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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:26 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
December 14th 4477
Trigunian Navy to organize another training exercise in the Mad Dog Sea, move dangerously close to Dranian waters afterwards, President Petrovich declares intention to develop nuclear weapons
The Ministry of Defense has send the supercarrier fleet and a battle cruiser squadron to the Mad Dog Sea for yet another exercise

In the early hours of the morning a large Trigunian fleet apparantely arrived in the Mad Dog Sea for yet another exercise. This exercise aims at testing the new equipment on board of the vessels as well as implementing the improvements made after the last virtual exercise of the Trigunian navy.

After hours of virtual combat against yet another imaginary fleet the Trigunian navy finally gained the upperhand and defeated the enemy forces. However the exercise didnt end there. The fleet was ordered to move to the north east of Trigunia. moving dangerously close to Dranian territorial waters before being ordered back to their respective waters.

This move made after the naval exercises is seen as yet another provocative action on the part of the Trigunian President. Who is looking to antagonize the NC and find any possible way of stopping their liberal expansion.
In addition to this the ministry of defense also announced the purchase of the new aircraft fleet to be complete later this year which will significantly strengthen the airforce and will deliver yet another asset in stopping NC agression.

President Petrovich also publicly declared his intention of developing nuclear weapons, something that is seen as a grave danger by the NC and their partners.

Trigunia is surrounded by nations that could destroy us within minutes. They can threaten us with total annihalation every day of our existence and we are the threat? Trigunia deserves its own way of stopping external threats from harming our people, therefor i will work with our newfound partners to look for ways that Trigunia could develop nuclear detterence in cooperation with our partners

Said Petrovich.
The international community is likely to raise concerns over this development. We will keep you up to date.

A Trigunian battle cruiser getting ready to depart for the exercises
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:55 pm

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
February 20th 4480
Airforce receives its expansion, president attends opening ceremony of the exhibit, remakes calls for nuclear capability
As the major order of over 91 new aircraft in total completed the airforce holds a grand exhibit showcasing the new acquisitions

It was one of the major programs to expand and modernize the armed forces. The expansion of the airforce was seen as the most important part of the 3 step plan to get the trigunian armed forces back on a path of supremacy. As the first 2 parts have now been completed (modernizations/repairs and aerial expansion) the armed forces are coming closer to the dream of president Petrovich and as his grip on power continues to strengthen it could mean a new era of instability for the rest of the northern hemisphere.

During the exhibition the new Su-57 fighter jets and MiG-35 multirole fighters flew side by side in a good looking flyshow while a pair of two Tu-22m supersonic strategic bombers flew by low showcasing their speed and engine power to the crowd.

President Petrovich gave a speech citing the importance of such a strong airforce and once again expressed his desire to develop nuclear weapons to "protect the very lives of ALL Trigunians"

In total the airforce aquired many new planes. We compiled a list of all planes the airforce gained during this purchase:

Su-57 fighter jets: 35

MiG-35 multirole fighters: 22

Su-25 CAS plane: 30

Tu-22M supersonic strategic bombers: 4

Many still speculate on what exactly will be step 3 in the 3 step plan of the government to reaffirm trigunian military strength but many expect it to be petrovich his desire for nuclear weaponry....

one of the new Tu-22m supersonic strategic bomber jets taking off during its reveal
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:30 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
June 4th 4480
Ministry of Defense confirms nuclear weapons development has started
Enrichment process has begun, first development of a nuclear bomb planned in 5 years time

After president Petrovich made remarks pointing out his nuclear ambitions not so long ago his ministry of defense has now confirmed that the Trigunian Armed Forces are "actively making preparations to enrich weapon grade uranium and prepare for the development of a nuclear weapon"

Insiders have told The Voice that this grand weapon will start development in 5 years. This first stage would entail the enrichment of the uranium needed for the weapon and the first calculations being made. It is expected that the development will last another 5 years in total. Making the total time from the start to finish take around 15 years in total. President Petrovich his office did not respond to the start of development but the first responses coming from the international community are concerning.

However, we the people know that our president will do everything to protect our nation and its people from the dangers of the NC and their allies.

No response has been made by any NC member as of yet.

The Nuclear plant in Yuravitovo that will serve as a main player in the enrichment process
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:41 am

The Voice
The Voice is the national digital newsplatform of the trigunian federation
December 14th 4480
President Petrovich responds to NC internal concerns: "Let them perish in their selfmade bomb"
After the NC announced it would internally review its current state our president Petrovich responded by saying "Let them perish in their selfmade bomb"

While Trigunia is rapidly modernizing and expanding its armed forces the NC on the other hand is getting more divided amongst itself. The NC has now announced that it will internally review its position as it sees themself as "to agressive" something we could have told you from the start.

President Petrovich responded with a short sentence saying "let them perish in their selfmade bomb" before stepping onto his plane to meet with officials on the other side of the country.

With the NC apparantely showing some instability the trigunian airforce is seeing more and more activity. The president apparantely ordered the airforce to "show trigunian dominance" over the northern hemisphere and agreed to the airforce its plan to increase incursions into NC countries their airspace.

The new NKT cyber department has also alledgedly been probing NC cyber defenses and with it fully operational now the department is actively looking for ways to penetrate or infiltrate NC cyber defenses in order to launch several cyber attacks on government systems. Even though this allegation is unproven it is clear that Trigunia is willing to do anything to further destabilize the NC and its member states.

President Petrovich
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TPPDJT » Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:25 pm

Daily Worker
The official media outlet of the National Syndicalist Party
July 20th, 4497
Syndicalists seize majority in Trigunia
The National Syndicalist Party gained 351 seats in its first elections, putting it in a commanding position in Trigunian politics

Konstantin Tukachevsky and the National Syndicalist Party have emerged triumphant from the June 4497 elections. Accumulating 351 seats in the Duma and 16,336,526 votes in the presidential elections, the NSP are now the dominant force in Trigunia. Already a coalition cabinet with the conservatives is in the works, where it is believed that the fragile alliance of syndicalists and traditionalists can ensure the revival of Trigunian strength after decades of relative isolation.

The first agendas of the NSP include introducing syndicalism in the economy, centralizing the justice system, and overseeing the reconstruction of the Trigunian military. Lesser priorities include the restructuring of the framework of government and the withdrawal from treaties perceived as "anti-Trigunian" by the NSP.

Tukachevsky and the NSP now control one one of the formerly most powerful countries in the world. Whether his rule is accepted domestically and internationally will surely be seen in the coming months and years.

President of the Trigunian Federation Konstantin Tukachevsky
"Whoever excommunicates me, excommunicates God." - Girolamo Savonarola

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:57 am

Trigunian News Agency
All-Trigunian People's Front reorganizes
April, 4515

Rodshyadam - An extraordinary session of the Party Congress of the All-Trigunian People's Front announced that Matvei Vasilievich Zhukov was elected as the "Chairman of the Party and the Chairman of the Supreme Council", effectively awarding Zhukov the leadership over the entire party. In recent decades the local ATPF has separated the two positions, now with the chances of dominating the electoral landscape in the wake of the communist collapse, the ATPF have looked forward to building a new Trigunia. Trigunia has suffered in recent decades due to economic downturn, political instability and wide-scale protests that have rocked the country socially and economically. The precise conditions that allowed for a rise of a communist party in a traditionally conservative nation might give rise to the dominance of a big-tent right-wing political organization.

Zhukov decried the rise in "international, militant communism" that has sprouted up throughout the world. He noted that Trigunia would be taking an active role in "stomping out the disease that is communism and socialism." No small words for one of the worlds most pre-eminent military powers. Trigunia, despite its lack luster performance recently, still remains a formidable defense industry that is seething for export markets, Neftkom, the state oil and gas industry is looking to expand its international influence and with the rise of a right-wing, dedicated party, might have its means to do just that. Elections are scheduled for May 1, 4515 and will be the first elections since the collapse of the communist installed government, who have been swept away and a caretaker government installed.

One thing is for certain, the Bashnya will be active once again.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:29 am

Trigunian News Agency
Interim President re-organizes the internal affairs troops
April, 4515

Rodshyadam - Interim President of the Trigunian Federation Matvei Vasilievich Zhukov announced the the foundation of the Trigunian National Guard, these troops will be taken from the former Internal Affairs Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Minister of Internal Affairs Belomestov Zhenka Olegovich approved the motion, this new force will be underneath the direct command of the President of the Trigunian Federation. The Commander of the Trigunian National Guard will be directly appointed by the President and will be supplied and assisted in its formation by the former leadership cadre of the Internal Affairs Troops and the Trigunian Armed Forces. The primary mission of the Trigunian National Guard will be counter-terrorism, additional response forces for the Trigunian Police and domestic protection of important facilities. The first Commander of the Trigunian National Guard will be Colonel-General of the Internal Affairs Troops (now National Guard) Kondrati Yakovich Rudin.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:40 am

Trigunian News Agency
Trigunian Aerospace Forces resume patrols around Keris
May, 4515

Rodshyadam - With the snap elections seeing the All-Trigunian People's Front capturing the National Assembly, the interim national legislature of the Trigunian Federation, the ONF (Rodshyan acronym) has announced a bevy of new appointments throughout the government of the Trigunian Federation; notably the Ministry of Defense. Major General Tsigler Vissarion Ilyich, a senior staff officer in the General Staff was appointed as Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff, he was awarded the rank of "General of the Army" the highest rank in the Trigunian Ground Forces. His appointment as Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff prompted the promotion of blue-water navy strategist and proponent of a "Strong Trigunia" Vice Admiral Sergei Georgiy Mazhulin to the role of Commander-in-Chief of the Trigunian Navy, as well as the important post of Deputy Chief of Staff and First Deputy Minister of Defense; he was subsequently promoted to Fleet Admiral.

Several others were appointed to notable positions within the military. Vice Admiral Arseni Nikitovich Anosov was appointed as Commander of the Central Military District, Lt. General (Ground Forces) Damian Yanovich Mikhaylov as Commander of the Eastern Military District and Lt. Gen. (Aerospace Forces) Yelisey Vsevolodovich Kondyurin as the Southern Military District. These commanders were early and close supporters of the new President and the ONF as a whole. A bevy of positions within the military were filled, including: the Commander-in-Chief of the Trigunian Ground Forces Col.-Gen. Milorad Semyonovich Shushalev, Commander-in-Chief of the Trigunian Aerospace Forces Col.-Gen. Karl Alesnarovich Batishchev, Commander of the Coastal Troops of the Trigunian Navy Counter Admiral Berngards Sergeyevich Kalugin, Commander of the Trigunian Airborne Troops Maj. Gen. Rodion (Rodya) Artemovich Kartashyov, Commander of the Strategic Missile Troops Maj. Gen. Kvetoslav Olegovich Yemelin, Commander-in-Chief of the Rear and Support Services Lt. Gen. (Aerospace Forces) Gleb Afanasievich Shishko and Commander of the Trigunian Special Forces Command Col-.Gen. (Ground Forces) Kazimir Larionovich Loktionov.

Perhaps the most notable of all changes was the resumption of patrols around Keris and Dovani of Trigunian Aerospace Forces, the the resumption of patrols signals a potentially new shift in geopolitical power away from New Endralon, Kuzaki and Kizenia which has nominally dominated in the wake of a weak Trigunia. The resumption of patrols is expected to take place early in June, 4515 and patrols have been seen around Trigunia itself.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:39 pm

Trigunian News Agency
President Zhukov addresses Federal Assembly and economic growth
September, 4515

The Bashnya, Rodshyadam, Radin Oblast - President Matvei Zhukov addressed a joint session of the Federal Assembly today, all 100 members of the Federal Council and 450 deputies of the State Duma. President Zhukov showed his appreciation for Chairman of the State Duma Alexei Yurievich Tyomkin and Chairwoman of the Federal Council Aleksasha Savelievna Myasnikova. The President stated that the fierce legislative agenda that the two had worked on and pushed through for the All-Trigunian People's Front was "...integral for the success of all Trigunians." and welcomed many different ethnicities for the first time into the Federal Assembly; notably representatives from the Abreken Republic, the Ahmadi-based autonomous republic that is located in the Lesnov Oblast.

The Constitution of the Trigunian Federation, the updated version is still being vetted and is expected to be voted on and ratified soon. President Zhukov is eager to pass the constitution which he stated will be "...the first step in the resumption of democracy in Trigunia, away from the illness and degenerative disease that is Communism and Socialism." In other notable news, the Trigunian Armed Forces were conducting several exercises since the kick off patrols around Keris several months ago in May, 4515. The move was heralded in Trigunia as a return to becoming a presumptive world power, the move was widely condemned by Trigunia's neighbors and international news as being "...brash and provocative..." but the Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff Army General Tsigler Ilyich noted that the patrols were customary and any alarm was being done as a fear mongering attempt overseas.

President Zhukov has been seen attending numerous Security Council meetings throughout the past several months in the Bashnya Complex, where it appears he has taken up a semi-permanent residence. State media and private media polls have reportedly placed President Zhukov's approval ratings at nearing 90% as the Trigunian economy has surged over the past several months. Both the Rodshyadam Exchange and the Petrovgrad Stock Exchange have shown growth and many companies within Trigunia are eagerly awaiting the new regulations to come into effect that are far more free market than previous governments.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:10 am

Trigunian News Agency
Anantonese Ocean Fleet put out for blue-water trials
October, 4515

Anantonese Ocean - Trigunian Navy Commander-in-Chief Fleet Admiral Sergei Mazhulin stated that the Anantonese Ocean Fleet would be set out to sea to undergo a variety of tests and trials; notably in the Anantonese Ocean where the fleet has not been for nearly a decade. The limited presence of Trigunia in Dovani affairs is perhaps why the Anantonese Ocean Fleet is one of the smaller of four primary fleets of the Trigunian Navy. The Svoboda-class cruiser Admiral Tsezar Sazonov, a guided missile cruiser, leads the fleet as its flagship. The Anantonese Ocean Fleet will be joined by numerous support, intelligence gathering and other ships of the Anantonese Ocean Fleet. The Yegorovich-class aircraft carrier Petrovgrad, the flagship of the White Ocean Fleet will be joining the Anantonese Ocean Fleet after undergoing a quick, several month refit as a United Shipbuilding Corporation shipyard in Zarvosopol.

International observers have stated that this move by the Trigunian Navy is meant to show potential enemies in the region that Trigunia has returned to be a world player. Despite years of economic mismanagement and military sitting on the side, Trigunia has been, over the past several months, working on re-building its lost glory. Underneath the All-Trigunian People's Front and the strong leadership of President Matvei Zhukov has seen Trigunian markets and the Trigunian Armed Forces grow in both prominence and stature.
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