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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:15 pm

Divided Government
Fight over cabinet appointments after Republican victory

Rector Proserpina Dexsia must now convince the opposition to vote for her cabinet appointments

March 4519 - The elections last month proved to be the fulfillment of the Republican Party's decades-long dream, since the establishment of presidentialism in 4478, of acquiring the highest executive office of the land, the position of Rector of the Republic. As had been widely expected since the previous elections in 4515, the election of Proserpina Dexsia as chairwomen of the party and Rectoral candidate proved fruitful, as the party moved further left in an effort to court centrist voters dissatisfied with the Liberal-In Marea coalition. Benefiting from a wave of rising mobilization at the grassroots level, the Republican candidate won by a landslide against incumbent Rector Agrippina Leponta of the Liberal Democratic Party and was sworn in as the first Rector not hailing from one of Selucia's left-wing parties. At the same time the Republicans recreated their achievement of winning all but one of the provincial governor elections, granting the right-wing party a wide degree of power and influence over the Republic's policies at the national and provincial levels. However last month's elections also resulted in a divided government, with the Republican executive win tempered by the continued Senatorial majority of the current coalition. Although constitutionally the Rector has absolute authority over executive matters, the constitution requires the consent of the legislative for all cabinet appointments, meaning that Rector Dexsia must convince at least 44 Senators from the other side of the aisle to endorse her executive officers, provided that all Republican representatives also support their Rector's appointments. Not an easy task considering the wide gap that exists between the center-left parties and the Republicans on effectively every major issue as well as the numerous internal divisions within the Republican Party itself. With government now divided between a right-wing executive and a left-wing legislative, the ball is in the latter's court, who will be left to decide whether they can endure a Republican-dominated executive for the next four years, whether in a coalition or otherwise, or instead leave the cabinet unstaffed and risk popular backlash as a result.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby BananaZebra » Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:02 am

Leponta To Resign as Chairwoman of the FL


Agrippina Leponta, who has served as the leader of the Factio Liberalis since it was founded, has announced she will resign following a disappointing electoral cycle for her party. Close associate and co-founder of the FL, Drusus Caetronius Hilario (who currently serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs) is expected to replace her, following an impending FL leadership contest.

When asked for comment, the Former Rector said:

"While deeply saddened by these results, I must also take it upon myself to apologize; apologize to the people of Selucia, whom I have let down. Clearly, I was not the best woman for the job, and my party not the best suited to care for the needs of an ever changing nation. I congratulate Prosperina Dexsia on her victory, and wish - for the good of all Selucia - that her time in office may be one of good fortune and prosperity."
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby BananaZebra » Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:16 am

Senator Ulpius Wins FL Leadership Challenge in Shock Upset!


In a result that has left many party-insiders and pundits baffled, Senator Callipho Ulpius has managed to become leader of the FL by a vote of 116-103 on a tightly contested third ballot. Ulpius, 43, who drafted the Law on Communication - possibly one of the most popular laws passed by the FL during Fmr. Rector Leponta's term - promises to move the party further left, abandoning much of its former centrism and pragmatism for idealistic populism.

The new leader of the FL was quoted stating:

"A new day has dawned in Selucia - and with it, a new vision for my party."

Most pundits say that his victory will signal a drastic shift left for the FL, joining the IMCS in bolstering its progressive stances.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:44 pm

Resignation en bloc in In Marea
All regional leaders except the Insularian and several former ministers announce their resignation from positions of trust

Top: Ballio Priscus (Oriensos), Alana Prunastri (Occidentria) and Cyamus Nennius Vulso (Cor Patriae). Bottom: Angela Agorix (Marestella), Vibenia Fulcius Nerea (former Minister of Science and Mushad al-Saud (former Minister of Defence), among those who have resigned their positions in the party.

After another disappointing result in the legislative and presidential elections for In Marea-Civis Sinistram, which fails to trace its results despite being the most active political force during the last legislatures, the victory of Proserpina Dexsia of Factio Republicana, elected Rector and ending with the dominance of the left in this position after more than 40 years, since its creation, and another new victory for her party in the legislative elections has led the aquamarine party to consider accepting the government proposal that would lead Mrs. Dexsia but that would grant all the ministries to In Marea and Factio Liberalis. Although from the national leadership of the party they have rejected categorically to enter into coalition governments only with Factio Republicana, the last proposal of the Rector, which would give more political power to In Marea in the government by staying with some key ministries has opened cracks in the party between those who consider that the proposal is more than acceptable because it does not imply yielding to Factio Republicana any more control and those who do not want to hear about anything in which Factio Republicana is involved.

Among this last group are many members of the "old guard" of the party, who have developed their political career under the direction of Panegyris Priscian and who consider that giving Factio Republicana a field even if only in a government proposal is to give in to the right. Members like Vibenia Fulcius Nerea or Mushad al-Saud, both ministers during the legislatures of Panegyris Priscian, have announced their resignation to renew their positions under the mandate of Factio Republicana.

However, it has been in the first group, among those who advocate accepting the new coalition government, where there have been more casualties. The most important have undoubtedly been those of four of the five regional leaders. All of them except Umbria Segestes, from Insularia, have decided to end their mandates at the head of the regional factions of In Marea because they consider, in general lines, that "it is time for renewal." All of them gained their posts more than 30 years ago and agree that their proposals for the regions may no longer be sufficient.

Despite this, the Insularian federation has already announced in a joint statement with the Oriensian federaton that they will not vote in favor of the proposal of the new government, if not that their senators will abstain, and that this is not a carte blanche to Factio Republicana.

Ballio Priscus, already former regional secretary of Oriensos and current Minister of Finance, spoke at a press conference after his resignation as secretary:

"Not placing ourselves against Factio Republicana is not an excuse to start applying right-wing policies. We believe that the government proposal is acceptable and therefore we will abstain, but now is the time for the parliamentary majority of the left (Factio Liberalis and In Marea have together 513 seats of 750) to make our voice heard and serve as a counterweight to an executive power led by a conservative party. From In Marea we will monitor very closely all the actions carried out by Mrs. Dexsia "

He has also confimed that, after speaking with the other federations, the government coalition with Factio Republicana and Factio Liberalis will not be extended to the regional governments, where In Marea will only support Factio Liberalis' government in Insularia.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:31 pm

In Marea threatens to overthrow its own government
Latest law proposal of the Republicans, which seeks recentralization of the republic, infuriates regional leaders

Dodicla Pirsima, Secretary of Territorial Affairs (centre) surrounded by journalists after her meeting with the regional leaders of In Marea

The Matinian Law on Local Government, the latest proposal of Factio Republicana in the Senate of Selucia that seeks to recentralize housing, infrastructure, education, and employment competencies, has not been good for the regional secretaries of In Marea, the party that currently occupies the government thanks to the proposal of Proserpina Dexsia. In an emergency meeting convened at the request of Umbria Segestes, Regional Secretary of Insularia, the five regional secretaries have agreed on the same thing: not to take a step back in the distribution of functions towards the governments of the different provinces that make up Selucia. So they have made it known to Dodicla Pirsima, Secretary of Territorial Affairs of the aquamarine Party, who on her departure from the party headquarters has been interviewed by various media from the country.

In a joint statement, the five territorial leaders have asked the government not to "give in to the requests of the Republicans" because otherwise "the next step that will remain for them will be to de facto suppress the authority of the regional governments to thus detract from the popular will "

Two of the government ministers, who have occupied or still occupy some general secretariat, have already been favorable to resign and force the announcement of early elections in the event that Factio Republicana does not retract its proposal. This is the case of Umbria Segestes, Minister of Food and Agriculture and Praetor de Insularia from March 4503 to March 4511; and Ballio Priscus, Minister of Finance and Praetor de Oriensos from February 4491 to March 4511.

"What Factio Republicana intends to do with this law is an outrage against the popular will of all citizens,"
Mr. Priscus told the cameras, visibly angry.
"They intend to recentralize all the competences so that, once they reach the government, there is no one who can raise their voices against them. They still remember the debate they lost before the Supreme Court against Anthea Galanou and the regional government of Insularia, and they do not want anyone else to take them back in. That in democracies has a name, and I think we all know what it's called. Although Factio Republicana defends that the regional governments will continue to exist, in practice they will have hardly any attributions, and will be limited to being a puppet of the central government, even if they do not want to apply the laws because they consider them counterproductive to the citizens for those who govern, provoking a rejection in them and driving away possible voters while the central government does as if nothing happened. If Factio Republicana wants to continue applying this kind of policies they can do it, but with us in the opposition."

For the moment, several ministers have already spoken in favor of offering their resignation to Rector Dexsia, apart from Mr. Priscus and Ms. Galanou: Rubeus Indra, Minister of the Environment; Coiedia Neneus, Minister of Education; and Damocles Teopronius, Minister of Justice. If in the following hours the general secretary of In Marea (being herself Minister of Foreign Affairs of Selucia) receives at least two more requests from the ministers favorable to the call for fresh elections (making a total of 7 petitions out of 12 ministries), she will announce the mass resignation of the government and the convocation, although it has little chance of success given that the only favorable majority would be reached with the help of Factio Liberalis, whose members are unaware of the official position in this matter.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:01 am

The dissolution of Factio Liberalis propels to In Marea
The left party becomes the most voted force in the five provinces and obtains more than 80% of the seats

Vulpio Codio Neneus, new Praetor of Occidentria, being congratulated after his victory. Last time In Marea won Occidentria's Praetorship was in 4358.

Selucia had to advance the celebration of the general elections after the dissolution of Factio Liberalis. Although the Rectorship has relapsed again into the hands of Factio Republicana, since In Marea did not even present a candidate, the legislative elections have benefited In Marea, while they have taken their toll on the Republicans. With a participation below 50%, In Marea has won in the five provinces of Selucia, including Occidentria, a province where it has not been winning for almost two centuries, obtaining absolute majority in the five regional parliaments, which in turn has been translated in more than 80% of seats of the national Senate.

"This is the result of the disastrous national policy carried out by Factio Republicana in the last legislature, taking advantage of its majority in the Chamber. They carried out a withdrawal of powers from the regional governments, without taking into account that the voters come precisely from those regions. Everyone likes to feel represented, and regional governments are the ones that best reflect that sentiment, which is why, from the regional executives, we are going to work together with the central government to restore the competencies that Factio Republicana withdrew"
Vulpio Codio Neneus, first Praetor of Occidentria of In Marea in almost 200 years told the media.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:47 pm

Leadership Shuffle in Republican Party
Electoral collapse leads to drastic leadership change

Philippus Fufidius Otho and his supporters celebrating election to Republican leadership

July 4522 - This year's disastrous election results saw the Republican Party collapse to one of the lowest vote shares in its entire history, in an election marked by historic level of abstention. The party's abysmal result was widely blamed on the far-left conservative policies implemented by the party's Senatorial delegation, particularly the radical centralization proposals introduced by Senator Benedictus Matinius Epimachus and which effectively abolished regional government autonomy. The radical syndicalist policies implemented by Senatrix Prisca Laecania Iuvenlis were also blamed for massive abstention by Republican voters in the last election, although the Republican Confederation of the Knights of Labor, the Republican-affiliated trade union federation, has expressed its strong support for Senatrix Laecania and warned that any measure to abolish mandatory trade union membership would cause a large strike. The disastrous elections did lead to significant soul-searching inside the Republican Party, who, in an emergency session of its Executive Committee, removed Proserpina Dexsia from the party's leadership and elected instead Philippus Fufidius Otho, a Hosian Democratic Senator from Insularia. Under the new leadership, supported by the Hosian Democratic and the Green factions of the party, the Republicans moved decisively to the right, announcing a new platform embracing subsidiarity, re-federalization, cuts to public spending, and extensive privatization and liberalization of the economy. Praeses Otho did however, in a concession to the conservative party's anti-capitalist wing, agree that the party would maintain its support for existing policies favoring labor unions and would not move to abolish mandatory union membership or closed shops. It is uncertain whether the Republican leadership will succeed in balancing its new market-oriented stance with its Labor Republican commitment, and whether this change in focus will bring back the millions of disillusioned Republican voters. Until the next election however the Republicans have no choice but to survive as a tiny minority locked out of all central or local governance, while Proserpina Dexsia will, against all odds, continue to serve as the Republic's Rector.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:58 pm

The right completes its rise to power by the minimum
After more than forty years in the opposition, the right has defeated the left at the polls in both the legislative and presidential elections.

Graph showing the sum of seats on the left (red) and the right (blue) in all elections since the last time right-wing parties won, in the year 4478

Last night the right in Selucia lived a sweet victory. With the highest participation since 4503, with more than 80% of citizens exercising their right to vote, Factio Republicana rose by the minimum with the victory both in the Rectoral elections and in the Senate elections in the country.

The last time the right had managed to win more seats than the left was in the elections of 4478, almost six decades ago, when Factio Unitatis Patriae and Factio Republicana added 394 seats against the 356 that the left bloc added. After these elections, the different parties that have been including the political left have won election after election, making the formation of conservative governments impossible. Until last night.

After what was seen as a vote of punishment against Factio Republicana for its recentralization policies, which ended up costing Proserpina Dexsia the position in the party and gave more than 80% of the votes of the 4522 elections to In Marea, in these elections, the change of leadership in the figure of Philippus Fufidius Otho has achieved what had not happened in the nation for a long time: to allow the possibility of forming a conservative executive for the next term.

Similarly, Mr. Otho managed to win the position of Rector by a difference of almost 2 million votes, a percentage of almost 3% against the candidate of In Marea, Axia Cinna.

With these results and the victory in the regional elections of Occidentria, Cor Patriae and Marestella, where Factio Republicana has snatched the Praetorships from In Marea, four years of conservative policies are expected, although political analysts still do not know to what extent they will be applied.

After knowing the result of the elections, the general secretary of In Marea, Axia Cinna, appeared before the media flanked by the only two people who have come out victorious in these elections for the party: Vestia Atronia, re-elected Praetrix de Oriensos; and Tadia Sennia Bitucus, who takes over from Umbria Segestes to continue managing the province of Insularia.

"We do not believe that the outcome of these elections has been a failure,"
said Mrs. Cinna.
"Of course, we would have liked to win, but we have obtained the confidence of more than 30 million citizens, the third best historical result for our party. However, the right has been able to mobilize its voters better, and now we unfortunately have to go to the opposition, from where we will make note of the values ​​for which citizens have chosen us to recover power as soon as possible "

In Marea, which had been in the government of Selucia in one form or another since 4478, is relieved to go to the opposition to gather strength and prepare the counterattack, although important members of the party believe that the minimum majority that the republicans have obtained against them (a difference of 1 million votes against more than 60 million issued, and 12 seats) will be used to dismantle the last progressive policies applied by the party in its last stage of absolute majority in the government.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:45 pm

Otho brings Republicans back on top
Surprise victory returns Republican Party to power after six decades

The inauguration of Philippus Fufidius Otho as Rector of the Republic

March 4526 - In an election victory that would have seemed impossible only four years ago, when it suffered one of the most crushing defeats in its history due to widespread dissatisfaction, alienation, and disillusionment with the policies of former Rector Proserpina Dexsia, the Republican Party has returned in style. With the highest absolute number of votes in its entire history, the party experienced an unprecedented reversal of fortune after having been left effectively dead in the water in 4522. After four years during which the very existence of the Republican Party was in question, the election of Philippus Fufidius Otho to the party's leadership, replacing disgraced former Rector Proserpina Dexsia, has clearly paid off. Abandoning the far-left conservative policies of the previous leadership, discarding the Republican centralism and syndicalism of the party's socialist faction, and opening the party for the middle class, a demographic so far ignored if not downright excluded by the Republican Party, has opened new opportunities for the conservative party and has allowed them to return to power, in the first center-right cabinet in nearly sixty years. Much of this unexpected victory results from the personal charm and charisma of the young Republican chair, whose pledge to offer "real and lasting change" and a "government that rewards hard work and stability" clearly stuck a chord with first-time voters.

The new Republican government, sworn in two weeks after the election, will indeed spell a sea-change in Selucian politics after more than half a century under left-leaning governments, a change that will be visible both in the internal and foreign policies of the Republic. The Republican election promises include cracking down on "anti-social behaviors" like divorce, child abandonment, domestic abuse, racism, abortion, and the secularization of the Republic's public life, while offering new opportunities for "hard-working Selucians" through a renewed program of privatization under cooperatives, easier access to credit for coops, and business training and education for ordinary Selucians, creating "incubators" that would grant new worker-owners the entrepreneurial skills to set up new worker-owned businesses. In terms of foreign affairs, the party pledges to involve Selucia more actively on the world stage, including the Security Council of the World Congress, and to adopt "middle-power diplomacy" as its foreign policy doctrine, aiming to play a role in Majatran and Terran affairs proportionate to Selucia's strength and location but avoiding entanglements in conflicts among major powers and the interventionist policies of some of the great powers. And, recognizing the main cause of the party's collapse and subsequent return to power, the Republicans pledge to reexamine the relationship between the central and the provincial governments by granting a more permanent and constitutional role to the Conference of Premiers, the consultative body between the provincial Praetors and the central executive.

For Rector Otho, the hard work of bringing the Republican Party back from the brink of collapse has ended. Now, as the new Rector of the Republic, he embarks on the even more difficult task of governig.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:41 pm

Federations of In Marea prepare for the conflict
The federations of Oriensos and Insularia, which control regional governments, warn the central government of legal measures and disobedience, while the other three federations await the new laws

Left: Praetrix of Insularia Tadia Sennia Bitucus; Right: Praetrix of Oriensos Vestia Atronia during her time in the military

The departure of In Marea from the central government of Selucia after more than forty years in power has begun to have its effect, especially after the announcement of the new Rector of the nation, Philippus Fufidius Otho, who intends to reverse numerous laws approved long ago by the Senate.

While the regional federations of Occidentria, Cor Patriae and Marestella have been more cautious when it comes to speaking, especially since they lack the necessary majority in regional parliaments to prevent any law, the federations of Oriensos and Insularia have shown themselves more combative. In the words of the leaders of both federations, who occupy the Praetorships of the two provinces, "it is time to return to the times of the In Marea of the streets"

With these words they wanted to refer to their willingness to mobilize people and take the necessary measures to prevent the adoption of conservative laws.

"Maybe we can not prevent the modification of laws at the national level, but we can paralyze their approval in regional parliaments."
has declared Vestia Atronia, Praetrix de Oriensos since 4522 and former colonel of the Air Forces of Selucia.
"It seems incredible that at this point, we still have to fight to maintain long-established laws in favor of necessary human rights. The new Rector's proposal to attack rights such as divorce, abortion, or religious freedom of our nation, when he has not achieved sufficient support at the polls - just over 50% of the votes in both elections does not legitimize him to attack the entire Selucian society - shows how the only thing that Factio Republicana wants is, as always, to cut rights and impose its ideology , when there are things that we should already have accepted and assumed. This shows that in politics, unfortunately, we can never take anything for granted. "

For her part, the Praetrix of Insularia has criticized that Factio Republicana "seeks to tighten society" in its "desperate model of conflictive policy instead of constructive".

Both Praetrix have declared in a joint statement that if these electoral promises are carried out, they will take all the necessary legal measures and could even take those laws before the Supreme Court, while they are already looking for possible ways to legislate in regional parliaments to curb their application, something that evokes the conflict that also kept the Praetrix of Insularia Anthea Galanou against the central government of Factio Republicana when it prevented the docking of ships from Deltaria and ended up with the victory of Mrs. Galanou. It remains to be seen if the new republican government will take the same actions and take to the courts both regional governments if they don't allow the application of the new laws.
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