
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:24 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
The Lourennais High Chancellor urged members to vote on the proposals quickly to ensure work can begin quickly
This afternoon, a bill proposed this morning by members of the PRN introduced and included King Herbert II's proposals for a
change in legislation following his assumption to the Lourennais throne. The proposals according to the High Chancellor are
focused are based on the King's speech just months ago recognizing that he wanted more power, prosperity, and growth for
the nation. Among the proposed changes in the bill, the King has called for increases in funding for several of the offices in
almost every Royal Ministerial Department. A heavy focus was placed on the Royal Ministry of Sustainability, The Royal
Ministry of Defense, the Royal Ministry of International Affairs, and the Royal Ministry of Economic Develop. Within each
Ministerial Department there are proposals to increase funding for different offices. According to members of the Royal
Assembly, there was increased interests on two of the King's proposals which called for further government intervention
emphasis, and focus on the Royal Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Service | Service royal du renseignement et de la
lutte contre le terrorisme (RICTS) and the Lourennais Royal Space and Aerospace Agency | Agence Royale del'Espace et
de l'Aérospatiale Lourennais (AREAL). These two offices, according to the King, were "essential to expanding the United
Kingdom's capabilities in the world through different means."
. There was also proposal to continue improving the
nation's economic progress through less regulations and more funding for government offices that focus on developing the
nation and encouraging public and private innovation. Manon Chatupal, a PRN Deputy from Outannais, stated that the
focused "expansion on the nation's international reputation and opportunities for dynamic economic growth will excel the
nation and will lead to prosperity never before seen."
. Upon introducing the proposals, High Chancellor Sinclaire noted
that these reforms and changes will immediately be put into action once they pass the voting stage.
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Lourenne Quotidien- National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:39 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Lourennais Royal Ministry of Defense claimed that it would deploy troops to Keymon to control the conflict if necessary
Protecting Interests in war-torn Keymon
The Royal Ministry of Defense, this afternoon, announced that Royal Navy's Second Response Fleet currently stationed in
Vorona will be working with the Endralonese fleet in the Mad Dog Ocean to protect regional trade in the area amidst the
civil war in Keymon. Royal Minister of Defense Francois Viren noted that Lourenne has many trade routes that go to and from
Keymon that are at risk following the civil war that ha erupted. The Royal Minister of International Affairs, Valeria Donvale
received a call from the Endralonese Government yesterday in an effort to protect trade in the waters surrounding Endralon
and Keymon. Dovale explained to reporters that the conflict in Keymon will have immediate effects on the trade of many
nations, including Endralon and Lourenne, thefore immediate action must be taken to ensure that trade remains protected
and fluid. The RMD has also said that "intervention in the Keymonite conflict is likely" as a result of the large Canrillaise
population in Keymon and Lourennais industries that are on the island. Realizing that Lourennais trade and citizens are in
danger in Keymon, High Chancellor Sinclaire has met with the Royal Minister Viren constantly in the past few hours to begin
conceptualizing a military intervention in Keymon and forming diplomatic pacts with Canrillaise Representatives on Keymon.
High Chancellor Sinclaire and Royal Minister Donvale are making preparation to ensure Canrillaise populations and government
officials on Keymon are kept safe during the war, analysts in Eroncourt are expecting that these preparation might be seen
done through militaristic action and/or diplomatic action.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Lourenne- Le Globe

Postby Luis1p » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:01 am

The Globe is an independent newspaper based in Eroncourt reporting on Lourennais foreign affairs and foreign policy
The Lourennais High Chancellor assured that both Lourennais and Keymonite interests would be protected
Using Diplomacy and Action to aid Keymon
This afternoon, High Chancellor Sinclaire signed an immediate executive proposal backed by King Herbert II that put the "Valois
Agreement" into effect today. The Valois Agreement was signed by representatives of New Valois, Queen Eva, and the Lourennais
High Chancellor. According to the Valois Agreement, all three signatories acknowledge each others interests both in Keymon and
Lourenne, all signatories agree to a non-aggression pact, all three signatories agree to a mutual defense pact, which automatically
places New Valois and Lourenne in a state of war against King Carlu's forces, and all signatories will agree to remove troops from
each other's borders during the war to ensure mobility and cooperation. High Chancellor Sinclaire told members in the Royal
Assembly that the executive action by her office was necessary to ensure Lourennais interests in Keymon, but also try to end the
war through precise military action backed by diplomacy. Queen Eva, while in Valois, visited King Herbert II who was present in
Valois while the agreement was signed and acknowledged by both representatives from New Valois and Keymon's rightful ruler.
High Chancellor Sincalire has ordered the Royal Ministry of Defense to prepare further military action following the singing of the
agreement. The Royal Ministry of Domestic Affairs also recognized that IRSA (RICTS), the nation's intelligence agency will be
present in New Valois to focus on enemy reconnaissance as well as to aid military operations.
The Globe is an independent newspaper based in Eroncourt reporting on Lourennais foreign affairs and foreign policy
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Re: Lourenne

Postby Aquinas » Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:57 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Rogue » Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:19 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:37 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Royal Ministry of Defense claimed that more focus would be put on the Space Command through the next decade.
Continuing Achievements in Space
This morning, the Lourennais Royal Space and Aerospace Agency (LRSAA) announced that they had acquired a deal with Systemes
Aeronol to develop a new generation rocket that will boost Lourenne's space ambitions and progress. Systemes Aeronol
one of Lourenne's oldest aeronautics companies, released rendered images of the future Aeris-1X rocket that will be manufactured
by their company along with the LRSAA. Systemes Aeronol noted that the company was also receiving communications equipment
from another Lourennais corporation, Manon-Maison Communications, to facilitate transmissions and technology on board the
proposed rocket. Head of the LRSAA Jean Pascal Agreste, under the approval of the Royal Minister of Defense, Francois Viren
told the press that the new rocket was an attempt to continue Lourenne's security projects in space noting that "spatial security
is now a crucial factor in the nation's space doctrine"
. According to Agreste, the LRSAA is set to receive more funding from
the budget that would usually go to other parts of the Royal Air Force. Following an increase in the military budget, Viren noted
that Lourennais spatial ambitions would eventually become more than just security satellites and would be focused on protecting
satellites and research equipment. Agreste ended off clarifying that the LRSAA is currently focused on truly expanding the Royal
Space Command and building it up while keeping exploration and innovation in mind above all else.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
Several Lourennais Banks are Pledging their Support for hundreds of Tech Startups
A few days ago, the Royal Assembly proposed a detailed plan to financially support several technology startups that are at risk
from "predator" firms and/or are failing in the process of starting up due to whatever reason. Along with support from the
government, the Lourennais private sector, including many banks and investments firms, joined the government's efforts to
ensure the pan under the government would not lack the proper funding necessary. According to the plan, startups that were
in the process of raising a new funding round could raise a bridge round from public investment bank Villanueve-Descartes
through their notable "Investments for the Future" program. Villanueve-Descartes put LFR 89.4 million on the table, private
investors announced that they’d co-invest as much as 89.4 million as well. According to the Royal Assembly's program, startups
can borrow as much as two years of payroll for employees based in Lourenne or 25% of annual revenue as well as be eligible
for government backed loans and receive quicker tax returns. Banque Nationale, the nation's oldest state backed investment
bank also offered to provide a new investment fund for key technology companies. The idea is to support Lourennais startups
so they don’t get acquired by big foreign companies too quickly or they don’t fall behind when it comes to international
competition. Banque Nationale has pledged over LFR 167.6 million as part of this fund. According to company representatives,
it could be extended in 4775 to reach LFR 558.77 million. The new programs are expected to bring the Lourennais tech sector
stability and a massive space for innovation and growth.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Lourenne's Most Elite Troops, part of the Special Forces, will be sent to New Valois's Border after the Ceasefire Ends
Providing Extra Security in Keymon
Today, High Chancellor Sinclaire notified the press that the Royal Ministry of Defense sent the Royal Special Forces of the Royal
Ground Component to rendezvous with the Lourennais Second Response Fleet in the Mad Dog Ocean to facilitate their landing
in Keymon after the official ceasefire in Keymon is lifted. According to the Royal Ministry of Defense, the move to send the
Royal Special Forces to Keymon comes after the signing of the Valois Agreement which guaranteed a mutual defense agreement
between New Valois, Keymon, and Lourenne. The Royal Special Forces, according to the Royal Ministry of Defense will be in
Keymon to ensure the borders of the regions of New Valois and Keymon, under Queen Eva's rule, are kept safe and respected.
The Royal Special Forces will also be supporting Queen Eva's forces in immediate combat positions. High Chancellor Sinclaire
said that deploying the Royal Special Forces to Keymon will bring for a quicker end to the war, but also cement the United
Kingdom's relationships with Queen Eva and Keymon in the future. The Royal Special Forces will depart from Orleans Naval
Station Base in Parmentier and join the Second Response Fleet until the end of the ceasefire.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Postby Luis1p » Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:08 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
LRSAA noted that the Aeris-1X rocket would be complete next year
Continuing the Aeris Space Project
The Lourennais Royal Space and Aerospace Agency (LRSAA) along with the services of private contracts, completed a massive
launch site outside the city of Porte Orleans last week. This comes just months after the Royal Ministry of Defense announced
the creation of the Aeris Space Project which established the Royal Space Command as well. Th launch pad and station in the
small suburb of Courencois, was built to withstand the massive rocket blasts and energy from the future family of Aeris-1X
rockets. The launch area also has the accessibility to transfer rockets from the LRSAA's engineering center, where the rockets
are being developed, to the launch pad where they will be sent into space. Aerospace engineers from Systemes Aeronol have
noted that the rocket is like nothing ever developed in Lourenne. Workers are noting that the rocket will be able to lift several
"loads" of equipment, satellites, and astronauts into Terra's orbit should it launch successfully.

Commander of the Royal Space Command, Gabriel Bertrad, noted that the specification f the Aeris rockets would not be
publicly released due to specific regulations from the Royal Ministry of Defense, however, Bertrand confirmed that the rockets
upon completion will be around 151–171 ft tall and will carry a load of over 130 metric tons of liquid oxygen and hydrogen to
fuel the main engines of the rocket. Noting the budgetary constraints, Bertrand noted that the rocket will cos the Royal Ministry
of Defense around 120 to 150 Million Francs every time the rocket launches. The rockeet will have the capabilities to launch
over ten tons of equipment into orbit. Bertrand said that the Royal Space Command will take advatange of the heavy weight
rocket to ensure the Lourennais space program exceeds expectations and surpasses goals set by the RMD.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Citizen is a left-wing newspaper focusing on healthcare, politics, economics, and internal affairs in Lourenne
The University noted that their data storage has been largely neglected in the past decade
Anne-Marie Oudinot, the provost of the University of Eroncourt, one of Lourenne's most prestigious universities sent a
massiveannouncement to all of the university's related public sites revealing the university's new project to build a data
center for the College of Business, which will also the house the University's server and business equipment. The main
purpose of the university's data center will be to better organize and manage the data and information systems of the
College of Business, which has not had a proper data system in the past ten years, but will also serve as the University's
main data center. According to Cielsoft company representatives, one of the companies that the university will be
working with, have stated that the new data center will facilitate online systems for most students and members of
the university's faculty by expanding the storage system and file sharing servers. Cielsoft noted that their company will
be open to providing Cielsoft's "Ciel" cloud system to the university for file storage to ensure that the data center is
most effective. The data center, according to the university, will be built in Eroncourt, not far from the university's
main campus in the 6th Arrondissement. Campus officials notified students of the construction zones and have
plans to redirect the university's shuttle routes to provide more space for the data center. Expected completion of
the data center was set for 4773 by campus and construction officials.
The Citizen is a left-wing newspaper focusing on healthcare, politics, economics, and internal affairs in Lourenne
The Star News is an independent newspaper based in Valois focusing on the Entertainment, Mass Media, and Sports
The Beaumont region in Carolleux is home to the wealthiest Lourennais Citizens and is the Wealthiest Region
Beaumont Region Gets "Richer
Several Lourennais Casinos and gambling locations in the Beaumont region this year reported that between the months of June
and August, casinos and exclusive clubs saw an increase of tourists and other visitors by over 8% compared to other years. The
Beaumont region, located in the Royal Province of Carolleux, approximately an hour from the city of Valois, is home to most of
the United Kingdom's casinos, legal gambling areas, and summer resorts. Annually, the region sees over 13 million people visit
its casinos, beaches, restaurants, and resorts, yet economic reports this year noted that the region saw an increase in both
people and money. Economists in Lourenne are failing to comprehend what or who is responsible for the increase, but certain
economists and analysts say it is in response to the growing mass media, entertainment, and tourism sectors in multiple nations.
The Valois Film Festival is another reason why the Beaumont region is seeing an increase in tourists. Le Casino de la Mauvaise
Chance, located in Beaumont, noted that larger and thicker bets were being laced at many of its gambling games in July,
notably the casino said that their location sees an increase of tourists and celebrities following the Valois Film Festival. The
Royal Ministry of Tourism noted that the increase in tourists and revenue in the Beaumont region could be hge for the nation's
economy but also for the nation's entertainment sector. World-renowned Lourennais actor Danni Devoit, last year noted that
he had an estate in the Beaumont region and always returns to Beaumont to "eat ham-of-rum" and "enjoy cultured wastes"/
The Star News is an independent newspaper based in Valois focusing on the Entertainment, Mass Media, and Sports
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
King Herbert II asked the Royal Assembly and the High Chancellor to vote on the Recognition of Kalistan's Sovereignty
After almost 15 years since the Lourennais intervention in Kalistan, Governor General Cluseau and her staff of fifteen
councilors departed Lourennais residencies and offices in Kaliburg as final agreements between Eroncourt and Kaliburg
are being finalized to return Kalistan's original sovereignty and rid the country of any Lourennais policies and or offices
that were established during the "period of stability". In response to the ongoing political actions in Kalistan, King
Herbert II created and signed a document that renounced any claims to Kalistan's Head-of-State position and also
guaranteed Kalistans sovereignty and also guaranteed that Lourenne would no longer have political or foreign policy
influence over the Kalistani government. King Herbert II, noted that this move was essential in cementing Lourenne's
policy of helping nations in need. Ex-Governor General Cluseau said, after returning to Eroncourt, that the way the
"United Kingdom helped Kalistan become stable and economically stable was the best outcome for Kalistan." Ex-GG
Cluseau also said that "the United Kingdom and Kalistan will continue to cooperate with each other despite the change
in governemnt and the change in foreign policy. We will allow immigration to and from Kalistan to continue and will
be providing dual-citizenship status for many residents.". King Herbert II, upon signing the crucial document, said that
he will give it to the Premier of Kalistan once further exit deals and cooperation promises are made in the following days.
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Postby Luis1p » Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:00 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Lourennais Royal Ministry of Defense claimed that the Sixth Fleet would be complete within the next two years
Committing to Providing Security
The Royal Ministry of Defense released a statement on the procurement of the Royal Navy's Fleet expansion which was announced
over six years ago and has been a work in progress since. Francois Viren, the Royal Minister of Defense, said that the creation of
the next generation aircraft carrier will be a part of a new class of aircraft carriers dubbed the "Valois-Class" carrier. The Royal
Ministry of Defense had released the specifications of the new class carrier when the initial announcement was made and those
specifications still hold true. Viren explained that the new carrier class will replace the Queen Isabelle Class carriers which were
initially made during the reign of Queen Isabelle, hundreds of years ago. The new Valois Class Carrier will be the final vessel as
a part of the fleet expansion to be completed. Other parts of the expansion including the 6 Delaune Class Frigates and 5 Trebole
Class destroyers are being completed at the same time and at a much faster pace than the new aircraft carrier because of the
nations highly experienced shipbuilding but also because of the building history that exists for the Delaune, Parmentier, and
Trebole class frigates. The Royal Minister of Defense has clarified that upon completion, the Sixth Response Fleet will undergo
sea trials in Parmetier and will be automatically entered into service. IT is still currently unknown where the Sixth Response
Fleet will be based in the future. Based n analytical projections, the Sixth Fleet is expected to be at dock at one of the
United Kingdom's bases in Kanjor, Rildanor, or Keymon.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
Avienne, with several resortd and cafes worldwide, has entered the casino market
This afternoon, Le Casino du Mer opened in the town of Beaumont-sur-Mer in the province of Carolleux as a part of Avienne Cafe
and Resorts. Avienne, which is one of Lourenne's oldest companies, has opened several different resorts worldwide and has many
of its products in stores and airports worldwide. The company also operates small branches of facial care and cafes. Now the
comapny has decided to open a casino in Beaumont. The Beaumont region in Carolleux, which is notable for its warm, coastal
climate and for its reputation as a celebrity hotspot, has seen a surge of tourists and money in the past years, and Avienne has
taken note of it. In Beaumont-sur-Mer, Avienne had previously established a hotel, not a resort, to boost the local economy of
the small town, yet, as the region's popularity has increased, the company decide o enter the Casino industry by opening one
along the coast. Avienne Representatives ahve also confirmed that the company is looking to open a resort in Beaumont-sur-Mer
as well, making it 6 resorts that are open in Lourenne. Avienne, according to its company representatives, has been eyeing an
expansion in the gambling industry for years, however, they could not find the right incentive to open a casino branch. However,
with the boost of tourism in Beaumont, Avienne has finally found a reason to open their own casino, Some believe, that the
company could end up negotiating opening new casinos in nations where, gambling is legal, and nations where Avienne currently
has operating resorts and cafes.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
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Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:36 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
King Herbert II promised changes for the United Kingdom in the Future.
Today, in a historic move that will resonate through all of Lourennais History, King Herbert II walked into the Royal
Assembly during its budgetary discussion and immediately dissolved the current session of the Royal Assembly and
called for December 31st as a national day for elections. King Herbert walked up to the podium inside the chamber
and immediately shamed all of the deputies inside the chamber exclaiming that their "fruitless attempt to bring forth
the nation has ended in a disaster and a shame on the international stage". Members of the Royal Assembly were in
the process of preparing the national budget for 4773. King Herbert noted that the Royal Assembly was putting the
nation's focus on the defense budget when other sectors of the nation were beginning to fail. Herbert II also asked
High chancellor sinclaire to step down from her position of High Chancellor noting that her "leadership has put the
United Kingdom in a terrible position democratically and internationally". According to King Herbert II, he will oversee
the nation's domestic and international affairs for the remaining days until national elections are concluded. Several
candidates are already beginning to campaign for the High Chancellor position after it was made clear that current
High Chancellor Sinclaire was set to resign from the office. King Herbert II concluded the abrupt speech in the Royal
Assembly by notifying members of the assembly and the citizens of the nation that the United Kingdom's will change
its approach to world and domestic issues.
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Lourennais Royal Ministry of Defense claimed that the future of the Navy was uncertain
Returning Home
Not long ago, the Royal Minister of Defense, Francois Viren, notfied the office of the High Chancellor and the Office of
the Royal House Administration that the Royal Ministry of Defense is closing its naval bases located in Rildanor, Vorona
and Kazulia and will keep it's base in Kanjor and its future base in Kalistan open following the breaking moves made by
King Herbert II in the nation's legislative chamber earlier today. The Royal Ministry of defense noted that if the budgets
for 4773 are to be significantly lowered to address other domestic issues then the RMD sees no future in its naval bases
abroad. Francois Viren noted that he expects the defense budget to be cut significantly in the next years while a new
administration is elected in Eroncourt. Viren notified the King himself that such a move could hurt Lourennais interests
internationally and in its own region. The Crown Representative of the King responded to Viren, stating that the King
was "no longer interested in keeping Lourenne's old internationalist stance". the Royal Navy currently consisting of five
fleets, have made their way back to Lourenne and are stationed in Lourennais ports. The Royal Ministry of Defense was
in progress of creating a sixth fleet for the Royal Navy. Viren clarified that the "funds for the completion of the project
are secured, however, the sixth fleet will have to replace one of the current existing fleets to line up with the budget
cuts." No word has been given about the future of the Royal Navy following the expected cut in military spending.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:26 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
Oldunez has promised to make several changes to Lourenne's foreign policy.
After the bashing of the Royal Assembly and the current elected government representatives by King Herbert II, elections
were once again held in Lourenne to fill the vacant High Chancellor position after Marine Sinclaire resigned from the
position. All 675 seats in the Royal Assembly were contested. Being the only party in the nation, the National Royalist
Party split into several factions. The party was split into the Social Democratic faction, a centrist moderate action, which
is was the faction in power, and the conservative faction. Early in the night, election results were becoming more and
more clear, the social democratic faction was going to win big. at the end of the night, with a record turnout of over 64%
Sacniete Oldunez, a member of the social democratic faction from Louives, won the High Chancellor election and the
members of her faction also won a majority of the seats winning over 487 of the 675 seats up for election. Oldunez, who
was seen as a likable candidate long before King Herbert's bashing, began to gather support in Louives and Lucande on
dividing the powers of government and beginning a decentralized approach to the five provinces of the Kingdom, each
with their own respective assembly and economies. Oldunez, who did receive a majority of the nation's support, will
begin to construct her plan of a reformed and diverse Lourenne, and according to her victory speech, will also reform
Lourenne's "disastrous and invasive" foreign policy in her future years in office. Another significant promise which
Oldunez made was to diversify Lourenne and bring more economic focus on the nation's struggling minorities. Oldunez
noted that the country had long been focused on the nation's majority Canrillaise population. Oldunez stated that
although the country is historically Canrillaise, that it "must not forget its original residents".
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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