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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:17 pm

Marquis Names Son as Heir to Marquessate

Marquis Elad has named his son, Alex, as heir to the Youk Marquessate in Yodukan, and is expected to hand over the reigns of the RCP after the next election, an election the Marquis expects to win, to serve a further term as Governor-General, a position he has held since 4335 when the position was created in a deal with the Progressives.

Alex, at just 29, would become the youngest RCP Leader and is expected to serve alongisde his wife, the current Chancellor and Imperial Seal-Bearer, Rebecca Stinson. The union is an official recognition of the alliance formed between the 2 families when the RCP was formed, with the Stinson's holding the Deputy Leadership too.


The RCP have gone from strength to strength under Elad's leadership from a low of just 9% of the seats in the Imperial Diet, to currently holding 47.82% of the seats, and leading a Coalition Government since 4320, first as Prime Minister, then as Imperial Chancellor and now leading the country as the Governor-General as well. The RCP are expecting to remain the largest Party after next years election.

The RCP have a long history of leadership, from being involved in the restoration of the Monarchy, to leading the Yes vote in the Artanian Union referendum which was voted for by the people before we joined the AU. Marquis Elad is said to be looking at his legacy, as he will resign in 4350 after 40 years as Leader of the RCP.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:28 pm

Marquis Confirms Alorian Embassy Party Attendance

The Governor-General of Luthori, Marquis Elad Weston has confirmed that he did attend a cocktail hour at the Alorian embassy with Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary of Aloria to Luthori Franz Hergenröther, and went further, by saying, 'The RCP led the Holy Luthori Empire into the Artanian Union, it makes sense that we should help lead, expand and make a success of the AU, with all member states who are willing to join in such an endeavour.'


The Marquis appears to be at odds with Andrew Carter-Jones, the Luthorian Foreign Minister, who desires expansion of the Imperial Commonwealth and shuns political union with our Artanian neighbours. Chancellor and Imperial Seal-Bearer, Rebecca Stinson, said after the next election, the RCP would need to consider Government options, as AU membership, involvement and indeed expansion would feature in the RCP manifesto.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Cirith » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:38 pm

Luthori Chancellor Welcomes AU Expansion

The Chancellor and Imperial Seal-Bearer, Rebecca Stinson, has welcomed the inclusion of Dorvik, Aloria and Dundorf into the Artanian Union as the Empire looks to celebrate its 110th year in the Union, after the RCP led a successful nationwide referendum on membership. Zweite Dundorfische Demokratische Republik and Gweriniaeth Ddemocrataidd Aloria joined just last year and Ms Stinson has said she is hopeful of new life in the Union.


Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Nicholas James, has also said that the RCP would consider making the Artanian Mark the Luthorian national currency, in the interest of promoting an Artanian single market and ease of exchange across borders. He said such a measure would form part of the RCP economic policy in the upcoming manifesto, and would mean a break from current commitments to the pound.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:55 am

Luthori Military Strengthening not a secret


Luthori's Military has been talked about as weakening the past few years with some people saying that Luthori is a middle power, that is no longer. The last few years, the Luthori Imperial Diet has been committed to making Luthori a great power, and they have made a lot of strides. With an $5 Trillion Pound increase to the military budget and the building of 5 nuclear weapons, Luthori's military is rebuilding to world power status quite well.

"Yeah, the Luthori Imperial Diet has been committed and has been great at helping at strengthening our great and powerful military with the 5 nuclear weapons and the $5 Trillion Pounds which will be used to update military vehicles, research new military technologies, and much more, its really exciting to see this military continue to strengthen." Defense Minister Kelly Thomas exclaimed when asked about the Luthorian's imperial diet involvement with the military.

Thomas on the future "The Defense Ministry and the Imperial Diet want to continue to strengthen the Luthori Military, looking at all options to do so until Luthori is a great power." Marquis Alexander Weston comments "Yeah, I'm really happy with the direction the military is going right now, and I hope it continues to strengthen like it has been doing for a very long time."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:06 pm

Luthorian Foreign Policy's state

Luthorian Foreign Policy had been known as very isolationist as of late but since then the government has changed their status on foreign policy becoming a lot more internationalist. They have joined the Northern Council which includes top powers like Dorvik, Hutori, and Kazulia. They have signed many treaties including the Narikaton Expanded Economic Cooperation Zone and Dorvish Trade Association and Economic Pact. There are rumors of Luthori bringing Luthorian athletes to the terra olympics in the city of Victoria in Istalia for the first time.

Foreign minister Prince Aldred comments "Our focus has been a lot more internationalist, we realize that if we want Luthori to become a superpower, we not only have to focus on strengthening Luthori itself, but also strengthening Luthori on the world stage as well. If we continue this pace of the strengthen of Luthori within and on the world stage, we should become a world power like Luthori historically has been."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:48 am

White Rose-M in Turmoil

The White Rose Moderates was one of the founders of White Rose, which has been a big part of Luthori since its inception in 4342, and is one of the biggest and most involved parties in Luthori, and can even take some credit for helping to start a period of major Luthori Strengthening, but White Rose M is currently under turmoil. The Luthori Moderates' first party leader Luke Johnson is demanding control back after a surprise decision in the 4354 annual Moderate Party Conference to appoint Jade Kent as their party leader. The Kents and the Johnsons are very influential political families in Luthori. With Luke Johnson and his wife Eva Johnson, and their kids Amber Johnson and Nelson Johnson, all well known in Luthori and Jade Kent and her adopted son Brandon Kent, with a Girlfriend of Lillie Hull, which some people suggest may get married very soon. With the annual Moderate Party Conference in June coming up, the biggest topic talked about is who should be the party's leader, Luke Johnson or Jade Kent. Experts suggest that Jade Kent should be able to stay as the Party's leader, and rumors already say that when the Johnsons don't win, they will either create another party in Luthori or venture to another country and start fresh. Whatever happens will be very impactful to the future of the Luthori Moderates.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Uhtred » Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:27 am

Luthori Workers' Committe leader calls for "National Day of Action"
17th June 4357

Following the rejection of its Just Society legislation, Luthori Workers' Committee General Secretary Jon Healey has called for a "National Day of Action" from Luthori citizens to pressure the government into reforming civil liberties legislation.

The last election has shown there is a big desire for change out there. The Luthori Workers' Committe were threatened with proscription prior to the last election for demanding change. Banned from standing for election because we think that Luthori belongs to the people of Luthori and not to elites. We saw a concerted effort by the powerful to silence debate and what happened, seven million people defied them and voted for change. We don't want draconian anti free speech laws and we don't want armed police patrolling our streets. What we need is a national day of action to peacefully show how strongly the people of this country want reform.

Luthori Workers' Committe supporters protesting in Fort William last year

Speaking outside the Imperial Diet in Fort William, Healey added

We both know that if I, or any of the millions of like-minded citizens out there, expressed what I really feel about our Head of State and the direction of this country I would be arrested. Is that the relationship the Governor-General wants with the people of Luthori? One of suppression and resentment?

Healey is a fierce opponent of the controversial 'Constitutional Safety Act 4351' which prohibits support for a Republic or Republicanism in Luthori.

Formed 12 month prior to the last election, the Luthori Workers' Committee received 12% of the vote nationally at the 4356 election. Voting varied wildly between regions however, with candidates receiving 28% (3.5 million) of the votes in Utagia, but a paltry 0.08% (9,292 votes) in Geharon. Committee members have previously suggested voter suppression may explain these variations in support.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:02 am

Jade Kent stays Moderate leader, 4 Luthori Representatives resign

At the annual Moderate Party Conference, Jade Kent was unsurprising voted to stay as the Luthori Moderate Leader 73% to 27%. Shortly after, 4 Moderate Representatives resigned, including Head of Government Luke Johnson, Internal Affairs Maisie Little, Defense Elli Cox, and Infrastructure and Transport
Ashley Sargent. It is rumored that the Johnson family is going to leave Luthori and go to another country to start a fresh new Moderate Party, the country they will be going to is unknown and it is a possibility that they don't even know where they want to go to yet. It is believed that none of the other 3 representatives that have resigned will join him. Jade Kent commenting "Many People believe that the Luthori Moderate Party in shambles and it makes sense why they would think that, we have had 4 parties resign and major leadership drama, but I assure you that the Luthori Moderate Party is committed to continue what they have been doing to bring Luthori back to a great power in Terra."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:16 pm

Luthori and Beluzia meet to talk about Artania and Terra

February 4358

Neighboring Nations Luthori and Beluzia met to talk about the current situation in not only Artania but in Terra as well. Current Luthori Foreign Minister Prince Aldred commented by saying that "The Meeting went very well, You can tell that we are great friends because we got along, and we both knew that we wanted to both stay peaceful and prosperous as much as possible." Luthori boasts it is one of the friendliest Neighbors in Terra, with good relations with Beluzia and Hobrazia. Prince Aldred explains "We are lucky to be in good relations with our neighbors. It has helped us become stronger as a nation because we don't have to worry about if our neighbors are going to attack us, if there will be troops on our border, or any other bad situations that would develop our borders. We can focus on Luthori itself and strengthening it and making sure Luthori continues to improve its economy and military. We arn't a warmongering nation and we don't want to go to war unless someone threaten us or one of our friends or allies including the Northern Council and our Neighbors."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:46 pm

Luthori sends a message to Narikaton und Darnussien "We Want No Trouble"

LNN can report that Luthori has sent a message to Narikaton und Darnussien telling them they want peace, and no trouble. This is a response to rumors that Narikaton und Darnussien feels threaten by Luthori's recent military strengthening, and they want to build up their military and possibly rebuild the wall between them and Luthori. Here is the rumored excerpt of the message

Luthori has heard that you are concerned by our recent rearming our military and we are telling you not to be concerned. We don't want to cause trouble, we are rearming our military but not as an offensive move but more of a defensive move. We want Luthori to become a great power like it was historically was and it should be but we arn't here to become a threat to you. We are a non-offensive nation who is only attacking nations if it threaten us, our friends, or our allies. If you don't threaten us, you will be safe and sound.

So we ask you not to build the wall, and not start an arms race with us. We are non threatening to you. We are ok with if you strengthen your military a little, or update it, but we do not start an arms race in Artania.
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