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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:10 pm

Selucia dismiss the words of the head of State of Deltaria
"What could we expect from a Thaller?" asks the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country

Selucian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adia Pastora, in a recent visit to neighbour Cildania

Adia Pastora, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Selucia, believes that the Deltarian head of state has gone too far accusing her country of "imperialist".

"What is clear is that, if he is where he is, it is not because of his political capabilities," she told to one radio in the country. According to the minister, who has directed harsh words against Manosidus Von Thaller, there is not even any basis on which to support the inclusion of Selucia in the black list of imperialist nations.

"The first thing I would say to Mr. Thaller is to learn a bit of history, and look beyond his navel and his nation, as we do. I do not know if it will take much effort, as it has always been the case with the Thallers, but Selucia, for centuries, has shown its commitment to respect for dignity and human rights, and its compatibility with the national sovereignty of the countries. We are a proud nation, with a high citizen participation in political life, with a free population, something that we could put a lot of doubt under the Thaller regime in Deltaria. We are a nation that, in all wars, what has done has been to send doctors and medicines to help, because we believe that before nations, we are all human beings. Now this gentleman, who is placed there by his surname and nothing else, comes to tell us what we should or should not do. Simply outrageous.
Second, I think Mr. Thaller needs a dictionary to look at what "imperialist" means. In recent years, it is a word that right-wing nationalists love to use, to cover up their continued violations of human rights and to accuse those nations that criticize it of intervening in "national sovereignty." But let's be clear: if what you do is mistreat your citizens, oppress them, establish a regime of fear, it is obvious that you will be criticized, and ask to turn back. What is worrying is that this man is surprised and wants to be left alone. But we can not expect anything else from dictators. Selucia always respects the right of all nations to govern themselves and to create their own laws, but we will not keep silent when a nation persecutes minorities, restricts liberties or manipulates the population, because that would make us accomplices of those people who pretend to feel superior to others and that need to create a common outside enemy to get away with it. I warn Mr. Manosidus that he is mistaken naming Selucia as a rival. Selucia is not going to re-enter his game "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:34 pm

Adia Pastora resigns as general secretary of In Marea
The decision was made after the poor result in the elections of 4487 and after only 9 years in that position

Adia Pastora announcing her resignation as General Secretary at the headquarters of her party in Victoria, Insularia

Those who know her describe her as a "tireless fighter". However, this battle seems to have overcome her. Adia Pastora, until now and since the 4478 general secretary of In Marea-Civis Sinistram, has announced her resignation as head of the aquamarine party after what she has considered "a disastrous result" in the elections of February 4487.

"We went out to this election win, to ask the useful vote, to prove that we are the true strength left of this nation. With the dissolution of Partis Communis Seluciae, we saw it even clearer. We were all the last legislature introducing laws that ended up being approved. But in the end, citizens have decided to continue supporting Populares and vote for the new party Factio Confoederalismi Democratici, which we know nothing about and even has not publicly shown its political ideals. Obviously, we accept the results, but it hurts as the nation's oldest party and one of the oldest in Majatra."

The secretary general has chanted the "mea culpa" and has borne the responsibility of not being able to connect with the voters, and has issued a clear warning to her successor

"Let the party be what it was, whatever it may be, being loyal to our ideals, not the institutions."

The now former general secretary will maintain her seat in the Senate and will continue serving as Foreign Minister of Selucia until a new government is formed, but after that she will retire from political life, after a mandate that for many, will not be especially remembered.
At the party headquarters in Victoria, Insularia, everything was ready for the big night, which finally could not be. Neither Adia Pastora managed to proclaim herself Rector of the Republic - she even ended up in last position - nor the party managed to overcome the terrible results that it has been dragging for 12 years.

With tears in their eyes, as the regions were throwing their electoral results the atmosphere in the headquarters began to decline, until the militants gathered there assumed that there was not going to be any new surprise in these elections: Factio Republicana remained the most voted as the only party on the right, Populares got the position of Rector and In Marea returned to finish in the last position. All this has immediately led to a cascade of resignations within the party, starting with its general secretary, Adia Pastora, and going through party leadership at national and regional level, and even the resignation of some regional leaders is expected in the coming days.

"These are extremely sad results, without a doubt," said Irus Moraiti, orator for the party in the Senate, "we aspired to a lot in these elections, and look what we have been left with, of course it hurts us."

On the resignation of Adia Pastora, she has opined that
"she is a woman with character, who hates to lose, especially after giving everything, and these last results have surpassed her. I believe that she could have tried in the next elections, but her decision is already made and I will not be the one who thinks otherwise.

Moraiti believes that the party has straightened out and that is why she is betting that the next general secretary comes from the IUVIM.

"I think that during the last mandates of Helios Sigilis - which had the blessing of the IUVIM - and the entire mandate of Adia Pastora, they were not given sufficient attention. Young people are the future, and we must listen to them for the change for our citizens. "

Asked about the possible coalitions for a new government, Moraitit has opted for a coalition government between the Populares, the new Factio Confoederalismi Democratici party and them, although she does not rule out that Factio Republicana will try to convince the Populares for a government between them.

"We reaffirm ourselves in what we already said: we will not form a government with Factio Republicana until we notice a change in their political ideology, but it has not happened at the moment. However, the final decision has to be taken by the Rector, Mrs. Andronicus"

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:46 pm

In Marea poses an ideological shift to the radical left
The new General Secretary, Panegyris Priscian, elected by 78% of the votes, has close ties with the IUVIM and advocates moving away from the center-left

Panegyris Priscian, moments before his press conference

Surprise for some, expected for many. On Monday, the last round of the elections was held for the general secretariat of In Marea-Civis Sinistram, to which five contenders aspired. With a system in which all the militants with more than three months of seniority had the right to vote, the less voted candidate per round was eliminated, until there were only two options left. It is in that final round that Panegyris Priscian has just been proclaimed as the new general secretary of the party, receiving almost 80% of the vote. The results of these internal elections, much awaited by many to see what changes could occur in the aquamarine party, have been the following:

1st round:

-Ahenobarbus Lascio: 26%
-Vulpia Nereida Asnea: 25%
-Panegyris Priscian: 23%
-Helena Asclepia: 16%
-Serena Gallia Turbia: 10%

2nd round:

-Vulpia Nereida Asnea: 32%
-Panegyris Priscian: 27%
-Ahenobarbus Lascio: 24%
-Helena Asclepia: 17%

3rd round:

-Vulpia Nereida Asnea: 36%
-Panegyris Priscian: 35%
-Ahenobarbus Lascio: 29%

4th round:

-Panegyris Priscian: 78%
-Vulpia Nereida Asnea: 22%

Mr. Priscian is no stranger to politics. Active militant of the IUVIM - the youths of In Marea - since he was 18, he has been arrested several times in anti-fascist demonstrations, especially against the conservative government of 4476 of Factio Republicana, Factio Unitatis Patriae and Optimates. Secretary of Health and Social Services of Oriensos during the fourth term of Albus Rubio, graduated in Nursing from the University of Caera and former player of the Selucian soccer team, he said when he joined the government of Oriensos that he was doing so for "his commitment to help improve the lives of others. "

After managing to overturn the final result for the general secretariat, Mr. Priscian aspires to achieve the same in the national elections, and believes that this can only be achieved "by appealing to the useful vote". Valorated as an skillful speaker during his term in the Oriensian government from both the government and the opposition, he said after being elected:

"No one can deny that the party is not going through its best moments. The fragmentation of the left into three different political parties, and on the contrary, the centralization of the right vote in a single party is detrimental to our nation. Right now and although in the Senate there is a majority of the left, it is necessary that all the groups vote in favor, or that no one votes against, in order to overcome in votes Factio Republicana, and this is something that we have to try to put an end to. All citizens who vote for Factio Republicana or the other leftist parties have the right to do so, but we are the party that has been defending democracy the longest and doing everything possible to improve the lives of our citizens."

The new general secretary believes that the party has been dragging down bad results because its ideology has been diluted.

"If I decided to take a step forward and present my candidacy to the general secretariat, it is because I believe I can give much more. With all the respect towards my predecessors, I believe that what we have to focus on is the management that Helios Sigilis did during his first candidacies, with which he achieved the best results in the history of our party. That is what we must aspire to again, but in order to achieve that goal, we must clearly lay the foundations. We compete in large territories, but that does not mean that we should adapt ourselves to all citizens, because all that creates is confusion. Our duty is to make clear our political ideology, what are the points we aspire to apply if we reach the government and especially , and most importantly, to convince citizens of why we are just the party they should vote for. That's the key, we must not adapt ourselves to all the potential voters of Selucia. We should make them see why their vote should go to our party, but without changing our speech a bit. "

Mr. Priscian has dropped in the press conference after his election that the overturn he intends to give the party is more focused on approaching the ideology of the IUVIM - that is, the political left, moving away from the center-left that have occupied in recent years - and has reaffirmed in the last words of his predecessor Adia Pastora regarding the formation of a new government in Selucia, and he has also taken the opportunity to criticize the law that created the figure of the Rector in Selucia.

"We already warned about the political blockade that could be created in our nation if only the Rector has the power to propose new governments, but we were not heard. Now we are living it, leading with the same government for almost 10 years because no proposal by the Rector Andronicus has passed the cut. And we also said it: if you want a new government, we will not be in it with Factio Republicana, here you have to choose who you want your companies to be. "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:52 pm

Republicans Praise Barmenistan
Republican leader offers support for Social Republic

Republican leader Helena Romilia Nennia in the Senate

January 4488 - As the conflict between Vanuku and Deltaria over the undemocratic practices in Barmenistan has been growing, the Republican Party issued its own reaction to the Selucian government's perceived lack of a coherent response to Barmenian policies. Republican leader Helena Romilia Nennia accused the current government, chaired by Populares Rector Milonia Andronicus, of failing to seize the opportunity to establish closer economic and political ties with the Social Republic of Barmenistan and preventing its fall into Deltaria's sphere of influence. Arguing that the recent crisis was a lost opportunity for Selucia to establish a "patriotic anti-capitalist alliance" with nations like Barmenistan or Kafuristan, Praeses Nennia criticized both the Rector and Selucian ambassador to the World Congress Valeria Laetitia for failing to stand up to the "neoconservative agenda" of General Assembly President Ibrahim El Salehi and to forcefully oppose the "reactionary hegemonic politics" of both Vanuku and Deltaria. When asked about her party's attitudes towards reported human rights abuses in the Social Republic of Barmenistan, Praeses Nennia not only did not condemn the abuses, but seemingly offered praise to the Barmenian dictatorship:

Shophet Levon Tawarayan is a cruel and violent tyrant, no question about that. There is no honor or courage in slaughtering one's own citizens, and Tawarayan and his regime are criminal and morally reprehensible. However, if it would be permitted to speak well of evil, I will say that Shophet Tawarayan is more than a criminal worthy of condemnation, but is also an excellent example of the appropriate political actions necessary to reform an irredeemably corrupt republic. In any society a magistrate will find themselves in volatile situations where the aggression of the upper classes provokes popular indignation, and a wise magistrate will find ways to favor the people and admonish the upper class wherever possible, by playing the dual role of tyrannical prince and republican reformer. The slaughter of rich and prominent citizens is not only useful for a tyrant seeking to eliminate potential rivals, but it is also necessary for the preservation and reformation of republics. By slaughtering the corrupt Barmenian upper classes the Shophet has wisely and virtuously chosen to apply cruelty well used, that is acts of remarkable violence that make future use of violence minimal and infrequent. The deference to the capitalist class that previous Barmenian reformers exhibited all but guaranteed the continued corruption of Barmenian civic life. Economic inequality is a republican disease lacking a republican cure, and all past reformers who attempted, with good intentions, to tackle the nation's inequality that had corrupted Barmenistan's civic and military virtue failed when they expected the capitalist class to sit idly by, when they just asked capital's permission to legally redistribute the vast wealth owned by the béksrmko and the technocratic Shahránkai. By physically eliminating the upper classes and by arming the people, Shophet Tawarayan shows himself a virtuous tyrant. If his regime is to last and if the power of capital in Barmenistan is to be weakened, the Shophet would do well to learn from Selucia's own experiences and empower the common people to freely accept or even reject his anti-elitist policies by giving the popular classes the opportunity to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether or not a particular oligarch should be executed or exonerated. By doing so Shophet Tawarayan will guarantee that his people become accustomed to taking responsibility for his republic's welfare and will put an end to oligarchic encroachment by the few, apathy on behalf of the common citizens, and tyrannical excess by individual magistrates. If he does so the Shophet will not only be a successful tyrannical usurper, but also a virtuous republican reformer.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Reddy » Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:34 am

To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:49 pm

Priscian works the miracle
The Secretary of In Marea-Civis Sinistram is re-elected as Rector of Selucia in an eventful second call for elections after the dissolution of Factio Foederalismi Democratici

Voters of In Marea celebrating the victory of their party in the elections

In Marea has returned to the head of government 20 years later, and has done so thanks to Panegyris Priscian, until a few years ago the unknown Health Secretary of Oriensos during the fourth term of Albus Rubio. He jumped to the front line of politics after the resignation of Adia Pastora to continue as General Secretary of the party after several years of poor electoral results, and has managed to give a drastic turn to the situation.

After the first elections held in February, IMCS won them with more than 38% of the popular vote for the Senate, getting 288 seats and a rise of 148 seats in the legislative chamber. Likewise, Priscian himself was proclaimed Rector of Selucia after defeating the leader of Factio Republicana, Helena R. Nennia, with more than 33 million votes, 59% of the total. Similarly, the party won the regional government of two Provinces, Cor Patriae and Oriensos, by absolute majority. Curiously in the regions where the former regional secretaries were immediately relegated from their posts after the arrival of Priscian to the general secretariat.

However, the jug of cold water fell just a few days later: Factio Confoederalismi Democratici announced its dissolution and with it, left more than 100 seats free in the Senate. Attending an unwritten rule by which, each time a party with representation in the Senate announces its dissolution, elections are immediately called, Factio Republicana took the initiative and presented the proposal for the electoral convocation for March. In the bosom of In Marea-Civis Sinistram the debate is formed immediately: Should they support, as has been done for centuries in the nation regardless of political orientation, the new call for elections? Or is it better to use it as an advantage for the approval of laws that serve as a presentation to the voters? There was not much time for debate. Priscian takes the initiative and urges his senators to support the new call for elections.

The result is positive. While voter turnout falls a bit in the March elections, In Marea returns as the most voted force, this time with more than 40% of the votes and up to 300 senators, while Panegyris Priscian returns to win Mrs. Nennia to proclaiming himself Rector of Selucia with 57% of the votes.

The most damaged party without a doubt in these elections has been Populares that, in spite of having picked up a large part of the CDF voters, it has finished last and its leader and Rector of Selucia for nine years, Milonia Andronicus, has finished in both electoral calls in the last positions, without achieving to pass to the second round. Many political analysts attribute this to her inability to propose an alternative government to that formed by Tiberius Gaius in July 4478, which is the government that has been maintained to date. Panegyris Priscian has already announced that he is in talks with the Populares to form a coalition government with a comfortable majority (507 out of 750 senators).

Panegyris Priscian photographed in his new residence, the Domus Consularis

The new Rector of Selucia, active member of the IUVIM in his youth and arrested on several occasions in demonstrations against the conservative government of Factio Republicana, Factio Unitatis Patriae and Optimates in the 70s, is known for not keeping things quiet, having his ideas clear and being a very good negotiator. In his inaugural speech, he is committed to trying to carry out numerous changes in the nation, especially in relation to international relations, citizen collaboration and the environment.

"I want to thank all the citizens who have placed their trust in me, and who have done it again after this second call for elections that we have lived in. I assure you that I will do everything in my power to avoid any dissapointment. I know that I have been tried to be discredited on some sides by my "criminal acts", but to defend the dignity, the equality and the human rights I do not think that it can be constitutive of any crime, and so I will keep thinking about it. "
have been the first words of the Rector.

"In these four years I intend to give a turn to the foreign policy of our nation, which I believe has been stagnant for many years. I will try to make visits to the vast majority, if not all, of the Majatran nations. I think it is important to strengthen ties with the countries with which we share the continent, and it is something that is beneficial for both parties. The exchange of cultures, ideas, and even trade is something that enriches us as people, as citizens of this world, and we must go ahead with it. We must ignore xenophobic discourses that seek, through the use of fear, to convince us that we are above others. The purpose to which we should all aspire is to live together, always respecting others, not to divide and face.

Mr. Priscianus has announced that he will also take to the Senate a debate to involve citizens more in politics, through the constitution of what will be called "constitutional referendums" and "legislative referendums", in order to build a nation that is resemble more to his own idea of participatory democracy.

In the question time, the Rector has responded to all of them, but two have been specially dedicated to the most recent present: one on the recent debate that is taking place in relation to the Majatrans and their language in other nations, such as Istalia or Vanuku, and another related to the request of Temania to be handed over the control of Whale Island.

"We are citizens of Selucia, descendants of Selucians. Our civilization has been living in these islands for many centuries, and thanks to that we have developed our language and our culture. What is known as "Majatran", which comes from the Qedarite Empire, is part of the invasion that was made to our islands by the city-states of Cildania, and that unfortunately triggered the Selucian Wars. We do not have to provide any special status to Majatran, because it is not something intrinsic to our nation. It is simple.

In relation to Whale Island, I think the best solution is to keep it as it is. An independent entity, which serves as a meeting point for all nations equally where no one is above anyone. The moment a nation takes control of it, we are already out of neutral territory, which can lead to more difficult situations.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:38 pm

Republicans in Opposition
February and March elections to remove Republicans from government

Helena Romilia Nennia during the Rectoral campaign

July 4491- The quick succession of elections in February and March this year allowed for the unexpected consolidation of the left vote under In Marea leader Panegyris Priscian and and end to a decade of Populares Rectorate, seen by most voters as ineffective and unable to react to foreign and domestic policy challenges. The victory of the In Marea candidate largely continues the legislative and executive dominance of the left in the Republic, relegating Republicans, the sole party of the right, to the opposition benches. This is largely seen as a consequence of the failure of the Republican Party under its leader Helena Romilia Nennia to recover the initiative after the energetic if controversial leadership of Cyprianus Tiburtius Numitor and Caecilia Bousaid. Although the Republican candidate was less than one hundred thousand votes away from winning the Rectorship in 4487, the two elections this year saw much of the electorate abandon Nennia's campaign, leaving the Republicans locked out of the executive leadership that they lost in 4473. Perhaps the main reason for the decline in popular support for the Republican candidate is the uncritical support she has offered the Social Republican regime ruling Barmenistan, in spite of allegations of systemic and widespread abuses committed against Barmenian civilians, and, more damning, the probable use of chemical weapons by the Barmenian regime in November last year. In spite of all these issues however the Republican leader continues to refuse to condemn the Social Republic, arguing that, even if it did in fact use weapons of mass destruction, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Barmenian state must be absolute, and that, in spite of its failure to "unify the popular classes against the rapacious elites", the Barmenian regime ought to be praised for its attempt at "exterminat[ing] the béksrmko as a class".

In spite of this loss however the Republican Party argues that it maintains the allegiance of the "Selucian popular classes". Two items of legislation introduced by the Repubican Party in the previous legislative session played a prominent role in the Republican campaign this year and its attempt to portray itself as the champion of ordinary citizens against political and economic elites. The Tullian Law on the Death Penalty eliminated the death penalty completely, under the argument that, until the Republic is ready for the permanent reestablishment of popular trials against the elites and the exclusive application of capital punishment for wealthy and powerful Selucians, the death penalty would disproportionately target lower-class Selucians. The Tullian Law on Juries, passed against the opposition of the In Marea Senators, introduced trial by jury for all crimes, also presented as a preliminary measure to accustom Selucian citizens with direct participation in the judicial system and pave the way for a future permanent reestablishment of the People's Tribunate. In spite of these legislative achievements however the Republicans were unable to regain their lost prominence, and so Helena Romilia Nennia conceded to Mr. Priscian and congratulated him for his landslide victory. Reacting to his proposed policies the Republican praeses commended his initiative for allowing more direct citizen involvement in the political process and announced her party's willingness to support the introduction of plebiscites as a legislative mechanism, but also heavily criticized his characterization of Selucian Majatrans and the Majatran language as intrusive elements not "intrinsic" to Selucia:

Seventy years ago the Republican Party helped elect the Republic's first and, so far, only Majatran and Ahmadi head of state, the great Haider bin Talal al-Mutanabbi. As such the Republican Party will always be the most devoted defender of the rights of Selucian citizens of Majatran language and culture and will always fight for the recognition and respect of all Selucian religions and ethnicities. To claim that any ethnic group, particularly one that's been present in the Republic for millennia, is somehow not "intrinsic" to our nation betrays a crass form of ethnic nationalism that has no place in our body politic. Selucian citizenship is not based on commonality or any particular culture, it is based on interdependence and common subjection to the chains of law. To exclude any citizen of any culture from the communal enjoyment of liberty is to attack liberty itself. Public neutrality naturally privileges the majority culture, and as such excludes certain citizens from the full enjoyment of liberty. For the sake of Republican liberty I urge Mr. Priscian to reconsider his position. If he does not we will have no choice but to defend Majatran rights ourselves through all means available.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:06 pm

The Rector's diplomatic tour begins
Selucia's leader has already arranged appointments with the heads of state or government of Pontesi, Barmenia, Deltaria, Vanuku, Istalia, Jakania and Cildania, while waiting for response from the rest.

As soon as possible, the new Rector of Selucia, Panegyris Priscian, has contacted the leaders of the nations of Majatra to arrange diplomatic visits and, in this way, improve international relations that the Rector believes to "have been left aside in the last legislatures. "

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Selucia, led by Adia Pastora, it has been announced that so far, seven nations have responded positively to the request of the head of government of the island nation, including both nations with which there have always been strained diplomatic relations (as in the case of Deltaria) and traditionally allied nations (such as Istalia or Cildania).

In the statement it is mentioned that, above all, in those relations there is going to be a lot of emphasis on the improvement of the democratic quality in some nations whose authoritarianism has been evidenced in some occasions, as well as in improving the international trade between Selucia and the other nations of the continent, in promoting the image of the nation as a tourist and family destination, and in improving and exchanging military arsenal.

In matters of trade, the Rector will deal with neighboring nations problems related to fishing in adjoining waters, as well as ensure better contracts for the departure of the many tropical fruits that abound in the nation. It will also focus on facilitating the mobility of the citizens of Selucia to be able to go to work in these nations.

In meetings with the leaders of Barmenia and Vanuku will also intervene specifically to try to reduce the tension created by the suspicion of storage and creation of chemical arsenal in the first, action widely criticized by some of the other nations of the continent.

In relation to tourism, an international promotion campaign will begin focusing on the historical locations that the nation owns thanks to its rich culture and history, as well as the potential of its resting places such as mountains and beaches, natural paradises destined more to families.

In the military issue, the Rector has assured from his official residence in Selucia that although they must be prepared for everything, his intention is to maintain and reaffirm Selucia's principle of neutrality in any war that does not directly concern the nation, providing medical assistance and food aid to the collateral damage of innocent citizens that may arise, as well as diplomatic assistance for the resolution of conflicts. However, it will also negotiate the purchase and improvement of military arsenal for Selucia, taking a step to modernize an armament that has not been revised or renewed for years, especially the military arsenal for sea and air, the specialties of the island nation.

In addition, the Rector also wanted to settle the criticism launched from Factio Republicana after his words about the Majatrans, stating that:

At no time can you get rid of my words that are belittling their culture or ther language. We respect, although we are greatly disagree with your political ideas, the figure of the ancient Consul al-Mutanabbi as representative of the will of our nation. What I have wanted to say, and always with respect, is that it is not necessary to give them a special status in the specific case of our nation, because there is no discrimination towards them because they are Majatrans, although there may be another type of discrimination for other different reasons that any citizen can, although should not, suffer. We are the first to be in favor of integration and collaboration among all citizens of Selucia, and we will continue to pass laws to eliminate differences that may exist. Remember that the conflict that must be resolved is that of classes.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aquinas » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:02 am

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:00 am

Priscian will meet with representatives of different groups in Vanuku
After days of silence, the Rector of Selucia has announced that he will follow the same protocol as in other nations of Majatra

The request of Dnma Mardoh, leader of the Socialist Association of Vanuku, to be received by the Praetor Priscian in his official visit to Vanuku seems that can be carried out.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by Patroclus Hephessius announced, after days of silence and intense deliberations within the government of Selucia, that they finally will follow the same protocol that has been carried out in other nations that the Praetor Panegyris Priscian has visited on his official tour by Majatra. This means that he will request to meet with members of different trade union and political organizations of Vanuku, under the precept of "getting a better understanding of the local politics of the nations that are officially visited."

Since the government, a strong defender of human rights and freedom of expression of political ideas, it has been officially said that this does not contradict the protocol that has already been followed in other nations, where there have also been meetings with student unions and politicians, but many do not doubt that under the surface, a legal way has been found to get the Vanukean government unable to prevent a meeting with the Socialist Association and hear their opinions, without triggering a diplomatic conflict.

Since the government however, no formal petition has been issued to visit the prison where Dnma Mardoh's husband is located.

Among other issues, the Rector will discuss with the government of Vanuku on tourism and trade, leaving the door open to military issues also.
Last edited by Aethan on Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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