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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:34 pm

Imperialist Party Collapses
-March 7th, 3423
Story By: Jan Hendryk
Former Supreme Chancellor Krzysztof Wada gives his closing statements for the Imperialist Party of Valruzia.

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

An end to an era in Valruzia has arrived this morning as, in a move that has been coming for some time, the Imperialist Party of Valruzia has dissolved. While the party has lost much support in Valruzia, also resulting in the rise of the Socialist Republic, the catalyst for the party's dissolution came with Valruzia's apparent friendship with Dranland, when it's obvious that none exists, has existed, or would ever exist. The government's refusal to acknowledge history propelled the Imperialists to disband and leave the remaining parties to vandalize the fuck out of Valruzia.

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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby OneTime » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:24 pm

LukasV wrote:Imperialist Party Collapses
-March 7th, 3423
Story By: Jan Hendryk
Former Supreme Chancellor Krzysztof Wada gives his closing statements for the Imperialist Party of Valruzia.

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

An end to an era in Valruzia has arrived this morning as, in a move that has been coming for some time, the Imperialist Party of Valruzia has dissolved. While the party has lost much support in Valruzia, also resulting in the rise of the Socialist Republic, the catalyst for the party's dissolution came with Valruzia's apparent friendship with Dranland, when it's obvious that none exists, has existed, or would ever exist. The government's refusal to acknowledge history propelled the Imperialists to disband and leave the remaining parties to vandalize the fuck out of Valruzia.


Nooo.Zrobiłeś wszystko,a teraz masz zamiar dać to wszystko do upadku?
You did all that work,and now you're going to let the Polish culture you worked so hard for fall?I hope they at least keep the name.Have a good one,Lukas.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Lemongrab » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:35 pm

Wszystko jest do naprawy. Poczekam aż im się znudzi, i może potem wrócę aby przejąć władze, itp, itp. Wkurwiło mnie to że nie można było się z nimi w ogóle dogadać. :/
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby OneTime » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:57 pm

Lemongrab wrote:Wszystko jest do naprawy. Poczekam aż im się znudzi, i może potem wrócę aby przejąć władze, itp, itp. Wkurwiło mnie to że nie można było się z nimi w ogóle dogadać. :/

Cóż, miejmy nadzieję, że wkrótce się im znudzi, bo ty wspaniale wyrobiłeś kulturę całej Walruzyji,I to bierze bardzo dużo trudnej roboty,I ty to pokonałeś.Do zobaczenia,Lukas.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby OneTime » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:09 pm

Jakbyś chciał,kiedy przyjdziesz spowrotem,żeby ja ciebie pomógł przywrócić monarchje i kulturę,to ja jestem bardzo chętny ,tylko jakbyś chciał.Dowidzenia,Łukasz

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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby Austrur » Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:57 pm

Przekazania Walruzję wins Large Mandate as Malinowski is Re-Elected President

Przekazania Walruzję! gained about 13% of the seat share as compared with 3465, as better performances in many states saw PW storm to victory

October 3467 - Białograd, Valruzia - Snap elections called by the Prime Minister last month saw Przekazania Walruzję expand their majority in Parliament, and a re-election of the incumbent government. The incumbent Premier, Aleksander Rudawski, called for fresh elections after major changes to the electoral system as well as various other constitutional changes. The incumbent PW government had not been required to face the public until 3471, but Rudawski chose to do so early for a number of reasons, including polling and a redistribution of seats.

The recent constructional changes saw a decrease in the size of the Sejm from 750 to 135 seats, to better reflect historical numbers and decrease the size of government. This decrease in size saw a reduction in the number of MPs from each province to 27, although no major shifts in power occurred as a result of the down-sizing. Side-by-side to the constitutional reform, both of the main political parties in the Republic, Przekazania Walruzję and the Valruzian Patriotic Party, introduced and passed major legislation regarding a variety of fields. Due to these legislative accomplishments, PW had been expected to do well and the government had remained popular. What was unknown, is how the voters would vote at the presidential level - both of the main parties had accomplishments to their name, and it was unknown if the race would be as close as it had been two years prior.

On election night itself, the atmosphere was tense. Right after the polls closed, at 8 PM, exit polls suggested a major victory for the incumbent president Czeslaw Malinowski (PW). This set led to jubilant celebrations in his hometown of Arłuszek in Chulbark, and relief from the major figures in Przekazania Walruzję. Malinowski had won a very narrow race in 3465, winning by only 130,000 votes. This time Malinowski defeated his challenger handily, winning about 66% of the vote in the end.

Initial exit polls suggested a different story in the elections for the Sejm. The first province to report, Małowalruzja, saw a narrow victory for the Valruzian Patriotic Party as a 2% swing from PW to VPP saw the VPP gain 4% in the seat share to capture Małowalruzja from the PW. However, the results from Połysk were quite different - a 38% swing to PW saw the party capture 25 of the province's 27 seats. This result, in conjunction with strong results from Kampania and Chulbark, saw the PW capture 89 of the 135 seats in the Sejm, falling one seat short of a supermajority.

The re-election of the incumbent government seems unlikely to change anything major, the current cabinet is not expected to be reshuffled for at least a few more years. The Prime Minister has signaled his intention to pursue further reforms in a variety of fields, but has not otherwise made any new statements.
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News From Valruzia

Postby JuliaAJA » Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:20 pm

Lodamese Refugees Welcomed by New Government
October 3528
President, and soon to be Queen, Anastazja Jagoda has announced that Valruzia is to accept refugees from the tyrannical reign of President Edwin Fertig of Lodamun. This comes shortly after the founding of the Valruzian Green Party and their uncontested electoral victory. The refugees are being offered all possible assistance to get them resettled in Valruzia.
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Re: News From Valruzia

Postby JuliaAJA » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:14 pm

Valruzian-Deltarian Cultural Exchange Program
July 3529
Her Majesty Queen Anastazja has announced that a number of Deltarians of the Abadi and Queranz faiths are to be relocated to Valruzia. Similarly to the Lodamese refugees, they are to be given assistance.

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Re: News From Valruzia

Postby JuliaAJA » Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:16 pm

Lodamun Has New King
November 3533
The Valruzian Government has announced its full support for the new King of Lodamun, Shabani I.

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Re: News From Valruzia

Postby JuliaAJA » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:58 pm

The Queen's Twins
June 3537
Her Majesty Queen Anastazja has announced that she has given birth to twin girls with her second husband, Shabani. The firstborn is named Anastazja and the second born is named Jelani.
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