Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:43 am

United Royal Party forms; Calls for reforms

Today, in the Kingdom of Narikaton and Darnussia, the recently formed Centre-Right Verenigde Koninklijke Partij (United Royal Party) has formed, being led by Bartjan Zonnebeld. The VKP has pushed for Liberal minded reform in the nation, both socially and economically, and has looked to restore the monarchy in full totality.

The VKP has called for efforts to revive the economy, end isolationism, enact social reform and enact much needed liberal market reforms. The VKP has also called for the restoration of the monarchy, citing that should they receive the people's mandate of election, they will restore the monarchy and restore a rightful monarch to the throne. Until then, the party would look to establish a temporary regency to rule over the nation until a proper monarch could be found.

Whatever the case, Narikaton and Darnussia is looking to experience a new direction in the 5392 elections.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:13 pm

United Royal Party prevails in elections! Promises to "face the challenges ahead that Narikaton and Darnussia faces"

The elections in Narikaton and Darnussia have concluded, with the United Royal Party prevailing, winning a full chamber. The General Secretary elect, Bartjan Zonnebeld is to be inaugurated, and is set to be a provisional figure head until a ruling monarch can be found. In his inaugural speech, Zonnebeld has said that the nation faces many challenges but will face them united.

The issues that plague our nation will be faced together. Narikaton, Darnussian, we will face it together. Our economy is in shambles, we are in complete isolation, we face challenges never before faced but we will prevail! I promise that! We will restore the monarch as soon as humanely possible, until then, we shall maintain the regency.

As the VKP looks to put bills forward, many await the restoration of the monarch, as the nation has effectively become a regency until a monarch can be found. Regardless, the nation can expect to open up it's economy, end isolationism, and begin restoring itself. The question of the monarch itself has been more difficult as some have raised the question of who? Zonnebeld has reassured the press and concerned citizens that the question of the monarchy will be handled in a separate time. While his efforts to dodge the question are worrisome, there are some who are casting doubt on the idea of a monarchy and have instead called the government to fully abolish the kingdom.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:19 am

Narikaton and Darnussia invites Princess Mary of the Orange-Villayn Dynasty to become Queen!

General Secretary Bartjan Zonnebeld has made a formal request to Luthori; the formal invitation of Princess Mary of the Orange-Villayn Dynasty to come to Narikaton and Darnussia to officially rule as Queen of the nation.

This has come as little shock as the General Secretary position was always meant to remain temporary under the VKP, and this has certainly seen support, at least from monarchist voters improve as the VKP is moving towards its promises of restoring the monarchy. However, some fear that Luthori deny the invitation however those fears hold little standing and many expect Luthori to allow the invitation. Should Luthori allow it, this will not only give Narikaton and Darnussia a monarch, but also increase relations between Narikaton and Darnussia, and Luthori.

Whatever the case, should the invitation be accepted, the General Secretary position will remain until a formal inaugural event can be conducted which will formally make the head of state the monarch, instead of Bartjan Zonnebeld, who would become Prime Minister of the nation as the position will be established.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:56 pm


Conservative Alliance set to dominate early elections

Logo of the newly formed party

Bannerhafen, July 5408: The leader duo of the newly formed big-tent conservative party "Vereinigte Volkspartei" (United People's Party) seemed confident when asked about their chances of winning the upcoming election which is set to take place next month after a long period of, what people would describe as, a political "void." Despite polls showing them to win by a landslide, Ulrich Gerber (Chairman) and Franziska Venzl (Secretary) were elusive and not very specific in their answers to the questions regarding their priority projects after the election. Our reporters could only elicit that economic recovery, political stabilization and a re-introduction of national interests in foreign political affairs were primary objectives of their first period in power. "We're not ready to share anything yet. We have not won the elections yet. In any case, Gott erhalte Narikaton und Darnussien." said Gerber after leaving in his luxurious Dorvik-made limousine.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:33 am


Gerber elected, VVP wins 100% of the votes

Bannerhafen, August 5408, early evening in front of the presidential palace: Gerber steps out and declares total victory for this VVP. He himself won the run for the office of president of the republic and his party took all the seats in parliament which caused international observers to raise an eyebrow. Some rumors of election fraud flew around the bars and other entertainment establishments of Bannerhafen once the results were announced. VVP officials declined to comment, simply stating that these rumors were false and there is no evidence for any interference in the electoral process. Party-secretary Venzl even stated that "democracy won, this new conservative government ensures the stability of the nation and the continuance of constitutional lawfulness." In the heat of the victory, our reporters could actually get answers regarding the forefront projects of the Gerber administration. Venzl answered: "That privatization, austerity and de-regulation are on the top of our list. Too long has the economy of our great republic been shackled by socialist business hostile policies."
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:18 pm


Will the presidency hold?

Even though neither VVP officials nor president Gerber himself have clearly stated any intentions to abolish the presidency in favor of a monarchy, many known politicians of the party have connections to former and current nobility. Trade union bosses, liberal agitators and human rights NGOs have already begun mobilizing against some of the reforms which have already hit the plenary floor of the Nationalrat. The legislation strongly indicates a shift towards authoritarianism, weak labour-laws and monarchist thought. According to rumors from the foreign ministry under Jan Feldbach, agents have been sent to royalty experts around the globe to find suitable pretenders to a potential narik-darnussian throne.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:51 pm


Trade Union Leaders arrested & charged with treason

Bannerhafen, January 5409: A police special tactics team stormed the trade union alliance headquarters in the capital city of Bannerhafen, arresting the leaders of the biggest unions in the nation.
They are charged with treason due to them inciting unrest against the state and the constitution at least that is what the ministry of justice has announced to the public after clips of the arrests were swarming social media.
While the rash actions of the new government have caused unrest, polls available show that large parts of the public appear to agree with the drastic decisions of the incumbents. In a joint press release Ministers Richard Schwarz (Interior) and Heinrich von Lillienfeld (Justice) declared that any resistance to the measures, deemed necessary to avoid a constitutional crisis, will be met with an iron fist.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:15 pm

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:01 pm

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:11 pm


Broad economic reforms and privatization hit Narikaton & Darnussia

Bannerhafen, July 5409: After the passage of the economic reform bill in the nationalrat, most of the government-run large banks are getting sold to the highest bidder, with the republic only retaining marginal stock of the companies. The only bank that stays in government hands is the "Republiksbank" which will now be run as the one and only central bank. Staying at the topic of corporate law, the reforms also abolish the necessity of companies to have 2/3 worker representation in favor of voluntarily handing representation to them. Additionally Trade Union membership has been liberalized, with private persons now being able to found unions and join them as they see fit, which is a very popular move be the government as shown by recent polls. A more puzzling move is the enormous tax cut of 20% for corporations. Financial experts seem sceptic at the amount of money lost by this reduction. They predict that the Gerber administration is going to continue to cut government spending in social progams and the sorts. For now it seems that the liberalization and de-regulation sew benefits, investor confidence has increased drastically.
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