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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed May 23, 2018 4:20 am

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

15 June 4397

By Vasil Starikov, Co-editor-in-chief


Mr. Ignatov speaks before the Supreme Soviet.

Speaking before a special session of the Supreme Soviet, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Ignatov has announced support for communist dissidents within the fascist regime of Egelion. His delegation was also met with support from more members of the All-Trigunian Communist Party's delegation to the Supreme Soviet, as well as the smaller Communist Party of Trigunia. "We would be willing to send them aid and supplies for helping free their people from fascistic oppression." After delegates from the Liga de Comunistas de Egelion arrived in Rodshyadam and requested a special meeting with Minister of Internal Affairs and Chairman of the Ministry of State Security Alexei Kunetzov to discuss training of communist operatives within both the motherland and Egelion, Anatoly Ignatov announced his full support for aid. "We must aid our comrades in every battle, every struggle, no matter where they are or who they are. It is the will of our party as Metzist-Leonidists to cooperate with the world and fellow communists and socialists. We will gladly help the Liga de Comunistas de Egelion in helping them smash the fascist dictatorship of which they are oppressed by! All power to the workers! Long live Vladimir Leonid!"


Following Ignatov's pledge of Trigunian assistance amidst rising political tensions in Egelion, the Foreign Minister held a long speech criticizing the ruling party of Dundorf for quote "Hijacking the election results and disrupting socialism within the DDR". The People's Truth was so gracious to have attended Mr. Ignatov's speech, and have included a transcript below.

Distinguished members of the Supreme Soviet,

Today we have finally chosen to take a stand on the Dundorfian Democratic Republic. The ruling party, a so-called "Initiative: Future", has disrupted socialism within their fatherland and subsequently stability. The newly formed Ministry of State Security has had our agents arrive at the Trigunian embassy in Dundorf to mount an official investigation into whether this party collaborated with illegal groups to conduct voter fraud in the DDR. Our comrades in Dundorf's affiliate security ministry have also begun conducting their own investigation. While it may seem what I am saying is largely based on politics, let me assure you that it is not. This is about the preservation of stability and the government of Dundorf. Socialism has been disrupted by those who wish to not bring their citizens closer but further apart. By committing this fraud, as even they themselves have JOKED about upon winning a majority of seats some years ago, they seek to sow division within our comrade nation in the west. Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this. Perhaps there may be nothing troublesome afoot after all. But Mr. Kunetzov's operatives speak a different story. The ruling party over there can say what they want, but due process will prevail.
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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed May 23, 2018 10:50 pm

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

13 October 4397

By Kliment Ryzhikov, Editor-in-chief


An officer of the Trigunian Armed Forces discusses plans with members of the Workers Defense Militia.

Today in the largely forested Vrosnok Oblast soldiers and officers of the Trigunian Armed Forces and members of the All-Trigunian Communist Party’s recently formed Workers Defense Militia, a paramilitary organization conducted joint exercises for preparation of “foreign volunteering”, a military spokesman commented. This comes just months after Foreign Minister Ignatov voiced support in training communist rebels in Egelion and possibly sending volunteers, both from the WDM and the Ministry of State Security. Exercises were largely comprised of both training and small ground and air maneuvers, with mockups of some maneuvers the Egelionese military might use. Foreign Minister Ignatov has expressed that Trigunia does not wish outright conflict with Egelion, opting more for proxy wars instead. The motherland’s intentions have certainly not went without notice from the international community. Kazulia as well as some other members of the Northern Council have taken notice against our actions and threatened of retaliation. It seems the liberation of comrades within Keris is something the Northern Council is willing to quash. How can someone who defends democracy wish to uphold the fascist regime in Egelion? It seems they are content to turn the other cheek on these oppressive fascists so long as it doesn’t harm their interests in the region.


Today in Demar Solad Trigunian diplomats along with neutral members of local police scuttled thousands of documents from their building in preparation for forced expulsion from Egelion. As a response to this, Foreign Minister Ignatov has expressed support for withdrawing from all diplomatic treaties with Egelion. “Seeing as though we are being forced out of Egelion, it seems we shall do the same in the motherland. Such a shame that we are resulting to such childish measures towards each other. Regardless, I have stated that Trigunia refuses to negotiate with fascist regimes as well as monarchistic countries.” Reporters from communist supporting newspapers were faithful to send an image to us, of which we have included below. Diplomats along with police constructed a large bonfire in the middle of their courtyard to burn furniture as well as documents. The diplomats then left by plane for the motherland and left mostly police officers with remaining burning.

A Egelionese police Officer walks past a burning pile of furniture and documents as other police officers wearing helmets continue to move other furniture as well as assist in burning documents.
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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri May 25, 2018 2:33 pm

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

12 September 4398

By Kliment Ryzhikov, Editor-in-chief


A tense-faced Mr. Ignatov captured by our field photographer, Yuri Viktorov.

Announcing today from his office in Rodshyadam that Trigunia would withdraw all its diplomatic missions on Egelion soil as a result of tightened tensions, Foreign Minister Ignatov confirmed the suspicions of many after the government of Egelion began taking measures to expel Trigunian diplomats from Egelionese soil, culminating in quite a display in Demar Solad of our embassy burning documents to prevent Egelion's intelligence agency from obtaining them. Outsiders from the international community have long theorized that our actions would result in an open conflict. Foreign Minister Ignatov has repeatedly hosed down these claims. "What is happening in Egelion is the natural order of things. A fascist government was allowed to take power democratically and as such they've began to crumble the foundation of democracy. The workers within their nation wish to retake their liberties once more and we wholly support them. Just not with members of our own armed forces, however. A war would be devastating for Egelion and the motherland. And as such, I have never had so much stress in all my life. In fact, I believe I've seen more grey hairs in the past couple of years moreso in the Mordusian-Saridani affair! But for now, the diplomatic cables to Egelion have been kept open only for extreme emergencies. It seems now we have taken on an air of... Vigilant observation of one another." When asked about the possibility of a civil war in Egelion leading to an international proxy war, Mr. Ignatov largely declined to comment, save for "It is not entirely out of the question, but it will certainly grab the World Congress's attention." Currently the Ministry of Foreign affairs is also debating on whether or not to block Egelionese imports into Trigunia, the current decision of which is unknown.
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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu May 31, 2018 8:58 pm

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

10 October 4401

By Kliment Ryzhikov, Editor-in-chief

The Faction Chairman of the Coalition of United Social Democrats, Christov Dyomin.


After seeing massive losses in the elections of June 4400, the All-Trigunian Communist Party now sees the relative comfort of being the leading party become threatened. This has lead internal conflicts to arise, most notably with the formation of a social democratic faction of the ATCP, largely unauthorized. Such a notion is crumbling stability before our very eyes. Speaking with the social democrats, they stated that their formation was inevitable. Faction Chairman Christov Dyomin spoke largely about the need for the return of some democratic systems in Trigunia, along with greater liberties to be given to the Workers Enterprises. Fellow party comrades have lashed out at Mr. Dyomin for his remarks, calling them "unfounded" and "a threat to national stability". We here at the People's Truth seemingly support our fellow Leonidists in condemning the actions of the social democrats. Let us hope that Chairman Antonov can instill some peace in our beloved party over the coming months. Signs of our divide have begun to publicly show in the Supreme Soviet as well, with occasional bickering between factions becoming a public embarrassment for our party. Fellow comrades, take action against these dreaded social democrats! The "reforms" they wish to implement will bring us back to the horrors of capitalism! Keep them at bay, for the sake of national stability!
Last edited by thefalloutfan101 on Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:10 pm

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

15 April 4402

By Kliment Ryzhikov, Editor-in-chief

Several of our party's delegates engage in fisticuffs after a divisive comment by the chairman of the Social Democratic faction.


A massive all-out brawl erupted from our section in the Supreme Soviet after brazen and divisive comments were made about the current administration by the chairman of the Coalition of United Social Democrats faction, Christov Dyomin. Throwing punches and kicks, the situation quickly grew out of control and officers of the militsiya had to be called in to restore order. This brawl is just one of many further heightened tensions amidst the unauthorized formation of another rival faction in the motherland's ruling party, a party which has developed our great socialist nation for the past four decades. Fellow party comrades have pressured Chairman Antonov to convene a referendum on which path of ideology the party will take in the coming years, to attempt to mend the quickly growing divide within our party. Speaking to the People's Truth, Chairman Antonov stated that "A referendum on this matter is greatly needed, after such needless violence erupted within our hallowed parliament. I will attempt to make plans to hold an emergency session of our party within the coming months." Hopefully Chairman Antonov's plan will restore order to the Trigunian SFSR and continue its glorious path of communism for the next several decades.

A visibly exhausted and stressed Chairman Antonov after conducting a press conference. (Credit: Yuri Viktorov, field photographer)
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Re: Narodaya Pravda (Trigunia)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:39 am

The People's Truth is the de-facto newspaper of the All-Trigunian Communist Party, headquartered in the heart of Rodshyadam, distributed both in print and digitally. After the passing of the Collectivization of the Media bill by the Transitional Parliament, The People's Truth has become Trigunia's largest news organization.
Народная правда

15 April 4402

By Kliment Ryzhikov, Editor-in-chief

The dastardly traitor to our great socialist motherland Dyomin visibly raises his fist in victory after our party was forcibly disbanded by the militsiya for "reasons of national security".


Today it has come. The referendum on what ideology will be the true decider in the coming years for our great socialist nation. With fellow party members coming in the morning at 10 o'clock sharp, it was a large turnout. Addressing the crowd, Chairman Antonov spoke about the controversy surrounding his decision, defending it for the sake of upholding stability within the Trigunian SFSR. The stability was quickly challenged after votes were finalized, showing a shocking 63% of voters wishing for the ATCP to be led by the Social Democrats. Smirking, the traitorous Dyomin praised the outcome as a victory for democracy and started a chant consisting of "Svobode!". Chairman Antonov, resonating with his fellow Leonidists, he instilled order and calmed the arguments. After being given suggestions by members of the Central Committee, he ordered the social democrats to forcibly dissolve their faction and submit to the authorities for their unauthorized formation, citing that they required proper registration documents. The dastardly social democrats, calling the documents a farce, and demanded that the Leonidists recognize their existence. Spontaneously fights broke out, shouting and all matter of obscenities. Requiring the attention of the militsiya, the disruption was forcibly broken up. Mere hours later, our great party was disbanded due to "...matters concerning the preservation of political stability within Trigunia." It was claimed by other fellow parties within the Supreme Soviet that the great party of Leonid was unfit to lead the nation anymore, henceforth the need for dissolution was absolutely necessary. It seems that our newspaper no longer serves a master. The People's Truth will attempt to appeal to becoming the newspaper of the Radical Communist Party in the coming days.

OOC: For any future communist players within Trigunia, I give you full authority to use the name Narodnaya Pravda as well as the logo. Just copy the image address and follow the text format.
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Re: Facts of Free Trigun'

Postby mishkaer » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:10 pm



7th April, 4412.
By Mikhail Orekhov

Aleksey Sareptin in office before the press conference

The Trigunia has finally left the insabiliy perious with Action! party as the winner. Aleksey Sareptin, the new president of what we now know as "Republic of Trigun' " has faced major problems in political instability with communist influences still all over the government, promoting corruption and poor, indeveloped in the times of communism, "dead-end" economy. The president of Trigun' issued first plan of De-collectivization that was approved in the Duma later on. First De-collectivization plan was made in "compromise between Duma and conservative peoples of Trigunia" and consisted of destorying influence of communists in the Duma and local governvemts, changing the look of Trigunia, and most important of all, administrative and social change. The plan turned out to be successful, but several changes should be made to ensure the rights of people and buisnesses all around the land of Trigunia.

Yesterday, on the press conferece about future of the country in the capital city of Trigunia, the president introduced second plan of Decollectivization, which consists of "full establishment of social rights, made untouchable by communists privatization of education" and many more. The press had many other questions, but most controversial became an answer on our correspondent Natalya Serebrichkina "Is the ban or regulation on potential future communist parties possible?", President said:

Of course. But look, thirty years. Thirty years was enough for these fanatics to destroy the basis of Trigunian national identity, to destroy proud in nation of Trigunia and make people belive in fake eintity that is "Soviet Federative Socialist...", et cetera. Imagine if some nazis take the power?

The statement caused an outrage in young loyal communists all around the country, that were born and lived in SFST. Still, amount of these people is still a big minority.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby General.M » Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:11 am

Trigunian News Agency
New Party the National Patriot League calls for Military Restoration and Protests against Northern Council

Rodshyadam - The new party National Patriot League (NLP) has already caused some uproar. The first day after the founding of the NLP, leader Galdin Lavrenti Vyacheslavovich told the press that they would not 'bow to that Northern Council scum.' Vyacheslavovich insisted that the Northern Council is an imperialistic organization, only interested in growing its power and influence. Vyacheslavovich: "Thank God the communists didn't join the NC, or else Trigunia would be even worse off.

He applauded the Dovani Union for standing up against the NC. He also sympathized with the Non-Aligned Movement. "While we might not agree on the way of how to challenge the NC, we share the same goal" Vyacheslavovich said. "Peace through strength is the way forward, or the NC will just go on with growing." Not surprising, the NLP is for strengthening the military, to make Trigunia a Great Power again.

There are rumors that the NLP is working behind the states with White Trigunia, a conservative party, to make Trigunia a tsarist empire. 83 year old Nikolai Arkadiyevich has been claimant of the throne for all his life, and it is believed that his 54 year old son Artem Nikolaievich would immediately take over. That is, if the rumors are actually true. We will continue to update you.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby General.M » Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:53 pm

Trigunian News Agency
Foreign Minister Potap Endorses Dovani Union in Their Fight Against First World Imperialism

Rodshyadam - Trigunian Foreign Minister Voronin Potap has endorsed the Dovani Union in the war against the Northern Council. "The Kazulian and Hutorian politicians can't stand that Dovani isn't dependent on them anymore, and they will find any reason to oppose the DU." This already marks the start of increasing tensions between the NC and Trigunia, with the NC critical party National Patriot League (NLP) the biggest party in the State Duma. They also control the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, the most important ministries in international affairs.

"Once again we see the Hutorian, Kazulian, and actually also Lourenais and Talmorian governments unable to cope with a loss of power. They just 'have to intervene' every single time. We have seen this before, when the NC just needed to intervene in Jelbania, while both the Deltarian and Vanukean governments didn't want it." Potap said. "We can't military wise support the DU in their fight against these imperialists, but we officially support them. Furthermore, we will financially support them."

Other than that, the Dovani Union will receive some small equipment, like MANPADS. The Igla MANPADS will help the DU to defend against enemy strikes. While enemy aircraft would be able to evade the missiles, it won't always be able to. According to the manufacturer, the Igla has around a 35% to 40% hit chance on the advanced 4++ generation aircraft. How strong the Igla will be will be found out in its performance now.

In other news the NLP has become the biggest party in the early elections, with the Syndicalist Party second and the big loser White Trigunia third. While the Royalists WT and NLP have a constitutional majority, the SD has won the presidency and to implement the monarchy you need the HoS to support it. The NLP has already proposed new early elections where the WT and NLP will work together to win the presidency.
Last edited by General.M on Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby General.M » Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:18 am

Trigunian News Agency
Minister of Defence Begins Upgrade Program for the Navy

Rodshyadam - The Minister of Defence Marka Averyanov has started his ambitious campaign to update and upgrade the military. First up is the navy, where the aircraft carriers will have an immense overhaul. Both the TKVM-Petrovgrad and the TKVM-Vrosnok will be upgraded. But first the TKVM-Vrosnok will get the upgrade with a new advanced short to medium range surface-to-air air defense system. When the TKVM-Vrosnok is finished, the TKVM-Petrovgrad will take its place in the docks.

The flagship of the Anatonese Navy, the aircraft carrier TKVM-Vrosnok, is slated to receive an advanced new air defense system during upcoming modernization work on Trigunia's third operational flattop, the Trigunian Rear-Admiral Samuil Frantsev said on May 2. A contract between the Trigunian Ministry of Defense (MoD) and a state-owned shipbuilding corporation for the modernization and overhaul of the TKVM-Vrosnok has finally been signed last month, following a small delay due to contractual disputes between the two sides.

Work on the carrier is slated to begin this month at Zelnya shipyard, located in Zelnya in Tirgitovo Oblast, Trigunia. The TKVM-Vrosnok is expected to be returned to the Anatonese Fleet in 4331 armed with, among other things, the Pantsir-M/EM air defense system fitted with eight 57E6-E surface-to-air missile launchers (32 missiles in total) and two GSh-6-30K/AO-18KD 30 millimeter six-barrel rotary cannons. (The Pantsir-M/EM will also be able to fire the Hermes-K surface-to-surface missiles.)


“Its air defenses will be improved and new shipborne Pantsir [surface-to-air missile] systems will be installed on it,” Averyanov said today. “Besides, its power-generating equipment will be replaced by new boilers, a number of new pumps and new flight control systems: landing, surveillance, control systems and so on.” Given the ongoing global arms race for advanced anti-ship missiles, installing the Pantsir-M/EM air defense system aboard the TKVM-Vrosnok is unsurprising. The Trigunian MoD doubled funding for the upgrade and overhaul of the carrier, which currently is estimated to be 1,2ℜ billion. As a result of the budget raise, the carrier’s electronic warfare, communication, intelligence, navigation, and combat control systems will likely also be undergoing modernization. Most work will be confined to the Vrosnok’s flight deck and its propulsion systems including replacing four out of the carrier’s eight turbo-pressurized boilers while refitting the remaining four.”

The carrier, commissioned in 3990 and capable of carrying of up to 41 aircraft including Su-33 air superiority fighters, MiG-29K/KUB fighter aircraft, as well as Kamov Ka-27, Ka-31, and Ka-52K helicopters, has not undergone a major retrofitting since its commissioning, except for a two-year refit in 4053.
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