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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:32 pm

Seventh Time's Not the Charm
Nennia loses seventh Rectoral election in a row


July 4499 - The elections in March followed an all too familiar pattern: the Republican Party entered strong disagreements with the governing party, issued controversial statements on foreign affairs, and its perpetual candidate proceeded to lose both rounds of Rectoral elections to the Left candidate. This leads to the questions: why don't Republican's just ditch Nennia already? She's clearly become a liability for the party, with her perpetual and unsuccessful quest to gain executive office keeping younger party members and potential contenders out of the spotlight. But the answer to that question is clear to anyone willing to notice: for all her faults and unpopularity, Helena Romilia Nennia has become the electoral vehicle of the Republican Party. In all recent elections she gathered more votes in the Rectoral elections than her party did in the Senate, meaning that the party, in spite of its inability to gain executive power, is dependent on Nennia's own personal appeal to the voters. Regardless, if the Republicans want to regain their relevance, they would do well to adopt a more effective strategy.

Responding to the attempted blacklist of her party's ideology in Istalia and the criticisms issued by Istalian President Manzelli towards the Republican Party, Ms. Nennia issued a brief statement of condemnation:

The Republican Party is deeply saddened by the visible decline in the quality of democracy in our ally Istalia. As your friends and close allies, it is our duty to respectfully criticize your errors and point you in the right direction. However much our own party may condemn the ideology of Liberalism, not once has it occurred to us to attempt to ban that ideology. Selucia is a pluralistic multi-party democracy with a vibrant civil life, and as such it is premised on the free exchange of ideas and open debate and criticism, in a struggle towards the public good. The Republican Party has always remained committed to these basic features of Selucian democracy, and as such we cannot but graciously accept criticism raised against us, however misguided it may be. In turn we cannot but offer our own criticism, including on the irresponsible military adventurism with which our ally has unfortunately become associated. In the ongoing Pontesian crisis the Istalian Republic is, sadly, playing right into the Pontesian oligarchy's hands. As your close and faithful friends, we implore you, understand the consequences of your actions. To your brief overview on the history of interventionism we can respond with our own history lesson that shows the disastrous consequences of intervention. Just as you now believe that intervention in a sovereign nation's sovereign affairs is legitimate because segregation is "wrong", during the long global reign of the Hulstro-Luthorian monarchy the hegemons were convinced that republicanism, democracy, and popular sovereignty were "wrong" and offended common morality and ethics. Need I remind you of the Grand Crusade, the Beiteynu-Luthori War, or the Great Sekowan War, when the Great Powers of the time had no qualms against invading and occupying independent nations merely for having the audacity to not have a Rothingren-Traugott on their throne, or even for having the "wrong" monarch of the "right" dynasty? Back then, the complete disregard for national sovereignty prevented the peoples of Terra from striving for their own self-determination. Given the non-democratic nature of most current Great Powers, then, how are we to see the frightening erosion of sovereignty and the unchallenged acceptance of intervention, even premised on humanitarian grounds, as anything else than the return of empire and the conduct of international politics on the principle that "might makes right"? And lest you forget, the World Congress intervention against the Hulstrian supremacists was precisely motivated by a desire to defend Ostland's sovereignty, while the Crownlander peoples, bravely led by the Reichsbürgerwehr and the Volkspartei, fought for and obtained their own freedom. It may be "naive" to expect all peoples under tyranny to rise for their freedom, but it is even more naive to expect a democracy imposed from abroad and against the wishes of its people to survive. If a people successfully overthrow a dictatorship they will acquire a taste for self-government, an understanding of the fragility of liberty, and commitment to vigilance against threats against it. And if they fail, then they lack a desire to be free and a willingness to endure death and torture for liberty. Without such commitment no democracy can last. In any case, reducing oppressed peoples to passive recipients of benevolence will make them incapable of self-rule. This ideology of victimization is a neo-colonial attitude that deprives the oppressed of any agency and reduces them to passivity defined by suffering, whose only role is to exemplify the virtues of their rescuers, with no ability of holding their self-appointed benefactors accountable. We strongly urge our Istalian allies to understand this and stop treating the oppressed peoples of the world as passive victims.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:39 pm

In Marea ensures another legislature governing
Panegyris Priscian leads his party to the fourth consecutive victory in the legislative and presidential elections

Panegyris Priscian (center) discussing with two elected IMCS senators moments before the announcement of the results

The change could not have been more profitable. It is the expression that everyone agrees to use when talking about the resignation of Adia Pastora as general secretary of In Marea-Civis Sinistram and the election, made by the affiliates, of Panegyris Priscian as her successor. After the last elections, his party has managed to remain the most voted, winning even more seats and votes, and he has revalidated for his fourth consecutive term his position as Rector of Selucia, something that only Cyro Aquila had achieved before him.

After the dissolution of Populares, In Marea has managed to recover the Praetorship of Insularia just 30 years after losing its traditional bastion, and has maintained the Praetorship of Oriensos, losing Cor Patriae at the hands of Factio Liberalis. Marestella has also gone for the Liberals, while the Republicans of Helena Romilia Nennia have only kept control of Occidentria, despite having been the second most voted party. For the first time since 4420 a party that is neither In Marea nor Factio Republicana has won the regional government of Cor Patriae, although it will still need the support of the left to govern. However, Factio Liberalis has not managed to enter either the Insularian Senate (12,185 votes, 0.1% of the total) or in the Occidentrian one (1,364 votes, 0.01%), the two most polarized regions of the nation.

Immediately after knowing the result of the elections, which have made Panegyris Priscian winner in the presidential elections for his fourth term without losing 30 million votes, which has been seen as an approval of the population to his management of the crisis with Pontesi and his more internationalist and direct character; and in the legislative In Marea-Civis Sinistram, with 309 seats of 750, the Rector has confirmed talks with Factio Liberalis for the formation of a new government after the dissolution of Populares. It has not taken long for the affirmative response to be known, and the new coalition government between In Marea and Factio Liberalis is already organized, leaving Factio Republicana in opposition once again.

Panegyris Priscian already advanced the day of his election that while it was in his hand, by conscience he could never form a government in collaboration with Factio Republicana and for the moment, he has not seen himself in that predicament. With his re-election, two decades of uninterrupted leadership of the Left have been chained to the head of State and government of Selucia, which began with the appointment of Tiberius Gaius as the first Rector of the nation (4478-4482) after the creation of this position, consequence of the merger of the positions of Consul and Caesar. He was followed by Milonia Andronicus, from Populares (4482-4491), whose management was widely criticized on both sides of the political spectrum by the apathy of her government and the inability to name a cabinet of her own; and finally Panegyris Priscian himself (4491-present), who has already announced that in principle and if conditions permit, he will repeat as a candidate in the following elections.

In his statements after hearing the results, the re-elected Rector of Selucia has commented on the current tension maintained by Factio Republicana and the Radical Alliance of Istalia, whose nation intends to include the Selucian party in the blacklist of parties dangerous to democracy:

"Luckily, Selucia is a consolidated democracy, with strong mechanisms to stop attacks against democracy. Although today should be a day of celebration because my reelection as Rector of Selucia guarantees another four years of stability for our country, I see myself in the position to comment on a really unpleasant situation. I have been sharing the Senate with Factio Republicana for many years, and I can assure you one thing: they are not an anti-democratic party to deserve the accusations coming from other nations. Our parties present abysmal and insurmountable ideological differences, but Factio Republicana respects the democracy of Selucia, and in fact its leader was my collaborator for the creation of an extremely democratic instrument: the law of referendums. I will not be the one to whitewash Factio Republicana, because I have already said on numerous occasions that their ideology and some of their proposals and comments seem to me of the extreme right and border on the most reactionary and dangerous populism, for example when they put concepts such as "national sovereignty" before certain civil rights. They are not a party that goes against democracy. They are a party that goes against what I consider basic civil rights, and that I will continue to defend always. "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:50 am

Factio Liberalis receives satisfying electoral results
Leponta's FL gains 161 seats in the Senate

Leponta celebrating the results of the elections with a crowd of supporters

Only 7 years after the foundation of the Factio Liberalis, and in its first seriously contested election, the FL managed to gain 161 seats in the Senate and nearly 20% of the vote in the first round for Rector. When asked for comment Agrippina Leponta, leader of the party since its foundation, said she was "very pleased" with the results, and looked forward to participating in an IMCS-FL government.

The success of the FL came on the heel of Leponta's dramatic 4497 popular initiative for the "right to work" - that is, the freedom to abstain from union membership within the workforce without fear of discrimination in the hiring process - and the subsequent speech she gave to the Senate. Seemingly overnight Leponta and the FL had become household names, and serious contenders for the 4499 elections in the eyes of many pundits.

Another serious factor in the FL's "darkhorse" success was the disbanding of the Populares. Many former Populares voters, dismayed with either having to chose the Factio Republicana or In Marea, cast their vote instead for the FL. Many see this as cause to worry, however, as many of those voters may have been casting their votes against the IMCS or FR rather than for the FL.

Leponta, on the other hand, remains optimistic, and sources close to her and her staff say she's not ruling out another bid for Rector.

She also joined the leaders of the IMCS and FR in condemning attacks on the FR, stating:

I might be new in the political scene of Selucia, but I know enough of the Factio Republicana from my time as private citizen and from my allies in the Senate to
know that the attacks raised on the character of their party - in specific their support for democracy - are unfounded and baseless. I condemn such attacks, 100%.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:52 pm

In Marea approves to guarantee the freedom of vote to its senators
The federal committee of the party will allow its senators not to be held accountable for their votes in the national chamber

Minerva Faustina, Speaker of In Marea-Civis Sinistram in the Senate

The spokeswoman for In Marea in the Senate, Minerva Faustina, announced today at a press conference that the federal committee of the party, composed of the five regional leaders, the party's general secretary, and five members of the civil society, has approved with 8 votes against 3 to ensure that party senators do not have to justify voting against the official position of the party in relation to the laws that are being processed in the Senate.

After a first vote at the initiative of the militants that asked to grant the freedom of total vote to the senators, in which the result has been of 2 votes against 9 and therefore, has failed under the argument that this could open doors to "moles" within the party, the regional leader and Insularian Praetor, Helios Sigilis, has proposed that regional groups be allowed to vote freely, thus advancing towards party federalism. This is the initiative that has gone ahead, only with the opposition of 3 of the members of the federal committee, whose identity after the deliberations is never made public.

In this way, unless explicitly indicated by the Secretary General Panegyris Priscian, the different party groups present in the Senate (In Marea-Insularia Sinistram, In Marea-Oriensos Sinistram, Civis Sinistram Marestella, In Marea-Cor Patriae Forward and In Marea-Occidentria Forward) may, at the discretion of their respective leaders, exercise the vote of conscience and not be in agreement with the vote of the rest of the party.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:44 am

Priscian wins fifth elections in a row!
The general secretary of In Marea returns to be elected for the fifth time Rector of Selucia and his party wins half a million more votes, including one more Praetorship

Voters of In Marea-Civis Sinistram celebrating the results

The members of In Marea are in a dream they do not want to wake up from. After the elections held last night, the citizens of Selucia have given the aquamarine party another four years to continue implementing their policies, thus chaining almost three uninterrupted decades - since the creation of the position of Rector - of governments led by the left.

With these elections, there are already five times that Panegyris Priscian has risen with the victory in the presidential elections, defeating in all of them in the second round Helena Romilia Nennia, the candidate of Factio Republicana. This time, Mr. Priscian has achieved his highest percentage of votes, more than 62%, already reaching 40% only in the first round, against three more candidates.

The party, despite having lost 9 seats due to the high turnout - 85% - has achieved half a million more votes and a percentage of 39%, returning to be the most voted force in the legislative elections, position of which it has not dropped since the arrival at the general secretariat of Priscian.

The loss of seats has been due mainly to the irruption of Factio Liberalis in the Senate of Insularia, where it has garnered 44 votes. However, this loss has been offset by the recovery of the Praetorship of Cor Patriae for the aquamarine party, giving them a total of three regional leaders - Umbria Segestes in Insularia, Cyamus Nennius Vulso in Cor Patriae and Ballio Priscus in Oriensos - in front of one for Factio Liberalis in Marestella and the Praetor de Occidentria, position Factio Republicana has been retaining for decades.

"With this, it is confirmed that the social majority of Selucia is left-wing"
said the Rector as soon as the results were known.
"63% of the votes in the presidential elections and 65% of the votes in the legislative elections have gone to left or center-left parties, which makes me feel very proud of our society. Four of the five regions have absolute majorities of the left in their Senates, all of them by more than 2/3 of the votes, and in some like Cor Patriae, the right is almost residual. I am pleased to see that the values ​​we promote, such as dignity, equality between individuals, freedom, or solving class conflicts in a civilized manner are widely accepted by society, which is assuming them as their own and continues to place their trust in this government. I would like to congratulate our Factio Liberalis partners for their fantastic results, and I hope we continue to work together for the future of our nation, and congratulate Factio Republicana for its result, because we must not forget that they represent a third of our society. It is my turn, in this fifth mandate, to work once again for all citizens, but with my ideals and to demonstrate to those who still do not trust my party why they should do it. "

The Rector has already announced that the military improvements that Selucia was carrying out are going at a good pace and will soon be finished, and he has appreciated that citizens have seen how their quality of life has improved since the arrival of his government. His last economic measure in the State Budgets, in which he increased spending on Education, Science and Research and Environment, served to give use to the surplus that has been taking the nation for years and no one was using it.

This new electoral victory opens a door for Priscian to go down in history as one of the best leaders of the leftist party, and some already begin to speak of "Panegyrism" as an ideology that mixes the traditional postulates of the political left with the postulates more revolutionaries who advocate the IUVIM, of which himself was a part in his youth and of which he has never completely disregarded.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:29 pm

Insularia proposes to create regional anthems
The government of the region plans to approve its own in brief and will propose to extend the initiative to all the territories

Umbria Segestes, Praetor of Insularia

When it seemed that the waters in Insularia were calm again, the arrival at the Praetorship of Umbria Segestes, from In Marea-Insularia Sinistram, seems to be a blow in another direction.

This 34-year-old activist linked to the independence movement in the region has managed to win the region thanks to keeping her party as the first political force, after the resignation of Helios Sigilis to repeat as candidate in these elections after governing the island during one legislature.

Segestes, known for its frontal rejection of any pact with the political right, announced today in the regional Senate that it is in the process of creating an anthem for the region with which everyone can feel identified.

The Praetor has already advanced the composition of the anthem in Luthorian, and hopes to have it fully finished in the coming weeks, when it will be put to a vote. For her,
"hymns are an important tool for the construction of the same entity, of a feeling of brotherhood. Music is always a powerful weapon to unite, and I believe that Insularians need something with which to truly feel identified."

In this way, she has advanced that she will also take the proposal to the national Senate so that the other regions decide if they want to follow in their footsteps.

At the moment, the central government, led by the same political party as the one that governs Insularia, has not spoken.

Already decades ago, it was in Insularia where the initiative, approved by the national Senate, of giving mottos to all the regions also arose.

Lyrics of the proposed anthem:

Thousands of voices sing to one sound
We are strength, we are change, we are the generation

Of the braves who do not remain silent in fear
The memory of the brother souls that fell
Fighting against hatred and rancor
It is in their memory that today we sing towards the sky
All that we have shut up and now screams freedom

Shouting in the wind,
The time has come to change.
There is no more silence
Now let's sing our truth

We are people without flag
No limits, no borders
We are the brave city
We are air and emotion
We are the revolution
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:25 pm

"This is the way, now we have to keep it"
The Minister of Education and Culture of Selucia congratulates the national soccer team for its second position in the World Cup and in the ranking of the IFF

Heggio Cotta, Captain of the Selucian National Football Team

After the announcement of the International Football Federation (IFF) in relation to the new rankings of season 4505-4506, in which Selucia has been classified as the second best football team of Terra just behind Luthori, team against which the national team lost the final of the 4506 World Cup, the Minister of Education and Culture, Serene Furfura, thanked the players for their achievement.

"This team is an example of overcoming, it is what embodies, along with many other athletes in our country, the spirit of our people. We, the Selucians, do not give up, this team has worked hard to achieve nothing more and nothing less than a final of a World Cup, and they have made us feel proud as a nation. The sporting activity should be a fundamental thing in everyone's life to stay healthy and fit, and actions like this inspire more people to practice sport to look like their idols. Thanks to this selection, we have shown that we are not only good at water sports, but we can also do well on land."

The captain of the national team, Heggio Cotta, thanked the Minister's words and said that, despite the magnificent result obtained by "the Lions", there is still much to be done.

"All the players have been working very hard to achieve these results, we are very proud to have been able to play a World Cup final, and we hope to be able to bring a Cup home soon, but we still have a lot to go. We have to work hard for the future generations, and for the moment, we have found the way for it ".

Selucia is a nation with a long sporting tradition and every five years, elite athletes from all its provinces compete among them in the Selucian National Games, events that take place at the end of the year and catapult the winners to fame.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:05 pm

The government resists but suffers wear after 8 years.
Panegyris Priscian returns to win the elections for Rector for the sixth time, but Helena Romilia Nennia cuts distances

The Speaker of the Government and Minister of Trade, Victoria Theressia (IMCS)

After knowing the result of the elections, In Marea-Civis Sinistram have celebrated the results that have declared Panegyris Priscian as Rector of Selucia for the sixth time in a row, the first Secretary General of In Marea to achieve that feat, but they have left a flavor bittersweet in the mouth of some.

Despite the victory of Priscian in the presidential elections, where he has defeated Helena Romilia Nennia in the second round, the eternal candidate of Factio Republicana, he has done so with the lowest margin to date, with a difference of 5 million votes between both candidates and a participation of just over 65% of the population.

However, in the legislative elections both partners of government have accused the erosion of power, after 16 years with In Marea in the government and 8 with Factio Liberalis. Both parties have fallen a total of 39 seats (37 lost by In Marea and 2 by the liberals) that has collected Factio Republicana, with the aquamarine party falling below 20 million votes and falling to the second position for the first time since the arrival of Priscian to the General Secretariat of the party. Despite this, the party has managed to remain the most voted force in Insularia, where Umbria Segestes will continue to be the Praetrix, and in Oriensos, a region that has not lost since 4491 with Ballio Priscus, in addition to recovering the government of Marestella for Angela Agorix. Cyamus Nennius Vulso, on the other hand, has lost the Cor Patriae government in favor of Factio Republicana, which has also managed to retain its absolute majority in Occidentria, the only region that has resisted Factio Liberalis since its foundation, since almost 10 years after the party existence, it has not managed to win a single seat in that province.

With all this, Priscian has announced through the government spokeswoman and trade minister, Victoria Theressius, the changes he intends to make in his government for this term, giving way to the older ministers (Albus Rubio, minister of internal affairs and former Praetor de Oriensos; Serene Furfura, minister of education and culture and former Praetrix de Cor Patriae; and Theressius herself, all of them over 70 years old) and introducing younger and more dynamic staff.

The spokeswoman has also acknowledged that during this term, the government "has accommodated" and has worked little for the improvement of the country, reasons why she believes that it has been exercised "a vote of punishment" both in the sense of abstention, the highest since just 50 years ago, after which participation had never fallen below 70%, as well as the loss of some votes to Factio Republicana for their work in the opposition.

In Marea is now in the position to see what are the steps of Priscian during this term, since in the face of the following elections, depend largely on the victory of the current Rector and the pull of regional leaders to be proclaimed winners in the following elections, after which the next members that will make up the Supreme Court of Selucia will be elected.

Selucia announces military and political agreements with New Endralon

The government has also brought to light the pact that the defense ministers of New Endralon and Selucia have forged during several legislatures, which will strengthen Selucia's military fleet with the acquisition of new aircraft carriers and other elements to improve the fleet, as well as the renewal of diplomatic relations between both countries and the concession to use the facilities of the space agency of Selucia to the space companies of New Endralon, together with closer collaboration in scientific and military research and training, and new treaties in relationship with education for students from both countries, facilitating the movement and exchange between both nations.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aquinas » Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:45 pm

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:20 pm

Selucia confirms the presence of Vanukean Hillesko Dorfluzke in its territory

The director of the National Intelligence Agency of Selucia, the Sedes Nationalis Exploratoria Seluciae, SNES for short, Dordalus Telestis Fadus, sent this afternoon a statement confirming the presence of opposition leader Hillesko Dorfluzke, from Vanuku, in the national soil.

In the statement, shown below, the director of the agency details that the same procedure has been followed at all times for all those who visit national soil, and that until further notice by the government, the Supreme Court or decision from the intelligence agency itself, he will be allowed to stay in the country.

On the occasion of the information published in various international media and commented on some meeting forums of various nations, from the Sedes Nationalis Exploratoria Seluciae we confirm the presence of the Vanukean citizen Hillesko Dorfluzke in national territory.

At the time of entering the country, carried out in accordance with the existing legal procedures, the established protocol was followed at all times, with documentation and reasons for stay in the country being reviewed. As there was no arrest warrant at the time of entry into the Res Publica Seluciae, he was allowed to enter.

It is not up to this agency to do politics, but to ensure the general safety of the residents of Selucia. The aforementioned citizen has requested protection in Selucia and, based on the investigations carried out by this agency, it has proceeded to process and accept his request for protection and currently his location is only accessible to members of the government, the judicial system and Selucia's defense services, such as the intelligence center, the police or the Army.

Dordalus Telestis Fadus
Chief of the Sedes Nationalis Exploratoria Seluciae

Selucia's government has not ruled on the matter, but in accordance with the laws that govern the country, in case Vanuku requested the deportation of the opposition leader, a favorable decision of the Supreme Court, generally unlikely to deportations of citizens to territories whose internal democracy has been questioned on more than one occasion, would be necessary.

This is not the first case in which the deportation of a citizen in the territory of Selucia could be denied, since it happened years ago with a citizen of Selucian nationality resident in Barmenia who had to flee with her son from the prosecution of the authorities of the country, and that was finally sentenced to prison but her residence permit was kept in Selucia.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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