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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:54 pm

Your source for credible news and authoritative insights from Tian'an, Indrala and the world.
Foreign Minister condemns "Anti-Indralan" rhetoric from Baltusian ruling party
20 October 4475 (OOC: Postdated)

Jugang, Jiaozhi Province: Following media coverage of Baltusian Republican Party candidate Bradley Powell's comments regarding the Indralan flag, Foreign Minister Jiang Chen denounced "anti-Indralan rhetoric" coming from the Baltusian ruling party.

Powell, an Ameliorite pastor and one of the leading members of the Hosian-democrat wing of the ruling Baltusian Republican Party suggested to congregants that the dragon symbolism on the Indralan national flag is proof that Indralans are "literally worshipping Satanail." The comments have since generated public outcry from Indralans, Hosian and otherwise, who claim that the comments are deeply offensive and xenophobic.

Speaking at a Kyo-Indralan charity event in Jugang, Jiaozhi Province, Foreign Minister Jiang Chen claimed that the rise of "such blatant ignorance and xenophobia," in Baltusia must be countered.

"The Government of Indrala is deeply troubled by the comments from the prominent faith leader and politician Bradley Powell," said the Foreign Minister. "The lack of dissent from within the Baltusian ruling party or from the opposition is a clear contradiction of the principals of mutual respect and of dialogue between our two nations."

Indralan dragons are legendary creatures in Indralan mythology and folk religion. They traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it. The Dragon also represents the imperial authority of the Emperor of Indrala and his prestige as the Son of Heaven.

The Indralan private sector has reacted to the comments from Powell and the lack of response from Baltusian authorities by withholding investment in the expanding Baltusian economy. TQ Group Overseas Director Tang Huanyu said that TQ Group has suspended a $3.4 billion investment in Baltusia from their hospitality subsidiary, while Xiandai Group has also said they are reconsidering investments in Baltusia.

Xiandai and Lanshui Shipyard inaugurate first Jianlong the Great-class missile destroyer
10 March 4477

Lanbao, Min Province: The first Jianlong the Great-class guided missile destroyer was launched at the Lanshui Shipyard in Lanbao, Min Province today. Measuring about 170 meters long and over 20 meters wide, the destoryer displaces about 11,000 tons at full load. The ship, constucted in a joint project by Xiandai Heavy Industries and the Lanshui Shipyard, has been lauded by Ministry of Defence analysts, who have ordered nine more to be constructed in the coming years. In contrast with domestic jets and other Indralan military hardware, the Jianlong the Great-class destroyer comes at a lower cost than anticipated, at $990m per unit.

The new destroyer is a modern, multi-purpose warship, with four enormous radars and an integrated mast containing intelligence equipment, electronic countermeasures, and fire control radars. The radars are positioned around the superstructure to provide 360 degree coverage up to 500-600km away. The system can track several hundred targets including ballistic and cruise missile, satellites, aircraft, and warships. The ship has a capacity of up to 128 missiles.

Upon hearing the news of the successful launch, Chief Minister Wei Jianxing remarked that, "Indrala is one step closer to becoming a blue-water navy."

Prince Luyi enrols at Université de Delaune, Lourenne
20 April 4475 (OOC: Postdated)

Delaune, Carolleux, Lourenne: Prince Luyi, who is known as Prince Louis of Lourenne, has announced through his representatives that he will be attending the Université de Delaune, one of Lourenne's oldest and most prestigious universities for the 4476 fall semester. For the past three years, Prince Luyi has been studying cultural anthropology at Haejo Imperial College in Jugang, Jiaozhi.

Prince Luyi has announced that he will be entering the UdD's Faculty of History, with a research focus specifically on the Orinco civilization. The Prince's arrival was highly anticipated by online observers and fans, hundreds of whom flocked to the Eroncourt International Airport to catch a glimpse of the handsome and young prince of both Indrala and Lourenne.

As is characteristic of the Prince, he spent a fair amount of time interacting with the crowd at the airport, speaking to and taking pictures with those gathered in the arrivals terminal. The Prince has received acclaim from foreigners in the past for his charismatic and outgoing nature.

The Prince is expected to live in residence at the Université de Delaune, though he will also reside between the Imperial Clan's Château du Sirault and with his royal Lourennian relatives at their many estates and palaces across the nation.

The Tian'an Times is Indrala's most widely circulated print and online newspaper. The paper has a slight centre-right lean.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:48 am

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:54 am

Southern Voice is a left-leaning magazine, focusing predominantly on political, cultural and economic events in Shu, Han and Southern Anle
Historically, the magazine has had a close relationship with the Sun Clan and the Imperial Household

Government continues to react to Congressman Powell Scandal
Story by Yu Yong-weon, April 4477

The government of Indrala has continued to express its extreme disappointment with the ruling party of Baltusia, following the comments of one of its most prominent members, Congressman Bradley Powell, with regard to the flag of Indrala. Despite private exchanges with cabinet members of President Wallace Howell's administration, the Republican Party has taken no actions against Congressman Powell, and the bilateral relationship between Indrala and Baltusia has suffered as a result.

Accordingly, thousands of Indralan citizens have been protesting Baltusian diplomatic missions within Indrala, many of whom view the United States as having tacitly endorsed the 'anti-Indralan' statements made by Congressman Powell. Twenty-thousand Indralans signed an online petition to ask Foreign Minister Jiang Chen to suspend an upcoming meeting between Baltusian and Indralan diplomats and cabinet ministers in Tian'an. Public outrage over the comments has also manifested itself in a number of boycott actions against Baltusian consumer goods and cultural products, suspended private sector investment in Baltusia and terse exchanges between netizens online.

"The people of Indrala will not be lectured on their culture by a raving xenophobe"

Minister of Education and Culture, He Meixuan fired the latest round of shots against Congressman Powell, who recently held a press conference to compound his conviction that the Indralan flag indicates that the people of Indrala worship Satanail. In response to his comments, Minister He assembled Indralan Hosian faith leaders as well as Indralan cultural academics to discredit what the Minister referred to as "blatant anti-Indralan lies and linguistic revisionism."

"The people of Indrala will not be lectured on their culture by a raving xenophobe," said Minister He. "Bradley Powell does not understand that of which he speaks, and employs despicable tactics such as misinformation, revisionism and outright lies to generate anti-Indralan sentiment among the people of Baltusia."

Cultural academics at the press conference specifically targeted Powell's incorrect use of Indralan characters in an attempt to prove his point. The Congressman produced a number of infographics which explain the composition of Indralan characters, one of which has become an online meme in Indrala due to its falsehood.

"The character for 'tempter' and for 'dragon' share no similarities," said Professor Shen Dingli of Tian'an National University. "Congressman Powell produced a graphic which completely revised the composition of the character for 'tempter,' suggesting that it shares distinct similarities to the character for 'dragon.'"

Professor Shen produced a graphic of his own which led to some laughter among the members of the Indralan media for whom the information seems obvious. The professor, too, chuckled as he held the page up.


"As you can see, the radical which Congressman Powell refers to does not represent the 'dragon,' nor does it share any aesthetic or linguistic similarities whatsoever. The radical, directly translated, means 'house on a cliff,' though the three-stroke radical often is interpreted as 'cover,' when combined with other strokes. One definition which it never takes on, is that of 'dragon.'"

Indralan Hosian faith leaders also resolutely denounced Congressman Powell's comments, saying that they do not represent "the deep-seeded respect for multiculturalism embodied by Eliyahu."

"Eliyahu of Yishelem, a Yeudi man, brought his teachings to all of humanity," said Minister Lin Maosheng of the Independent Confessing Church of Indrala. "The first church to our saviour was founded in Selucia. It's awfully ignorant of brother Powell to suggest that one of the cultures walking on God's mortal plane has surrendered to sin for the simple development of unique cultural symbolism. We should be living and doing all things to bring glory to God, not to bring offence to others."

FM praises Baltusian opposition politicians

Foreign Minister Jiang Chen, speaking to media outside a conference hall in Hazhou, Shu Province praised the recently broadcasted comments by Democratic Governor Sam Carter, who said that Congressman Powell "is a truly low-grade man lacking the moral compass to really give anyone advice."

"We're pleased to see such a condemnation of anti-Indralanism and bigotry, if not from the United States government, then from its democratic opposition," said Minister Jiang. "Governor Carter has gone beyond performative words of apology and regret to take a strong and moral stand against the incorrect views of Bradley Powell."

Continuing, the Minister said that he isn't interested in "hollow" apologies. As he said in the past, the Government of Indrala remains concerned over the lack of dissent from the leadership of the Republican Party of Baltusia.

"I have received communications from some members of the Republican cabinet, who have offered their apologies to the people of Indrala," said Minister Jiang. "However, what actions have been taken by these same individuals? Words of apology mean nothing if they aren't backed up by efforts at rectification. For all their performative pronouncements, Bradley Powell remains a ranking member of the Baltusian ruling-party and has received no sanction for his deeply offensive comments."

It is clear that the comments of Congressman Powell have deeply impacted the bilateral relationship between Indrala and Baltusia. It is yet to be seen whether the aftermath of this scandal will affect the relationship of these nations negatively for years to come, or whether positive developments will change the narrative surrounding this affair.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:43 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:07 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby pandowlpaws » Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:19 pm

The Kaizhou Inquirer
The Kaizhou Inquirer is northern Indrala's leading periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics
24 March 4483
IBER releases Indrala based series
The Institution of Biological and Ecological Research highlights Indrala in newest series
The title image of IBER Indrala's first article

KAIZHOU, Jiaozhi Province: The Institution of Biological and Ecological Research, an organization based on furthering knowledge around Terra's biodiversity, has begun the first among a series of articles focusing on the wilds of Indrala, a project which has been called IBER Indrala.

The Institution wasn't the only member to contribute; however, as local Indralan entities, including the Anle Range Academy of Natural Sciences, the Cheng Foundation, and the Kaizhou Inquirer Media Group have also been secretly working on the project. It is currently unknown how many articles will make up the series, but the few that the Kaizhou Inquirer has been informed of will be listed here:

1. The Rice Basket: Rivers and Fields of Indrala
2. The Backbone: Wilds of the Anle Range
3. A Deadly Paradise: Jungles and Forests of Indrala

More to be announced at a later date.

The Kaizhou Inquirer is owned by the Kaizhou Inquirer Media Group.
御國人国党(Gao-Showa National Party) - Hulstria-Mikuni,
formerly the 竹左联盟(Bamboo-Left Coalition) and the 社會民主黨(Social Democratic Party) of Indrala

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:08 am

The Taixi Times is a daily print and web publication from Taixi, Anle, offering breaking news and analysis on politics, business and
entertainment from Indrala and around the world. The publication is non-partisan.

Chief Minister will not run in 4485 General Election
19 April 4483
Chief Minister Wei Jianxing distributes locally-grown bananas to school children in Shu Province

Shu Province: After serving at the helm of Indrala’s government for nearly 18 years, Chief Minister Wei Jianxing has announced that his current five-year term will be his last. At his resignation in 4485, Wei Jianxing will be the longest-serving head of government of Indrala since the 4250 dictatorship.

Speaking to a group of school children and reporters this morning, Wei said that it was time “to pass the torch.”

"I'm incredibly grateful to have received the support and trust of the Indralan people," Wei said. "However, the time has come for a younger generation to carry Indrala forward; I am confident that my government has helped to prepare them for this task."

The decision from Wei was not entirely unexpected, as the octogenarian elder statesman has had some minor health issues in recent months. Nonetheless, Wei enjoys high levels of support and approval from the majority of Indralans; the Chief Minister's governing Lotus Party has remained the largest political party in the Grand Assembly over the course of his term in office.

The Lotus Party is expected to hold a leadership convention in 4484 to elect its new leader in advance of the 4485 General Election.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby pandowlpaws » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:24 am

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Wei Zhenya thanks Wei Jianxing for his service
21 April 4483

Tian'an, Han Province: A few days after Chief Minister Wei Jianxing announced he wouldn't be running in the next cycle, Wei Zhenya thanked him in an interview with the Tian'an Times. The statement comes after a number of tumultuous years between the two party leaders as they vied for control of the Chief Ministry.

"I'd like to thank Chief Minister Wei and congratulate him on a successful career, as well as a very popular one," said Ms. Wei, "while we've had quite a few disagreements in the past, I've long admired how much he stood up for his beliefs and morals."

Party Leader Wei Zhenya also said she wanted the two leaders, and parties, to get on to a better footing in the next two years before the Lotus Party's leader retired.

"Because of my hope in working across the aisle with Mr. Wei, I'm going to introduce the 'Wei Defamation Act' to put a stop to the honestly ridiculous defamation charges we both had to go through." This could be seen as a hit at the Pragmatic Party, who was chief among those calling for a trial against Wei Jianxing, although ultimately nothing came of it due to parliamentary privilege.

"Well it looks like the saga of the Wei's is coming to an end," Ms. Wei humorously said. She then announced that the upcoming election in 4485 will be her last.
御國人国党(Gao-Showa National Party) - Hulstria-Mikuni,
formerly the 竹左联盟(Bamboo-Left Coalition) and the 社會民主黨(Social Democratic Party) of Indrala

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby TheCollectivist » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:35 pm

The Beizhou Independent
The Beizhou Independent is a non-profit online journal hosted in Beizhou, Jiaozhi.
3 March 4484
Pragmatists release first general platform
The Pragmatic Party releases its first platform outlining its general goals since its founding.

Secretary-General Guiying Xu has led the party since its founding.

BEIZHOU, Jiaozhi Province:
The Pragmatic Party has released its first platform since its founding in 4456 by former government statistician Guiying Xu. In an interview with The Beizhou Independent Guiying expressed her party's support of free trade, immigration, and globalization. She also stated that humanity needs to act together to protect the environment and reduce poverty.

Guiying wrote:Globalization is more than just open markets, it's about transitioning from a world of isolation to one of integration and communication. I think humanity will overcome the resistance to unity because it has to. Isolation has never led to long-term success and eventually has to be opened up. We hope Indrala can continue being a leader in free trade and open markets. Foreign investment and immigration are not threats, they are opportunities. We are lucky to live in a nation with a government that understands that.

The Pragmatic Party introduced its first legislation, the Social Harmony Act, which criminalized hate speech in Indrala on October 4, 4479, which cited a need to protect the democratic order from extremist views.

Listed in the party's platform includes the following:

  • Placing evidence before ideology
  • Working to end poverty and suffering
  • Taking the lead on global cultural, economic, and political integration
  • Sustainable development for future generations
  • Embracing emerging technologies
  • Maintaining order in a diverse society and suppressing hate
  • Instilling knowledge and reducing ignorance
  • Promoting healthy eating and living

The Pragmatic Party self-identifies as humanist and centrist. It is the second largest political party in Indrala. Pragmatists have never held a position in a government cabinet.
Current party: Pragmatic Party (Indrala)
Political alignment: Centre
For: Defensive democracy, globalism, and humanism
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby nfindrala » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:17 am

The New Epoch | Journalism for a Radical Indrala
Chen Yunfeng Announces New National Front
10 October 4484
Chen Yunfeng takes the escalator to leave the conference venue
Earlier today, Kaizhou National University Economics professor Chen Yunfeng announced the creation of a pro-youth conservative nationalist party the 'National Front'. Prof. Chen has long been famous for making economics video, and sometimes news commentaries, online.

In the announcement, he said, 'Indralans have to be placed in the priority once again, instead of petty foreign insults and useless military expansion.' Alongside Prof. Chen is fellow academic Dr. Guo Shangming and Mr. Sun Heng, CEO of a Tian'an-based policy thinktank.
National Front Banner
The party also announced its election platform, the 'Six-point Plan for National Reform' . It includes a right-wing economic platform in line with Prof. Chen's free-market-embracing podcasts, with plans to further cut taxes and privatize sectors to spur competition and entrepeneurship. It is, however, fused with nationalist sentiment for the 'Putting Indralans First' clause. It promises to 'reignite hope' through cutting immigration and trade, as well as dismantling the Caizu class.

Sun Heng's brand of 'Neo-Jienism' is also brought on board with conservative social policies that call for great limitations on social freedoms like abortion and homosexuality. Finally, ideas such as direct democracy and environmental sustainability is also brought on board through its more youthful grassroots members.
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