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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Wilderberg III » Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:18 pm

Forward! is the official newspaper of the Executive Committee of the All-Trigunian Worker's Party.

April 14, 4543
Great victory for the people!
TWP Membership surges as the party wins the General Election.

General Secretary and President-Elect Vladimir Gorshkov at the site of the Second Party Congress after the 4543 General Election.

RODSHYADAM - Less than a year since it's founding the Trigunian Worker's Party has achieved the unthinkable and swooped into power winning the Presidency and taking the legislature by storm.
The 4543 General Election proved to be an amazing victory for the people. The Party has seen unmesurable success with it's membership rapidly growing. In less than a year the party went from 2,000 to 8,000,000 members and additional members are expected to join in the years to come. With a stunning victory the TWP sets it's eye on the much needed reform of the corrupt system in place.

Shortly after the General Election the Second Trigunian Worker's Party Congress was held with numerous important political figures in attendance. The Central Committee reinforced it's dedication to the incumbent Politburo and authorised it to take on major reforms within the Party and the country. Party Commissar for Sports and Youth Matters who is expected to be given a seat in the newly forming cabinet has been tasked with creating a youth organisation for the Party. On more pressing matters the Central Committee has uninamously voted in favor of a motion authorising the Politburo and the Members of the Parliament from the Party to push forward with pro-worker reform of corrupt political system currently in place.

Additionally the Party has officially voted to change it's name to the All-Trigunian Communist Party.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:00 am

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One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

22nd March 4546 edition

Trigunian Socialist Movement formed
Long era of one-party rule has led to an alternative socialist opposition to form
I (Constituent) Congress of the TSM shown

ALEKSANDROVSK - A new political force has been formed in Trigunia following 3 years of one-party VTKP rule, and presents a more liberalised, decentralised socialist alternative, albeit seemingly more hardline on its "revolutionary foreign policy".

After a I (Constituent) Congress was held earlier this month, attended by various previously minor organisations - chiefly the Kaminskist Socialist Alternative, anarchist Union of Revolutionary Anarcho-syndicalists and more moderate Democratic Socialist Tendency - the Congress has officially formed the Movement, as well as establishing its structure, electing a Standing Committee and writing a Programme for the Movement.

Among the leaders of the new organisation are Aleksandrovsk State University lecturer and renowned socialist intellectual Aleksandra Lomonosova, who has been elected as Chairman of the Movement's Standing Committee; veteran trade union leader Victor Sokolovsky - Deputy Chairman of the Committee; and activist and author Kirill Borisov, descendant of the previously highly influential Borisov family, who has been selected to serve as the Secretary.

The Programme of the Movement has generally promised to push for more radical, democratic measures in the economy, and a liberalisation of social life, which is yet to occur from back in the NKP era. In addition, the organisation espouses a highly hardline, revolutionary and confrontational foreign policy, highly reminiscent of Kaminskism, and aligning Trigunia with Deltaria and Dundorf against the "capitalist bourgeois-liberal faux-democracies and the fascist totalitarian dictatorships that plague and oppress the working classes, for their own short term selfish needs".

The party has announced its intention to run in the elections next year, but the extent to which the electoral organisation will pose a threat to the ruling Communist Party is unbeknown to anyone.
Last edited by ComradeOtaku on Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:36 pm

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One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

18th July 4546 edition

Unfair election?
Surprise early election held where the TSM gained negligible votes - accusations of VTKP election meddling
Anti-government and anti-VTKP protests have erupted across the nation
RODSHYADAM - With election results in, the VTKP has been returned in a landslide victory, winning over 99% of the national vote. Or so claims the Electoral Commission.

Despite the results having been publicised the new TSM has voiced deep concerns regarding the matter, in the shape of an open letter to President Gorshkov and mass protests in opposition to the perceived election meddling by the VTKP government. Despite over 75% turnout, the TSM has gained effectively nothing this election, which concerns many citizens and foreign observers. The election itself was held suddenly with the Duma dissolving itself and the President swiftly holding an election the next day, without giving the TSM the ability to campaign or their voters to come to the ballot box.

Furthermore, there have been accusation of voter fraud as well as the systematic paying off people reliant on the government to attend the polling stations and cast their vote for the VTKP, and sometimes forcing hordes of people to be shipped to the booths in buses. The vote counting process has also been veiled, with no CCTV footage of the process released, with the Electoral Commission yet to comment.

The full text of the open letter is here:
Comrade President Gorshkov,

We would like to complain that you called early elections when we still hadn't developed a fully fleshed out political programme. These new elections were unfair, as they were held suddenly and the TSM wasn't allowed to properly campaign, and their voters to attend the polling stations. It is an equivalent of rigging the election, and most likely swarms of government employees, pensioners, unemployed and other disadvantaged people were coerced into attending and voting for the VTKP either through monetary compensation or force.

Chairman of the Standing Committee of the TSM
Aleksandra Lomonosova
Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the TSM
Victor Sokolovsky
Secretary of the Standing Committee of the TSM
Kirill Borisov
17 other members of the Standing Committee of the TSM
12043 of regular members of the TSM

The government is yet to comment on the accusations, but the new Duma has already begun operations, and has renewed the term of the present government led by Cheslav Buklin. Discussion of further economic and political reforms are also on the table, but none that are regarding the election process.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:03 pm

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One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

2nd August 4546 edition

Aleksandra Lomonosova - who is she?
As protests across Trigunia intensify, her name has been popping up more and more. But who is this mysterious beauty of the New Trigunian Left?
Lomonosova pulled away at a protest for a photo, wearing a red ribbon, the symbol of TSM
ALEKSANDROVSK - With the country engulfed with protests contesting the validity of the June election, the TSM's leader, comrade Aleksandra Lomonosova, has been popping up all over national news and television. But who is this charismatic young lady who leads Trigunia's New Left?

Born in 4521 into an unremarkable family of office workers in the busy city of Aleksandrovsk, Aleksandra, or Sasha, as she is charmingly referred to by her fellow party members, graduated from Aleksandrovsk City School №6 with flying colours, passing all her exams with an outstanding 5, the top mark offered in Trigunian schools. It was during her time at school that she got introduced to Metzist literature. In her own words, "I began reading Metz, Leonid and Kaminski at 15, and had become fully converted to the cause by my 16th birthday". She attributes it to her love for Trigunian history - "while studying the various communist revolutions in Trigunia, I saw Metz, Leonid, Kaminski and others being thrown around. And I decided to delve deeper; I wanted to know what they believed, and not what the government was telling me they believed. I read one book, another, a third, and I was hooked".

Her life as an activist began at the age of 16, when she joined a leftist youth organisation called Union of Red Youth and helped organise and partook in various rallies and demonstrations for the cause of socialism. She applied to Aleksandrovsk State University already a hardened warrior of the Trigunian Left, and studied her passions, Philosophy and Trigunian Socio-economic History. During her studies, Sasha partook in the Socialist Debating Society, where she became a respected and popular public speaker, becoming one of the leaders of the club. She graduated with distinction, and one of her dissertations, "An Analysis of Class Relations in Trigunia", became widely recognised in leftist intellectual circles as her first Metzist work. She went on to become a lecturer at her alma mater, but continued her dedication to Metzist socialism, writing a series of books on the topic, one of the most popular being "Capital and its Concentration in Contemporary Trigunia". She commented that she "particularly enjoyed writing this piece, as I feel proud of being able to analyse and apply Metz to our modern material conditions, and better educate people about the failings of capitalism".

Despite her job as a lecturer, she and her friends from the Socialist Society at the University, as well as the Union of Red Youth and other leftists of the Kaminskist variety, formed Socialist Alternative, a socialist campaign group and public organisation dedicated to promoting the causes of socialism, Metzism, Kaminskism and "orthodox Leonidism". Sasha was also one of the initiators of the Constituent Congress of the Trigunian Socialist Movement, and has expressed her desire for a "broad front of anti-authoritarian revolutionary-democratic socialists". She was unanimously elected to the Chairmanship of the Standing Committee at the Congress, for which she graciously thanked her comrades for "putting this faith in [her]". She has personally led numerous protests organised by the Movement, and has fervently pushed for a new, fair election to be held in Trigunia.

We hope this short breakdown has revealed who comrade Sasha Lomonosova is.
Last edited by ComradeOtaku on Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:55 pm

Красная Звезда
The paper of the working masses!

16th January 4547 edition

Sokolovsky slams down VTKP "Government Reform" as "incriminating"
As mass protests against the corrupt state are still full of vigour and passion, the government plans to extend terms of the President and Duma in controversial move
TSM Deputy Chairman Victor Sokolovsky at anti-government rally in Podolsk
PODOLSK - As the proud nation continues in its struggle against the authoritarian and corrupt VTKP, the "President" Gorshkov has introduced a proposal to the Duma pushing for an increase in term length for both the Duma and President, thus allowing him to prolong his illegal grip on the state apparatus.

With the TSM intensifying its pressure on the VTKP government, TSM Deputy Chairman comrade Victor Sokolovsky has given a rousing speech against the dictator-in-waiting Gorshkov and his gang of criminals from the VTKP, slamming the "Government Reform" as "fully and utterly incriminating, showing the people of Trigunia the true colours of the ruling party - one of corruption, authoritarianism and oligarchism, responsible for a rigged election and a growing bureaucratic elite".

Regarding the apparent willingness of the VTKP to support the economic section of the Programme of the Trigunian Socialist Movement, he commented that "the government agreeing to introduce the TSM's economic demands is nothing but a token measure to placate the angry masses of workers yearning for freedom, democracy and socialism, and then back out of it whenever the moment is opportune, never going beyond halfhearted enforcement".

He further labelled the VTKP "opportunists", "revisionists", "anti-Metzists" and "state capitalists", and called for "Trigunian socialists, both radical and moderate, Metzist and anarchist, internationalist and patriotic" to lend their support to the TSM, "a movement that fights for democracy, socialism and a revolution that shall truly shake the fabric of the old society".

Comrades-readers! We urge you to join the only true party of the Trigunian left and of the Trigunian working class - the Trigunian Socialist Movement - in its struggle against the pseudo-leftism of the VTKP. Register as a member at your local TSM office or partake in its protests and marches now!
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:46 pm

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:35 pm

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One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

27th February 4547 edition

II Congress of the TSM
Almost a year after its founding, the Trigunian Socialist Movement has held its second annual Congress to discuss current affairs in Trigunia and strategies for upcoming struggles
The II Congress has had a significantly larger attendance than last year's
ALEKSANDROVSK - With the people still in protest, the party spearheading this movement is about to celebrate its 1st year of existence, and has held its II Congress briefly before this date, in order to discuss pressing matters, both from Trigunia and abroad, attended by a grand total of 9295 members, up from 5671 on the I Congress, which was broadcast on live television for the first time.

The introductory speech was given by Chairman of the Standing Committee, Aleksandra Lomonosova, who followed up the greeting with an official report of the activities of the SC and Movement between the I and II Congresses. She then handed over to Secretary of the SC, Kirill Borisov, who discussed various relations with foreign parties and organisations, in particular the Metzist People's Party of Dundorf, the First Secretary of which has given his "warm regards" to the TSM. A motion to extend the same to the MVP was accepted 9245-12 (38 abstentions) by the Congress.

Grigory Efremov, member of the SC, took over from him, and his speech was on the topic of the mass protests, rallies, marches and demonstrations against the present government. He pointed out that the TSM is seen as "the leading force behind this demonstration of popular discontent", and as such must "continue partaking" in the movement. The motion was carried by a vote of 8912-187 (196 abstentions).

Dmitry Voronin, regular member of the TSM, was invited to the stand next, from which he delivered a well-received speech on "revolutionary tactics" and "strategies for struggle", asking all members to "go out into the streets and make [their] voice be heard, and force this corrupt regime to step down and give way to a revolutionary socialist people's democracy". He also focused extensively on "ideological agitation" outside what the Movement was already doing, calling on intellectuals within the party to "bring forth the wisdom of past writers in a modern context", as well as partaking in joint actions with "revolutionary and independent trade unions to put an end to the circus of the VTKP government". This motion was approved by a vote of 7229 to 1852 with 221 abstaining.

Next, a "new" Standing Committee was elected (7368-1765-162), with much the same faces, albeit the size of the Committee much expanded with new members. Among the new members was previous speaker Voronin, who is speculated to quickly begin rising to prominence within the movement. A separate election for Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary resulted in incumbents Lomonosova, Sokolovsky and Borisov retaining their positions with similarly large majorities, and Lomonosova again receiving unanimous approval, who gave a short speech thanking those who were assembled for their "unconditional support" for a second year.

The II Congress was concluded with a speech by Deputy Chairman Victor Sokolovsky, who thanked all who attended, and expressed great hopes for the movement's future, particularly the end of the corrupt VTKP rule and TSM's "role in the years after that". He then wished all members a "good night" and officially dismissed the session, thus concluding the II Congress of the Trigunian Socialist Movement.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:44 pm

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One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

21st July 4547 edition

Trigunia accedes to C.A.R.S.S.
VTKP government leads Trigunia into C.A.R.S.S., as well as introducing an effective carbon copy of the TSM's proposed economic programme and the controversial "Government Reform"
The now Chairman Gorshkov before the Duma
RODSHYADAM - After the National Duma had passed a series of legislative proposals in March, the Trigunian VTKP government has finally been successful in fully implementing these reforms. This article shall provide a concise analysis of the newcomings.

Perhaps the most pressing to our foreign audience is the announcement of Trigunia's accession to the Coalition of Revolutionary Socialist States (C.A.R.S.S.), meaning that the Deltarian-led bloc of friendly socialist states has gained a powerful partner in the north of Terra, which could potentially ramp up tensions between the C.A.R.S.S. and the TSC despite the peace summit on Keymon and Telamon happening as of now. However, no official talks between Deltaria (and other member states) and Trigunia have occurred yet.

The controversial "Government Reform", widely considered as an attempt to subvert democracy, has also been put into action. Alongside the renaming of the posts of the President of the Federation and President of the Council of Ministers to Chairman of the Presidium and Premier respectively, the terms of both Duma and Chairman extended to 6 years. The latter part is the source of the controversy. Coupled with the unlikely 4546 early election results, this reform has been used as an indicator of institutional corruption in the VTKP and its government. With elections postponed until 4552, changes to this are unlikely in the near future.

Finally, a reform highly similar to the TSM's economic Programme (some say this is a direct carbon copy) has also been implemented. Involving the mass nationalisation of effectively all industries and enterprises in the country, this reform has finally delivered socialism to Trigunia. In addition, these state enterprises have been put under control and supervision of workers' councils. All of this were key pledges of the TSM, thus rendering most of their Programme useless. Many TSM members have called this an "opportunist move by the VTKP to hold on to power" and a reform that "will not go beyond halfhearted enforcement".
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Wed Mar 20, 2019 8:04 pm

Свет Революции
One of the oldest continuous far left broadsheets in Trigunia

26th January 4548 edition

TSM to extend a "hand of friendship" to the Dorvish RSP
The Standing Committee of the TSM has unanimously voted to "endorse the Dorvish Revolution" and to "extend a warm hand of friendship and cooperation" to the Dorvish RSP
Deputy Chairman Sokolovsky speaking to the Standing Committee
ALEKSANDROVSK - With news of the Dorvish Revolution ringing out across the nation, the TSM Standing Committee of the Trigunian Socialist Movement has unanimously supported the Dorvish Revolution and the new ruling Revolutionary Socialist Party.

With the new revolutionary Dorvish government clearly established and in relative control of the state, the TSM Standing Committee, in its most recent plenary session, with all 40 of its members, unanimously approved a motion spearheaded by Deputy Chairman Victor Sokolovsky to "endorse the Dorvish Revolution, and its achievements in the name of socialism, justice and democracy" and "extend a warm hand of friendship and cooperation to the leader of this revolution - the Revolutionary Socialist Party - for the mutual benefit of both of our organisations".

While officially, Dorvik has made no moves to join the C.A.R.S.S. yet, it seems that the new revolutionary government is seeking to secure their authority before engaging in active foreign affairs. In this endeavour, the TSM SC has given them the "best of luck" and hopes that a "functioning socialist democracy may be installed there in the near future". The VTKP government is yet to comment however.

The Light of Revolution will also like to congratulate the RSP on their victory in the Dorvish Revolution, and sends its regards to the new socialist government of the Republic.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby ComradeOtaku » Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:45 pm

Красная Звезда
The paper of the working masses!

14th July 4548 edition

Inaction and corruption
The VTKP continues to do nothing for the betterment of the nation, as the angry people of Trigunia rally behind the party of real socialism and real action and continue their protest campaign
Sasha Lomonosova speaking before a rally in Borisoslav
BORISOSLAV - Yet another rally against the inactive, corrupt and criminal VTKP government has occurred in Borisoslav, with Sasha Lomonosova leading it herself, demanding the resignation of Chairman Gorshkov and early elections.

The TSM and the people of Trigunia have continued their relentless campaign against the band of thieves currently sitting in the government, masquerading as a communist party, and for the establishment of a revolutionary people's socialist democracy that respects the principles of equality, liberty and solidarity for all working people both in and outside Trigunia. At the most recent rally in Borisoslav, TSM Chairman Sasha Lomonosova delivered a speech reflecting the burning passion and desires of all Trigunians - the quest for a state of the people, for the people, by the people.

The VTKP had promised you a socialist state; it had promised you a workers' democracy; it had promised you liberty and equality; and it has failed deliver on any of these promises. To them, promises are empty statements that carry no purpose but to catapult them into office, from where they got chest deep in the mud that is corruption and incompetency. Token reforms and unenforced measures have been introduced, but nothing has really changed. The people of Trigunia want, nay, they NEED a socialist democracy, run by none other than themselves. No rigged elections; no inaction; no unfulfilled promises. The people have had enough of this circus. Comrade Gorshkov - resign! Comrade Buklin - resign! Comrade Firsov - resign! The whole lot should resign and let the people decide who they want to represent their will.

The Red Star stands in solidarity with the TSM and the Trigunian people and demands the authoritarian corrupt oligarchy currently illegally ruling the state leave office and make space for a true people's democracy!
Socialistická lidová strana - Revolucionári
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