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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:22 pm


This year is the 50th anniversary of our founder and most successful leader, Duchess (Margaret) Wright. Since her death the party has worked to live up to her cornerstones and the legacy that she bequeathed.

In the last few years of her life, Duchess Wright established a vast trust fund, that would remain locked until the 50th anniversary of her death. That trust will therefore unlock on 11 November, and we today announce what that fund shall be used for.

There shall be 6 parts to the fund:

1. Charity Support Fund. This fund shall be used to support charities and other worthwhile causes that work to improve the quality of life for different groups of people. No more than 6 donations can be made each year.

2. North Point Scholarship. This fund shall be used to provide one student from North Point Comprehensive School in Haddock Coast with a scholarship to cover all university tuition fees and a partial maintenance grant. This shall be awarded on the basis of attaintment and promising talent.

3. Kenai Medical District. This part of the fund shall be used to establish a number of medical services throughout Kenai. At the beginning there shall be one hospital and three small clinics within the boundaries of each local authority in Kenai, although this figure could grow should there by sufficient demand.

4. Entrepreneurial Fund. This part of the fund shall offer loans and grants to promising entrepreneurs who are struggling to start up in business. The number of loans and grants given shall be at the discretion of the trustees.

5. Young Hutorians' Foundation. This part of the fund shall establish a Foundation that will develop young people politically, socially and culturally. It will promote the ideals of liberty and democracy and help young people to develop holistically, think deeper and progress politically.

6. The CLP Leaders' Fund. This fund, slightly separate from the others, currently comprises of money left by Duchess Wright, Duke Thompson and Duke Major. All CLP leaders shall contribute some money to this fund upon their own deaths. This part of the fund shall fund one spectacular cause every year, and shall be left to the trustees to determine what that cause should be.

The trustees of the Wright Trust shall number at least 5 and no more than 9, and must comprise of the Leader of the CLP and all previous CLP leaders. The CLP leaders may co-opt other individuals onto the board of the trustees.

It is hoped that the Wright Trust will rejuvenate the once great tradition of philanthropy and draw attention and publicise the already existing spirit of philanthropy. Through the various aspects of the trust, it can be certain that many people will benefit.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:15 am


The Rt Hon Douglas Carter MP and the Hon Gerald White, Bt. MP today announced the expulsion of the Popular Alliance from the United Movement. Mr Carter pointed to several policies of the PA which were untenable with the United Movement's beliefs:

"Any one of these on their own would be bad enough, but we would have been able to overlook it. But the combination of several different issues have made it clear that the Popular Alliance's vision of society is markedly different to the rest of the United Movement. When we admitted them to the Movement, they made it clear to us that they had rejected the politics of the HNP. It is now clear that they seek to fill the void left by the HNP. Whether these are deeply held beliefs or a cynical ploy to gain votes is yet unclear. Whichever it is, however, there is no place for the PA in the United Movement."

Mr White indicated that the expulsion was effective immediately and that the old Cabinet proposal no longer stood. Instead, he has introduced a new one omitting the PA. He also made it clear that the Popular Alliance had to remove the "(UM)" suffix from their official name, or face court action.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:15 am



20 May 2912

Following the failure of Parliament to approve a new Cabinet since the election, and the resignation of the Popular Alliance's ministers, the Prime Minister today went to the Winter Palace to meet with the National Council to discuss emergency Cabinet provision. Most importantly, it was agreed that the Ministry of the Interior needed occupying. It was agreed that the Defence Secretary would also act as Interior Secretary, whilst the Ministry of Environment and Tourism would be covered temporarily by the Education and Culture Secretary. The Prime Minister urged United Movement parties to come to some agreement about a new Cabinet, for the good of the nation.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:16 am



18 October 2913

The Classical Liberal Party was today divided over who to nominate for the position of First Tribune, in only the second election for this position. Much of the party desires Duchess Thompson to be nominated once again for this position. Duchess Thompson, who turned 60 this year, came second at the last election, behind the CEP. Many think she could perform better this time, being the Party's best known, senior member. The Prime Minister, Douglas Carter, however, is a long-standing critic of Duchess Thompson, having tried to oust her from power years ago. After the next election, the Prime Minister is likely to resign having remained unpopular within his own party since the disastrous election of 2909. He remains only as leader because no alternative government could be formed. However, he wishes one of his last actions to be putting a person of his own choosing into the race for First Tribune. It is well known that the Prime Minister is a great admirer of one of his predecessors, Duke Havers. Duke Havers, who turns 86 at the end of this year, is believed to have been a key influence in the Prime Minister's decision to reform the Head of State. It is therefore very likely that Duke Havers could be the candidate, but whether the party would tolerate it is another matter.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:36 am



27 November 2914

Douglas Carter has resigned as leader of the CLP, although he has said that he intends to remain as Prime Minister until a new Cabinet has been formed. It is understood that Mr Carter has grown tired of leadership, and regrets his move into the frontline of politics. A close friend and confidante said, "Douglas was always at his best as a firebrand independent politician. You just don't get that sort of freedom in government, let alone as Prime Minister!" In a swift leadership election, Countess Moore, the long time Finance Minister, has swiftly occupied the top position. The Countess, widely seen as a safe pair of hands in the mould of Duke Craddock, will likely restore the party's former name, colour and cornerstones, which are now widely seen as big contributors to the CLP's recent lack of success. Despite the collapse of two parties, the CLP only benefitted to the tune of 7 seats, and their overall percentage of seats fell. Should Countess Moore decide to continue as Finance Minister under a future coalition, she would be the first CLP leader to serve in Cabinet in a position other than Prime Minister.

In other, but related, news, Duchess Thompson is said to be consoling herself today after a second, and worse, defeat in the election for the position of First Tribune. In a high-profile election, Duchess Thompson was easily defeated by the former Speaker of the House, Madeline Huizenga, and the Lord Great Chamberlain. Some of her friends blame Mr Carter's reforms of the party, saying it is just not a popular party any longer, while others have argued simply that, "Mel has had a long political career and, quite frankly, the voters are just sick of her!"
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:36 am



2 April 2915

Following the election of Miss Onida Chukulate to the Speakership of the House of Parliament, a position that entitles the individual to a seat on the National Council, which decides the actions of the Head of State, a state apology was today issued for the massacre of the Kerdi tribe which took place in the early years of the 20th century. The Kerdi tribe, which occupied most of the east coast of what is present-day Roccato, was one of the three largest Mashacara tribes, and one of the most hostile to the 'new' settlers. John Bekenial had come to an agreement with the chiefs of the Kerdi tribe regarding their status, which guaranteed that much of 'Roccato' would remain the territory of the Kerdi, and their right to live there would remain intact. After the death of Bekenial in 1918, however, many "Hutors" grew restless and wanted to push forward past the Adelian mountains to establish their hegemony there, as they had done in the south. A group of settlers travelled to just south of the Kerdi area and started to build a city in that area, naming it St Adrian, generally recognised as the patron saint of Hutori. After building their base, two years later, in 1922, they pushed forward and met resistance from the Kerdi tribes. After much fighting, all but a dozen or so Kerdi people were massacred. All but one Kerdi chief were hanged on the south point of what is now known as the "Isle of Sutton". One of the Mashacara's largest tribes had been defeated.

Whilst there had always been fighting amongst the different tribes of the Mashacara, all Mashacara's now look back to that episode as an example of great betrayal and defeat at the hands of the 'new' settlers. Throughout most of the first half of the third millennium, the event was widely known by Hutorians, and taught in schools as, the "Glorious Roccato Liberation", although this term later became less used as many groups began to constantly use the term "Great Mashacara Massacre". Leading Mashacarans have for many years demanded an official state apology for the event. The return of the Hutori monachy in 2845 also renewed and intensified these calls due to the involvement of the Waffles family in the event. The early Waffles family, prolific socialists, were amongst the earliest settlers and were instrumental in the creation of St Adrian and the subsequent push northwards.

Today, Speaker Chukulate, one of the few Mashacarans to reach such high public profile, and the very first to enter such high office, travelled to Kincardine, one of the many sites of the massacre, accompanied by His Most Royal and Serene Majesty King Henry I and First Tribune Madeline Huizenga to offer an official state apology for the event. His Most Royal and Serene Majesty spoke movingly about the "stain on My family's history" that "will take yet years more to fade". He offered His heartfelt regret to the Mashacara people and said that he hoped the high status of Speaker Chukulate would now finally show that the Mashacara people and the Hutorians were "truly one". Recent polls conducted before the apology showed the monarchy's approval rating with the Mashacara people to be around only 32%. Following this announcement, instigated by Speaker Chukulate but with the full backing of the monarchy, the King's approval ratings have shot up to around 83%.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:44 pm



2 Februrary 2922

Duchess Moore today announced her immediate resignation as the leader of the Conservative-Libertarian Party, explaining that she was "baffled" by the party's result in the general election:

"I must tender my immedate resignation because I am completely baffled by our party's disaster. This has been a very quiet parliament indeed, but I do not think that our party has been quieter than any of our opponents. Indeed we successfully passed a budget that has been welcomed by the country at large. We now have the lowest number of seats since our party was founded, and I am of course dismayed that I have led the Party to this position. For the duration of the leadership election, the party shall be led by the Party Leadership Committee, and Duke Craddock shall act as de facto leader. I hope the leadership election can be swift and we can all unite around a new leader."

Whilst Duke Craddock was elected First Tribune, no high-profile candidates entered the race, and so he was pretty much unopposed.

This day will be forever known as the darkest day in the CLP's history. For many years, leaders of the CLP have privately predicted that their hegemony was to end imminently, but those fears have never come true. Now, it looks like they have, when the Party least expected them to arise.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:45 pm


31 October 2922


The face of the Conservative-Libertarian Party has undoubtedly changed since the election. Whilst there remain 29 CLP members of parliament, only 13 of those sat in Parliament before the election. Notable figures such as Michael Price, former Defence Secretary, and Daniel Harper, former Infrastructure and Transport Secretary have lost their seats whilst others, perhaps sniffing the wind, declined to stand again. Altogether the party lost 74 seats, holding on to only 17. However, they gained 12 new seats, adding to the increased diversity of the party.

Of the well-known names, Duchesses Moore and Thompson held on to their seats, as did Duke Carter. Earl Hammond, the Trade and Industry stalwart survived, though saw his majority reduced to only 1,500 making him vulnerable at the next election. Harold Macintosh, the former Health Secretary, survived in Roccato, where the CLP was almost wiped out altogether. His majority now stands at only 250. Marchioness Biggins, former Chief Secretary at the Treasury under Duchess Moore also survived, as did the Speaker, Onida Chukulate.

New faces include Baroness Peters, one of Hutori's most recognised celebrities, a long-standing actress who has been commended for her acting throughout the world. She became MP for the affluent Pastyford and District in Ixan, Falristan, a district populated with other well-known figures. Often seen as a 'luvvy' seat, appealing more to the left-wing instincts of the arty-types, it is almost definite that Baroness Peters' face was important here. William Havers, the grandson of former Prime Minister, Duke Havers, became MP for his home town of Kendrick and Suburbs in Dalry, Lagard, securing a solid majority of 20,000. In an unusual trend the NSP lost the safe seat of Haam East, populated by many immigrants, after the CLP candidate, Pauel de Wit, centred his campaign on the NSP's policy of stopping immigrants from becoming citizens. On the opposite end of the scale, Bekenial South, a seat usually associated with the former fascist parties, for the first time became a CLP seat after the candidate Eric Powell exploited the key issue of race, providing the CLP with one of its more authoritarian members.

The party therefore has a new challenge in picking its leader. The complicated leadership process means that it could be months before a leader is confirmed. Duke Craddock decided to resign from Parliament to stand for the position of First Tribune, and acts as interim, de facto leader from outside of Parliament. He believes that the Party will elect a moderate candidate, rather like himself.
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:45 pm



30 November 2922

In a surprise move, the Conservative-Libertarian Party has elected Baroness Peters its new leader. Despite being one of the new intake of MPs, Baroness Peters is probably the CLP MP with the highest profile, although not for her politics. Baroness Peters, aged 64 and born Bernadette, has been on the stage since the age of 3, and at the age of 10 appeared on the Prize Way, starring in Grant Barclay's most successful musical, "Natalie's Locket", in the John Bekenial Theatre.

At the age of 16, she starred in her first big film playing the lead in Samuel Simone's hit film "Sunk", a drama about the disaster that struck a fleet of ships travelling with John Bekenial when he first came to Hutori. She was later best known for her starring role in the hit television series 'To the Future'.

In her later years, she used her celebrity status to campaign for civil rights. Initially, at the age of 18, she was a member of the Union of Radical Republicans, believing them to be the party best balancing her desire for progressive civil rights and a more protective economic policy. However, shortly before the 2891 election, she came out as a supporter of the CLP, arguing that Duchess Thompson was the only person capable of leading the country. That decision established a long-lasting friendship and the start of a different path for Bernadette Peters. She appeared regularly at party campaigns and supported the CLP where she could. Her acting career remained in full force and she has received seven Hutorian Film Academy Awards in total and even more Television Awards. It is believed that Duchess Thompson offered her a peerage several times, but Bernadette declined, believing it would be a step too far. However, when Duchess Moore offered her a peerage upon her resignation, she accepted, provided it was the lowest rung and was in recognition of her charity work, which she is as well known for as her acting.

Baroness Peters then took the decision to stand in the last election, believing that the time was right for her to enter Parliament. She was encouraged to do so by Duchess Moore, arguing that her candidature in Pastyford, the haunt of the acting celebrities, would win that seat for the CLP for the first time.

And now she leads the party. After a series of elections, a vast array of candidates pulled out. Eric Powell and Pauel de Wit were the two polar opposites in the election race, whilst Harold Macintosh was the only former Cabinet minister to stand. However, the party eventually decided on Baroness Peters because of her recognisable face. She said to the press gathered outside her home in Pastyford:

"Thank you, first of all, to the party. Without them, I wouldn't be standing here! Indeed, I have learned to accept I may not have as receptive a crowd any longer! I am delighted to be leading the party at this juncture. We are in a very testing time, and I do not doubt the challenge. It will probably take several parliaments to get back to where we were, in our rightful place, leading this country. I want to take the party back to its roots, reaffirming the cornerstones that the great Margaret Wright lay down. I commit myself to the constitution, to the forces of the market, to free and frank civil liberties and to keeping the government out of people's lives. I remain committed to Mel's reform in education, but believe the time is right for privatisation of the health service. We now have some fabulous hospitals set up by the private sector, and it is time for that system to change. I can't wait to begin this journey, and whilst it may be a long one, I hope to do some good."
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Re: Bekenial Post-Dispatch (BPD)

Postby Windsor-Bainbridge » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:19 pm



29 May 2926

A Conservative-Libertarian Member of Parliament was today reprimanded by Baroness Peters for suggesting that his party should go into coalition with the Hutori National Party, a long time foe of the CLP. Eric Powell, the MP for Bekenial South, became the first CLP member to be elected in any of Bekenial's 11 constituencies, except for the more liberal Parliament Square and Bekenial North, in the 2922 General Election. Powell campaigned on the issue of race, arguing for compulsory repatriation, clamping down on illegal immigrants and reforming citizenship and nationality laws. By being authoritarian on racial issues, he gained the seat that was always in the hands of the more fascist parties, and after their collapse, in the hands of the NSP. It was widely expected to return to the HNP upon their return to politics, but voters instead gave Mr Powell an increased majority, going from 1,500 to 9,000.

At a party rally in Bekenial today, Mr Powell said:

"No doubt I shall cause some controversy here, but, were it not for their absurd economic policies, I would be seriously calling for a demonstration of unity between the Conservative-Libertarian Party and our Nationalist friends. I call on them to move towards the centre ground on the economy, and together we can change the shape of our country for the better."

He was immediately called to Baroness Peters' office, and was publicly rebuked. Baroness Peters said:

"Mr Powell understands the distress his comments will have caused to many of our loyal voters and to people in this country. We are well known for our tolerance and promotion of coherence, and this shall never change"

Earl Hammond, widely seen as Baroness Peters' de facto deputy, described Mr Powell as a "loner" in the party, sitting on the authoritarian wing of the party all by himself.

Mr Powell is likely to be increasingly independent through this parliament given his increased majority. He could prove to be difficult to handle for the CLP leader.
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