defenders of the Revolution are a fundamentalist Israic group that have carried out several terrorist attacks in Kafuristan, Jakania and Solentia as a whole and are considered to be a "terrorist" organization by several governments, including Solentia's previous government. This designation was removed in a series of rapid fire decrees and executive orders by President al-Kaba the minute that he assumed office and one of his first appointments was el-Abid to the Presidential Council and ordering the Ministry of the Armed Forces and Ministry of the Interior to assist in equipping and arming the Defenders of the Revolution militia. The quelling of the protests has been thus far violent, the outbreak started shortly after the early September attack on a border outpost in the east of the country and has prompted riots across many Solentian cities especially after a massive cultural rename took place, many foreign Solentian's have take a violent approach to protesting.

The protests in al-Haliya started at roughly 0243 and by 0300 the Defenders of the Revolution, members of the State Security Directorate and the Solentian National Police had been mobilized and violent clashes between the two group began. It is reported that militia men of the Defenders of the Revolution fired into a crowd, killing several dozen protestors.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:58 pm

al-Haliya Post
Sahil's leading newspaper
August 4694
Approval given for massive purge of Solentian Armed Forces

Minister of the Armed Forces and Chief of the General Staff, General Haani al-Abdoo

al-Haliya, An Namer Governorate - Minister of the Armed Forces General Haani al-Abdoo announced that after receiving permission from President al-Kaba the Ministry of the Armed Forces has announced it conducted a "purge" of former soldiers and officers that were loyal to the foreign government of Solentia. The "purge" which was announced before a full session of the Council of the Republic includes the names of over 17,000 officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel that were removed, some arrest and reports that some were summarily executed amid resistance to the purge. According to the Military Intelligence Directorate, which carried out the purge, there are "...thousands more..." being held in temporary prison camps that their fate will be decided. The Minister of the Armed Forces, General Haani al-Abdoo a close ally of President al-Kaba a popular milita commander from the January 17th Martyr Battalion who lead an insurgency in the north has been hard at work attempting to re-organize a military in disarray. An intelligence report by the former government noted that the January 17th Martyrs Battalion was a "...highly organized, efficient and disciplined group underneath its leader, the self-styled "Colonel" Haani al-Abdoo which presents a significant threat to the government in northern Solentia." The decision to tap the former militia commander as the Minister of the Armed Forces and Chief of the General Staff was an easy one for President al-Kaba but the task ahead of the popular General is anything by easy.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:28 am

al-Hailya Post
Sahil's leading newspaper
September 4694
As violence continues to spiral, Emirati supporters appear

Supporters calling for the restoration of the Emirate of Quanzar

al-Haliya, An Namer Governorate - As violence continues to spiral across Solentia, a rare political force emerges from the shadows. The Emirate of Great Quanzar officially collapsed in 1934 and since then modern Solentia has existed as an independent state. Akram II ibn Ziyadat Akhim, the last Emir of the Empire of Quanzar remains a polarizing figure in Solentia. The native Majatrans have over time come to see the Emirate of Great Quanzar as a stable time for them, since then the native Solentian Majatrans have largely been repressed and have been forced to live their lives underneath foreign rulers that speak Luthori and act as if Solentia has been a "mini Luthori". This new emerging political force has always existed but in the wake of the rise of the Supreme Ahmadi Council, its supporters have become more open and vocal about a return to the Emirate of Great Quanzar or some form of it. The "Emirati Movement" has registered with the Ministry of the Interior as a political interest group.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:26 am

al-Hailya Post
Sahil's leading newspaper
September 4695
Violence in Misrahi and Tall Khadariyah continue to spiral

Solentian Army tanks and armored vehicles patrolling land-based trade routes

An Nafar, Misrahi Governorate - A temporary command and control outpost was constructed in An Nafar in July 4694 when the Border Guard Command took up shop following a violent attack that left both Solentian's and Istalian's dead, while the Border Guard Command and the Border Guard Command Intelligence Directorate have dedicated resources with their most prolific trading partner, Istalia, violence continues to be an issue. Governor of the Misrahi Governorate, Governor Bilaal el-Bashir has called on the national government to dedicated more resources to curb the violence in the region. Over the course of the year since the attack, the violence in the border regions of Istalia has grown exponentially. As per decree of President al-Kaba, the State Security Directorate and the Foreign Intelligence Directorate have been combined into the General Intelligence Directorate (GID) in order to better coordinate activities and their first duties have largely been assigned to the eastern portion of the country where the Luthorian-speaking Solentian terrorist have taken up refugee. Reports from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff have cited limited airstrikes in the region at terrorist training camps; the Armed Forces have cited difficulty in accomplishing the mission due to the fact that most garrison and local commanders lack any sort of resources when it comes to fighting in the mountains and the terrorist have taken up residence in the mountainous areas.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, including the Foreign Affairs Minister Razeen el-Hosein have assured Istalia, Kafuristan and Jakania that these terrorist attacks are temporary and will not impact the safety and security of their citizens as a whole. Minister of Defense and Chief of the General Staff General Haani al-Abdoo has assured the President and the government via a series of press conferences in which he stated that he has dedicated the entirety of the Solentian Army to protecting its own citizens as well as those visiting, notably those who had economic purposes in the country. General al-Abdoo announced that his ministry and the armed forces as a whole had been in contact with regional allies and had contracted the services of the Majatran Organization for Industrialization to develop and produce arms and munitions domestically as well as purchase from factories and facilities located in Kafuristan and across the world. Most foreign governments have watched cautiously as the government of Solentia has transformed radically from a Luthorian dominated foreign state to a fledgling Ahmadi-based republic.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:15 am

al-Haliya Post
Sahil's leading newspaper
September 4695
Dreams of political unity?

Deputies of the Council of the Republic in session

al-Haliya, An Namer Governorate - When the Supreme Ahmadi Council called for a unified front to cast off the yoke of Luthorian-speaking Solentians, they were met with applause and cheers that had never been seen before. Several dozen paramilitaries, political groups and political organizations rallied to their banner despite the head of the movement, President Tayyid al-Kaba being a religious fundamentalist who had very strong opinions on the role of Ahmadism for the people of Solentia. This did not deter groups such as the January 17th Martyrs Battalion, the political paramilitary group whose affiliation with Ahmadi elements of the Luthorian-speaking dominated Solentian Armed Forces, from joining up. While al-Kaba is seen by the wider political world as a fundamentalist, there are groups such as the Defenders of the Revolution or the "Mudas" who are considered to be even more radical than al-Kaba in some respects.

Other political parties and organizations, such as the Ahmadi Liberation Party (Majatran: Hizb al-Tahrir al-Ahmadii), the All-Majatran Socialist Union (Majatran: Aitihad al-Majan al-Aishtirakii), the Solentian "region" of the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party that has long operated in northern Solentia and has a firm grip on the northern portion of Misrahi and Iskadariya where their paramilitary, the General Military Councils for the Liberation and Revolution in Sahil (Solentia) or the so-called "National Defense Forces" allegedly operated by the Kafuri GID. Dozens of other smaller, less prominent political movements joined.

Others, such as the Fedayeen Emir or the "Emir's Men of Sacrifice", a royalist paramilitary and political group that support the restoration of the Emirate of Quanzar albeit a little to the west of where it historically was located. Other political groups have espoused views supporting the restoration of the Emirate or an Emir or some form of monarchy in general, believing it will lend stability to the weak government of Solentia.

Within the Supreme Ahmadi Council, which is comprised of many of the aforementioned groups there are rumors of fracture and the desire for the Supreme Ahmadi Council to run as an independent party versus all of these political parties underneath the umbrella of the President. Rumors have been abound that the militarist wing of the faction, lead by Minister of Defense and Chief of the Defense Staff General Haani al-Abdoo have aligned with the Ba'athist General Military Council with whom they share a close working relationship. The Supreme Ahmadi Council, officially the Supreme Council for the Ahmadi Revolution in Solentia, has aligned itself closely with the Ahmadi Liberation Party and several other smaller groups such as the Defenders of the Revolution who had been acting as a de facto praetorian guard for the regime. Other political alliances have reportedly formed but most parties are to stay tight lipped as they compete in the near future for 350 seats in the Council of the Republic.
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Re: al-Haliya Post (Solentia)

Postby Aethan » Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:04 pm

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