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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri May 24, 2019 3:19 pm

BREAKING: Princeps Senatus opens the discussion over Aurorian Church headquearters displacement
At the request of the Praetrix de Marestella, the highest authority of the legislative branch officially opens a debate that may have profound repercussions

Empyrean Temple, headquarters of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church in Auroria, Selucia

Silia Asprenas, former Praetrix of Marestella, announced it during her tour in Istalia. And now her succesor in the position, Batrunia Scada, has made it official: she has formally requested the Princeps Senatus, Cloelia Lombarda, to open the discussion in the Conference of Premiers, a meeting between the Praetors and the Rector every four years where they discuss territorial issues and other economical and social problems, to more foreign representatives interested in the issue. At the same time, Mrs. Scada has requested the Supreme Court of Selucia to express their veredict over the legality of the issue, and the report is expected to be released soon. Meanwhile the five Praetors and the Rector will supposedly discuss how to carry the the possible relocation of the headquarters of the most important branch of Hosianism, the Aurorian Church, which precisely has its historical roots in the First Council of Auroria in the year 533, with the modern Aurorian Church being founded in the Second Council of Auroria after the year 2154. In this way, the largest religious body in Terra could be forced to have to look for a new location, something that has ignited the anger of many of its representatives.

"This is an outrage"
have been the words of a priest from Victoria, the capital of Insularia.
"They talk about religious freedom while trying to expel us from the land that saw us being born, simply because they hate religion and are people full of hate"

Mrs. Scada, on the other hand, defends herself against the cascade of criticisms coming from the religious environment:

"This issue has nothing to do with whether we are religious or not, or what religion we follow. It has to do with the neutrality of the State, something that In Marea-Civis Sinistram has defended since its foundation. We are a completely secular party, and we will remain firm in our convictions that State and religion can not be together, so for some time we have been applying, always with the utmost respect for the religions that our citizens profess, this separation between both institutions, so we can achieve a more just, egalitarian and inclusive society. However, we do not believe that religious institutions represent religions, and while each one is free to profess the religion that best suits them, religious institutions are no more than an element that, taking advantage of people's beliefs, wants to use their influence to impose itself on others, we can not respect those institutions that do not respect basic concepts of equality, such as different sexual orientations, genders, or individual liberties such as abortion. And that is precisely why we do not want to have such an institution in Auroria. Because we believe that it does not represent the values ​​of tolerance and respect that our nation has been trying to teach for centuries to the rest of the world, and therefore we must be demanding with ourselves to set an example to others. "

The decision of the Praetrix de Marestella has been supported by the other four regional leaders, who have refused to accept, if necessary, the religious headquarters in their territory. The five Praetors, elected new in the elections of 4580 to replace their more moderate predecessors, have expressed themselves in the same vein as Mrs. Scada.

"This does not mean that we are going to expel the religion of our nation"
said Dalius Kostos, former Princeps Senatus and new Praetor of Insularia taking over from Hegio Cyprias.
"We are going to respect the religious freedom of our citizens from the first moment, even though our opposition to religion is public knowledge. What we do not want to allow is that an institution that clashes with the republican principles of Selucia continues to have its headquarters in our nation "

The other three Praetors (Dalia Esplenida of Cor Patriae, Galena Asterotidia of Occidentria and Fausto Dipoidus of Oriensos) have refused to make any further statement on the issue, and Rector Mrs. Curmisia has not made any statement at all, although people close to her has expressed her outmost support to this action.

At the moment, it is unknown when or if this transfer will even take place, since the Praetors first want to wait to know about the legality of the matter, in the mouth of the Supreme Court, to subsequently carry out the vote that, predictably, will include a referendum called by the Rector. In any case, both the Praetors and the Rector have invited Heads of State and Government of other nations and religious institutions to share their opinion.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat May 25, 2019 10:21 pm

"My idea is that the Empyrean Temple will be consolidated as an independent State, within the Auroria city itself"
We talk with the negotiator elected by the Selucian government related with the conflict against the Aurorian Patriarchal Chruch

Gala Furbia, appointed as mediator by the Selucian government, poses for this interview

The government of Selucia, in view of the increasing attention being given to the proposal initiated by the Praetrix de Marestella, Batrunia Scada, to move the headquarters of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church outside the province of Marestella, has decided to appoint Gala Furbia as mediator in the conflict.

Mrs. Furbia, aged 54, has previously served as a professor of international law at the University of Victoria, in addition to having worked as an international policy adviser for the successive governments of Prometheus Cleareta, the Rector prior to the current one. Positively valued by political leaders of all ideological profile for her neutrality and know-how, she has decided to take a step forward in this matter because she believes that, if not carefully done, things "can get very serious."

Interviewer: Welcome, and thank you for accepting this interview

Gala Furbia: It is a pleasure to be here without a doubt.

I: Ok, let's begin. Why did you decide to accept the proposal of the Selucia government to exercise the representation of your position?

G.F: If I'm honest, because I think this is a matter that should have been discussed long ago. As a convinced republican, I think that the representative buildings of religions - careful, I am not referring to places of worship in general, but to the most visible symbols of religious institutions - should not be intermingled with what society has constructed as "State". I think it's a mistake. The State is something that all citizens are participants, whether they like it or not, and in one way or another, we contribute to shape it so that it adapts to our needs. With religion, the opposite happens. We are the ones who have to adapt to its precepts, and if we do not want to, we can stop being part of it. That's why I think they are two concepts that collide, and that's why I think the position of the central government and regional governments is correct, although it is true that the forms were probably not the best, making a public announcement first instead to inform those affected.

I: Therefore, you are in favor of expelling the Aurorian Patriarchal Church of Auroria

G.F: I do not like the word "expel." That is not what I have to negotiate. The central idea is to get the State to be truly republican, and that happens not to grant privileges to religious institutions. This does not imply that they should be expelled, nor that this is a crusade exclusively against Aurorianism, as the highest representatives of this religion have suggested. I have a main role, and the government of Selucia has guaranteed my total freedom in the negotiation, as long as the results that are obtained are consulted with them. And I have a main objective: my idea is that the Empyrean Temple, the building that serves as the headquarters for the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, will be consolidated as an independent State, within the Auroria city itself.

I:That is something we had not heard anything about. Is it an exclusive news?

G.F: Well, if you have not heard anything and now you have, it probably is (laughs). If the representatives of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church had not thrown us in the neck so soon, we would have been able to explain this matter with much more calm and could have negotiated little by little, but things have turned out this way because of failures on both sides and now here I am, revealing the idea that has been hanging around my head since the conflict broke out with the words of Silia Asprenas in Istalia in 4578.

I: And can you explain your idea more thoroughly?

G.F: Well, at the moment it's that, an advanced idea. What the government and I have in mind is that the Empyrean Temple itself is consolidated as a kind of "independent city-state", located within the city of Auroria, but being entirely responsible of its citizens - the priests and the rest of the ecclesiastical personnel - as well as their economy and politics. In this way, the Republic of Selucia would remain in its republican ideal, granting the Aurorian religion its status quo in the city of Auroria but separating completely the concept of "State of Selucia" and "Aurorian Patriarchal Church". Of course, there would be many loose ends to deal with, such as the issues of justice, defense, security forces, nationality ... but all that would come after laying the foundations for a future agreement.

I: And do you think that the representatives of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church will accept this proposal?

G.F: In any case, we must first wait for the Supreme Court of Selucia to rule on the legality of altering the status quo of the Empyrean Temple, but as a further step, I believe it is something that can be beneficial for both parties involved.

I: Thank you very much for your time, we hope this is solved soon.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby cm9777 » Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:50 am

Selucia Declares Neutrality

June 4625

Following the election of a new government, Selucia appears to be turning inwards. The newly elected League of Armed Neutrality has promised to pull the nation out of foreign entanglements and instead focus on its own prosperity. A treaty for the recogniton of this neutrality is already being drafted and soon expected to be turned over to other states to ratify. The newly elected Marcus Barbatius Calerus has made it clear that Selucia will trade with the outside world however no longer be diplomatically, militarily or politically aligned with any nation.

This is not about turning away from the rest of the world, rather ensuring we put our own nation first. Selucia is open for business and always will be yet we need to focus on safeguarding our culture and traditions while remaining adaptive in this new age.

A large military buildup is also planned to allow Selucian forces to defend the nations sovereignty given that a diplomatic withdrawal will mean the absence of allies in the event of invasion.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby cm9777 » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:23 pm

Naval Arms Deal In Negotiation
December 4630

Negotiations are being held with the Deltarian Government to purchase 10 of the new model Gorshkov frigates and have the order be worked on immediately. With Selucian neutrality, it is important for the island nation to have a capable navy should another nation attempt to attack it.

New United Bank of Selucia opens

A new Banking Cooperation is supposed to open its doors soon to both private and public clients. United Bank of Selucia (UBS) will offer generous interest payments and generally lax regulations in exchange for relatively uncontrolled spending of the money stored in the accounts. It is said to be a high risk deposit to do business with the new UBS but also relatively carefree and high rewarding. A foreign actor has supposedly already made a large deposit and opened an account. The name of the actor has not been named due to confidentiality reasons. The corporation is not yet offering loans but promises to do so in due time when the position of UBS is deemed secure.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:04 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:51 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:19 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Pragma » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:23 pm

Selucia Abolishes Slavery

The Selucian government is set to pass into law a total abolition of slavery, including as a punishment for criminal acts. Internal Affairs Minister Tremellia
Domitius said the move was a 'tremendous step forward' as she put the bill to the parliament, where it is expected to pass unanimously. The government
- currently existing as a union of various moderate, Hosian, democratic and progressive parties seeking to enact change in these islands - announced the
full abolition of slavery as part of its election manifesto and has recently disentangled itself from all legal and treaty-based responsibilities to continue
the practice of slavery.

The law was praised by communities across Selucia, especially among the Hosian majority of the nation. The church had previously came out against
slavery in a renewed way, and many bishops and priests had begun incorporating abolitionism into their sermons. The pagan community had been more
pro-slavery, and community leaders have came out against the move as well as other government proposals they say are 'detrimental to our economy and
our traditions'. The governing party has announced also that all politician who come out as pro-slavery in Selucia will be removed from office 'as soon as
we can make it happen'.

The government has also set into motion a 'green revolution' in Selucia, passing a variety of environmentalist laws to restrict carbon emissions and become
a carbon-negative nation by the end of the next decade. Laws around the treatment of animals and the management of forest form a key part of this
legislation, but the movement completely away from fossil fuels towards renewables is a 'decades long project' according to Minister Domitius.

Nova Harmonia is the news arm of the Nova Harmonia movement, aimed at renewing Selucia and its resetting its moral compass.
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