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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 4:51 pm
by RandolfUrquhart
Die Dorvische zeit: May,4206

Haldor, Kordusia- Yet another controversy has surrounded the DAF's relationship with the Dorvish Initiative: Officials within the SNP and DAF who wish to stay anonymous have revealed that the two parties are engaged in secret negotiations to form a new right-wing electoral alliance, which would result in a DAF departure from the Dorvish Initiative and possibly the destruction of the Dorvish Initiative all together if the negotiations succeed. Randolf Urquhart is said to have been spotted by our sources at the SNP Headquarters in Haldor's Wasse am Kas District.

The exact motives for this risky move by the DAF leadership are unknown, but political experts agree that is likely that this move is connected with the recent avances of the GLP with the Dorvish Initiative, as the GLP has been quite vocal of its wish to join the DI. Parts of the DAF fiercely oppose any agreement between the DI and the GLP, especially the Right-wing ' Dorvish Pride ' Faction of Jürgen Rotstein, and are threatening to pull out the DAF out of the Initiative if the leaders of the DI decide to allow the GLP to join.

Mark Hagen, DAF's spokesperson for Finance and a prominent member of the ' Social Dorvik ' Faction, has reacted on the situation:
It is a shame that this all happens under a veil of mystery in back rooms in Haldor, if it is even happening at all. We're not even sure of that. I personally have a tremendous amount of respect for our allies in the Dorvish Initiative and I truly hope that we can keep going on with this coalition. This whole situation with the GLP has stirred up a lot of internal discussions however, especially with the Chairman [Rotstein] and his faction, which is why I could also understand it if Urquhart is looking for alternatives for the DI to ensure internal stability in the party. I'm confident that we'll hear more about all of this soon.

Senior Party Officals of the Dorvish Alliance of Freedom did not want to comment on questions from journalists working for the Dorvish Times. The other members of the DI haven't reacted yet.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:18 pm
by Adithya
DNS Breaking News-GLP Endorses PP For The Presidency

Schroeder after Announcing her Surprise Decision


In one of the Most Surprising turns in Dorvish Politics,GLP Leader Hendrietta Schroeder has announced that her party will endorse the PP Nominee for the Dorvish Presidency

Good Morning,I have just Chaired a Meeting of the GLP Parliamentary Caucus and we have decided that we should be endorsing the Pragmatic Choice,The Stable Choice for Dorvik and for a strong president who can preserve Dorvik"s Fiscal and Social Stability and unite the country as one and not divide it,And therefore we have decided to Endorse the PPs Presidential Nominee Ms.Luise Hattenberger for the presidency of our republic.

My decision was driven by both of our parties commitment to Stay OUT of the AU,our support for removing the restrictions on Dorvish Businesses and based on our belief that Dorvik succeeds when all people are treated equal and not when they are racially discriminated.We believe in a fairer Dorvik that stands for individual liberty and prosperity and we believe that A United Dorvik can turn become the world's guiding light.

I hope that i will be able to campaign together with Ms.Luise in support of her presidential run
Thank you

GLPs Endorsement is said to be a big boost to the PPs Presidential Campaign and we are waiting for the PPs Response.Stay tuned to DNS for more of the twists and turns of the Dorvish Elections of 4206

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:46 pm
by Adithya
We wont Split up Alliances,says Mrs.Schroeder

Schroeder after her press conference


We obviouslly aren''t going to split up alliances.If the DAF Dont want us in,well and good we wont join the DI.There is no necessity for us to interfere in other Alliance's and we will stay independent and look at possible cooperation with like minded parties.We will not give up our Anti AU Stance and we will ally with those parties which also stand against Xenophobia and Racism.I will campaign in favour of Luise and we are looking at holding mega rallies across Dorvik.

Thank you

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 6:05 pm
by Pragma
Hattenberger Sets Out Plan


Luise Hattenberger, riding high of the endorsement of the Conservative Union and Green Liberal Party, spoke in Fairfax this morning - being now considered the likely next president. Despite two right wing parties re-emerging on the political scene, Hattenberger is confident she will win the presidency and that her alliance will form a coalition cabinet. She reached out to the National Liberal Party, the Social Nationalist Party and the Bull Soil Party and saying that 'we all want a conservative president and cabinet, so be prepared to work with us'. Her full speech was as follows:


This is a wonderful morning her in Dorvan, it's a beautiful state in our great country. And it's the kind of state who were helped by Katarina Lehmann's stimulus package and the kind of state which has been amongst the first places worldwide to show signs of recovery from the economic hardship. That's because of strong leadership shown by my predecessor, who I want to follow in the footsteps of.

As minister for food and agriculture, I ensured that rural areas grew and that all parties worked together to ensure that we had a booming farming industry. We worked hard every day to make sure farmers made a healthy profit. That's the kind of capitalism I want to represent. Work hard all your life, reap the rewards. But as minister, I also ensured that we moved away from fossil fuels, towards bio fuel, and I was a prominent environmentalist.

But my passion has always been for all of Dorvik. Every single person in our great country. That's why I listen to the people. The only way you can stop another money-wasting referendum on a question we've already answered is to vote for my candidacy. The NLP, SNP, GLP and BSP will all be welcome to help us in the election. We all need to work together, because we all want a conservative president and cabinet, so be prepared to work with us for that.

So remember, when you go out to vote in December, it's strong and proven leadership - or inexperience. I thank the greens for working with us on the AU and environment, the SNP for working with is on ensuring strong trade and industry, and the NLP for working with us on justice policy. And of course the hard work of the Chancellor and his party. So get out there, and vote for proven leadership!

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 3:00 am
by Adithya
We now know why Ms.Yurievna loves the AU so much,says Schroeder

Mrs.Schroeder laughing at the Mention of Ms.Yurievna in the press conference:-


Mrs.Schroeder,The Green Party Leader Criticized Trigunian Economist Yurievna as having "No Moral Credibility"to question Dorvish Politicians as "we have come to know why she cheers for the AU so much"

We have now realised Why Ms.Yurievna Cheers So Much for the AU,We have come to know that she was paid a heavy sum by the AU Each year for the almost Nil Work done by her.She has no Credibility and she has proved it by receiving kickbacks from The AU.We Are Concerned About the Welfare of our nation but she is just a money minded individual.How Disgusting is it?I first ask her to concentrate on Trigunia first and then talk about others.She says we are ignorant,and is portraying Dorvish People and Politicians in a very bad manner.

The Dorvish Voters are now realising why Yurievna is trying to cheer for the AU.She must Openly accept the simple fact that such unions are a threat to sovereignty and I believe That Trigunia can be better off if they withdraw from the Kerisian Union First but that union seems to be inactive and it cant even be considered as a union now as there are only 2 signatories to it.

The Interference of Trigunians in this election is very very alarming and the Government needs to look into it.

Thank You

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 4:05 am
by Auditorii
SNP Chair von Rohr-Mauss points out to Frau Schroeder that Trigunia is apart of the Kerisian Union...Oops.
August, 4206

Haldor, Kordusia - Social Nationalist Party Chairman Alaric Arvandus von Rohr-Mauss pointed out today another gaffe by the GLP leadership when Mrs. Schroeder stated that Ms. Yurienva should propose a continental union for Trigunia, which resides on Keris. Alaric noted that Trigunia is apart of the Kerisian Union which is a supranational organization and pleaded with the Green Liberal Party to end the torture for the Dorvish people when it comes to their choices in leadership. "This woman has consistently displayed that she is incapable of basic thought and foreign affairs. I beg our dear God that she never holds a position anywhere anymore, it's probably best."

Minister of Defense appoints new Inspector-General
August, 4206

Haldor, Kordusia - At the Dorvish General Staff building the Minister of Defense and current Inspector-General of the Armed Forces of Dorvik Regismund Dietmar von Rohr-Mauss announced that Inspector of the Federal Navy Generaladmiral Florian Johannes von Salzer-Neuhäusser was being appointed as the new Inspector-General of the Armed Forces of Dorvik. The official ceremony invested the Generaladmiral as the new Inspector-General of the Armed Forces, in his speech the new Inspector-General stated that the Dorvish defense would be given priority in the future and that further cooperation with foreign nations would further the capabilities of the Dorvish military. The appointment of the Inspector of the Dorvish Navy is expected to result in a surge in support for naval policies of the Dorvish Navy and a revived effort in building the blue water navy of the Dorvish military.

Minister of Trade and Industry pushes Dorvish Trade Association and Economic Pact to Foreign Ministry
September, 4206

Fairfax, Dorvan - The Minister of Trade and Industry Joachim von Auspitz-Topol announced today that the Ministry of Trade and Industry had finalized a treaty that would permit growing trade and economic relations with countries throughout the world. The Dorvish Minister noted that the trade and economic pact focused on re-building relations with northern neighbors such as Trigunia, Kazulia and potential several others it also included building ties with various Volksdundorfische throughout the world and most notably Indrala, which the Dorvish SNP pushed hard for. The Indralans and the Dorvish were formerly close allies as the two political parties of the SNP and Jien Democrats fostered a close international alliance.

OOC: Before anyone panics, this is more of an OOC attempt at like an embassies treaty for economic relations.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 4:12 am
by Adithya
OOC:-I Have corrected the post

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:55 am
by Adithya
Dorvik is at a Crossroads,Says Schroeder

The Leader of the GLP,Mrs.Schroeder spoke in a Campaign Event in Trelin that the coming elections are the most important In Dorvish History.


Good Morning my Fellow Dorvikians,It's is great to be here in Westmark.The People of this nation need a Strong Chancellor who will be able to stand up for The People of Dorvik and Fully Take Dorvik OUT of the Economic Recession.Dorvish Small Businesses haven't been able to succeed due to the multitude of regulations imposed on by the Government.We here in the green Party Provide The Best Alternative for that,as we support Free Market Environmentalism where the individual is incentivised to adopt green techniques and the government must not force it on them.We will Stand Strongly against Xenophobia and Racism which is threatening this country of ours.We will stand for unfettered Free Trade and Migration by fostering relations with nations not by Protectionist Blocs,but by standing freely.

Lusie is the best choice for the Dorvish presidency as she will represent Dorvik and it's sovereignty as President.I request all Voters to Choose the GLP for the Bundestag and to choose Luise for the presidency.

This Election is the most important in our history,Do you want a free and fair Dorvik which stands for all or the complete opposite?I hope that the voters of this great nation will choose the best option.

Thank you

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 9:55 am
by Adithya
GLP MPs asked to "realise" the possibility of a massive defeat

In a leaked letter sent by Hendrietta Schroeder herself to party MPs states that "We Greens Must Realise the Possibility of a massive defeat"

The Content was as follows:-

My fellow MPs,Our Party is not doing very well in the opinion polls and the rise of new political forces make it even more confusing and the possibility of defeat is greater than ever before.Therefore,All of you must prepared for a rough night.I will stay on as leader of this party no matter what so that our party can be revitalised,The Headquarters shall be sending each of you 10,000 DDO for running the campaign and all of the district secretaries have been asked to deploy as many footsoldiers as possible.

To be very frank,our goal is to lose as few seats as possible.

Thank You

This Embarrassing Letter has been supposedly leaked to the press by a member of the Klein Wing of the GLP but the party has stated that no such letter was sent to MPs

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:38 am
by Pragma
Big Guns Brought Out To Campaign For Hattenberger


The Pragmatic Party has brought out all of its major figures throughout history, including Elise Harig and Katarina Lehmann. Even Tirza Sommer and Adele Daluege campaigned for the presidential candidate. While campaigning in the party's heartlands of the south, they are also targeting the rural north - which lost Ms Daluege the presidency by less than one percent. The party also had the support of KU figures and GLP figures, making her the overwhelming favourite to win.

While the right and left may be hoping for a landslide for their candidate in the first round alone, everyone is cautious. Daluege was considered the favourite, but her lead was nothing compared to Hattenberger's current lead, which is above 25% in many polls. The most recent polls all show her winning in the first round against Dorvish Initiative, who are expected to run von Treshiem again. The real fight will be in the assembly, where the PP is going down over time.