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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:52 am

After two weeks of convention ballots, centre-left candidate for DPU secretary Tino Bertolini has won the election. After over 200 ballots, he pulled through with a unanimous vote total. The convention, which was closed to the news and the public, was stressful, with other candidates Chiarina Pozzi and Rania Samara running neck and neck at 40% each, but after some time, the two decided to elect the 67 year old Bertolini as a consensus filler candidate. Immediately after being announced as party secretary, Mr. Bertolini announced that Ms. Pozzi would serve as the party committee chair, and Ms. Samara would serve as the party president. The move, while seen as smart because it pleases all parties to the agreement, will certainly destabilize the party in the future, with so many centers of power being held.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:47 pm

Concluso oggi il nono congresso comunista: rieletto Revara e confermata la linea riformista del partito
The IXth Communist Congresso ended: re-elected Revara and confirmed the reformist line of the party
The IXth Communist Congress finished its works. Ernesto Revara was confirmed as General secretary;
during these years, the three factions of the party (leonidist, led by Bellinguer and Revara, metzist-leonidist led by Cossutta and trozzisks led by Ferrato) cohesisted with a costant enlargerment of the moderate communist area, the leonidist, enhancing which led to this Congress where the Trozzisks and the Metzist-leonidist mashed together in a way to gain more consenses inside the party. After the Congress, the seats division of the Central Committee is:
Leonidist (Led by Ernesto Revera): 85% / 850 delegates
Metzist-leonidist (Led by Giovanni Cossutta and Paolo Ferrato): 15% / 150 delegates
The party showed its support to Revara for the formation of the Government of large coalition - without an answer to the minoritary criticism by the metzist leonidist - and the committee made a further little change in the Party's Statuto: any referment to any form of revolution is erased, qualifing the PCI as a full democratic and reformist leftist force:
"The Communist Party is a democratic force which fights in the framework of democracy for the enhancement of the worker's life condition"
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:32 pm


Sabbagh became known for her statements regarding the "magical" regressive tax system, complimenting it in most discussions she is involved in, even if it has no relation to the subject given

And so, it is confirmed that Sahla Sabbagh, an exponent of the "Teals", or more radical economically wing of the Liberal Democrats, will, in fact, challenge the Current Chairperson and Prime Minister, Grimaldo Simonette for the seat of Party Leader. She has the support of many important ULD figures, from both the Federalist and Teal factions, such as Elena Vespa-Baldassare, Majd Ghanem or Elmo Cappola. However, currently, it is unknown whether those two factions will be able to overpower the definitively largest faction within the party, the Moderates.

Sahla Sabbagh is currently 34 years old with a daughter born a year ago. She is of mixed, both Istalian and Quanzari heritage; Sabbagh came to prominence in the ULD when she first became the leader of the Youth Wing, and later a successful member of the Presidential primaries in the ULD, coming third overall, overcoming Shamon-Baz. Currently, she serves as the Deputies' Whip. She has been in politics since she was able to. Her parents, both ULD members, often took her to the party's conventions in her City, with her father even serving as a member of the city council for some time. She has joined the ULD's youth wing at a young age; apparently, she joined it on her 15th birthday (the Liberal Democrats youth wing at the time was for people older than 15, currently it is 14). Since then, she finished University in Romula (the ULD funds studies on the University for many members of it's youth wing, after all, it is by far Istalia's richest party), finishing ethics. During the speech on which she announced that she will run for leadership of the party, she stated that she wants to make the ULD "the pride of the right".

The Congress on which the (possibly) next ULD leader will be decided is expected to be held in December.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:30 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Si è tenuto tra il 28 e 30 ottobre 4368 il primo Congresso del Fronte Democratico, in mancanza del Segretario i lavori sono stati aperti dal Presidente pro-tempore del FD, Lucio Vero Rosso.
Il Congresso si è svolto dopo le prime elezioni primarie del FD che hanno avuto i seguenti risultati:
- Lucio Vero Rosso: 1.098.555 voti - 71% e 143 seggi
- Valenzo Polo: 233.090 voti - 15,1% e 30 seggi
- Nicola Borromeo: 109.457 voti - 7,1% e 14 seggi
- Isabella Bella: 105.561 voti - 6,8% e 13 seggi
- Francesca Agnese Ghedini: 890.567 - 57,6%
- Carletto Gori: 656.080 - 42,4%
L'affluenza totale è stata di 1.546.663 voti, Lucio Vero Rosso e Francesca A. Ghedini saranno i membri eletti del prossimo Direttorio la composizione di quest'ultimo sarà:
- PRESIDENTE: Lucio Vero Rosso
- VICEPRESIDENTE: Nicola Borromeo
- SEGRETARIO: Francesca Agnese Ghedini
- CAPOGRUPPO FD SENATO: Giovanni Piacente
Dopo la nomina del nuovo Direttorio il Presidente Rosso parla dei risultati elettorali:" Sono abbastanza soddisfatto, nel vecchio PLI nessuno aveva mai superato l'11% ed eravamo un partito di nicchia, ora siamo al 14% e stiamo acquisendo sempre più importanza, non dobbiamo mollare ed andare avanti con il nostro progetto per l'Istalia. Bene anche la coalizione che raggiunge il 24%, peccato per l'IDV al 26%.
Il Congresso ha approvato la "mozione Rosso" che riguardava il sostegno del FD ad un possibile governo guidato dal PCI con 185 voti a favore, 8 contrari e 7 astenuti. L'opposizione è dovuta ai membri fedeli a Bella che in campagna elettorale diceva:" Mai con il PCI al governo!" ma, evidentemente, gli elettori FD vogliono I.p.I. e PCI al Governo.


FLORENZA, PADAGNA - The first Congress of the Democratic Front took place between 28 and 30 October 4368, in the absence of the Secretary the works were opened by the pro-tempore President of the FD, Lucio Vero Rosso.
The Congress took place after the first FD primary elections that had the following results:
- Lucio Vero Rosso: 1,098,555 votes - 71% and 143 seats
- Valenzo Polo: 233,090 votes - 15.1% and 30 seats
- Nicola Borromeo: 109.457 votes - 7.1% and 14 seats
- Isabella Bella: 105,561 votes - 6.8% and 13 seats
- Francesca Agnese Ghedini: 890.567 - 57,6%
- Carletto Gori: 656.080 - 42,4%
The total attendance was 1,546,663 votes, Lucio Vero Rosso and Francesca A. Ghedini will be the elected members of the next Directory. The composition of the latter will be:
- PRESIDENT: Lucio Vero Rosso
- VICE PRESIDENT: Nicola Borromeo
- SECRETARY: Francesca Agnese Ghedini
- FD CHAMBER WHIP: Valenzo Polo
- FD SENATE WHIP: Giovanni Piacente
After the appointment of the new Directory, President Rosso speaks of the electoral results: "I am quite satisfied, in the old PLI no one had ever exceeded 11% and we were a niche party, now we are at 14% and we are acquiring more and more importance, not we have to give up and go on with our project for Istalia, good also the coalition which reaches 24%, a sin for the IDV at 26%.
The Congress approved the "Rosso motion" that concerned the support of the FD to a possible government led by the PCI with 185 votes in favor, 8 against and 7 abstentions. The opposition is due to members loyal to Bella who said during the election campaign: "Never with the PCI in the government!" but, evidently, FD voters want I.p.I. and PCI to the Government.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:19 pm


Don't let the smile mistake you; even though Del Gatto cracked a joke after the results were revealed and Simonette laughed at it, it doesn't mean that he has a reason to be happy

And so, the December Congress of the Liberal Democrats has concluded; with new delegates, and many new people among the higher ranks, the ULD feels the tailwind beneath their feet. However, will they be able to use it?

Sabbagh will be the first woamn in over fifty years t serve as ULD secretary

However, obviously, the main event of the entire congress was the battle between the backers and opponents of Grimaldo Simonette, the leader of the "centrist", or moderate faction and, until now, the Chairperson of the ULD. On the latest Congress, the man was defeated, and in what some would call a landslide. He faced off against the young, energetic candidate of the Teals, or the radical liberal wing of the party, Sahla Sabbagh, supported by the entirety of the ULD internal opposition. Although he started ahead in the polls, it soon changed and, in the final day, Sabbagh defeated him, 59-41%. All minor candidates that announced that they'll join the race supported her, and what didn't help was the fact that even Antero Reale, the ex-president and the ULD's honorary vice-chairperson (all ex-presidents from the ULD ex-party chairpeople get the position of honorary Vice-Chairperson and delegate-for-life), known as a big supporter of his backed Sabbagh in the last second (just like with the presidential election, where until just a week before the election he was expected to run as an independent, however, he endorsed Pellegrini).

This change of leadership is the first time that a Chairperson of the ULD gets defeated in the race for leadership. Always, they either resigned after poor, or the 2-term rule was in place. It is also noteworthy that Sabbagh is only the second woman to lead the Liberal Democrats in their almost 100-year history, after Qhizma Nassar, who was also a fellow Quanzari, meaning that all Quanzari leaders of the party were women. Sabbagh will also be the ULD's ninth chairperson, and the second youngest person to be elevated to that seat, after Phineas Abercrombie (another non-Istalian. Well, both were half Istalian), who became the then-general secretary at the astonishing age of 24.

It is also expected that the teals will now take most of the seats in the leadership, with Vespa-Baldassare as the most likely first Vice-Chairperson, and Elmo Cappola will almost definitely become the next Deputy Chairperson. Another important information is the fact that Simonette will resign from the position of Prime Minister, and will get replaced by his deputy Prime Minister, and Minister without Portfolio, Carlo Del Gatto.

However, during the congress, and after the results were announced, both politicians gave speeches, talking about how much they respect their rival, and how they wish them luck in the future.

Mr Simonette has been a great leader for the ULD, if not internally, then externally surely. He was a worthy heir to Prime Minister Vespa-Baldassare, and surely someone that was able to unite smaller factions, such as the moderates, centrists, greens and social-liberals into one bloc, known as the centrists. He also pursued the dream of a federated Istalia; although I may not fully understand it, I respect it and consider it a decent effort of bringing democracy to the hands of the people. May he know that I wish him a lot of luck in his future endeavours as an honorary vice-chairperson of the ULD!

Well, it seems as if have been defeated... Well, what can I say? I am not surprised; not by the fact that I lost, which is totally shocking and fully unexpected *winks*, but by the fact that Sahla won. She has charisma, she has the drive, she is the physical representation fo the ULD spirit if there is one. I must say, the ULD will be in the right hands now, and I am sure that she will prove to be a great leader, and grant us victories in the parliament and presidential palace. May we defeat the communists and save the independent, democratic Istalian citizens and their dreams!

It is noteworthy that Sabbagh may consider granting Simonette her own prior function, and endorse him as the candidate for deputy whip, however, he may also become the deputies leader, as she must know that, although he was defeated, Simonette is still powerful.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:57 am

PUP General Secretary Tino Bertolini (right) was grilled by members of the Confidence Committee yesterday
Yesterday the PUP convened its Confidence Committee yesterday to question General Secretary Tino Bertolini on his leadership of the party over the past 6 months. Party Committee Chairs Chiarina Pozzi and Rania Samara convened the committee in Florenza to question the General Secretary prior to their vote of confidence. The procedure approved prior to the committee was that a questioning would happen, and then, the committee would vote later on whether or not they were confident in the incumbent's leadership. The questioning period came after increased criticism from Chairwoman Pozzi on Secretary Bertolini's leadership. Each member of the 11 member committee was granted a 20 minute questioning period. Segments available below:
POZZI: General Secretary, you pledged that your main goal as leader would be to expand the party, correct?
BERTOLINI: Yes, Madam Chair, that is correct.
POZZI: Then why, General Secretary, has the party not spent any of its vast funds on advertising, vote registration, or voter engagement?
BERTOLINI: We are still determining the proper methods to use this money.
POZZI: So clearly, the General Secretary has not expanded the party. Next question, then. This party was founded as a centre-left party, correct?
BERTOLINI: This party was founded as a centrist party. Since then, we have shifted left.
POZZI: And you entered the centre-left coalition?
BERTOLINI: Yes, because we agree on all the issues?
POZZI: Then why have we been voting against the coalition?
BERTOLINI: Because the reforms in question are-
POZZI: Centrist?
BERTOLINI: Not really, but they are somewhat common sense.
POZZI: So not allowing a single grandmother to adopt her grandson is common sense?
BERTOLINI: Well, you see, most of them are-
POZZI: You can stop there, General Secretary. Clearly, the General Secretary is not fit to lead this party thanks to his views. No further questions.

The committee will vote on their confidence later in the week.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:17 am

PUP GS Tino Bertolini seen after Confidence vote
Today to PUP Confidence committee voted on a 6-5 margin to send a vote of no confidence to the party committee. The vote will take place in a few days.
Chiarina Pozzi (Chair)
Alfeo Accorsi (Vice Chair)
Teodosio Tumicelli
Giada Naggia
Ottaviano Biondi

Rania Samara (Chair)
Tiziana Sarti (Vice Chair)
Velia Arena
Ponzio Magro
Venceslao Agricola
Gianpiero Milani
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:39 am

The attempted coup led by Chiarina Pozzi failed after the vote of no confidence against PUP General Secretary Tino Bertolini failed to garner even 50% of votes at the party meeting in Florenza. Key to saving Bertolini from eminent loss was party president Rania Samara, who urged members to vote against Pozzi's coup as an attempt to "stay indecisive." Afterwards Bertolini announced that Pozzi would be leaving the party leadership.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby JuliaAJA » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:44 am

Marlino Thallerotti Dies While Skiing
July 4369

Marlino Thallerotti, Leader of the Legione Thallerista Istaliana, has died while skiing. The details are vague, but the last known picture of him, as seen above, shows that he was totally sky clad in rather chilly weather. He was on holiday at an undisclosed ski resort with some of his closest supporters and relatives. Reports coming out of the Legione Thallerista Istaliana are that Thallerotti's death is the death of Thallerism in Istalia to allow his loyal followers to mourn properly. Though the question remains, is this really the last that Istalia has seen of Thallerists?
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:00 am

Istalian Edition
Il Governo Revara si installa a Palazzo Antinori contestato dall'ULD insieme al Presidente Casto che difende Governo ed il Partito: "Nessuna minaccia per la nostra democrazia, Governo legittimo e fondato su larghe intese"
Dopo la 284esima legislatura, conclusasi anticipatamente dopo il crollo dei Federalisti e la crisi aperta dal Presidente Reale, un Governo di centro/centro-sinistra torna al potere dopo oltre 24 anni di dominio della destra (ULD). Tra le riforme si prospetta una riorganizzazione definitiva del fisco e della spesa pubblica e quindi la ripresa di una politica estera attiva

ROMULA - Si sono finalmente concluse le lunghe e difficili consultazioni avviate dal Presidente Casto all'indomani delle elezioni anticipate del 4368. Dopo aver tentato di unire il centro-sinistra ed i Thalleristi, recentemente scomparsi a seguito della morte del leader del partito ed anche per gli scarsi risultati elettorali, Casto finalmente riesce a stringere un patto con il Partito Repubblicano, il partito centrista, tendente a destra ma da sempre conosciuto per le posizioni sociali più centriste rispetto ai Liberal Democratici ed ai Nazionalisti dei AI.

A guidare il nuovo esecutivo il Presidente Casto ha nominato alla testa del Consiglio dei Ministri il collega di partito Ernesto Revara, noto al grande pubblico per il suo anti-conformismo, per la forte fede nella causa comunista e per la passione per i sigari Vintalliani. Un causa che rispetto ai primissimi anni si è definitivamente orientata verso una politica riformista e di pieno rispetto ed accettazione dei principi democratici e del parlamentarismo liberale istaliano.
A ribadire ciò è stato recentemente lo stesso Presidente della Repubblica durante le consultazioni post elettorali, costretto a difendere il risultato elettorale come anche l'accordo di Governo dagli attacchi e le proteste degli esponenti dell'Union dei Liberal Democratici che prima avevano criticato l'appoggio dei Radicali per i Comunisti e quindi paventato minacce per la democrazia in Istalia, accuse comunque velocemente rigettate sia da AR che dal PCI e dal Presidente stesso il quale ha ribadito, come durante il discorso di insediamento, che la democrazia istaliana non è assolutamente minacciata e che i comunisti sono pronti a tendere la mano a tutte le forze politiche nel segno del compromesso e per il bene del paese.
La strategia di Casto ha funzionato dato che i Repubblicani hanno accettato di entrare nel Governo, anche perché l'ULD usciva da una legislatura ridimensionato ed anche isolato dopo che praticamente tutte le altre forze politiche si erano scagliate contro le dichiarazioni del Presidente Reale riguardo la possibilità di porre il veto su una legislazione di carattere puramente economico, decisione sostenuta anche dal resto del suo partito.

Revara, di fronte alle telecamere, ha annunciato che in politica interna il Governo si concentrerà su quella che, si spera, sarà un definitivo riordino del fisco e del budget nazionale, al centro dei dibattiti delle ultime tre legislature durante le quali praticamente ogni partito, di fronte all'impossibilità dei governi precedenti di proporre un progetto condiviso, ha presentato la sua proposta. Dopo l'introduzione e l'annullamento di una riforma caratterizzata da una flat tax e quindi di due riforme delle imposte sui redditi per reintrodurre una tassazione progressiva, dopo diverse proposte per il riordino delle spese pubbliche e dunque una grande confusione dovuta a proposte provenienti da tutti i fronti, il Presidente del Consiglio ha dichiarato che tra le prime azioni del governo è previsto proprio il riordino di queste materie. Le soluzioni che verranno proposte, in verità, sono frutto di anni di dialogo tra i comunisti ed i federalisti adattate alle richieste dei Repubblicani: prima della dissoluzione del Movimento Federalista, infatti, era in prospettiva un governo tra PCI e MFI ed al centro dei dialoghi vi era proprio la politica fiscale e budgetaria che aveva portato alla progettazione di una riforma finanziaria condivisa che, se i federalisti non fossero caduti, probabilmente sarebbe stata già adottata.

In politica estera, invece, Casto ha dichiarato che a differenza dei precedenti presidenti dell'ULD, l'Istalia tornerà a far sentire la sua voce ed ad esporsi sulla scena internazionale: in cima alla lista delle preoccupazioni del Ministero degli Esteri ovviamente la tesa situazione in Majatra Occidentale dovuta all'insorgere degli Orderisti in diverse nazioni dell'area. A breve il Presidente od il Ministro degli Esteri dovrebbero rilasciare delle dichiarazioni al riguardo.
Altra preoccupazione, invece, sarà il degenerare della situazione in nord Dovani tra Kazulia e Dankuk, una situazione che ha visto la tensione crescere costantemente negli ultimi anni e che vede ormai Kazulia pronta a dichiarare guerra al vicino, tra accuse di spionaggio, assassinii politici e destabilizzazione dell'avversario. L'Istalia fa sapere che già si è rivolta al Consiglio di Sicurezza del Congresso Mondiale avanzando la proposta di un'azione diplomatica rivolta a scongiurare il conflitto a seguito del quale, per il momento, il Ministero degli Esteri ha rilasciato un breve comunicato:

La prospettiva di un nuovo conflitto in Dovani non può che preoccupare l'intera comunità Internazionale e nella speranza di scongiurare perdite di vite umane e distruzioni, l'Istalia ha voluto attivarsi all'interno del Consiglio di Sicurezza del Congresso Mondiale per lavorare ad una soluzione diplomatica del conflitto. Il Governo Istaliano ha recentemente ricevuto una vera e propria chiamata di soccorso da parte di Dankuk che ci ha informato dell'intenzione di Kazulia di dichiarare guerra al proprio vicino.
L'Istalia ha già risposto dichiarando che un'intervento nel conflitto sarà altamente improbabile, anche alla luce del fatto che la situazione dei rapporti tra le due nazioni coinvolte è talmente complicata che ad oggi non possiamo assolutamente prendere una posizione a favore dell'uno o dell'altro contendente, ma che è pronta ad impegnarsi per cercare una soluzione diplomatica in concertazione con gli altri membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza.
Non possiamo esimerci però dall'invitare e raccomandare al Governo di Skalm di fermarsi ora e di dare spazio agli strumenti della diplomazia, non perché siamo pronti a giudicare come sbagliata od immotivata la loro decisione di muovere guerra a Dankuk, ma per evitare un conflitto che potrebbe prolungarsi per molto tempo e causare danni e perdite pesantissime da entrambe le parti, tra combattenti e dunque tra civili.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Luthorian Edition
Revara Government is installed in Antinori Palace challenged by the ULD together with President Casto who defends the Government and the Party: "No threat to our democracy, government legitimate and founded on broad understandings"
After the 284th legislature, ended early after the collapse of the Federalists and the crisis opened by President Reale, a center/center-left government returns to the power after more than 24 years of right-wing (ULD) domination. Among the reforms there is a definitive reorganization of tax and public spending and therefore the resumption of an active foreign policy

ROMULA - The long and difficult consultations initiated by President Casto in the wake of the early elections of 4368 have finally ended. After attempting to unite the center-left and the Thallerists, who recently disappeared following the death of the party leader and also for the continuesly poor electoral results, Casto finally manages to make a pact with the Republican Party, the centrist party, tending to the right but always known for the social positions more centrist than the Liberal Democrats and the ​​Nationalists of AI.

To lead the new executive, President Casto appointed the party colleague Ernesto Revara to the head of the Council of Ministers, known to the general public for his anti-conformism, for his strong faith in the communist cause and his passion for Vintallian cigars. A cause that compared to the very early years has definitely been directed towards a reformist policy of full respect and acceptance of democratic principles and liberal parliamentarianism.
To reiterate this was recently the President of the Republic during post-election consultations, forced to defend the election result as well as the Government agreement from attacks and protests by members of the Union of Liberal Democrats who had previously criticized the support of the Radicals for the Communists and therefore feared threats for the democracy in Istalia, accusations however quickly rejected by both AR and the PCI and by the President himself who reiterated, as during the settlement speech, that the istalian democracy is not absolutely threatened and that the communists are ready to reach out to all political forces in the sign of compromise and for the good of the country.
Casto's strategy worked because the Republicans agreed to join the government, also because the ULD came out from the previous legislature reduced and even isolated after practically all the other political forces had opposed the statements of President Reale regarding the possibility to veto on a legislation of a purely economic nature, a decision supported by the rest of his party.

Revara, in front of the cameras, announced that in domestic politics the Government will focus on what, hopefully, will be a final reorganization of the tax and national budget, at the center of the debates of the last three legislatures during which virtually every party, faced with the impossibility of previous governments to propose a shared project, presented its proposal. After the introduction and cancellation of a reform characterized by a flat tax and then two tax reforms on income to reintroduce a progressive taxation, after several proposals for the reorganization of public expenditure and therefore a great confusion due to proposals coming from all fronts, the Prime Minister has declared that among the first actions of the government the reorganization of these matters is foreseen. The solutions that will be proposed, in truth, are the result of years of dialogue between the communists and the federalists adapted to the demands of the Republicans: before the dissolution of the Federalist Movement, in fact, a government between PCI and MFI was in perspective and at the center of the dialogues there was precisely the fiscal and budgetary policy that had led to the planning of a shared financial reform which, if the federalists had not fallen, would probably have already been adopted.

About the foreign policy, instead, Casto said that unlike previous ULD presidents, Istalia will return to make its voice heard and to expose itself on the international scene: at the top of the list of concerns of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs obviously the tense situation in Western Majatra due to the uprising of the Orderists in various countries of the area. Soon the President or the Foreign Minister should make statements about it.
Another concern, however, will be the degeneration of the situation in northern Dovani between Kazulia and Dankuk, a situation that has seen the tension grow steadily in recent years and sees Kazulia now ready to declare war on the neighbor, including accusations of espionage, political assassinations and destabilization of the adversary. Istalia informs that it has already turned to the Security Council of the World Congress by advancing the proposal for a diplomatic action aimed at averting the conflict following which, for the moment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a brief statement:

The prospect of a new conflict in Dovani can not but worry the entire international community and in the hope of averting loss of human lives and enormous destruction, Istalia took initiative before the Security Council of the World Congress to work to a diplomatic solution to the conflict. The Istalian Government recently received a real help call from Dankuk who informed us of Kazulia's intention to declare war on his neighbor.
Istalia has already responded by declaring that an intervention in the conflict will be highly unlikely, also in light of the fact that the situation of relations between the two nations involved is so complicated that to date we can not absolutely take a position in favor of one or of the other contender, but which is ready to commit itself to seek a diplomatic solution in consultation with the other members of the Security Council.
We can not, however, exempt ourselves from inviting and recommending to the Government of Skalm to stop now and give space to the instruments of diplomacy, not because we are ready to judge as wrong or unjustified their decision to wage war on Dankuk, but to avoid a conflict that it could be prolonged for a long time and cause heavy damages and losses on both sides, between combatants and therefore between civilians.
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