Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:10 pm

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.

Member of the 'Oderveldhafen' Fraternity
Dossier: Rise of the 'Burschenschaften'
With the dawn of a new era in dual-republican politics, meaning thallerist dominance, the traditional university fraternities (dundorfian: "Burschenschaften") experience a never-seen phase of growth, they are known for promoting Pan-dundorfian nationalism. They trace their origins back to the 19th century and the founding of the first and second Dundorfian Empires promoting constitutionalism and a strong pan-dundorfian nation state, while being considered progressive and liberal in these times, they have, in modern times been seen as a conservative and sometimes reactionary force, allying with autocrats and fascists which plead to their strong rooted nationalist ideological core for support.

Historically speaking they have been strong in conservative ethnically dundorfian territories although in recent years due to the pacification of ethnic tensions in Narikaton & Darnussia have begun to expand into ethnically narik provinces with them working towards proclaiming nariks as a "dundorfian brother people" and some even going as far as calling them "volksdundorfian" per se. Combining the recent rise of conservative politics and the expansion into new provinces, it only seems natural that their membership numbers would rise. As said, they primarily consist of liberal, conservative and nationalist intellectuals from the universities but some minor fraternities are oriented towards high-school students in their senior years. Aside from their ideological goals, they propagate values such as personal liberty, performance, ambition, humility and courage with their activites consisting of charity work, gregarious drinking events called "Kneipen" and fencing which is referred to as "Mensur" in the habitual tongue of the frats.

It might seem easy for outsiders to just ignore them as a cultural phenomenon but as they are inhabited by the elite of dundorfian societies they are known for producing valuable members of society such as legal professionals, economists, teachesr and politicians, especially younger TKP politicians have a high quota of "Burschen" among them. Meaning, these people form a fundamental pillar of right-wing political forces in the dual-republic.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:10 am

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
Procurement Plan Phase 2 revealed
After our last report about the naval equipment procured for the armed forces of the dual-republic we are going to give our readers a very brief overview of the equipment that the ministry of defence published for the Land Forces. "20 ATMOS 2000, 30 Sholef, 20 Reshef" are listed to be ordered through government contracts, mainly built directly in the Dual-republic via licensing agreements between the equifund companies. In the same press-release, the Defence Minstry announced that industrial partners planned to develop updated versions of currently used equipment mainly sourced from ADG. This comes as no surprise since doctrine and training has been done with this equipment for the better part of a millenium. Some expect that this is an answer to the cautious actions of the aerospace industry and the until now rather ignored narik-darnussian aerial forces, according to the trade ministry, negotiations are going on in the background.

Minor Headlines:
- Pan-Dundorfian League revived in efforts to promote cultural identity
- Dovani negotiations "in full force"
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:34 pm

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
Dual-republican Railway Innovation Project
Minister for Infrastructure Arnold Steiner has recently revealed his plans for the new (in his words) "pride of dual-republican - nay - artanian transportation" rail network.Billions of DAR have been authorized for usage to modernize the darnussian railway lines which are essential for trade domestically and internationally especially to highly valued trade partners such as the Holy Luthori Empire. Not only modernization but also expansion is planned, upgrading the railstock with new Küstenschmiede rolling stock has also been included into the program. Economists connect this to the first big international contract the manufacturer won a few years ago from the Baltusian Transport Agency, which got the government of the dual-republic to notice the potential the underdeveloped but opportunity-bearing industry holds. Officials of the ministry stated that this is a initial move to begin more projects of this kind with the possibility in mind of talking to international partners to cooperate on joint-lines to interconnect our wonderful artanian continent and make travel for our citizens and goods easier.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:15 pm

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:15 pm

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
Ministry of Infrastruture awards Alkavon Contracts to Luthori
After announcing the Railway Innovation Project (RIP), the office of Minister Steiner has revealed the companies which are awarded contracts, while the comparatively more minor projects in Narikaton, Nihaton and Clenon, due to size, have been given to regional construction offices, the bigger, and more lucrative, projects on the darnussian part of the nation, have been split between domestic industrialists which have won the bid for Kozaria. The Alkavon region, which also includes the capital of Bannerhafen and other major trading hubs which supply artania with the goods unloaded in the region. While there is some irritation on why the government awarded a foreign company, they have reasoned that Luthori's construction sector is experienced and are able to very effectively construct the specific contract. "It was an economic choice and also a choice to be profitable together with an important partner in artanian and global-trade politics. The Holy Empire and the Dual Republic can never be severed." - Arnold Steiner, Foreign Minister
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:34 am

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
After gaining some momentum in international affairs and being a vocal critic of the increased interventionalism, the Dual-republic decided to establish a loosely organized association of the willing in which all parties involved work together to assess risks, coordinate information and secure "trade, culture and human life" at least according to the wording of the treaty. While basicly everyone can join the Bannerpakt, it is suspected that nations with 'different' geopolitical approaches are going to be interested in working with the Dual-republic, which positioned itself as a respectful partner. Now the Dual-republic seeks to formalize their relations, official and those 'not so much.' Taking the initiative with founding the Bannerpakt and kickstarting the treaty organization with the creation of its permanent summit, the "Permanent Economic Nurturement and Intelligence Summit" (abbrev: PENIS), the Dual-republic is sure to find many new partners across Terra.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:17 pm

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:41 am

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
BANNERPAKT: Aldegar joins
With the recent announcement of a new sphere of nations with a 'different' geopolitical approach, one of the first to join enthusiastically was the Federation of Aldegar. While others have received copies of the treaty as well as informal invitations, the shipping partners and fellow believers in meritocratic paths to utopia of Aldegar were quite eager. Speculations go around that Selucia or Beiteynu might associate with the Bannerpakt to some form or degree.

Other Headlines:
- Tech fund report to be published soon.
- Dovani negotiations stalling due to DR 'being very busy.'
- NarikMissile Co. to announce first DR made Missiles.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:03 pm

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
Thaller congratulates Dundorf on Institute Foundation
With the announcement of the Dundorfian government to establish the "Internationales Dunburger Institut," a program to promote the dundorfian language and traditions commonly connected to the culture, the declared pan-dundorfian nationalist Peter Thaller, President of the Dual-republic took the stage to publicly congratulate the Dundorfian government and urges all nations of volksdundorfian descent to promote as well as support the project. While Narikaton and Darnussias own project, the Pan-Dundorfian League is taking time to establish itself with the foreign ministry capacities slowly starting to stretch thin, the designated chairman of the League "Ulrich Hoffenstett" also endorsed the project.
We are very happy to see the nation of Dundorf fulfill its historical and cultural responsibilty of protecting or rather promoting our culture. They can count on wholehearted support from the Dual-republic, we hope that this can also act as a basis for a friendship and further cooperation in the future.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Mbites » Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:11 pm

Die Stimme Narikatons (The Voice of Narikaton) is a thallerist newspaper reporting about politics.
Dual-republic and Yingdala to sign historic agreement
In the Dual-republics approach the find strong partners in the eastern hemisphere, establishing communication channels with the Yingdalan' Dragon was only a question of time. The two nations did not share a deep historical connection or concurrent partnerships, so while the announcement of the Friendship treaty is logical from various perspectives, it is still a surprise for some. The main corpus of the treaty consists of abolishing trade hindrances and enabling free investment in each others markets. Uncharacteristically the treaty also includes several cultural aspects, which until now has not been the modus operandi of the Dual-republic's treaty standard. When asked about it auf Pappen only commented "There is always room to explore new options and parntership programs." Our paper believes that this is an effort of the Dual-republic to show our cultural openness and our willingness to accept foreign practices, especially in the case of Yingdala, our two nations do share something rarely talked about, a stance on geopolitics, both share a "realist" approach. Respecting sovereignty and differences in political, cultural as well as other socio-economic aspects. In reality, this makes the two likely partners. Economists expect dual-republican shipping to be again one of the main benefactors of this foreign affairs development, with the CEO of the industry titan Passschiffe obnoxiously grinning during the press conference.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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