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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:35 pm


Young Liberal Democrats "come to the rescue" in Angona

Although the ULD is often called a party of the rich and nobody else, with some saying that that is the reason why they've lost, the party decided to prove those people wrong- as said the first Vice-Chairperson, Antonio Massa. Well, the party didn't exactly do that; the student wing of the Liberal Democrats decided to organize help for the victims of the earthquakes in Mezzodiurno, and, as such, the students studying medical subjects became medics for the time being, with other university democrats helping the firefighters and army, who were present, clearing the gravel and rescuing people. However, older ULD members joined, too; some by giving the newly funded foundation helping the victims of the disaster, and others went to the place, with the doctors even joining their younger colleagues.

Even the party's leadership was partly present

The party's leadership decided to help, too, with the Chairperson, Gentile Horizonte, helping raise funds in the capital, and going around the city with a piggybank for the suffering, and Antonio Massa going to the province and overseeing the help, joining with former first vice-chairperson, Elmo Coppola, who, although being a neuropsychiatrist, helped the people, and former Chairpeople, Grimaldo Simonette and Sahla Sabbagh, who were also present.

Horizonte helped, too; from a distance, going around Romula with a can, asking the locals for funds to help the people of Angona. He himself gave the cause a few thousands

Many say that the ULD politicized the tragedy and did it all to gain more political momentum, which members confirmed to be partly true; however, they also said that it is a form of selfless aid for the victims, costing most people present virtually nothing, and realistically helping them, with ULD tents and funds being used in the destroyed region rampaged by one of the strongest earthquakes in the recent history of Istalia. Even Sante Vespa-Baldassare, who didn't come to Angona due to his works in the capital deposited 20 thousand to the charity (though, people say that he could give away ten times that, at least).
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:12 am

Istalian Edition
Terremoto in Angona: gli atleti Istaliani di ritorno da Nowogard devolvono tutti i premi olimpici in beneficenza
Grande prova di solidarietà da parte di tutto il Paese per i terremotati, donazioni in arrivo da tutta Istalia ma Alleanza Radicale propone di richiedere assistenza all'Alleanza Majatrana: "L'Istalia ha fatto tanto per l'Organizzazione, i nostri cittadini lo meritano"

ANGONA - Mentre ad Angona si lavora ancora per rimuovere le montagne di macerie, intervenuto anche l'esercito per assistere soccorsi e protezione civile, tutta la popolazione d'Istalia continua a dare prova di generosità e solidarietà per i loro concittadini sfollati e costretti nei centri di ricovero ed assistenza provvisori.
Le numerose vittime del disastro sono state onorate dagli atleti Istaliani che hanno partecipato ai Giochi Olimpici di Nowogard con una fascia nera sul braccio, ma i nostri atleti non si sono limitati solo a gesti simbolici: già all'indomani dell'immane terremono, infatti, la delegazione olimpica Istaliana ha annunciato che i premi conquistati dall'Istalia alle Olimpiadi sarebbero stati totalmente devoluto in beneficenza per assistere i loro compatrioti che hanno perso beni, speranze e purtroppo anche amici e parenti.

Nonostante l'immediato ed importante dispiegamento di uomini, mezzi e fondi da parte del Governo, però, uno dei membri della maggioranza, Alleanza Radicale, ha avanzato la proposta di chiedere un supporto finanziario all'Alleanza Majatrana. In passato, infatti, l'Alleanza ha riconosciuto importanti contributi a diverse nazioni membri colpite da varie difficoltà, nonché ha elargito considerevoli somme per lo sviluppo industriale ed economico a diversi stati membri, e da sempre, molti in Istalia sottolineano come il nostro paese abbia sempre contribuito in modo preponderante al finanziamento dell'Organizzazione continentale.

A sottolineare ciò è intervenuto il Ministro delle Finanze, Simone Calenda:

Mi metterò immediatamente a lavorare insieme al Capo dello Stato, del Governo ed il Ministro degli Esteri per presentare una richiesta ufficiale di assistenza economica all'Alleanza Majatrana per fronteggiare il disastro di Angona.
L'Istalia, e sono molti coloro che, nel bene o nel male, hanno sempre messo in risalto questo punto, indubbiamente è sempre stata una se non il principale finanziatore dell'Alleanza, il principale promotore di programmi di assistenza e cooperazione che hanno apportato importanti benefici a molti stati membri e che hanno contribuito, vorrei sottolinearlo, a generare l'attuale lungo periodo di pace, stabilità e crescita che ha interessato il continente.
L'Istalia ha fatto tanto per l'Organizzazione, è doveroso ora nei confronti dei nostri concittadini dimostrare, soprattutto ai più accaniti oppositori dell'Alleanza, che questa organizzazione può e deve fare tanto per il nostro paese e che il denaro pubblico investito non è stato semplicemente perso. I nostri cittadini lo meritano!

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Earthquake in Angona: the Istalian athletes returning from Nowogard donate all the Olympic prizes to charity
Great proof of solidarity from the whole country for the earthquake victims, donations coming from all over Istalia but Radical Alliance proposes to request assistance from the Majatran Alliance: "Istalia has done so much for the Organization, our citizens deserve it"

ANGONA - While in Angona the work to remove the mountains of debris still continues, also the army intervened to assist relief and civil protection, the entire population of Istala continues to show generosity and solidarity for their displaced fellow citizens forced in provisional assistance shelters.
The numerous victims of the disaster were honored by the Istalian athletes who took part in the Nowogard Olympic Games with a black band on their arms, but our athletes did not limit themselves to symbolic gestures: already in the aftermath of the terrible earthquake, in fact, the Istalian Olympic delegation announced that the awards won by the athletes at the Olympic games would be totally donated to charity to assist their compatriots who have lost their assets, hopes and unfortunately also friends and relatives.

Despite the immediate and important deployment of men, means and funds by the Government, however, one of the members of the majority, Radical Alliance, has advanced the proposal to request financial support from the Majatran Alliance. In fact, in the past, the Alliance has recognized important contributions to various member nations affected by various difficulties, as well as providing substantial sums for industrial and economic development to several member states, and many have already pointed out that our country has always contributed predominantly to the financing of the continental organization.

The Minister of Finance, Simone Calenda, intervened to underline this:

I will immediately work with the Head of State, the one of the Government and the Foreign Minister to present an official request for economic assistance to the Majatran Alliance to face the Angona disaster.
Istalia, and there are many who, for better or for worse, have always emphasized this point, undoubtedly has always been one if not the main financier of the Alliance, the main promoter of assistance and cooperation programs that have brought important benefits to many member states and that have contributed, I would like to underline, to generate the current long period of peace, stability and growth that has affected the continent.
Istalia has done so much for the Organization, it is now our duty before our fellow citizens to demonstrate, especially to the most fierce opponents of the Alliance, that this organization can and must do so much for our country and that public money invested was not simply lost. Our citizens deserve it!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:07 pm

ANGONA, MEZZODIURNO - Il Presidente del FD, Galimberti durante l'ultima direzione del Partito ha presentato una mozione che impegna il FD a iniziare una raccolta benefica dove si possono recapitare beni di prima necessità che verranno consegnate alle popolazioni terremotate. il Presidente della Regione, Tancredi, ha accolto gli aiuti del Fronte e ha pienamente appoggiato l'iniziativa di Alleanza Radicale sulla richiesta di aiuti da parte dell'Alleanza Majatrana. La sezione regionale del FD ha inoltre messo a disposizione 2000 attivisti per la pulizia dalle macerie e il loro smaltimento. Nelle dichiarazioni finali Galimberti ha dichiarato che tutti possono contribuire alla raccolta di beneficenza e che metà incasso guadagnato dal Corriere Democratico sarà devolto al Comune di Angona.

ANGONA, MEZZODIURNO - The President of the FD, Galimberti during the last direction of the party presented a motion that commits the FD to start a charity collection where you can deliver essential goods that will be delivered to the earthquake victims. The President of the Region, Tancredi, welcomed the support of the Front and fully supported the initiative of the Radical Alliance on the request for aid from the Majatran Alliance. The regional section of the FD also provided 2000 activists for cleaning up the rubble and thier disposal. In the final statements Galimberti said that everyone can contribute to the charity collection and that half of the cash earned from the Corriere Democratico will be donated to the Municipality of Angona.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Lionking » Sat Apr 21, 2018 5:18 am

Farmers Union upset by corporation tax increase
Protest continue untill tax exemption given.


- Hundreds of thousands famers protested today in whole of Istalia against the planned tax increase by the Revara government. The corporation tax would be increased by 2% to a record of 10%. Under the former administration the famers and other agricultural businesses had a large exemption on these taxes and only payed a flat rate of 1%. The Istalalian agricultural sector had great difficulties to compete against the cheap imports from neighbouring countries. The exemption gave many Istalian agricultural business to be more competitive against these imports. The tax cut was vital for the sector's revival as the domestic use of Istalian agricultural products increased from a dire 13% to 22% and was projected to hit the 30% mark next year. The industry is booming and many extra jobs where created over the years. The Farmers Union is disappointed by the behaviour from the Revara government as the closely aligned Republican Party questioned and pleaded in parliament to keep the current exemption, yet Minister Simone Calenda (AR) of Finance nor Minister Riccardo De Rizischi (PCI) of Food and Agriculture responded to Republican and Farmers Union's concerns. President of the Farmers Union Valeriano Dell'Osso made it clear that the protests and the blockings of major Istalian roads will continue every monday untill the government would hear their concerns and work together with us for a solution.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:44 am

Istalian Edition
Calenda ai Repubblicani: "Prossima legge finanziaria prevederà importanti sussidi per l'Agricoltura"
Inoltre il Ministro delle Finanze parteciperà al prossimo Summit AM per proporre un fondo d'emergenza per i disastri naturali, incalzato dai giornalisti sulla tenuta del Governo invece risulta elusivo

ROMULA - Il Ministro delle Finanze Simone Calenda a nome del Governo ha risposto ai Repubblicani ed agli agricoltori in protesta.
Il Ministro ha dichiarato che le riforme fiscali avanzate dal Governo non saranno un punto di arrivo ma piuttosto un trampolino di lancio per permettere il varo di una importante riforma budgetaria.
La prossima legge finanziaria provvederà a utilizzare i maggiori introiti fiscali per importanti programmi, tra questi un programma di sussidi mirati a sostenere l'Agricultura Istaliana.

Ma il Ministro non si è fermato qui, ed ha risposto a tono alle accuse dei Repubblicani ricordando loro che anni fa proprio i Repubblicani erano riusciti a far passaee una legge protezionistica specifica per proteggere i prodotti agroalimentari Istaliani e che quella legge non è stata mai abolita.
Il Governo vuole venire incontro agli Agricoltori, dice Calenda, ma resta il rischio che la competitività dell'Agricultura Istaliana possa risentirne, indipendentemente dall'aumento dell'imposta societaria, rendendo ovvero l'Agricoltura dipendente dai sussidi. Ma Calenda sembra abbia voluto rigirare una domanda proprio ai Repubblicani: agricoltori e proprietari terrieri, quanto hanno guadagnato per anni usando mano d'opera immigrata a basso costo? Hanno dichiarato tutto quello che c'era da dichiarare al fisco? Hanno preso tutti i provvedimenti per regolarizzare questi lavoratori? E come sono trattati questi lavoratori?
È facile lqnciare accuse, ma siamo sicuri che chi accusa non abbia scheletri nell'armadio?

Il Ministro ha inoltre speso ulteriori parole a difesa del lavoro del Governo, sottolineando come le riforme budgettarie introdotte dal primo governo Revera, non intaccate dai governi di destra successivi, hanno spinto il PIL Istaliano a crescere ed infatti dai 581 miliardi quest'anno si è passati a più di 582. L'effetto degli importanti investimenti statali si è fatto sentire dunque e chiaramente non si può che importare ciò alle riforme della sinistra ed ad una maggiore presenza dello stato nell'economia.

Calenda ha anche approfittato dell'occasione per annunciare che parteciperà al prossimo Summit dell'Alleanza Majatrana per proporre un fondo comune per far fronte ai disastri naturali. L'Istalia, ha dichiarato Calenda, anche nel momento del bisogno mostra di pensare al futuro ed a tutta l'Alleanza. Il fondo non sarà una proposta singola per assistere ora l'Istalia, sarà al servizio di tutti i membri e sarà una misura permanente.

I giornalisti, infine, hanno approfittato per chiedere a Calenda di esporsi sulla riforma dell'Educazione rigettata da Istalia per Tutti, ma il Ministro oltre ad essere stato sintetico ha rimandato la palla a Revera:

Gli alleati di governo devono riunirsi per discuterne, ma eravamo convinti di aver raggiunto tutti i punti di incontro. Ora non posso fare altro che rimettere la parola a Revera per ulteriori delucidazioni.

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Calenda to the Republicans: "Next financial law will provide important subsidies for agriculture"
Furthermore the Minister of Finance will take part in the next AM Summit to propose an emergency fund for natural disasters; urged by journalists on the government's hold, instead it was elusive

ROMULA - The Minister of Finance Simone Calenda on behalf of the Government replied to the Republicans and to the farmers in protest.
The Minister said that the tax reforms put forward by the Government will not be a point of arrival but rather a springboard to allow the launch of a major budgetary reform.
The next financial law will use the major tax revenue for important programs, including a program of subsidies aimed at supporting the Istalian Agriculture.

But the Minister did not stop here, and he responded to the Republicans' accusations by reminding them that years ago the Republicans had succeeded in passing a specific protectionist law to protect the Istalian agro-food products and that the law was never abolished.
The government wants to meet farmers, Calenda says, but the risk remains that the competitiveness of the Istalian Agriculture can be affected, regardless of the increase in corporate tax, making agriculture dependent on subsidies. But Calenda seems to have wanted to turn a question right to the Republicans: farmers and landowners, how much have they earned for years using low-cost immigrant labor? Have they declared everything there was to be declared to the taxman? Have they taken all measures to regularize these workers? And how are these workers treated?
It's easy to start off charges, but are we sure those who accuse have no skeletons in the closet?

The Minister has also spent more words in defense of the government's work, underlining how the budgeting reforms introduced by the first Revera government, not undermined by successive right-wing governments, have pushed the Istalian GDP to increase and from 581 billion this year it has passed to more than 582 continuing the growing trend. The effect of the important state investments has been felt therefore and clearly can only be attributed to the reforms of the left and to a greater presence of the state in the economy.

Calenda also took the opportunity to announce that he will participate in the next Summit of the Majatran Alliance to propose a common fund to deal with natural disasters. According to Calenda, Istalia, even in times of need, shows that it is thinking of the future of the whole Alliance. The fund will not be a single proposal to assist now Istalia, it will be at the service of all members and will be a permanent measure.

Lastly, journalists took the opportunity to ask Calenda to expose themselves on the Reform of Education rejected by Istalia per Tutti, but the Minister, besides being synthetic, sent the ball back to Revera:

Government allies must meet to discuss it, but we were convinced that we had reached all the meeting points. Now I can not do nothing but invite to ask to Revera for further clarification.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:44 am

Istalian Edition
Il Governo presenta la nuova Legge Finanziaria: incremento della spesa pubblica di oltre 10 miliardi di Lire
Incrementi importanti per il Welfare e l'Educazione, fondi per la ricostruzione di Angona, per gli agricoltori e nuovo programma navale, Calenda fiducioso nelle capacità del moltiplicatore fiscale

ROMULA - Il Ministro delle Finanze Simone Calenda ha presentato difronte al Parlamento la Legge Finanziaria 4381, descritta come la più importante riforma budgetaria dell'ultimo secolo.
Dieci miliardi e mezzo di Lire garantiranno importanti fondi alla Sanità, il Welfare e l'Educazione per coprire le importanti riforme già varate in questi campi. Il Governo è voluto anche andare incontro agli Agricoltori garantendo un'incremento dei fondi per i sussidi. Fondi anche per le infrastrutture, sia per gli sforzi della ricostruzione di Angona e quindi per una importante ricapitalizzazione della SNFS (la recentemente fondata compagnia ferroviaria pubblica) che potrà così dare avvio alla costruzione della sua rete proprietaria e quindi, in attesa, pagare i diritti di sfruttamento alle compagnie private delle reti ferroviarie, attualmente proprietarie di oltre il 90% dell'infrastruttura.
Incrementati anche i fondi per il Ministero degli Esteri, per adeguare i fondi agli sforzi internazionali del paese, soprattutto all'interno dell'Alleanza Majatrana. Il Governo ha inoltre annunciato dotazioni per avviare il nuovo programma navale che, in un arco di 10, massimo 15 anni, vedrà le fregate ed i cacciatorpedinieri della flotta venire progressivamente ritirate e sostituite da nuove unità, ma in numero minore. Infatti il Governo ha annunciato che sarà invece espansa la forza sottomarina con l'introduzione di nuovi sottomarini d'attacco, la sostituzione di alcune delle unità più vecchie con nuove unità elettriche polivalenti e quindi i sottomarini balistici strategici saranno sottoposti ad un importante programma di ammodernamento, che prevederà inoltre l'introduzione di un nuovo tipo di missile balistico.
Il surplus budgetario, infine, sarà utilizzato dal Fondo Strategico d'Investimento Istaliano e quindi dalla Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Quest'ultima sarà assistita dall'ANVEAC, l'Agenzia Nazionale per la Vigilanza Economica e l'Arbitraggio Commerciale, per identificate le compagnie nazionali ed i campi d'investimento sul territorio nazionale che potranno garantire i migliori risultati per l'economia nazionale.

Il Ministro, di fronte alle critiche ed allo scetticismo dell'opposizione, ha ribadito la sua fiducia nella capacità del moltiplicatore fiscale, sottolineando che, nonostante gli effetti saranno inferiori a causa dell'incremento della tassazione rispetto ad una spesa in deficit, il risultato complessivo sarà comunque positivo dato l'investimento in toto delle nuove entrate fiscali nell'aumento della spesa pubblica.

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The Government presents the new Financial Law: increase in public spending for more than 10 billion of Lire
Important increases for Welfare and Education, funds for reconstruction of Angona, for farmers and the new naval program, Calenda confident in the capacity of the fiscal multiplier

ROMULA - The Minister of Finance Simone Calenda presented in front of Parliament the 4381 Financial Law, described as the most important budgetary reform of the last century.
Ten and a half billion of Lire will guarantee important funds for Health, Welfare and Education to cover the important reforms already implemented in these fields. The Government is also willing to meet farmers, ensuring an increase in funds for subsidies. Funds also for infrastructures, both for the efforts of the reconstruction of Angona and therefore for an important recapitalization of the SNFS (the recently founded public railway company) that can thus start the construction of its own network and therefore, pending, pay the rights of exploitation to private companies of the railway networks, currently owners of over 90% of the rail infrastructure.
Also increased funds for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to adjust the funds to the international efforts of the country, especially within the Majatran Alliance. The Government has also announced allocations to start the new naval program which, in a span of 10, maximum 15 years, will see the oldest frigates and destroyers of the fleet progressively retired and replaced by new modern and more performing units, but in smaller numbers. In fact, the Government has announced that the submarine force will be expanded with the introduction of new attack submarines, the replacement of some of the older units with new multipurpose electric units and therefore the strategic ballistic submarines will undergo an important modernization program which will also provide for the introduction of a new type of ballistic missile.
Finally, the budget surplus will be used by the Istalian Strategic Investment Fund and then by the Deposits and Consignments Fund. The latter will be assisted by the ANVEAC, the National Agency for Economic Oversight and Commercial Arbitration, to identify the national companies and the investment fields on the national territory that will guarantee the best results for the national economy.

The Minister, in the face of opposition criticism and skepticism, reiterated his confidence in the capacity of the fiscal multiplier, underlining that, despite the effects will be lower due to the increase in taxation compared to deficit spending, the overall result however it will be positive given the full investment of new tax revenues in the increase in public spending.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:47 pm



BREAKING: The Regione of Trivendito, in the Repubblica Istaliana (Istalia), was shocked by a terrorist attack. A police officer who exchanged himself for a hostage during the Verunian supermarket siege has died, bringing the number of victims to five. Police killed the hostage taker in Verunia, Bunogna, in the three-hour hostage-taking.

The attacker, named as Amed Mezdhoui, 25, was born in Kafuristan and lived in Verunia. He was known to police for petty crimes and drug-dealing. The state prosecutor Acensio Mediorne said he had been under surveillance in 4380 and 4380 for his “radicalism and proximity to extremist movements” but had showed no signs he was going to carry out an attack.
The shooting spree and supermarket hostage-taking on Friday, which also left 5 people injured – including two very seriously – was the first major suspected terrorist incident since President Sandro Pettini was elected in 4379.

Questions will be asked as to how Mezdhoui was able to obtain a weapon and carry out attacks when he had been monitored by security services.
The AISIR Spokesperson , Michellangelo Divane, said:
“We had monitored him and did not think he had been radicalised.” He added: “He was already under surveillance when he suddenly decided to act.”

Just after 10am on Friday, Mezdhoui, stopped a white car on the outskirts of Verunia, before shooting and killing the passenger and seriously injuring the driver.
The prosecutor said Mezdhoui then drove off in the car and appeared to wait outside a military barracks for soldiers. He then drove to a riot police squad barracks and shot at four officers 200 metres away who had been out jogging. He seriously wounded one of group, who suffered broken ribs and a punctured lung. A bullet struck near one officer’s heart.
Mezdhoui then drove to a IstaliMarket supermarket 8km away in Pescona, a sleepy town of 5,000 people near Verunia. At about 11am, he walked into the shop shouting ‘’Ahmadi Akbar’’ and claiming he was a soldier from ‘’Ahmad’s Holy Army’’. Around 50 people were inside the building. Mezdhoui opened fire, killing one supermarket worker and one customer.
Christiano Pezzi, a former police officer, was shopping when he heard several shots. He told Il Giorno his first instinct was to hide his wife and other customers in a butcher’s fridge, before trying to escape through an emergency exit as the police arrived.


“I saw one person on the ground and a person who had a handgun in one hand and knife in the other and was shouting, he was very agitated, I knew at once it was a terrorist. After 25 years in the police force, one knows these things. He shot several times in the air.”

Police officers attempting to evacuate the supermarket found Mezdhoui holding several hostages. An officer volunteered to take the hostages’ place. The gunman agreed to the swap, so the gendarme stayed with him while others were evacuated. That police officer left his mobile phone line open on a table so security forces outside could hear what was going on inside. When security forces outside the store heard via the telephone that a shot was fired, they immediately stormed the supermarket and shot Mezdhoui dead.

Lieutenant Colonel Gino La Mezza, the officer who had swapped places with the hostages, was found seriously injured. Early on Saturday morning, the Istalian interior ministry said La Mezza had died from his injuries. Divane praised the officer’s heroism. Two other officers were injured by gunshots during the assault. The situation at the supermarket lasted just over three hours. The interior ministry said Mezdhoui was acting alone in Friday’s attack. The state prosecutor said he had been on an intelligence watchlist since 4378. Mezdhoui had been convicted twice in 4378 and 4379 for petty crime, including drug offences. He had served one month in prison in 4379. The prosecutor said that during surveillance, security services had not seen signs that suggested Mezdhoui would commit an attack.

A woman who lived with him was being questioned by police. Reactions from Romula have already been noted: LdC Party Leader Maurizo de Fiore encouraged Istalians on social media to 'stay strong' and ''not let our spirits been broken by religious extremism''. Further statements from political parties are yet to be awaited. Cellphone provider Istelecom has already announced to donate significant funds to the survivors.

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Last edited by November on Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:08 pm


The Centre-Right opposition formed a shadow cabinet

The opposition is more united than ever, it seems. the communists and their coalition partners have worked for that conclusion, it seems, as centre-right faction of the parliament, the PRI, ULD and LdC, have united in a common party organization, the Popular Initiative. But that isn't everything; the parties have also decided to cooperate even more, by forming a shadow cabinet, led by the Republicans, the biggest party of the alliance. The cabinet presents itself as following:

Head of Cabinet: Vindonio Magnotti, a candidate of the Republicans.
Foreign Affairs: Gianmaria Giovacchino, another candidate of the second biggest party in the chambers.
Internal Affairs: For a third time now, a PRI candidate. This time, it is Fiore Scarpati.
Finance: This time, a Liberal Democrat takes the nomination, that being Davide Xhosa, the ex-minister of Foreign Affairs, Science and Technology and mayor of Romula.
Defence: It is currently unclear, as discussions are still taking place for this position, however, we know that this will be a member of the PRI.
Justice: The Chairperson of the ULD Democrats will take this position, Gentile Horizonte.
Infrastructure and Transport: Sante Vespa-Baldassare, the head of the great political family and ULD secretary, will take this mantle.
Health and Social Serivces: Emma Donatello, a candidate of the League, will fill in this slot.
Education and Culture: Alessia Fiorentino, another member of the League, will take the party's second shadow ministry.
Science and Technology: Sarwa Faraj of the ULD, the party's deputies whip, will hold this position.
Food and Agriculture: This position will be held by Zenebio Calabretto of the Republican Party.
Environment and Tourism: THis is the last position that will be held by the leaders of this cabinet, with Annagrazia Crivello nominated for this.
Trade and Industry: Antonio Massa, the first Vice-Chairperson of the ULD, will become the shadow minister.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:42 am

Istalian Edition
Attentato Ahamdista, il Governo: "caso isolato, nessuna minaccia di radicalismo"
Intanto le forze di sicurezza della Repubblica stanno continuqndo le indagini mentre un grande funerale di stato è stato annunciato per onorare La Mezza

ROMULA - Il Governo, per voce del Portaparola della Presidenza del Consiglio, ha ufficialmente dichiarato che il gesto di Mezdhoui è da considerarsi un caso isolato e che, soprattutto, non vi sono chiare evidenze della presenza di radicalizzazione religiosa nel nostro Paese.

Il Portaparola del Governo ha sortolineato come il gesto possa essere piuttosto legato alla recente caduta del regime teocratico Thallerista in Kafuristan e che, proprio per la natura teocratica del Califfato, avrebbe generato un fervore politico-religioso ed un risentimento nei confronti dell'Istalia. Il Governo, infatti, ha effettivamente dichiarato di aver lavorato per anni assistendo i gruppi di resistenza e le forze democratiche perseguitate in Kafuristan per contrastare il Califfato Thalleride, sforzi che proprio recentemente hanno dato i loro frutti: il Califfato è stato ormai abolito ed i rapporti con il nuovo governo democratico di Kasraj sono in via di normalizzazione e già si sono avuti ottimi risultati, come, per esempio, l'abolizione della schiavitù.

L'AISER in questo momento sta conducendo un'indagine rivolta a verificare se dietro il gesto di Mezdhui ci possano essere ancora una volta i Thaller, ma il Direttore dell'Agenzia ha già dichiarato che di elementi a sostegno di questa tesi ce ne sono davvero pochi, rinforzando l'ipotesi del gesto solitario.

Il Governo ha anche voluto onorare la memoria del coraggioso Tenente Colonnello Gino La Mezza, uno degli eroi di quell'orribile giornata, ha dichiarato il portavoce, un simbolo del coraggio e della fierezza degli istaliani, della compassione e della devozione alla causa.
Ad aver commosso un intero paese, inoltre, un video trovato sullo smartphone di Mezdhui che ha voluto riprendere l'esecuzione dall'ufficio il quale, prima del colpo fatale, avrebbe dichiarato "vuoi riprendere? Va bene, guarda come muore un Istaliano allora!".
Funerali di Stato sono già stati annunciati per La Mezza e ci si aspetta per le vie di Romula migliaia di persone mentre le più alte autorità dello Stato parteciperanno alla cerimonia nella Chiesa di Tutti gli Angeli.

Nota a margine della giornata, in serata è giunto un commento da parte della Segreteria di Alleanza Radicale rivolta soprattutto alla Lega dei Cittadini: "che si mantenga una certa dignità, evitiamo di sciacallare su un simile evento e di approfittarne per fare propaganda politica. Le crisi di integrazione ed immigrazione sono tali giusto per la Lega, si diano risposte e rassicurazioni, che non si diffonda paura tra la popolazione in vista del risultato elettorale!"

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Ahmadist Attack, the Government: "an isolated case, no threat of radicalism"
Meanwhile, the security forces of the Republic are continuing investigations while a large state funeral was announced to honor La Mezza

ROMULA - The Government, by the voice of the Spokesperson of the Preaidency of the Council, has officially declared that the gesture of Mezdhoui is to be considered an isolated case and that, above all, there is no clear evidence of the presence of religious radicalization in our country.

The Spokesperson of the Government has outlined how the gesture can be rather related to the recent fall of the Thallerist theocratic regime in Kafuristan and that, due to the theocratic nature of the Caliphate, would have generated a political-religious fervor and resentment towards Istalia. Indeed, the Government has actually declared that it has been working for years supporting the resistance groups and the democratic forces persecuted in Kafuristan to counter the Thallerid Caliphate, efforts that have recently borne fruit: the Caliphate has now been abolished and relations with the new democratic government of Kasraj are in the process of normalization and already excellent results have been achieved, such as, for example, the abolition of slavery.

At the moment, AISER is conducting an investigation aimed at verifying whether the Thallers may once again be behind Mezdhui's gesture, but the Director of the Agency has already stated that there are really few elements to support this thesis, reinforcing the hypothesis of the solitary gesture.

The Government has also wanted to honor the memory of the brave Lieutenant Colonel Gino La Mezza, one of the heroes of that horrible day, said the spokesperson, a symbol of the courage and pride of the istalians, of compassion and devotion to the cause.
To have moved an entire country, moreover, a video found on the smartphone of Mezdhui who wanted to resume the execution of the officer who, before the fatal blow, would have declared "do you want to resume?" Okay, look how an Istalian dies!".
State funeral services have already been announced for La Mezza and thousands of people are expected on the streets of Romula while the highest authorities of the State will attend the ceremony in the Church of All Angels.

Note in the margins of the day, in the evening came a comment from the Secretariat of Radical Alliance addressed above all to the League of Citizens: "let we maintain a certain dignity, let avoid to exploit such an event and take advantage of it to make political propaganda. Crisis of integration and immigration are such just for the League. Let give answers and reassurance, does not spread fear among the population in view of the election result!"
Last edited by Axxell on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:48 pm

Istalian Edition
Comitato Olimpico Istaliano: "Un teatrino semplicemente ridicolo, il Comitato Internazionale dovrebbe vergognarsi"
Augusto Migliorini, Presidente del COI, commenta la diatriba aperta da un movimento politico di Mordusia ed esprime tutto il suo sdegno per il comportamento del TOC: "una caccia alle streghe non degna di una simile organizzazione"
Augusto Migliorini

ROMULA - Questa mattina, dalla sede del Comitato Olimpico Istaliano, il suo Presidente, Augusto Migliorini, si è espresso su quella che ha definito un teatrino ridicolo, una vergognosa telenovelas, ovvero la diatriba sulle Olimpiadi di Nowogard conclusesi da circa un anno.
Infatti, dopo il recente annuncio del Comitato Olimpico Terrano di voler riprendere le indagini sul Comitato Nazionale Olimpico di Valruzia, la controparte Istaliana ha finalmente voluto esprimere tutta la sua solidarietà per i colleghi Valruziani e quindi tutto lo sdegno che ha generato la linea di condotta del Comitato Internazionale, accusato di aver dato avvio ad una vera e propria caccia alle streghe e di aver politicizzato il TOC, piegandosi ed assecondando vergognosamente le richieste di una forza politica di dubbia dignità e credibilità.

Queste le parole di Migliorini:

E' con grande dispiacere che, come Presidente del COI, mi assumo il dovere di esprimere tutto lo sdegno generato qui in Istalia dalla diatriba emersa sulle recenti Olimpiadi di Nowogard e soprattutto dal comportamento del TOC, le cui ultime dichiarazioni hanno spinto il Comitato Istaliano ad esprimersi infine. Vogliamo prima di tutto esprimere tutta la nostra solidarietà con i colleghi Valruziani, ai quali, insieme alle autorità di Valruzia, riconosciamo il grande lavoro svolto per rendere queste olimpiadi un grande evento, all'insegna della lealtà e della pacifica competizione sportiva.

La volontà espressa dal TOC di voler continuare le indagini "fino a che non venga scoperta qualche irregolarità in Valruzia" non può che mettere in serio dubbio la serietà ed integrità del Comitato Internazionale che ha chiaramente dichiarato di essersi messo alla testa di una crociata rivolta a screditare Valruzia, pronti ad avviare non un'indagine su sospetti od evidenze, ma una caccia alla streghe, alla più piccola irregolarità commessa in Valruzia per screditare un paese che, invero, e lo sottolineo di nuovo, ha organizzato un grandissimo evento.

Da parte nostra, possiamo prima di tutto confermare che sui nostri atleti, seguiti costantemente dalle equipe medicali del COI, non è mai stata trovata traccia di alcuna sostanza che possa aver alterato, positivamente o negativamente, le loro prestazioni durante i Giochi e che, giusto per rispondere alle accuse più ridicole con un amaro sorriso in bocca, possiamo assicurarvi che le medaglie riportate a casa dai nostri atleti sono totalmente regolari e non è stato riscontrato nulla che indichi "materiali più scadenti" per la loro realizzazione.

Per concludere, possiamo solo dire al TOC che l'attuale dirigenza oggi ha perso buona parte della sua credibilità e che sarà interesse del COI di presentare una mozione di sfiducia di fronte a tutti gli altri Comitati Olimpici Nazionali nei confronti dell'attuale dirigenza, ritenuta, come detto, ormai indegna di guidare una tale prestigiosa organizzazione. Una dirigenza che si è piegata alle ridicole accuse di un movimento politico mordusiano dalla dubbia credibilità, che ha organizzato un'indagine guidata da criminali ed esaltati estremisti senza alcuna preparazione su simili materie, che ha espresso falsità ridicole e vergognose, come appunto quella ridicola storia delle medaglie di minor qualità.
Se il TOC dovesse continuare a tenere un simile indegno comportamento e gli altri Comitati Olimpici Nazionali dovessero mostrarsi non recettivi o disinteressati, il COI non esclude un suo ritiro dal TOC ed un vero e proprio boicottaggio dei prossimi Giochi Invernali da tenersi proprio in Mordusia.


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Istalian Olympic Committee: "Simply a ridiculous antics, the International Committee should be ashamed"
Augusto Migliorini, President of COI, comments on the diatribe opened by a Mordusia's political movement and expresses all his indignation at the behavior of the TOC: "a witch hunt not worthy of such an organization"

ROMULA - This morning, from the headquarters of the Istalian Olympic Committee (COI), its President, Augusto Migliorini, expressed himself on what he called a ridiculous antics, a shameful telenovelas, namely the diatribe about the Nowogard Olympics that ended about a year ago.
In fact, after the recent announcement by the Terran Olympic Committee of wanting to resume the investigation on the National Olympic Committee of Valruzia, the Istalian counterpart has finally wanted to express its solidarity for the Valruzian colleagues and therefore all the indignation that generated the line of conduct of the International Committee, accused of having started a real witch hunt and politicized the TOC, bending and shamefully supporting the demands of a political force of dubious dignity and credibility.

These are the words of Migliorini:

It is with great regret that, as President of the COI, I assume the duty to express all the indignation generated here in Istalia by the controversy that emerged on the recent Olympics in Nowogard and above all by the behavior of the TOC, whose latest statements pushed the Istalian Committee to finally express themselves. We want first of all to express our solidarity with our Valruzian colleagues, to whom, together with the authorities of Valruzia, we recognize the great work done to make these Olympics a great event, in the name of loyalty and peaceful sporting competition.

The will expressed by the TOC of wanting to continue the investigation "until some irregularities are discovered in Valruzia" can only seriously question the seriousness and integrity of the International Committee which has clearly declared that it wants lead a veritable crusade aimed at discredit Valruzia, ready to start not an investigation into suspicions or evidence, but a witch hunt to the smallest irregularity committed in Valruzia to discredit a country that, indeed, and I stress it again, has organized a huge event.

For our part, we can first of all confirm that on our athletes, constantly monitored by the medical teams of the COI, no trace of any substance has ever been found that could have positively or negatively affected their performance during the Games and that, rightly to respond to the most ridiculous accusations with a bitter smile on our face, we can assure you that the medals brought home by our athletes are totally regular and nothing has been found that indicates "poorer materials" for their realization.

To conclude, we can only say to the TOC that the current leadership today has lost much of its credibility and that it will be in the COI's interest to present a motion of no confidence in front of all the other National Olympic Committees towards the current leadership, which is deemed, as mentioned, unworthy to lead such a prestigious organization. A leadership that has bowed to the ridiculous accusations of a mordusian political movement of dubious credibility, which has organized an investigation led by criminals and exalted extremists without any preparation on such matters, which has expressed ridiculous and shameful falsities, such as that ridiculous story of lesser quality medals.
Should the TOC continue to hold such an unworthy behavior and the other National Olympic Committees should appear to be non-receptive or disinterested, the COI does not exclude its withdrawal from the TOC and a real boycott of the upcoming Winter Games to be held in Mordusia.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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