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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Aquinas » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:50 pm

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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:56 pm

The New Empire: a mix of old and new
Jelbic billionaire chosen as legitimate heir

His Augustan Majesty Herodoto III, born as Heijinoju Megàmotojokai and descendant of the Banmek-Sntazed-Volkov dynasty.

September 4496 - Five years ago the old Zardic regime was toppled by a liberal reactionary party styling themselves the Emperor's Party. Many expected them to oust the Autocrat and restore the previous Fenikso-Thallers to their throne yet the opposite happened. The new regime, led by retired Field Marshal Zeno Konstantinos, instead detained all pretenders of the "inbred dynasties". Extensive research was then conducted to find the legitimate heir of the Imperial Throne of the Augustans and the results surprised many. The old Banmek-Sntazed-Volkov dynasty has all but died out but is still recognized by historians as the most legitimate branch. Several living heirs were found, with the closest match being Heijinoju Jeztrisrmko Megàmotojokai, famous Jelbic billionaire and businessman. A princess of the dynasty at one point married into the Megàmotojokai family. The billionaire was quick to accept the invite to become the Emperor. Megàmotojokai himself claims he is over two-hundred years old and still in the prime vigour of his life, this outrageous claim has been believed by many peasants on the Jelbic steppes and have gained him a substantial following. In the Augustan heartlands the story was harder to catch on but the impoverished areas, where education faltered due to mismanagement of the previous regime, still found many believers in Heij the God. The billionaire was presented as a man chosen by God, sent by God and approved by God. Seeing as Augustus the Great believed he was being led by a divine power and that he was a God it only reinforced Heijinoju's growing claim.

The Emperor's Party was quick to enact many reforms to improve the living standard and to remove any political opponents. The proposal for the Jelbic's coronation was therefore quickly accepted. In the August days of 4496 Heijinoju, son of Jeztri, of the clan Megàmotojokai, was officially baptized into the Terran Patriarchal Church and crowned Emperor of all the Augustans by the Patriarch of the Imperial City of Aŭgusta. The new Emperor took the name Herodoto III, since it slightly matches his own name and it is the name of the last Banmek-Sntazed-Volkov dynasty member that sat on the Imperial Throne of the Augustans. Emperor Herodoto III is a constitutional monarch while his Ministers and Senators, under the watchful eye of the Grand Logothete, see to the welfare of the state. The way the new Augustan Empire is set up is eerily similar to the Empire under Emperor Theodosio IV, who was eventually toppled by Temrkai Khan. However, as the new Emperor boasts the blood of the horse lords himself it seems fate will not repeat itself.

As for expansion, the Grand Logothete Zeno Konstantinos maintains the Augustan Empire will only seek peaceful expansion. "We are currently in talks with Istalia to find closer ties and the government in Jelbania is extremely friendly towards us because of the new Emperor. For now there are no concrete plans to expand, but we will see, the more people unite under one banner the greater the things they can achieve together."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:42 am

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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:46 pm

Daníl Salyzr appointed Grand Logothete by Emperor Herodoto III
Former dictator of Vanuku is a close friend of the Emperor and has made himself essential to the Empire.

The Grand Logothete at a public gathering. Daníl Salyzr, former Vanukean general and leader, is now 65 years old.

November 4498 - Daníl Salyzr was born the younger brother of Eksandr Salyzr a little over 65 years ago. While Eksandr Salyzr attended university and became politically active the silent Daníl joined the military. After an excellent four years at the Royal Military College in Wiel he was assigned as a Lieutenant. Meanwhile his brother rose to prominence within the Greater Nationalist Party while also serving in the State Security Agency. In due time Daníl Salyzr rose to the rank of General, the second highest rank in the Vanukean military. At this point his brother had seceded from the GNP and formed the New Royal Front. In 4473 the brothers worked together and, with consent of the Queen, toppled the sitting government. Together they instituted a largely non-democratic fascist regime with a rather liberal outlook on civil liberties. While Eksandr was the figurehead with his charismatic talking and political experience it was always rumoured that the shrewd Daníl was the true mastermind behind the regime. However, this was not to last. The brothers became too comfortable in their positions and were couped from within the New Royal Front by dissidents. Rather than stay in Vanuku and accept their new position as servants instead of masters they opted to leave the nation. The two brothers settled in the Republic of New Verham using their vast wealth to raise a massive mansion and draft a personal army. For Eksandr Salyzr this was enough but Daníl had a thirst for vengeance, a yearning to prove he was not the incompetent loser he was made out to be by his opponents in Vanuku. Salyzr began making connections all across the globe, including with businessman Heijinoju Megàmotojokai. The two became immensely closed as they conducted much business together. It only took a while after Heijinoju was crowned Emperor for Daníl Salyzr to set up base in Zardugal.

Now he has been named Grand Logothete by the Imperial Senate after a suggestion by the Emperor. Grand Logothete Daníl Salyzr has presented a large plan to revitalize the economy, expand the Armed Forces, raise living standards and to assure the survival of the Augustan Empire. The new Grand Logothete unilaterally supports the Jelbanian decision to reject the Rklemjistad Treaty claiming it "unfairly ties the proud homeland of our Emperor to the gruelling needs of Thallerism and Vanukean expansionism". Grand Logothete Salyzr has further stated he would like to see Cobura join the Augustan Empire once more. He also expressed worry about Deltaria and Vanuku, stating he fears that once Jelbania fully rejects the Rklemjistad Treaty they will "invade and divide Zardugal and Jelbania amongst themselves". It is for this reason the Grand Logothete will tour around Majatra and the globe to find powerful allies to defend Augustan sovereignty.

Grand Logothete Salyzr warns Vanuku
Daníl Salyzr is willing to negotiate with Vanuku in Kostandia.

Imperial troops have been called on active duty after the chilling Vanukean statements about intervention in Jelbania.

January 4499 - "Boots on the ground means war!" is the chilling statement the Grand Logothete opened his speech with in front of the Imperial Senate. "Jelbania is an independent nation that can decide its own future, its own course and its own liberties!" The harsh words echoed against the marble walls of the Imperial Senate and were met with a thunder of applause. Grand Logothete Salyzr was quick to also include diplomatic rhetoric by stating that any Vanukean economic assets will of course remain Vanukean. "But to meddle with the political establishment of a free nation means a Majatran conflict." Daníl Salyzr, a native from Vanuku, has set up an increasingly hard stance against his former home country, in recent interviews he stated that this is the only way to negotiate with Vanukeans. "You have to be fierce, clear and direct, if you state immediately how far you are willing to go then a Vanukean will know what he can and can't do."

But aside from posturing the Grand Logothete also invited the Vanukean government to Kostandia, the capital of the Augustan Empire. The intention of the meeting would be to find a mutually pleasing deal for Vanuku and Zardugal regarding the recent Jelbanian statement of sovereignty. "We are always willing to talk, but we will never back down from protecting Jelbanian sovereignty. It was the Jelbanians that chose to join the Empire, so now it is our task to defend that decision to the last drop."

Augustan Empire gears up for war
Large investments made to assure "safety of sovereignty".

Imperial troops and Jelbanian soldiers training together in northern Zardugal as a part of Operation Augustus, the Empire's effort to improve its haphazard military.

February 4499 - The Imperial Senate will draft a new budget for 4500, which the Grand Logothete has hailed as "our year". The budget of 4500 will be the first step of Grand Logothete Salyzr's Revitalization Program. The first department that will receive attention is the Armed Forces, which according to the cabinet and Imperial Senate must receive priority with the regional atmosphere. "The military threat of Vanuku and Deltaria has put the Armed Forces of the Empire as the top priority of the Revitalization Program" said Minister Ioannes Mundus of the Department of Defence. Minister Mundus further stated that large financial injections will be made in all parts of the military but that the main priority will be the army and increased cooperation between the Zardic and Jelbanian components.

In an effort to already improve the latter the Imperial Forces, under command of the Grand Domestic Zeno Konstantinos, have begun Operation Augustus. The training exercise spans all across the Empire and is mostly dealing with defensive strategy. All across northern and eastern Zardugal are Imperial Forces constructing defences and conducting intensive exercises. Large contingents of the Imperial Forces have also been moved to Jelbania where they are now training together with Jelbanian troops. While the military of the Augustan Empire has been in a state of decline over the past few decades it is the intention of the Grand Domestic Konstantinos to "revive the old glory". International experts also rank the military of Jelbania as "abysmal" but the Grand Domestic even sees hope there. "While poorly trained and equipped the fighting spirit of the Jelbanian soldier stands far above that of any other warrior I have ever seen."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Aquinas » Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:07 am

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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:19 pm

Grand Logothete announces "diplomatic victory"
Extensive trade deal signed with Cobura and Jelbania joins Empire.

Daníl Salyzr, the Grand Logothete of the Augustan Empire, announcing the diplomatic successes in the Imperial Senate.

November 4502 - The Grand Logothete of the Augustan Empire has announced to the Imperial Senate three important diplomatic victories. The first one is the conclusion of the diplomatic talks with the Kingdom of Vanuku, the Grand Logothete stated that after a successful session with the Vanukean Prefect they were able to conclude that if Vanukean economic interests are left intact the Augustan Empire was free to accept the entry of Jelbania into the Augustan Empire. As such the Grand Logothete, a firm believer in the free and open market, pledged to not seize any Vanukean assets in the Jelbanian private sector. The Despotate of Jelbania is now well and truly part of the Augustan Empire. Soldiers from the Despotate and the Praefecture of Zardugal are now conducting massive joint exercises to improve the performance of the Imperial troops.

The second and third diplomatic victories were all related to the brotherly neighbour nation of Cobura. Historically Zardugal and Cobura make up the core states of the Augustan Empire, but after the massive tensions between the "Augustine" Empire (a Thallerist pretender state claiming false legitimitacy on the proud Augustan heritage) and the Coburan state this was forever destroyed. The Fenikso-Thallerist regime even declared war on the Coburans in a hate-fueled genocidal conflict. The restored Augustan Empire however has openly condemned these terrible acts and has apologized to the Coburan state for what transpired in the past. Even though Cobura will not join the Augustan Empire the Grand Logothete did announce that a very extensive trade agreement between the two nations has been signed, further boosting the economies of Cobura and the Empire. In further talks the diplomatic relations between the two nations went from icy to very warm with insiders claiming that the Grand Logothete and the Coburan Prime Minister get along very well. Grand Logothete Salyzr's final diplomatic success was the concession of Cobura to allow Zardic officials and citizens to visit the ancient imperial sites in the city of Augusta. The royal family can visit their ancestral home and revel in the glory of the Augustan Empire once more.

Emperor Herodoto outraged at Vanukean royal marriage
An open-hearted interview with our beloved Emperor Herodoto III.

A visibly saddened Emperor of the Augustans Herodoto III stated he felt "slighted" by the "dirty moves" of the Zhtál family.

January 4503 - Today the Emperor sat down for an open-hearted interview on the most popular television channel in the Augustan Empire. In front of the camera's of Aŭgustana Amuzaĵo 1 Emperor Herodoto III confessed he harbours a deep love for the daughter of the Vanukean Archduke Juhn. Vanukean media announced that Princess Agné Banmek-Sntazed is set to marry the Baron Jebr Zhtál, the son of the current Prefect. The same media outlets also reported this marriage came together under severe pressure from the Zhtál family. This has already infuriated the elder conservative branch of the Banmek-Sntazed dynasty, which has named the current King a "weak monarch" for allowing the marriage seeing as the Zhtál family is new blood and unfit to marry the royal old blood of the ancient Banmek-Sntazed dynasty. Yet now the Emperor has stated that he was courting the Princess Agné online.

"Yes, I sent her many loving messages on SmileBook, Instapost and Tweeter. She would message me back with loving words. She admired great Emperor Herodoto! I brought together an Empire, she liked that. She told me many times." Said the Emperor, clearly distraught. "It was that Dirty Jebr that stole her, him and his father, they conspired! They could not allow the great Augustan Empire and the Kingdom of Vanuku to join together! Those love-thieves are in for their own gain!" The Emperor continued. Deep in the interview it became clear the Zhtál family has shamelessly duped the Emperor, who was set to marry the beautiful Princess out of pure love. Whether this will cause any diplomatic problems is yet to be seen, though the Emperor himself has stated he will not visit Vanuku ever again.

When confronted with the fact that he is already married the Emperor waved those comments away. "She is old, not fresh, I want nice pretty girl and feel young again! Or you know, Papez could say: Emperor you can marry many wives, like Tanhrists do, was better in Jelbania that way." These comments landed well with the Jelbanian viewers and the average white Augustan male but outraged several feminist and Hosianist organizations who called for the Emperor to take back what he said and apologize deeply to, in case of the feminists, the women of the Empire and his wife, and in case of the Hosians, the Papez for insulting his divine status and requesting such an outrageous concept. The Emperor refused to comment.

4500 budget implemented after three year delay
Tax increase sees arrival of free healthcare for all Augustans.

Aside from better education and free healthcare the Imperial Armed Forces have been given an immense boost, pictured here is the I. Imperial Mechanized Division.

February 4503 - With a three year delay the Ministry of Finance has finally announced the implementation of the new budget. Initially planned for 4500 the budget was delayed because analysts of the Empire's statistics bureau deemed it essential that the tax system be overhauled in lieu of recent law changes. The tax overhaul took 2.5 years to complete after the Imperial Senate could not agree on the percentages, even now a large part of the Senate is in protest over the massive tax increases but Finance Minister Phillipos Basiliscus has assured people that in the long run it will be beneficial for the citizens of the Empire. With the new budget and taxes the financing for the universally free healthcare has finally been achieved. The new budget also sees an immense increase in the funding for the education programs across the Empire. Minister Basiliscus, with support of the Grand Logothete, has stated that some of these funds will be allocated to the Despotate of Jelbania for "new schools, better material and to increase the quality of teaching".

Unsurprisingly and matching the promises made by the Grand Logothete several years ago the Imperial Armed Forces are the biggest receiver of the Imperial gifts. Minister Mundus, in coordination with Grand Domestic Konstantinos, has planned an extensive program to further boost the already impressive Augustan Imperial forces. The conclusion of Operation Augustus, the immense training exercise that lasted for over a year, was that new material is the priority of the Army and Air Force. The Grand Domestic has stated he is interested in the Majatran Rifle program but must see if Istalia and Vanuku are willing to sell the concept. Domestic military industry has been contracted to produce better gear and new vehicles, an important aspect of the revitalized Augustan Empire's forces is complete mechanization. Grand Domestic Konstantinos stated that for the Augustan Empire to remain vigilant it must maintain a modern force and according to him this includes complete mechanization, which means that even the infantry divisions will be upgraded from trucks to APC's. Minister Mundus confirmed these changes stating that "this makes the Armed Forces very versatile, the new APC's will enable our troops to be both extremely capable at defensive and offensive operations".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby PaleRider » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:15 am

Revelers cheer on the Armed Forces as the Federation is Restored
After years in the wilderness and aimless leadership the Zardic Federalist Party has returned in full force to right the ship of state and steer the Federation under new guidance. Already sweeping new reforms have been brought to the fore with the prior party being tossed from government with Constitutional Reforms being at the forefront, restoring representative democracy to the land. Economic and military reform are top of the agenda followed closely by civil service reform several senior party leaders and government sources tell the Post. Already sweeping new legislation has cleared the way for new, better trained, and more loyal civil servants to take up the selfless mantle of service to the Federation. The officer corps in the military is reportedly being cleared of suspected leftist elements while higher training and standards are being applied to the recently reconstructed intelligence and federal police services. The service academies are back up and running and already churning out highly qualified officers to begin rebuilding the basic blocks of strategic national power. Once again the sleeping lion of Zardugal is rising and Majatra, nay Terra will hear us ROAR!

ZNS BELGAE steams out of Naval Station Kostandian Bay for snap exercises
As part of the Patriotic Resurgence Campaign dedicated to rebuilding Zardic power the Defense Ministry has been infused with billions in new spending to get the whole force back up to shape! After decades of under-funding and political neglect by senior officials, the whole defense establishment is being cleansed. Under the inspired leadership of President Teimurazi Gelashvili a new generation of Zardic military officers steeped in patriotism and loyalty to country is being sent forth to show Majatra and Terra at large the Zardic Eagle is once again soaring high.

Central to these efforts is a massive reform and funding of the Federal Navy. Perhaps one of the branches worst hit by the years of neglect, skills and trained sailors are now rare to come by. Dockyards all across the country, but especially here in Kostandian Bay are working over time to repair the fleet and bring it back to full fighting condition. And in a strong effort to demonstrate renewed Zardic power snap exercises are being held. Chief of Staff, Federal Navy Admiral Grigori Yevenshivili has made it a key priority to get the fleet back into fighting condition and snap exercises of available resources and manpower are a public and effective way to do this. He was present with senior staff from all services recently at snap exercises west of KB where the Navy conducted basic seamanship drills, and fleet tactics. Building these crucial blocks back up is key to a renewed Zardugal. While Belgae and senior political chart a new course for the Federation they shall have the comfort of knowing the Fleet, and soon the military as a whole will be back!

CTA officers conduct a midday raid on a radical left wing element in Sakvejo
As part of the Patriotic Resurgence Campaign the Federal Police Service (FPS) and the Counter-Terror Administration (CTA) along with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have conducted and will continue to conduct large scale raids nationwide against radical and reactionary political groups that seek to undermine the standing and prestige of the Federation. For the past several weeks hundreds have been detained and charged with extremism and terrorist plots to undermine the Federation and stall the progress of moving forward. Displaced leftist and monarchist groups have long plotted to hold back the people and retard the power and growth and modernization of the Federation but the authorities today are as vigilant as ever. Many experts suspect that these disaffected groups are plotting to stir trouble and discord, opening the way for foreign interference in Zardic affairs to weaken the resolve of our Federation to stand for her interests.
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