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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:35 pm

Federal Sekowo Adopts Constitution

Following five years of provisional government the 'Imperial Federation of Sekowo', better known as Federal Sekowo has adopted a Constitution following a referendum resulting in a 74% 'Yes' vote.

The new Constitution, meant to eventually act as the Constitution for the whole nation when the war ends retains the Monarchy, but highly restricts it, limiting its powers to non-essential tasks that themselves mostly must be approved by the legislature. Among other changes is the re-introduction of various historic terms, such as the legislature being officially called the Folkstämma (People's Meeting) and the position of Head of Government being re-named C'valyi (Knight of the People).

Federal Legislature Convenes
Following the adoption of the new constitution elections were held last week.
The new elected legislature convened earlier today and has according to several MFs been 'highly productive'.


Future Role of STJR Spelled Out

The future role of the Sekouo Teikoku Jinmin Rikugun (STJR) was explicitly layed out in a speech given by Miyako Ishida earlier today.

*cuts to speech*

"Over the last few years their have been many concerns raised over the future of the STJR, these are legitimate concerns and as such ones I feel I must address. For the time being and likely for a short time following the end of this war the STJR shall act as a part of the Sekowan military. Following the restitution of a proper military the STJR will return to its previous status as an armed force not part of the government."
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:58 pm

Offical Government Dismisses Claims of "Fantasy Government", Calls Folkstämma a "One-Party Rubber Stamp Chamber"
Speaking to the Gozen Kaigi, Akio Lim delivered a blistering attack on the so-called Imperial Federation, whose existence depends entirely on the military backing of the invading powers and the strength of it's terrorist milita. It's bizarre claim to be more democratic is easily refuted by pointing out that the Imperial Federation is a de facto one-party state, while the Eternal Harmony has allowed Imperial Socialists Party members to continue submitting bills to the Gozen Kaigi.
Akio Lim Sensei wrote:Honourable members, the increasing derangement of the unconstitutional terroristic rebellion against the Empire becomes clearer by the day. How, I ask you, can a so-called Legislature, which has been approved a created only by the members of a single political party which only has 26.17% of the vote in the free and fair elections in which all parties took part and justifies itself with a obviously bogus referendum (how could such a referendum been carried out in war time), and is occupied only by members of that same party, claim to have had a "highly productive" meeting? Why, what was there to debate? I can only assume that the Imperial Socialist Party, which has shown by it's own actions it is neither Imperial, Socialist nor a legitimate political party, is severely spilt, and so they disagreed with themselves.

These are the proclamations of a fantasy government, a government born and raised in blind refusal to accept fact, the primary fact being that Sekowo is no longer the Sekowo of centuries passed, that we no longer live in a world in which Sekowo is a federation of self-ruling states and of ethic harmony, a world in which Hulstria was our friend and Beiteynu our enemy. That world was destroyed by the actions of the Republicans and their backers amongst the western Imperialists, by the separatists and Orthodox fundamentalists. The nations which this bankrupt party has puppy like attached itself too currently occupy what were once fully fledged Sekowian states and are by means of bombardment and starvation trying to force an unelected Kenjian regime upon us. It's one party rubber stamp chamber tells us everything we need to know about this government, stuck in the past, floating like a flying castle over the reality of the suffering Sekowian people, the majority of whom support this administration, unaware of the true nature of their unspeakable treason!

These are hard times, and we need hard hearts to triumph, not a knee-jerk return to the past. It is so easy for these filth to point at Yukio Ishida and his heirs and say "illegitimate!" But without that giant of a man the Empire would never have been restored, and we would still be a republic, or even Sekowo would have been dismembered by the ethic conflict which torn our nation apart. Where were the Imperial Socialist Party when the colonies were sold, were were Kenji and the International Monarchist League in the civil war? Too busy being "righteous", living in the luxury brought by the naked exploitation of Dovani. These people deserve not the namby pamby ways of the distant federalist past, but the iron will of the new, and everlasting, Empire of Sekowo!
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:13 am

Federal Sekowo Passes 'Governing Omnibus'

The Legislature of the Imperial Federation of Sekowo passed the so called 'Governing Omnibus' bill earlier today by large margins.
The bill includes a 'Right to Return', provides economic support and incentives for the previous and defines Sekowo as an 'Eternally multi-Ethnic state', among other things.

The Right to Return will allow anyone who can prove Sekowan ancestry within the last century to return to Sekowo without the usual visa requirements.
While it will be open to all, and the law was crafted in a way to not favour any one group, some suspect that those of non Gao-Showa ancestry will be targeted specifically.

STJR Begins Phased Transfer to Federal Military

Following the ed of the training of the first batch of Federal military troops the Sekouo Teikoku Jinmin Rikugun (STJR) has begun a phased transition, gradually handing over responsibility and military power to the Federal Military.

The STJR is likely to retain some degree of control for the next decade to allow for the Federal Military to become fully set-up.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:24 am

Jiyū-Minshutō Calls for Constitutional Reform & National Unity

Shogun Lee announces the Act of Democratic Union

KASMENAI -- For the past years the Gozen Kaigi has been largely silent as debate continues between the governments of the Empire Magnificent and Imperial Federation. Since August of 2976 the leader of the Gozen Kaigi has been Lee Jae-Woo of Jiyū-Minshutō and his coalition government with Teikoku Shakai-tō. Lee's party proclaims its ideology primarily as "Sekowan Unionism," which seeks to uphold total unity of Sekowo with "no dual governments, partitions, or ethno-religious divide." Analysts have long stated the party to also be republican, and this past year that has become clear as well.

The government of Lee Jae-Woo can easily be said to have seen little progress in its current four years of rule. Lee and his party though, have now acted to make a difference and promote much needed constitutional reform for Sekowo. Last year Lee, with the assistance of his cabinet and Jiyū-Minshutō members of the Gozen Kaigi, drafted the Act of Democratic Union. His initial statement on the bill was that its purpose was to "encourage debate in the Gozen Kaigi on constitutional reform and to bring about change." He has since modified his purpose for the bill and earlier this month worked with Minister of Internal Affairs Julian Costeau to add more direct wording to the article. This updated act saw the outright stating of disestablishment of the monarchy and the creation of a "full democracy," known as the "United Sekowan Republic," or USR. It also ends all legitimacy of the Empire Magnificent and Imperial Federation, even setting up penalties for those who might continue to profess themselves as officials of those governments. Lastly the bill designates the lowering of the royal families into common society as private citizens, barred from specialized powers and required to pay all taxes and such.

Today Lee sent the Act of Democratic Union to vote in the Gozen Kaigi, likely setting off the beginning of constitutional debate (and possibly republicanism-royalism debate as well). Lee has stated that he doubts the passage of this version of the act, but he wants to see debate and opinions stated. In the future he hopes and plans to have amended versions based on the debate.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:27 am

OOC: You!
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:39 am

New Constitution Comes Into Effect

Thew new Constitution of Sekowo, officially known as the 'Kenpō no Sekouo' in all languages, has officially come into effect.
The Constitution, originally agreed upon and passed four years ago was delayed so as to come into effect at the begining of the new millenium.

The new Constitution has enshrined several areas of equality and civil liberties as well as re-establishing a bi-cameral legislature, though the Upper House, officially known as the Sangiin, will have few powers.

Sekowo Adopts New Foreign Policy

With the beginning of the new milenium the government has announced a range of policies, among them is the 'Dovou Fōkasu Seisaku',(Dovani Focus Policy). The new policy will focus nearly all of Sekowo's foreign policy on the Trans-Dovani areas.
While the policy will not officially establish an Isolationist policy, several proinent politicians opposed to and supportive of it have stated their beliefs that t will be the result.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Steven » Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:39 am

Nationalists Call On People For Support


The newly formed Kokumintō party called upon the people for support in the up coming election which will take place on September 3008. Kokumintō are self described patriots of Sekowo, who wish to restore Sekowo to what one party member called "eternal prosperity." The current chairman of the party is Shirō Hirobumi, a former military man who was previously the governor of Undarro province but was forced to resign 5 years ago due to alleged corruption charges against him.

Shirō Hirobumi made this very shocking speech today which actually caused some people to phone the police since Hirobumi made very anti-Ishida comments which is very taboo in Sekowo. Talking about the Imperial family like that can certainly cause quite an uproar maybe exactly what Hirobumi wanted.

"My fellow countryman, why do we continue to bow before the Ishida? The Ishida who sit in their palaces away from the peasants and the labourers and ignore the ethnic problems of the nation. They are puppets on strings and by voting for us in this up coming election, remember that is a vote against the incompetent Ishidas. We must be strong as a nation and as a people and in order to move Sekowo towards the light we must shed the darkness that is the dark cloud of the Ishida family."

After the speech bodyguards stood around Hirobumi as he was escorted to his car and many people supported his view as they cheered and others clashed with the bodyguards trying to get a piece of Hirobumi.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Steven » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:45 am

Nationalists Demand Removal of Foreign Troops


The Kokumintō party leader Shiro Hirobumi gave a speech today addressing the growing concern of foreign troops in Sekowo.

"My fellow countryman, why are there still foreign troops in sovereign Sekowan land? Why has the current government allowed such a disgraceful action continue to take place? I demand a completely withdrawal of foreign troops in Sekowo immediately. I realise I have no power over this matter but I say this as a concerned citizen. Sekowo is a sovereign nation not a protectorate and so this is a complete violation of our rights. I want to take a walk down a street without having to see foreign men in military attire harassing our young women and children. This ends now!"
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Steven » Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:52 pm

Bloodless Coup Takes Place

Official Portrait of Emperor Kōgon

In the early morning hours of October 3015, a military coup has taken place in Sekowo. This happens just a month after the Kokuminto party won an outstanding election victory giving them complete de facto control over the country. The coup was led by Marshal Tokonami Takejiro and several other high ranking military officers. They walked into the Celestial Palace while Emperor Kenji was having a routine meeting with his cabinet and demanded that the cabinet leave the palace immediately. Approximately 15 minutes later, the Emperor Kenji and his wife were escorted by members of the military police out of the palace to an unknown location.

The constitution of 2996, was literally burned by members of the coup. They announced the following in a nation wide broadcast:

"Citizens of Sekowo, the military is now in control of the country. We can no longer stand back and watch Sekowo be devoured by the barbarians who currently occupy parts of our nation. We do not recognize their authority and we will no longer allow them to roam free in our nation. The barbarian sympathizer Kenji Ishida and his family have been asked to leave Sekowo immediately as they are no longer recognized as the rulers of this Great Nation. Thank you."

In a quick and painless ceremony, Emperor Kōgon who was seen as a pretender to the Sekowan throne was declared the new Emperor of Great Sekowo. Shirō Hirobumi of the Kokuminto party was awarded the title of "Kokumudaijin" or Minister of State and is officially considered the new Head of Government in Sekowo but all real power lies with Marshal Takejiro, the current Minister of Defence and War.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Steven » Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:56 am

Mobilization Begins in Sekowo


Today newly appointed Kokumudaijin (Minister of State) Shirō Hirobumi released the following press release.

"The military of Great Sekowo has begun its process of mobilization as we speak. The unbeatable Marshal Takejiro will personally lead this army to victory over the barbarian peoples that continue to poison the Sekowan people. With the blessing from the Emperor himself, victory will surely be achieved over these lesser peoples."

After the statement, the Kokuminto party passed a series of bills giving Sekowo the ability to research, develop, and use nuclear/chemical weapons in warfare.
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