
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:43 am

International News
References: Dankuk, Kundrati
Solidifying relations with Dankuk
November 5293 - With the newly introduced diplomatic and trade agreement with Dankuk representing the Shlomo Administration's final act
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Istalian Chamber of Deputies debates cutting ties with Rildanor
- Nation preparing to head to the ballot: 4 parties, how will our government look like

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The stabilising effect of the recently founded Republic of Dankuk has had a calming effect on investors from the continents of Majatra, Artania, Keris and Seleya, providing the necessary stability and assurances for the flourishing commercial and industrial sectors in Dankuk to increase their trade with the Beiteynuese market, as the International Trade Association reports that Beiteynuese-Dankukian trade will exceed 15B LOD in annual net by 5300, fuelled in large by the government's efforts on the NEP and a plethora of public and private investments alike.

Albeit the rocky start in the relations - with the Agency scandals and the collapse of the regime - both Beiteynuese and Kundrati companies from the private sector seem to have moved past the hindrances, first investing 4B LOD in Dankuk's agriculture, forestry and fishing in 5284 and then agreeing on initiating a long-term investment plan in various Dankukian commercial and industrial sectors, including the modernisation and expansion of some of Dankuk's shipyards, with a 20.7B LOD growth package starting in 5300 and lasting all the way to 5350. As trade between the 2 nations continues to rise, with Dankuk's export in agricultural and timber products and consumer goods and Beiteynu's export of its business, shipping and travel services, both governments continued to increase their relations in the hopes of establishing a long-term friendship, seeing as how the private industry had seemingly taken a life of its own, with the MOIT and the Department of Digital Transformation & Governance also expressing interest in investing in the public sector of Dankuk towards its digital modernisation, to help boost commerce and the daily life of the Dankukian citizenry, as Dankuk prepares to enjoy the perks of an exponential increase in net exports through Beiteynu's trade network.

The new Diplomatic & Trade Agreement hopes to achieve just that: solidify these renewed relations and provide a platform with visas, educational and cultural partnerships, as well as trade quotas for both markets. The Head of the Medinat Department expressed his optimistic perspective, as the Dankukian assembly begins the ratification process. "The roller coaster of relations seems to finally settle into a solid friendship", he stated.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:24 am

Finance News
References: Kundrati, Istalia, Dankuk
Tikkun Haganah to reintroduce Beiteynuese battle tank line
June 5294 - By also opening up assembly lines in Kundrati, Istalia and Dankuk with KDC and AUDISS for the production of parts for its military vehicles
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- MOIT submits nuclear energy maintenance program for the 54th century, private industry to play pivotal role
- Delegation from the International Trade Association visits Istalia to strengthen commerce relations and boost investor confidence
- Dankukian imports on the rise, Seleyan trade in decline, as Beiteynu undergoes a decade of recession

Merkava IV by Tikkun Haganah

Haifbourg, Beiteynu - Since the launch of the Equifund in 5227, Tikkun Haganah has gradually dominated the defense sector for the production of military vehicles, becoming Beiteynu's premier manufacturer for the Beiteynuese Armed Forces through subsequent decades since then. Having set its eyes early on in reintroducing the quality known worldwide of Beiteynu's military vehicles into the modern defense sector, the company partnered up in 5253 with Black Beisa, Bein Kalim and Keshet Systems to work on the development of Beiteynu's battle tank line - known as the Merkava - in conjunction with the Ministries of Defense and Science and Technology. As Tikkun Haganah began testing its prototypes of the Merkava I and Merkava II battle tanks towards the end of the previous decade, financial institutions from the Equifund, originating in Beiteynu and Kundrati alike, took notice and quickly jumped in on the discussions.

Last week, the company announced the reintroduction of the main battle tank of Beiteynuese origin in its production pipelines, with plans to release the Merkava III and Merkava IV in 5304 and 5315 respectively, with research and development plans for the advanced Merkava IV Barak to complete by 5325, which will include far superior tracks, weapons systems, and navigation and detection hardware and software. Sources at the Ministry of Defense have confirmed that the Beiteynuese Government will release a series of defense contracts for the modernisation and expansion of the Beiteynuese Armed Forces, citing that Tikkun Haganah, as Beiteynu's premier manufacture of military vehicles, will receive most of the contracts for tanks, personnel carriers and artillery. Sources at the Medinat Department have also hinted that the government of Kundrati is looking to purchase 90 Class 2 tanks at a total cost of 288M LOD.

To achieve its plans, the company - bankrolled by 3 of Beiteynu's largest financial institutions - has partnered up with Kundrati Defense Contractors and AUDISS of Istalia towards opening up additional assembly lines for the parts of these military vehicles in Kundrati, Istalia and Dankuk, with the latter looking particularly lucrative for all 3 sides, considering the low cost of production and the upcoming 20.7B LOD investments by Beiteynuese and Kundrati financial institutions in various commercial and industrial sectors in Dankuk. Thus, the company will open up liaison offices to coordinate with KDC and AUDISS on the oversight and management for both the construction and operation of the new assembly lines. Although Tikkun Haganah will maintain the rights for the production of its military vehicles, the manufacture of parts in Kundrati and Dankuk will provide a first foothold for their defense sector to participate in the development of military vehicles - tanks, personnel carriers and artillery - led by Tikkun Haganah and its corporate headquarters in Haifbourg, in the Desert Bank.

Cildania will retain its local production rights on the battle tank(s).

The company also announced the reintroduction of the Achzarit armoured personnel carrier, with development plans already in motion for the production of the Puma prototype in 5308, which will include far superior mine-clearing capabilities. In a similar announcement yesterday afternoon, Tikkun Haganah executives also announced the reintroduction of the Soltam M-68 and Soltam M-71 Howitzers at 1.2M and 1.5M LOD respectively, citing that further research and development plans would have to undergo extensive prototyping and should be taken under advisement with Black Beisa in the next few decades, considering the complexity of electronic based artillery and the difficulty level required to achieve to manufacture a working prototype, stating that "it is a level which the Beiteynuese defense and technology sector has thus not yet reached, making planning of the next classes quite impossible at this stage".

Source: Organisation of Terran Armed Forces
Editor's Note: The names of the equipment have been reverted back to the real-life names.
Last edited by TRA on Mon May 01, 2023 9:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:44 pm

International News
References: Luthori, Kundrati
The case of the Beiteynuese-Luthori relations
August 5294 - With the recent passing of Her Imperial Majesty, Mary III of Luthori and Mordusia at the age of the 87 and as her 61-year-old son King Charles XI takes the imperial mantle, the ambivalence of the Beiteynuese-Luthori relations may remain for the foreseeable future
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Office of the Prime Minister of the State of Beiteynu has issued an official statement with regards to the recent passing of Her Imperial Majesty, Mary III of Luthori and Mordusia, offering Luthori and its people Beiteynu's deepest condolences. The news comes as a shock to the Medinat Department, which had worked towards arranging a state visit in Yishelem by Her Imperial Majesty, as part of the latter's upcoming world tour. Sources at the MOFA have confirmed that the visit would include a state dinner and thorough discussions on renewed diplomatic relations, engaging in trade and perhaps exploring military and intelligence ventures, with the BPA's leader and current Minister of Justice Isaac Levy also confirmed to attend, as a token of the Beiteynuese Government's respect in including all the major players of the Shlomo Administration towards Beiteynu's interest in renewing its relations with Luthori.

On paper, Luthori and Beiteynu are partners. Despite maintaining relations since 5229 and having joined forces in intelligence ventures with the now defunct Intelligence Pact and the defense sector via the Equifund, the partnership has not yet created some tangible commitment. Trade has not really picked up either, with the Beiteynuese markets seemingly preferring to engage with Dundorf and Kundrati instead. The recent deployment of the Beiteynuese Naval Command's forces in Kundrati as part of the Alliance Agreement might have placed these relations on edge, disrupting an already fragile situation. The state visit by Her Imperial Majesty might have mended the "wounds" and paved the way for a brighter future for Beiteynuese-Luthori relations, but as the country prepares to head to the ballot for the most impactful elections in recent Beiteynuese history, it alas remains unknown whether the attempts will be rekindled by either side.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Mon May 01, 2023 2:40 pm

Domestic News
A party in ruins
January 5295 - Hevrat Hashmal's monumentally monumental defeat in the December 5294 elections has triggered a mass exodus of its officials and a bleak future under Ariel Navron Hashim's leadership, after 100 years of political dominance
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Ben Chaim Administration sworn it, BPA and Isaac Levy to lead opposition, with the HH crawling behind and picking up its pieces
- Markets steady, despite recession and significant change of guard in the Beiteynuese Government
- Investors and executives from the private sector express optimism, Beiteynuese partners and allies monitoring closely
- Former MOFIN David Aristocrat appointed CFO of Hadayim, former MOD Tzipi Tzafrir appointed CEO of Tzafrir Defense Industries

Yishelem, Beiteynu - While it shocked analysts that Hevrat Hashmal's drop in the electoral was of such monumental proportions, there was little surprise as to the outcome that a new government with a different Prime Minister and a different coalition would lead the nation, with the December 5294 elections regarded by many as the most historical elections in the country's recent history, even before the 5200s. Now HH stands on top of smoke and ashes, with the mass exodus of its officials offering additional hindrances to Ariel Navron Hashim's leadership, who has to carry the mantle of the Shlomo Administration's devastating effects on the party's political capital in the country, with its future and positions remaining uncertain, as its leftover leadership - the ones who did not abandon the sinking ship for the greener pastures of the private sector, further fuelling the fire burning under the party's headquarters in Yishelem - scrambles to reposition the party between the EBS led government and the BPA led opposition, while also crackling under the pressures of private sector lobbyists.

Notorious for its "capitalist influences", Hevrat Hashmal has not yet depleted its political capital, considering how it has monopolised political relations with the private sector and has been frequently lobbied by it, and much criticised about it with the dislike of the rest of the political factions evident, which are quick to continuously remind the Beiteynuese people of. Regardless, it is important to note how the party has represented the interests of Beiteynu's economy both domestically and abroad and thus will remain likely to advocate these interests, for the time being, especially considering the mass scale of interests it represents, with the Beiteynuese economy almost entirely reliant on its private sector and its international trade and Beiteynu's foreign relations.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Mon May 01, 2023 10:16 pm

Finance News
References: Kundrati, Istalia, Dankuk
Equifund to form into private consortium of defense companies
February 5295 - With 80 years under its belt, a plethora of international partnerships between suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, software developers and financial institutions alike and billions funnelled via the Equifund Agreement and private entities from 17 nations, the sector looks forward to its next step
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Beiteynuese defense sector to go completely private with the newly introduced reforms of 5295 by HH
- Recession tide begins to turn around on the decade's half point, the Central Bank of Beiteynu reports, still plenty to go
- Markets react positively to the prospects of the country's defense sector expansion internationally

Headquarters of the Equifund in Tel Bira, operating under the International Trade Association

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Beiteynuese defense sector has long looked to compete with the likes of Ebner AG, Dorvish Arms Factory and the ADG in the international market, especially since the introduction of the Equifund in 5227 by Keren Shlomo, which enabled the industry to tap into a continuous stream of public and private investments since then from the vast corners of the world, as it made its first baby steps back into the game after centuries of dormancy and no substantial active pursuits in arms deals and partnerships domestically and abroad. What executives quickly realised was that it was necessary for Beiteynuese companies to work with entities internationally, to gain the necessary expertise as well as try and fail - with the failed attempt at the naval cruiser last decade notwithstanding. As companies like Tikkun Haganah, Beir Leshet and Tzafrir Defense Industries steadily took the mantle of domestic defense contracts with the Beiteynuese Defense Force, the recent trade and alliance agreements stipulating 50% of defense contracts to be assigned to Equifund companies, the idea of the state investment fund launched 80 years ago has quickly turned into a consortium and lobby of private defense companies looking to up their game.

Thus, with the upcoming amendment to Beiteynuese legislature, the Equifund now becomes a private consortium, led by the Beiteynuese defense sector and looking to invest, expand and build up in Beiteynu's partners and allies, with Kundrati, Istalia and Dankuk at the epicenter insofar. Albeit Istalia already maintaining a flourishing defense industry in itself, their participation in the Equifund has brought both markets closer together, with Yishel Investment Group, one of the Equifund's premier financial institutions and bankroller of multiple partnerships, speculating that Tel Bira Aerospace Corporation will pursue a joint research, development and production investment with AUDISS on various aeronautics programs, adding further to the recent attempts by Tikkun Haganah at establishing Beiteynu's defense industry as an end to end manufacturer of military equipment across land, air and sea. Although characterised as "inferior" to the standards of the global market, Beiteynuese executives have maintained that albeit lacking in quality compared to other exporters such as Dorvik and Lourenne, Beiteynu's preference of and reliance on international partnerships - and money - will quickly prove to be a booster of exponential growth and collective expansion for all sides in the coming decades, especially as engineering universities have jumped into the fold from Beiteynu, Kundrati and Trigunia alike, partnering up on research projects with companies like Black Beisa, Bein Kalim and Zapadna Tehnološka Tvrtka, which specialise in research and military grade software.

Although the details remain yet fuzzy on the governance of the Equifund, and pending legislative reforms in regards to the government structure as the Equifund operates under the International Trade Association, independent but funded by the MOFIN, it is important to note that KDC of Kundrati has already joined talks with multiple companies from the Beiteynuese defense sector, looking into an investment plan in Kundrati and the opening of military production operations in Dankuk, as well, considering how the Dankukian economy, while still emerging but under a trade agreement with Beiteynu, is far too lucrative for defense executives to bypass. The defense sector on all 3 ends - Beiteynu, Kundrati and Istalia - also continues to set its sights on future markets, considering Beiteynu's trade network currently counting 17 nations, many of them signatories, and thus already investors, of the Equifund and the Equifund Agreement.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Tue May 02, 2023 4:30 am

Culture News
#VisitBei - Holy hills of Trachimbrod
April 5295 - Sitting at the heart of the Desert Bank, Trachimbrod might seem desolate and unwelcoming from afar, but is bustling with multiculturalism
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

View of the church district of Trachimbrod (OOC: Bethlehem of Israel)

Trachimbrod, Beiteynu - Get your ticket now with Bei Airlines and United Medinat and fly in from Majatra, Artania and Keris for an unforgettable Beiteynuese experience into the holy hills of Trachimbrod, renowned worldwide of its exquisite multiculturalism in virtually every corner of the city, where you will meet the people of every religion going on about their daily lives and blending in the magical mixtures of different religions into a single, authentic experience. As you'll walk through the streets and explore the city's numerous churches and museums, taking in the thousands of years of Yeudi, Ahmadi and Hosian cultures, you'll notice one undeniable ingredient that marks the Desert Bank: its multiculturalism seemingly holds as a single, dynamic culture.

Trachimbrod sits to the southwest of Haifbourg in the Desert Bank
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Tue May 02, 2023 6:17 am

Finance News
References: Kundrati
Shipping and travel services booming in Kundrati
April 5295 - With bilateral relations looking more solid than ever, Kundrati steadily becomes a hub between continents for international Beiteynuese trade
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

New headquarters for Hadayim, Beiteynu's premier shipping company, in Jildrati City

Jildrati City, Kundrati - Kundrati's strategic location as a mediator for Beiteynuese shipping and travel companies, connecting Beiteynu's north Majatran trade routes with Makon, Keris and north Seleya via Artania, has naturally attracted the wealth and investments of business executives from Beiteynu looking to solidify their global operations and with the bilateral relations looking more steady than ever, the boom of business, financial, shipping and travel services to and via Kundrati is steadily showing its mark on the city's local economy, as well as the region's overall trade activity. Companies like Hadayim from the shipping sector, United Medinat and Ashalon Bank BEIFG - a traditional friend of Tomasadyn National - are constructing new headquarters and amping up their operations via Extea, the crown jewel of multiculturalism in Kundrati in recent decades, with world renowned restaurants mixing the different cuisines brought forth by Beiteynuese traders, albeit its collateral damages such as the infamous chocolate hummus recipe originating in Dundorf (allegedly).

Beiteynuese airliners are especially interested in investing into the Kundrati market, considering how it acts as a "pit-stop" for their routes to the further reaches of Terra, with Trigunia and Dankuk representing the hotspots of air traffic. The Bei Ishmael Act of 5291 and the upcoming expansion and modernisation of Beiteynuese airports is expected to contribute to a further increase of commerce via Kundrati, sparking up local and regional Kundrati businesses eager to capitalise on the extra cashflow, with national travel services also witnessing an increase in customer acquisition by routing tourists and businessmen from Beiteynu's trade network choosing United Medinat and Bei Airlines to reach the heart of Artania, a pace that has attracted the interest of more than 5 of Beiteynu's premier financial institutions. The Central Bank of Beiteynu forecasts that the cycle of this free flow of multilevel trade generated by the bilateral relations between Beiteynu and Kundrati is bound to continue and thus contribute to the increase of net trade upwards in the vicinity of 50B LOD per year shared by both markets, further attracting the interest of Beiteynu's technology and defense sectors, looking to capitalise on the shared momentum of Kundrati's emergence.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby sweetheart » Thu May 04, 2023 8:08 am

PM Ben Chaim and his tour around Beiteynu
May 5296 - Prime Minister Avraham Ben Chaim starts tour around Beiteynu to meet with the people of the country.
PM Ben Cahim (right) and his brother Minister of Justice (left)

PM Avraham Ben Cahim tours to country along Minister of Justice Itamar Baruch Ben Chaim, Minister of Interior and Vicechairman of EBS Yitzchak Amichay Shamir, Religious Leader of EBS Mordechai Ben David and always one local guest. The tour is will continue until May 5297 and PM will visit this cities: Yakovshtot, Rishon Le Hofesh, Malfegorten, Tel Bidzhan, Ir Melechim, Tel Bira, Neya Amurzet, Roytberg, Netanya Hadash, Arbetheym, Sholemberg, Amshinov, Valdheym, Likhtike Tsukunft and final grand event will take place in Yishelem.

PM Ben Chaim on his first stop in Yakovshtot:
You, people of this region and this city, you have elected us. We have gotten one of the best results in here! You have elected us and we are delivering! Since we have been in office we have always put our workers first - our workers now have advantage over the foreign ones. Because you are our priority! Our so good Minister of Finance Avishay Eshkol is going to propose 0 % tax on essential good for you and we are going to pass it and enforce it! There should be no taxation of the basic things, you shall allowed to live! The state is taking too much from you nowadays and we are stopping that.
And we have put a education reform on the table, thanks to our tremendous Minister of Education Yoav Ben-Tzur we have achieved that all schools are Yeudi schools. We are teaching only true Yeudi values in our chools.
In the campaign I have said many times. This country, our Beiteynu, is a Yeudi state and it shall belong to Yeudi only! You people, you know I mean it. I really mean it. All those Ahmadi here, all around. Look I respect them, they can be Ahmadi, but why here? Why in Beiteynu? There are numerous Ahmadi-countries! Why don't they go there? They definitelly should go there. They should definitelly leave our country and let us be a true Yeudi state.
Beityenu is ours and we are taking it back for us, for the Yeudi. We are taking it back for you!
Thank you all. Glory to Beiteynu! Glory to Yeudis!
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Fri May 05, 2023 2:36 pm

Domestic News
BPA Leader denounces PM's anti-Ahmadi remarks, calls administration racist
January 5297 - PM's anti-Ahmadi statements has rallied Ahmadi and Hosian communities in Himmelshtern behind Isaac Levy during New Year's speech
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Balanced Media Act and Education Equity Act set to pass the Knesset.
- MOFIN proposes new tax system: 0% tax on essential goods and 10% tax on luxury goods.

Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - With the election this year, BPA Leader Isaac Levy in a New Year's speech yesterday, condemned Prime Minister Avraham Ben Chaim's anti-Ahmadi remarks and called his administration "racist". Mr. Levy was in Himmelshtern to deliver his New Year's speech and speak on the two bills introduced by his party, when he was heckled by Ahmadi individuals calling on him to denounce the PM's statement.

Levy without hesitation said:
I understand the anger and the discrimination you all face by this adminstration and I assure you that I will continue to stand for all of you. The PM's words were divisive, and they go against fundamental values of every democracy. Let's remind this administration that we are not afraid of them. Therefore, I urge you all to take your anger to the voting booth this December and vote this racist administration out!

Levy added that he will not hesitate to file a complaint with the Beiteynuese police for falsehoods and defamatory remarks. He has also accused the government of suppressing the voices of the religious and ethnic minorities.

Mr. Levy's speech was met with praise and cheers from the crowd of supporters which included members of the Ahmadi and even the Hosian community. There were also a significant amount of students present during the event. Meanwhile, the Beiteynuese Police have yet to comment on Mr. Levy's statements, however, sources close to the Police Commissioner have stated that the Police is reviewing the situation and will carry out its duties in accordance with the law.

Questions sent to the Prime Minister remained unanswered when this edition went to press.
Keeping You Informed, One Post at a Time! - Hogak25
Image Homeland State of Beiteynu
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat May 06, 2023 8:30 am

Domestic News
References: Dankuk, Trigunia, Kundrati, Istalia, Rildanor
395M LOD injected into culture and Yeudi heritage
May 5297 - Ben Chaim Administration attempts to increase cultural integration and awareness of Yeudism
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Beiteynuese Police reports on increased domestic terrorist chatter, Agency advises Ben Chaim Administration to exercise caution
- Central Bank of Beiteynu observes an increase in domestic consumption, signalling the beginning of the end of the recession
- Coalitions continue to oppose the Ben Chaim Administration's amendments to income and sales taxes

Synagogue in Yishelem, Beiteynu

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Head of the Department of Cultural Integration & Association of the Ministry of Education & Culture announced yesterday afternoon that the analysis stage of the Yeudi Heritage Act of 5295 has been completed, with Dundorfian and Istalian contractors alike to have received a multitude of contracts for the construction of Yeudi Heritage Centers in Kundrati, Trigunia, Dankuk and Istalia, as stipulated in the related international agreements. The new government program, born during the Shlomo Administration and supported by the Ben Chaim Administration in subsequent years, looks to honour these agreements and increase awareness and access to the Yeudi culture worldwide, in an attempt to bridge the gap between other cultures with Beiteynu's historic origins, unique to Terra, in an attempt to avoid incidents such as the recent situation in Rildanor, which evidently stem from the allienation and lack of familiarity observed in sovereign states towards the uniqueness of Yeudism as a culture and as a religion.

While domestically the country has experienced a boom in multiculturalism with the exponential increase of Beiteynu's trade network and its travel services, the matter of Beiteynuese culture in other states has mostly progressed organically thus far. The public investment will continuously inject 3.8M LOD per year for the next 100 years in current and new partners and allies of Beiteynu to establish, maintain and promote Yeudi Heritage Centers, which will act as a cultural arm of Beiteynuese embassies, offering access, information and resources to Yeudis and other cultures and religions across Terra to learn more about and come closer with Yeudism and Beiteynuese culture quickly spreading all around.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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