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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:34 pm


The ULD leader during an interview in one of the morning talk shows

The ULD chairman opened the party's most recent congress speaking about the new coalition agreement and changes that will be made in it (al-Din, FA Minister, will replace Sani after losing his place to a PNI nominee, and Grimaldo Simonette, the Party's Secretary, will replace Sala as the ST Minister). He also announced that the Minister of TI and VP, Adriano Manfrin, will stop serving as Minister in the next cabinet and, instead, he'll become the party's Deputy Chairman, replacing Qhizma Nassar, who'll become the Leader of the Chamber of Deputies. Asterio Pecchia, once MET candidate, will become the Minister of TI. The DHI will choose one of the two VPMs.
Vespa-Baldassare announced that he will also want to focus on rebuilding the party, to regain the momentum from 4 years ago, and the number of seats that they were able to obtain then.
He also announced that Lucrezia Sabbatini resigned from her position as Vice-Leader, as she announced before the Congress, and that a new Vice-Leader will be elected in the next few weeks. So far, only Jafar Gani, the party's President, and Anastasio Balotelli, the Deputies Leader, will run, however, most expect that Mauro Petralia, the Minister of Finance and VPM candidate, will join the ballot, making it three. It will also possibly mean that, for the first time in history, there will be no women in the party's directory. However, with the fast rise of the likes of Elisa Mascara-Santi or Elena Vespa-Baldassare (Hugo Vespa-Baldassare's daughter), that will soon change. But then again, if either Gani or Balotelli will win, then they will have to resignate from their current positions, as one cannot hold multiple positions in the party's directory.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:19 pm


The tight race for the position for ULD Vice-Secretary concluded, with Jafar Gani, once the party's President, winning with Anastasio Balotelli, the Deputies Leader, and Mauro Petralia the current Minister of Finance and one of the Two Deputy Prime Ministers. He won a slim majority of signatures under his name, which was enough to convince the Prime Minister that he should become Sabbatini's successor. Vespa-Baldassare himself stated that it was a very hard decision to make, as all three candidates were very fitting for the role.

Gani revealed that together with a group of ULD MPs he proposed Thamra al-Odeh as his successor, however, the official candidates for the position of President will be chosen by a group of delegates, and later the actual President will be elected by the Chairman, Vespa-Baldassare.

With the new Cabinet voted in, the ULD reshuffled, with Manfrin taking his Deputy Chairman position, and Nassar becoming the Chamber of Deputies, Vespa-Baldassare announced that he will give the directory more authority, so they will be able to administer the party better, during the time that he'll serve as Prime Minister for a Second Term.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:13 pm

Paolo Vespa-Baldassare did not mind losing his ministerial position
Front-runner of the "leave" campaign Aurora Adorinda now Minister of Foreign Affairs!

PNI Leader Paolo Vespa-Baldassare: "I will now have some time to give them some heat in parliament and be more active inside my party.

Following the elections which were the first major hurdle of the right-wing government, the mood inside the PNI Headquarters in Viale della Repubblica, Palerno has been a mixture of relief and slight disappointment but also pride. Despite the PNI/PNP losing seats - especially in Padagna where it hurt, the Nationalists remained in the governing coalition, losing only one ministry to the Demohosians and the Istalexit referendum may be viewed as a victory for the PNI Leader, who is a strong remainer as he believes that Istalia should lead the continent, not leave it, nonetheless, the much larger contingent of the party which supported "leave" may also see something positive in the referendum, as the 37% of the population have "sent a signal" to Romulan authorities that change is needed - and change is coming in the Majatran Fundamental Principles charter drafted continuously since Marco Gomez' presidency but had to be put on hold due to inner party struggles and the continuous lack of government in that time. Now, that all hurdles for it are seemingly removed, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs will be tasked to complete at least the social principles within this legislative period.
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs from the PNI and "leave" campaign: Ms. Aurora Adorinda

The new Minister of Foreign Affairs will be Ms. Aurora Adorinda, from the PNI, after Paolo Vespa-Baldassare has lost his IA ministry to the DHI. This choice has caused slight a stir in the media as until recently Ms Adorinda has remained relatively unknown to the public eye, as the PNI/PNP is a mostly isolationist party, the speaker of FA did get overlooked most of the time, especially compared to much more charismatic figures in leadership. Moreover, she is very young - only 26 years of age - straight from the "Young Alternative" nationalist youth wing in Calliari, Sarregna, the region which partly thanks to her was won by the Nationalists. However, her seeming lack of experience and anonymity were not the reasons for the media controversy, the reason is the fact that she was the face of the "leave" campaign! She was leading every demonstration in favour of the Istalexit for the 6 months between the parliament proposal to the election day. Now she will be in charge of "remaining" in Majatran Alliance. Paolo Vespa-Baldassare has justified the decision:
Firstly, she is highly qualified for the ministry which the PNI received - disregarding her political views she is a complete professional which brings enthusiasm and skill to the table. Secondly, and probably most importantly, her fight in the leave campaign was so inspiring, that despite our disagreement with her goals, we had to recognise her commitment to represent the more than 20 million Istalians which put the cross to leave the Majatran Alliance. Hence, having such a Minister of FA gives us credibility in front of the whole nation, which needs to unite again. On one hand, her job is to ensure we remain in a strong Majatran Alliance, on the other hand, she personally will ensure that no Istalian will feel left behind in the deal and will represent these 20+ million people in addition to all the remainers which are represented anyway in her job desciption for this legislature. She is a great person and we, the whole coalition, believe in her diplomatic abilities to ensure a prosperous future within the MA for ALL Istalians, not only for those which voted "remain".

In the other PNI Ministry Positions, as mentioned Paolo lost his Ministry of IA, Gianluigi Ricollo is now the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport after the move from Trade and Industry, and Antonio Bravo was rewarded for his great work done in the Health and Social Services Ministry, which is regarded as one of the main projects done by the right govt. in the previous legislature - second only to the tax and fund reforms. Hence, he stays in his position as Minister of H&SS.

Also, rumour has it that soon the PNP will be assimilated into the PNI due to lacklustre election results, but we have no solid sources/evidence for that yet so the Corriere will remain informed on any updates.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:20 am

Organo stampa ufficiale di Libertà e Progresso

Congresso dei Liberal Progressisti: addio LP e benvenuta all'Alleanza Radicale

ROMULA - Dopo quasi due anni di incertezza, di scontri interni causati da accuse reciproche e vecchi rancori venuti a galla, dopo quasi due anni di demoralizzazione e di sfiducia generale, finalmente è stato convocato il Congresso Nazionale Straordinario di Libertà e Progresso che ha visto riunirsi a Romula quasi 1200 esponenti provenienti da tutta Istalia.

Il Congresso non ha visto alcun membro del vecchio Direttorio partecipare e pochissimi era i decani e gli storici leader di LP ed i pochi presenti hanno mantenuto un profilo basso e defilato mentre dal caos generale sono emerse due fazioni, il Collettivo Libertariano (CL) e quindi i rappresentanti del Unione degli Studenti Progressisti (USP). Totalmente assente l'ala liberale, che tradizionalmente all'interno di LP aveva sempre avuto un certo peso ed influito sulle politiche del partito, non senza creare tensioni, soprattutto durante il progressivo slittamento a sinistra del partito. Stefano Logatto, che si era scontrato con la precedente leadership durante la coalizione al governo con i comunisti, quale leader dei liberali, alla luce della fortissima opposizione interna, già alla vigilia delle elezioni aveva deciso di lasciare LP per unirsi ai Demohosiani, considerati come molto più in linea con le posizioni economiche sue e dei suoi accoliti.

Durante il Congresso le due fazioni CL ed USP hanno pian piano monopolizzato i dibattiti e si sono sempre più avvicinati per contrastare la fazione più larga emersa all'indomani della crisi post-elettorale, ovvero i Socialisti. Negli ultimi decenni di forte spostamento a sinistra e di cooperazione con la Sinistra, infatti, l'Ala Socialista (AS) del partito aveva incrementato visibilità e peso politico all'interno di LP e durante il Congresso sono stati i primi a proporre di mettere fine all'esperienza di Libertà e Progresso per fondare un nuovo partito, nome proposto: "Partito dei Social Democratici".
Fortemente contrari invece CL e USP, i quali hanno fortemente contrastato le proproste di AS, troppo eccessive e radicali (tra le proposte di AS la nazionalizzazione delle industrie chiave, il monopolio statale di diversi servizi, la proposta di unirsi alla coalizione Area Socialista e quindi una serie di politiche restrittive additate come "paternalistiche" da CL ed USP i quali hanno anche dichiarato che un tale appiattimento su posizioni così socialisti avrebbe fatto perdere visibilità al partito a favore dei partiti comunisti e socialisti.

Durante il Congresso, però, defezioni e scontri interni alla stessa AS hanno infine premiato CL ed USP che infine hanno avanzato una mozione comune: porre fine a Libertà e Progresso per fondare un nuovo partito, chiamato infine Alleanza Radicale.
Il nuovo partito continuerà a tenere alta la bandiera Social Liberale in Istalia, proponendo in campo economico la limitazione dell'attività statale esclusivamente allo Stato Sociale, che dovrà essere solido, ben strutturato e ben finanziato, attraverso una decisiva riforma delle imposte, ma basato su principi di economicità e di razionalità finanziaria, mentre si opporrà alle nazionalizzazioni ed ai monopoli di stato, ed anzi, promuovendo la cooperazione con i privati là dove l'intervento statale per contrastare abusi, carenze di servizi o sperequazioni non sarà necessario.
Il nuovo partito inoltre proporrà una politica fortemente ambientalista, irrigidendo le posizioni generalmente moderate di LP, una presa di posizione voluta fortemente dall'USP, pieno di giovani fortemente preoccupati per il futuro dell'ecosistema istaliano e mondiale, fortemente contrari ai tentativi della destra di abbattere le regolamentazioni in campo ecologico.
Il Partito, in campo sociale invece, grazie alla presa di posizione del Collettivo Libertariano si è arroccato su posizioni davvero radicali, decisa fermamente a garantire all'individuo la libertà da qualsiasi imposizione ed influenza morale o politica. Il Partito assumerà posizioni fortemente anti-clericali ed allo stesso tempo si farà promotore di quelle posizioni già emerse, ma decisamente più cautamente, con l'ascesa di Riccardo Morelli sotto la Leadership di Francesco di Nacosia-Rohan.
Riguardo le relazioni internazionali, il partito si è definito come il più "Majatranita d'Istalia", pronta a difendere a spada tratta la permanenza dell'Istalia nell'Alleanza Majatrana ma ponendosi in posizione critica con le passate amministrazioni, accusate di eccessivo unilateralismo da parte dell'Istalia che invece dovrebbe sforzarsi prima di tutto di promuovere una maggiore partecipazione da parte degli altri stati membri e dare più credibilità all'organizzazione. Riguardo l'Alleanza Majatrana, però, l'Alleanza Radicale si impegnerà affinché si velocizzi il processo di stesura dei famosi Trattati sui Principi Fondamentali dell'Alleanza Majatrana sui quali da troppo tempo i Governi Istaliani vi stanno lavorando e tra questi, probabilmente quello che sta più a cuore ad AR è quello sui Principi Sociali.
AR infatti, come partito fortemente libertariano, non cambierà strada sui tempi civili e sociali ma anzi, come detto, rafforzerà le sue posizioni rispetto ad LP, continuando a difendere e promuovere Giustizia ed Eguaglianza per tutti gli uomini ed a contrastare ogni forma di discriminazione, promuovendo una maggiore cooperazione internazionale con altri partiti, soprattutto in Majatra, dove, se da un lato può vantare alcune delle nazioni più avanzate ed aperte in questo campo, dall'altro presenta anche importanti situazioni di arretratezza in campo dei diritti civili.
Infine, tra i Libertariani, è emersa una certa linea "regionalista", basata su principi del Libertarianismo più estremista, legati all'anarchismo comunitario e federalista/localista, che promuove la ricerca del migliore equilibrio tra materie di interesse nazionale e materie di interesse locale e quindi maggiore autonomia per le comunità sul territorio dai dettami di Romula.

Definiti i programmi e la piattaforma politica sul quale svilupparli, gli ultimi due giorni del Congresso, che è durato quasi due settimane, sono infine stati dedicati all'organizzazione della struttura interna del partito. Tra le decisioni prese: ogni due anni il Congresso Nazionale si riunirà per confermare le linee programmatiche del partito e validare, o meno, il lavoro della leadership, la quale risiederà nel Comitato di Coordinamento Nazionale il cui Portaparola sarà indicato come leader del Partito, nonostante, in verità, la guida del partito si baserà sul principio della collegialità.
Organizzate delle elezioni interne, queste hanno visto il Collettivo Libertariano ricevere la maggioranza dei voti seguito da quella che è stata definita la corrente Giustizialista, in campo esclusivamente sociale, nella quale sono confluiti i sostenitori di USP (che rimarrà l'organizzazione studentesca dell'Alleanza Radicale) e tra di essi sono emersi le tre persone che ricopriranno le cariche più importanti del partito: quella di Portaparola Nazionale, quello di Segretario del Comitato di Coordinamento e quella di Vice-Segretario del Comitato che sarà anche il Capo gruppo alla Camera dei Deputati.

Giacomo Tancredi, Consigliere regionale in Padagna, è emerso come il leader dei Libertariani federalisti, sarà il Vice-Segretario e quindi Capo Gruppo alla Camera. Dunque, ancora una volta dalla Padagna emerge un esponente politico che promuove maggiore autonomia e devoluzione di maggiori competenze alle Regioni, posizioni che sicuramente si scontreranno con la maggior parte degli altri partiti di sinistra.

Come Segretario del Comitato Nazionale è stato invece eletto Nadir Hariri, già parlamentare di LP eletto nella circoscrizione della provincia di Ulbia, si è presentato come l'anima Welfarista della nuova dirigenza, colui che probabilmente si relazionerà maggiormente con il resto della sinistra istaliana per la ricostruzione e difesa del Welfare Nazionale, della Redistribuzione dei Redditi e quindi della Giustizia Sociale.

Come Portavoce Nazionale e Leader del Partito invece, si è imposta Valentina Vitali, capogruppo del Collettivo Libertariano e parlamentare di LP eletta in Trivendito, impostasi anche grazie al sostegno in passato di Riccardo Morelli. Lei stessa ha dichiarato ai giornalisti che si porrà alla testa di tutte le sfide per liberare gli istaliani da tutte quelle imposizioni morali, autoritarie e bigotte che non possono fare altro che minare l'autodeterminazione ed il pieno sviluppo come essere umano dei cittadini.

Subito dopo la sua nomina a Portavoce Nazionale è stata colei che ha indicato i punti fondamentali dell'azione del nuovo partito:

Giustizia Sociale
Protezione ambientale
Impegno per Majatra

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Official Press of Liberty and Progress

Congress of Liberal Progressives: goodbye LP and welcome to the Radical Alliance

ROMULA - After almost two years of uncertainty, internal clashes caused by mutual accusations and old grudges, after almost two years of demoralization and general mistrust, the Extraordinary National Congress of Liberty and Progress was finally convened to meet in Romula almost 1200 exponents from all over Istalia.

The Congress did not see any member of the old National Directory participate and very few were the deans and the historical leaders of LP and the few present have maintained a low and defiled profile while from the general chaos have emerged two factions, the Libertarian Collective (CL) and then representatives of the Union of Progressive Students (USP). Totally absent the liberist wing, which traditionally within the LP had always had a certain weight and influenced the policies of the party, not without creating tensions, especially during the progressive shift of the party to the left. Stefano Logatto, who had clashed with the previous leadership during the government coalition with the communists, as leader of the liberists, in light of the strong internal opposition, already on the eve of the elections had decided to leave LP to join the Demohosians, considered as very more in line with economic positions of him and his acolytes.

During the Congress CL and USP have slowly monopolized the debates and have increasingly approached to counter the widest faction emerged in the aftermath of the post-electoral crisis, the Socialists. In the last decades of strong moving to the left and of cooperation with the left, in fact, the Socialist Wing (AS) of the party had increased visibility and political weight within LP and during the Congress they were the first to propose to put an end to the experience of Liberty and Progress to found a new party, proposed name: "Party of Social Democrats".
Strongly opposed instead CL and USP, considering too excessive leftists the position of the socialists (among the proposals of AS the nationalization of key industries, the state monopoly of various services, the proposal to join the Socialist Area's coalition and then a series of restrictive policies pointed out as "paternalistic" by CL and USP who also declared that such a flattening on such socialist positions would have made the party lose visibility in favor of communist and socialist ones.

During the Congress, however, defections and internal clashes inside AS have finally rewarded CL and USP who put forward a joint motion: put an end to Liberty and Progress, as supported by the majority of the delegates, to found a new party, but finally called Radical Alliance.
The new party will continue to hold up the Social Liberal flag in Istalia, proposing in the economic field the limitation of state activity exclusively to the welfare state, which must be solid, well structured and well financed, through a decisive tax reform, but based on principles of economy and financial rationality, while opposing nationalization and state monopolies, and indeed, promoting cooperation with privates where the state intervention to combat abuse, lack of services or inequalities will not be necessary.
The new party will also propose a strongly environmentalist policy, stiffening the generally moderate positions of LP, a position taken strongly by the USP, full of young people heavily concerned about the future of the Istalian and global ecosystem, strongly opposed to the attempts of the right of break down ecological regulations.
The Party, in the social field, however, thanks to the position taken by the Libertarian Collective has been perched on truly radical positions, firmly determined to guarantee the individual freedom from any imposition and moral or political influence. The Party will assume strong anti-clerical positions and at the same time will promote those positions that have already emerged, but decidedly more cautiously, with the rise of Riccardo Morelli under the leadership of Francesco di Nacosia-Rohan.
Regarding international relations, the party has defined itself as the "most Majatranist" of Istalia, ready to defend the permanence of Istalia in the Alliance Majatrana wholeheartedly but placing itself in a critical position with the past administrations, accused of excessive unilateralism by part of the Istalia that instead should strive first of all to promote a greater participation from the other member states, also to give more credibility to the organization. Regarding the Majatran Alliance, however, the Radical Alliance will work to speed up the process of drafting of the famous Treaties on the Fundamental Principles of the Alliance on which for too long the Istalian governments are working, and among them probably what most cares AR is the one on Social Principles.
AR, in fact, as a strongly libertarian party, will not change the road on civil and social issues but rather, as mentioned, will strengthen its positions with respect to LP, continuing to defend and promote justice and equality for all individuals and to combat all forms of discrimination, promoting greater international cooperation with other parties, especially in Majatra, where, on the one hand it can boast some of the most advanced and open nations in this field, on the other it also presents important critical situations in the field of civil rights.
Finally, among the Libertarians, a certain "regionalist" line emerged, based on the principles of the most extremist Libertarianism, linked to community and federalist/localist anarchism, which promotes the search for the best balance between matters of national interest and matters of local interest and therefore greater autonomy for the communities on the territory from the dictates of Romula.

After defining the programs and the political platform on which to develop them, the last two days of the Congress, which lasted almost two weeks, were finally dedicated to organizing the internal structure of the party. Among the decisions taken: every two years the National Congress will meet to confirm the party's policy lines and validate, or not, the work of the leadership, which will reside in the National Coordination Committee whose spokesman will be listed as Party leader, despite in truth, the leadership of the party will be based on the principle of collegiality.
Organized internal elections, these have seen the Libertarian Collective receive the majority of votes followed by what has been called the Justicialists wing, justicialists exclusively in the social field advocating social Justice and redistribution of wealth, in which the USP supporters have converged (USP which will remain the Radical Alliance's student organization) and among them have emerged the three people who will cover the most important positions of the party: the National Spokeperson, the Secretary of the Coordination Committee and the Deputy Secretary of the Committee that will also be the Whip into the Chamber of Deputies.

Giacomo Tancredi, Regional Councilor in Padagna, has emerged as the leader of the federalist Libertarians, will be the Vice-Secretary and then Whip into the Chamber. So, once again from Padagna emerges a political exponent that promotes greater autonomy and devolution of more matters to the Regions, positions that will surely clash with most of the other leftist parties.

As Secretary of the National Committee was elected Nadir Hariri, former parliamentarian of LP elected in the district of the province of Ulbia, he presented himself as the Welfarist soul of the new leadership, the one who probably will relate more with the rest of the istalian left for the reconstruction and defense of the National Welfare, of the Redistribution of the Income and therefore of Social Justice.

Instead, as National Spokesman and Party Leader, Valentina Vitali was elected, leader of the Libertarian Collective and parliamentarian of LP elected in Trivendito, imposed herself inside the party thanks to the support of Riccardo Morelli in the past. She told to the journalists that she will lead all the fights to free the Istalians from all those moral, authoritarian and bigoted impositions that can not do anything but undermine self-determination and full development as a human being of the citizens.

Immediately after his appointment as National Spokesperson, she was the one who indicated the fundamental points of the new party's policy:

Social Justice
Environmental Protection
Commitment to Majatra
Last edited by Axxell on Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:25 pm

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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:47 am

IV° Congresso Speciale del PCI: Antonio Masci lascia la segreteria del partito (correrà come candidato a Capo dello Stato), eletto per acclamazione il suo successore Endrigo Bellinguer
IVth Special Congress of PCI: Antonio Masci leaves the secretary of his party and runs for State presidency; elected by acclamation his successor: Endrigo Bellinguer

E' nell'aria da giorni, fin dall'inaspettata indizione del IV° Congresso del Partito Comunista d'Istalia, il primo convocato in seduta speciale: è proprio l'annuncio delle dimissioni di Antonio Masci, segretario e fondatore del Partito, ad aprire la scena in questo caldo Giugno. Il settantacinquenne segretario comunista, a capo della fazione più oltranzista del partito - quella Metzista-Leonidista - ha dichiarato nella parte culminante del suo discorso di congedo: "Non lascio la guida del nostro grande partito per motivi di dissenso o per qualche oscura faida interna: ormai non sono più soltanto l'uomo maturo di tredici anni fa, sono un anziano che ha dato alla causa proletaria tutte le proprie forze; altri, più giovani e più valorosi di me, prenderanno in consegna queste idee e ne faranno linfa preziosa che un giorno condurrà il socialismo a trionfare in tutta Istalia!" La commozione non ha tardato a far capolino sul volto dell'anziano, abbracciato calorosamente dal suo assistente - e pupillo - il cinquantaseienne Endrigo Bellinguer, circondato dagli applausi dei militanti del partito, indifferentemente dalla loro appartenenza ideologica. E' stata proprio l'acclamazione di ogni militante a far sorgere spontaneo l'ultimo e teatrale atto politico di Masci: la candidatura come Capo dello Stato alle Elezioni del 4350, una mossa considerata "di diritto" vista la posizione predominante del PCI all'interno della coalizione "Area Socialista".
Chiusi i saluti d'addio, il Comitato Centrale si è quindi riunito celermente per eleggere il nuovo segretario, in maniera del tutto formale, innalzando per acclamazione proprio la figura di Bellinguer: figura stimata non solo all'interno del suo partito, assorta a notorietà per la sua guida del governo socialista '38-42, è riuscito a imporre le proprie idee grazie a un innato carisma, persuadendo anche le aree più estreme che avrebbero teoricamente dovuto ostacolarlo: è stato proprio Masci il suo più grande mentore, il quale, nonostante il proprio "congedo per anzianità", è stato il primo a correre - letteralmente - sul palco per abbracciare il neo-eletto segretario. La linea politica di Bellinguer, un dichiarato "amante della democrazia" e nemico "di ogni forma di dittatura, indifferentemente dal suo colore" segna una svolta decisiva all'interno del partito, che da anni zoppicava inevitabilmente fra le tesi rivoluzionarie della maggioranza e le necessità pragmatiche che avevano spinto i comunisti a costruire alleanze e guidare addirittura un governo. Ciononostante, lo Statuto del PCI non ha subito alcuna modifica: il popolo comunista continua a marciare sotto l'insegna del metzismo-leonidismo caro a Masci. I comunisti escono quindi da questo emozionante congresso ancora più determinati a riconquistare gli scranni del governo, conferendo ulteriore spinta alla coalizione di "Area Socialista" che tre anni fa si sforzarono di inaugurare.

Bellinguer (a sinistra) e il commosso Masci (a destra) al IV° Congresso del PCI.

It is in the air for days, since the unexpected announcement of the IVth Congress of the Communist Party of Istalia, the first convoked in a special session: it is precisely the announcement of the resignation of Antonio Masci, secretary and founder of the Party, to open the scene in this hot June. The seventy-five-year-old Communist secretary, head of the party's most extremist party - the Metzist-Leonidist - declared in the climax of his farewell speech: "I do not leave the leadership of our great party for reasons of dissent or some obscure internal feud: now I am no longer just the mature man of thirteen years ago, I am an elder who gave the proletarian cause all his strength, others younger and more valiant than me, will take over these ideas and make them precious lymph that a day will lead socialism to triumph in all of Italy! " The emotion did not take long to appear on the face of the elderly, warmly embraced by his assistant - and pupil - the fifty-six year old Endrigo Bellinguer, surrounded by the applause of the militants of the party, regardless of their ideological affiliation. It was precisely the acclamation of every militant to raise spontaneously the last and theatrical political act of Masci: the candidacy as Head of State at the 4350 elections, a move considered "by right" given the predominant position of the PCI to ' inside the "Socialist Area" coalition.
Having closed the farewell greetings, the Central Committee then quickly assembled to elect the new secretary, in a wholly formal manner, raising the figure of Bellinguer by acclamation: a figure esteemed not only within his party, absorbed in notoriety for his leadership of the socialist government '38 -42, he managed to impose his own ideas thanks to an innate charisma, persuading even the most extreme areas that theoretically had to hinder him: it was Masci himself his greatest mentor, who, despite his "seniority leave", he was the first to run - literally - on stage to embrace the newly elected secretary. The political line of Bellinguer, a declared "lover of democracy" and enemy "of every form of dictatorship, regardless of his color" marks a decisive turning point within the party, which for years inevitably limped between the revolutionary theses of the majority and the pragmatic needs that had pushed the communists to build alliances and even drive a government. Nevertheless, the Statute of the PCI has not undergone any change: the Communist people continue to march under the banner of metzism-leonidism dear to Masci. The Communists then come out of this exciting congress even more determined to regain the seats of the government, giving further impetus to the coalition of "Socialist Area" that three years ago strove to inaugurate.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:50 pm


La direzione nazionale PLI fa 2 annunci:

Per primo si annuncia la formazione di un nuovo soggetto politico di centrosinistra erede de "L'Altra Istalia" che si chiama "Insieme per l'Istalia" la coalizione sarà formata dal Partito Laburista e l'Area Radicale che proporranno un programma comune per cambiare insieme e in meglio questo paese.
A capo della coalizione saranno eletti dalle 2 assemblee di partito un presidente e un segretario ed esse sceglieranno anche il candidato Presidente comune della coalizione. Altri chiarimenti sopraggiungeranno più avanti.

Il secondo annuncio riguarda la data fissata per le elezioni primarie e il 3°Congresso Nazionale che sarà ottobre 4349, il Presidente Ghedini ha fatto sapere alla direzione che al momento non è intenzionato a ricandidarsi alla carica di Presidente del Partito, comunque per ora le candidature pervenute sono:
- Paola Gori (Vicepresidente PLI)
- Beatrice Grande (Governatrice Padagna)

L'ultimo sondaggio interno attesta la Gori in vantaggio di 25 punti sull'avversaria. (62,5/37,5)
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:57 pm


The national PLI Directorate makes 2 announcements:

The first is the formation of a new political subject of center-left heir of "The Other Istalia" which is called "Together for Istalia" the coalition will be formed by the Labor Party and the Radical Area that will propose a common program to change together and for the better of this country
A president and a secretary will be elected at the head of the coalition by the 2 party assemblies and they will also choose the candidate for the Coalition's common president. Other clarifications will come late.

The second announcement concerns the date set for the primary elections and the 3rd National Congress which will be October 4349, the President Ghedini has made known that currently does not intend to reapply to the position of President of the Party, however for now the nominations received:
- Paola Gori (PLI Vice-President)
- Beatrice Grande (Governor of Padagna)
The last internal survey attests Gori with a 25 point advantage over the opponent. (62.5 / 37.5)
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:24 am


Who will be the King's Heir?

The Liberal Democrats' leader and current Prime Minister of Istalia, Hugo Vespa-Baldassare, has apparently, according to our sources, been thinking about resigning from his position as Party Chairman, or not run at all, for what would be a historic fourth term. Vespa-Baldassare is currently the longest-sitting party chairman of the ULD in it's 56-year-old, as well as the longest sitting President of the Council since Aisha Menchi.
However, the Prime Minister is "fed up" with internal party politics, and wishes to fully focus on his role as the Istalian head of Government, which he deems as his most important role, but then again, he worries that if he is to resign from his party, he would have no guarantee that he would be able to retain that position, and not be replaced by someone like Jafar Gani or Adriano Manfrin. Many would say that regardless, he still looks good for his age, and his mind is as sharp as ever.

But that raises the question; when Vespa-Baldassare will end his run as party leader, who will replace him? That could cause an internal conflict, as many people rose to prominence, most notably Adriano Manfrin, the Deputy Chairperson and ex-Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mauro Petralia, one of the current Deputy Prime Ministers and Minister of Finance, Anastasio Balotelli, the Deputies leader, and Elisa Mascara-Santi, the leader of the ULD's Trivenditan structures.

Adriano Manfrin, known as Vespa-Baldassare's right-hand man, is a given in this run, as the main sucessor to Vespa-Baldassare's legacy, other than the chairman's daughter

Mauro Petralia is already an established figure in th party, and Vespa-Baldassare's enforcer in the government, backed by the economists and the more radical capitalists within

Anastasio Balotelli is the successor of another of the party's leaders; Balotelli is a descendant (grandson) of Phineas Abercrombie, the second General Secretary.

Elisa Mascara-Santi is technically an outsider, as she isn't even an MP, but she is strongly backed by the youth with her mard capitalistic views combined with an ecologist agenda.
Apparently both Elena Vespa-Baldassare and Grimaldo Simonette, two prominent ULD politicians under 30 (although one is a minister) back her

All four seem as possible contenders for the title, however, nothing is currently on the case, as Vespa-Baldassare seems to have a stable position, and the backing of the President, Oscar Lepera.
Last edited by TheUnicorn. on Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:57 pm


Il PLI ha tenuto nella data del 10 ottobre 4349 le elezioni primarie del PLI e svolto nelle date successive il 3°congresso del partito.

Congresso aperto dal Segretario Borromeo che legge i risultati delle elezioni:
- GORI Paola (Vice-Presidente PLI): 1.090.453 (69,5%) - 139 congressisti
- GRANDE Beatrice (Governatrice Padagna): 478.857 (30,5%) - 61 congressisti

Il segretario Borromeo proclama ufficialmente eletta come Presidente del PLI la signora Gori che nel suo discorso d'insediamento annuncia la sua canidatura a Presidente della Repubblica Istaliana, la nomina della ex-sfidante Grande a Vice-Segretario, la conferma di Borromeo alla Segreteria di Partito e la nomina di Valentino Pollesi come Vicepresidente del PLI.
La Presidente annuncia anche 2 cambi della lista dei canidati ministri:
L'ex Presidente Ghedini correrà per il posto di Presidente del Consiglio e un cambio per quanto riguarda il dicastero degli interni: la candidata sarà Maria Nomoni già Leader del PLI regionale della Sarregna.

Questa mozione della Presidente Gori è stata approvata con 200 voti favorevoli su 200.

Il Congresso lavorerà incessantemente con l'AR per la definizione del programma comune della Coalizione.

== ENG ==
The PLI held on the date of 10 October 4349 the primary elections and held on the following dates the 3rd congress of the party

Congress opened by Secretary Borromeo who reads the votes of the elections:
- GORI Paola (PLI Vice-President): 1.090.453 (69.5%) - 139 congressmen
- GREAT Beatrice (Governor Padagna): 478,857 (30.5%) - 61 congressmen

The secretary Borromeo officially proclaims as President of the PLI Mrs. Gori that in her inaugural address announces its runner to President of the Republic of Istaliana, the appointment of the ex-challenger Grande to Vice-Secretary, the confirmation of Borromeo to the Party Secretariat and the appointment of Valentino Pollesi as Vice-President of the PLI.
The President also announced 2 changes to the list of ministerial ministers:
Former President Ghedini will run for the post of President of the Council and a change regarding the interior ministry: the candidate will be Maria Nomoni, former Leader of the regional PLI of Sarregna.

This motion by President Gori was approved with 200 votes out of 200.

The Congress will work incessantly with the AR to define the Coalition's common program.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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