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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:47 pm


My friends, I am absolutely livid. Our own goveenment has slandered our party, called us a group of terrorists and genocidal maniacs when we are no such thing. The President has devoted all of his term to printing rhetoric that prosperity has returned, and that it weren't for the savior Mr. Thorn there would be "genocide" and "mass murder" in Aloria under an oppressive regime led by us. He has channeled more energy into slandering us to Dundorfians than he has actually leading.
And now look where his actions have led!

Of course no one with three neurons to bang together fell for Thorn's nonsense. But not everyone has that luxury, and thanks to fearmongering perpetrated by our own government, two of our leaders are dead. While the AFP may not have shot Bismarck and Powell, blood is on their hands. By calling our party an enemy of the state they have encouraged these vile actions.

The CF is endorsing the NAP's candidate for President. We do not agree with many of their policies, but the AFP must be removed from the Presidency by any means necessary. If not, the Thorn family's bumbling blind hatred for my organization will lead to even more deaths. They will turn a blind eye to terrorist organizations that wish to destroy us. They will know they are coming yet do nothing about them. They do not care for anything but our destruction.

Unite against these hateful brutes, Alorians. Do not let these attacks continue.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby kyle1103 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:44 am


A joint Taskforce on Public Corruption created by President Julie Keys in her first act of President was chaired by the Justice Minister and Internal Affairs Minister. Since the new cabinet bringing in Douglas Rain a former top prosecutor in the Justice department of Gavonshire, to the Justice Minister spot the taskforce grew in size and funding went through the roof as he kicked in additional leftover funds. Reports are coming out that earlier today law enforcements officials directed by the Taskforce presented arrest warrants and detained 23 governmental officials on various charges related to public corruption from abuse of power, to taking bribes for a vote.

The officials ranged from being federal Ministry employees of different Ministries, former Senators, one current Senator, and from state level to local level. The current Senator arrested was Ted Kio, a member of the New Aloria Party’s liberal wing, as news of his arrest hit the wire numerous NAP leaders condemned Kio and denounced any association with him. Kio has resigned according to reports.

The arrests comes after month long investigations of the 23 suspects in various cities and states. Court documents show the newly reformed Public Integrity Unit secured search warrants and wire-tapping warrants in several of the cases in the last few months. The Justice Ministry will move ahead with prosecution as the IA Ministry wraps up its investigation.

In a statement from Internal Affairs Minister Ciara Woods she concluded “This is a sad day that this many officials some of them elected officials and others working governmental offices were abusing their power, breaking numerous ethic laws and violating code of ethics, to bribery, and various other charges. We are confident the Justice Ministry will successfully prosecute these induivals to the fullest extent of the law, and the Public Integrity Unity shall continue with forth all current and future public corruption investigations.

Reports show PIU currently have 15 open cases in full investigation and 8 other cases in inquiry status meaning they are doing initial investigation to see if a full one is needed. None of the 23 arrested are reported in the latest numbers of cases.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby kyle1103 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:16 pm

Ooc: bombshell.
In wide-breaking news former Alorian President Cynthia Woods was arrested last night on charges of public corruption and embezzlement of governmental funds during her time as Presidency. One source is saying “Woods may be charged with treason depending on details”. The case apparently has been an ongoing IA investigation into Woods for almost two years that has been widely classified considering it involves a President.

Woods has been living in her former state of Gavonshire but was in Sildar at the time she was arrested apparently almost before board a private plane. This is to date the most highest-profile public corruption case the federal government has brought before the public.

Court documents filed early this morning show that the former President who was widely seen as, as a flop for both ARM and Aloria when elected to the highest office in the land, will be charged with public corruption, bribery, embezzling of state funds, abuse of power, and 11 other counts. If convicted Woods can face up to a minimum of 40 years in prison or life in prison under, new public corruption sentencing policies.

“The Justice Ministry is moving ahead with the prosecution of former President Cynthia Woods like we have done so in the arrests of 23 other officials for public corruption in the last few months. We are confident that the evidence presented in court will give a jury the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the case of Miss. Woods.”

The Justice Ministry expect rulings in it’s other cases in the coming weeks to month or so. Court hearings for Woods may take on at least a few months but the top prosecutor Elroy Montrell is pushing for a quick trial.

Internal Affairs Minister Ciara Woods, is of no relation to Cynthia Woods.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:56 pm




The Kurmal Minister-President has requested the federal government to conduct a formal investigation into the assassinations of Norbert Bismarck and Derek Powell in 3798. As both perpetrators were killed in the attacks, there was no formal trial. A federal investigation on the motives of the perpetrators or their organizational affiliations was announced, but no findings have yet come from the investigation and the status of this investigation is unknown. It may have been killed at the highest level. The President, Osiris Thorn of the AFP, stated the CF "brought this on themselves" for "terrorist actions." Negative opinions of the CF among the ruling AFP may have been a possible cause for the lack of an investigation.

The matter did not go investigated by the State of Kurmal, however. It is unknown whether local authorities in the AFP conducted an investigation while they had control of Kurmal. When the CF regained control of Kurmal in 3801, the local authorities began conducting an investigation on the history of the two perpetrators but were unable to find significant leads, and the project was scrapped in 3804. The Kurmali wing of the CF was known to have a strained personal relationship with Bismarck, taking issue with his iron fist style of personal leadership both in the party and in Aloria. Powell, despite being a member of the Kurmali wing, was also falling out of favor due to his close personal relationship with the party chairman.

Merrick says these issues mean that an investigation needs to start. "Too many things don't add up. It has been ten years yet we still know very little. We need the resources of our federal government to determine who was behind the assassination. The lack of effort put into the assassination investigation by previous Kurmali governments, including Fundamentalist governments, have been unacceptable. It is a travesty this issue has been put on back-burner with so many unanswered questions. I ask President and Prime Minister to work together to restart an investigation. The people who caused this to happen are presumably still out there and they could strike again."
Last edited by TFA_Aloria on Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:24 am



Evan Llywelyn and the CF's newly established council of delegates have announced that the CF is now taking recruits for their new paramilitary force, the Dwrn Duw (Fist of Elyon). They have also announced its Commander; retired ARA colonel Talfryn Floyd, 55. Llywelyn gave a public address on ATNN (Alorian TV News Network) stating, "There will be no more assassinations for to worry about, unless they come from within, Elyon forbid. The political safety of the CF has been secured for now and for generations to come. The DD will prevent our organization from being banned by frightened liberal secularist governments, and will also be ready to defend the sovereignty of Aloria if we are invaded by a foreign power."

The newly named commander spoke at a recruitment event, setting a recruitment goal of 25,000 soldiers before the end of the 3812 calendar year. Floyd refused requests for an interview.

This announcement came late, according to many political watchdog organizations, who expected the CF to begin training forces immediately after paramilitary forces were legalized.

Sources close to the CF's Delegates Council and Llywelyn say that the delay in the announcement is due to Llywelyn's attempts to convince the Delegates Council to name his son Idwal Llywelyn to the Commander position over Floyd. Idwal Llywelyn followed in his father's footsteps and joined the Alorian military. The younger Llywelyn, 50, reached a senior NCO rank in the ARA before retiring and is highly decorated. The source stated senior CF leaders tended to prefer Floyd's credentials to Llywelyn's credentials, but would not give a reason. According to the source, Llywelyn held out on putting the subject to a vote until Llywelyn was assured a role in the DD's upper echelons.

Others are skeptical. Betrys Sayer, from the Organization for Governmental Transparency, stated "This is a far-right, openly fascist party. They've been training troops since the day paramilitaries were legalized and we don't buy their lies. This is an immediate danger to Aloria and it's absolutely absurd the CF has STILL not been completely alienated from politics at this point."

Kathy Schulz, Senator from Krentori and CF Delegate, responded to the criticism, calling the OGT "...a biased, left wing propaganda machine. Time and time again they continue to make doomsday predictions about our party. They specialize in baseless, tabloid-style attacks and should not be allowed to pretend their drivel is journalism. We have not been training a secret paramilitary force. That is the fact."
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:01 am



Minister of Defense and Senior Delegate of the CF's oligarchy Evan Llywelyn has announced that he has received a diagnosis of terminal lung cancer. Llywelyn has stated that he plans to resign from the cabinet and the CF's Delegates Council at the nearest opportunity.

Llywelyn first came to prominence as a member of Parliament for Ultran under the mentorship of Norbert Bismarck. Llywelyn was promoted to Deputy Chairman in 3784, becoming the second most powerful person in the party. After Bismarck's assassination in 3798, Llywelyn chose to abandon Bismarck's style of autocratic leadership. In 3799 he created the oligarchic Delegates Council, leading to the factionalization and liberalization of the party. This period saw the CF reach its greatest vote total in its history.

That era may be coming to an end. The CF lost a significant amount of seats from Gavonshire and Sildar, who are now overrepresented in the Delegates Council. (3 sitting CF Senators from each region are elected to the DG.) Sources close to the Delegates Council believe that Prime Minister Erik Jernigan will attempt to pressure the oligarchy to dissolve and grant him authority over the party. Jernigan is popular amongst old supporters of Norbert Bismarck in Ultran and enjoys a significant amount of support in his home state of Kurmal.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby SelucianCrusader » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:44 am



LLANYMÔR - In response to proposals by Kyle Stone of the New Aloria Party (NAP) to increase the number of seats in the Senate, the Werin Da has came up with a counterproposal which would rather result in the opposite. The Werin Da's Tanist, newly elected Senator Miranda Sailor, contemplated her ideas during a interpellation:

Our nation does not need more professional politicians or career options for professional pundits, but rather more of ordinary people's common sense. The Good Folk would rather prefer to reduce the amount of Senators to 199 or 149. A Senate of 149 would make each seat worth a 0.67% of the votes, so it would hardly reduce political representation at all.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:22 pm

OOC: Old news



Internal Affairs Mattias Bismarck II is now the prime suspect in the 3798 assassination of Norbert Bismarck and Derek Powell.

A secret committee known only to the President, Prime Minister, and the highest ranking members of the Justice Department published the investigation. The committee was established after several Fundamentalists from the Kurmali state government, most notably Minister-President Gywthyr Merrick, requested a federal investigation for purposes of state security.

The results published by the committee indicate that Mattias Bismarck II is the founder of the highly secretive radical secular terrorist group that orchestrated the assassination. Findings indicate that Bismarck had grown to despise his father's policies and ideas, and became a double agent with the goal of preventing his father from seizing power again. Bismarck planned the attack for six years, gaining his own influence within the party by providing legal representation to its members. By night, he built a network of those opposed to the restrictive nature of Bismarck's rule who were willing to die for the cause. After the assassination, Bismarck continued to conspire to destroy the party from within.

Bismarck left for a humanitarian mission in Talmoria one week ago, before the committee knew of his involvement. His current location is unknown, but it is believed he may have fled into Central Dovani. Due to the lack of stable governments in the region he may be difficult to locate.

The assassination had previously been ignored by state governments in Kurmal. Both the AFP government from 3798-3801 and the Fundamentalist government from 3801-3805 did not seriously pursue the issue. The investigation found that Mattias Bismarck used his influence within the party and under-the-table bribes to high-ranking officials to prevent previous governments of Kurmal from opening an investigation.

Prime Minister Jernigan stated only, "He will be brought to justice. My party and the cabinet are appalled by this act of treachery. Bismarck has betrayed the Alorian people and he will be punished."



The Drwn Duw (Fist of Elyon) commander Talfryn Floyd has announced that the Fundamentalist's paramilitary force exceeded its recruitment goal of 25,000 for the 3812 calendar year. Floyd stated that the force currently numbers approximately 32,000 soldiers. The CF's Delegates Council has set a total recruitment goal of 55,000 by the end of 3813.

Despite reaching their recruitment goals, many militarists within the CF are unsatisfied with the DD's current lack of firepower. The DD is currently only armed with civilian weapons, with no military grade equipment. Sources indicate that the CF may push for legislation that allows the DD to further militarize, such as loosening the controls on arms deals.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby Urien » Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:21 pm

Traditionalist Conservatives Place Third, Co-establish Restore Aloria Alliance with the Fundamentalist Alliance and the Good Folk

After resurrecting itself from the political graveyard, the Traditionalist Conservative Party placed third in the national elections, winning the State of Sildar outright. The Alorian people seemed to have fond memories of the Traditionalist Conservatives, as they were willing to give them a chance to govern. Could this mean that a monarchist movement is brewing?

Neirin Rhys, Chairman of the Traditionalist Conservatives, has been elected to a seat in Kurmal, representing the capital of the state. He, along with the leaders of the Good Folk and the Fundamentalist Alliance, has created the Alliance to Restore Aloria, a coalition of like-minded policies with the intent to return Aloria to its former glory and establish it as a state abiding by the highest of moral principles.

Firm details of the coalition’s goals are scant, but the recent proposals by the Traditionalist Conservatives appear to show that the group is definitely of a conservative mindset, perhaps even reactionary, as the grouping has voiced its intent to restore the nobility, of which many Traditionalist Conservatives would benefit.

The cooperation of the other parties will be necessary in order for the larger platform to be enacted. Only time will tell if the Alliance will be successful.
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Re: Official Gazette of the Republic of Aloria

Postby TFA_Aloria » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:49 pm



The Department of Internal Affairs has instituted an additional security checkpoint around the Senate building. The police guarding the perimeter are a SWAT squad and are under orders to arrest anyone who strays beyond the checkpoint. Only those with who work in the building are allowed to enter. This includes government officials, members of the press, and maintainence and upkeep staff. Civilian vistors have been restricted until further notice.

The action came in response to the New Aloria Party's Kyle Stone encouraging citizens to attack the Senate building. Internal Affairs Minister Taliesin Yates stated that these are precautionary measures. "We're simply taking a preventative action. We have received threats against the state and it would be imprudent not to prepare to defend ourselves. This is the smallest force that can adequately defend the building. Jernigan will request military forces only if the situation escalates. The last thing we want is bloodshed."
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