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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:01 pm

Istalian Edition
Presidente Casto condanna ufficialmente le violenze ordiste in Majatra dell'ovest
Il Capo dello Stato ha voluto esprimere la vicinanza del Paese all'altro paese fondatore dell'Alleanza Majatrana, ha invitato l'Alleanza a reagire insieme e compatti ed ha espresso vicinanza ma anche consigli a Vanuku

ROMULA - Dopo anni di attività piuttosto defilata sulla scena internazionale, come promesso durante la campagna elettorale e dal nuovo governo il Paese torna a far sentire la sua voce. Purtroppo l'argomento con il quale Casto ha innaugurato la sua attività in politica estera è stata la grave e tesa situazione in Majatra dell'Ovest, nello specifico in Zardugal e Vanuku, scossa dalle violenze e dalla sollevazione delle milizie dell'Ordismo, il movimento religioso Hosiano nato in Zardugal alla fine del secolo scorso la cui nuova leadership ha lanciato quella che ha le sembianze di una vera e propria Guerra Santa.
Il Presidente ha voluto condannare categoricamente la violenza guidata dal fanatismo e dell'estremismo religioso, esprimendo piena solidarietà con il Governo di Beleco, offrendo tutto il sostegno possibile e quindi si è rivolto al resto dell'Alleanza Majatrana affinché si agisca insieme e con misure comuni e condivise per proteggere la pace che ha benedetto il continente durante praticamente tutto il 44esimo secolo.
Il Presidente si è anche rivolto al Governo di Wiel, esprimendo la vicinanza dell'Istalia e condannando il terrorismo e tutti i tentativi di secessione e di attacco alla sovranità Vanukeana, condanna che, comunque, è stata seguita da un invito ad una maggiore apertura verso la tolleranza religiosa, alla luce del fatto che il Governo Vanukeano è dominato da un partito che in Istalia sarebbe classificato come un movimento politico apertamente fondamentalista.

Queste le parole del Capo dello Stato:

Come Presidente di una repubblica laica e fondata sullo stato di diritto e sulle leggi fatte dagli uomini per gli uomini, non posso che esprimere la categorica condanna dell'Istalia per il movimento Ordista, il cui attuale capo spirituale ha apertamente invitato i fedeli a quella che ha tutte le sembianze di una Guerra Santa.
L'Istalia rigetta ogni forma di fondamentalismo ed estremismo, politico come religioso, e dunque la violenza che ne deriva, da considerare semplicemente come un atto terroristico.
Voglio personalmente esprimere dunque la solidarietà del paese verso il Governo Zardico, il Governo di una nazione democratica e tollerante che, anzi, sembra essere stata da pochi anni salvata da quella che a Romula era vista come una degenerazione, ovvero la crescente influenza proprio del movimento Ordista sulla politica del paese, che ha rischiato di divenire un vero e proprio regime guidato dall'Ordismo. La violenza perpetuata dagli Ordisti in Zardugal non ha giustificazioni alla luce della locale legislazione che garantisce piena libertà di culto ai propri cittadini, di qualsiasi fede, escludendo dunque qualsiasi giustificazione ad armarsi ed a attentare alla pace ed alla stabilità della Nazione.
Voglio inoltre dire che Zardugal non è solo e non deve essere lasciato solo, per questo ho già richiesto al Ministro degli Esteri di proporre al Parlamento il Trattato internazionale di condanna verso le violenze Ordiste, ho personalmente intenzione di lavorare con il Ministero degli Interni e dell'Economia per colpire tutte quelle organizzazioni che stanno aiutando questo movimento religioso ad armarsi ed a propagare un inaccettabile messaggio di odio e violenza e quindi voglio lanciare un appello a tutta l'Alleanza Majatrana affinché si affronti uniti e compatti, con misure comuni e condivise per contrastare questa minaccia per la pace e la stabilità conquistata faticosamente nel continente.

E' mio dovere inoltre esprimere la vicinanza dell'Istalia anche alla nazione che ad oggi è quella che sta venendo colpita più duramente da queste violenze, ovvero Vanuku. L'Istalia condanna qualsiasi tentativo da parte delle milizie Ordiste di attentare all'unità di Vanuku e condanna il terrorismo che ha sconvolto la stabilità del paese. Non posso però esimermi nell'esprimere un accorato invito al Governo di Wiel affinché siano adottate misure a favore di una maggiore tolleranza religiosa, un invito guidato dal fatto che un movimento politico anch'esso di stampo religioso guida il potere esecutivo della Repubblica e ne domina la legislatura, esso stesso, ahimé devo ammettere, caratterizzatosi da ortodossia e fondamentalismo.
L'Istalia non discute il diritto di Wiel nel difendere e preservare la pace e l'unità del Paese, ma per evitare radicalizzazioni sempre più profonde e l'esacerbazione della pace e della convivenza all'interno della società Vanukeana, il Governo Istaliano vuole esprimere un invito, un consiglio, un'esortazione al dialogo e della tolleranza, offrendo anche l'assistenza dell'Istalia in caso ci sia la necessità di una mediazione, ricordando come la tolleranza religiosa adottata per secoli dal Regno di Vanuku abbia garantito pace, stabilità, crescita e prosperità al suo popolo.


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Luthorian Edition
President Casto officially condemns the violence in western Majatra
The Head of State expressed all the solidarity of the country to the other founding country of the Majatran Alliance, has invited the Alliance to react together and compact and expressed closeness but also advices to Vanuku

ROMULA - After years of a rather defiladed activity on the international scene, as promised during the electoral campaign and by the new government, the country returns to make its voice heard. Unfortunately, the argument with which Casto inaugurated his activity on the foreign policy was the serious and tense situation in western Majatra, specifically in Zardugal and Vanuku, shaken by the violence and the uprising of the militias of the Ordists, the Hosian religious movement born in Zardugal at the end of the last century whose new leadership launched what looks like a veritable Holy War.
The President wanted to condemn categorically the violence led by fanaticism and religious extremism, expressing full solidarity with Beleco's government, offering all possible support and then turned to the rest of the Majatran Alliance to act together and with common and shared measures to protect the peace that blessed the continent during virtually the entire 44th century.
The President also addressed the Government of Wiel, expressing the closeness of Istalia and condemning the terrorism and all attempts at secession and attack on the Vanukean sovereignty, condemnation that, however, was followed by an invitation to greater openness towards religious tolerance, in light of the fact that the Vanukean Government is dominated by a party that in Istalia would be classified as an openly fundamentalist political movement.

These are the words of the Head of State:

As President of a secular republic and founded on the rule of law and the laws made by men for the men, I can only express the categorical condemnation of Istalia for the Ordist movement, whose current spiritual leader has openly invited the faithful to what it has all the features of a Holy War.
Istalia rejects any form of fundamentalism and extremism, political as religious, and therefore the violence that derives from it, to be considered simply as a terrorist act.
I therefore want to express the country's solidarity with the Zardic Government, the Government of a democratic and tolerant nation which, on the contrary, seems to have been saved a few years ago from what was seen as a degeneration in Romula, ie the growing influence of the Ordist movement on the politics of the country, which risked becoming a veritable regime led by the Ordism. The violence perpetuated by the Ordists in Zardugal has no justification in light of the local legislation that guarantees full freedom of worship to its citizens, of any faith, thus excluding any justification for armed uprising and attacking the peace and stability of the nation.
I also want to say that Zardugal is not alone and should not be left alone, so I have already asked the Foreign Minister to propose to the Parliament the international treaty condemning the Ordist violence, I personally intend to work with the Ministries of Interior and Economy to hit all those organizations that are helping this religious movement to arm themselve and to propagate an unacceptable message of hatred and violence and therefore I want to appeal to the whole of the Majatran Alliance to face this menace united and compact, with common and shared measures to counter this threat to peace and stability hard earned and conquered laboriously on the continent.

It is my duty also to express the closeness of Istalia to the nation that today is the one that is being hit harder by these violence, namely Vanuku. Istalia condemns any attempt by the Ordist militias to attack the Vanuku unity and condemns the terrorism that has upset the stability of the country. But I can not fail to express a heartfelt invitation to the Government of Wiel to adopt measures to promote greater religious tolerance, an invitation guided by the fact that a political movement, also of a religious nature, leads the executive power of the Republic and dominates the legislature, itself, alas I must admit, characterized by orthodoxy and fundamentalism.
Istalia does not discuss Wiel's right to defend and preserve the peace and unity of the country, but to avoid ever deeper radicalization and the exacerbation of peace and cohabitation within the Vanukeana society, the Istalian Government wants to express an invitation, an advice, an exhortation to dialogue and tolerance, also offering the assistance of Istalia in case there is a need for mediation, recalling how the religious tolerance adopted for centuries by the Kingdom of Vanuku has guaranteed peace, stability , growth and prosperity for its people.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:49 pm

Feroce discussione all'interno del PCI: Pizzo grida al tradimento del comunismo, l'ex segretario Bellinguer richiama tutta la segreteria all'ordine
Harsh discussion inside the PCI: Pizzo shouts about the betrayal of communism, the former secretary Bellinguer calls the secretariat to the order

Marco Pizzo (38 anni), leader emergente dell'area Metzista-leonidista del Partito Comunista d'Istalia, ha duramente attaccato il governo del PCI lungo una serie di comizi tenuti in diverse piazze d'Istalia, dove Pizzo ha incontrato il supporto di una folta fascia dei militanti comunisti, delusi dalla linea moderata tenuta dal Presidente Casto e dal Premier Revara. Revara, il quale, in passato fu uno dei più tenaci sostenitori delle idee leonidiste all'interno del partito.
Ecco le parole salienti di Pizzo: "E' questo il partito che il compagno Masci fondò trentacinque anni fa, nel 4334? No! La segreteria Bellinguer, liquidando le aspirazioni rivoluzionarie del popolo istaliano, ha aperto la strada a una crescente spirale di riformismo che trova oggi il proprio compimento nella linea Casto-Revara. Come può un comunista assurgere a Capo dello stato e, come se niente fosse, trattare di politica internazionale senza fare i conti con la realtà del proprio paese? Una realtà di sfruttamento, una realtà di corruzione dettata dal sistema capitalista. Mentre Casto ricama il mondo, non vede il disfacimento culturale a cui va incontro il sistema in cui viviamo. Come può poi un importante comunista diventare Capo del governo, come ha fatto Revara, e invece di auspicare un cambio di sistema accontentarsi delle briciole, ristabilendo una progressività fiscale effimera e lavorando a piccoli aggiustamenti di carattere ambientale - vedasi il recente provvedimento sulla limitazione delle polveri sottili - tutto questo scendendo a patti con il nemico, con il Partito Repubblicano. Cari compagni e care compagne, sapete che cos'è questo? Collaborazionismo con il sistema! Pace con gli sfruttatori! Revara punta forse ad abbellire il sistema per renderlo più difficile da affossare?! Noi comunisti non ci stiamo! Nei mesi e negli anni a venire combatteremo fermamente dall'interno del partito per riportarlo ai grandi ideali di Antonio Masci, anche a costo di essere chiamati "battististi" (OOC:, il che, per quanto mi riguarda, non è che un onore considerati i tempi di sfacelo a cui stiamo andando incontro!"

Pizzo with a painting of Pralin, the historical communist dictator

La pronta risposta è di Endrigo Bellinguer (77 anni), chiamato in causa da Pizzo, il quale in una tesa riunione della segreteria comunista dichiara: "Quali consensi crede di ottenere Pizzo? Qual'è il suo obiettivo? Il popolo istaliano ha dimostrato il pieno supporto alla linea intrapresa dal PCI, una linea che non tradisce affatto gli ideali comunisti ma che li inserisce all'interno di un percorso democratico; come è possibile stabilire il socialismo senza la maggioranza del popolo? Questa concenzione di Pizzo è anti-socialista e anti-comunista per eccellenza, e il richiamo al dittatore Battisti è la dimostrazione di ciò che sostengo. Se ciò che Pizzo e i suoi seguaci desiderano è l'istituzione di una dittatura rigettata dal popolo, che egli porti i suoi insulti e i suoi folli piani fuori dal nostro partito: il nome del compianto segretario Masci non gli appartiene ed egli sarebbe il primo a condannare queste parole irrealistiche, che non tengono conto dell'evoluzione della società istaliana!"

Bellinguer after his speech

Nonostante questo duro scambio di opinioni, la maggioranza democratica all'interno del Partito non può adoperarsi ad espellere Pizzo e la sua area, a causa di una clausola imperativa dello statuto che impedisce l'abbandono formale degli ideali leonidisti, e anche a causa del forte sconvolgimento che l'espulsione causerebbe nella base comunista. Si prospetta, per il futuro - specie nel caso i comunisti dovessero perdere consensi alle elezioni - l'indizione di imprevedibili elezioni primarie.

Marco Pizzo (38), an emerging leader in the Metzista-leonidist area of ​​the Communist Party of Istalia, has harshly attacked the government of the PCI along a series of meetings held in various squares of Istalia, where Pizzo met the support of a large band of communist militants, disappointed by the moderate line held by President Casto and Premier Revara. Revara, who in the past was one of the most tenacious supporters of leonidist ideas within the party.
Here are the salient words of Pizzo: "Is this the party that comrade Masci founded thirty-five years ago, in 4334? No! The Bellinguer secretariat, liquidating the revolutionary aspirations of the istalian people, has opened the way to a growing spiral of reformism that finds today its fulfillment in the Casto-Revara line: How can a communist rise to the Head of State and, as if nothing had happened, deal with international politics without reckoning with the reality of his own country - a reality of exploitation, a reality of corruption dictated by the capitalist system, while Casto embroiders the world, he doesn't see the cultural disintegration to which we go, day by day, at cause of the system we live in. How can an important communist become Head of Government, as Revara did, and instead to hope for a change of system, he became satisfied with jokes, like restoring an ephemeral tax progressivity and working on small adjustments of environmental nature, all this coming to terms with the enemy, with the Republican Party. Dear comrades and dear companions, do you know what this is? Collaboration with the system! Peace with the exploiters! Is Revara aiming at beautifying the system to make it harder to bury?! We communists oppose to all this! In the months and years to come we will fight firmly from within the party to bring it back to the great ideals of Antonio Masci, even at the cost of being called "baptistists" (OOC: ), which, as far as I'm concerned, is nothing but an honor considering the times of disrepair we are going to meet!"

The answer come from Endrigo Bellinguer (77), who in a tense meeting of the communist secretariat declares: "What consents does he think of getting, Mr. Pizzo? What is his goal? I give full support to the line taken by the PCI, a line that does not betray the communist ideals but that puts them within a democratic path. How can socialism be established without the majority of the people? This Pizzo ideals are anti-socialist and anti-Communist, and the sad reference he made to the dictator Battista is a demonstration of what I declare. If what Pizzo and his followers desire is the establishment of a dictatorship rejected by the people, he can go out of the party: the name of the late secretary Masci does not belong to him, and Masci would be the first to condemn these unrealistic words, which do not take count of the evolution of the Istalian society!"

Despite this hard exchange of opinions, the democratic majority within the Party can not work to expel Pizzo and its area, due to an imperative clause of the statute that prohibits the formal abandonment of the Leonidist ideals, and also because of the strong disruption that the expulsion would cause in the communist base. It is planned for the future - especially if the communists will lose supports in the elections - the appointment of unpredictable primary elections.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:25 pm

Were the AR accusations of AI being lobbied true?
AI Leader Aurora Adorinda denies any involvement as FBI investigates youth wing
“Private Campaign funding is legal in Istalia and all our sources are anonymous, so why is there an investigation? I do not know, it was probably ordered by the new leftist governement to shut us on the right down!“

An investigation has been initiated against the AI youth wing „Young Alternative“ following an anomalous tax return, which exceeded all other party youth organizations over the last year - even the ULD which has notable donors. What was more conspicuous, was the fact that more than 50% of donations came from one donor - a non-govt. organization which remained anonymous but the sum was disclosed by the AI as they themselves believe it would „stimulate others to donate more“. The Investigation currently is limited to the youth wing as no irregularities have been found in the AI itself, nor is the investigation believed to result in much as campaign funding has been a common part of Istalia since many decades.

However, should there be any evidence that the donations were linked with any special priveleges regarding government issued contracts like in infrastructure and other areas, then the AI will have a problem.

AI Leader and former foreign minister Aurora Adorinda was quick to refute any claims:
What is this left government thinking! The communists must have influenced this decision to run the investigation, as other wise this conpletely normal tax return would be completely unnoticed. You tell me, why is it now, that the communists are in power, we as their main antagonists, are being targeted? If that is an interference with justice, I do not know what is!

All our actions have been legal and moreover, the large donation allowed us to save the taxpayer some money. We demand that the investigation be stopped at once and the communist government and AR apologize for their allegations! Thank you.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:22 pm


Cappola, again: We do not want to be forced into any controversy, and as such, we have to take this step.

The Istalian Laissez-faire have recently become the target of many minor protests, and many more accusations, following the AI lobbying rumours, and an investigation of their Youth Wing. However, the party that was attacked the most during the protest was not the Alternative, but rather the largest of the free-market political groups, the ULD. The Liberal Democrats, also serving as the largest party in the parliament, have been named the most corrupt party by the protesters, which also said that they themselves are being lobbied by countless organizations.

However, the party leadership wanted to act, and as such a political congress was held in their Romulan HQ to discuss the controversy. Although, as one of the ULD deputies tells us, Ms Sabbagh couldn't care less about the accusations themselves, she wants to finally clean the party's name from the stains that appeared on it after President Reale decided to announce his possible veto, which most members ULD mention to be the main reason for their loss of both the presidency and presidency over the council.

And as such, Elmo Cappola and Massimo Meir, the two members of the directory, or great ten serving as vice-treasurers to the actual treasurer, Seif Maalouf, who, maybe isn't a member of the great ten, but is apart of the directory, was hospitalised a few days before the meeting due to an injury that he acquired during a horseriding incident.

Cappola: And the ULD will cut itself from any donors until the end of this term.

Meir: Yes, however, we will revitalize that process after the elections of 4372; we are doing this purely for clarity, and so that we avoid any prosecution from the communists.

They announced that the ULD will resign from any forms of donations until the end of this term of the parliament, and instead rely on the 1% of its members and it's business initiatives which, although a big blow, will, in the end, do little damage to the party, as it still has huge savings, many members and it's business actions, such as the organization of cultural, political events and meetings, often with huge attendance, jazz, classical, rock and other concerts, and overall all form of organizing happenings through the "Cultura della Libertà" instiitute that the party runs, being actually one of the biggest event-organizing companies in the country, with branches abroad.

The party wishes to avoid any potential controversy over the recent affairs, and be ready for the campaign season, starting in a year and a half.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:46 pm


In the light of the upcoming General Elections, Il Giorno has been given the exclusive opportunity to interview Valentia Fenici (Lega dei Cittadini) for the first time about her party's views since it went on a national scale in 4364. Before then, the LdC had been a medium-sized regional party in Silicia and a major party in municpalities such as Palerno and Misenna. The current polls predict an entry in the Chamber with around 40 seats, with significant gains in voter groups such as age 18-25 and 65+. (Interview by Michaello Vachi)

Hello and good morning miss Fenici! Thank you for your time and efforts to be here.
Thank you! *sips champagne* Usually I don't drink in the early hours but i guess today would make an excellent cheat day.

It does! First of all, how do you experience the switch from regional to national politics?
It's quite a change actually, considering that regional politics are aimed at such different issues than nationwide questions. However, I am more than happy that the LdC leadership is brave enough to take the steps towards becoming a national party. And of course, we would like to become a voice for all those Istalians that symphatize with our views, not just the Silician voters.

Why does the Lega suddenly has made a swing to the right considering its behavior in regional politics?
I get that question a lot. And it's of course a good one. See, regional politics are more specified around subjects, because the executive area is much smaller. National politics, on the other hand, are about major issues and social problems. As a party, we have looked at our views on for example immigration on regional level, in this case for Silicia, and then used that as a reference tool when stating views on nationwide issues. These could turn out more right or left wing than on a regional level, because the scale has greatly improved.

Lets just discuss some of the most remarkable positions: First, the harsh stance on immigration. Why?
For decades, Istalia has had a very open immigrant policy that allowed people from basically everywhere to reside here. This has lead to a complete flood of the labor market, which has caused unemployment rates to raise to frighting heights. Also, thousands of illegal aliens who have been denied residence are still residing in Istalia, and the government is standing on the sidelines doing very little. If we want to stop the flood of (illegal) immigrants we must come up with stricter policy. And I know that some of them are good and beneficial for the economy or are in bitter need of help, and we should offer them help if they need to. But we must recognise that there are also immigrants who do not wish the best for Istalia. Immigrants who, after failing to find a job, hang on the street and criminalize or sometimes radicalise. These are the people we need to go after and the only way to do this is by tougher legislation.

Furthermore, the Lega has repeatedly spoken up against several major diplomatic partnerships such as the Majatran Alliance and the WC. What is the reasoning behind this?
You know, Istalia has always been a major player on the international level. But as much as we would like to go on with interventionist policies to secure peace and prosperity all over the world, we have gone too far in achieving this. Being blind by our own visions and idealism, other countries have taken advantage of us. Political mass-alliances such as the WC and Majatran Alliance are flourishing with Istalian money. And what do we get in return? Foreign governments telling us we're expansionist and fascist. See, efforts to create peace missions and wealth programmes are mostly on Istalian initiative, followed by other nations after. This costs us huge sums of money in material, manpower, and diplomatic efforts. Other countries have become used to following Istalia on the international stage by taking advantage of our initiative and financial funds. We would like to see the WC acting as an international alliance with more asertiveness and support from member nations instead of having Istalia getting blamed for expansionism while funding, organizing and leading almost all diplomatic and military missions.

As far as the Majatran Alliance is concerned, we're less positive about the future. Treaties like these allow foreign powers to acquire our millitary intelligence as well as take away Istalian sovereignty by creating international law. Again: what do we get in return? '' reciprocal military cooperation'' as if Istalia is not capable of defending itself! To us its clear: the MA is only a way to get rid of Istalian money as quick as possible, and therefore the only way to go is out of the Majatran Alliance.

Before we adress the biggest topic, i would like you to clarify your stance on land mines, please.
The horrendous effect of landmines on communities throughout the world has been witnessed by soldiers (also Istalian ones) for decades in the most bloody conflicts and civil wars. It soon became apparent that the only real solution to address the landmine crisis was a complete ban on antipersonnel mines. No technical changes or changes to the rules on their use could change the fact that an antipersonnel mine is inherently indiscriminate. Once planted it will never be able to tell the difference between a military and civilian footstep and will remain a threat to communities for decades to come.

Finally, the most remarkable subject of the LdC campaign is the call for Istalia to become a presidential republic. Why do you think this is a good idea?
One of the advantages of a presidential system is that the head of state is usually elected through a direct mandate. In terms of democracy, this makes the president's authority more legitimate as he is elected directly by the people as oppose to being appointed indirectly. Another advantage of a presidential system is the stability it brings as presidents are usually elected to fixed terms while a prime minister’s government can fall at anytime. Also, a presidential system establishes the presidency and the legislature as two parallel structures. This allows each structure to monitor and check the other, preventing abuses of power. A presidential Istalia is truly worth fighting for.

Well, thank you for your time, and we wish you the best of luck in the upcoming General Elections.
Thank you so much. It has been a pleasure.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:55 pm

Democratic Left - Citizens' Alliance [Mordusia]
Former controller of Kurageri
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:06 pm

The first victim: AI Youth Wing Leader steps down amidst scandal!
Anonymous source tells us: Their donors are very interested in AI success

Silvia Mazzi, ex-Young-Alternative Leader: "I've had lost the trust of the members."

The now former leader of the Young Alternative steps down amidst escalating corruption scandal surrounding the AI. The organization will aim to "regain trust" from its slowly disillusioned members, which still hope to be able to believe in the party and want to stay in order to start together new political projects. Even though many Young Alternative members will not be interested in remaining active in the party after the events of recent weeks, Istalia still needs a strong Nationalist Youth Organization in the future to inspire many young people on the basis of Patriotism, Nationalism and Capitalism.

Meanwhile, the investigation has led to the discovery of one anonymous witness and a large fund which financed more than half of the AI's previous election campaign. According to the source, the financing was not only for the youth wing but also for the main party too, with the AI Leadership apparently staying in close contact with its still unknown donors. Moreover, the donors were seemingly frustrated that the AI refused to run their own candidate and they threatened with fund removal if the AI continued to stay absent from decision making because apparently, they are "very interested in the AI's success". The investigation continues, without any specific charges made against individuals, but everyone is seemingly following a large corporate corruption issue, leading all the way to the top of the snake.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:49 am

Today what many had been expecting to come true has happened: Rania Samara and Chiarina Pozzi have announced candidacies for the PUP's nomination for President, setting up an internal party fight between the liberal and conservative wings of the party.
In her announcement speech, Rania Samara, a centre-right candidate and Chairwoman of the Party Committee, blasted her main opponent for backing off her word, saying "Vice Chair Pozzi and I made an agreement: That Tino Bertolini would serve as Party General Secretary through the election, no exceptions! And then, she attempted to have him deposed! Unacceptable! If she cannot keep her word, how can we trust her to lead this party into the elections!"
Meanwhile, in her announcement, liberal candidate and party Vice Chair Chiarina Pozzi emphasized unity. "I am not liberal, or conservative," she said, "nor will I make petty attacks against my opponent, because I am an Istalian, and I stand for unity, dignity, and kindness to others!"

The race is shaping up to be extremely close.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:39 am

Istalian Edition
Il Governo Revara pronto ad approvare il Fondo Sovrano e la Banca d'Investimento nazionale: "Stato pronto a tornare un attore rilevante sul piano economico"
Ministro dell'Indrustria e del Commercio Simone Calenda: "Due istituti fondamentali che non faranno che rafforzare ed espandere ancor più l'economia Istaliana"
Ministers Maritini (left) and Calenda (right) during the press conference to present the new economic key institutions proposed by the Government

ROMULA - Il Governo Revara ha presentato e dunque velocemente aperto le votazioni su tre D.d.l. considerati come una vera e propria rivoluzione per quanto riguarda il ruolo dello Stato nell'economia.
Per decadi, infatti, se non più di un secolo, lo Stato ha rispettato il suo tradizionale ruolo defilato e le posizioni di laissez-faire di fronte alle questioni economiche, lasciando il libero mercato e dunque le grandi corporation e multinazionali istaliane a determinare i successi e le tendenze dell'economia istaliana in patria come all'estero, un paradigma perfettamente rispettato soprattutto negli ultimi 30 anni di politica dominata dall'Unione dei Liberal Democratici.

Il Presidente del Consiglio, apparso di fronte ai giornalisti in mattinata, l'onnipresente sigaro Vintalliano tra le dita, ha voluto soprattutto lodare e ringraziare l'impegno del Ministro dell'Industria e del Commercio Simone Calenda (AR) ed il Ministro delle Finanze Carla Maritini (FD), i due veri artefici dietro i tre Disegni di Legge in via di approvazione alla Camera dei Deputati, tre progetti strettamente legati tra di loro.
Con il primo D.d.l. il Governo rifonderà il servizio postale pubblico, nella forma della futura Società per Azioni "Poste Nazionali Istaliane S.p.A.", che oltre ai tradizionali servizi postali (consegna lettere, spedizione pacchi, telegrammi, posta on line, ecc...) offrirà alla clientela anche prodotti bancari ed assicurativi (Conti Correnti e Carte, prodotti di risparmio, investimenti, prestiti e mutui, prodotti assicurativi, ecc...), che il Ministro dell'Industria ed il Commercio ha così commentato:

Una società moderna e dinamica, pronta a presentarsi sul mercato e che diverrà una pietra angolare del futuro intervento statale nell'economia del Paese!

Infatti, proprio le attività finanziarie delle nuove Poste Istaliane rappresenteranno la risorsa primaria del secondo istituto che il Governo ha proposto al Parlamento, ovvero la "Cassa Depositi e Prestiti" (CDP), un'altra Società per Azioni il cui maggiore azionista sarà il Ministero delle Finanze mentre la restante parte delle partecipazioni saranno offerte alle Fondazioni Bancarie nazionali. La Cassa Depositi e Prestiti agirà come una Banca d'Investimento sul territorio nazionale: le risorse che saranno accumulate dalle Poste Nazionali sarà utilizzate dalla CDP per prestare denaro allo stato Istaliano e/o ai governi locali, acquisire partecipazioni strategiche e investire in progetti finanziari, infrastrutturali ed economici considerati strategici per lo sviluppo dell'economia Istaliana, e quindi ampliare le attività di investimento relative ai fondi pensione gestiti dell'Agenzia Nazionale per le Assicurazioni Sociali, finanziare start up e garantire servizi di micro credito, assistenza per progetti ed attività di università ed altri poli educativi superiori e quindi la ricerca scientifica ed altro ancora.
Dunque, la missione principale dell'istituzione sarà quella di promuovere lo sviluppo del sistema economico e industriale italiano così da permettergli di mantenere e consolidare il suo ruolo attivo nello scenario globale.

Infine, l'ultimo D.d.l. presentato dal Governo, specificatamente dal Ministro delle Finanze Maritini, propone la creazione del "Fondo Strategico d'Investimento Istaliano", sempre nella forma di una Società per Azioni totalmente controllata dal Ministero delle Finanze, una holding di investimento che agirà come Fondo d'Investimento Sovrano e che avrà l'autorità e la responsabilità di investire il surplus budgetario e le riserve di valute estere accumulate dalla Banca d'Istalia nelle principali società nazionali ma soprattutto straniere ed in altre opportunità di investimento con beneficio ed miglioramento per l'Istalia. La holding sarà sempre obbligata a detenere una minoranza del capitale delle società in cui investirà e per adempiere alla missione affidategli, il fondo investirà in progetti redditizi che genereranno ritorni ed in investimenti a lungo termine, benché la durata dell'investimento non sarà fissata in anticipo.

Così, sempre il Ministro Calenda, vero e proprio co-relatore del progetto presentato dal Ministro Maritini, ha commentato la creazione del Fondo Sovrano:

Uno strumento di capitale importanza per l'Istalia, la sua economia ed il suo ruolo nell'economia globale! Al Fondo Strategico sarà fin da subito attribuito una larga parte del surplus budgetario finalmente ritrovato dal paese, attualmente di oltre 25 miliardi di LIS, ovvero escluse le somme che saranno destinate annualmente a coprire gli interessi per il debito accumulato negli ultimi quarantanni. L'economia Istaliana è sempre riuscita a sostenere egregiamente anche livelli considerevoli di indebitamento grazie alle politiche di allentamento monetario messe in atto dalla Banca centrale ed all'enorme preponderanza del Debito Interno rispetto a quello Estero, e questo Governo sta proseguendo quello che negli ultimi 15 anni è stato tra gli obbiettivi principali dei vari esecutivi che si sono succeduti, ovvero la riduzione del nostro debito pubblico nei prossimi decenni, ma parallelamente si è deciso deciso di utilizzare il surplus e quindi le notevoli riserve di valuta estera accumulate dalla Banca centrale, per "pompare" la presenza dei capitali Istaliani nel mondo. La creazione di questo fondo, probabilmente il primo del genere in Majatra e che ha tutte le possibilità di divenire uno dei più importanti a livello globale, un vero e proprio attore di primo piano nell'economia mondiale, potrà garantire il rafforzamento dell'economia nazionale nonché un futuro prospero per il paese e per il popolo istaliano, un istituto che, cito il testo di legge, investirà per "risparmiare per il futuro, rafforzare l'economia e migliorare la qualità della vita degli Istaliani".

Il Fondo praticamente non avrà limiti riguardo le attività in cui potrà investire ed in quante attività, l'unica condizione è che il Fondo dovrà investire in progetti a lungo termine, redditizi e sicuri, tra questi: rendimenti adeguati al rischio investendo in titoli negoziati pubblicamente, per lo più titoli azionari e obbligazionari, attività che hanno una bassa liquidità e si basano su contratti privati, investimenti speciali mirati a costruire un portafoglio di partecipazioni dirette in società quotate globali, ecc...

Dunque l'economia Istaliana si appresta a fare un ulteriore salto di qualità, con strumenti che rafforzeranno ancor più il ruolo di cuore finanziario di Majatra e di grande centro finanziario internazionale, che sicuramente rafforzeranno la fiducia del pubblico, nazionale come internazionale, e quindi che garantiranno stabilità e protezione di fronte alle sempre mutevoli condizioni economiche globali.

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Luthorian Edition
Revara Government ready to approve the Sovereign Fund and the National Investment Bank: "State ready to return a relevant player on an economic level"
Minister of Trade and Industry Simone Calenda: "Two fundamental institutes that will only strengthen and expand the Istalian economy even further"

ROMULA - The Revara Government presented and therefore quickly launched the vote on three D.d.l. considered as a real revolution regarding the role of the state in the economy.
For decades, in fact, if not more than a century, the state has respected its traditional defiled role and laissez-faire positions in the face of economic issues, leaving the free market and therefore the large istaliane corporations and multinationals to determine the successes and the tendencies of the Istalian economy at home and abroad, a paradigm perfectly respected especially in the last 30 years of politics dominated by the Liberal Democratic Union.

The President of the Council, who appeared before the journalists in the morning, the omnipresent Vintallian cigar in his fingers, wanted above all to praise and thank the commitment of the Minister of Trade and Industry Simone Calenda (AR) and the Minister of Finance Carla Maritini (FD), the two real architects behind the three Projects of Law being approved by the Chamber of Deputies, three projects closely linked to each other.
With the first D.d.l. the Government will refound the public postal service, in the form of the future joint-stock company "Poste Nazionali Istaliane SpA" (Istalian National Post Service), which in addition to traditional postal services (letters delivery, parcels, telegrams, online mail, etc.) will also offer its customers banking and insurance products (current accounts and cards, savings products, investments, loans and mortgages, insurance products, etc...), which the Minister of Trade and Industry commented:

A modern and dynamic society, ready to present itself on the market and that will become a cornerstone of the future state intervention in the economy of the country!

In fact, precisely the financial activities of the new Istalian postal service will represent the primary resource of the second institution that the Government has proposed to the Parliament, namely the "Cassa Depositi e Prestiti" (CDP) (Deposits and Consignments Fund), another joint-stock company whose largest shareholder will be the Ministry of Finance while the remaining part of the investments will be offered to national banking foundations. The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will act as an investment bank in Istalia: the resources that will be accumulated by the National Postal Service will be used by CDP to lend money to the Istalian state and/or local governments, acquire strategic holdings and invest in financial projects, infrastructures and economics considered strategic for the development of the Istalian economy, and therefore expand the investment activities related to the pension funds managed by the National Agency for Social Insurance, the funding of start-ups and guarantee micro-credit services, assistance for projects and activites of universities and other higher education poles and therefore scientific research and more.
Therefore, the main mission of the institution will be to promote the development of the Istalian economic and industrial system so as to allow it to maintain and consolidate its active role in the global scenario.

Finally, the last D.d.l. presented by the Government, specifically by the Minister of Finance Maritini, proposes the creation of the "Fondo Strategico d'Investimento Istaliano" (Istalian Strategic Investment Fund), again in the form of a joint-stock company totally controlled by the Ministry of Finance, an investment holding company that will act as sovereign wealth fund and which will have the authority and responsibility to invest the budget surplus and foreign currency reserves accumulated by the Bank of Istalia in the main national but especially foreign companies and in other investment opportunities for the benefit and improvement of Istalia. The holding company will always be obliged to hold a minority of the shares of the companies in which it will invest and to fulfill the mission entrusted to it, the fund will invest in profitable projects that will generate returns and long-term investments, although the duration of the investment will not be fixed in advance.

Thus, always Minister Calenda, a true co-rapporteur of the project presented by Minister Maritini, commented on the creation of the Sovereign Fund:

An instrument of paramount importance for Istalia, its economy and its role in the global economy! The Strategic Fund will immediately be given a large part of the budget surplus finally recovered from the country, currently over 25 billion LIS, excluding the amounts that will be allocated annually to cover the interest for the debt accumulated over the past forty years. The Istalian economy has always managed to support very well even considerable levels of indebtedness thanks to the monetary easing policies implemented by the Central Bank and the enormous preponderance of the Internal debt compared to the foreign one, and this Government is continuing what in the last 15 years has been among the main objectives of the various successive executives, namely the reduction of our public debt in the coming decades, but at the same time it was decided to use the surplus and therefore the considerable foreign currency reserves accumulated by the Central Bank to "pump" the presence of the Istalian capitals in the world. The creation of this fund, probably the first of its kind in Majatra and which has every possibility of becoming one of the most important on a global level, a real leading actor in the world economy, will guarantee the strengthening of the national economy as well as a prosperous future for the country and for the people of Istalia, an institute that, I quote the text of the law, will invest "to save for the future, to strengthen the economy, and to improve the quality of life of Istalians".

The Fund will have virtually no limits with regard to the activities in which it will invest and in how many assets, the only condition is that the Fund will have to invest in long-term, profitable and safe projects, including:stable risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded securities, mostly stocks and bonds, assets that have low liquidity and are based on private contracts, special investments aimed to build a portfolio of direct stakes in global quoted companies, etc...

So the Istalian economy is preparing to make a further qualitative leap, with tools that will strengthen even more its role of financial heart of Majatra and of great international financial center, which will certainly strengthen the trust of the public, national as well as international, and therefore which will guarantee stability and protection in the face of ever-changing global economic conditions.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:57 am

Istalian Edition
Ministro Donati sulle indagini in corso: "Si prospetta una vera e propria tempesta politica!"
Il Ministro della Giustizia difende la Magistratura scaricando le accuse di 'persecuzione' ed annuncia che alla luce delle numerose prove che stanno venendo accumulate si prospetta un notevole scandalo politico
Minister Donati during the speech at the Palace of Supreme Tribunal for the opening of the legal year

ROMULA - Il Ministro della Giustizia Maria Donati (AR) durante l'inaugurazione dell'anno giudiziario ha voluto difendere l'operato della Magistratura recentemente impegnata nell'indagine che ha coinvolto l'organizzazione giovanile di Alternativa Istaliana e che sta lentamente coinvolgendo anche il Partito.
Infatti, fin dall'inizio delle indagini i vertici di AI avevano scaricato ogni accusa gridando piuttosto alla persecuzione politica da parte del nuovo Governo guidato dai Comunisti, il primo dopo quasi un trentennio di leadership della destra.
A difendere il PCI, la Presidenza e la Presidenza del Consiglio si sono levate immediatamente le voci dell'Alleanza Radicale, la quale, anche con una certa ironia, ha voluto sottolineare come alla testa del Ministro della Giustizia sia stata posta un'esponente Radicale, facendo intendere dunque che, in effetti, la presenza della Donati alla guida del Ministero potrebbe aver dato avvio alle indagini.
Il Ministro, comunque, ha difeso così il suo operato definendo l'indagine come inevitabile, questo l'estratto del discorso sulla faccenda:

Signori, vorrei invitarvi a leggere il grande pannello che si erge alle mie spalle: "La Legge è uguale per tutti". Ebbene, proprio per questo non credo sia da imputare ad un'iniziativa politica l'avvio di queste indagini ed anzi, potrei ipotizzare, e dico ipotizzare, dunque una mia personalissima opinione, che forse un intervento politico negli anni passati abbia potuto ritardare l'apertura del caso.
Quando sono giunta al Ministero era già tutto sulla mia scrivania, mucchi di prove indiziarie e di relazioni da parte di magistrati da tutta italia che hanno sollevato dubbi e sospetti. Ed anzi, mi chiedo come il mio predecessore abbia potuto ignorare tutto ciò. Comunque, vorrei ricordare a tutti che in Istalia la Giustizia è indipendente dalla politica ed il nostro ordinamento offre tutti gli strumenti per garantire ciò, e dunque, se un'indagine è partita adesso, piuttosto che parlare di spinta politica ipotizzerei invece che la politica, una certa politica, abbia finalmente allentato quelli che potevano essere stati dei freni.
Lascierò dunque alla Magistratura giungere alla verità e quindi esporre alla nazione i risultati di questa indagine, ma era doveroso da parte mia, come esponente di uno dei partiti di governo, difenderlo e rigettare qualsiasi accusa di persecuzione, che trovo sinceramente ridicole per un paese come il nostro!
Non posso che chiudere questa digressione su queste indagini dicendo: chi è causa del suo male pianga se stesso, e credo che molti piangeranno! Credo che molte teste cadranno... credo che una tempesta si abbatterà sulla scena politica nazionale!

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Luthorian Edition
Minister Donati on the ongoing investigations: "A real political storm is expected!"
Minister of Justice defends the Magistrature by discharging the accusations of 'persecution' and announces that in light of the numerous evidence that are being accumulated, a considerable political scandal is coming

ROMULA - Minister of Justice Maria Donati (AR) during the inauguration of the legal year wanted to defend the work of the Judiciary recently engaged in the investigation that involved the youth organization of Istalian Alternative and that is slowly involving the main Party.
In fact, since the beginning of the investigation, AI ​​leadership had dumped all charges by shouting rather to the political persecution by part of the new government led by the Communists, the first after almost thirty years of Rightist leadership.
In roder to defend the colleagues of PCI, the Presidency and the Presidency of the Council, Radical Alliance have immediately raised its voice and which, also with a certain irony, wanted to underline that at the head of the Minister of Justice was placed a Radical exponent, thus suggesting that, in fact, the presence of Mrs Donati at the head of the Ministry could have unleashed the beginning of the investigation.
The Minister, however, has defended his work thus defining the investigation as inevitable, this is the extract of the discourse on the matter:

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite you to read the big panel that stands behind me: "The Law applies to everyone". Well, for this reason I do not think it is due to a political initiative the beginning of these investigations and indeed, I could hypothesize, and I say hypothesize, therefore it is my personal opinion, that perhaps a political intervention in past years could have delayed the opening of the case.
When I arrived at the Ministry it was already all on my desk, piles of circumstantial evidence and reports from magistrates from all over Istalia that raised doubts and suspicions. And indeed, I wonder how my predecessor could have ignored this. However, I would like to remind everyone that in Istalia Justice is independent by the politics and our legal system offers all the tools to guarantee this, and therefore, if an investigation has started now, rather than talking about political impetus, I would rather assume that politics, a certain politcs, has finally relaxed what could have been brakes.
So I will let the Judiciary to find the truth and then to expose the results of this investigation to the nation, but it was a duty on my part, as an exponent of one of the governing parties, to defend it and reject any accusation of persecution, which I find genuinely ridiculous for a country like our!
I can only close this digression on these investigations by saying: he who makes his bed must lie in it, and I believe that many will cry! I think many heads will fall... I think a storm will stir the national political scene!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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