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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:47 pm

A revisionist approach: Government revising policy on Dankuk
Government set to revise policy on Dankukin Government; accentuates on need for domestic changes
22nd June, 4373

It has become habitual for the media uphold the image that the most vindictive and manipulative nation in the world is either the Grand Imperial Union of Dankuk or the Republic of Solentia. Both nations share similar traits as they have both been labelled as oppressive and totalitarian-driven. However, during a session with the Trond Heinrichsen Institute for International Affairs entitled "Foreign Policy: The Changing Tide", the possibility of a complete normalisation of relations and a review of the government's policy on the Grand Imperial Union of Dankuk had been openly discussed and debated amongst various featured speakers. The session discussed the fact that with foreign policies changing to due an alternating geopolitical climate, the need for our government's own change in foreign policy is needed to keep up with the changing tides. It has been highlighted that the nation's image internationally had been crippled by poor decision-making and an "unchecked" foreign policy road-map. Director-General of the Department for International Cooperation of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Jonna Hansdotter spoke on the fact that the Kingdom of Kazulia had to adapt its foreign policy to the changing world.
It is no secret that our image to the international community has been a warmongering, imperialistically-driven nation, hell-bent on the destruction of nations that oppose it. I believe that this image has been generated mainly due to the fact of poor decision-making and absence of a foreign-policy road-map.

Among the specially invited guests was Prime Minister Amund Dahlberg who discussed the government's foreign policy approach which moved off track from what was previously championed by former Prime Minister and incumbent representative to the World Congress, Ellinor Ketelsen. The Prime Minister outlined that he intends on streamlining diplomacy and dialogue, but also stated that if it becomes clear that diplomacy and dialogue has failed, then he intends on following the advise of previous Prime Ministers on responding quickly and effectively. On the matter of altering Kazulia's foreign policy an extremely rare and ear-catching possibility was announced by the Prime Minister. He stated that Kazulia indeed has to alter its foreign policy but in a similar manner it must revise its policy towards the Dankuk. The Prime Minister stated that with the international airways filled with news and reports of Kazulia's destruction of the nation.
It is clear that our nation under the failures of myself has spiralled this region into chaos. It is clear that our nation, in the wake of our advances in Dankuk, left with it complete and utter destruction. It is our decision to make to review our policy on the Grand Imperial Union of Dankuk. We must champion the cause of responsibility and accountability.

The Prime Minister's statement has prompted debate throughout the nation, with many gathering signatures for a petition for a revised government policy on Dankuk. However, warnings have been issued as it is clear that certain nations will be in disapproval of even allowing the thought of changing their policy on Dankuk. Prime Minister Dahlberg hinted the fact that he did not intend on running for re-election in the coming elections.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby kj#2 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:50 pm

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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:46 pm

NC authorises airstrikes in Bianjie
Northern Council authorises airstrikes in Bianjie against warring factions
Lourennais, Luthorian, Hutorian and Dorvish combat aircraft in Elle-Sutherland Air Base.
11th June, 4381.

The Northern Council authorised precision air strikes against Bianjie as Secretary-General Haakon Egeland declared that force was necessary to halt aggression against the nation's Indralan minority. The campaign, to be commanded by the Lourennais Armed Forces and comprising of Hutorian, Lourennais, Luthorian and Dorvish aircraft is set to commence over the nation's northern, eastern and southern borders under the cover of night. The campaign, coined Operation October Freedom, comes more than a year after the conflict began and more than 4 months since the Northern Council initially threatened to use military force. According to Admiral Erling Halvorsen, Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters, explained that the Northern Council's decision to launch the air campaign against all warring factions in Bianjie comes as the organisation aims to force all parties towards either a World Congress-organised or Northern Council-organised peace process. The Admiral stated that the individuals responsible for the genocide of Bianjie's Indralan minority would be held accountable and will not see the light of mercy from the Northern Council, citing the fact that the organisation stands to defend the interests of global security.

The authorisation of the airstrikes occurred at the Northern Council headquarters in Bekenial, where Secretary-General Haakon Egeland. Lt. General Sebastian Hemmingsen, Representative for Kazulia to the Northern Council Defence Council stated that the Federal Republic would not be devoting aircraft to the operation, citing the need for Northern Council members to be involved in the organisation and commanding of operations launched by the alliance. Joint Logistics and Supply Department has stated that the base of operations for Operation October Freedom would be Elle-Sutherland Air Base in eastern Dreton. Lt. General Hemmingsen stated that although the operation will be under the command of the Lourennais Armed Forces and will run in accordance with Lourennais systems, the Joint Headquarters will be watching closely with the Kazulian Armed Forces acting as "supervisors" and in some cases forward air control for coalition aircraft.

There has been sentiments and calls for a peacekeeping mission to be launched instead of airstrikes as individuals cite the possibility of civilian causalities involved in airstrikes. A peacekeeping mission, as proposed by the Agatha Institute for Peace, would involve a transnational task force aimed at "nation-building". Admiral Halvorsen responded to the proposal saying that peacekeeping missions would be impossible due to the warring factions. He cited the inability for "peace to be kept" when there exists a warring factions with no intention coming to a discussion on a peace process. He also commented on the fact that peacekeeping missions, do not deter civilian causalities.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:14 pm

KEDA nations join NC as organisations merge to amid challenges
Northern Council/Keris Defensive Alliance merger compels KEDA nations to join ranks of northern alliance
New Endralonian, Egelionian and Trigunian diplomats in Bekenial, Hutori following their respective nation's accession to the Northern Council.
11th April, 4382

Aircraft attached to the Northern Defence Integrated Command (NORDIC) began patrolling the aerospace of Keri Defensive Alliance members earlier this morning after Secretary-General Haakon Egeland announced the accession of the nations of New Endralon/Kizenia, Egelion and Trigunia to the ranks of the Northern Council. In a clear victory for Secretary-General Egeland's diplomatic efforts, he has reiterated that the Northern Council was open to nations willing to make a positive change in the northern hemisphere and the wider world as a whole. The decision to begin aerospace monitoring throughout the nations had been fully explained by Admiral Halvorsen to the in-coming New Endralonian, Egelian and possibly Trigunian military commanders as they become familiar with the various systems of the organisation. According Secretary-General Egeland, invitations were sent to the governments of New Endralon, Egelion and Trigunia pertaining to the nation's accession into the Northern Council as it became clear to Egeland that the Kerisian Defencive Alliance had been plagued with inactivity politically and military which creates a void in the regions of Keris and Macon. Months ago, Secretary-General Egeland and Admiral Halvorsen met with Commanders of KEDA last month after calls had been made for the Northern Council to "devour" the Kerisian alliance.

Although the KEDA nations are in the transition phase, Secretary-General Egeland has stated that Trigunia has the option to remain out of the organisation where it so pleases. The statement comes as political analysts and foreign policy journalists have highlighted the fact that Kazulian-Trigunian diplomatic relations have not been friendly various centuries as the two nations share extremely different policies on various key issues. The point of conflict comes in the form of both nation's arctic ambitions, on one side, Trigunia has expressed its intentions of obtaining legal rights to the island of Arenheim, the disputed island which Kazulia claims to be its sovereign territory. Decades prior, Kazulia began militarising the island and hosting various multinational and national cold weather exercises on the island in an attempt to solidify its claim of the island. Secretary-General Egeland stated that negotiations will be launched between the Kazulian government and the Trigunian government to bring the situation to an end, however, he left the option open for Trigunia to remain out of the organisation.
More than one hundred years ago, the Northern Council was formed with the paramount intention of promoting transnational security, cooperation and friendliness in the Northern Hemisphere. Today, the Northern Council stands as the principle example of collectivism as the various nations that make up this organisation work towards the organisation's common goal. We welcome New Endralon and Kizenia, Egelion and Trigunia(?), nations steadfast on the principle of collectivism. As the sunsets on the Kersian Defencive Alliance, its rises on a closer Northern Council.

New Endralon and Egelion have entered negotiations pertaining to military and economic requirement associated with their membership, with Trigunia's negotiation phase being placed on a hold. These requirements include membership costs at $25 million LOD biannually, each nation's commitment to contributing to the various subordinate organisations within the Northern Council including NORDIC and the Joint Headquarters. As per recently introduced provisions, members must contribute 3% of their nation's GDP to defence and orient their national armed forces to the standards of the Northern Council (that being they must uphold the principles of professionalism and doctrinal obedience). Accommodations are to be made for the nations to benefit from the organisation's systems, including the Global Aerospace Monitoring Systems (GAMS) which is to be modernised and enlarged for southern hemispheric operations in the future. Once the transition phase has been complete, New Endralon and Egelion are set to join the NC-led coalition in Bianjie under the Lourennais-led bombing campaign. Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters, Admiral Erling Halvorsen has stated that the once it is clear to the Defence Council that New Endralon is capable of commanding a large-scale multinational operation, the nation will be given command of the upcoming Northern Council Mission in Bianjie, the organisation's peacekeeping mission in Bianjie. As the organisation expands, negotiations are on-going for Trigunia's situation and the inclusion of other members.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:56 pm

Diplomatic Re-Engagement: President visit to Vanuku
President visit to Vanuku aimed to strengthen diplomatic relations between Skalm and Wiel.
President Sindre Granberg addressing the Federal Parliament posterior to its re-opening.
14th June, 4385.

President Sindre Granberg is expected to visit the Kingdom of Vanuku, signalling a bid to broker relations with Vanuku amid a foreign policy shift orchestrated on her own accord. Granberg, immediately after being elected championed the re-organisation of the foreign policy of the federal republic to one that would spread peace and diplomacy. Diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Vanuku and the Federal Republic of Kazulia have been extremely cold for many years following the nation's shift towards republicanism which forced the government in Wiel to look inwards. The visit comes amid Granberg's gradually pushes for removing the federal republic from its aggressive tenancies. Granberg has hinted a series of diplomatic, military and economic alliances to be potentially formed between the two nations.

Many political scientists are saying that the visit would mark the redressing of the Federal Republic of Kazulia's foreign policy especially towards intervention and diplomacy. They say that Granberg (being a career diplomat) has always promoted the principles of diplomacy over conflict, thus bringing many to the conclusion that she does not intend on compromising on these principles which she has been following for her entire political career. As such she intends on fixing the diplomatic image of the Federal Republic from an aggressive state to one that promotes the principles of peace and champions the causes of diplomacy, cooperation and development. Granberg stated that she does not intend on allowing for Kazulia's neighbours to create the perception that the federal republic will kowtow to their demands.

The State visit will be the first time a Head of State visited the Kingdom of Vanuku in the last one hundred (100) years and would mark the beginning of the implementation of Kazulia's "re-engagement" foreign policy. Apart from this, the federal republic has been moving to strengthen diplomatic relations with the State of Indrala amid regional threats from the supposed "New Dovanian Order".

Pennington-Reid announces Joint Venture
Pennington-Reid announces joint venture with Asvald Gruppen on combatant vessel concept.
Concept art of the Project CB002 Combat Boat.
14th June, 4385.

At a conference with stakeholders and investors of Pennington-Reid and its respective subsidiaries, Chief Executive Office (CEO) Owen Hayes announced that the company's naval technology subsidiary, Pennington-Reid Nautical would be conducting a joint development venture for the construction of a new combatant vessel for the Kazulian Navy with Asvald Gruppen. The development project is being coined Project CB002 (Combat Boat 0002) and is an attempt by both Pennington-Reid and Asvald Gruppen to cooperate with each other on a level playing field. The development of the project comes after the government implementation of the Transnational Armament Programme (TVP) 2 which requested the construction of a combatant vessel to that would be used to enhance the navy's stealth capabilities.

President of Pennington-Reid Nautical Daniel Powell announced that the project will be open for the inclusion of other partners and their respective governments. Powell stated that the project will not be an exclusive project where select companies and their respective governments are allowed to enter the programme, he highlighted that once companies/corporations and their respective governments show interest in joining the project's development phase, it is completely open for their inclusion. Powell also stated that he does not want the project to be similar to the fiasco behind the XF-43 Programme where members of the Hutorian government contemplated on derailing the programme and making an independent approach to develop an aircraft which would not be accessible to other governments.

The construction phase is expected to begin in 4390 and a final model is expected to be constructed by 4410.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:57 pm

Government announces harsher sanctions on Dankuk
Government set to impose harsher economic sanctions on Dankuk amid regional implications
22nd May, 4386.

The Government announced harsher economic sanctions on Dankuk, signalling an asymmetrical response to the rising regional tensions at the hands of the Imperial Union. The sanctions, which target various Dankukin companies internationally from various industries including heavy industry and shipping, are intended to close various loopholes used by the Dankukin government to work around the initial round of economic sanctions. Illicit ship-to-ship transfers of various commercial goods and "front companies" have allowed the Dankukin government to mitigate the pain from those earlier measures, which were imposed in response to the repeated nuclear and ballistic missile tests it has conducted. According to the Federal Department of Finance, through ship-to-ship transfer from Klavia, the Dankukin government had worked to mitigate the previously imposed economic sanctions. By going after shipments and front companies, the government is inching closer towards "beiteynu-style economic sanctions". Finance Minister, Kjartan Nordhus stated that in response to the Dankukin government's persistent threats to the Federal Republic and its regional partners, vessels registered from Klavian ports will be inspected by the Kazulian Navy and subsequently "send back" when it becomes clear to that said vessels are in violation of the imposed economic sanctions.
The Federal Republic of Kazulia has maintained restrain to the situation up till now. Persistent diplomatic skirmishes launched by the Dankukin government on our regional partners coupled with Dankuk's open and bold intentions of encircling the federal republic is more than enough to warrant increased economic sanctions. It was perceived that the conclusion of the previous conflict would usher peace into the region, however it is clear that Dankuk intends on championing the premise of "Greater Dovani Prosperity" at the cost of Kazulia and Indrala. As the nation introduces nations with no geographical or cultural relation to Dovani it is clear that the supposed "Co-Prosperity Alliance" is an alliance against the Federal Republic of Kazulia, with zero intention of championing its front ideals.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Tormod Kopperud voiced disapproval at the fact that the Dankukin government was direct violation of the treaty of Mutual Peace Pact of Dankuk and Kazulia. Minister Kopperud highlighted the fact that the Dankukin government has breached the agreement's article on aggressive action. Neither nation will commit aggressive actions against the other. The Minister highlighted the fact that the Federal Republic had opened diplomatic means for a revised policy on the Dankukin government as a means of championing the sentiment of regional cohesion and cooperation, however said rapprochement had been dropped for consideration by the government in Skalm after it was revealed that the Dankukin government had been championing an anti-Kazulian sentiment, pushing a incorrect driven narrative to the nations involved in the Greater Dovani Co-Prosperity Summit. Minister Kopperud called on the international community to condemn the actions of the Dankukin government. In response to Dankukin statements that the Northern Council's operations in Bianjie are "unwarranted", Minister Kopperud said:
The Northern Council is not going to fence-sit like the Dankukin Government and watch as a nation's indigenous minority is ethnically cleansed. The Northern Council is not going to support genocidal regimes such as that of Emperor Itoh. If the Dankukin government wanted to champion prosperity in the region, it should start by opening democratic channels within its own nation, before lecturing other nations with its hypocritically fuelled incompetence.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Yolo04 » Tue May 01, 2018 2:01 am

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed May 02, 2018 3:49 pm

Reconciliation: President in Indrala to reconcile diplomatic relations
In attempt to improve diplomatic relations and create new image for Kazulia, President in Indrala to reconcile.
President Sindre Granberg speaking before members of the Kazulian diplomatic community, addressing her intentions for championing diplomacy.
11th March, 4387.

After decades of frozen diplomatic relations, Kazulian President Sindre Granberg met with Indralan Chief Counsellor Gao Yifen in Tian'an, where President Granberg expressed great desire to normalise and subsequently improve diplomatic relations with the Indralan government, on behalf of the Kazulian government. It will "take some time" to convince the Indralan government that Kazulia's "militaristic" behaviour over the past decade was in response to persistent threats from external and regional vectors, and that the Federal Republic has no intention of championing the sentiment of imperialism. It was Kazulia's heavy-handed approach to relations with the Grand Imperial Union of Dankuk that infuriated the Indralan government. It blamed the Kazulian government for its irresponsible approach to the situation and stressed the importance of regional dialogue. With a new government in Skalm, their paramount intention is to put centuries of disputes behind them and champion collectivism and mutual cooperation.

President Granberg met with Chief Counsellor Yifen and Foreign Minister Sung Hyo-rin. It was reported that Granberg spoke on the on-going situation in Northern Dovani, between Kazulia and Dankuk, stressing the importance of dialogue. Granberg expressed opposition to the return of conflict within the region, and reassured the Indralan government that Prime Minister Kate Lorentzen expressed similar views in opposition to the return of conflict to the region. She stated that Kazulia's activities with the Northern Council was a matter of alliance and obligations and had zero correlation with supposed "imperialism". She cited that the Federal Republic of Kazulia, as per its membership within the Northern Council as the alliance's leader, had to uphold numerous obligations within the alliance, from mutual defence to economic cooperation. Controversy has raised out of the alliance's involvement in the situation in Bianjie as Dankukin politicians cited the fact that the alliance intervened into the situation without approaching the World Congress.
President Sindre Granberg wrote:The Federal Republic of Kazulia has supported the World Congress since its conception. We have voiced support for the World Congress' increased involvement in international disputes as a mediator to various issues, however, over the past few decades the organisation's ability to respond to situations adequately has been non-existent and now issues are no longer being resolved and are being left on the table without being discussed. As it pertains to the situation in Bianjie, we cannot wait for the World Congress to become politically active once more to then intervene into the situation.

President Granberg stated that although Kazulia apologised for events such as Offensive Initiative Tide, it was not going to apologise for the document's creation. Granberg said, thought, that she understands why Indrala reacted as it did. “In Kazulia, at the time our nation existed underneath the threat of destruction by our neighbours mainly due to the fact that our nation maintained alternative and "outcast-like" views on various eastern topics of discussion. We understand that document's creation and our actions over the past decades were viewed quite differently with Indralan eyes.” Granberg stated that relations between Kazulia and Indrala would improve greatly in the foreseeable future. In a region, in a hemisphere in need of stability, friendship and cooperation between Indrala and Kazulia would open the door for regional reconciliation, a sentiment which Granberg intends on championing during her second term as President of Kazulia.

The President's visit to Indrala placed hope in the development of Kazulian-Indralan business and industry. With both nations leading powerhouse economies, various industries within Kazulia including the arms manufacturing industry, agriculture and science and technology industries has expressed great desire to intensify business relations with the Indralan industrial complex. President of the Kazulian Confederation of Trade Unions, Erling Matthiesen expressed joy in knowing that labour rights would be championed in the case of both nations. With Kazulia and Indrala maintaining text-book principles with respect to labour rights, Matthiesen hopes that a stronger relationship with Indralan labour unions/movements would garner international attention on the importance of labour rights and correlation between economic productivity and labour rights.

President Granberg expressed desire to reconcile relations with Dankuk, but sighted that many things must happen before she moves to approach the government Taeyangsudo in the name of cooperation and thawing tense relations. She stated that Dankuk must show Kazulia its willingness to abandon its anti-Kazulian sentiments and eagerness to champion cooperation. She stated that for centuries Dankuk had been working to deceive Kazulia in attempts to rebuild the Kyo Empire. Granberg stated that she does not intend on initiating any dialogue with the nation when the aforementioned sentiments are still being championed by the Dankukin government might it be publicly or clandestinely. The Federal Republic will only reconcile on the ground of mutual understanding, not the reconstruction of an oppressive empire.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri May 04, 2018 8:26 pm

Government mulls intervention to end Bianjie Genocide
Government considers intervention into Bianjie to bring genocide and Itoh's reign to an end.
2nd April, 4388.

Earlier this morning in a meeting of the Defence and National Security Council, it was reported that Defence Minister Rebekka Thaulow and Foreign Minister Tormod Kopperud had been discussing contingency plans to intervene into the decade long civil war ravaging Bianjie. Defence Minister Thaulow stated that the government are looking at a variety of approaches from a continuation and intensification of the bombing campaign to a coalition offensive. "The situation in Bianjie continues to worsen and with Emperor Itoh remaining in power, it is only a matter of time before the genocide continues". Although the government and its Northern Council allies had initially supported the Indralan Forces of Defence, the opposition movement's momentum has come to a halt as it was forced into a mountains of Bianjie. However, to end the deadlock between embattled Emperor Itoh’s regime forces and the opposition, the Chief of Defence, General Christopher Tollefsrud said that assistance to the Indralan minority must come quickly via military aid.

With respect to the Northern Council, Secretary General Haakon Egeland stated that if an intervention were to be considered by the Kazulian government, it would be extended to the greater Northern Council. Egeland stated that if the government of the Northern Council decide that a holistic intervention would be suitable for the situation in Bianjie, the World Congress would be petitioned to grant the Northern Council permission to intervene in the situation. Foreign Minister Kopperud stated that there was no foreseeable political solution to the Bianjie conflict. He warned that Emperor Itoh's return to power in the nation could spell disaster for the nation and the affected ethnic groups.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat May 05, 2018 3:53 am


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