
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:21 pm

Sekowo is at War!
With the destruction of this Luthori Aircraft carrier, the first blow against the vile Gaijin invaders has been struck! Sekowo, Banzai!

People of Sekowo!
Never before in our history has the mighty power and glory of the Sekowan Empire been vanquished. We have fought through the horrors of separatism, civil war and Aretism and emerged triumphant again and again! This Hulstrians and Luthorians are playing at war! Hulstria hasn't fought in open battle for centuries, and Luthori only fights by cowardly methods, in which they themselves are never at the front. Our brave men of the Legionary Defence Force, the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Airforce have all seen combat and what our auxiliaries lack for in experience they make up for in courage and sprit. We are the only people upon the Dovani mainland who have always repelled the Gaijin colonialists! We stand in the martial tradition of Lysander the Great, the Samurai Emperors and the Knights of the Sécowonnais, a people well versed in the craft of death.

Legionaries of Sekowo!
At all times remember the Empress and the Overwhelming Glory of Her Imperial Will, that's hers is the voice through which the heavens speak! At all times bear in mind your death, and live each day in preparation for your ultimate sacrifice to the Empire! At all times be loyal, courageous and zealous in the execution of your duties to our most Beloved Empress and Motherland! Sekowo marches ahead of you, stands behind you, marches with you and comes up behind you! While you bear in mind your sacred mission you are not alone but one of the striving thousands of our Empire bending and swaying to the torrents of our historic destiny - Hakkō ichiu! Universal brotherhood within the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent of Sekowo!
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:11 pm

Kagaku shūdan disbands and merges with Gao-Shōwa Shūfuku Undō
Obana Basilius Koike "the time for Kagaku shūdan has ended, the prospect of war and the isolation it brings spells little chance for a developed free-market economy in Sekowo. We will instead march beneath the banner of Gao-Shōwa Shūfuku Undō, the primer nationalist party in our nation."

Hardcore Nationalist-Left Forms Taisei Gekokujō
At a rally held inside a Legionary Base, a group of left-wing soldiers who distrust the perceived pacifist and secluarist tendencies of the Workers Party of Sekowo and Imperial Socialist Party formed an organisation called Taisei Gekokujō, which receives the ideology of Zen Socialism which originated in Indrala.

Taisei Gekokujō (大成下克上) wrote:Individuality is illusion, only by becoming totally immersed in the collective consciousness of the nation and people is enlightenment possible. The Emperor or Empress is not merely a mortal, but the direct manifestation of the national consciousness and the soul of the enlightened force which binds all races of people in unbending and untiring servitude to the will of the whole. This is collectivity, the product of mass enlightenment.

Our Empire is the Empire of the whole, our Empire is the force by which the peoples of the world will become one and indivisible under the law of life, lead and guided by the Emperor or Empress, whose body is the Avatar by which the whole, the Buddha nature, governs the realm of illusion in which we live. Buddha wishes that by perfect government upon earth the people for whom he spurned god hood and condemned himself to eternal reincarnation, will live life's of good deeds and become free of the illusionary world when they die.

This enlightenment must be achieved by Zen, the enlightenment which one achieves by becoming totally without needless thought or emotions, when work becomes not a means of self-preservation but ones only desire. To serve and better the Empire and the Eternal Harmony.

The solution to the problems of government is Zen Socialism. The population must be completely stripped of all the trappings of individuality, and the best way to do this is war. Patriotism awakens the people to there smallness, and inspires slavish loyalty to policies they would reject in peacetime. Therefore the Empire must be always at war or prepared for war, extending the state into every fabric of society, until there is neither state, nor class, nor society, nor family, only the Empire.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:27 am

SNN Breaking News

This is an SNN Breaking News Announcement, we take you live to our correspondent in New Seritei.

Just minutes ago Miyako Ishida, younger sister of Empress Kumiko and next in line under the original Imperial system shocked the nation with an announcement that is likely to rock the foundations of Sekowo.

*cut to re-play of speech*

My fellow Sekowans, I stand here today after having spent the last week considering and re-considering..well, everything.
I'm not the most political person, to be honest politics has always seemed overly hostile in my opinion, however their comes a time in ones life in which they must do what's right, even if they don't like it.

Having said that I, Miyako Ishida, Crown Princess of Sekowo and Empress-elect of Shiratoku here-by request that Empress Kumiko abdicate and the current government step down and hold free, fair elections so that a true democratic government can be established, one that will be based on the rightful foundations of Sekowo and the sacred tenets that the Ishida Dynasty itself is based on, a government that united, rather than divides, a government that while not being a push over does'nt commit war crimes at the drop of a hat.

I realize that what I'm saying now won't be popular with a good many people, and that some will accuse me of Treason or other ridiculous charges, however I do this for the good of the very Empire itself.
We must never forget that the Empire is a system, a system built by the people and representative of them, that it is not, and never was meant to be used for what amounts to Emperor worship.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:38 pm

Workers' Party of Sekowo merges with Imperial Socialists Party

The ideology of Zen Socialism is spreading rapidly among Dovani's Gao-Showans. It featured prominently in Indrala and Drania in the past, and has seen a resurgence in Sekowo (with the Taisei Gekokujō) and Drania (with the Gao-Syowa Jegug Hyeogmyeong Jeonseon). Many parties on the left feel that this radical ideology threatens the unity and cohesion of left wing politics. One consequence of this is the phenomenon of party mergers, which became increasingly common in Sekowo. After the Kagaku shūdan merged with the Gao-Shōwa Shūfuku Undō, now the Sekowo no Rodō-sha tō announced its decision to merge with the Teikoku Shakai-tō. The two parties have historically been supporters of secularism and pluralism, and many hope that the new merger will create a political force capable of returning the imperial system to the more democratic foundations of the First Empire.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:23 am

PSA Re-arms, Reforms

The People's Socialist Army, comonly known as the PSA has announced its re-armanent, following nearly a century of dormancy.
The announcement came with another surprise as the group announced it would be reforming its structure and officially changing its name to Sekouo Teikoku Jinmin Rikugun (Sekowan Imperial People's Army).

The change was unexpected, as historically the group, while conected to the DSP/ISP/TSK, had previously remained under its own authority and conventions, regardless of changes in the party itself.

At its height the PSA/STJR was as powerful as a small military, having an Air, Land and Navy branch.
It's unknown what remains of the groups forces, however, based on historical precedent it's believed that most, if not all of its equipment remains intact, only lacking the manpower to utilize it.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:46 pm

Zen Socialism Is the Only Way to Victory, says Akio Lim Sensei
Akio Lim Sensei wrote:Only by the complete and total reformation of thought and social structures along the lines of a Zen Socialist Programme is victory over the enemy possible, only by spreading the Zen Socialist Revolution is that victory made secure and permanent. The current administration cannot win victory, for only Socialist Nations fight effectively, they are failing the Empress and the Holy Power she represents by their hesitation and bumbling! Why are we waiting to be invaded, we should be attacking, attacking, attacking! Our troops stand along the Northern frontier waiting, while they should be crossing into the Hulstrian occupied territories. It is the Zen Socialist creed which is inspiring the people of Deulatoji to rise up and come to our aid, and it will inspire all peoples in time.
A Gekokujo government would not hesitate to use total and ruthless force to drive the Gaijin Imperialists from Dovani and liberate the Gao-Showan people into one great Empire, and Empire of Workers, Peasants, Monks and Warriors working together to end ignorance, greed and illusion. The Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent must not simply be Socialist, it must become the definition of Socialism! Total Socialism, not half-way socialism, not quasi-capitalist secular Marxism, but a full blown, red blooded, religious and complete Socialism!
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:07 pm

SNN Breaking News

This is an SNN Breaking News Announcement, we take you live to our correspondent in New Seritei.

This is Sasuke Kimura here in New Seritei where Crown Princess Miyako Ishida is about to make what's described as a major announcement.

*cuts to Camera on podium*

"My fellow Sekowans, as you all know we are not unfortunately at war, a war started by a small minority of zealots and fundamentalists lead on by the current disgrace of an Empress who dares call herself an Ishida.

The time for peaceful solutions I fear has come and gone, so I am now forced to make the following announcement.

I, Miyako Ishida do here-by claim the title of Empress of the Sekowan Empire and denounce Kumiko as nothing but a traitor and pretender to the throne.
Today marks the end of the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent, and the beginning of the re-born Imperial Federation of Sekowo.

Further more, I here-by request an agreement with the Commonwealth Alliance, we will ally with them and provide the resources and staging points we and the Sekouo Teikoku Jinmin Rikugun have, in return we request that the current zone the STJR is establishing in the South be exempt from attack."
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:51 pm

Miyako Ishida's Treason Shocks Empress
The Most High and Great Empress, of the Great and Mighty Ishida Dynasty, Ruler of the Celestial Palace and the Eternal Harmony of the Empire Magnificent, Living Descendent of the Sun Goddess and Goddess Supreme to the Sekowon People and those of the Wider World,, Guardian of Gao-Showan and Shinjalan Civilisation Alike and Scourge of the Gaijin Enemy, Queen of the Sécowonnais and Defender of the Kuragao Tribes, Kumiko Ishida the Restorer and Unifier of the Sekowan Empire wrote:To think that such a deed could be committed by my sister has turned my heart cold, the treachery of Kenji was easy to understand for he was always distant from the heart of the Imperial Family, but that a daughter so dear to our Great Father could consider the dismember of the Empire Magnificent he worked so hard to build is something unthinkable. But I still cannot hate her, for she is clearly so misguided and confused by political affairs I am sure she is only being used by the traitors in the Imperial Socialist Party. It is with regret that I will sigh a warrant for her arrest, for high treason in wartime is unforgivable even amongst family.
My people, the Eternal Harmony is not a dictatorship, it has always been ruled by the decree of the Gozen Kaigi, and neither Kenji nor Miyako have ever consulted that body on there actions, but simply act in appeal to foreign powers for legitimacy. I ask you, should we ask those who without warning started this conflict when they refused to support me after the Sectarian Junta forced my Father to commit suicide who is the legitimate ruler of Sekowo? No, the sole abitiar of that is the Sekowan nation itself, and my own kin debase themselves by turning there backs on it.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:22 pm

STJR Consolidates Gains Despite Failure to Reach Full goal

The Sekouo Teikoku Jinmin Rikugun (STJR) has consolidated and fully taken over a territory covering the Southern half of Undarro and Souther 1/3 of Hasowar.

While exact operations have not been made public it has been announced tat the current 'border' is being fortified and STJR assets spread equally along the border and within the rest of the territory as the organizations numbers grow following both recruitment campaigns and the re-activation of long-time members.

The currently held territory falls short of the initial STJR goal, however this has apparently not been a great upset; when asked about it Daisuke Saito, the Commander in charge of the New Seritei Garrison and a member of the STJR Executive Council stated that the initial goal had only been what was hoped for in the best possible of scenarios, and not meant to be concrete.

Miyako Ishida Dismisses Arrest Warrant, Condemns Government

In a live press conference earlier this morning Miyako Ishida dismissed the pending Arrest Warrant against her as 'ludicrous' and 'nothing more than the result of an authoritarian regime that does'nt even see its end coming'.
Ms. Ishida also condemned the government, and called for the people to rise up and topple the current regime.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:39 am

SNN Breaking News

This is an SNN Breaking News Announcement.

Moments ago Miyako Ishida made an announcement that's likely to further rock the foundations of Sekowo.

*cuts to re-play of speech*

My fellow Sekowans, for to long have I hid the truth, a truth that I must now make known for the sake of the country and as the final nail in the coffin of the illegitimate Kumiko.

For most of my life people have been told that my father was the previous illigetimate claimant Yukio, however this is not the truth.
My true parents are Misaki Ishida and Kazuma Daito.

My mother, who died while I was still young was the legitimate Empress, being the Daughter Himawari Ishida and Granddaughter of Yuko Ishida.
It is through this that I make my claim as the legitimate Empress of Sekowo and matriarch of the Ishida Dynasty.

Ishida Family Tree

As I'm re-taking control of the Ishida Dynasty, since I created it and CS never asked me permission to use it, the above is correct.
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