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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Sun May 23, 2010 4:38 pm

TOME: New Building Complex Erected in Port Saint-John


The complex, owned by the Repton Corporation, lies in an enormous man-made island a mile and a half from the shore of Port Saint-John and contains a total of twenty-three buildings. The main attraction is the four twisting towers around the center of the island which collectively resemble a claw protruding from the ground. They serve as bases for Repton's four main operations: defense, energy, pharmaceuticals, and medical hardware. The four other buildings in its background are for Repton's largest subsidiaries. The other remaining buildings are for Repton's minor operations and housing for some 2000 employees. At the very center of the island is a generously sized launch pad for Repton's everyday use. Native vegetation are strategically dispersed throughout the island providing a healthy environment for Repton's employees. The complex has its own wharf, airstrip, and STOLport for recieving cargo and passengers. Underneath the ground is a massive subterranean complex that houses Repton's laboratories. The island is 19 miles away from Repton's state of the art, eco-friendly Hosamia shipyard and can rotate up to 360 degrees.

Repton Corporation Background

The Repton Corporation is a bioengineering pharmaceutical, defense, and energy company. It is a major international player in a number of markets including defense, pharmaceuticals, energy, medical hardware, and computers along with more clandestine operations utilizing genetic engineering and accused viral weaponry. The company also has a more public face, producing cosmetics, consumer products and foods. One of Repton's largest subsidiaries is a private military contractor with a highly-trained security force capable of rescue, reconnaissance, and para-military operations. The Repton Corporation holds a virtual monopoly on Mordusian energy. Repton produces cheap, safe, and environmentally friendly energy by harnessing the power of anti-matter. Repton's laboratories are the homes of some of Terra's most groundbreaking discoveries. Anti-matter is only one of Repton's many secrets. Repton is also involved in the shipping and transportation business. Repton is world-renowned for safely transporting even the most valuable cargo.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Sun May 23, 2010 7:12 pm

The Ministry of Defense Relocates
To a "Perfect Symbol of Our Nation"

The new headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense has decided to relocate to the "Dodecagon," as it is called. It is located at Los Halos, Hosamia and camouflages with its surroundings. It is also capable of withstanding nuclear attack. Its state of the art, nuke-proof, transparent roofing prevents Mordusia's dorkier government employees from getting pasty from all the lame office work they do. The cooler employees are stationed at the underground, inverted pyramid doing top secret work. The spire protruding from the center of the pyramid can detect enemy aircraft a million miles away and can launch nukes to prevent them from penetrating Mordusian airspace. And because the Dodecagon is awesome, the Royal Crown Alliance immediately disapproved. Following this blatant display of lameness, the RCA lost support from the nation's five year olds.

-The Observer
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Sat May 29, 2010 12:05 pm

TOME:The Church of Mordus to be the Official Religion

What is the Church of Mordus?
The Church of Mordus is a religion founded of reverence for our nation's founder, Mordus. However, the Church of Mordus only considers Mordus as a prophet of God. The Church is protected and founded by the Prieuré de Mordus. The Prieuré is also responsible for training and selecting the Pope of the Church. Currently, that Pope is Mervyk the Vogon, Mordusia's Lord-Elect for 24 years. Unlike most religions, the Church of Mordus allows its clergy to marry, but only to their fellow clergy. The Church of Mordus allows both sexes to be initiated to its clergy. A child born to clerics shall itself be a cleric.

Who is Mervyk the Vogon?
Mervyk the Vogon is Mordusia's Lord-Elect for 24 years. He was chosen by the Prieuré de Mordus to be the Pope of the Church. There is not much known about him.

What is the Prieuré de Mordus?
Is the organization responsible for the protection, continuation, and expansion of the Church. It gained notoriety for its number of high-profile members.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Mon May 31, 2010 4:23 pm

Conversion to the Church of Mordus Successful
Nevertheless, the RCA Still Insists on Making Trouble

The Royal Crown Alliance, in another pigheaded move, refused to recognize the Church of Mordus as a legitimate entity. 97% of Mordusians belong to the Church of Mordus the vast majority whom swore personal allegience to the Pope and whose numbers keep increasing. The RCA continues to alienate members Church going as far as discriminating against them. The RCA also launched a protest, with minimal attendance, rejecting the religion of 97% of Mordusia's population.

"Well that's new," exclaimed Kirk DeLane when he heard of the news. "The RCA is actually doing something. I have not known them for doing anything. The party is so inactive, it makes me sick. They only make bills nine months before the elections and only to increase their standing. No doubt they don't reveal their true stances because they'll lose even more seats to the ESS. The RCA's message is warped, they have no principles."

When asked for his opinion, citizen Greogory Niemand replied, "The RCA is a party of complete fools. They stir up trouble everywhere they go, looking for a fight instead of a solution. They have never served Mordusian interests. They want Mordusia to depend completely on foreign powers, rejecting every bill that exhibits self-reliance. This is just more proof of that (as if we needed more). They completely ignore today's leaders, culture, and trends favoring instead some distant relic of the past from God knows when. No wonder they lose every election."
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby J.G.S. » Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:21 pm

RCA Leaders Appear to Great Cheers at Sammodran Rally

Ever since the establishment of the "church of Mordus" by the ESS last February, the RCA has helped organize and lead the resistance movement against the forced conversions and obsessively cult-like mandates rubber stamped by the ESS-controled House of Lords. The government, meanwhile, has done everything in its power to wipe out this opposition and prove its legitimacy. It has gone so far as to proclaim that 97% of Mordusians have converted to the new "religion". Imagine, 562 million fervent adherents of Mordus against 20 million RCA-led heretics? Surely, the RCA is now nothing more than an extremist sect of Catholics, Protestants, and atheists?

Nothing could be further from the truth, as the events of last week have shown. Undaunted by the stark weather forecasts and the risk of ESS-mandated police violence, twenty thousand protesters poured out onto the streets of Bayonne, Sammodra to rally against the tyranny of the "church of Mordus". After the procession marched from the Bayonne Coptic Catholic Cathedral to the City Council, Lord Robert Cecil, the beloved 6th Duke of Sammodra, mounted the steps of the council building to address the cheering crowd. "Fellow citizens," Lord Cecil called firmly, "let me make one thing clear - I have not converted! My belief is in Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the good traditions that have propped our great nation for centuries. So long as the RCA lives on, true Mordusians and Christians will always have a safe shelter, a strong advocate, a fiery protector of our traditions and our faith!" Lord Cecil went on to proudly contest the government's statistics on converts: "There is not a single drop of truth behind the Lord-Elect's shrill claims, but he is certainly free to spread them for the time-being. The verdict on these claims shall be clear in 2949".

Lord Cecil was referring to the next election in January 2949, at which the RCA is forcing all of its voters to take a pledge against the "church of Mordus". If, as the Lord-Elect claims, 97% of the nation has accepted the new faith, the RCA will be effectively eliminated from the political playing field. The Alliance, however, is prepared to take that risk, and is for now actively flaunting its Christian faith and rejection of the new cult. "In the year since the passage of the theocratic law, there has not been a single arrest for non-conversion," Lord Cecil noted, "it is crystal clear that the government is indeed powerless to enforce its mandates, and we must take full advantage of this circumstance with our aim being the destabilization and derailment of the ESS regime and this so-called Pope Mervyk".
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby J.G.S. » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:57 am

Nation Braces for Defining Election

As the legislative season comes to an abrupt end after the passage of several more flip-flopping bills from the ESS, Mordusians throughout the country prepare to cast their votes in the first election after Lord-Elect Mervyk's tyrannical mandates establishing the "church of Mordus" and threatening to execute all Christians and atheists who refuse to convert. Although official ESS statistics declare that 97% of the nation has accepted this new "religion", most leading Mordusian sociologists and intellectuals doubt the "official figures". "It is simply impossible that hundreds of millions of Mordusians would simply reject their faith in a matter of weeks and join this cult under legislative gunpoint," firmly declared Dr. Hubert von Freumme, prominent Mordusian sociologist. As the ESS still basks in the glory of its legislative "victory" over God, Jesus, and the faithful, the RCA is actively involved in preparing volunteers and activists to help turn out voters in the upcoming January election. The RCA has set itself a rather difficult obstacle - a rule has been put in place that requires all voters voting for the RCA to pledge their hostility and rejection of the new "church of Mordus". Since such a pledge is technically illegal and punishable by death, Lords Cecil and Rhodes are effectively calling on all Royalists to participate in a huge act of civil disobedience, which, if successful, could entirely destabilize the already teetering ESS regime. "Any number even close to 50% would already be a huge victory for the RCA in January's election, since the Alliance has effectively been banned by the government," commented Lord Cecil, head of the RCA, on the steps of the Assembly of Lords in Rachtenburg, "so even though we can only pray for a majority victory, I can proudly say that every vote we receive will be a symbol of justice, fairness, and repudiation of Lord-Elect Mervyk's horrific policies".
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby J.G.S. » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:38 am

Mordusia Celebrates Astounding Conservative Victory

In the face of outright persecution, the RCA won a plurality in the Assembly of Lords and lost the election for Lord-Elect by 1.62%. By winning a 47% plurality of votes, the RCA has proven that at least half of Mordusia refuses to convert to the newly made-up "church of Mordus". Rumor currently has it that the RCA will combine its 62 seats with the Traditional Conservative Union's 15 to form a solid majority in the Assembly of Lords - an arrangement that could prove crushing to the ESS regime of Lord-Secretary Saint-Claire. Lord-Elect Mervyk would then, in turn, be left powerless for the next four years, acting as a symbolic head of state over a Royalist-led cabinet and a conservative-coalition Assembly. Lord Rhodes, the RCA candidate for Lord-Elect, delivered his concession speech on the steps of the Assembly of Lords in Rechtenburg: "The results are in and I must humbly offer my concession to Lord-Elect Mervyk, and it is my most sincere hope that he will listen to his constituents as he leads our nation. The people of Mordusia, however, have spoken firmly and clearly, and they have spoken out against the ESS cabinet's policies, against unnecessary change, against industrialist greed and tyranny. I promise to work with my party's leadership and that of the TCU in order to deliver what our voters have asked for. The ESS may have retained control of the symbolic throne, but what matters is that this great building behind me is in good, conservative hands."

Lord Cecil Rhodes, 8th Earl of Cormorant
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:55 am

After Seizing the Majority by Sheer Religious Chicanery, the RCA Begins Political Assault

In a futile attempt to impress Mordusians, the Royal Crown Alliance has "banished" Lord-Elect Mervyk the Vogon from entering the Divine Assembly of Lords as a reprisal for all the souls he has supposedly persecuted of which the Royal Crown Alliance has no evidence. Their only evidence is the Lord-Elect's declaration of a state of emergency to preserve the peace. Under those circumstances, the Lord-Elect could break any protest with a snap of a finger and it is well-known that he did not. Furthermore, the Royal Crown Alliance did not only banish the Lord-Elect, they also had the effrontery to banish the religion of his supporters -- this is not retribution, this is a full-fledged political assault. But what else can one expect from the Royal Crown Alliance, the party that advocates the unequal treatment of Mordusians? Who is surprised to see the Royal Crown Alliance use the office of all, the Divine Assembly of Lords, to persecute those who oppose them? Certainly not this paper.

-The Observer
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby J.G.S. » Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:12 pm

Mordusia Vehemently Rejects the Lord-Elect's Cult

Membership in an unrecognized religion is atheism. Atheism is considered treason ... those who have not converted will be tortured, killed, used as target practice for the Mordusian Armed Forces ... Mordusians are expected to swear allegiance to the Pope. Those who refuse shall be hang, drawn, and quartered, or otherwise publicly executed...
- The Elitist Super Squad - Turning Mordusia into a Theocracy Act - February 2946

Only several years ago, these words, made into law by the ESS leadership, seemed like a death sentence to any good, civic-minded Mordusian. Lord-Elect Mervyk the Vogon and his Lord-Secretary Leopold Saint-Claire, perhaps not surprisingly, turned on their people, mandating violence and terror, forced conversions and inquisitions. Just months after winning its plurality in the Assembly of Lords, however, the Royal Crown Alliance has succeeded in passing the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, which reinstated freedom of religion and set the traditionally Mordusian, centuries-old Coptic Catholic Church as the state's official, but never mandatory, religion. Although that was already an enthusiastically praised and long sought for victory for all pious and atheist Mordusians alike, Lord Robert Cecil, Duke of Sammodra and head of the RCA, to wild celebrations, unveiled the Banishment Act. This monumental resolution will declare the "church of Mordus" a dangerous cult and ban it from Mordusia in order to prevent any further pseudo-religious tyranny or violence. The people of Mordusia rejoiced upon hearing this proposition, for every man in this nation remembers all too well the dictatorial, narcissistic mandates of "Pope" Mervyk the Vogon. Speaking of "Pope" Mervyk, the second article of the Banishment Act constitutes an official censure of Mervyk the Vogon in the Divine Assembly of Lords, from the premises of which he will also be banned. He will also be nominally charged with treason for his above-quoted mandate that authorized the luckily avoided murder of hundreds of millions of innocent Mordusians. The ESS is, of course, vigorously issuing one statement after another, attempting to distract attention from its tyrannical track record. But alas, everyone is well aware that ex-"Pope" Mervyk is at present a powerless impostor occupying the Lord-Elect's throne, and that in three years time he'll be rid of even that possession. For now, however, he and his Lord-Secretary are busy prostituting themselves and their Cabinet seats in exchange for the Traditional Conservative Union's support. Let's not disturb their futile efforts any further.

- Lord-Elect Mervyk and Lord-Secretary Saint-Claire doing what they do best
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Mervyk » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:21 am

The Royal Crown Alliance Imposes Legislative Tyranny

The Royal Crown Alliance is persecuting its opponents with a vengeance. The low-down party is using a body of law to impose tyrannical mandates to wipe out all opposition, weilding its new-found powers with a dictatorial fury. The RCA is incensed and insanely jealous of the fact that even though it has managed to grab more seats (a mere four seat lead with the ESS, consituting less than half of the legislature) the ESS still holds all the vital administrative functions. The RCA's attempts to seize the cabinet has failed and the ESS has issued counteractions to ensure that it will continue to fail. Mordusians can only hope that the ESS is successful with their undertaking for the RCA will no doubt use the power the cabinet entails to do something incredibly stupid, like selling Mordusia to a foreign power. Meanwhile, the RCA has preoccupied itself with tinkering with the law in order to murder the Lord-Elect.
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