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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:36 pm

Kalistan Responds to Deltarian Aggression
Partisans of the Conservative Army of Kalistan Prepare for Possibility of Deltarian Aggression and to Join International Coalition
September 3, 4635
CAK Troopers of the First Division Mobilize For the Defense of Ananto

In response to the most recent acts of Deltarian aggression, the illegal invasion of Jakania and the mistreatment of the Jakanian populace by the Deltarian Armed Forces, the Kalistani government has decided to take action against the rogue regime by issuing an official denunciation of their actions and putting to vote a bill which would implement political and economic sanctions against Deltaria.

More specifically, the bill titled Imposition of Sanctions Upon Deltaria would halt all trade between the two nations and most travel, the exception being Kalistani citizens attempting to return to their homeland from Deltaria before the end of the year. In addition to this, all Kalistani diplomatic personnel stationed in Deltaria and Jakania will be immediately recalled, all Kalistani citizens in Deltaria and Jakania will be officially advised to return to Kalistan, and all travel between Kalistan and mainland Majatra will be officially advised against, though no bans on traveling to nations such as Kalopia and Zardugal have yet been issued.

The final proposals in the bill will take a much wider and more noticeable effect than the previously mentioned, as article 3 would see the full mobilization of the Kalistani Regular Army and article 4 would see the Ananto Straights being closed once again to all non-approved vessels. These last measures are due to reports of the Deltarian navy heading north towards the Ananto Sea and the admission of such actions by the Deltarian government in their national newspaper.

Despite the Kalistani government swearing not to intervene in the conflict, the Conservative Army of Kalistan has pledged its support towards the international coalition through a force of 5000 combat-ready troopers and 1500 medical personnel. The force, which is comprised of CAK Divisions 1-5 and Medical Battalions 3-5. Though the CAK has pledged to support the liberation of Jakania, they have confirmed that they will not take part in or condone the invasion of Deltaria which would be largely meant for the purpose of changing the regime of the nation.

In addition to pledging their support in the liberation of Jakania, the units of the CAK that will not partake in the operation have already begun to mobilize in order to prepare defensive positions so that they may support the Regular Army in the case of any possible military action fro Deltaria or their allies.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Luis1p » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:16 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:15 pm

CAK Taskforce Depart for Vanuku
Volunteers from the Conservative Army of Kalistan Leave Kalistan for Vanuku
July13, 4635 (Postdated)
Military Transport Ship Loading Up in Port Eshar

After months of preparation, volunteers from the Conservative Army of Kalistan have finally departed from the Port Eshar Naval Base in transport ships leased by the Regular Forces in order to to join the International Coalition forces assembling in a Vanukean naval base on the island of Stormkaap. The convoy of transport ships will travel north around Lodamun in order to avoid any possible Deltarian ships in the Anantonese Ocean. The convoy will also be accompanied by the entire Conservative Navy of Kalistan as far as Lodamun for extra defense.

The Kalistani force is comprised of five combat divisions and three medical battalions (Totaling 5000 combat personnel and 1500 medical personnel). The force volunteered to take part in the international mission in Jakania in order to liberate the Jakanian people from oppressive Deltarian overlordship and end the atrocities currently taking place in occupied Deltaria.

The primary task of the Kalistani forces will be to militarily assist with the liberation of Jakania and provide medical assistance to Coalition forces as well as any injured civilians. However, the CAK has made it known that it doesn't plan on participating in the invasion of Deltaria and its taskforce will instead offer its assistance in the reconstruction of Jakania following its liberation.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Maxington » Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:31 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby cb15 » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:54 am

The Kaliburg Times
Above: A large protest takes place in Kaliburg against the UKWF.
KALIBURG: Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in the Kaliburg-Port Davon metropolitan area to protest against the rule of Paul Steele and the United Kalistani Workers Front. For months, speculation of a mass movement against the government has abounded, putting the nation on the brink. The spark seems to have been a police raid on the newly-incorporated political party Movement for Democracy, which is the first opposition to UKWF rule in decades. This grew into massive protests, with at least 300,000 people turning out to the Kaliburg-Port Davon protests alone. Very little protest has been seen on the mainland, but organizers say that protests are sure to begin soon. Movement for Democracy, the small political movement that caused the protests, has seen an explosive growth in support. Near bankrupt with just weeks to live before the protests began, a groundswell of grassroots support have put over 30 million dollars in the party's coffers, with hundreds of thousands helping to propel the party into the number one trending spot on most social media outlets. Party spokespeople stated that the party would up its outreach over the coming months to prepare for new elections. As for the UKWF, there has been almost no response. The police have remained docile during the protest, fearing further growth in near-daily crowds. The government itself has offered no response. It highlights a larger issue within the UKWF's government, which has struggled in recent years to take any action. No meaingful legislation has passed the National Assembly in 8 years despite unanimous control of government for the Worker's Front. Little has been heard from prominent leaders, even in election seasons. It appears that the UKWF has gone missing. Despite this, interest for politics remains in the Republic. These protests show that quite obviously. It's just a question of whether or not it is enough to overcome the UKWF.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby mongoose » Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:05 am

The Kaliburg Times
Students at a MfD election night rally watch the results come in.
KALIBURG: After months of political prognostication and a wave of activism unlike any seen in recent Kalistani history, the UKWF has won reelection with 100% of seats in the National Assembly going to their control once again. The startling result comes after months of protests against the government, with many speculating that this would aid the young political party Movement for Democracy. Despite this, the UKWF was somehow able to pull off their victory, with many pointing to voter fraud as the reason. Many reports have trickled in from across the country showing that people wearing MfD apparel or otherwise showing support were turned away from the polls. Others have said that voting machines prevented them from voting for the Movement, and hundreds of thousands in Ananto alone have claimed to have successfully submitted their vote, despite the low vote total for the MfD in that region. In a statement, party leadership said "This election was definitely rigged by the UKWF to keep themselves in power. We see no other option than to resume protests and begin exploring opportunities for legal action. Other than that, we look forwards to this period as a time to build our party strength and establish ourselves as the voice of the people. We will not back down over the coming months and years; rather we will stand up taller than before in defense of democracy and freedom for all citizens of Kalistan." Internal party sources say that the party is expected to begin a primary process to elect a leader. Up until now the party has been run by political operatives behind the scenes without a figurehead. That is expected to chance as the Movement amps up its political wing. The UKWF remained silent once again, with no public statement from party leaders and no victory speech by UKWF officials. They have taken their seats in the Assembly without fanfare, likely to remain the lame duck body that they have been for the past eight years.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby mongoose » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:50 am

The Kaliburg Times
Interim party leader Carl Bradley announces the MFD's manifesto and other future plans.
KALIBURG: Today was a big day for the Movement for Democracy as several big announcements were made at a party conference. The first was that esteemed political science professor Dr. Carl Bradley would be serving as interim party leader until the election of a formal leader. Dr. Bradley is 88 has taught political science at Credone University for 53 years. According to sources within the Movement, Dr. Bradley was chosen due to his role as a mentor to several of the founders. Bradley has been active in the democratic movement overall since the rise of UKWF and has been known to make statements against the UKWF. In a speech made after his introduction, Bradley said that "As you all can tell, I am quite old. Because of this I don't expect to serve in this position for long, meaning that we are going to need to elect a full-time leader. In 4676 we will hold a leadership election to decide who the leader of the party shall be and I will not be a candidate in that election. In the meantime, I will focus my efforts towards building a strong organization for our eventual leader so they can begin a campaign for the 4678 elections on a strong footing." When asked about the ongoing protests in the streets against the UKWF, Bradley said "The protests will continue but we will be reorganizing and expanding them in the coming months. This movement will need broad-based support to beat the UKWF." The party's first manifesto was also revealed. It focuses around scaling down government, liberalizing the economy, and secularization. Bradley, who is considered to be a moderate, said that the movement's ideological direction would be further decided by the choice of a leader in the 4676 primary. Once again there was no comment from the UKWF on these announcements, with many beginning to wonder: where is Paul Steele and UKWF?
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby mongoose » Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:12 am

The Kaliburg Times
Community organizer Teodoro Rojas announces his candidacy for leader of the MFD.
KALIBURG: The race to become leader of the Movement for Democracy officially began yesterday with the race's first entrant: Community organizer Teodoro Rojas. Rojas, a 39 year old resident of Port Davon, was a key organizer of the protests against the UKWF than began in 4673. He plans to make his history in the movement a key part of his appeal, even saying so directly in his speech:

There are going to be a lot of people in this race who are going to claim to truly represent the movement. Well, there's no one in the race who'll represent the people of this movement than me. I helped get this movement off the ground, and when the thugs from the UKWF dressed up as police came by to try to intimidate us into silent, I was one of the key organizers of the protests that go on to this day. I led the marches, spoke at the rallies, and kept on going even after the UKWF rigged the election against us. I have been in this fight since the beginning. If we want a leader who can lead us through 4678 and beyond, why not pick the guy who's been out on the streets fighting for our democracy this entire time?

Rojas also addressed his ideology, which has been polled as a key concern for many movement members. The candidate hails from the center-left wing of the party, but emphasized his commitment to keeping the party open:

I know that many are concerned about my ideological views and positions. Some are going to say that I am too progressive to lead this party, that we need to be a conservative party to beat the UKWF. That couldn't be farther from the truth. We don't need to define ourselves as conservative or progressive or communist to win in Kalistan! We just need to show that we are passionate fighers for democracy. That's what I am, and I could care less if you're conservative or progressive and want to be a member of this movement. If I'm elected leader, there's a place for everyone and we're going to make sure that everybody knows that.

Rojas is the favorite right now to win the leadership contest due to his connections within the movement, but other candidates are yet to emerge in what is sure to be a contested battle for the position. That being said, it may be a long time until said contest is held, as the movement as yet to officially schedule the primary. That will not stop the candidates from entering however, as any entrance can surely pay off.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Rogue » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:06 pm

The new CPK government of Kalistan has introduced a bill to finally ban the use of paramilitaries and disband the irregular forces, establishing a new National Republican Army
December 18th, 4679
Paramilitary forces that were still left were already being disarmed by police and military forces, unwilling to fight for parties that have already disbanded themselves

Kaliburg: The new CPK government of former entrepeneur and now premier Brett Robinson has announced that one of their first proposed pieces of legislation will include a total ban on the creation and usage of paramilitary organizations. Following the dissolution of most political parties in the nation the paramilitary organizations belonging to those parties were left uncontrolled and in the dangerous possession of military equipment. The CPK, not having a paramilitary itself, decided that this situation could not persist and came upon the decision they made today.

Leaving armed groups without proper leadership in the possession of military grade weapons and giving them a status of protection in law is irresponsible and dangerous to our democracy. Therefor me and my cabinet have decided, together with the full confidence of the Assembly, to impose a total ban on the use of paramilitaries and to instead give the official national armed force of our nation the ultimate and sole authority to operate as our defense force. In addition to this we will reorganize the national armed forces to make it more effective and clear.

The new Armed Forces will be known as the National Republican Army. Consisting of 3 branches named the National Army, National Airforce and National Navy the NRA is said to replace both the current regular and irregular forces of Kalistan and serve as the sole armed force of the nation. Police units and current regular forces of the army have already started to disarm existing paramilitaries and no irregularities or gunfights have been reported as of yet, confirming earlier believes that the irregulars have no intention of fighting as they see no reason to following the disbanding of their own affiliated parties.

This law will mark an end to centuries of paramilitaries playing a major role in Kalistani politics and military policy and will likely mark a new era for the Kalistani people and government.

Presidential Powers
In addition to this historic decision the CPK also intends on reintroducing the former presidential responsibility of putting forward the national cabinet. This will still make the Premier the most important individual with executive privilige but will give the president a bit more control over the government and will make him more important for the entire political process in Kalistan. This power was taken away from the presidency in earlier decades but will now, with a CPK government, be reintroduced.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:13 am


Socialists Reorganize
Kalistani Left activates over new anti-militia law and rollback of social programs

Kaliburg, Ananto
October 7, 4680

A reignited Socialist movement launches a political front for change, invites all Leftists to participate

The Socialist Party of Kalistan, last active more than 130 years ago, has once more emerged from the Kalistani Brethrenist meetings, and has announced a return to the political system. The Socialists disbanded as a Party as members became disenchanted with the prevailing gridlock in Government, but now see an opening for a revitalized Left. Newly elected Party leader Rebecca Edwards-Bennots, of the ancient Bennots political family that has been intrinsically associated with SP politics for more than 2000 years stated the objectives of the newly re-established Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK):

1. The SP seeks to return to a legislative presence in Kalistan.
2. The SP will not automatically oppose the efforts of the Conservatives, but wishes to work in partnership and good faith to pass legislation which can be acceptable to as broad a swath of the electorate as possible.
3. The SP seeks the renewal of the ODEN and a restoration of the Militias, which have been recently abolished, as well as a rollback of drug prohibition.
4. The SP seeks to promote civil libertarian principles and the Dual Economy, ending complete privatization once and for all, while re-establishing the Strategic Public Sector in oil, ferrominerals, and war material.
5. The SP seeks to move Kalistan back into the forefront of Anantonese international politics, in its traditional role.

The Socialist Party, in is refounding, has explicitly declared its ties to the Brethrenist faith in Kalistan, and has committed to being guided by Brethrenist testimonies. Additionally, as a sign of good faith, the SP has declared that it will not contest the next Presidential elections, while it focuses on building its presence in the National Assembly.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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