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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:09 pm


Bundeskanzler Hausser


Chancellor’s Office, February 23, 5410: The Chancellor’s Office today issued the following statement:

In view of the deteriorating situation in the United States of Baltusia, citizens of Bundesrepublik Dundorf should return home immediately. If anyone needs help with this they should contact one of our consulates which will remain open for another 3 days.

Our former Embassy is now the Senior Consulate and it will remain open until further notice hoping that things will calm down.

As indicated, we strongly urge all other citizens living in or visiting the United States of Baltusia to return home immediately.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:35 pm



Chancellor’s Office, August 23, 5410: The Chancellor’s Office today issued the following statement:

Our Southern Defense Force has shifted its deployment in accordance with arrangements with Ikradon’s Queen Carolien Saksoure and her Royal People’s Harmonist Unitary Authority (RPHUA).

Our 3rd Division (motorized infantry) is now occupying our Grosvic border with Ikradon; it is dug in defensively and facing enemy forces. It could move south against them should plans develop in that direction. Its headquarters is in Arnulfsbrugge.

The six Luftwaffe HF – 16 squadrons in the Southern Defense Force (SDF) are located in Fuchstal. They are on standby; one is armed for air superiority and 5 for ground attack. SDF Headquarters is relocating to Fuchstal as well.

5th Panzer Division has moved from Fuchstal to a mile or two behind 3rd Division’s westernmost brigade on the Grosvic – Ikradon border. It has moved its headquarters to Arnulsbrugge and is ready to join in an attack on the enemy should it occur.

2nd Division (motorized infantry) has moved two infantry brigades into the eastern half of the RPHUA held territory bordering on Chontalan Bundeslander to support and join in any RPHUA attack on the enemy. The third infantry brigade and other divisional assets including its artillery and drones remain in the Bundesrepublik at the cusp of Grosvic and Chontalan ready to attack south if this is desirable. The two battalions of artillery in 2nd Division’s assets each have 8 tracked multiple launcher rocket systems and 24 tracked self propelled guns. 2d Division’s headquarters has also moved to Fuchstal.

In conjunction with this redeployment, our Bundeszollverwaltung or border patrol is setting up humanitarian aid stations south of the Dundorfian border dispensing food, clothing, water and personal sanitation supplies and setting up medical aid stations as well as processing stations for refuges and other travelers to relieve the press at the border.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:40 am


Chancellor Hausser


Bundestag, October 23, 5410: After a meeting of Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP) Bundestag leadership, ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER asked Chancellor Martin Hausser how he thought the election would go, and he responded:

We expect some redistribution from the center right to the right and an increase for the left, hut the result may still be a center right win. We expect it to be close. As to the race for President, odds makers rate me non competitive and the final outcome too close to call. We are campaigning on religious freedom as we often do.

My Administration has two major pieces of unfinished business. We laid the groundwork for a new nuclear power plant but it still needs to be built. We hope there is follow through from the next Administration.

We are involved in the protracted civil war in Ikradon. At first we had thought to work with its other neighbors to contain it, but after Esinsundu Brotherhood
atrocities we moved into Ikradon at the invitation of Queen Carlolien Satsoure of the Royal People’s Harmonist Unitary Authority. Suppressing with Esinsundu Brotherhood and ending the civil war are tasks we strongly urge be completed.

Asked by ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER if the Bundesrepublik would heed the Luthori call for the condemnation of various Artanian and Majatran nations, Hausser responded:

The truth is neither I nor the Foreign Office is sufficiently conversant with the matters in dispute to be calling for condemnation. We do however commend The Rt’ Hon. Wayne Miller, Prime Minister of the Holy Luthorian Empire for forcefully advocating Artanian unity and revival of the Artanian Union and for calling for serious steps to end the Migrant’s Pass fiasco.

The Artanian nations bordering the disintegrating state of Ikradon are working together to try and salvage something from the wreckage even as atrocities are occurring, Something better could well emerge and because are unified we hope to be able to help. Should that happen all Artania should help sustain a new Ikradon working together not working against each other. We need unity or we will turn into a decaying backwater.

As the landlocked nation we have less familiarity with Migrant’s Pass than most, but even we know that it is a vital passage for international maritime commerce that Terra needs to be open and free of pirates. Why then are we arguing over who gets to see that this is done. Five nations, Malivia, Pontesi, Beiteynu, Seleucia and Narikaton & Darnussia have a special interest because they front upon it. But all unisolated Terra benefits from its use and has a stake in its being open and safe.

We do not know how this impasse came about but ending it is critical. Maybe it is matter for the World Congress. Perhaps the 5 nations fronting on it should settle it. Or maybe the Artanian Union could work out something with the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization. It really is time.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:11 pm


DSDP first party, Dresner (D'95) elected President
Dundorfians voted on Sunday, and they've chosen a new Federal President and a new Bundestag.
6 December 5410

DSDP Leader Paula Engelhart (front, second from left) has led her party towards the first position (32%) in last Sunday's Federal Election

RITTERSHEIM, GROZVIC - In the Paula Engelhart very own constituency of Rittersheim (North-West Grozvic), the Nordenhausen Allgemeine Zeitung went to follow the reactions to yesterday's Federal Election, which saw a big victory for the DSDP, which is leading at 32% the second largest party, NDZP of Chancellor Hausser. Overall, DSDP was able to make major gains in Dunlake and Grozvic, minor gains in Conservative-dominated Oderveld and Julstoch, while it suffered from minor losses in Chontalen, where its votes went mainly to the BKD, a new radical left party who was able to ride the dissatisfaction amongst the working class after a decade of FVP-led reforms. D'95 was able to get their Presidential candidate Marco Hausser elected, with 60% of the votes (45% in the first round), thanks to DSDP and NLP's endorsment, while in Bundestag they replicated exactly their result of three years ago.
In the center-right field, only the MHP was able to keep up a strong result, also thanks to their strong performance in Julstoch, while NDZP and FVP suffered from some losses, partly caused by center NLP, which has had a slight right-wing turn this term; the combined losses made the incumbent center-right Hausser government to lose majority in Bundestag, opening the road for new alternatives.

In Rittersheim, Paula Engelhart was watching election results in a pub (pictured) together with some other DSDP-Rittersheim-Stadt members, and immediately called President-elect Marco Dresner (D'95) to congratulate him, as well as she did with Dresner's opponent Martin Hausser (NDZP), the outgoing Chancellor who reportedly she thanked for his service in the past three years. Engelhart also took the change to address the press:
Dundorf is living in uncertain times, due to a neighboring conflict which is causing some economic stagnation and due to increased political polarization. The FVP-led economic reforms are causing some people to be pushed into poverty and I think the next Federal Cabinet should address that issue as well. As for the next Government? DSDP rests in the wise hands of Federal President Dresner.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Torsten1 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:48 pm

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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:57 am


Interior Ministry on Ikradonian refugees
The Interior Ministry made public the number of entries into Dundorf.
November 5411

in other news:
- Dundorf accepts invite to attend summit hosted by Rutanian goverment

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - The Interior Ministry has stated earlier today the official number of Ikradonian citizens accepted in Dundorf as refugees, the number of those rejected for security reasons and the number of refugees who have formally stated their intention to return once the conflict is over. Overall, the Dundorfian government spent 277 Millions Dunmarks in managing this crisis and to renew older apartments, and also to issue documents for people who decided to get their citizenship immediately; a sum of money spent since 5409, and that has drawn congratulations from the DSDP to the NDZP for their excellent management.
I applaud my predecessor's Bundeskabinett for having managed this situation well and I can tell that I have personally called Mr. Hausser to personally have a talk about this dossier.
- Federal Chancellor Paula Engelhart

The official count released by the Interior Ministry says that Ikradonians of Narik descent is the biggest group to have chosen Dundorf, given the already present sizeable Narik minority, and it is stated that they have chosen the southern states of Chontalen and Grozvic as main destination; in total, the number of Ikradonian-Nariks is of 502.887 persons. Ikradon's Esinsundu community also chose Dundorf, especially its biggest cities like Dunburg, Nordenhaus and Rabesburg, in a number quantified to be 298.915 persons, while other ethnicities amount to 76.844 persons; for a total of 878.646 Ikradonian citizens who chose to permanently move to Dundorf.
The BIS (Buro für Innere Sicherheit), our country's internal intelligence agency, has screened out a total of 61.837 Ikradonians who represented a threat, defined by serious criminal offences or direct links with the conflicting parts in the Civil War, while a total of 109.712 persons refused to leave the emergency camps at the borders as they have expressed a wish to return to their homeland, once the conflict ends.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:48 pm


Foreign Minister holds Press Conference
Emma Schumacher, the Foreign Minister, has intervened in regards of recent developments.

in other news:
- This year's Hallowtide, visit mountains in Julstoch and Grozvic!

Foreign Minister Emma Schumacher

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - Ever since the Ikradonian Civil War broke out, the Dundorfian Government has been very wary of countries acting unilaterally, with interests that weren't determined by a common Artanian cooperation, but the very opposite. Former Chancellor Hausser stated this very clearly back in 5410, when he called for renewed Artanian unity, and Foreign Minister Emma Schumacher has decided to similarly take this position, by agreeing with Kundrati's Foreign Minister words spoken last October. Here's a statement released to us by Ms. Schumacher

Dundorf foreign policy continues to be focused on cooperation: our Country was able, in the past years, to sign multiple partnerships, declarations of friendship and to bolster cultural ties with the same partners. Notably, I would like to underline our working international treaties with Dorvik, Beiteynu, Lourenne, Ikradon, Kundrati, Dolgava, Rutania and Tukarali, not to mention the fact Dundorf is an active member of the Artanian Union, and is a founding member of the so-called LuKuDuAl agreement, which in my opinion, was a good first step to reach mututal and equal continental cooperation. I feel like to echo what my Kundrati homologue said: we don't need Gods and Masters. To this end, we can't wait to work with Luthori and Dorvik, other than our friends Kundrati and Rutania, to make that happen.
ABout this agreement, the LuKuDuAl, we're for an expansion of it, and we rest ready to have talks with our neighbors and continental partners to make it real; I hope if the summit called by the Rutanian government, to which I can confirm Dundorf will partecipate, is the right place to discuss it.
- Emma Schumacher, Foreign Minister
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:47 pm

Middle Homeland Party Newsletter

Lornez succeeds Deen

In the last month MHP leader Sjef Dean has decided to stand down with immediate effect. He has decided to step down due to him wanting to spend more time with the family and increasing pressure for the party to change tack. Deen has saw the party grow into a sizable force but there is speculation that he thinks it is impossible to grow the party so would prefer someone else to take the reins.

Only one candidate, Internal Affairs minister Felix Lorenz, decided to contest the following leadership election so he inherits the leadership. Lorenz is a pastor from Oderveld and comes from the party’s religious wing. In his first speech after being chosen as party leader he confirmed that he will change the MHP into a religious party to try and appeal to a wider base. Also he talked about foreign policy and the importance of Artania to stay united against foreign powers using their influence on the continent. He praised the pollical reform on Dorvik and hopes that his party can find an ally on the continent. This speech implies that the MHP will shift dramatically which would have some important consequences on the electorate as a whole bunch of secular voters may feel isolated. However this move would bring the party closer to its conservative allies and help preserve unity with them.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 23, 2023 5:46 am



Sudschloss-am-der-Czimnetz, October 23, 5412: In 5410 the Bundestag passed legislation creating the Nationales Konsortium für Kernenergie (NKK) as the government corporation owning and operating the government’s interest in our nuclear power plants generating electricty in Dunlake, Oderveld and Julstoch and authorizing it to build and operate a new one in Grosvic.

NKK has selected Sudschloss-am-der-Czimnetz to be the site of our new nuclear power plant. Management and professional staff will largely come from our existing nuclear facilities as well as recent graduates in the Master of Nuclear Power Plant Engineering degree programs at Karl Ulrich Universitat in Unterschloss, Oberegg Universitat in Oberegg and Stadtuniversität Lutzenkamp at Lutzenkamp.

It is expected much of the technical staff will have received training at training courses run by The School of Engineering of Karl Ulrich Universitat. It is expected
NKK will finance replication of the Masters degree program of Karl Ulrich Universitat at Stadtuniversität Sudschloss-am-der-Czimnetz so that Grosvic students can participate.

The Master’s degree program is aimed at fully qualiying its recipients in all aspects of construction and maintenance and for that matter repair of a nuclear power station incluing the reactor, steam generator, steam turbine and electric generator. Further, in view of the period when politics necessitated a shutdown, proficiency in shutting down and reactivating in a safe manner will also be required whether done as a temporary measure meant to be safely undone or as a permament closure. Prerequisites include an engineering degree as well as specific relevant undergraduate courses in mathematics, chemistry and physics.

Construction will be supervised by NKK but much will be done by construction firms in and around Sudschloss-am-der-Czimnetz. The nuclear power plant is a thermal power station with the heat source being a nuclear reactor. The fission in the reactor heats the reactor coolant which then goes to a steam generator which heats water to produce steam that will drive a steam turbine connected to a generator of electricity. The condensed steam is captured in a cooling tower or other secondary side and pumped back into the steam generator.

The fission in the nuclear reactor produces radioactivity so that a protective shield will be becessary around it as well as concrete layer to help contain the radioactivity and protect the reactor from unexpected impacts.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:28 pm


Dundorf to intervene in Ikradon against EB
The Government is asking Bundestag to approve a rare Dundorfian offensive operation.
April 5413 (backdated)

Soldiers of the Heer in Grozvic.

SUDSCHLOSS A.D. CZEMNTIZ, GROZVIC - The Federal Government has drafted an emergency decree to authorize a military operation in Ikradon, DUndorf's southern neighbor, embattled since 5408 in a brutal civil conflict, given the recent actions of the Esinsundu Brotherhood - responsible for the murder of millions in Ikradon and for a terrorist attack in Luthori. Other than that, the EB directly borders Dundorf, a situation that made the Government and the BND (foreign intelligence service) raise their security concerns about the safety and integrity of the Dundorfian territory, and that ultimately led the Defence Minister, Florian Rutte-Grüber, suggest Dundorf joins Luthori and Kundrati in a military operation.

Military commanders are labeling this operation as "Böse-Eindämmen-Operation" (Operation Contain Evil) and its aim is to help RPHUA to defeat the EB, hopefully speeding up the resolution of this conflict. The operation features for now the 2nd and 5th Panzer divisions, one of which already mobilized in Ikradon's RPHUA territories, which will enter EB, while the Defence Ministry and the National Defense Council are discussing on what further force can be added. For now, Luftwaffe's role will be limited in territory reconnaissance while its squadrons will remain in alert in Grozvic, also to assess the potential presence of rockets launchers and other counter-offensive weapons currently hold by the EB. Interior Ministry has also increased the equipment of the Bundeszollwervaltung (Border Guard) in case of EB's fighting spillover at the border.

Minister Rutte-Grüber stated that once Dundorf's operation starts, there will be a close coordination between Dundorf and its Kundrati and Luthorian partners, already on the field with similiar objectives as our country's, a coordination strongly suggested by the Foreign Minister, Ms. Emma Schumacher, who said this operation could be the first practical try-out of comprehensive and equal military cooperation in Artania, a recurring theme in the last few years.
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